Business plan for a sewing workshop with calculations. Sewing business for beginners: what is better to sew? Business plan: basic steps

It has always been considered that clothing industry promising and profitable business, therefore, it makes sense to consider an approximate sewing business plan. The most important thing is correct orientation on the consumer and the choice of specifics. This idea business involves large field activities, and notably, there is room for growth. For example, by opening a small workshop for tailoring to order, you can organize the production of your own line after a while.

Today, when buying things, the client focuses on quality. People who have a high income can buy clothes of world brands, which cost a lot of money. However, most of the population is forced to purchase inexpensive goods from foreign manufacturers. As a rule, such clothes do not always match the sizes, the patterns are simple, and the tailoring is sloppy. As a result of which, in Lately domestic production is very popular.

Sewing business business plan

How to start sewing

First, it is necessary to analyze the market in the field of clothing production in the region where it is planned to open one's own business in the future. It is worth paying attention to competitors, what specific services they offer. There may be areas that have not yet been touched upon. The type of work performed and the range is extremely wide:

Tailoring of small and children's clothes;
Clothing repair;
tailoring to order;
tailoring of overalls (uniform);
sewing outerwear;
tailoring of interior items (pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.);
sewing products from suede, leather.

Of course it's not full list work that the sewing workshop is able to carry out. In addition, in practice it often occurs when several types of services are combined.

Customer orientation

The consumer can be divided into groups based on purchasing power. If you are targeting wealthy clients, you need to meet high requirements in order to reach a certain level of sales. Need to track fashion trends. Also take into account that the buyer will pay attention to the quality of the fabric, perfect fit, tailoring, etc. Sewing production of this level has its own advantage. This good income, which will provide wealthy clients.

The most important thing is to maintain the ratio of quality and price. Inexpensive things are not hard to find. But high-quality, and even at an affordable cost - this is already problematic. Each buyer will demand perfect tailoring, make claims to the material. How well the seams are processed, how neatly the lines are made.

In this case, the tailoring business plan should be designed in such a way as to make custom tailoring affordable, but at the same time a good income should be ensured.

Production design

To organize a garment production, it is necessary to register a business, or a legal entity. face. To apply for a state of emergency, you need to prepare a number of documents:

Identification code;
registration card;
state duty receipt;

To register a garment production as a legal entity. person needs the following documents:

Charter of the enterprise;
a certificate that certifies the registration of the subject of doing business. This document issued by the district executive committee;
assigned identification code.

It will take 2 months and approximately $100 to complete all the documents.

Sewing room

Sewing business business plan should include the question of the selection of premises. If you plan to produce a small volume, then there are 2 options.

1. Small premises are rented;
2. Personnel are hired who will produce tailor-made tailoring at home. In this case, you will not have to spend money on rent, but it is worth considering that transport costs will increase several times. It is necessary to deliver the work home, and then pick up the finished product.

If you are planning a large-scale sewing production, you will definitely need to rent large areas to accommodate several workshops. In this case, the rent will be the main item of expenditure. It is desirable that the room does not require overhaul, and the power grid had 380 V voltage.


It is necessary to select equipment focusing on the scale of production and its specifics. On universal machines performed largest number operations. For a mini workshop, 7 pieces are enough. In addition, you will need overcasting machines, buttonhole and button semiautomatic devices. Also, equipment for heat and wet processing is needed.


It is from the employees that the quality of the products depends, which will affect your profit. Well-adjusted machines practically do not produce defects, which is why the selection of personnel is so important. Most the best option when employees already have sufficient experience. If sewing production of small volumes is planned, 25 people are enough. They must be divided into 2 brigades, which will include:

Seamstresses - 7 people;
thermal and wet processing- 2 people.

In addition, specialists will be required who will control and ensure the operation of the entire enterprise:

cutters - 2 people;


The main one-time expense item is the purchase of equipment. Monthly costs:

Purchase of accessories and materials;
rental of premises;
communal payments;
wage staff.

To start a small workshop that will produce from 25 to 60 units of goods, 15 thousand dollars will be required. The facility, which will make about 200 models every day, has an initial investment of $150,000.

Approximate business plan for a clothing business help bring your business idea to life.

To start and establish a sewing enterprise, a well-thought-out and detailed business plan.

A competent approach to such a business and its implementation is a guarantee of a good profit.

To establish and run a sewing enterprise, a business plan must be carefully thought out and planned in detail. When compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

Choice of "their" direction;

· Monitoring of the selected segment and the specific ratio of income - expenses;

· Selection of the appropriate premises;

· Recruitment of qualified personnel;

· Choice of equipment;

· Establishment of partnership relations with suppliers of fabrics and accessories;

· Calculation of profitability;

· Building a clear production technology;

· Processing of all legal aspects;

Organization of warehouse and accounting;

· Dealing with transportation issues.

It must also be remembered that the business plan of a sewing enterprise is fundamentally different from

And now a little more about each of the above points, in order to take into account the nuances of each of them as much as possible.

The success of the enterprise depends on how correctly the direction of activity is chosen in your case. In order to find out which product is most in demand on this moment, monitoring of the local market is required. There are many ways to do this. It doesn't matter which one you use, the main thing is the result. Imagine that the greatest demand was for kits bed linen. After that, you need to choose the room that best suits the sewing enterprise in this direction.

First, you need to pay attention to areas remote from the center, where rent is usually significantly cheaper than in the city center. IN without fail there should be heating, lighting and electricity.

In the process of recruiting qualified personnel, in parallel look and sewing machines. If necessary, it can be rented. And if we are talking about buying, then you can stop at the already used one.

In order to organize a sewing enterprise, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

· Laundry equipment;

· Steam generators;

· Ironing tables;

· Special equipment;

· Printers with direct printing;

· Embroidery machines,

· Sewing machines;

· Spreading and cutting equipment;

· System of computer-aided design of clothes.

Fixed production costs include consumables, in the form of fabrics and accessories. The cheaper they are, the less they will cost. But, such savings are reasonable only if they do not affect the quality of the finished product. It follows from this that purchases should be made from direct suppliers, and not from intermediaries.

Calculation of profitability, organization of sales and necessary advertising company, when drawing up a business plan for a sewing enterprise, it is best to entrust specialists, since it is this data that will have a major impact on the future of your business.

Mind map: business plan for a sewing enterprise

A clear organization of accounting and warehouse accounting is reliable way formation of real information about the current state of affairs in order to exclude possible problems.

Transport support for a sewing enterprise is not required in all cases, but it is better to provide for this in a business plan without fail.

Often, seamstresses who previously took orders at home open workshops and even entire industries. This business is a very profitable occupation, since such products are constantly in demand among buyers. In the article, we will consider the business plan for the garment production of clothes, the advantages and disadvantages.

If you are thinking about opening a sewing workshop, then keep in mind that there is high competition in this area. In addition, sewing requires a large investment start-up capital. Initially, you will face serious expenses for renting premises, purchasing equipment, materials, raw materials and hiring workers. The payback period for invested funds is quite unpredictable. Everything is individual and depends on your personal strategy and the situation on the market.

When starting a sewing business from scratch, specialize in the production of specific products. Great option will become winter baby overalls or elegant dresses for girls - things that are made from a certain material and are popular with buyers. This is the optimal work strategy.

Clothing Sewing Business Plan: Advantages and Disadvantages

In the table below, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a clothing production that manufactures tailoring for adults and children. It can be distinguished that the main target audience is people who have a need for elegant clothes, or which may not fit standard sizes clothes due to their complexion.

Here are some government statistics on the purchase of clothing. The leader is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%. It is most effective to open an atelier in the Central Federal District in Moscow, since it is there that the greatest demand for buying clothes is. The tailoring business in the Far East and North Caucasus districts will bring the least profitability.

Regions leaders and outsiders in buying clothes (Gomkomstat data)

Business registration

At the first stage, the sewing workshop is registered as a legal entity. To do this, one of two organizational forms is selected: LLC or IP. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, the following package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities:

  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • an application in the form P21001, certified by a notary;
  • when conducting accounting under the simplified taxation system, an application (form 26.2-1) is submitted for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • a copy of all pages of the Russian passport.

The provided set of documents is considered within 5 working days. After the lapse of this period The tax office makes a decision. In case of a positive outcome of the case, the individual entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from USRIP;
  • main state registration number individual entrepreneur(OGRNIP);
  • registration confirmation notices individual in the tax authority and the territorial office of the Pension Fund;
  • certificate of Rosstat with a list of statistics codes provided to the organization.

At the next stage, a company seal is made (it costs from 500 rubles), and a bank account is opened (this is done within a few working days and requires about 2,000 rubles).

When choosing an LLC in tax office a different set of documents is submitted. It will include:

  • an application completed on form 11001;
  • decision to create legal entity(if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if there are several founders);
  • charter of LLC;
  • receipt of payment of state duty 4,000 rubles;
  • passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary);
  • an application in form 26.2-1 on the transition to the simplified tax system (if accounting is supposed to be kept according to this system).

The Tax Inspectorate examines the documents and makes a decision within 5 working days. If the answer is positive, the founders of the LLC are issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • registration certificate;
  • charter;
  • certificate of registration of the LLC with the tax authority;
  • notifications of registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • certificate from Rosstat with statistics codes assigned to the organization.

According to the current legislation, the authorized capital of a limited liability company being opened should not be lower than the minimum limit equal to 10,000 rubles.

After receiving approval from the tax authorities, they are registered with the FIU, Rosstat and the Fund social insurance. This usually takes several days. Then, within two days, a seal is made and a bank account is opened. This procedure will take approximately three days.

For garment production, the following OKVED codes are selected:

  • 18.2 - tailoring of textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 - the creation of overalls;
  • 18.22 - tailoring of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - other clothes and accessories.

In accordance with applicable law, they obtain permits to conduct activities fire service(Gospozharnadzor) and Rospotrebnadzor.

Finding a place to rent

When drawing up a business plan for a garment production, they first determine the premises in which it will be located. The dimensions of the premises directly depend on the planned scale of work. For example, for daily tailoring of about 100 pieces of clothing, a workshop with a size of 70 m 2 or more will be required. Thus, the area of ​​the rented premises is directly proportional to the number of embroidered products.

It is better to open a sewing workshop in the industrial zone of the city. In this case, a shop with a larger area at an affordable price is being sought. Before signing a lease, make sure that the premises comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other supervisory authorities.

Sewing business is easy to organize at home. In this case, equipment for performing sewing operations is installed in the house of each seamstress. It turns out the following organizational process: one seamstress prepares patterns, the other grinds, the third processes the edges of the products. Rent in this case absent, since a specialized workshop is not needed.

In order for the premises to comply with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision, it must have a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Sewing shop equipment

Before opening a sewing business, consider in your calculations the need to purchase specialized equipment:

  • overlock;
  • sewing and cutting machines;
  • steam generator;
  • wet and heat treatment plants;
  • an automatic machine that shoots up loops and a button apparatus;
  • cutting knife and cutting equipment;
  • interoperative tables;
  • Supplies.

The total cost of purchasing equipment will be about 250,000 rubles. This is not an exact figure, a specific amount is estimated, knowing the volume of production, the number of employees and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workshop. To buy accessories and fabrics, you will need about 50,000 rubles.

Staff recruitment for the sewing workshop

The success of a clothing business depends on the skill level of its employees. Therefore, staff should be carefully selected. Hire experienced employees with graduation diplomas educational institutions. Their courtesy and communication skills are also important.

If you don't have the funds to build a staff of highly qualified employees, hire a few experienced professionals and novice workers. It is highly likely that, having gained experience and knowledge in the workshop, they will continue to work for you.

Consider the form of remuneration as follows: a percentage of revenue is added to a fixed salary. This will encourage staff to work more efficiently. On initial stage you will only need seamstresses, but as the pace of production increases, hire other workers: fashion designers, seamstresses and order takers.

Starting a Sewing Business

Start your business with advertising and promotion. It is important to build a loyal customer base as quickly as possible. Sell ​​products in stores, stalls and markets. Remember that business success is guaranteed only if you are engaged in the production of quality products. And buyers, convinced of the excellent quality of goods, will come to you again for new purchases.

There are many suppliers of raw materials on the market. Find the manufacturers you are interested in on the Internet or at wholesale bases. Try to contract with them directly, this will avoid additional production costs.

Communicate more with those who have already made a sewing business. Let them be your mentors. If you don’t have such people in your environment, then watch interviews on YouTube or on the Internet, where successful entrepreneurs share their experience. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes in starting a business.

Sewing business business plan: project risks

The main risk (marketing) is the search for orders. Success in the sewing business will depend on the number of orders.

The second risk (organizational) is the organization of production and execution of orders. Properly organize production, draw up plans and monitor their implementation - the main task leader in this matter.

Interview "Business in tailoring" (entrepreneur Pavel Sikin)

In an interview with Pavel Sikin, an entrepreneur with 15 years of experience, 5 of them as the owner of a successful clothing business. Expert in the development of various garment enterprises: from tiny workshops to garment factories. Pavel actively shares his experience on the website We recommend visiting it.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The tailoring business is a highly profitable, but at the same time competitive business. The key success factor is advertising and promotion of your sewing shop. It is important to identify the most effective source of advertising (for example, partnership agreements with sales agents) and focus on it.

A person who decides to open his own atelier is guided by a simple logic: everyone needs clothes. On the one hand, the enthusiast is right, on the other hand, statistics show that from 30 to 45% of production facilities (depending on market conditions) are closed during the first 3 years of operation. Therefore, in order to earn, you need to do correct conclusions from the mistakes of others and take advantage of the positive experience of successful entrepreneurs. We will talk about how to open a sewing business in the article.

Market and risks of the garment business

A survey of bankrupt entrepreneurs showed that businessmen did not properly research the local market. As a rule, they attributed failures to the lack of stable demand and the dominance of dumping enterprises. Meanwhile, in the same area, other firms continued to successfully work on the repair and tailoring of clothes, curtains, bed linen and overalls.

Marketers commenting similar situations, they say with irony: "even a world-famous couturier will not convince a nudist to dress on an abandoned beach." You can take this satire however you like. But the fact remains that success is based on a careful approach to the analysis of the key audience - more precisely, their requests. It is unlikely that a prominent entrepreneur with an income of $ 10,000 a month will come to a semi-basement atelier, where they change zippers and hem jeans.

When compiling a business plan for your own atelier, it is important to choose a survival strategy:


The target audience studio

Popular Services

Common Mistakes

survival strategy


Demanding clients, mainly fashion women

Tailoring of dresses and suits for individual orders

Focus on small and cheap repairs

Raising the status of the atelier to the “business +” format

Medium cities, but not less than 200 thousand inhabitants

Middle class

Fit new clothes according to the figure

Focus on prestigious orders or repairs old clothes

Choosing a convenient place to visit and improving the culture of service

Small towns

Poor + lower middle class

Repair of old clothes

Targeting expensive orders or fitting new clothes

Speed ​​of service and adequate cost of services

Areas with high unemployment

Wholesalers and businessmen

Tailoring of large batches of clothes

Focus on residents

Increasing productivity and reducing costs

What products does the sewing workshop produce?

The success of the garment industry as a business depends on the range of services offered. Even in the area with high level unemployment, you can get a big profit if you open not an atelier, but a full-fledged workshop. In this case, it is important to hire cheap labor.

“For example, if you order simple tailoring in Moscow denim jacket, the cost of the service will be 2,000 rubles, - explains Anna Kryzhovnikova, an expert on labor resources. - But in an abandoned town, seamstresses will agree to do the same work for 125 rubles, having made 8 items per shift. Even taking into account production and logistics costs, the clothing business will provide the entrepreneur with at least 500 rubles of profit on each product.”

The following products are in stable demand among network enterprises and business resellers:

  • children's winter and demi-season clothes;
  • custom school uniform
  • pajamas for hospitals;
  • prison uniforms;
  • car covers;
  • tents made of rubberized percale or tent canvas.

Sewing business: what do you need?

The business plan of a sewing studio has excellent chances of being successfully implemented if a professional who is well versed in the technology of sewing production starts. Although in this case amateurs with an entrepreneurial streak also got on their feet. Whoever decides to organize production, a business project for clothing production should be worked out taking into account special knowledge extracted, for example, from Amirov's textbook or other specialized books. They will give a clear idea of ​​what the premises and personnel for production should be like, what equipment for the clothing business needs to be purchased.


For daily sewing by one master 10 units garments need an area of ​​​​6-7 square meters. meters with a 380 V power supply. This means that a small workshop for 3 seamstresses will fit on an area of ​​​​20 square meters. meters. Plus, you will need a place for fitting rooms (at least two) and a reception - where without it. This is plus 10-15 sq. meters. It's also nice to have a warehouse or at least a pantry. However, by installing shelving at a garment factory, you can do without a separate room for storing fabrics, accessories and finished products.

Entrepreneurs who focus on middle class, sensibly tend to rent premises near "folk trails" with high traffic - for example, in a city market. Such a room must comply with the standards of fire and sanitary supervision. This must be stated in the lease agreement. It is also worth registering the right of the tenant to directly conclude contracts for the supply of electricity with the energy supply company. As for the business project of the sewing workshop, here the place is of secondary importance - the main thing is that it is cheap and close to the place of residence of the workers.

In the province, renting a room of 30 sq. meters is 25,000 rubles per month, workshop 300 sq. meters - 100,000 rubles. In the capital - 4 times more expensive. Meanwhile, the promotion of the studio can take up to six months.

Sewing studio equipment

The choice of equipment for the enterprise depends on the range. Amirov's book gives recommendations on this issue. Workplace one seamstress, for example, for sewing curtains, should include:

  • cutting and ironing tables;
  • table with a professional typewriter;
  • overlock;
  • blind stitch sewing machine.

Cutting and ironing tables can be at common disposal - however, if there are no more than 3 people in the team, and the enterprise is managed directly by the owner of the atelier.

To open a wide-profile atelier of repair and tailoring, in which there will be 3 jobs, you need to purchase:

Type of equipment


Straight stitch machines with electronic control

250 000 rubles

Furrier machine

70 000 rubles

Knitted machine

100 000 rubles

Blind stitch sewing machine

50 000 rubles

40 000 rubles

steam generator

110 000 rubles

Tables, cash register, chairs, fitting rooms, mannequins, racks

100 000 rubles

Total: 720,000 rubles. This amount is reflected in the business plan of the sewing studio.

Note that we are talking about high-quality professional machines. The same set of "Made in China" variant can be purchased for 4 times cheaper - but the performance will be lower. And no one canceled frequent breakdowns either.


In the capital's studios, claiming the status of "business +" and even "elite", it is recommended to hire three seamstresses for two cutters, which are managed by a couturier. He also takes orders, discusses the cost of work, coordinates the details. According to the business plan of the sewing workshop, business promotion takes up to 6 months. At the same time, the wage fund with the necessary tax and pension contributions can easily reach 1,200,000 rubles.

In the sewing business in the outback leading role plays a technologist. It optimizes in-line sewing of products at the rate of 160 separate operations per shift per seamstress. However, experienced businessmen, although casting, do not hire seamstresses until they conclude a large contract with a solid advance.

The experience of small provincial workshops shows that the optimal ratio is 1 professional / 2 apprentices. It is better if the owner himself is the master. In the end, he can be patient if the orders are bad. Repairing and fitting clothes involves many simple operations that even a worker with a minimum level of training can handle. It is best to work on a piece-rate system, giving assistant seamstresses 30% of the cost of the order, than paying the minimum salary and 10% bonus. By the way, the second way of remuneration is often more profitable, but the first is better suited for difficult times. In addition, in the first case, you can not lay the cost of wages.

Advertising for a sewing studio

So that the opening of the atelier does not go “idle” due to the lack of customers, a competent advertising campaign should be carried out. Promotional events should also be included in the atelier's business plan. You can advertise on TV or light up in the show, which is organized by various schools of cutting and sewing. Posted on YouTube video- Same good method. Although the traditional set of events also gives good results. Let's bring them:

  • design of a bright signboard that is clearly visible from a distance;
  • the use of billboards and pillars in places with the highest human traffic;
  • maintenance of the studio website with prices lower than those of competitors;
  • hiring promoters to distribute flyers;
  • regular placement of advertisements about the atelier in local media.

Sewing business: documentation

When opening a sewing workshop or atelier, it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. The state duty will be 800 rubles. The entrepreneur fills out an application to the tax office, in which he indicates OKVED codes 18.2, 18.21, 18.22 and 18.24 from sewing clothes and accessories to creating overalls.

After receiving an extract from the state register, it is necessary to fill out and submit to the tax office an application in the form 26.2-1 on the transition to a simplified taxation system - 6% of income. Then visit the statistical authorities and the local branch pension fund for registration.

Even if the lease says that the premises meet the standards for safe operation, you still need permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the city fire department. It is not difficult to get them, although "paperwork" takes time - it takes up to a crescent.

Step by step plan to start a sewing business

Since a significant part of entrepreneurs open workshops with their personal participation as a foreman and with 2 assistant seamstresses, it is logical to draw up a business plan for a garment production taking into account such a set of employees. The sequence of actions to launch a business includes 6 simple steps:

  • Register an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur if you plan to hire no more than 2 assistants, or as an LLC to open a workshop with several dozen employees.
  • Find a place for a studio that meets safety standards in accordance with current legislation. Conclude a direct contract for the supply of electricity, if technical conditions allow.
  • Obtain permits from Rostekhnadzor and the fire department.
  • Procurement and installation of production equipment and furniture.
  • Find and hire staff.
  • Run an advertising campaign.

And present a gift to the first client of the enterprise. They say it's good luck.

Sewing shop business plan: profitability and payback

A sewing workshop is considered completed if there are 350 small jobs or 35 serious orders per month with an average check of 250 and 2,500 rubles per item, respectively. Small production - hemming trousers, replacing zippers, minor repairs. Serious orders - sewing a dress, jacket, changing the lining in a fur coat or coat.

One employee must bring 87,500 rubles a month to the studio's piggy bank, or minus 30% of wages - 61,125 rubles. After deducting tax under the simplified tax system in the amount of 6% of turnover and contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and FFOMS in the amount of 22,261.38 rubles per year + 1% of turnover, approximately 50,000 rubles remain at the disposal of the owner. For three - 150,000 rubles.

Of this amount paid rents and utility bills - 35,000 rubles. The owner is also rewarded for risk and professionalism - 30,000 rubles. It is logical to subtract 20,000 rubles for unforeseen expenses. Thus, at the end of each month of work, 65 thousand rubles remain, which go to cover the initial investment, which consists mainly of the cost of purchasing equipment and an advertising campaign - 720,000 and 100,000 rubles in our case.

breakeven point sewing Studio may take 12-14 months. Of course, if the enterprise does not encounter unexpected difficulties and will not be forced to stop production.

The business plan of a sewing enterprise for the production of large batches of clothing assumes an initial investment of 10-14 million rubles. Here the risk is high. Still, the Chinese "consumer goods" has a strong position in our market, and it is difficult to squeeze it out.


A tailor shop has a better chance of survival than most other businesses. However, neglecting advertising and drawing up a business plan for an atelier can do its "dirty" deed. Production is best in medium-sized cities, where there is a high demand for repair and fitting clothes. If you have an extra $ 200 thousand, you can take a chance and open a large sewing business in the unemployed outback.

In this material:

How to open a sewing business, what is better to sew - these questions are asked by many aspiring entrepreneurs who are not alien to sewing skills. The opening of such a business will interest people who love and know how to sew. If there are no sewing skills, you can become a co-owner of a sewing workshop and deal with purely organizational issues.

The tailoring business is an unlimited space for the implementation of creative and design ideas. This type of activity is multifaceted, any direction can be a good source of income. For example, you can be engaged in tailoring exclusive, designer clothes to order, creating soft toys or small fabric souvenirs. If there is no desire to choose a direction of activity, you can open a sewing shop for repairing clothes. Such services are always in demand.

Target Audience Search

When choosing sewing as a business, it is important to decide for whom exactly to work. To begin with, it is necessary to monitor all organizations in the district that are engaged in such a business. The list of services offered should be varied in order to attract the consumer. Important has a need local residents in these services and the level of their income. It is unlikely that residents of a small town will go to a designer clothing boutique, they will be more attracted small shop or an atelier that repairs clothes and sews simple things.

In order to understand exactly where to start a sewing business, you need to draw up in advance small business plan. It must include the following sections: the expenditure side, the list of potential customers, the estimated income, the specifics of the services offered, the possible payback period for the business. As a rule, this type of entrepreneurial activity can be registered as an individual entrepreneur. As practice shows, the name plays an important role in the clothing business. The client is attracted by a bright and memorable sign that stands out from the rest.

Possible costs

It is important from the very beginning to agree with suppliers of fabrics, threads and necessary fittings. This will help you save on consumables. As for the equipment, it all depends on the scale of the organization. If this is a home sewing business, then it is enough to have 1 sewing machine and overlock. As the enterprise grows and gains momentum, more sewing equipment will have to be purchased.

There must be some amount in reserve. Money for payment utilities, rent and salaries of employees, if any.

In order for as many people as possible to learn about the sewing workshop or atelier, you should order business cards and leaflets that you can simply distribute on the street. They will come to the rescue social media and advertising in newspapers. Regular customers- the main method of advertising, which cannot be excluded. Quality work, reasonable prices and friendly service will do their job. Grateful customers will advertise you from the best side.

A few ideas for organizing a sewing business

Today, there are many directions in sewing business that may be of interest to the consumer:

  1. Tailoring for pets is good idea for those who want to open a small workshop at home. IN European countries such a business is considered the most profitable. Today in our country this niche is not fully occupied, so there is still an opportunity to make money in this direction. Initial costs will be disproportionately less than would be required to open an atelier.
  2. The idea of ​​sewing ethnic clothes may seem unpromising and very specific at first glance, but it is this idea that allows you to quickly find your client. This is explained by the fact that it is difficult to find similar clothes in ordinary stores, and people who prefer ethnic style, a lot of. They will be happy to order clothes from you. This business is easy to organize within your apartment without spending money on renting additional premises and purchasing expensive equipment. The process of tailoring ethnic clothing is creative, besides professional qualities you will have to realize your design potential. To make your business successful and recognizable, you can run your own blog or advertise on social networks.
  3. Sewing slings for young mothers is a hot trend in the sewing business. Young active mothers who do not want to be tied to the house and strollers will be happy to order such necessary thing. You can master such a business both at home and in a rented room. Sewing a sling is not so difficult, it is enough to show accuracy and some imagination in choosing a design. Such a business from scratch will bring good income if you advertise your activities.

Some useful tips for those who want to organize a sewing business:

  1. You need to understand the sewing business in order to perform entrusted work with high quality. It’s good to start with sewing courses or chat with a person who understands this business and has some work experience.
  2. If you hire female workers, then the seamstresses must have a certain level of knowledge and experience.
  3. It is better to determine in advance the specifics of the enterprise and its volumes. This will help to avoid unnecessary purchases of equipment and consumables.
  4. A business plan is required. It’s easier to write down the main aspects of doing business on paper so that you don’t get distracted by trifles in the process of work.
  5. To avoid trouble, you need to register your business. This will require some financial costs and time, but in this way it will be possible to ensure a quiet job.

Sewing business impossible without problem situations. The most common of them:

  • no sales;
  • lack of manpower to process existing orders;
  • lack of experience among employees.

Before embarking on such a thing, you should clearly think through everything. It is not worth the risk if there is no experience or skills in the sewing business. You must be passionate about your idea and have an irresistible desire to succeed in the clothing business. This is the only way to achieve good results and high profits.

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