A pregnant woman can be on her back. The most beneficial position for sleeping. Why doctors forbid pregnant women to sleep on their backs and stomachs

The supine position is one of the most popular resting positions. In this state, you can relax, throw your hands behind your head and enjoy a restful sleep until the morning. But will this comfortable position harm the growing fetus? Can you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

I trimester

In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother can take any comfortable sleeping position. Up to 12 weeks, the uterus does not go beyond the womb, and the growing baby does not interfere with the work of the internal organs. At this time, a woman can sleep peacefully on her back, without fear of negative consequences for the fetus. Many expectant mothers can only sleep in this position and get a boost of energy in the morning for the whole day.

The only problem that awaits a woman in the early stages is toxicosis. In the supine position, there is an increase in nausea and the appearance of bouts of vomiting. With severe toxicosis, a comfortable sleeping position will have to be changed. To alleviate the condition, it is best to roll over on your side and slightly tilt your head down.

II trimester

In the second trimester, the expectant mother should focus on her own well-being. Many women sleep comfortably on their backs for up to 22-24 weeks without experiencing any discomfort. If in the chosen position there is no shortness of breath, palpitations or other unpleasant symptoms, you can dive into the arms of Morpheus without fear for your own health and the condition of the baby.

III trimester

After 24 weeks of pregnancy, the position on the back is not very favorable for the woman and the fetus. In this position, compression of the inferior vena cava occurs - a large vessel that collects blood from the lower extremities. The growing uterus puts pressure on the vein, causing blood stasis and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • dizziness.

This condition may result in a short-term loss of consciousness. When the first unwanted symptoms appear, you should roll over on your side and take a comfortable position that provides free blood flow through the inferior vena cava.
The supine position also affects the condition of the fetus. Compression of the vena cava leads to impaired blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord. Oxygen ceases to flow to the baby in the right amount. Hypoxia develops - a condition characterized by a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues of the fetus.

Short-term hypoxia does not affect the further development of the child. As soon as the woman changes her position, the blood flow in the inferior vena cava and the placenta will be restored, and oxygen will again flow to the fetus in the right amount. Serious consequences occur only with prolonged compression of blood vessels. If the expectant mother is used to sleeping on her back and spends all night in this position, the baby may suffer from the development of chronic hypoxia.

What threatens the lack of oxygen to the fetus? Prolonged hypoxia primarily affects the formation of structures of the nervous system. The brain suffers, the conduction of impulses between nerve fibers is disrupted. In the future, this condition will affect the development of the child after his birth.

Many women notice that in the supine position, the baby begins to move more strongly. An increase in fetal motor activity is also associated with the development of short-term hypoxia. The lack of oxygen makes the baby move more. After changing the position, the baby calms down for a while.


The supine position is not the best sleeping position. During pregnancy, you can sleep on your back only in the first trimester, when the uterus does not go beyond the womb. Starting from 16 weeks, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her condition. If shortness of breath, tachycardia and other unpleasant symptoms of compression of the vena cava appear in the supine position, the sleeping position should be changed.

In the third trimester, the expectant mother needs to spend as little time as possible on her back.. It is best to abandon this pose altogether, even while resting during the day. Sitting comfortably on the pillow, the expectant mother can fall asleep. While a woman sleeps on her back, compression of the inferior vena cava occurs. The blood flow in the placenta worsens, the baby suffers from hypoxia. To prevent this condition, you should choose a comfortable sleeping position in advance, without putting your child's health at risk.

During pregnancy, a woman has to undergo numerous examinations. Ultrasound, dopplerometry, CTG, measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus - all this is carried out in the supine position. You don't need to worry. All researches are carried out rather quickly. Nothing will happen to the baby in 5-10 minutes. After the examination is over, the woman will be able to change her position, and the blood flow in the placenta will immediately be restored.

What to do if the expectant mother cannot spend even a few minutes in the supine position? This condition must be reported to the doctor. The gynecologist will try to make all the necessary measurements as quickly as possible so as not to cause discomfort to the woman. Ultrasound and dopplerometry can be performed in the side position with a slight turn on the back. CTG in many clinics is performed while sitting.

It is known that a comfortable position during sleep largely depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus. The expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings and take the position that seems comfortable to her at the moment. The active movements of the child will also help to orient and find the optimal position at each stage of pregnancy.

Wondering why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs? Does the ban change over time? When a beautiful lady has a lot of fears in her head, it's time to quickly dispel them. The calm course of pregnancy is very much dependent on peace of mind.

Therefore, it is so important to provide answers to all the questions that a woman has in anticipation of a baby. The health of the expectant mother is hidden in every decision made (even when it comes to choosing a sleeping position).

Exciting expectation of a baby

Everyone knows that pregnancy is the most important and unusual period in the life of any woman. She is preparing to become a mother, to continue the human race, according to the internal destiny or parting words of the Bible ("be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth"). At this time, doctors strongly recommend that relatives and friends be more attentive to their ladies and support them. This is especially true for the "second halves".

The body of the expectant mother undergoes significant changes literally from the first days of pregnancy. All systems and organs are rebuilt, preparing for a smooth increase in load. First of all, the psychological state changes, which is often associated with a change in the hormonal level of the average. That is why women become more capricious and sentimental, prone to sudden mood swings.

It has been proven that during pregnancy, ladies perceive the world around them a little differently. Not at all like before. The behavior clearly expressed concern for the health of the unborn baby, their own capabilities. Fears associated with this appear, superstitions begin to flourish with might and main. From excessive anxiety, sometimes only the data of scientists who managed to dispel some myths among pregnant women help.

Good rest and sleep for expectant mothers is vital! Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to its organization. The bed should be as comfortable as possible. An orthopedic mattress will be a rational solution at any stage of pregnancy. It is recommended to put a pillow under the head so that the spine and neck are in a straight line.

Doctors say that up to 4 months of pregnancy, you can sleep in any comfortable position. But already in the middle of the development of a new life, you should carefully review your habits. The tummy becomes large enough, begins to put pressure on the internal organs. At this time, pregnant women have difficulty choosing a position for rest and sleep. After all, it is necessary to arrange so that the baby and mommy are comfortable.

Among the many prohibitions, the issue of back rest is often discussed. What about those who feel normal in this position? Continue in the same spirit or urgently change the previously familiar posture? The answers are below.

Why is the classic sleep position banned?

Increased pressure on the inferior vena cava. A rather heavy uterus directly presses on the largest vein in the human body. As a result, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities to the heart is disturbed. A woman may feel dizzy and short of breath even in the absence of unnecessary movements. The reason for this is the low flow of blood to the left ventricle of the heart, and from it to the lungs.

On the other hand, blood pressure in the legs and hemorrhoidal veins increases. This must not be allowed! The baby in this situation is also not comfortable, because he receives much less oxygen. It has been proven that in this position, the heart rate drops from 130 to 65 beats per minute.

The uterus with its weight presses on the intestines, bladder. In this position, the growing baby directly puts pressure on the mother's organs due to the movement of the center of gravity, as well as the relaxation of all muscles. You have to wake up often in order to go to the toilet to empty your bladder. But a pregnant woman could sleep better if she chose a position on her side for her long rest.

. A special load occurs after the sixth month. This is due to physical difficulties when trying to take this position. The large pressure of the uterus on the spine creates the same feeling of discomfort that the expectant mother faces when laying on her back.

How to sleep better in the last trimester?

Fans of back rest are advised to use a large pillow. You need to choose the angle of inclination and put it under your back so that the center of gravity shifts to the side. Also, you can take a reclining position, tilting your back 30-40 degrees from the horizontal. This will help avoid direct pressure on the vena cava and spine.

Comfort is very important for any person, let alone a lady in an “interesting” position. After all, she is so susceptible to the slightest changes in the environment. In some cases, it is even recommended to communicate with your pets, which can give relaxation only by their presence. For example, a cat will soothe with a gentle purr. The main thing is to take a comfortable position of the body while doing this.

And relatives and friends will be able to help you get comfortable in a different position. Such care will be a manifestation of love not only for the woman, but also for the unborn baby.

Ideal for sleeping is the position on the side (preferably the left one). This is how the baby will put the least pressure on the organs of his mother. To increase comfort, a special long pillow is placed between the knees or under the stomach. Subsequently, it can be used to feed the baby.

It is absolutely logical that lying on a large stomach is simply uncomfortable. And the baby will not like it if you press it down. Therefore, sleeping on the stomach is definitely excluded from the life of a pregnant woman after the first trimester.

You can find out why a cat tramples you with its paws.

Pregnancy is an important and responsible period in the life of every woman. During this time, the expectant mother has to reconsider her lifestyle and give up the usual things, such as sleeping on her back. In the material of the article, we will describe in detail why a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back and what positions are best for sleeping.

How does sleeping on your back affect a pregnant woman?

Not every woman knows why it is impossible to lie on the back of a pregnant woman. This prohibition has nothing to do with superstition. The answer to it can be obtained by considering the structure and physiology of the female body.

The location of the vena cava and the effect of posture on it during pregnancy

Changes that occur in a woman's body while sleeping on her back:

  • Increased pressure in the inferior vena cava. In other words, this phenomenon is called inferior vena cava syndrome. In order to understand what it is and why it is dangerous, let's talk a little about anatomy. The inferior vena cava is the largest venous vessel in the body. It collects venous blood from the legs and pelvic organs. The inferior vena cava is located along the spine and therefore, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, her compression will occur. When the vessel is compressed, there is a decrease in blood flow to the right ventricle and lungs. As a result, there is a decrease in blood oxygen saturation, a compensatory increase in heart rate, a decrease in sweating and breathing slows down. Changes in blood circulation cause dizziness and a severe lack of oxygen. There may be cases of loss of consciousness. An increase in pressure in the lower sections leads to venous congestion, thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and hemorrhoids.
  • Compression of the aorta. In addition to the inferior vena cava, the aorta is located along the spine. The wall of the afferent vessel is much stronger than the vena cava, so there is no serious compression. However, there are cases when significant compression reduces the lumen of the vessel and increases blood pressure.
  • The load on the internal organs increases. When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and ureters. This phenomenon leads to stagnation of urine, which entails the development of inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis).

This posture increases pressure on the hepatic duct. Here, as in the kidneys, the phenomenon of stagnation occurs, which over time can cause the formation of stones and mechanical or obstructive jaundice. Very often, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and its duct lead to the development of pancreatitis.

Lying on your back negatively affects the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The horizontal position results in uterine pressure on the stomach, which leads to a weakening of the sphincter and reflux of hydrochloric acid and undigested food particles back into the esophagus, in other words, heartburn appears.

The intestines in this position work worse than in the pose on the side.

There is a deterioration in bowel function. An enlarged uterus presses down on the intestines and thereby leads to stagnation of feces, metabolic processes slow down, and rapid weight gain occurs. There is a high probability of developing flatulence, constipation and hemorrhoids.

When you sleep on your back, there is an additional load on the spine. After sleeping in this position, unpleasant, and sometimes even painful sensations appear in the back.

It is not at all necessary that every pregnant woman in a supine position will be disturbed by the above symptoms. They can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Pregnant women up to 13 weeks of pregnancy can safely sleep on their stomachs and not be afraid of anything. In the period from 13 to 25 weeks, doctors do not recommend lying or sleeping on your back. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. If the gestational age is more than 25 weeks, then this pose should be abandoned altogether. There are many other convenient physiologically correct positions in which you can sleep well.

How does the sleep of a pregnant woman affect the health of the child

The sleep of a pregnant woman on her back negatively affects not only the well-being of the woman, but also the health of the unborn baby. Neglecting the recommendations of doctors can lead to very serious pathological processes in the child's body.

As a result of a violation of normal blood flow in the pelvic organs, oxygen starvation or fetal hypoxia occurs. This pathological condition is very dangerous for the child. With hypoxia, the fetus does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and important nutrients.

The nervous system suffers the most from an insufficient amount of oxygen. Hypoxia leads to intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of a small child and pathological processes during pregnancy and childbirth. A pregnant woman who is used to sleeping on her back is at risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

When a woman lies on her back, the uterus moves from its usual place. At this moment, the fetus feels changes, and tries to take the usual and most comfortable position for itself. A sharp increase in fetal activity may indicate hypoxia.

Sleep positions during pregnancy

The choice of position for sleeping depends directly on the duration of pregnancy. Up to 13 weeks, you can sleep in almost any position, but it is advisable to stop sleeping on your stomach. After 13 weeks, you should not sleep on your back, since an enlarged uterus can put significant pressure on the inferior vena cava. Pressing the vessel to interfere with the normal circulation of the fetus, legs and pelvic organs of a woman. It is worth giving preference to the position lying on your side. In the third trimester, you can only lie on your side. If a woman has a transverse proposal of the fetus, then she is recommended to lie on the side where the fetal head is localized.

Sleeping on the left side is considered optimal.

For the most comfortable and sound sleep, it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep on her left side. The woman lies on the sofa and bends her right leg at the knee, while placing a pillow under it. To improve the quality of sleep, you can purchase a pillow for pregnant women, which will ensure the correct position of the body during sleep and prevent nightly turning over. Women in position should not sleep on very soft, sagging mattresses.

Proper sleep is very important for a pregnant woman, it is needed not only for recuperation, but also for the proper development of the child. Until the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman does not feel much discomfort during sleep and can be located in any position.

But as soon as the tummy increases, the expectant mother has problems choosing the right position.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs? What position is the safest and most comfortable? More on this later.

Correct sleeping position for pregnant women

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can sleep in any position. But doctors recommend accustoming yourself to proper sleep in the early stages. It is undesirable to sleep on your back for women who already have a rounded stomach (for some women, the stomach increases from the 13th week of pregnancy). Starting from 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is prohibited for medical reasons.

The most correct sleeping position is on the left side. With a transverse presentation of the child (the fetus lies across), it is recommended to lie on the side where its head is located. But the most comfortable and beneficial for mother and child is the position on the left side. However, sleeping in one position all night is quite difficult, so it is recommended to do 3 to 5 flips per night (from left to right side).

Train yourself to sleep properly as soon as the tummy has grown. If you are used to sleeping on your back, then get used to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Roll over to the left side, and to stay in this position during sleep, place a pillow under your back.

Perfect Pose: Lie on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place it on a pillow. Advantages of the left-handed position:

  • Improving blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients in sufficient volume;
  • The work of the kidneys is not disturbed;
  • There are no edema of the extremities;
  • The liver works normally;
  • Does not hurt the back and pelvis;
  • The heart and blood vessels function normally.

As for the arms, bend the left at the elbow, and place the right on the pillow above the stomach. Do not put your hands under your head or pillow, in which case they will become numb.

Effects of sleeping on your back in pregnancy

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, sleeping and even just lying on your back is prohibited for medical reasons. In addition, this position causes physical discomfort. The uterus, which has greatly increased during this time, presses on the back and internal organs.

Sleeping on your back provokes fatigue and severe pain in the lumbar region. And due to stagnation of blood pressure decreases and the pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Another dangerous consequence is that the fetus receives too little oxygen and oxygen deficiency occurs.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is still small, and therefore does not compress the inferior vena cava, as a result, the blood circulates normally. But every day the embryo grows, the spine is loaded, the vena cava is compressed and blood circulation is disturbed.

The size of the uterus increases, and it compresses not only the vein, but also the internal organs. As a result of sleeping on your back, a pregnant woman may develop varicose veins. Due to the deficiency and stagnation of blood, the uterus grows more slowly - this is the main reason for the prohibition of sleeping on the back.

If the expectant mother at the 6th month of pregnancy sleeps on her back, then the enlarged uterus will compress the inferior vena cava. As a result, the blood will stop flowing in the right volume to the heart, the pressure will decrease, and this threatens to faint. Due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids occur.

In addition, there is a risk of squeezing the enlarged uterus of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. As a result, due to sleeping on the back in the last trimester of pregnancy, the work of the entire body of a woman is disrupted - this is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.

If a woman woke up due to pain in the lower back, side or lower extremities, then it is necessary to change the position. If that doesn't work, see a doctor. Special pillows for pregnant women will help to regulate the load during rest.

Many doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to sleep on the right side, as the overall blood flow of the mother and fetus is disturbed. A large uterus compresses the arteries, through which, along with blood, nutrients and oxygen are transported from the mother to the child.

Many women who have tried to sleep on their right side note that the fetus reacts to this position after 15 minutes. Due to oxygen deficiency, the embryo nervously moves its limbs and pushes the mother. If you notice such signs, roll over to your left side.

Expectant mothers, regardless of the term, are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomach! To protect the child, refuse not only from long sleep, but also from temporary rest in this position. If you are used to sleeping like this, then accustom yourself to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, you will harm not only yourself, but also the unborn baby.

So let's recap the main points:

  • How long in pregnancy can you sleep on your back? - up to 12 weeks;
  • At what point in pregnancy should you not sleep on your back? - from 28 weeks, for medical reasons;
  • Can you sleep on your back during pregnancy? - yes until 12 weeks, no after 28. In the period from 12 to 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is undesirable, but acceptable;
  • Can pregnant women lie on their back? - yes, if you lie on your back for a while - it will not harm either you or the fetus.

How to make sleep comfortable and correct

After the expectant mother has decided on a safe and comfortable position, you need to take care of organizing a bed. And therefore, a pregnant woman cannot do without an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. Only such a sleeping surface will repeat the curves of your body, support the spine and provide a comfortable sleep for you and your child.

If a pregnant woman sleeps with her husband, then you need to buy a mattress that will not be very springy. After all, intense vibrations during turning guarantee unpleasant sensations during sleep for the mother and the unborn baby.

Give preference to a double bed or a sofa. Only in a spacious bed a pregnant woman will be able to fully relax.

The second important item is a pillow for pregnant women.
Sometimes it happens that the fetus is nervous even when the mother sleeps on the left side. To increase comfort, you can overlay pillows on all sides, but it is much easier to buy one product with a special filler.

It can be a pillow in the shape of the letter "U", which perfectly supports the body on both sides. Thanks to her, the back relaxes, and the stomach is gently supported. Perfectly support the stomach and increase comfort during sleep on the left side of the compact pillows in the shape of the letters "C" and "I".

To fully relax, follow these rules:

  • Nutrition should be correct, complete and timely. Do not overeat, eat more often, but in small portions. The last meal should occur 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the stomach will not have time to digest the contents and the body will not be able to focus on rest.
  • Do not drink tonic drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa. Replace sweet soda with compote or still filtered water. Before going to bed, drink warm milk with honey.
  • Exercise daily: moderate physical activity will ensure sound sleep. Perform gymnastics for pregnant women in the daytime so that the body has time to relax after the load.
  • Intense mental activity (reading books, complex calculations) prevents proper rest. Only calm, quiet music will help you relax.
  • Be disciplined, follow the schedule of the day. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time. Daytime naps can cause insomnia.
  • Doctors recommend walking before bed. In the meantime, you are on a walk - open the window in the bedroom to ventilate the room, and you are guaranteed a sound sleep.
  • Before going to bed, take a bath, the water temperature should not exceed 37 °.
  • You can get rid of insomnia with the help of aromatherapy. Dry lemon balm, hops, thyme or rose, placed in a cotton bag near the pillow, will soothe and relax. If you have an aroma lamp, use lavender oil.
  • Wear loose-fitting pajamas or a cotton nightgown at night.

Sleeping pills are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

Pregnancy is an interesting, exciting period when a woman prepares for the birth of a baby. The expectant mother regularly visits the doctor, scrupulously follows his recommendations and instructions, among which there are quite a few restrictions and prohibitions.

And this is understandable, because many of the usual things that are allowed in the normal state are not allowed during pregnancy, as they can harm the health of the unborn baby. In particular, there is a ban on taking many drugs, and the use of certain products is limited. Even the expectant mother has to sleep in a certain position, because it is impossible to sleep on her back.

Why shouldn't you sleep on your back during pregnancy? Why do doctors strongly recommend a different sleeping position? What should a future mother do to sleep better and get enough sleep? Let's talk about it today:

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs?

It is harmful for a woman:

We’ll make a reservation right away: for the first three months you can lie down, sleep as you like, including on your back. But with the beginning of the second trimester, this position will have to be abandoned. The fact is that at this time the active growth of the fetus begins, which means that the uterus quickly increases in size and puts pressure on the spine. The pressure increases especially when the woman lies on her back. Why?

Because in the region of the spine there are many blood vessels, which are also under pressure. There is also the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the lower body to the heart. As a result of the severity of the enlarged uterus, the vein is compressed, the blood flow cannot freely flow to the heart, and blood stasis occurs.

For this reason, pregnant women often complain of a feeling of lack of air, darkening, flashing "flies" before their eyes. In addition, breathing becomes intermittent, the pulse quickens. There is dizziness, increased sweating. If this happens when you are lying on your back, roll onto your side. This position of the body will reduce the pressure on the circulatory system. Moreover, the longer the gestational age, the less time you need to spend lying on your back.

Harmful to the fetus:

In addition, this posture of the mother adversely affects the well-being of the child. As we have already said, the position of the body on the back, especially for a long time, compresses the vena cava, disrupts normal blood flow. This is harmful not only for the mother, but also for the fetus, because it does not receive enough oxygen and vitamins that are vital for its normal growth and development. Coming.

Usually the baby himself “tells” his mother that he is not well, he experiences discomfort or does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, when a woman lies on her back, he becomes overly active, or, conversely, makes few movements, almost does not push. Women are very afraid of this, they worry, especially if there was a problem getting pregnant with a second child, they are afraid that such a long-awaited pregnancy may suddenly end.

However, there is no need to panic, the main thing is that you already know the reason for this “behavior” of the fetus. Just change your posture. It must be said that not only sleeping on your back is not recommended during pregnancy.

Doctors also advise not to sit for a long time, because at this time some muscle groups are overstrained, while others are completely inactive. Therefore, for good health, try to move more during the day, and at night take the best sleeping position for a pregnant woman.

The best sleeping position

Doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on their left side. This position of the body during a long rest is the safest. There are no obstacles to normal blood circulation, the mother's well-being does not suffer, and the fetus receives the substances it needs. In addition, he is in the head presentation position, so he feels quite comfortable and does not worry. This advice is especially relevant for the last trimester.

Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their side, placing their legs one on top of the other. For more comfort, place a small pillow between them. And in order not to roll over while sleeping on your back, place a thick blanket or a large pillow behind you. Such an obstacle will not allow you to roll over onto your back in a dream.

Go to bed on your side from the first months of pregnancy. Then later you will not have to get used to the unusual position for a long time and the night's rest will be complete, which is very important for your well-being.

Tips for good sleep

Eat dinner 2 hours before bed. Do not overeat before bed, the evening meal should be light. Also, do not drink a lot of fluids at night.

For a quick fall asleep and a restful, sound sleep, drink some warm milk with honey.

Try not to worry, do not watch TV at night, do not read detective stories. It is better to listen to light, soothing music.

Before you fall asleep, you can lie on your back for a short time, lifting your legs higher. This will give the legs a rest, eliminate puffiness.

Folk recipe to improve well-being

is the task of every woman. To achieve it, you need to work hard ahead of time. For a future mother, it is necessary to feel good, have a strong immune system, because her good health is the key to the normal development of the fetus. There are many safe grandmother's recipes for boosting immunity. Here, for example, is this:

Cranberry vitamin drink will help strengthen the immune system. It is prepared as follows: put 1 tbsp of berries crushed with a spoon in a mug, mix with 1 tsp of honey. Pour a glass of warm water and leave overnight. Drink before breakfast in the morning.

If you regularly experience malaise, discomfort, if something bothers you in the behavior of the unborn baby, talk about it with your doctor, especially if you have. The doctor will help to identify the cause of the ailment and eliminate it. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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