Insomnia during pregnancy what to do. Creating a favorable atmosphere. Stuffiness in the room

Insomnia during pregnancy torments every second woman who finds herself in such an interesting position and is waiting for the appearance of a long-awaited baby. During a night's rest, expectant mothers have various kinds of problems, including those that affect the woman's mood and health.

Features of night sleep during different periods of pregnancy

The first week of pregnancy has practically no effect on the general condition of the woman, since the egg is just beginning to show its activity in the body. But over time, hormonal changes in the female body begin to intensify, and in the first trimester, changes in sleep patterns are most pronounced.

Constant drowsiness at the beginning of pregnancy directly depends on the level of progesterone in the blood, which increases with each new day. As a result of this, any woman waiting for a baby has to sleep not only at night, but also during the day for several hours. The opinion that insomnia is a sign of pregnancy is considered erroneous, since each organism is individual.

Early insomnia can manifest itself during the first twelve weeks for the following reasons:

  1. Unstable emotional background, which is caused by increased irritability and a high level of stress.
  2. With unplanned motherhood, there can be a constant feeling of anxiety and unpreparedness to become a mother.
  3. Pregnant women have a sense of anxiety for their future generation, which interferes with a calm and good rest.
  4. The uterus provokes high pressure on the bladder area, which is why the need to urinate increases several times in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.
  5. In the first trimester of pregnancy, high blood pressure is observed in 80 percent of women who are registered in antenatal clinics.
  6. Unpleasant sensations in the chest area can interfere with a pregnant woman during rest, it tends to grow and swell, so finding a comfortable position for sleeping is becoming increasingly difficult.

In the second trimester of expectation of a child, new reasons appear for which a woman may experience insomnia. However, for most, this period of time is considered golden time. It is during these months that the signs of constant toxicosis stop, and the stomach is not yet so large as to somehow complicate life and freedom of movement.

Insomnia during pregnancy in the early stages of the second trimester can be due to several factors:

  • you have to gradually give up your favorite sleeping positions, especially when it comes to resting on your stomach. Constant tension and fear of damaging the fetus makes a woman think about the position so as not to accidentally end up on her stomach and fall asleep;
  • there is a disorder of the nasopharynx, namely its hanging swelling. This is due to hormonal changes and physiology changes in the girl's body, all this causes violations of the epithelial membrane canals in the upper respiratory tract. In addition, snoring, which occurs against the background of this problem, can also torment a pregnant woman;
  • the causes may be associated with convulsions of the lower extremities, which are sharply manifested during the twentieth week;
  • can be attributed to the factors of sleep disturbance and fetal movement, most women feel the already active movements of the baby closer to the middle of the position. Sometimes the future baby can be very restless and active, which affects the calm rest of the girl during sleep.

Complication of insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy

Attention! The third trimester is the most difficult for more than 90 percent of girls and women who are waiting for the most difficult period - childbirth. 97 out of 100 women experience insomnia during pregnancy during these months, which brings them extraordinary discomfort in everyday life.

It is possible to link such a high percentage of manifestations of sleep disorders with physiological causes that occur in the body and do not depend on the woman in any way. The causes of sleep disturbance in the third trimester are mainly observed as follows:

  1. A sharp increase in the size of the abdomen, which makes it difficult to take a familiar or comfortable sleeping position.
  2. It can be attributed to one of the main factors and disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which is also attacked by hormonal failure in the body. Most often at this time, you can find such periodic diseases as heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, as well as belching and flatulence.
  3. due to the fact that there is a lot of pressure on the chest region and the diaphragm, as a result of which shortness of breath appears during sleep.
  4. During these months, the entire cardiovascular system in the body functions very actively, the work of which leads to the appearance of tachycardia or palpitations, which is why the pulse occurs over 90.
  5. The constant urge to urinate can also interfere with sleep, which, due to the pressure of a heavy fetus, most often turn out to be false, but make the woman get up and go to the toilet, thereby awakening the body.
  6. The reasons lie in pain syndromes, which primarily affect the spine and joints. Changes in these organs occur due to the synthesis of relaxin, which acts as a hormone and relaxes the ligaments, facilitating the future delivery of the mother in advance.

Insomnia at 38 weeks of gestation and beyond can most often cause severe pain on the skin of the abdomen, which is already tired of constantly stretching and straining from a growing fetus. In addition, during this period of time, psychological prerequisites for sleep disturbance also come. These include the following reasons:

  • long duration of being in nervous tension, which is only heating up every day;
  • constant fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion of a woman's body;
  • insomnia at 39 weeks pregnant brings particular fears. which manifest themselves in the form of nightmares and horrors of future childbirth

Prevention and treatment of sleep disorders during pregnancy

There are many ways to deal with insomnia during late pregnancy. In a normal life, a person should take about eight hours for a night's rest, so that the body has time to rest and gain new strength before the next day. It is during nighttime sleep that some of the most vital processes take place in the body, including:

  • there is relaxation and rest of the ligaments, muscles and the general skeletal system of a person;
  • new tissues are actively growing and important regenerative processes are manifested;
  • the activity of metabolism in the blood is sharply reduced;
  • nerve structures rest and renew themselves

What to do to get a normal and healthy sleep? Insomnia in pregnant women can be alleviated by following a number of simple rules that all experts advise to follow:

  1. Ensuring the comfort of daily sleep, which depends on many factors. The main ones include: proper observance of the daily routine and proper nutrition, good bedding, a comfortable mattress and pillow, ensuring an ideal microclimate in the room (temperature, lighting and fresh air).
  2. When pregnant in later terms, it is best to give up prolonged sleep during the daytime of the term, so as not to disturb the body's biological clock.
  3. How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy? Doctors recommend doing physical exercises in the morning, as far as possible according to the state of the woman's body. For example, yoga sessions, hiking, light dancing or swimming would be ideal. A lot of fitness clubs offer special programs for girls in position, including water aerobics.
  4. A few hours before the rest, you should definitely give up any active activities. You can not associate your work with physical and mental labor, it is best to read an interesting book or watch an educational program, a calm movie.
  5. During pregnancy, insomnia can occur due to malnutrition. After seven in the evening you can not eat heavy foods that are long and poorly absorbed in the body. Do not load the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system are capable of products from most of the carbohydrates.

Important! How to get rid of insomnia with drug therapy? It is possible to select such a method of treatment only together with the attending physician, so as not to harm the unborn baby. It is strictly forbidden in the 1st trimester to continue taking sleeping pills that previously helped the woman.

Herbal remedies that have a sedative effect on the body are considered the most effective and safe. Why are they the safest?

Phytopreparations do not have a negative impact on the fetus, well, they threaten his health and do not cause side effects in a woman. But before using them, you should consult your doctor. At 30, 31, 32, 33 and further up to 36 weeks, doctors recommend using the following recipes:

  • before going to bed, you can drink a small amount of warm water, in which you first dilute a teaspoon of honey;
  • on whiskey, it is recommended to apply lavender oil in small quantities, which can replace sedative medications. You can replace this remedy with valerian, but it has a cumulative effect, so the result will be visible only two to three days after regular use;
  • thirty weeks of pregnancy make themselves felt and nervous tension only increases. To calm the body, it is necessary to take natural decoctions, they can be based on lavender, chamomile, thyme, mint and orange

At week 37, in anticipation of a baby, a woman becomes very overtired and preoccupied with domestic issues related to arranging a child's place. During this period of time, it is best to actively engage in the restoration of your emotional strength, try not to get depressed and stabilize your nervous system. Until the birth, doctors recommend that families attend courses for future parents in order to be prepared for the birth of a baby.

Insomnia before childbirth is complicated by the psychological mood of the woman and the fear for the birth of a child. One can only dream about sleep, lying on his back and looking at the ceiling. This position is absolutely not suitable for relaxation, since the heavy weight of the fetus will put pressure on the spine, diaphragm and bladder. It is best to find a comfortable body position on your side.

Insomnia after childbirth is not uncommon when an already established mother experiences pain in the abdomen, as well as the whole body. In addition, the first days and months a woman is tormented by fears and fears for the life of a newborn. She experiences severe nervous tension, and the child may not let her fall asleep throughout the night.

How to deal with during pregnancy? This question worries many expectant mothers. Sleep problems are common among women expecting a baby. In order to choose the right methods of treating the disease, you first need to determine the cause of this condition.

Causes of insomnia in expectant mothers

Insomnia during pregnancy can occur under the influence of both physiological and psychological factors. The main cause of sleep disorders is hormonal changes in the body, as well as emotional experiences.

In addition, doctors identify the following causes that can cause the development of insomnia during pregnancy:

Note: v All of the above factors affect the quality of sleep and reduce the ability to fall asleep, which causes sleep disorders in women who are preparing to become a mother soon!

The psychological factor should not be overlooked either. Expecting a baby and preparing for the birth process is the strongest, even if it is desirable! Worries about the health of the unborn child, fears of the upcoming birth, a state of intense expectation - all these factors negatively affect the nervous system of a pregnant woman and can also cause sleep disturbances!

What is the danger of insomnia during pregnancy?

Sleep disorder negatively affects the body, in particular, the central nervous system. Insomnia during pregnancy is especially dangerous, because normal, proper rest and sufficient sleep is a prerequisite for the health of both the expectant mother and her baby.

Important! According to experts, the normal duration of sleep in a pregnant woman should be at least 9 hours during the day.!

Chronic sleep disorders in a pregnant woman can cause the following undesirable consequences:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Violations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Increased anxiety and unreasonable irritability.
  • Drops in blood pressure.

By suppressing the central nervous system, insomnia can cause a decrease in the ability to, and this, in turn, is fraught with accidents and traumatic injuries, which is extremely dangerous for the expectant mother!

Insufficient sleep weakens, as a result of which a woman becomes susceptible to diseases of an infectious and bacterial nature. Disturbances in the immune system can also provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

That is why insomnia during pregnancy must be dealt with. Only sleeping pills are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, expectant mothers must strictly observe the daily routine and arm themselves with extremely safe folk remedies to normalize sleep!

note: according to statistics, almost 80% of expectant mothers face the problem of insomnia at different stages of pregnancy!

Features of insomnia in different periods of pregnancy

According to doctors, insomnia in expectant mothers at different periods of pregnancy has its own causes and characteristics:

Shortly before the birth itself, the dream of the expectant mother becomes especially sensitive and disturbing. Waiting for the onset of contractions, the active movement of the baby inside the abdomen, the so-called training uterine contractions leave little room for a restful night's sleep.

Important! Good rest is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. Therefore, in case of severe sleep disorders that occur in a chronic form, you need to seek professional advice from a qualified specialist!

How to beat insomnia?

It is categorically not recommended to take any medications for a woman carrying a baby! Sleeping pills can be prescribed by the attending physician only in especially severe cases, and then only during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Therefore, the best way to defeat insomnia is to create the most comfortable conditions for sleep, to normalize your daily routine. Safe, time-tested traditional medicine recipes will also help improve the processes of falling asleep and the quality of sleep.

Important! Any sleeping pills, even of plant origin, during pregnancy can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and duration of therapy recommended by a specialist!

Ideal conditions for sleep

The sleep of a pregnant woman is sensitive and superficial, and her nervous system is characterized by increased sensitivity to external irritating factors. Therefore, to solve the problem of insomnia, first of all, it is necessary to take care of creating the most comfortable conditions conducive to a good night's rest. Doctors advise gradually accustoming the body to a certain sleep schedule. To do this, try to go to bed at approximately the same time.

Shortly before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room and fill the bedroom with fresh air. Temperature is also important for good sleep. Experts advise keeping the temperature in the bedroom at +20 degrees.

You also need to try to find the most comfortable position for falling asleep. It is better for pregnant women to sleep on their left side, since this position does not disturb the processes of blood flow and circulation. Small pillows, which are recommended to be placed under the legs and the abdomen, will also help to improve the conditions for a night's rest.

We recommend reading:

note: if the cause of insomnia is heartburn, then it is recommended to fall asleep with a small pillow under your head, which will keep your upper body in an elevated position.

You need to start getting ready for sleep from 7-8 pm. Take a warm shower, listen to pleasant, soothing music, read your favorite romance novel. But watching news, thrillers and other action-packed films is not recommended, as this can provoke excessive emotional arousal of the nervous system, which will subsequently lead to sleep problems and nightmares!

note: a Romotherapy is a great way to deal with insomnia. Put an aromatic lamp in your bedroom and add a couple of drops of lavender oil to it, approximately 30 minutes before going to bed!

Correct daily routine

Compliance with the daily routine is a great way to normalize night sleep during pregnancy. All important matters, meetings, try to plan for the first half of the day. As for daytime sleep, it will, of course, benefit the expectant mother. However, the duration of rest should be no more than 2 hours, otherwise, it can lead to problems with falling asleep in the evening.

Adequate physical activity and an active lifestyle will also help to cope with insomnia. Just do not do gymnastics later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. But a short walk in the fresh air will provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and significantly improve the quality of a night's sleep!

A warm shower or bath, a massage session will help expectant mothers to relax and tune in to a night's rest. It is better to go to bed from 22:00 to 23:00 in the evening. The fact is that it is at this time that the hormone melatonin is actively produced, which contributes to rapid falling asleep and deep, high-quality sleep.

note: m Edicians categorically do not recommend taking hot baths during the first trimester of pregnancy, as this can provoke a miscarriage!

Folk recipes for insomnia

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many simple and effective recipes for dealing with insomnia.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective means:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly. Drink this tasty and healthy drink in small sips, just before going to bed.
  2. Mix oregano and in identical quantities. Pour the herbal mixture with half a glass of warm water and boil a little over low heat. Leave the resulting broth for an hour, then strain and drink in the evening.
  3. Mix honey and in equal proportions. Take the resulting mixture in a tablespoon, half an hour before dinner.

Important! Before using any folk recipes for insomnia, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to consult with her doctor!

To overcome insomnia during pregnancy, the following extremely simple recommendations will help:

Insomnia during pregnancy- the problem is quite common. Sleep disturbances in expectant mothers can cause hormonal changes, emotional distress, as well as physiological discomfort. To solve the problem, you need to normalize your daily routine and create conditions in the bedroom that are most conducive to good rest. Expectant mothers can use medicines and folk remedies to combat insomnia only after prior consultation with a specialist!

Sovinskaya Elena, medical columnist

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia in the early stages, what to do?

Most women rejoice when they find two stripes on the test instead of one: the expected event has happened, the time will soon come to master a new role - the role of a young mother. But along with the joy, some unpleasant emotions can also visit the expectant mother, in particular, irritation, apathy and a feeling of powerlessness. Often the mood becomes unstable, "jumps", the feeling of happiness is replaced by incomprehensible melancholy and indifference. Blame, of course, in the first place, the "dance" of hormones, inevitable in this case. Insomnia during early pregnancy can also add fuel to the fire - it torments many women who are preparing to change their social role. In the later stages, the symptoms of sleep disturbance (dyssomnia) are noted by many women, and they are due to physiological reasons:

  • growth of the uterus;
  • weight gain;
  • increased load on everything.
  • Causes of dyssomnia in pregnant women
  • When does insomnia begin in expectant mothers
  • Can insomnia be the first sign of pregnancy?
  • Causes of early insomnia in the 1st trimester
  • Types of night sleep disorders in pregnant women
  • What to do
  • How to help yourself fall asleep on your own

Causes of sleep disorders

Similar phenomena are observed starting from the second trimester. But what causes night sleep disturbances in the 1st trimester?

After all, nothing significant, it would seem, is happening yet. All changes occur at the cellular level - in the first weeks, the unborn baby is just a conglomerate of a certain number of cells, and neither the woman herself nor those around her still know that the greatest miracle - the birth of a new life - has already happened. Meanwhile, in the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester, colossal changes are made, which, of course, play the role of a stress factor. This is one of the causes of insomnia. Let's take a look at others.

When does pregnancy insomnia start?

If you are not yet sure that the pregnancy has taken place, and are not yet in a hurry to take a test or take hCG, but at the same time you notice that night sleep has become worse, this is a reason to be wary.

  • puffiness;
  • an increase in the circumference of the abdomen;
  • and sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night.

All this is the “tricks” of progesterone. If the pregnancy has taken place, in the early stages there is an increased production of progesterone, and the lack of a normal night's sleep and lethargy during the day are the first signs of hormonal changes in the body. Can insomnia be a sign of pregnancy? Of course, especially if it is accompanied by drowsiness during the day. The body seems to "confuse" the time of sleep and wakefulness. At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers often cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and in the morning they simply cannot be roused from bed. It may be the opposite phenomenon: you really want to sleep during the day or in the evening, after returning from work.

Causes of insomnia in the 1st trimester

Why is sleep disturbed in the first days? Causes of insomnia in early pregnancy include:

  • the already mentioned increased production of the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • explicitly ;
  • unstable mood.

Progesterone helps the functional layer of the endometrium to become more lush and "comfortable" for the attachment of the embryo. But at the same time, it contributes to the development of increased fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and a violation of the normal cycle of night sleep.

Women from the first weeks of gestation notice that they wake up at night to visit the toilet - the bladder is actively working under the influence of hormones. And then it is difficult to fall asleep, the brain has already rebuilt to wakefulness.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea - all this can also cause sleep to "run away" from you. In this case, to cope with the problem, it is necessary to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. What you can drink when symptoms of dyspepsia appear - a gynecologist will tell you, who may send you for a consultation with a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist.

As for the emotional instability of a pregnant woman, increased anxiety caused by thoughts of future changes, novopassitis or persen will help here - an excellent and safe tool for normalizing the emotional background.

Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women

Insomnia in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways:

  • you cannot fall asleep at night, but during the day you fall asleep in any situation and even in a standing position;
  • you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, but wake up before dawn and cannot sleep again;
  • you sleep soundly, but regularly wake up from terrible dreams, as a result, you feel overwhelmed in the morning.

It is worth treating each of these disorders, because lack of sleep provokes a decrease in immunity, reduces resistance to diseases, and even provokes uterine tone.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: what to do

Worried about insomnia during early pregnancy? First, you should make sure that this is not an early sign of any disease, but one of the symptoms of the onset of gestation.

You should contact your gynecologist with your problem. He will advise what can be taken and how to overcome insomnia without harm to the mother and child. You can turn to homeopathic remedies if your doctor does not mind.

Calming drugs: Valerian; Novo-Passit, Persen - are not recommended for use during gestation due to the lack of sufficient data on their safety for the baby. If you feel the need for medical adjustment of the condition, contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of prescribing Magne B-6.

At the end of the day, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey - it relaxes and sets you up for a sound sleep.

At home, you can get rid of insomnia in the following ways:

  1. Try to go for a short, leisurely walk before bed.
  2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well.
  3. Arrange your bed comfortably: let the pillow be small and soft, and the bed itself be quite rigid, not bending.
  4. Brew yourself a glass of tea with lemon balm or St. John's wort. Only you need to drink it not at night, but a couple of hours before bedtime.
  5. Avoid taking coffee and green tea in the evening.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Learn the shallow breathing technique. Change from fast breathing to breathing with a 20-second delay. Concentrate on the process of breathing, think only about how you breathe, discarding all other thoughts.

Often, sleep is disturbed in the very first weeks after conception - that is, at 1 - the development of the embryo, when it is just fixed in the uterus. At this, she becomes slightly ill. At this time, do not allow severe fatigue, overwork, eat honey before bed, learn to tune in to complete relaxation - this way you will save energy.

Over time, the body will adapt to the changes, and sleep will improve. You just need to help yourself survive the first difficult period, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.

Little advice to pregnant women: read fairy tales. They will help to calm down and tune in to the good and bright. Remember how well you fell asleep at the age of five under your mother's fairy tale, and try to “dive” into childhood again. Sweets dreams!

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Insomnia during pregnancy

Almost every woman in an interesting position notices periodic bouts of insomnia. Sleep disturbances in pregnant women can occur at any time during pregnancy and are the result of psychological, physiological or pathological causes. How to recognize this condition, get rid of it and sleep at night as comfortably as possible? You will read about this and much more below.

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy

As modern medical statistics show, already in the first trimester of pregnancy, 4 out of 5 future women in labor complain of sleep problems. Over time, their percentage even increases - by the third trimester, only 3 percent of pregnant women do not suffer from insomnia.

In the vast majority of cases, sleep disorders are not caused by pathologies and diseases, but by psychological and physiological causes.

Psychological factors:

  • Strong excitement for the condition of the fetus during gestation;
  • Nervous tension and stress;
  • Fear of future childbirth, especially if they become the first in a woman's life;
  • Regular nightmares.

Physiological factors:

  • Bad posture while sleeping. Often, pregnant women cannot fall asleep due to the lack of the proper level of comfort, especially in the later stages, more about comfortable;
  • Pain syndrome. A pulling unpleasant sensation in the back and sacrum, caused by the restructuring of the bone structure and increased loads, does not allow you to quickly and easily fall asleep;
  • convulsions. Starting from the 2nd trimeter, the fair sex often complains of cramps in the calf muscles and other types of smooth tissues, which intensify in the evening and at night;
  • Labored breathing. With a high presentation of the fetus or a large child, even in the middle stages of pregnancy, shortness of breath and problems with comfortable breathing are observed, which causes insomnia;
  • Frequent calls for small needs. Pregnant women feel frequent urge to empty the bladder, in some cases they can get up to 7-8 times a night, which worsens falling asleep and the overall quality of sleep;
  • Nausea, heartburn, itching. Three unpleasant symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy can lead to poor sleep.

Features of sleep during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time of global restructuring of the whole body of a woman and preparing it for future childbirth. Sleep during this period is especially necessary for the fair sex to recuperate and has its own characteristics.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

Insomnia often haunts the fair sex during this period of time. From the first weeks, it may be associated with the beginning of hormonal changes in the body, which is actively preparing for the process of bearing a child for all subsequent months.

Some doctors, along with other early manifestations, attribute sleep disturbances to one of the signs of pregnancy.

Sooner or later, the expectant mother will know that a new life has been born in her. She immediately begins a difficult psycho-emotional period associated with the first experiences regarding the fate of the baby - this is especially evident in those representatives of the fair sex who for the first time feel the joy of motherhood.

This article is often read:

Starting from the 5th week, a woman may show the first signs of toxicosis- feeling unwell, nausea and vomiting, periodic itching and other negative manifestations that do not allow you to sleep peacefully at night. The above manifestations are aggravated by the end of 1 trimeter due to excessive pressure on the bladder - a woman often gets up for small needs, the natural uninterrupted night's rest is disturbed.

Sleep problems and frequent waking lead to fatigue, discomfort and irritability during the daytime, which in turn negatively affects health and causes stress.

Sleep disturbances in the second trimester

The second trimester is the most convenient period of time for a woman, in which many unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy disappear. The emotional tension of the first weeks subsides, the toxicosis that has tormented the fair sex all this time disappears. At the same time, the baby himself is not very large, which does not create additional inconvenience during sleep.

As medical statistics show, in most pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, insomnia caused by physiological or psychological causes partially or completely disappears, of course, if the woman adheres to the basic principles of normal sleep hygiene, and also does not have serious chronic diseases or functional disorders.

Insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester

After a relatively short period of rest from insomnia, toxicosis and other, not very pleasant manifestations of pregnancy, negative symptoms begin to disturb the woman again. It is in the 3rd trimester that almost every woman suffers from regular sleep disorders.

The main causative and provoking factors that worsen sleep in the above time period:

  • Uncomfortable sleeping position. The belly of a pregnant woman is already quite large and it is virtually impossible to sleep in the usual position on the stomach. In addition, doctors strongly do not recommend resting on your back at night, especially in the third trimester - this can cause a number of pathologies for the fetus, as well as cause great discomfort to the fair sex herself. There remains only the option of sleeping on the side - for many it is not very convenient, and the position itself does not contribute to falling asleep quickly;
  • Heartburn. Almost all women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy suffer from heartburn. Discomfort in the esophagus is significantly increased precisely in a horizontal position, while classic antacids do not give the desired effect of getting rid of the problem. The process of falling asleep can be delayed for hours in this situation;
  • Fetal tremors. The unborn child is actively growing, moving and pushing, while its daily rhythms are in no way associated with the usual routine of the mother's life. In some cases, the baby begins to push at night, which does not allow you to fall asleep quickly and wakes up the fair sex at the most inopportune moment;
  • Pain in the bones. The pelvic bones in late pregnancy are not only rebuilt for future childbirth, but also experience excessive pressure due to a shifted center of gravity. Serious loads throughout the day “respond” with night pain in the back and sacrum, which clearly does not contribute to comfortable falling asleep and healthy sleep;
  • Calls for "little need". In the small pelvis of the fair sex in the later stages, due to the increase in the size of the fetus, there is practically no room left for the bladder. Even with its small filling, a woman feels a strong urge to urinate, as a result of which she can rise at night 5, sometimes even 8 times. Such interrupted sleep does not give true rest to the body and in the short term leads to insomnia;
  • false contractions. Before childbirth, very soon, and the uterus prepares for this process by irregular contraction, especially when stationary during a night's rest. Such "training" sometimes leads to the beginning of false contractions, which can last several tens of minutes. This physiological process will definitely prevent a pregnant woman from falling asleep;
  • Psychological excitability. There are only a few days and weeks left before the birth - a woman, especially if she is expecting her first child, is very worried about this, especially when all the day's work is done and preparations are underway for a night's rest. Anxiety, worries, worries - this is the "food" for insomnia.

What to do with insomnia in pregnancy

Just ignore insomnia in late pregnancy and expect sleep disturbances to disappear after childbirth. Poor sleep for even a few months can undermine the health of the expectant mother and adversely affect the baby.

but Therapy for sleep disorders should be approached with the utmost caution.- the best option would be to contact a specialized specialist, a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of insomnia.

Ensuring sleep comfort and optimal nutrition

  • The correct temperature. In the room where the pregnant woman rests at night, the optimum temperature should be maintained in the range of 18 to 20 degrees above zero. As a rule, this indicator is violated upwards, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • Optimum humidity. The air in the bedroom should not be dry - this provokes discomfort, insomnia, as well as nasal congestion and other unpleasant manifestations. Ventilate the room regularly, letting in fresh air, if necessary, use classic automatic humidifiers;
  • Carefully selected bed. The bed for a pregnant woman should be wide and long, moreover, it should stand securely in place. It is better to refuse too low or high couches - the fair sex in an interesting position should be comfortable and safe to get up from the bed. Additionally, pay attention to bedding accessories - an orthopedic mattress and pillow, a blanket that has good hygroscopicity, air exchange and heat capacity, linen on natural materials and other accessories must be of high quality and fit the size;
  • Sleep position. The only anatomically correct and safe for the baby's health posture during a night's rest in pregnant women is on the left side. An alternative may be a semi-sitting position, as well as sleeping on the stomach until signs of an increase in the abdomen appear;
  • Removal of psycho-emotional arousal. You need to go to bed calm and collected - try to avoid stress and unrest, as you should, tune in for a future long rest;
  • Balanced diet. Give preference to light protein foods, vegetables and fruits, eat fractionally, a few hours before going to bed, refrain from eating food.

Medicines and folk remedies for insomnia during pregnancy

Only on the prescription of a doctor is it possible to take sedatives on a plant basis.- Medicinal homeopathy (Persen, etc.) does not have a systemic effect on the body and can become an element of complex therapy for sleep disorders.

An alternative to the above drugs can be traditional medicine recipes. It is advisable to use any of the options below only after consultation with a specialist, making sure that there is no allergy to the components of the recipe, and also taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body during pregnancy.

  • Herbal tea. Take equal proportions of half a teaspoon of St. John's wort and lemon balm, brew them in a teapot, drink 1 glass before bedtime;
  • Milk with honey. An excellent remedy that relieves stress and fatigue, as well as fighting insomnia is a glass of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of honey, which should be consumed 15-20 minutes before going to bed;
  • An effective sedative that is safe for pregnant women - pharmacy valerian. It can be used in the absence of cardiovascular pathologies in a pregnant woman, only not in the form of an alcohol tincture, but by the usual brewing method - 1 teaspoon of the product per glass of water. The resulting, filtered and cooled broth should be consumed before going to bed.


Before going to bed, you need to prepare your body for a night's rest, both physically and emotionally.

  1. Sexual contact. It is recommended by doctors in the absence of contraindications and pathologies in the expectant mother;
  2. Walks in the fresh air. 1 hour before bedtime, go out into the fresh air and take a leisurely walk for at least 20 minutes;
  3. Warm shower. An excellent means of relaxation is a comfortable warm shower or bath, taken 30-40 minutes before the intended sleep;
  4. Good for insomnia breathing exercises combined with basic exercise therapy in the prone position. Doing yoga during pregnancy is strictly not recommended, as is the use of aromatherapy, especially with pungent odors;
  5. You can complete the list of relaxation activities with a comprehensive relaxing full body massage. Particular attention should be paid to the back and limbs.

What should not be done and consumed by pregnant women with insomnia?

  • Bad habits- down. During pregnancy, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of alcohol in any form, as well as smoking. These bad habits not only lead to insomnia, but also negatively affect both the expectant mother and the fetus;
  • Quitting sleeping pills. The easiest way for a woman to fall asleep if she suffers from insomnia is to take classic sleeping pills. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, their use is strictly prohibited due to the large number of side effects on the woman and the fetus. With caution, the use of homeopathic herbal medicines is allowed, and only as directed by a doctor;
  • Coffee and tea before bed- this is bad. Coffee and strong black tea contain a large amount of tonic substances that can disrupt normal sleep for several hours. Refuse to use them at least 3 hours before a night's rest;
  • Moderate fluid intake and avoidance of diuretics. Try to reduce the daily fluid intake to the required physiological minimum (2 liters per day) - this will help fight swelling, leading to insomnia and disrupting normal physiological metabolic processes. In addition, it is forbidden to use diuretics - they not only dehydrate the body, but also greatly irritate the bladder, which is why a pregnant woman can walk more often for small needs at night;
  • High activity - only during the day. Do not show increased physical activity before a night's rest, limit yourself to an easy walk and not burdensome household chores;
  • Stress is the enemy of health. Avoid stress that leads to increased excitability. Try to fight depression, tune in to a benevolent mood and quarrel less with relatives - this will save your nerves and allow you to sleep more peacefully.

What is dangerous and harmful insomnia for pregnant women

Insomnia is not just bad sleep, it leads to a lot of unpleasant consequences, especially for pregnant women.

  • Hormonal disorders. The lack of healthy quality sleep leads to hormonal imbalance, which, together with the restructuring of the body during pregnancy, provokes an increased tone of the uterus and increases the risk of miscarriage;
  • Violations of circadian rhythms. A woman after a sleepless night will feel overwhelmed all day, unable to cope with household and work affairs;
  • Provoking depression and psychosis. Even pregnant women who feel normal are prone to stress and frequent mood swings. Insomnia only exacerbates this process, often provoking the development of depression and psychosis of a wide etiology. In some cases, the fair sex may even need qualified medical assistance from specialized specialists;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to increased heart rate, blood pressure surges and, in the medium term, a wide range of cardiovascular pathologies.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by problems falling asleep, insufficient duration or a violation of its quality for a long time. Insomnia during pregnancy is familiar to many women from the first weeks of conception, which is explained by changes in the hormonal background of the body.

The most sensitive to this problem are expectant mothers who have never encountered sleep disorders before. The situation is aggravated by the fact that insomnia that occurs during pregnancy negatively affects the woman's well-being and leads to overwork. This is why sleep disorders need to be addressed. Knowing the causes of insomnia during pregnancy can help.

According to statistics, at least 80% of expectant mothers experience sleep problems in the first half of pregnancy and already 97% in the third trimester. At the same time, insomnia that occurred in the first weeks after conception is considered one of.

The main causes of sleep disturbance during pregnancy are physiological and psychological factors.

Physiological reasons:

  • pulling;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • , nausea;
  • fetal movements;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • itching in the abdomen due to stretch marks on the skin;
  • difficulties with choosing a comfortable sleeping position due to an enlarged abdomen.

Psychological reasons:

  • anxiety, nervous tension;
  • stress;
  • nightmares;
  • worries about the health of the unborn baby;

Insomnia during pregnancy can have various origins, but the fight against it should not be put off. Psycho-emotional stress and physical fatigue as a result of constant lack of sleep negatively affect both the expectant mother and her baby, so you need to learn how to deal with it.

Features of sleep during pregnancy

During different periods of gestation, sleep in pregnant women has different features.

In the first trimester

Insomnia in early pregnancy is common. Experts even consider it an early sign of pregnancy, which not all women are aware of. The occurrence of sleep disorders is most often the result of hormonal changes, which, in turn, provoke reversible disturbances in the activity of the nervous system.

Many women who have learned about the upcoming motherhood stop sleeping normally because of their worries. Such "emotional" insomnia, which occurs in early pregnancy, occurs in those women who do not have it or have difficulties in intra-family relationships.

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy can also occur against the background. This usually happens from 5 weeks after conception. Severe toxicosis is the fate of every 3rd woman. Their sleep can hardly be called normal, as it is periodically interrupted by seizures, even at night. Against the background of poor health, the expectant mother is more susceptible to other negative factors, for example, increased dryness of the air and uncomfortable room temperature in the bedroom, noise from roads, etc.

With the onset of intensive growth of the uterus towards the end of the first trimester, there is increased pressure on the bladder, which leads to frequent urination. Because of this, many women are forced to get up to 3 times a night. Of course, sleep is disturbed, there are problems falling asleep, and it is not surprising that during the daytime women feel tired and uncomfortable.

In the second trimester

Insomnia during pregnancy with the beginning of the second trimester in many women passes safely. The emotional stress of the first weeks passes, worries about the upcoming motherhood subside, general well-being improves due to the disappearance of acute signs of toxicosis, and the stomach has not yet grown so much as to become a hindrance to sleep. For most expectant mothers, falling asleep and sleeping at this stage stabilize.

In the third trimester

Insomnia, which often occurs during pregnancy, in the third trimester interferes with the normal night's rest of almost all expectant mothers.

The following factors or features of the woman's condition intervene in this process:

  • Baby kicks . The child in the later stages grows by leaps and bounds, while his physical activity becomes more noticeable for the expectant mother. The fetus can push not only during the day, but also at night, while its periods of calm and wakefulness are completely chaotic, independent of the time on the clock.
  • Inability to sleep in the usual position . During late pregnancy, sleeping in your favorite position - on your stomach or back - is extremely undesirable, so many mothers suffer from insomnia. Sleeping on the stomach is unacceptable and impossible for pregnant women for obvious reasons - there is excessive pressure on the fetus plus discomfort for the woman herself. is fraught with excessive pressure of the uterus on the vena cava, as a result of which not only the general well-being of the woman worsens, but fainting may also develop. The best option in the later stages is sleeping on your side.
  • Heartburn . A common occurrence at the end of pregnancy. After eating in a horizontal position, this symptom only intensifies, so the quality of sleep will be disturbed by discomfort in the esophagus.
  • Frequent urge to urinate . Even before early pregnancy, frequent urination could be seen as a sign of pregnancy. In the third trimester, frequent urination becomes one of the causes of insomnia. This is due to the fact that shortly before childbirth, there is too little space left in the woman's pelvis for the bladder, so many expectant mothers are forced to get up several times during the night.
  • Pain in the pelvis and back . The center of gravity at the end of pregnancy is shifted, a serious load on the back develops, all this leads to muscle strain and fatigue, provokes discomfort and pain in the spine. The same can be said about the pelvic bones, which tend to soften at the end of pregnancy, as a result of which women additionally experience new discomfort both during the day and at night.
  • Training bouts . These are chaotic uterine contractions, which, due to the lack of cyclicity and increasing pain, have nothing to do with true ones. Most often, training contractions begin at night, at rest, as a result of which a woman, instead of sleeping, is forced to be alert, thinking about whether labor has begun or not.
  • Days before birth . Unrest and worries about the upcoming labor activity are quite justified for women, especially if the birth will be the first. The last days before the birth of a child are filled with a lot of anxiety, so insomnia in this case is a matter of course.

How to deal with insomnia

There are many ways, among which a woman will find a suitable one for herself.

Ensuring sleep comfort

First of all, you need to pay attention to sleep hygiene, for this it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • Don't overeat before bed. It is better to give preference to light protein or carbohydrate foods, and just before going to bed, you can drink a glass of herbal tea or warm milk with a spoonful of honey. Herbs for tea should be chosen taking into account pregnancy, since not all medicinal plants are allowed against her background. Doctors allow among soothing herbs, St. John's wort and lemon balm, and the latter can be used in the absence of any problems with blood pressure.
  • The room where a woman sleeps should not be cold or hot. It is necessary to put a room thermometer and monitor its readings. Ideally, room temperature should be between 18-20°C. You also need to monitor the humidity in the room. Excessively dry air interferes with normal sleep, provokes thirst, nasal congestion and general discomfort. If there is a similar problem, it is recommended to use a humidifier.
  • A comfortable and spacious bed is the dream of every expectant mother. If there is a desire and opportunity, during pregnancy a woman can stay alone in the marital bed - so nothing will interfere with her during sleep.
  • The optimal sleeping position is. It is in this position that nothing interferes with normal blood flow.
  • Special ones that can be placed not only under the head, but also under the stomach, back and legs, help create more comfort during sleep.
  • So that at night there is no psycho-emotional overexcitation, it is not recommended to be nervous before going to bed.


Many women ask their doctor how to deal with insomnia during pregnancy with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Prescribing drugs to expectant mothers requires increased caution. Currently, no safe drug is known to help pregnant women with sleep disorders. Therefore, you should not hope for an easy solution to the problem by taking a "magic" pill. It is better to fight insomnia in safer ways.


What is included in this item? Of course, evening walks in the fresh air, light loins and legs, a warm bath or shower, aromatherapy - all this is available for a woman who is preparing to become a mother. In the absence of contraindications, relaxation is allowed.


What to do if you want to sleep, but sleep does not come?

The following simple exercises that can be performed at any stage of pregnancy will come to the rescue:

  • Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body, slightly raise your legs and imitate walking - most women claim that this method helps to fall asleep quickly enough.
  • It will also help, which includes shallow breathing without abdominal tension, intermittent breathing (dog-like) and breathing with a delay of 20 seconds. All these exercises can be mastered on. These techniques are useful for expectant mothers: they not only help to calm down and saturate the blood with oxygen, but also relieve physical tension and reduce susceptibility to the pain of childbirth.

What can not be done?

In order to avoid insomnia during a developing pregnancy, it is important to remember what to do is not recommended.