Alphabet dotted line. Putting for children - letters, numbers, games. When you should start

Today's school makes it difficult for children of 6 to 7 years in the first grade of children. Count on what once in the past, children will come to school and they will not be taught everything there, it is impossible. One of the most important signs of the readiness of the baby to school is the development of shallow motility of the hands and the initial letters skills.

It was to solve this task that specialists have developed recipes. These simple stokers, lines, pictures help him get used to the handle, develop a hand, form the skill of writing future parts of letters and numbers. To help reoxoons in school preparation, parents, thanks to the Internet, can print recipes for children 6-7 years old for free.

But it is necessary to start training in advance. The first recipes can be given to the kids already starting from three years. For this, special developing funny pictures and patterns for children 3-4 years old are being developed, groining which they start their first acquaintance with pencils and handles.

In order to print click on the picture, it will open in a special window, then press the right mouse button on the picture and select "Print"

Coloring with pictures and simplest lines and forms are becoming for children the first stage of learning. The kid gets used to keeping a pencil or brush in his hands, painting his favorite heroes. Some coloring includes the element in the words when the silhouette of the figure is made in the form of a thin dotted line. The young artist drives her to make a drawing bright and clear, learning how to carry out smooth lines.

Putting for children 3-4 years old does not include any letters or numbers. Preschoolers learn to circulate simple geometric shapes, large drawings and lines. Sticks and hooks are built into the drawing coloring. The kid may first paint the drawing, and then circle these elements.

Adults are watching the line that the kid does not interrupted and did not go much beyond the limits of the contour.

Even if your children stepped over the age of 3-4 years, it is worth checking how easily they work with the coloring and the most simple infections before switching to the next stage. The more the preschooler draws in the coloring (any), the more the small motility of the hands is being developed, the easier it will be given a letter to him.

Putting for children - learning writing in a game form

Letters and numbers

At the age of 5-6 years, children begin to get acquainted with letters and numbers, master their writing. Initially, they learn to correctly write elements of letters - hooks and rags, sticks and lines. It is necessarily included in the recius for children 5-6 years old printed letters that they deploy on dotted lines.

Teaching children writing letters, no need to forget about the numbers. Learn to write them no less difficult for kids. At this age, the preschooler also starts with the development of the correct writing of the elements of numbers.

At first, at the first stage of working with cropping letters and numbers, the parents hold the hand of the baby in their own. So he will be able to feel the right order of his hand. This is very important for the subsequent beauty and spelling. After the preschooler understood how to act, it will circle the lines itself.

Alphabet for schoolchildren

At the age of 6-7, children come to school and begin to learn Russian. The correctness of the procedure for writing letters determines the speed of writing in the future, beauty and clarity of the handwriting. To work out this, the teacher at school does not have enough time. Here, parents and registers come to the aid. In 6-7 years, children must already master uppercase letters. In the arrow, the direction of the hand movement is indicated. Parents must definitely control the novice student to follow these instructions.

Putting - mathematical

In order for children of 6-7 years old, success in mathematics, parents should take advantage of mathematical conditions. They include examples of writing numbers and their elements, simple examples, geometric shapes. If a small student will work at home writing numbers to automatism, not in full swing, for example, 6 and 9, it will give him more time on mathematics at school to understand the essence of examples, tasks and rules that the teacher explains.

Propery - English

Often, children of 6-7 years are already beginning to learn English. Writing the English alphabet has its own specifics. It includes both the letters corresponding to the Russian alphabet and completely unfamiliar children before. Even letters similar to the Russians are written somewhat differently, and absolutely new are especially difficult to master. Here to the aid of students will also come recurring with English letters. All these desired and developing recipes can be downloaded and print free.

Capital letters for children, learn to write Russian capital letters

The ability to write is one of the most important skills along with reading that anyone must master (see also :). Many parents unreasonably believe that it is necessary to start learning a child as early as possible that it is this skill is the highest level of development. Is it so? Many experts agree that you should not begin to teach the child to writing until he is 5-6 years old. Training to a beautiful letter of a preschooler - an occupation is not simple, the collaboration is required, perfection and attentiveness.

All parents want to be proud of their chance and try to teach him to write at an early age. But this approach can only harm if you do not know how to deal with the child

Children at the age of 3-4 years old, mostly their number, fidgets. They want to run, jump, play, but do not remove some letters and tsiferki in boring crops. If you still decide to teach a child to a letter, then remember: now you will need to deal with the baby cleaning regularly, otherwise it's time he can forget everything you taught him!

Not everyone can like these classes, so letters and numbers he can start writing quickly and inactively, wanting as quickly as possible with them to finish and go, in the end, to some more interesting things. All this can lead to the development of a ugly handwriting that it will be fixed then not so easily. We'll figure out what experts say: is it worth it to start learning children to write in preschool age, how effective will such classes and their consequences?

Is it worth learning to write a child up to 5 years old?

Learn to write in 3-4 years old, it is not worthwhile for a number of reasons:

  • Children are lost feeling of novelty, characteristic of school training. When a schoolboy understands that all that they start to pass on the lessons, namely, the correspondence of numbers and letters, he loses all interest in study. The child becomes boring and lazy to perform the task. About what incentive and joy to find out a new one every day speech no longer.
  • Letters skills are incorrect. Two experts in the field of children's development (scientist-physiologist Mariana Bezrukov and an early development specialist Lena Danilova) are convinced that the bookmark of letters skills, including the purity and a high-speed letter, occurs in no one year, and gradually. Years leave for it. Do not throw all your strength to teach the baby to write beautifully. All this can negatively affect the whole manner of letters in the future.

The correct posture must be formed from an early age, as soon as the crumb will take its first pencil and sits to draw at the table. In the future, this will help to avoid many problems with the spine.

At first, there will be a fairly preparatory base for learning. Teach the crumb to sit at the table in the correct position, as well as train how to capture a pencil or handle. Over time, you can start the learning process, but remember that it is important to comply with the sequence in your training techniques. Every digit and every letter should be explained separately, explaining and comparing. To fully assess the acceptance of this or that letter, the child is capable only closer to 5-6 years.

Taped in training will always only harm, it is especially important not to rush at first. Customizing the child, you will provoke the appearance of errors in writing individual items.

Increasingly, the irregularity will occur in height and width, slope. You will become almost impossible to connect letters to the word baby. Then, coming to the first class, the child will fall into the hands of the teacher who will be forced to correct many of your mistakes.

When should you start?

Usually, it is in school that we learn to beautifully write letters and numbers. Training a letter is going on there in several stages: first children show how to sit behind the school desk, then - how to keep a pen or pencil. Teachers give the child the first ideas about letters and numbers, tell about what height and widths should be lines and slopes in them, show how to combine them correctly.

Early mastering of a neat letter of numbers and letters does not guarantee the safety of this skill in the future. It is important to put your hand so that the child is minimally tired in the process. This skill, as well as the skill to a beautiful handwriting, consists of regular classes. Croha who loves to run and jump, you can hardly get to sit behind a notebook. When the parents still succeed, the only goal of him is: you will finish everything quickly, so that everyone is behind, and then run to play. Such an incorrect approach risks spoil children's handwriting for a long time.

The child must want to learn to write, and before that time, classes can be carried out in a game form.

Let's conclude: it is advisable to do in a game form with the child. Any training activity should be presented easily and easily. Do not rush to plant a kid 3-4 years old for recipes and notebooks in a ruler. Wait a couple of years, then your progress with him will be more tangible and not so worried. Up to this time, you should only prepare small handles to the future writing.

Preparing the preschooler to master the letters skills

All of the above does not mean that 5-6 years old baby does not need to be prepared at all, after all, before he starts to learn the letter, it is necessary to master the most different skills. Here, just, the help of parents will be quite by the way. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of shallow motility and coordination of movements. Thanks to full-fledged development, the child will be able to write beautiful in the future, so that and your eyes will rejoice. Teach the crumb to do everything neatly, exercise zeal and attentiveness. Such skills should be developed in children in the pre-school period. We are talking about age from 2 to 5 years. To do this, you will help you with the following types of classes.

Exercises for the development of petomotor function

You can develop fine motor skills in different ways, for example, laying from plasticine
  • fingering gymnastics: an excellent option to smash naughty fingers - play together in the game called "Twister", only with your fingers;
  • make the theater of shadows with hands;
  • do appliques from all kinds of materials (colored paper, felt, autumn leaves, grains, and so on);
  • training cutting (first simple figures, then more complex pictures);
  • making drawings on a semoline, sand (we recommend reading :);
  • folding, modeling of paper, origami;
  • constructing;
  • weaving bracelets and figures made of rubber;
  • classes with bulk and small objects (croups, legumes, pebbles): repetition of the pattern, making a mosaic, reducing macaroni on string, etc.;
  • clay modeling, test, plasticine;
  • putting, coloring, drawing.

Remind about the importance of posture. Pay great attention to the table at the table. In the future, during the concentration of the letter process, posture control will be carried out at the subconscious level.

It is very important from an early age to teach crumb to keep a pencil. Today, there are convenient pencils of the triangular shape of thick diameter. Thanks to them, the child will easier master this skill. Also on sale there are special pencil nozzles that teach the right seizure.

Do not carry out the same type of activity for a very long time. Alternate classes, and also do not forget about the minutes of relaxation, when it is important to give your fingers and handles the opportunity to relax and remove the tension.

There are many colorful interesting prescriptions for younger, where the baby will learn to circle, stroke and much more

The methodology of learning a letter developed by Mt has proven not bad. Stricken. It is called "from the drawing to the letter." Collect and hatch drawings love all children. Strinking method can also be used in notebooks for inapplicifications with wide or narrow rules.

Interesting can be routine for kids. In such training manuals, tasks are given to circle contours, drawings, figures, numbers by points. Remember, we all learn, which means for everything you need time and lack of a rush.

What do you need to know when learning a letter?

If the preschooler himself will ask you to teach it to write, then while learning, follow the following rules:

  • be sure to praise the baby during classes for any success and do not scold, if he did not succeed, something suddenly;
  • start the teaching with simple tasks, first draw the points, then by dottedia;
  • only after the kid will understand how to output printed letters and numbers, you can already move to the writing of uppercase letters.

There is no need to spend a lot of time on classes, enough and 20 minutes a day. They will be enough for the child to learn something to something, but at the same time he did not bother and was always interested.

Writing numbers should be meaningful, so it follows, first of all, to learn the bill to 10. It is possible to start to memorize the numbers by 4-5 years, and when you already prescribe them with the child, be sure to pronounce him the names to remember.

So, where to start:

  1. Teach the baby to navigate the location of cell elements. He must be able to determine its parties, upper and lower boundaries, divide the cell to 4 the same parts of each other, find its center and corners.
  2. An important step is to teach a child to observe the angle of inclination during the writing of numbers. You can determine the tilt as follows: Spend a segment that will connect the upper right angle of your cell with a point set in the middle of the bottom edge.
  3. Before proceeding directly to writing numbers, the child should practice draw dashes, checkboxes, circles, semi-windows. It is from these elements that are all numbers.

Important! The digit in height is always equal to the size of the cells in the rope or notebook, thus it takes almost the whole part of the cell. The right edge of the figures always comes into contact with the right side of the cell without going beyond its edge.

Consider on the example writing numbers 0 and 1. By analogy, you can independently teach the child with correct writing:

Buy or download mathematical recipes. At first, fidget should circle numbers by points, then dottedira. On one line, examples must be repeated 2-3 times so that you can navigate all the time on them. You can purchase for the baby and stencil, it will definitely like to circle various signs on it. To prevent the loss of interest and boredom while classes with a prescript, give your choice the opportunity to draw a circle, sun or hearts next to the tsifers. With such entertainments, we learn and assimilate the new material faster.

Learn the numbers by points

Coloring cutting with numbers


Before you start withdrawing letters, the child must master the alphabet, figure out what a particular sign looks like. In this he will definitely help recipes with printed letters. Pay attention to your baby on the boundaries of the lines, explain to him that the letters must be written so that they do not go beyond these frames. Conduct a cleaning classes in the form of the game with him, compare letters with various objects. For example, "O" You can compare with an inflatable circle, "C" - with a month, "U" - with a slingshot. So your classes will be cheerful and more fascinating, but it will be easier to remember the names and appearance.

Writing uppercase letters start learning only after the child will be well mastered printed letters. First, show how to properly prescribe a new sign. Comment on your actions, tell how and where you lead the line from which items the letter consists. Then write this letter together, help the preschooler in his first experiments with writing. For a better understanding, you can show your fingers in the air, as it should, and then ask the kid to repeat you. As soon as he succeeds, you can give him time for self-writing.

Engage with your child, develop its fantasy and imagination, train the shallow motorcy and coordination of movements, praise each achievement. Then you will definitely teach the baby to write, not spending a lot of time and nerves!

We learn from the child to write printed letters by points. The letters are already written by a dotted line, you need carefully from circulating

Before learn to write up the capital letters in real correspondence, they need to learn "typing", that is, writing with printed letters. There are practically no such "in the words" in almost anywhere, but to teach a child to write printed letters very much.

Print these cards, you can immediately in several copies, let the kid train the letters until it becomes neat flat lines.

All letters are written by points, the baby is enough just to circle them with a pencil, thanks to such exercises, the baby will memorize letters, as well as learn to write them correctly

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Preparation of this calculation took us a lot of time. We tried to collect here everyone known to us recios for a preschooler who ever produced to the market. Some of them have not been used in educational institutions for a long time. But this does not make them ineffective in teaching children writing.
With the help of letters and numbers, your child will learn the basics of the letter and literacy, will be able to independently display numbers on paper into a cell or a ruler.

In mathematics (numbers)

Mathematical registers - an indispensable assistant during the training for school. Practice shows that babies with whom parents engaged in learning how to write numbers correctly, more often become excellent and good schoolists in elementary school.

Kolesnikova E.V. For 5-7 years in mathematics on cells


Kolesnikova E.V. For 4-5 years, mathematical steps

Download link

Shevelev K.V. For 6-7 years, mathematical recipes

Part 1
Part 2

Perezon L.G. and Suvorin E.A. - Learning to write numbers 3-4 years and older

This book is in two parts from the magnificent authors for free download. In the preparatory group of kindergarten, it is often used by teachers. Strain with a child never hurts.

Part 1
Part 2 The manual will teach the child spelling figures, which is so necessary for the study of mathematics in grade 5. It also presents tasks for the development of graphic skills, and for mathematical slope - geometric shapes.

Nefedova and Patrias 3000 exercises for preschooler

This manual is not only a sample and an example, as such a kind of benefit should look like, but also a full cycle of learning spelling numbers. Perhaps this is the best recipe ..
Download for free and without registration

In Russian language and literacy (letters)

Workbook in Russian for 5-6 years in a cage

This literacy manual is intended for children of the senior group of kindergarten. Merry reguse for children, the main character in which - duckling, will help you to teach future first-graders how to write elements of letters. The whole alphabet in the form of ripping in front of us.

Printed and written letters Fedosova N.A. For 5-7 years

These registers will be taught to bring the capital and capital letters of any child. They correspond to GEF. Designed to work in pre-school educational institutions.

Lunkins - Preparing for School 5-7 years Literacy

In these registers, the author of Lunkin entertainively teaches children of diploma. First, sticks and hooks, and then the whole alphabet, then connecting letters. And all this with a working notebook with tasks.

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronin O.V. in writing

2 parts of the tutorial from famous authors to prepare for school. With their help, you can learn to output printed letters. We ourselves learn how to write letters with their help.

Download and print part 1
Download and print part 2

Developing letter of letters from Nyankovskaya N.N.

Helps shape a graphical representation of letters, their connection. Interesting and educational benefit for preschoolers. Most of the book dedicated to hooks, darling, hatching, ticks, lines. Only then learning goes to the letters.

The first and correct! With hatchovka

This manual contains a whole alphabet. 98 pages to learn how to write all the letters of the Russian alphabet. All is shown large enough. Excellent idea, both to prepare for school and for junior preschoolers.

Denisova, tracks for the preparatory group

Lessons of diplomas for kids from the meters of domestic publisher in words.

Zhirenko, Keeping - elements of letters, the basis of the letter

Excellent allowance for the formation of letters skills in children of preschoolers.

Vowels and consonant letters. Posted by: Zhukov

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In oblique ruler

Putting pictures (templates)

The letters of the Russian alphabet

The letter a

You are in the category Coloring Refrigeration Figures. Coloring which you consider described by our visitors as follows "" here you will find many coloring online. You can download the coloring of the cutting of the numbers and also printed them for free. As you know creative classes play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill love for art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic of recipes The figures develops a small motorcy, preferabity and accuracy, helps learn more about the world around, introduces to all the variety of colors and shades. We add new free coloring for boys and girls every day to our site, which can be painted online or download and print. A convenient directory compiled by category will facilitate the search for the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring will allow every day to find a new interesting topic for coloring.