Is there always a girl. How to determine that the girl does not value relationships and choose a decision on degree of indifference. At what age women want sex most

You cared for a girl, gave her flowers and gifts, was good, caring and gentle with her. Perhaps even forgive her actions unpleasant for you. But she still changed you.

And here you have to choose 2 reaction options. First: offended by the whole female floor, having counted them inhabitual, false (after all, they say that the guy needs to be kind and gentle, and then he has every chance) and hang all the death sins on them. Second: figure out why girls can change.

Moreover, the clearer you will imagine, the faster you learn to lead yourself so that you never changed.

You stopped attracting it

The man is, perhaps good. However, women all their decisions take, relying on feelings and emotions. If they are attracted to a man, they are with him. If not, the treason occurs, parting, lies appear, etc. appears.

What exactly should be in a man to lose interest to him:

  • Cowardice
  • Avoiding decision making
  • Jealousy
  • Owning the significance of this woman
  • Availability (if a man is ready to sacrifice all his free time and even neglect important things, he becomes not interesting for her)

Therefore, even that "hooligan vasya", which does not look like a good and caring guy, has more girls than a man who is always trying and to please everything in the opposite sex.

Exit from the situation is only one: learn to be attractive for every particular girl. To do this, it is enough to learn the foundations, and only then see what of your qualities more like a girl. And focus on them.


Perhaps you have already heard that for the girl treason - this is when she takes a conscious decision. And that by chance the girl can change.

Partly this is true.

However, random treasons have a place to be. For example, a girl could go with girlfriends in a cafe and start having fun. Perhaps she did not even think about the fact that someone would get to get acquainted with her.

But the group of guys approached, began to glue, and her friends decided to let them continue. The company guys already began to rub his hands and offered all the girls to go to another place. Everyone agreed.

And our main character could not refuse, because she was uncomfortable to leave the girlfriends. Or she hoped for nothing happen. But it is worth it to get into someone else's apartment, it will already be difficult to resist someone else.

Physical excitement will make it go against all its principles.

A random can still be attributed to the fact that the girl could have a large amount of alcohol. Comments are too.

"For company"

The amazing reason for which the girl can change. For example, she went with her friend in any place. Here two guys approached them and began to "glue." It doesn't matter exactly how it all happens.

The essence itself at the end of this event. It is only its girlfriend to retire with one of these guys, so our main character immediately arises a feeling of rivalry and "herlds".

At that moment, her thoughts are approximately following: "If a friend, then I, too."

From insult

You quarreled, you somehow offended it or offended somehow differently. You could also infringe it with rights. It often happens that the man strongly controls the woman, but at some point she explodes and deliberately makes him harm. And because She wants to feel free and independent, it changes. And at the same time he believes that it comes correctly.

Calm the same

The next reason why the girl could change - wanted to pay the same. If she found out that you changed her, or just made such a conclusion (without possessing any facts), then for the sake of revenge can change you.

Forgive treason or not?

Here everything rests in your own principles. If you think she should not have done it that it was a very ugly act and you know that you will never forget about it, then do not even try to restore the relationship. It is much better to break your union and never come back to it. Try, of course, you can. But every time you you will remember what happened, you will experience a strong pain. And this, in turn, will lead to conflicts.

If you are ready to forgive her and you can restore normal relations, then why not?

The problem is that if you do not change yourself, then treason will be repeated.

And every time it is because you do not attract her like a man.

Therefore, the only way out of the situation is the constant development of its seduction skills, as well as the creation of conditions under which the probability of treason is reduced to zero. Without this, you can hardly avoid this problem (exception: the man's originally successful at the opposite sex).

The question of what girls like guys have always been and remains relevant for representatives of the fine sex. Young women want to be the center of attention and rely on the male opinion about their image. Loose, which girls like guys on statistics.

5 signs of an ideal girl from a male point of view

For a woman, it is very important to feel attractive for the opposite sex. Nothing raises self-esteem as the admired look of a pretty man. But it happens that girlfriends say that you look great, and the prince on a white horse still did not appear on the horizon. Why does this happen: this is a sad set of circumstances or a friend do not agree something? We will highlight a male look at the qualities that the perfect girl should have.


Any man will say that his woman is the most beautiful, although other people can think otherwise. What girls do you like guys in appearance? It is impossible to definitely answer this question, since the tastes of men are completely different. Remember the same Sarah Jessica Parker or Yoko it. It is impossible to say that these amazing representatives of beautiful sex have unearthly beauty. But the female charm makes them attractive. In addition to the fact that these famous ladies have internal magnetism, they certainly take care of themselves. Love for yourself and to your body is simply necessary to enjoy the success of men. What external attributes and communication elements should not be forgotten if you want to like guys:

  1. Clean skin and hair. Yesterday's cosmetics and fearful bundle are unlikely to attract a man of your dreams. Therefore, perform the elementary procedures: Wash, apply cream and wash on time. Then you will always look fresh and attractive. An important component of the appearance is the proper nutrition. Try to limit the harmful foods in the diet, which will reflect the radiance of the skin of the face and the beauty of the hair.
  2. Manicure and pedicure. Of course, the appearance of nails is a matter of taste. But the required minimum includes:
  • neatly fed and clean nail tips;
  • the absence of burrs and luxorated lacquer;
  • moistheld skin and legs.

If you do not have time to reconcile the coverage, it is better not to paint your nails at all. Many men pay attention to the nuances. And such a trifle, as the absence of well-groomed nails, will push them.

  1. Naturalness in make-up. You know what girls like guys on statistics are the least? Those who have vulgar makeup and lobby made of lips. Men simply do not understand what a surprise is hidden behind a ton makeup. And abundant use of lipstick or a thick layer of shine prevent any desire to kiss the girl. Therefore, natural beauty was and will be in fashion. But do not refuse makeup completely: tinted cilia, powdered nose and light blushes emphasize natural data.
  2. Smell. The unpleasant smell of sweat or unclean teeth will force a man to turn away even from the Queen of Beauty. In time, personal hygiene and the ability to use a deodorant is an unconditional need. Watch out for the cleanliness of the body and make men. The use of perfume is only welcome. But it is not necessary to fire them instead of water in the shower. Pashiki couples are quite enough for the fragrance to feel at the distance of the comfort zone. The guy should be intrigued by a pleasant smell of spirits, and not a gas attack.
  3. Smile.Nobody wants to meet with eternally butty and sad special. Try to be friendly and smile. Positive girls always attracted guys as a magnet. Sincere joy plays a woman and makes it truly beautiful.

The list of claims for women's attitude is quite extensive. But it depends on which guys like girls in appearance. If you want to meet with well-groomed nice smelling handsome, be kind to fit him.


Even schoolgirls 12-14 years old are already tormented by the question, which girls are like boys. Full, thin or medium - who has success with the opposite sex? In fact, there is a connoisseur to any figure, but in most cases guys prefer something in the middle. A man perceives the girl as a continuous man. And for high-quality offspring, the health of the mother is necessary. Therefore, too, thin and complete women are subconsciously perceived as painful.

In the modern world, at last, sports harmony became popular. This does not mean that you need to rush to grasp the iron and drink protein. But a sufficient amount of physical exertion is simply necessary. You will feel much better: the body will become tightened and elastic, any clothes will sit perfectly on a slim silhouette. Therefore, do not neglect at least the morning charging and go out two stops earlier when returning home from work or study. Even this minimum is enough to look better and catch the admired views of men.

Do you like the guys full of girls? Of course, among the guys there are lovers of such forms. If you are a charming bbw and not soar because of this, then you will definitely find your prince. The main thing is how you feel in your body - liberated or as a hostage of appetizing forms.


Lonely burgts are rightly wondering if you like humble girls? It should be noted that, according to men, the modesty of the lady should manifest itself against the second half, but in behavior in society. Not every guy wants to beat off the girl of the annoying cavaliers, which she attracted flirting and carelessness. But at home, representatives of strong sex want to see relaxed mischievous.

Preferences of men depend on age. If the guy is young, he wants to meet a liberated lady to gain experience. And older men who decided to tie themselves with the bonds of marriage, will look for a modest girl - the keeper of a homely hearth.

Many girls fall in love with the so-called "bad" guys and want to know what girls they like: rebellion or a modest. In fact, sympathy in such men can manifest themselves to both types of women. Hooligans will understand them like no one, and the modests will play in contrast. There are no you guess to whom a bad guy will have feelings.

In any case, girls are better to behave naturally. If you play the role of a nun, and in the soul there are a fatal seductive, sooner or later a man will open the truth. And it's not a fact that she will please him please.


Not in vain say that a man is head, and a woman is a neck. The behavior of the girl is a foundation for a harmonious union. Eternally, the scandalous and sawing man of Fury is unlikely to make it happy.

What girls like guys in nature:

  1. Thoughtful. Almost any guy needs care. A woman who takes carefully to the chosen one is valued by the weight of gold. Male likes when they are interested, how they passed their day, how their well-being, are they not hungry. Such questions allow you to feel necessary and plunge into the atmosphere of comfort.
  2. Calm. A man wants to relax next to the girl, and not regularly strain because of her zakidonov. Life like on a powder barbell can like that Mazochista. Stresses in everyday life and so grabs. Therefore, guys prefer peace-loving and good representatives of the beautiful sex.
  3. Smart. A lovely fool will be perfectly suitable as a mistress. If we are talking about a serious relationship, it is important to look into the future and understand that with a stupid man to go boring in life. Therefore, decent men look at the intellect of the girl far from the last. This does not mean that the lady should have IQ much higher than the average, but it should at least strive for self-development. Especially guys appreciate when the elect shares their hobbies or trying to figure out their hobbies.


For guys, good sex is synonymous with life satisfaction. The bed atmosphere completely depends on the behavior of the woman during the intima. It is clear that every man has their own preferences. Therefore, it is easier to say which girls do not like guys in bed:

  1. Slap. It happens that the woman practically does not participate in the action, and the puffy man is trying to raise it in every way, not receiving a response passionate affection. Surely the girl interferes with the complexes, and this squeeziness makes it difficult to excite both partners. In this case, the quality of sex is noticeably reduced. Refreser and not afraid of the experiments of the ladies enjoy great success in guys than their squeezed competitors. Speak about your fantasies and secret desires, there is no place in bed.
  2. Silent guerrilla. He tried, as he could, but he saw on your face only sadness and discontent. For reasonable questions about what is wrong, you shut up or say: "Everything is in order!". Remember the main rule: no need to be silent if something does not suit you in sex. As a rule, men adequately perceive criticism and next time they will try not to strangle. Why to endure the unpleasant feeling if the problem is easy to discuss, thereby excluding it in the future?
  3. Not expressing pleasure. Men are very excited by female moans and exclamations during sex. If you are good, accompany the classes with love at least passionate our foundations. Do not hide delight, and the guy will not be able to tear away from you. Try to experiment: a couple of dirty words during sexual intercourse will add piquancy to an intimate relationship.

We hope that our report will help to better understand the male interests in the field of female. But still guys biblies naturalness. Do not be afraid to be myself: often flaws become advantages in the eyes of the second half.

January 26, 2014, 18:00

To date, one problem pops up more and more often: why is a good and decent girl who does not have a personal life? There are many girls beautiful, well-groomed, educated, adequate, kind. In general, with all the advantages. But they are alone, very lonely. It seems to be attention, but everything is not that. It seems like "those very" exist, and somehow do not come across. It seems like the relationships for a long time I want, and some families, but everything does not work. So what's the deal?

Of course, the reasons may be much, more precisely, everyone has their own. But there is a very common trend, which prevents such a worthy candidates to find a suitable pair.

The fact is that the class bundle is very much developed. The social system of the state changes more and more. In this regard, each young man has a lot of opportunities to be poor and stupid, rich and smart, just rich, just smart, beautiful and active, part and glamorous, and maybe all together. In general, options are a whole mass. Of course, among all these men there is a share of those who are simultaneously smart, it is beautiful and is applied. That is, some images of "real men" appeared, which seems to be quite a lot of advantages on modern social standards. Such is needed, this is suitable! But such, alas, little.

Unfortunately, to be the same decent girl, the same decent bride much easier. Why? Because the most decent, worthy, good girl can earn any amount. And the man who expects such a girl should earn a lot, even if it is a very young man, he must have a worthy opportunity for courtship, probably a good car, and maybe there is a living space ... Here is a prince, it goes without saying, is needed, it is not true whether?

Let's see if the truth is: whether it is a beautiful, well-groomed and dressed girl on the courtshiping of a very good and decent young man, but without a car that lives with parents, gifts will rarely make it possible to occasionally in the "chocolate" or sushi? I think this must have disappear. And this means that it disappears just a good man, a decent guy.

Further, the stupid, drunkards, frank visitors, gays (which are now many), depressants and concerned, chams and cattle (even wealthy) disappear. The circle of candidates for a decent girl is very narrow. Plus, we will not forget that we have men, in principle, fewer women.

I say not that everyone choose a man like shoes in the store, but our unconscious, our gaze, our emotions will automatically "sift" of all candidates through the prism of their own ideas and therefore no feelings arise, no love, no Sympathies. Each such girl complains that he does not see worthy, suitable, interesting. Of course, because the circle of potential "grooms" for such girls, pleasant in all respects, is very small. And so they begin to engage in very active ladies. As a result, the "good cavalier" becomes passive. And as a result: either he is busy, either himself becomes spoiled and overly "picking up" (and, in fact, permanently lonely).

That's precisely because of this situation "on the market of relations" and suffer decent girls.

So what then do? "Take a bull for the horns", "tear claws" or to resort to any more tricks? Probably, not every way of action is suitable, and whether true satisfaction will be true of all this ... But you can try to think about some things from another point of view and a little change your life to make at least the first first steps towards your fate.

1. In order to find the relationship, you need to be open and ready for them. We need to simultaneously wait for them, and something to do something (use cases, invent reasons, create situations). It is important to look at the world not from the point of view "No one I don't like", but "everything is good, but I will find my feeling, my only thing and he will find me." The larger in this issue of open desire, intentions, not comprehension, waiting, the more people will be able to "know" you and you yourself look at them with other eyes.

2. It is not necessary to be guided by only one source of your feedback with itself: either head or feelings. Combine the two of these approaches. Think about something and analyze the potential young man, and somewhere you need to just feel, trust emotions. Sometimes it happens that the girl thinks only head: good - not good, it is suitable - it does not fit, you need it - I do not need. It is very hard, you need to include emotions, be able to experience interest, drive, movement of feelings. And another case is when the girl is waiting for the outbreak, waiting for love, waiting for a fairy tale, but it's not all. And in fact, you need to think about a cold head: can with this person try to at least at least talk, people open each other gradually and also gradually come and emotions and feelings.

3. Look at your bar: why don't you like it? What are the shortcomings in the men around you? What slows down to show you at least just an initial interest in them? It may be that just your plank is too high, which is too perfect you imagine your future chosen one. It is possible to overestimate some of your requirements. In addition to the men who have already consisted, there are decent young people with good potential. Not always, happiness and unearthly love will be with a sleek handsome, as a rule, more to give out itself and be good family mans capable men less spoiled by female attention. Not always more worthy in life will go the one who came out of the "pioneering" and the secured family, often people who risen their own, much more understood in life and tightly hold on their feet in any situation. Not necessarily knowing the man in cars and restaurants, it will also be selflessly love your common children. It's not a fact that a person without difficulty will want to take your problems on himself if they suddenly arise. Ideals do not exist. Or they are extremely rare. So, perhaps, it is worth overestimaling some things: after all, there are other great problems somewhere for one excellent qualities, and somewhere for external courtesy there is great potential.

4. Look at the circle of your communication: with whom you have known for a long time, with whom they met recently, with whom they intersect periodically. After all, not always the feelings flashed suddenly, not always everything is clear in the first glance. Sometimes in order to truly see a person, you need to find out well to look at it on the other side or see in another situation.

Dear girls, think about all this, reflect, maybe something to change something in life. And then a new vision of the situation will open, new meetings will happen, new chances will appear.

In our country, where there are more gold ingots, everyone will be happy and advocate that they need to be completely free that they need from their own life. And further will tell you who should look for in the sea bunch of potential halves. Hazard grandmother boys wish a good girl with a quiet character, not evil to cook, was kind and loved to work around the house.

However, usually everyone is silent, what girls should be avoided. However, this is an important question requiring careful study.

Let's look at a few examples of girls on which you can safely hang a sign with the inspection sign "Explosive!". There are something better to bypass.

1. Miss "I love myself and your money"

"Money? We must take in men! " - It would seem that the slogan zero. But no, the crowd of the nymph with the eyes of frightened Lani is still in the active search for its resource man.

Such girls perceive a man as a donor, youth as capital, and as a product that needs to be profitably soldered and to threaten a worthy candidate. As a rule, such goats are collected in small groups in the trendy café of the city and the view of Korshun is looking for unfortunate men, which are about to fall into the paws of the haasting.

Elegantly idle, making it beautifully and not even trying to assure a person with a profession. It seems to them that their true mission and purpose - look good and impress society with outfits. The one who achieves such a girl will win the prize of a better car in the "field of miracles".

Such girls are convinced that it looks good - this is the work for which they pay, so a man should give money to a monthly tuning consisting of dozens of cosmetic procedures. They led the passion for Selfie to the consumer level.

In general, there is nothing wrong with that a man wants to be a mountain and support (including financial) for his woman, but it is worth thinking twice before contacting a woman who wants to be only under the wing and sees the search for a rich prince of his only life Task.

2. Queen Drama

Life for such a lady is a real battlefield, where she is the heroine of the tragedy, which is alone every day struggles with the imperfection of the world around. In relations with such a girl there will always be a place for claims, night calls, complaints and requirements. After all, her life is a series of solid obstacles and an eternal crisis. She always makes more others and suffer more than everyone else.

Dangers wait such a virgin everywhere, and even spilled on the blouse becomes the problem of the universal scale. It seems to her that everyone around against and want to harm it - friends who are not at all friends, a family that she never loved, teachers, underestimated assessments, and especially a waitress forgetting about tea in a restaurant.

Society is doomed, everything is mistaken, and the world is unfair. The boyfriend in such a picture of the world becomes another source of eternal problems.

Such girls tend to drink a lot, pouring their sorrows and sadness litters of wine and vodka. Although, even drinking a little, it is often possible to lose the mind and a sense of equilibrium.

If you still look at the situation from the height of bird flight, it is quite obvious that the real problem is not in the outside world, but in the girls themselves who for some reason play the role of the victim 24 hours 7 days a week.

Whether life without drama is not as bright and interesting, or you need to sincerely love the Brazilian TV series in order to really love to be near such a focus of the catastrophe. Do not give in to provocations. Calm is a guarantee of a quiet sleep, and a good dream is now in honor.

3. Miss "Your opposite"

"We are so different that it would be better to be together." The unity of opposites is a long-known law, but I am convinced that you don't have to try to be with whom you have too different views on life, family and distribution of responsibilities in a pair.

Perhaps you will think that you will definitely be a fundamental to change the girl and make it such as you want, but people cannot be changed for violence.

Of course, over time, all people change, and evolve with a person nearby - cool and great for all sides. However, changing cool when you want it when these changes please you, and not when you hate them secretly and want another one.

Consider on a simple and understandable example. Your girl hates a cigarette smoke, begged to throw you, and you are a good guy and went to meet her. What if you actually infuriate you, since you like smoking, and now you have to hide and do it with secret, so as not to upset the girl?

Another thing, if you were asked to tie with a bad habit, you won myself and yourself are happy and satisfied.

By the way, hobbies, political preferences and religious beliefs can be instilled and change. But if you with a girl with a fundamentally different idea of \u200b\u200bliving together, about the future, about the distribution of roles in a pair, duties in the family, then this may be a stumbling block.

Such relations at a certain point will inevitably go to a dead end. Why do you need this? It is unlikely that any of you will change their views. As a result, both partners will be unhappy.

We can live for a long time and assume that we love someone to death, and our permanent quarrels are just the natural complexity of relationships. But you need to understand that you are just different people. Live, create, sleep and breakfast with those who are with you on the same wave.

4. Persistent fanaka

Remember Hollum from the "Lord of the Rings" and his famous "my charm!"? It is with such fanatism that many ladies are immersed in relationships, becoming literally obsessed with their boyfriends. To be together for such a girl is simply necessary, and the existence without the second half becomes unbearable.

You will write 100 times on the day, call it hourly, check where you, and even track your movement in the city. Did not answer the message for 20 minutes? All the same, you don't mean anything for you! Loaded at work? Change!

Remember: Relationship with such a girl - trap.

As a rule, there are no such girls. They dive from some relationship to others, because periodically boyfriends come with them badly.

The reason for such problems is not that young people behave like a goat. The reason is that these girls have neurosis that requires exit. And for this exit, you need a certain person and relationships in which they become obsessed and, as a result, suffer.

Such girls tend to rush hysterics and react to everything too emotionally, and the world will be guilty in their eyes, and you.

Love is a synthesis in which two people complement each other. If a person replaces the whole world to another person, it means that his world is simply not. Why do you need such a half-giving girl when the sea is full of holistic natur?

The presence of your life, interests, our friends, both the girl and the young man has a positive effect on any relationship. Be very neat with those girls who sleep and see you with their only "charm." There are chances to cum badly.

5. Digging Scandalist

There is nothing good in the fact that many girls self-affirmation due to their young people in front of others. All your men's friends with sadness praise you on the shoulder and sincerely will sympathize.

Even worse, if the girl will be violent and will insult and attack everyone who sees on his path. I would like to hope that she at least look like an externally on Angelina Jolie, otherwise it is quite sad.

Such girls are constantly looking for a target in order to fight her in an unequal duel. You will be more like an accessory to her handbag, and not a worthy companion. Your opinion will not be expressed anyway, and every voiced comment will be publicly, causing laugh both of you and those unfortunate who will agree with you.

With such a woman, you are hardly able to straighten your shoulders, even if you are the real Atlant. Such a maiden from anyone will make a steam cutlet and proudly pours herself herself that once again won in the dispute.

Another important clarification: the girls must be avoided, openly showing themselves stupid, or frankly stupid. No one says that you need to win the Nobel Biology Prize, but if the girl constantly emphasizes his exclusivity and importance, rolling his eyes, and herself says real nonsense, then perhaps it is twice to weigh everything for and against.

Who still should be avoided?

An American writer and public figure Mark Twain answered this question: "Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. This feature is characteristic of small people. The Great Man, on the contrary, inspires you feeling that you can become great. "

Do you have a congress of young sexists for the exchange of wisdoms or what? Of course, female loyalty exists, as well as men's, like universal. Loyalty does not depend on gender, but from the person himself, his views, addictions, principles, the relations in which it consists of a partner, you will not believe, also depends. Judging on the issue, for you this is a sore topic. I sympathize, but it is not necessary to scratch everyone under one comb. Good luck in search of the only one, faithful (do not forget to fit her!)

And what exactly are the girls? About them all the same as about young men. Those and others are not all.

At the same time, "loyalty" is not an integral constant quality as growth or size of shoes. Attitude to the ability to change - one of the elements of the relationship. And the relationship is held (certainly) through crises.

This is how you are together these crises pass. And Angelitz, you know, you can bring 1001 ways. Starting from disrespect, neglect, unnoticing, on the contrary - to get a boredom, with its campaigns to the left (or something-only friendship), etc., and the like.

I'm talking about that. We are not talking about choosing a "non-torn" instance, or in all disappointed.

Yes, there are people, in the lives of which you will be with a probability of 99.99% not the last man (woman). This is quite good to foresee. Psychotype, the history of life, the manner to communicate, values \u200b\u200b... and - according to the same parameters - it can be assumed about a part of the people that they are unlikely to do something: or they will not be done, or will not be buried: from him / she First immediately find out!

But as for the majority of people, there is no such predisposition to betrayal or loyalty. All that in your relationship in this regard will be in your hands. Four. Not someone's two.

I do not think this is a physiological feature.

Testing physical attraction to other people (yes, it is worth removing the pink glasses) is quite normal, although it is offensive to many, phenomenon. Of course, it happens not in all people (regardless of gender), but it happens and often. This is at the level of instincts. Something is that we feel and do not go anywhere. This is not treason and it is worth understanding this finally. Yes, it is unpleasant, because you always want to be the most desirable, but, alas, not everything always works as we want. However, when people enter further this, namely, they are fulfilling their desires - it is already treason, because the betrayal is always a conscious step.
What am I so? Yes, I just wanted something to clarify and ask what he made his faithful, which he was so upset that he asked such questions and did not trust all women.

And loyalty is definitely exists. It is stupid to even ask.

p.S. It's funny that women say, they say, all men change, and men reverse. When will it end and understand that it does not depend on the floor?

sexism, dear friend)
if you ask about loyalty, then ask the context of Chiewyk.

or you want to say. What are you - absolutely true always and in everything?)))

Sooner or later, any person appear temptations.

sometimes - by offering time

more often - because life is changing and we do not always like how it changes with us.

But I can assure you - if a person only does not have a way of life, when he is fucking everything around and as much as possible, in general, a rather long period of time is in relation to actual treason.

and if you have a careful person, you will notice that something is wrong.

but it is necessary to beat the alarm much earlier than THDA, when the beloved suddenly starts to linger at work.

No one ever just runs and does not rush in foreign hugs in 3 minutes with long-term relationships.

If the relationship is collapsed, they fall apart for a long time.

and you must (and she too) constantly evaluate, everything is in coc.

ATO Maybe your life has long passed by the TV and you generally forgotten what your "fish" is called.

Well, the physiological feature, and if more specifically, the genetic predisposition to treasure is transmitted from fathers to the children of both sexes. Therefore, to assert that some sex is predisposed to change more often, and some less often - I would not become. But the decision to change - the person takes (again, it does not depend on its gender). You can have a genetic predisposition to treason, to be polygamy by nature and at the same time have certain moral principles and beliefs, according to which he will not dare to cause the pain to whom he loves and all his "polygamy needs" will cope with the help of fantasy and porn . And it is possible to be in nature a monogamous, excited only from one who you love, but once to go to impact because "and whose then everything is changed, why am I worse than" or because "yes he hurt me, I'll go, I will find him" And do not get any sexual pleasure from this treason or get, but only posing during sex on the site of a lover who loves.