Questions with answers. Simple examples of children's riddles with a trick. The only bird that has auricles

My grandmother has a grandson Seryozha, a cat Fluff, a dog Bobik.
How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?

Answer: (One)
* * *

The thermometer shows plus 10 degrees.
How many degrees will two such thermometers show?

Answer: (10)

What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: (The yolk cannot be white)
* * *

My father's child, not my brother.
Who is this?

Answer: (Sister)

Name what you can take with your left hand, but not with your right.

Answer: (Right elbow)

What kind of comb cannot be combed?

Answer: (Petushin)

My name is Petya. My sister only has one brother.
What is the name of my sister's brother?

Answer: (Petya)

* * *

Can it rain for two days in a row?

Answer: (No, there is night between them)

Which month is the shortest?

Answer: (May, since there are only three letters in it)

There are 7 benches in the park. Three painted.
How many benches are there in the park?

Answer: (Seven remained)

They don't eat it raw, but throw it away ready-made.
What is it?

Answer: (Bay leaf)

There are 20 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 5.
How many nuts are left in the box?

Answer: (5 nuts left)

Which hand is the best for stirring tea?

Answer: (It is better to stir tea with a spoon)

Each of the 5 sisters had two brothers.
How many brothers were there in total?
Answer: (Two brothers)

You are ahead of the skier in second position.
Where are you now?

Answer: (Having overtaken the skier, you take his place, namely the second)

What is always in front of us, but we do not see it?

Answer: (Future)

Where did Moses end up when the candle went out?

Answer: (In the dark)

That you can't lift the tail off the floor?

Answer: (Ball of thread)

The 12-storey building has an elevator.
2 people live on the first floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles.
Which button is pressed most often in the elevator at home?

Answer: (Button on the first floor)

The loaf was cut into three pieces.
How many incisions were made?

Answer: (Two)

That a woman usually has two in her life, and a man has one?

Answer: (Last name)

Who walks while sitting?

Answer: (A chess player walks while sitting)

What can you cook but not eat?

Answer: (Lessons)

Two boys played checkers for 2 hours.
How long did each of the boys play?

Answer: (Two hours)

* * *

What are all people on earth doing at the same time?

Answer: (Getting older)

If it rains at 12 o'clock in the morning, can we expect that in 72 hours there will be sunny weather?

Answer: (No, in 72 hours it will be midnight again)

Which elephant has no trunk?

Answer: (The chess bishop does not have a trunk)

Four birches grew,

Each birch has four large branches,

On every big branch -

Four small branches

On every little branch -

Four apples.

How many apples are there?

Answer: (None, apples do not grow on birches)

What road do they drive for six months and walk for six months?

Answer: (By the river)

What is always increasing and never decreasing?

Answer: (Age)

The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell.
How many eggs are left in the basket?

Answer: (Not a single one was left, the bottom fell)

They knock, knock - they don't tell you to be bored.
They walk, they walk, and everything is right there.

Answer: (Clock)

* * *

What will happen to the crow when she turns 7?

Answer: (She will go to the eighth year)

If you only had one match when entering a room,
where there is a kerosene lamp, a fireplace and a gas stove,
what would you light up first?

/ 10 riddles on logic to determine professional suitability for the role of an investigator.

No. 1 riddle
A guy meets a girl, they love each other. On Saturday night they are supposed to see each other, the girl is preparing to meet. An hour before the appointed time, an SMS comes in: "Sorry, dear, we won't be able to see each other. I am with my parents, guests have come to them, they will be up late, I will have to stay there for the night. We will meet tomorrow, kiss, love." The girl understands that the guy is lying to her ... How did she understand?

No. 2 riddle
There is a guard at the entrance to the bank vault. A spy lurked nearby. One bank employee approaches the guard, the guard to him: "Six". The employee responds with "Five". The guard missed. The next one comes up - the guard: "Five", the employee: "Four". The guard missed. The spy took the risk, the guard came up: "Four", the spy: "Three." The guard screaming: "Wrong, got caught, you bastard!" twisted the spy. Question: why is it wrong and what is the correct answer.

No. 3 riddle
Several firms were engaged in the sale of goods, using specially prepared catalogs for this purpose. Since the firms' products were almost the same, then the contingent of their clients was the same, as well as their number. Soon one of the firms changed its catalog. At first glance, it seemed that from these changes he only lost and became less in demand. However, after the change, sales of this company went better than those of competitors. What change did they make and how did it work?

No. 4 riddle
When going on a 30-day vacation, the doctor gave the patient 30 tablets of drug "A" and 30 tablets of drug "B". You need to take these medicines every day for all 30 days and strictly one tablet of each remedy per day, otherwise a lethal outcome is inevitable. The tablets are outwardly absolutely identical, weight, density, etc. also completely coincide. Once the patient took out 1 tablet from one package, and dropped 2 from the other, and all 3 tablets were messed up. How to follow the doctor's instructions?

No. 5 riddle
It is shaped like the moon, but like the weather it is different. It has a sunset, like the sun and dawn. Another important sign misleads us: - He is capable of "accommodating" any object in himself.

No. 6 riddle
The person who buys it does not use it himself. The person who produces it does not do it for himself. The person who uses it does not know about it. What is it?

No. 7 riddle
There are three switches in the room, each connected to one lamp. Find a way to define a switch-light pair. If the bulbs are in another room and you can enter it only once.

No. 8 riddle
The woman lives on the 12th floor of the building. Every morning, going to work, she calls the elevator to the 12th floor and goes down in it to the first floor. But in the evening, returning from work, she takes the elevator only to the 7th floor, and then, to get to her apartment, overcomes another 5 floors on foot. Why?

No. 9 riddle
Yuri and Tatiana have been friends since childhood. Yura has equal numbers of brothers and sisters. Tatyana has three times more sisters than Yuri, and in total there are as many children as Yura's parents. How many sisters does Tatyana have and brothers and sisters in Yuri?

No. 10 riddle
Vasya, Petya and Kolya live next door in a house on Elova Street in 15, 17 and 19 apartments. Each of them has a special door - one painted red, the other blue, and the third dark green. Petina's door is blue. He works as a locksmith and is friends with Vasya, who lives in apartment 15. Neither Vasya nor Petya get along with Kolya. Apartment 17 has a red door. Determine where each of them lives and what color their door is.

No. 1 Answer:
If he really was with his parents, he should have written "stay here overnight"

No. 2 Answer:
In the word "six" there are five letters, in the word "five" - ​​four, in the word "four" - six.
The answer is six.

No. 3 Answer:
They began to produce their catalog in a smaller size than the catalogs of other companies, which is why this catalog always had to be placed at the top of the pile.

# 4 Answer:
You need to get one more tablet from the first package - total 4. Cut everything in half. On one day, take 4 left halves, on the other - 4 right ones. The main thing is to remember where the half of which pill is.
Add another tablet, grind to powder, mix, and halve

# 5 Answer:
P.S. If you look into the eye of a person looking at the moon, you will see the moon there.

No. 6 Answer:
This is a coffin.

No. 7 Answer:
You need to turn on two switches. After some time, turn off one. Enter the room. One light will be on from the switched on switch, the second hot - from the on and off, the third - cold, from the untouched switch.

# 8 Answer:
This woman is very small in stature: she only manages to reach the button of the 7th floor in the elevator car.

No. 9 Answer:
Yuri has 1 brother and 1 sister. Tatyana has 3 sisters

No. 10 Answer:
Vasya lives in room 15 behind a dark green door. Kolya lives in room 17, behind the red door. Petya lives in room 19, behind the blue door

Trick riddles with answers represent an ordinary puzzle, but with a non-standard answer to it. At first, the question seems a little strange and wrong. However, if you re-read the riddle several times and think a little, then it will turn out to be quite logical. Think of these riddles to your friends and you will have fun.

Logic riddles with a trick.

2 people approached the river bank. There is a boat near the shore - it can only withstand one. However, each of them was able to cross to the other side. How?

Answer: both people were on different banks.

Semyon, Ivan, Alexander and their wives Lyudmila, Anna and Natalya have been together for 151 years. Each of the husbands is five years older than his wife. Semyon is one year older than Anna. Semyon and Lyudmila are together for 48 years, Alexander and Lyudmila are together for 52 years. How old are each of them and who is married to whom?

Answer: Natalia is 21 years old, Semyon is 26 years old, Ivan is 27 years old, Anna is 25 years old, Alexander is 30 years old.

Where can you find one horse jumping over the other?

Answer: in chess.

Which table has no legs?

Answer: a dietary one.

What kind of animal can cars pass and people walk on?

Answer: zebra crossing

There is a word in which the word "no" is used as much as 100 times. What is this word?

Answer: the word "groans"

Which elephant has no nose?

Answer: a chess bishop.

Mr. Jake was found murdered in his own office. The cause of death was a bullet wound to the head. While examining the scene of the murder, Detective Robin found a cassette recorder on the surface of the table. The detective turned it on and heard the voice of Mr. Jake himself. He said the following: “This is Jake. Mark recently called me and said that he would be here in 10 minutes. He said he wanted to shoot me. It was useless to run. I understand perfectly well that this tape will help to arrest Mark. I think I can hear his steps up the stairs. The door is already opening ... ". The detective's assistant offered to arrest Mark on suspicion of murder. However, the detective was in no hurry to do this. As a result, it turned out that it was not in vain. The killer turned out to be a completely different person.

Question: how the detective guessed about it. Why didn't he believe the words on the tape?

Answer: The cassette tape has been rearranged. If Mark were really the killer, he would have taken the tape.

There are two houses: one rich, the other poor. They start to burn. Which one will the police put out first?

Answer: fires are extinguished by firefighters, so the police will not extinguish either the first or the second house.

Trick riddles for kids

If you want to test your child's out-of-the-box thinking, then offer him trick riddles. Quite non-standard answers can be hidden behind completely simple questions. Questions are formulated in such a way that the kid is distracted from the obvious question, so he will have to "run" his logical thinking. Children's riddles will be great fun for the whole family!

What is the difference between the Volga and the priest?

Answer: Volga is mother, and pop is father.

Strange riddles are fun and interesting.

What is in the back of the hare and in front of the heron?

Answer: the letter "C".

Why do people walk around with sad faces in London?

Answer: on the ground.

What person would never wet their hair in the rain?

Answer: bald.

What is the difference between a person and a steam locomotive.

Answer: a person starts off first, and then whistles, and the locomotive, on the contrary, first whistles, and only then starts.

The more you take out of it, the more it becomes.

Answer: pit.

How much gingerbread can you eat on an empty stomach?

Answer: only one. The rest will already be eaten on an empty stomach.

Where does a person pay for what is taken from him?

Answer: at the hairdresser.

Which river fits easily in your mouth?

Answer: Desna

What object has a heel behind the nose?

Answer: shoes

Dirty riddles with a catch

Any of the riddles we have proposed has a pretty decent answer. Rumor has it that all these riddles were once published in the Murzilka magazine, but, unfortunately, there was no evidence of this - no copies of the magazine have survived.

Not a horseradish, not a carrot, but there is a red head.

Answer: a pioneer in a garrison cap.

Lie on your back - and no one needs it, but lean it against the wall - and it will come in handy right away.

Answer: stairs.

Take with both hands, put it between your legs, sweat for 5 minutes, and then you bastard.

Answer: bike.

Sometimes cold, sometimes hot, sometimes hanging, sometimes standing.

Answer: shower

Which fellow has a drop falling from the end?

Answer: at the samovar

What kind of dishes do you never eat from?

Answer: out of the blue.

Funny riddles with a trick.

5 apples have grown on the tree. A squirrel came running and picked 3 apples. How many apples are left to hang on the tree?

Answer: cones grow on the tree, not apples.

What tree will the hare hide under if it rains?

Answer: under wet.

All names of Russian origin end either with the letter "A" or with the letter "I". However, there is a Russian name that does not end with these letters. What is this name?

When is it easier for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: everything is very simple - when the door is open.

On the table is an elastic band, compasses, pencil, ruler. The task is to draw a circle. Where should you start?

Answer: the first step is to get a piece of paper.

There are 2 coins on the table. Their total amount is 3 rubles. One of the coins is not a ruble. So what are these coins?

Answer: one ruble and two rubles. That's right, if one of them is not a ruble, then the second is definitely a ruble.

Complex riddles with a trick

The roof of one of the houses is asymmetrical: one of the slopes is at an angle of 70 degrees to the horizontal, and the other at an angle of 60 degrees. Let's suppose that a rooster lays an egg on the roof ridge. Which side will the egg roll - towards a steep or gentle slope?

Answer: A rooster cannot lay eggs.

The 14-storey building has an elevator. Only two people live on the very first floor. The number of people doubles with each floor. Which elevator button is most frequently pressed by residents?

Answer: button numbered 1.

The boy fell from 6 steps, as a result of which he broke his leg. If he falls off 30 steps, how many legs will he break?

Answer: if you're lucky, but not alone. And in the worst case, only one, since the second is already broken.

The chicken is walking along the road. If he crosses the road, where will he go?

Answer: on the second side of the road.

Which car wheel will not spin on the right turn?

The tin can was covered with a lid and placed on the edges of the table in such a way that 2/3 of the can began to hang down. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

Answer: a piece of ice.

Funny riddles with a trick with an answer.

A large truck was driving along the road. The moon and stars did not shine, his headlights did not burn, but at the same time he was able to see and miss the woman who was crossing the road in front of him. How did he do it?

Answer: the event took place during the day.

They say that they do not stick, but they never even tried to stick them.

Answer: deeds.

On one of the islands there is a hospital with a grandmother, on the second there is a boy with apples. There is a bridge between the two islands. The boy needs to bring one apple to his grandmother, but a boy with only one apple can walk across the bridge. As soon as the boy crosses the bridge at least once, the bridge will collapse. He will not be able to swim back, because sharks live in the water. How can he give his grandmother a second apple?

Answer: crossing the bridge, the boy will need to juggle.

There is a prison with a river around it. Three prisoners are planning their escape, while they do not know about each other. The first prisoner escapes from prison, but when he tries to swim across the river, he is eaten by a shark. The second prisoner was seen by the guards during the escape, pulled him by the hair and shot him. And only the third inmate managed to escape from prison. Question: where did the author deceive you? If you give 3 correct answers, then he promised to treat you with candy.

Answer: all the prisoners in the prison are bald, there are no sharks in the river, no one will treat you with candy.

Logic riddles with a trick with answers.

Lena wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but for this she did not have enough 10 rubles. Seryozha also dreams of a chocolate bar, but he only lacks one ruble. The children decided to add up their money and buy one chocolate bar for two. However, they also lacked one ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

Answer: the price of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. Lena had no money at all.

This word can be mirrored, written upside down, written from right to left. However, this will not change.

Answer: it.

Answer: a secret.

That it cannot be held even for 10 minutes, despite the fact that it is even lighter than a feather.

Answer: breathing.

Funny riddles with a trick.

Why did the Soviet janitors shorten their brooms?

Answer: so that they do not stand leaning on her.

There were 5 apples on the plate, meant for 5 children. Each of the children came up and took an apple for himself. In this case, one of the apples still remained on the plate. How can this be?

Answer: the last child took his apple with a plate.

A person does not really want to do this, but at the same time he absolutely does not want to lose it.

Answer: work.

This object is thrown in the event that they do not need it and raise the one when there is no need for it.

Answer: sea anchor.

Stands during work, hangs without work, and after work - all wet.

Answer: an umbrella.

In France it is in second place, and in Russia it is in first place.

Answer: the letter "R".

Which hand is the best and most convenient for stirring sugar?

Answer: with the hand holding the spoon.

There were 2 hens, 1 rooster, 2 cats, 5 puppies, 3 rabbits, 12 chickens in the room. The owner entered the room with the dog. How many legs are there now?

Answer: two legs, because all animals have legs.

Can an ostrich say that they are a bird?

The answer is no, since he cannot speak.

How many raspberries can fit in a glass?

Answer: not a single one, because raspberries cannot walk.

Gray, small and very similar to an elephant. Who is this?

Answer: baby elephant.

What object does a half of an orange look like?

Answer: to your soul mate.

Children and adults love riddles. This type of folk art helps to develop ingenuity, broadens one's horizons.

It reflects the reality around us. Finding the right answer depends on how we perceive it. Often, people in their thinking use ready-made templates, while funny riddles with a trick answer destroy the logical chains they have built.

The unexpected answer is surprising and amusing. At the time when we are trying to build a coherent system of arguments, the solution lies on the surface, but it is not obvious. Of course, every riddle must have an answer, otherwise you can go crazy trying to find it. There are many types of trick riddles: simple for children, more difficult for the development of logic, comic, difficult.

To solve funny riddles with a trick answer, a person must at least have a good sense of humor and abstract thinking. Often the child manages to find the answer easier, because he has a childish spontaneity, there are no established stereotypes, he perceives the world in a different way.

From childhood, a child listens to fairy tales, where riddles are often asked to the heroes. Such folklore works train memory, attention and intelligence, teach the understanding that one and the same idea can be formulated in different ways. As a teenager, children are happy to ask friends funny riddles with a trick answer, and have fun together.

An example of children's riddles with a trick answer

1. What is cooked but not eaten? Lessons 1. What is cooked but not eaten? ( Lessons)

2. Why does the cat run? On the ground 2. Why does the cat run? ( On the ground)

3. Where does the cat go when it crosses the road?3. Where does the cat go when it crosses the road? ( To the other side of this road)

4. When is it more convenient for a black cat to sneak into the house?When the door is open4. When is it more convenient for a black cat to sneak into the house? ( When the door is open)

5. Under what bush does the hare hide during the rain? Under wet 5. Under what bush does the hare hide during the rain? ( Under wet)

6. How can you jump off a ladder ten meters high and not crash?6. How can you jump off a ladder ten meters high and not crash? ( Gotta jump from the bottom step)

7. Which hand is more convenient for stirring tea in a glass?7. Which hand is more convenient for stirring tea in a glass? ( The one in which the spoon is)

8. How can you draw water with a net?If the water turns to ice8. How can you draw water with a net? ( If the water turns to ice)

9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach?9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? ( One, the second will no longer be considered an empty stomach)

10. How many peas can fit into a glass?10. How many peas can fit into a glass? ( Not a single one, peas cannot walk)

11. If a green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, what will it become? Wet 11. If a green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, what will it become? ( Wet)

12. What kind of dish is impossible to eat from? From empty 12. What kind of dish is impossible to eat from? ( From empty)

Questions and riddles with a trick answer are used in adult companies to defuse the atmosphere. Sometimes during a job interview, a potential new employee is asked tricky questions to test their creativity and thinking outside the box.

Often funny riddles with a trick answer contain a metaphor, they compare disparate things. This lures a person into a trap, directs him on the wrong path. He seeks a complex explanation, while the answer lies on the surface and is often paradoxical.

An example of funny riddles with a trick answer for adults

(hover mouse to find out the answer)

1. How can you light a match under water?While in a submarine1. How can you light a match under water? ( While in a submarine)

2. What are all people on Earth doing at the same time? Live 2. What are all people on Earth doing at the same time? ( Live)

3. What is impossible to do in space? Hang yourself 3. What is impossible to do in space? ( Hang yourself)

4. What won't fit in the largest pot? Her cover 4. What won't fit in the largest pot? ( Her cover)

5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most often?5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most often? ( Button "1", as all residents enter and exit through the 1st floor)

6. What questions cannot be answered positively?Are you deaf and dumb? You died?6. What questions cannot be answered positively? ( Are you deaf and dumb? You died?)

7. How many months in a year contain 28 days? 12 months 7. How many months in a year contain 28 days? ( 12 months)

8. List five days without numbered or naming the day of the week.8. List five days without numbered or naming the day of the week. ( Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking?9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking? ( You need to throw the egg so that it flies more than four meters)

10. How does the night and day end? By the soft sign 10. How does the night and day end? ( By the soft sign)

11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are there in the room?11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are there in the room? ( Only two, because animals have paws)

12. What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? Rooster 12. What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? ( Rooster)

13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk?Ability to fold13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk? ( Ability to fold)

14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is it? Debts 14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is it? ( Debts)

15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building?You can, they don't know how to jump at home15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building? ( You can, they don't know how to jump at home)

16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. Trigonometry 16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. ( Trigonometry)

17. It is always in front of us, but we cannot see it. Future 17. It is always in front of us, but we cannot see it. ( Future)

18. What disease do they not suffer on land? Nautical 18. What disease do they not suffer on land? ( Nautical)

19. What kind of comb cannot be used to comb your hair? Petushin 19. What kind of comb cannot be used to comb your hair? ( Petushin)

20. What do people do when they see a green man? Cross the street 20. What do people do when they see a green man? ( Cross the street)

When solving ridiculous riddles with a trick, you should not rush to answer, first you need to think well and understand what the catch is.

There are such questions, the answers to which must be given, having thought first about the catch, which is necessarily hidden in each of these questions. Here, for example, is the simplest of these questions: "How do day and night end in the same way?" All of you, probably, will think about some natural phenomenon - dawn, dawn and sunset, sunrise and sunset, etc. But in fact, it turns out that this riddle is just about words. About the word "day" and the word "night". Now think, how do they end in the same way? That's right, at the end of each of these words is written the letter soft sign.
And here are two more examples of such questions, related to the fact that when writing, the words contained in them are written separately from prepositions, and this, of course, disappears in the pronunciation. These questions are probably well known to adults since school.
The first question is: "What did the bishop do when he was on the field?" The correct answer is "Chewed the grass." But when pronouncing the words "on the field he" is heard as a single word - Napoleon, therefore, everyone who is asked this riddle for the first time begins to wonder what kind of elephant from the time of 1812 we are talking about.
The second question is similar to the first one, since it is associated with writing and pronouncing prepositions: "Why did Chaliapin walk in a hat?" The correct answer is “On the ground”. But when pronouncing the preposition "po" merges with the word "what", so the first word sounds like "why?"
There is a catch in the other questions of this assignment. Therefore, before giving an answer to them, figure out what exactly each riddle is about, because most of them represent another exercise of not ingenuity associated with the peculiarities of the words of the Russian language.

  1. What's in the middle of the earth? (The letter "M".)
  2. How does summer end and autumn begins? (The letter "O".)
  3. You will see it in the city, but never in the village. In the sea, in the lake, even in the swamp you will see, but in the river - never. (The letter "O".)
  4. What's at the beginning of the book? (The letter "K".)
  5. What is the shortest month of the year? (To this questionthere are two answers. By the number of days - February, so it most often has 28 days. And by the number of letters in the title - May.)
  6. What do we hear at the end of the lesson? (The letter "K".)
  7. What's behind the hare and the heron in front? (The letter "C".)
  8. How does it all end? (The letter "E".)
  9. What's in the middle of a cabbage? (The letter "U".)
  10. What belongs only to you, but is used most often by others? (Your name.)
  11. Which two months' names end with the letter "T"? (March and August.)
  12. How can you remove a wheel in one second? (With a camera.)
  13. Which is easier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Equally - both by the kilogram.)
  14. When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet.)
  15. What kind of fabric can not be sewn into a shirt? (From the railway.)
  16. What state can you wear on your head? (Panama.)
  17. Which city is flying? (Eagle.)
  18. Which river can you cut with a knife? (Rod.)
  19. What land never gets old? (New Earth.)
  20. What stones are not found in the sea? (Dry.)
  21. What disease on earth does no one ever get sick? (Nautical.)
  22. When is a boy called by a woman's name? (When he sleeps for a long time - sleepyhead.)
  23. When a person blows seven years, what will happen next? (Eighth will go.)
  24. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
  25. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing, the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
  26. What word always sounds wrong? ("Wrong".)
  27. How many peas can fit in an ordinary glass? (None - peas can't walk.)
  28. What tree does a bird always sit on during a pouring rain? (On wet.)
  29. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, since he cannot speak.)
  30. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he pokes it out the window onto the street.)
  31. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (The ones that stopped.)
  32. Without which you can't build a house? (No corners.)
  33. Without which you cannot bake bread? (No crust.)
  34. Before putting something into the pot, what is thrown into it? (Sight.)
  35. What time of year can water be carried in the sieve? (In winter, by freezing it.)
  36. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open.)
  37. Why is there water in a glass? (Behind the glass.)
  38. What is the tongue in the mouth behind? (Behind the teeth.)
  39. The man went to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, and the alarm clock started so that he woke him up at 10 o'clock in the morning. How many hours will he sleep? (One, since the alarm will go off in an hour.)
  40. Which word consists of half a letter? (This word "shelf" is half of the letter "K".)
  41. What is the girl's name if you write thirty "I"? (Zoya.)
  42. List the five days of the week without naming them. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.)
  43. In what case will the children and the dog, who have crawled under the umbrella, not get wet? (If there is no rain.)
  44. What can you only hold in your left hand? (Right hand.)
  45. What question cannot be answered "yes"? (Are you sleeping now?)
  46. Six legs, two heads, one tail. What it is? (The rider on the horse.)
  47. When we look at two and say fourteen? (When two o'clock in the afternoon.)
  48. What happened tomorrow and will happen yesterday? (Today.)
  49. What doesn't exist but has a name? (Nothing.)
  50. How can you bow your head without dropping it down? (By cases.)
  51. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (Giraffes don't swim.)
  52. How many suns are there in the middle of the night? (The sun does not shine at night.)
  53. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (No one.)
  54. If you throw a red stone into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet.)
  55. If the rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (Roosters do not lay eggs.)