How to entertain a person in a hospital. Everything you need to play doctor. Trying on a white coat while playing Hospital games

“In our family, from the very first days of Nastenka’s life, order was established - before going to bed, I bathed her. And then one day, in response to my usual address: "Well, Nastya, let's go to wash and bainki ?!" At first I was even glad: “Well, here I’m waiting. The daughter is already becoming independent, but she is only four ... ”. But then the thought came - what if it slipped? We must first make sure that she can get in and out of the bathtub without any problems. So I said, “Okay, dear. From tomorrow you will be doing it yourself, but today I want to see if it will not be difficult for you to get into the bath. What if you need help ?! ”. Unexpectedly for me, Nastya began to whimper and stubbornly repeat: “No, today! And I don’t need any help! I want today-I-I, today-I-I-I ... ”. It all ended with the fact that I, grabbing her in an armful, dragged her into the bath, undressed, and suddenly saw ... the entire pubis and the entire crotch were smeared with brilliant green. Then, of course, there was an interrogation with partiality, from which I found out that she and five-year-old Alyoshka played in the “hospital” and they took turns as doctors. Having put her to bed, I went to Alyosha's mother. There I learned that his entire penis and testicles were smeared with brilliant green. It was a shock for us mothers. We began to quarrel. Each tried to shift the blame for what had happened and accuse not her child of sexual promiscuity and depravity. When they cooled down, they decided that it might be okay ... Maybe we shouldn't have spanked them? .. And then, since they tried to hide this fact, it means they understood that it was bad. How to respond to such sexual play of children? ”

Angelica Sh., Nikolaev

No one argues that every child is an individuality, a unique miracle of nature. There is no point in denying, and the fact that each child in his development repeats certain patterns. These include the so-called sexual games of children. Let's just dot the i's at once. Psychologists regard these games not as a manifestation of promiscuity, but as a desire to know one's own and someone else's body.

However, let's start in order. I think that every mother who has a child of one or two years old noticed that while examining her body, the baby, willingly or unwillingly, touches the penis (vagina, clitoris). It is quite natural that the pleasant sensations that the baby experiences at the same time arouse his interest. But with sufficient attention to the child (if he does not get bored for a long time alone), the parents have no reason to worry. Because the cognitive activity of children at this age is incredibly high. Their attention, like a butterfly, flutters from one curious object to another. If the kid could express his emotions in words, he would probably say: “How exciting and interesting everything around is! And study, study ... - endless end! ”.

And indeed, at some point, the baby suddenly opens with surprise, notices, establishes that he is urinating through the penis. And, if you give a signal to your mom in time, you can avoid the unpleasant sensation of cold and wet. True, in this case, you need to be able to direct the stream, otherwise you can fill not only your own pants, but everything around.

Having mastered the skill of using the penis, the child begins to overwhelm an interest in trying out the most varied possibilities of its use. The boy definitely wants to try to write on a cat, a dog, a flower bed, a bottle, a hole in a fence, etc. He is incredibly interested in whether the jet will reach the ground if he climbs to the roof of the shed and pees from there? ..

Having studied his own body, the baby seeks to compare himself with others: “Look, how strong I am! Here, feel my muscles. Now, let me touch yours. Look, whose is harder? ”. Comparing himself with other boys, he tries to find out how he is similar and how different from them, he is also interested in comparing himself with girls.

This is the kind of “innocent” craving for knowing one's own and another's body pushes children to play in the “hospital”, in “mom and dad”, in the “family”. At the same time, they undress (after all, it is necessary to undress for examination by a doctor!) And perform elementary "medical" procedures. Playing “mom and dad”, “family”, they can even imitate adults, imitate sexual intercourse - but all this fits into the framework of normal sexual development. After all, here it is not about sexual aspirations (as in adults), but about exploring the unknown, and of course, about pleasant sensations. It does not matter at all whether a boy and a girl are playing or children of the same sex. It is only important that the children are of the same age and the same level of development, since in the event of a significant difference, there is a danger that the younger will obey the older and will not dare to resist if he does not like something.

Nevertheless, parents need to keep this process in their field of vision so that an innocent interest does not become an accentuation (the most important and only interest). In other words, as in other areas of life, a child needs guidance and support in his sexual development. For example, after learning that the children were playing “hospital,” tactfully ask the child: Who was the “doctor”? Who is the “patient”? What hurt the “patient”? What did the “doctor” treat and examine? If you are sure that everything is fine, you can leave your daughter or son alone. This will allow you to maintain openness, simplicity and understanding in dealing with her (with him). Then the child will not be afraid to tell you about where he has been, what he learned and what he did. And the fact of the attempt to hide the game in the “hospital” in the case described above speaks precisely of the fact that the girl intuitively foresaw: “Mom will not understand and will not approve of her”. (After all, it probably happened with you when, in a seemingly innocuous situation, you suddenly had the feeling: “Oh-oh-oh, I’ll get“ nuts! ”). Believe that children, until you spanked and scolded them, did not even realize that they were playing a “bad” game. But punishment can sharpen their attention, and now arouse a completely conscious and purposeful interest in this game, in order to understand: “What is so unusual about it? Why is she “not good”? How is it different from any other? ”.

Therefore, it is better for parents of preschool children not only to prohibit playing "indecent" games (after all, you cannot say why they are bad!), But to explain that only he himself can dispose of a person's body. The girl must certainly be warned not to put any objects into the vagina and anus, however, just like into the nose or ear.
Also, play with your child in the “hospital”. At the same time, unobtrusively explain which “procedures” are permissible and which are not.
Draw his attention to the fact that you cannot play the same role all the time, and you should not settle for a game if there is no desire to play it.
Teach your child other more interesting games, activate his cognitive activity.

For a week, all members of our family, guests and toys have been subjected to compulsory treatment. And all because the Main Reader has a new set of doctors. And he is now alternately therapist, nurse, ambulance, veterinarian, operating room surgeon, and nurse. And in very rare cases, even a patient.

So what is included in the coveted doctor's case and how to make it?

We take an ordinary small suitcase (handbag), glue on a red cross and complete.

1. Forms for recording recipes
2. Coupons to the doctor indicating the name, office, date and time of visit
3. Pencil (crayon, felt-tip pen) for writing
4. Mask for a doctor in case of quarantine or epidemic
5. Shoe covers for hospital visitors
6. Nurse's kerchief with a red cross (you can sew an oversleeve)

These items are from my old doctor's kit, but you can make it yourself, buy a part at the pharmacy or purchase a modern doctor's kit, usually these are its standard components.
7. Microscope (we mainly consider hair :), a magnifying glass is also suitable
8. Phonendoscope (can be made from headphones to which a bell or large button is attached)
9. Otoscope
10. Bath
11. Scalpel
12. Thermometer
13. Hammer
14. Tongs (clamp)

We glue labels and pictures on empty medicine containers.
15. Throat lozenges
16. Ampoules (inside - crayons)
17. Vitamins (we have a large colored mosaic, but you can also take edible M & Ms sweets)
18. Tablets for ears
19. Tablets for the eye
20. Nasal spray
21. Empty cluster of pills
22. Drops
23. Potion (pour water)
24. Magic powder (a universal invisible remedy for all diseases, it even allows you to fly and see in the dark)
25. Soap

26. Ear sticks
27. Centimeter (for us it's just a hit, we measure the circumference of the head / chest, height)
28. Cotton swabs and balls
29. Vata
30. Adhesive plasters piece (pepper (those with holes) are used as mustard plasters)
31. Roll-on adhesive plasters, white and transparent (another invariable hit, stick to everything and a lot)
32. Elastic bandage
33. Bandage (I think to remove it, the edges crumble strongly)

34. Dropper with glucose without a needle
35. Oxygen mask (also a very popular remedy, it smells like strawberries)
36. Nasal aspirator and enema (The Main Reader prescribes them all the time :))
37. Scissors with blunt ends (depending on age, it is better not to give babies)
38. Comb-brush
39. Disposable paper napkins and tissue, for compresses
40. Syringes of different sizes without needles (we collect water)
41. Throat stick (from under ice cream)
42. Pipette in a case (for babies, just a case is better)
43. Measuring spoon (for dosage of mixture and powder)

44. Oculist's table for adults
45. Oculist's table for children
During the manufacturing process, the head mirror (frontal otorhinolaryngological reflector) is a CD-disk with an elastic band.

Some additional items may be useful for "doctor's" games: a scarf or handkerchief as a stretcher (we hold it together by 4 ends), beds for patients, a basin, a flashlight, diapers, etc. Enjoy your treatment!

For printed materials for games, you can

Thematic kit, which includes material for an interesting role-playing game in the HOSPITAL.

Material for the game:

  • printing paper
  • cardboard
  • a printer

What does the game develop?

  • development of imagination
  • development of social skills and abilities
  • acquaintance with the profession - doctor

Preparation for the game and the course of the game:
What child has not dreamed of playing doctor? Treat your favorite toy, mom, dad, other relatives and friends. And surely many have in stock the standard play sets for this game. For example, something like this:

Make the game even more realistic! And who does not have such medical kits, collect everything you need to play "hospital" yourself. Read how to do this below.

Print out on a printer and glue the following thematic material on the cardboard.

To begin with, we make a signboard for our future medical institution - "Polyclinic", as well as a sign - "Doctor's office" and "Registry". The Doctor ____ badge can be used to write the name of the child and attach it to clothing in the chest area. Also included are several prescription forms with a doctor's stamp.

Of course, we cannot do without the patient's medical history. In order not to print multiple copies, make one and put it in a file. During the game, the child will fill out the medical history by swiping with a felt-tip pen directly over the surface of the file, then everything written can be removed with a dry sponge and can be filled again.

In the doctor's office, post information about the structure of the human body.

To make an accurate diagnosis, X-rays are often required, which are also included with the kit.

Such tables are useful for checking eyesight.

Medical equipment, medicines and medicines.

In order to make a cardiogram, in case of heart disease, a cardiograph is useful. Make cuts along the dotted lines and insert ECG sheets

A cap for a doctor.

Look, in your first-aid kit, you will surely find extra bandages, syringes (without needles, respectively), empty jars and vials, gauze bandages, a heating pad, and other medical attributes. All this will be useful for playing the "little" doctor!

You can download the entire "Hospital" thematic set completely free of charge!

A trip to the clinic often becomes an unnerving event for both the mother and the child. Children get bored while waiting for their turn and begin to invent entertainment for themselves: walking down the hallway, running, shouting, talking to other children and adults, crawling under the changing tables or on benches. Mothers and grandmothers try to calm down especially noisy ones, grumble, make remarks, and from everywhere one can hear: "You can't, you can't, you can't."

Parents get tired and angry, but the children can also be understood: they were locked in a room with boring walls, there are no toys here, and sitting quietly on a bench when the energy is overflowing is torture.

But sometimes you have to wait more than an hour! We suggest replacing this waiting time with the time of playing and communicating with your child. Think how often we do everything on the run. And here is just the case when there is no need to rush anywhere.

So what can you do in the doctor's queue?

Getting to know the place

For many children, going to the doctor is a cause for concern. Unfamiliar premises and people, or memories of past hikes, can be troubling. Therefore, at first it would be good to talk with the baby, tell him about everything he sees: doctors are sitting outside the door, treating children, mothers with children are in the corridor, and here are pictures, and here is a window.


If you have not brought toys with you, use whatever is in the room. Show your child the medical posters, no matter how boring they are. A one-year-old child will pay attention to fruits and berries on a poster about healthy nutrition, and a six-year-old already looks with interest at the structure of the human body. Still, often the posters in the clinic are not very interesting for children, so it is better to approach the poster with the child: "Let's read what is written here!" And among the long descriptions, choose a few interesting facts - new for both you and your child. “But I didn't know…” “What do you think, if…” - such phrases may already be the beginning of some kind of dialogue that can distract from a long wait.

For the little ones: playing with the palms

If a small child is completely tired of waiting, you can cheer him up by playing with fingers. Squeeze his handle into a fist and bend your fingers under the rhyme:

- Finger-boy,
Where have you been?
- With this brother
I went to the forest.
With this brother
I cooked cabbage soup.
With these brother
I ate porridge.
With these brother
I sang songs!

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
Sells his nuts:
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the clubfoot bear,
Zainke mustache.

Let's go!

In such a boring place as a queue, it's good and a little fooling around with the baby, rocking him on his knees. We usually don't have time to do this at home.

Let's go let's go
With nuts, with nuts
Galloped, galloped
With rolls, with rolls!
Skipping, skipping
Over bumps, over bumps -
Poured into the hole!

Quiet catch-ups

But many children need movement. How to be? You cannot rush along the corridor. If you overcome a little the parental desire to sit on a highchair, you can play quite calm catch-up:

"Follow me, stepping only inside the cells, you can't on the line."
"Will you and I tiptoe to the end of the corridor?"
"Follow me, putting track on track."
"Catch me back forward."
"Come on, you will go the hard way, and I will repeat your movement."

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Amusement rides

The rides are noisy and fast. And there are quiet attractions when children perform some not quite simple tasks of an adult.

  1. Invite the child to stand up, put heels and socks together, and put his hands behind his back so that the hand of one hand wraps around the wrist of the other. Now, squatting, he should pick up a small object from the floor, which is at his leg.
  2. You need to walk in a straight line with such a strange step: put your right leg behind the left and put it as far as possible; then bring the left leg behind the right and take the same step.
  3. You need to carry a piece of paper in your palm from one wall to another. If a piece of paper falls, it must be picked up, put on the palm and continue moving.

Riga stew

The adult turns to the child. They both hold their hands in front of them, clenched into fists. An adult shakes his fists and says: "Rigu-raga, rigu-ragu ...", and then sticks out his thumbs and says: "Fence with horns" or "Deer with horns." If he pronounced the name of an animal that does have horns, the child should stick out his thumbs just as quickly. If the parent names an animal without horns or some object, the child's fists should remain clenched. When the child is wrong, you can switch roles.


The child secretly from the mother conceives a word. Now mom asks him a question, and he answers with a hidden word. For example: "What were you driving today?" "On a hippopotamus." "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" "Grasshoppers". Then you can switch roles.

You can complicate the game if you answer the question not with a word, but with a line from a song. "What do you dream about?" "I am a genius detective!"

Let's train your memory

An adult names a word (noun, common noun, singular, nominative), the child repeats it and adds a second. The parent repeats two words already and comes up with a third. The child will need to pronounce four words already. The game continues until someone gets confused.

An adult can tell a child that you can not just mechanically memorize words, but come up with a story with these words, then the order of the words will be easier to repeat. For example, in order to remember the row "squirrel - snail - shovel - cake - bulldozer ...", we come up with the following story: the squirrel met a snail with a shovel, there was a cake on the shovel, it looked like a bulldozer ...

Pencil and paper games

If you have a pencil or pen, as well as a piece of paper with you, your stay at the clinic can be made even more interesting.

  • The simplest thing: ask your child to draw two identical drawings at the same time with both hands. Now let him try to draw two different ones. How will you do it?
  • Try using the picture to “write down” some phrase, for example, “I came to the clinic today and met a frog.” You can give such picturesque letters to each other to guess.
  • Draw a squiggle on a piece of paper, and then pass the sheet to the child. Let him finish your line so that you get a meaningful drawing - an animal, person or object. Now let the child draw the squiggle, and you will turn it into a drawing.


All kids love these tricky riddles.

  • Why does the cow lie down? Because she can't sit down.
  • Why does the kitten cross the road? To be on the other side.
  • How to pick a branch so as not to scare the bird? We must wait for the bird to fly away.
  • How many peas will go into the glass? Not a single one, peas do not go.
  • What tap won't you get drunk from? From the lift.
  • What color is the stop valve on the plane? There is no stop valve on the plane.
  • How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? You need to throw the egg four meters.
  • What gets bigger if you put it upside down? Number 6.
  • How to jump off a twenty-meter ladder and not crash? You need to jump off the bottom step.
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? When the door is open.
  • How do day and night end? A soft sign.
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, ostriches don't speak.
  • What is the most important lunch? Mouth.

Joint fairy tale

And finally: you can just compose a fairy tale, telling it in turn, when everyone adds according to the sentence. Children like writing fairy tales on the principle of nonsense.

For the idea of ​​this article, as well as for many other ideas, I must say thanks to my 3-year-old son. A couple of months ago, he swam in the bath, at first everything was as usual, poured out the floor of a bottle of bubble bath, launched a couple of ships and dolphins, changed all the nozzles at the toy fountain ... and then the unexpected happened! Sonulya took a small towel and said: “Ay-ay-ay! Hurts! It hurts! ”- He began to wrap his hand. At first, I was not even jokingly scared, thinking that the kid had hurt his hand. But how? When? I was around all the time! But after a couple of moments it became clear that he was imitating pain in his arm and was making a bandage. After a short pause, I supported the game by asking: “Does your pen hurt? Are you treating her? You are probably a doctor? " The son joyfully repeated that he was a doctor ... And then all the toy fish, the rubber Winnie the Pooh and even the motor boat, experienced the “dressing” procedure.

From that moment on, the child plays in the "Hospital" quite often! And I was really curious why this role-playing game appeared in his arsenal right now? Why does he like all this doctor's manipulation? Thanks to these simple questions, this article was born!

Why do our children play Doctor and Hospital?

The answer to this question is, as they say, on the surface. Children play Hospital for the same reason they play Family, Shop, or Cook ... it's just X time!

First, the stage of active role-playing game has come, when the child actively imitates adults and includes plots and roles that are understandable to him in the game.

Secondly, medicine is one of the activities of adults that a baby faces literally from the first seconds of his life. Scheduled visits to the doctor for up to a year, medical examination in the kindergarten, calling a doctor at home at a high temperature with a younger brother, waiting for mom near the dentist's office, cartoons and films about this profession. The child constantly has to deal with doctors in everyday life. It is not surprising that at some point the little one wants to try on a "white coat", he becomes very curious, but what is it like to work in a hospital, what does it mean to be a doctor, and what does it mean to save lives?

Thirdly, an event occurred that greatly impressed the baby. Perhaps he first came for an examination to a specialist whom he had not previously encountered. Or maybe, while walking, the child watched as an ambulance took away an old grandfather from the next doorway, who was always so friendly and treated with sweets. In our case, by the way, such an impetus was the planned medical examination in the garden, when several doctors came to the group who examined the babies, listened to breathing, took blood for tests, and then the whole group was taken to an ultrasound scan.

So, when all 3 of the above-mentioned components are put together: the age of the role-playing game, the daily life experience of the child and an unexpected, extraordinary event, then the kid develops an interest in trying on the profession of a doctor.

We play right!

In order for the game to be truly developing, useful and informative, but most importantly, interesting for the child, it is important to observe a number of simple rules:

1. Thinking over the scenario

This does not mean that you need to create a scenario of the "Oscar-winning" level with the timing of the scenes and the lines of the heroes. It simply means helping your toddler to structure and diversify his play. If he decided to inject a teddy bear, then you, as a nurse, will be able to "remind" the baby that the injection site must first be disinfected, and after the injection, close it with a cotton swab. What if today the bear began to really be afraid of injections? Then you, as the "mother" of a plush patient, need to ask the young doctor to explain to the patient what and why the doctor will do, explain that the injection is not painful, but only unpleasant, and you need to be patient a little.

Those. Your task is to direct the game and complicate it a little each time, of course, in accordance with the age of the crumbs. You can improvise "along the way", but it is better to come up with the main "storyline" a little in advance so that the game goes according to the intended plan, and does not turn out to be crumpled and spontaneously uncoordinated.

Also, in advance you can prepare some accessories (pictures, objects) with which the child is not yet familiar. Or arm yourself with medical terms, names of instruments, etc., to turn the game into an educational activity as well.

2. Choosing the time

We have already talked about this often, let us recall it again. Any activity, any game, any workout should harmoniously fit into the daily routine of your child. Do not insist on play when your toddler is sleepy, hungry, or emotionally agitated. Moreover, the nervous system of your child can be excited not only from some negative emotions, but also from positive ones. If the child is very impressed with something, then you should not try to switch his attention to planned development. Just reschedule the game to the next day. If you decide to neglect the daily routine or the momentary emotional state of the child, then nothing good will end, except as a grandiose tantrum of the baby and stress of the mother.

3. We support creativity and creativity

A common mistake parents make is maintaining a monotonous game. For example, a toy patient comes to the doctor, the doctor measures the temperature, looks at the throat, and writes out a prescription for drugs. Everything seems to be good ... one BUT! This scenario repeats every time the child plays Hospital. It is not surprising that in a week the kid will not even want to hear about playing Doctor. It is clear that the child must know the sequence of actions that the doctor takes when taking patients. Only one BUT! Doctors are different (therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, dentist, ENT, etc.) and patients seek help from medical staff with completely different problems (someone has a stomach ache, and someone has a head, then angina, and someone has caries). Therefore, one, constantly repeating, game plan is simply not able to illustrate all the variety of possible situations.

The solution here is very simple - improvisation! Imagine, there is a usual appointment with your young doctor, he habitually listens to breathing and measures the temperature of a toy doll, when suddenly dad runs into the room, limping, and says something like “Doctor! More like a doctor! I was swimming in the sea, and a crab bit my finger! Doctor, can you imagine, right behind the big toe of your pincer, how it snaps! ". The child's first reaction is likely to be numbness. And then he will start playing by the cliche, as he used to - listen to breathing, check his throat, write a prescription ... Only dad has an injury. The mother-nurse should prompt the doctor in time that a dressing may be more suitable in this non-standard situation. And tomorrow the grandmother can complain about the pressure. The day after tomorrow, the child will be able to play the role of a pediatrician by examining a newborn brother. And a day later, a veterinarian, because my mother doubted whether the fluffy tail of Vaska's cat was enough, maybe he could drink feline vitamins? This format of the game, you must admit, is much more interesting and educational! And after a couple of games in a similar vein, your child will become not only a passive observer and performer of other people's ideas, but will be the most active participant in the action.

We create the perfect environment!

After you have seen the kid's interest in the game, this interest can and should be supported. After all, a role-playing game for a preschooler is the main type of active activity that promotes development, learning, understanding of processes and events, as well as awareness of society and one's place in it.

Parents have several options that will help you create an environment around your baby that is conducive to studying the structure and functioning of the hospital, getting to know the various specializations of the doctor's profession, and gaining the skills of correct communication with the medical staff:

1. Make your own gaming accessories.

You can sew costumes, sculpt medical instruments, cut, glue and paint decorations for the medical room. In general, create in all available ways! Moreover, creativity must necessarily be joint with the child. In the process of creating accessories, be sure to explain what and why you are doing, discuss with the baby the nuances of the functioning of the hospital and the work of the medical staff.

2. Buy ready-made play sets "Doctor" and "Hospital".

If you are working or you simply do not have enough time for hand-made accessories, then you can use ready-made solutions. Fortunately, the modern toy industry offers the widest range of toys for this type of role-playing game.

What kind of toys are there in the series "Doctor" or "Hospital"?

1.Kits of the doctor:

For the most part, Hospital play sets are plastic accessories that imitate basic medical instruments (phonendoscope, syringe, hammers, tweezers, test tubes, thermometer, medicine bottles, badges, etc.). Accessories can be packed in a doctor's case or mounted on a medical trolley.

The doctor's carts are mostly bunk. They are very light, easy to assemble, in a set with accessories (play elements are always quite simple and large, suitable for play by children from 3 years old). Some of the doctor's carts are equipped with sound and light effects.

Doctor's briefcases are much more compact, although they usually contain accessories similar to carts. The suitcases are easy to store due to their small size, and you can always take with you to kindergarten or on a trip. Most of these sets are plastic, but sometimes they are found in the lines of manufacturers of wooden educational toys.

2. Veterinarian kits:

Of course, a veterinarian is also a doctor, only for animals. Therefore, we decided to bring toys dedicated to this specialty into a separate block. Moreover, the role-playing toys of the "Veterinarian" series are represented not only by play sets similar to those presented above. For example, Playmobil very much offers a whole line of constructors dedicated to the veterinary service.