How long does it take for a cat to have a stomach? What does it mean if a pregnant cat has white, purulent, yellow, green, bloody, brown, pink, dark discharge. How to tell if a cat is pregnant

đŸ± Signs of pregnancy in your cat. How long does it last. How to take care of a cat. Site preparation. How long is the animal. Cat pregnancy calendar


Animals have a strong reproductive instinct, but it does not turn on when, but on the most suitable days for conception. Clever nature has taken care of the continuation of the feline genus, so there is a "sexual season" in the life of pets, called the period of estrus. Offensive pregnancy cat perhaps about once every three weeks - the body gives the owner's pet a chance to become a mother.

Few are able to resist tiny kittens, especially if they are babies from their beloved kittens. The time when the crumbs begin to run around the house is preceded by a rather long period of pregnancy and the birth process. An attentive owner must understand all the complexities of the gestation period, the health of the pet and the nuances of caring for the expectant mother.

Cat pregnancy signs

The female is ready to continue the genus more often from the 7th month of life. Nevertheless, there is no need to hurry with the viscous, the young cat's body should get stronger and grow up a little more. The optimal term for the first mating is a year.

The first signs of pregnancy in a cat appear after 2.5-3 weeks:

  • the nipples become pinkish, swell;
  • a noticeable decrease in the activity of the pet;
  • morning vomiting is an indicator of hormonal changes;

After 2-3 weeks, the animal wakes up appetite. The veterinarian palpates on the 20th day. You should not do it yourself because of the great opportunity to harm both future kittens and their mother.

At 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, the cat becomes evident weight gain: + 1-2 kg. Weight depends on the number of future offspring. The cat becomes more wary of strangers, and more affectionate to relatives.

The taste preferences of the expectant mother change, you can notice changes in mood.

After 6 weeks, a large belly becomes noticeable, the movements of the animal slow down, and the gait may change. Starting from the 7th week, the cat is looking for a "nest", may start to get nervous. Milk in the mammary glands appears at the beginning of the ninth week.

The labor itself begins with contractions, the whole process takes less than a day, usually 3-4 hours. After contractions and attempts, the fetus will appear in the bladder. The animal gnaws through the umbilical cord and can eat the afterbirth. After that, the newborn kitten begins to eat, and the mother continues the birth process.

How to determine the gestational age of a cat

The gradually enlarging belly makes the owner nervous, which can also be felt by the pet. It is better to know exactly how pregnant your cat is in order to properly prepare for an important event.

The term is determined by the external signs that the cat's body shows. On days 16-18, the nipples become a bright coral color.

If earlier the doctor could simply feel a certain amount of fetuses in the belly of the animal, then from the 40th day the veterinarian will say the exact number of expected kittens.

It is convenient to use an online calculator, which will calculate the most accurate pregnancy period for a cat.

How long does pregnancy last in cats?

Like the representatives of humanity, the timing of pregnancy in animals is different: the pregnancy of British and Scottish cat breeds lasts differently. Short-haired ones bear offspring for 58-68 days, and long-haired ones can please a brood in 68-72 days. The Siamese breed presents the owner with kittens before 63 days.

Length of pregnancy in cats is 63-72 days, but it happens that if there are a lot of fetuses, then childbirth may occur on the 58th day, which is also a variant of the norm. Now it is clear how many days the fluffy pet will be preparing for childbirth.

Many inexperienced kitten owners are interested in how many weeks or months a pet's pregnancy lasts. Whoever encounters this for the first time may not worry - the gestation period of domestic cats allows you to slowly prepare for the birth of tiny offspring, providing the mother and brood with full care. Usually, bearing lasts about 9 weeks, or 2 months.

The situation is more complicated if the date of fertilization is not known exactly. But knowing the total average number of days of gestation, and the characteristic signs for each stage, you can predict the date of birth of kittens.

Also, the duration of pregnancy in a cat depends on whether she is the first, on the age of the expectant mother, on the number of kittens. Multiple pregnancies are more often pumped by early childbirth, but if there are 1-2 kittens in the womb, then they may not rush into the world.

Towards the end of the 9th week, everything needed for childbirth and first aid should be ready.

Caring for a pregnant cat

If a good owner takes care of his kitty in her usual condition, then taking care of a pregnant pet is sacred.

In the first weeks, the body of the pussy needs a sufficient amount of healthy food. The rule of a standard portion does not work here: they are guided by the requests of the animal, it may well eat more than usual at this time.

When half of the term has passed, the owner, on the contrary, will need to introduce some restrictions in nutrition: the amount of feed should decrease in portions, and the intervals between feedings should be reduced.

If the cat was fed natural food, then more cottage cheese or kefir is added to the products. In any case, the animal's body needs calcium. It is reasonable to choose specialized food for pregnant cats... The veterinarian will advise on the need for vitamin or mineral supplements after examining the pet.

It is important for the animal to stay in good physical shape, so do not deny her moderate outdoor games.

Most importantly, no stress for your pet!

Preparing a site for a pregnant cat

The cat's pregnancy will come to an end in 9 weeks, and the birth place should be ready in advance. The fluffy mother-to-be herself will let you know when it will be necessary to address this issue.

During childbirth, the animal feels calmer in a secluded, quiet place. Therefore, they look for a roomy box and prepare clean rags.

The peace of the last two weeks depends on the behavior of all household members. Especially small children should not fuss about waiting for a kitten, this makes the cat nervous.

The animal is taught to the future bed, equipping it in such a way that the pet feels calm and relaxed there. Although it happens that the nest prepared with love by the hostess for some reason does not seem suitable for the expectant mother. In this case, they just watch where the animal is headed. Then the mistress will have to relocate to the place chosen by her favorite during childbirth.

From the moment the labor begins, the owner should be close to the woman in labor, so it will be calmer for everyone. If there is an opportunity to call a veterinarian for the first birth, it will be great!

How to feed a pregnant cat

Food for pregnant cats must be completely balanced - all nutritional deficiencies can affect not only the expectant mother herself, but also the kittens.

It will be rational to increase the usual rate by 10%, and feed the pet more often. The thing is that with a small stomach and a rapidly growing uterus, it is more difficult for the body to digest large amounts of food. Overfeeding threatens obesity with all the ensuing consequences. A large fetus complicates the birth process.

After 7 weeks, you can feed the pet 3-4 times a day, little by little.

In calculating the diet, the age, size, breed of the cat are taken into account. In the first month, the cat should receive more calcium, in the second - protein.

Only lean and strictly boiled fish is allowed, but beef makes up 50% of the daily diet. At the end of the meal, you can offer some kefir.

Boiled chicken, egg yolk, cereals, grated vegetables, curdled milk will benefit.

Caring for the health of a pregnant cat

Caring for a cat during pregnancy involves increased attention to the condition of the animal from the household.

Of course, the owner's favorite should give birth in the house under supervision, because the street is a hotbed of all kinds of infections. The pregnant pussy is kept away from other pets, especially those visiting the street. There are several reasons for this requirement:

    the female becomes more aggressive, which is fraught with injuries;

  • the presence of several cats threatens a double pregnancy, miscarriage or death of the brood;

  • the possibility of infection of a pregnant woman, or infection with worms.

The closer the end of the term, the more awkward the purr becomes, and its desire to climb to a height can be fraught with serious consequences, up to a miscarriage.

Every day you need to examine the pet - any deviation from the norm should alert the owner. The reason to visit the veterinary clinic may be the weakness of the cat, refusal to eat long before the date of birth, and abundant vaginal discharge.

Cat pregnancy calculator and calendar

For the convenience of determining the timing and expected day of delivery, you can use a calculator that reflects the calendar process in a convenient and accessible form.

You will need to enter the date of fertilization, and carefully study the calendar that appears.

Pregnancy injections for cats

Not all owners want to get offspring from their pet. To prevent pregnancy, cats have developed special injections, prescribed according to the scheme, which is selected by the veterinarian.

The injection is given before estrus begins, and the hormonal agent is effective for 6 months. After that, a new dose of the drug will be required.

This is a kind of sterilization, simple to use, and leaving the cat the opportunity to bear offspring after the end of the drug.

This method has its drawbacks: violations of the reproductive system, health complications up to inflammation and cancer.

False pregnancy in a cat

Usually, after mating, the cat becomes pregnant. The behavior of the pet and some signs confirm the interesting position of the animal: swelling of the mammary glands, caution of the female in behavior, an increase in the abdomen. But after 3 or 4 weeks, all symptoms disappear. It is called false pregnancywhich is actually a hormonal disruption in the cat's body. This negatively affects the psyche of the animal.

The reasons for the occurrence of a false pregnancy lie not only in hormonal disruption: it is possible that the mating was with a sterile cat, or there are pathologies of the reproductive system in the female's body, disorders in the thyroid gland.

In the form of treatment, a diet and a decrease in the amount of dairy products in the pet's menu are prescribed, which will have a positive effect on the cat. It is important to show attention to the affected kitty and surround her with care. It is advisable to add vitamins to food.

A cat in the house ... Immediately before your eyes, you will see a sweet picture: a cat playing with children, a bunch of medals and cups from the exhibition, where your pet has been, admiration of friends, girlfriends and neighbors. But not everything is as easy and fun as it seems. You need to take care of the cat: bathing, combing it, etc. You can't go to exhibitions just like that: paperwork, carrying, again bathing, combing, etc. But this is all nonsense, a matter of one week or even a day. I repeat, all this is nonsense compared to your pet's pregnancy.

Novice cat owners immediately ask a question like "how do you know if your cat is pregnant". Many newcomers, when the "doomsday" comes, are lost and sometimes their cats simply do not survive during childbirth due to the carelessness and carelessness of their owners. Only some especially caring owners, who take their pet every two weeks to the veterinarian, who can easily determine, ask for help from a specialist. But this does not mean that to determine pregnancy, you need to take her to the vet all the time.

You can find out if a cat is pregnant by analyzing its behavior and taking a closer look - after all, pregnancy is visible from the first days. Although, having said "from the first days", I probably exaggerated. The minimum through which a pregnancy can be detected after fertilization is on the 20th day. But this can only be done by an experienced veterinarian. And we, mere mortals who do not have a veterinary education, can see a pregnancy in a cat as much as 10 days later. But you can wait a little, isn't it? But often, when we type on the Internet the query "how to find out that the cat is pregnant", the search engine gives out something that cannot be at all. And for beginners, you have to ask veterinarians or cat owners for advice. And for those who want to know how it proceeds and also how to generally determine that the mustachioed striped is "in an interesting position", I will try to outline the main signs here, especially for those new to the cat business. There are a bunch of these signs, but, in my opinion, the most noticeable are only six.

How do you know if a cat is pregnant?

The first sign of pregnancy is the absence of another period of heat. The cat behaves calmly, does not howl, does not roll on the floor, does not crawl after the owner. In general, it behaves as usual at the time when it should do the above.

The second sign is a sharp decrease, and then a gradual increase in appetite. By the end of pregnancy, your cat will eat a lot.

The third sign is swelling of the nipples. Run it over the cat's skin just below the ribs and you will feel two rows of small bumps under your fingers. Over time, they become larger and turn pink. If you notice this, it means that the cat is already the third or fourth week of pregnancy.

From the fifth week, the cat's belly begins to grow, especially if she carries from three kittens. This is already difficult. But if you have lost sight of this moment, then the next sign should dispel your doubts.

The fourth sign is vomiting in the morning. This is due to hormonal changes and the stretching of the uterus. It's not scary at all, by the end of pregnancy everything will pass.

The fifth sign is increased drowsiness. The cat will sleep most of the day. Even if you let your pet out on the street, then during pregnancy it will become a homebody.

The sixth sign is that the cat begins to look for and pave a nest for itself. Here you can help her. Place a large box in a shady and quiet place, place cloth and paper in it, put the cat in the box, and walk away from there. If she likes the nest you made, she will rearrange everything in her own way. If you don’t like it, don’t worry, when the cat "wants" to give birth (you will know about it by its worried behavior and continuous walking after you), you can always put it in this box. Until then, just in case, close all the closets, pack the empty drawers, and leave your box in plain sight.

In addition to fiddling with the nest, you need to take care of it.Therefore, the owners often ask veterinarians not only how to find out that the cat is pregnant, but also what the diet of the future tailed mother should be. Products in different sources indicate different, but the meaning is still the same - you need to feed the cat with high-calorie food. If you prefer ready-to-eat foods, give her kitten food that is rich in calories. If the cat eats natural food, it is recommended to feed her liver, fresh fish, you can give her the meat of fatty herring, mackerel, sardine, salmon or trout. Feed or natural food should be fed to the cat three to four times a day.

And do not forget to morally support the cat - during pregnancy it, like people, has a hard time. During childbirth, your moral support will also become physical. But more about that another time.

Owners of a thoroughbred pet are often engaged in breeding. You should not rely solely on nature in this matter. It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions, proper care, medical care for mom and kittens. Therefore, breeders should know not only how long a pregnancy lasts in cats, but also about the intricacies of feline physiology.

Adding offspring should be taken seriously, especially if this is the cat's first pregnancy. The expectant mother is not aware of herself as such, and therefore needs care and control. The owner is responsible for the health and life of the pet. Find out in advance about all the possible risks and features of the pregnancy.

How long does pregnancy last in cats?

Cats bear kittens for an average of two months. Childbirth can occur on day 58 or 72 days after mating. Most often, cats give birth at 63-65 days of gestation. An unproductive mother-to-be, carrying one to three kittens, gives birth later. With multiple births (up to six kittens), the offspring appears earlier. The phenotype of the cat also affects the gestational age: a short-haired mother gives birth earlier than a long-haired one. In their first pregnancy, cats usually bring up to four kittens.

Deviations for a week are allowed in the duration. Babies born on day 50 may be premature and need medical attention. The offspring born in the ninth week of pregnancy, but not later than 72 days, as a rule, do not have developmental abnormalities and are completely healthy.

First signs

It is almost impossible to recognize pregnancy at the very first stages from the moment of conception. Often, the owners begin to suspect something only in the third or fourth week, when the signs of pregnancy in the cat are pronounced. However, an observant owner, who waits for the feline offspring after mating, can already notice four changes in the animal's behavior in the first or second week.

  1. Affection. Even minxes become calm and affectionate with the onset of pregnancy. The cat tries to communicate more with the owner, does not leave for a long time, "calls", rubs against his legs.
  2. Domesticism. A free-range cat becomes a “homebody”. The pet sleeps more, plays less and runs less.
  3. Appetite. Every expectant mother has everything individually. Some pets begin to eat actively, others refuse any food.
  4. Restroom . The cat goes to the toilet more often due to the accelerated metabolism. In this case, there should be no diarrhea or blood traces.

Most often, at first, the pet's behavior does not change in any way. She sleeps, plays, eats, relieves as usual. More obvious signs are noted from the third week.

How an interesting situation proceeds

Caring owners, who are expecting offspring, have special notebooks to keep track of how their beloved cat's pregnancy proceeds. You can draw up a schedule for weeks and note all the changes that occur to the cat. This will make it easier to compare the animal's current health status with the norms. The table shows the optimal course of pregnancy.

Table - Pregnancy of a cat by week

A weekSymptomsFruit size, cm
3-4 - Swelling, darkening of the mammary glands;
- toxicosis, manifested by nausea, refusal to eat, morning vomiting;
- decreased activity
5-6 - Increase in body weight;
- rounding of the abdomen;
- the appearance of milk;
- a sharp increase in appetite
7-8 - Molting;
- active nesting;
- decreased appetite;
- movement of kittens
9-10 - Decreased activity, apathy;
- a noticeable increase in the mammary glands;
- secretion of clear mucus from the vulva;
- lowering body temperature to 37 ° Х

Before the very birth, the cat is active. The pet follows the owner, meows, fiddles in the place reserved for lambing. The figure of the cat becomes pear-shaped: the roundness shifts towards the exit from the uterus. Spasms are observed - contractions. Having noticed these signs, the owner must prepare for childbirth.


In the third to sixth week of pregnancy, the cat may begin elective heat. This happens to one in ten pregnant cats and is considered normal in urban apartments. An organism that receives all the benefits for a happy life (light, warmth, food), “ignores” pregnancy and is ready to mate. This happens due to hormonal disruption, namely due to a lack of progesterone, which is responsible for bearing offspring.

If your cat frequently licks the genitals or is restless, test for heat. Apply a tissue to your vulva. If there are transparent spots on it, the cat has flowed.

There is no reason for concern, you should only protect the expectant mother from potential sexual partners. Otherwise, re-fertilization will occur, which can result in one of three situations:

  • miscarriage - both "older" and "younger" offspring die;
  • prematurity - the first kittens are born healthy, the second are premature or dead;
  • re-birth - three to six weeks after the first birth, the cat gives birth again (this rarely happens).

For a cat, the most favorable outcome is to give birth to kittens from both fathers healthy. However, the number of nipples in the mother is limited, and the offspring from the second fertilization can starve to death.

False pregnancy

It happens that the symptoms of pregnancy appear, but the cat does not give birth. This is a false pregnancy. In fact, fertilization did not occur, but the pet behaves like a future mother. Her forms are rounded, her mammary glands swell, her appetite changes.

The cat starts building a nest, becomes irritable or, conversely, quiet and calm. Imaginary pregnancy is clearly expressed in the "adoption" of slippers, socks, mittens. The cat can carry things around the apartment like cubs, and even feed them with milk.

False pregnancy in cats is not a whim and not a game of "mommy", but a serious mental illness associated with hormonal imbalance. It manifests itself in both tied and chaste pets. Siamese and Persian cats have a tendency to false pregnancies. Possible causes of hormonal imbalance are:

  • stress, emotional shock;
  • stimulation of ovulation by a castrated cat;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • attention deficit;
  • neighborhood with pregnant, lactating cats;
  • heredity.

The disorder is treated with a low-calorie diet (milk production decreases) and medications as prescribed by a veterinarian. Without treatment for false pregnancies, a cat may develop mastopathy. This is a disease of the mammary glands of a pet, which leads to malignant tumors. Also, an imaginary pregnancy, let go of its own accord, will have a bad effect on the psyche, character and behavior of the animal.

To protect the pet from mental and physiological disorders, it is necessary to carry out a timely diagnosis of pregnancy. The easiest way to verify the presence of offspring using an ultrasound scan, which can be done as early as the third week.

Caring for the expectant mother

After it was possible to determine the pregnancy of the cat, you should begin preparing for childbirth, monitoring the condition of the pet. First of all, this applies to nutrition and daily routine. The development of the fetus in cats, in comparison with humans, is rapid, so every week the behavior and condition of the pet will change. Provide comfort, attention and care to the expectant mother, so that the pregnancy is successful and measured.


The owner must take care of what to feed the expectant mother. The cat's appetite is floating throughout pregnancy. Either the pet eats with pleasure "for two", then completely refuses to eat. The cat should not be overfed, as obesity will complicate childbirth, but it should not be kept on fasting either. Four tips will help you maintain balance and provide your pet with the necessary nutrients.

  1. Serving volume. In the very early stages, increase the usual portion by about 10%. From the third to the seventh week, double the standard serving. From the second half of pregnancy (sixth to seventh weeks), you can return to normal volume.
  2. Food intake. During the period of increased appetite (from about the second week) feed the cat four to five times. Starting from the seventh week, transfer the expectant mother to three meals a day.
  3. Diet. If the cat ate dry or wet ready-made food before pregnancy, then it is undesirable to urgently transfer the pet to natural products. Without changing the brand, purchase special food for pregnant women or kittens. If the cat eats "natural", then be sure to add lean meat, chicken offal, cottage cheese, boiled egg, yogurt to the menu. Vegetables will not be superfluous - carrots, beets, zucchini, cauliflower. Can be fed with grains such as wheat germ.
  4. Vitamins. Avitaminosis will have a bad effect on future children. However, you should not overfeed your cat with vitamins either. It is better to consult a veterinarian, since some ready-made feeds contain the necessary vitamin complex, while others do not. With a full-fledged balanced natural diet, additional preparations may not be needed.

In the last week, increase your calcium intake by giving your cat dairy products. On the days before childbirth, there is a sharp drop in appetite. This is normal. You don't need to force your pet to eat. Change the water and watch the cat. Feed small portions if requested.


A pregnant cat needs rest and a measured mode of life without intense physical exertion, especially in the later stages. Control the pet, do not allow children to carry the expectant mother, do not create stressful situations. To keep your cat comfortable, follow the four rules of keeping.

  1. Keep at home. Better to isolate the cat from the street and other cats. The owner will be sure that his pet will not fall from a height, will not climb and jump on trees, will not get involved in a fight. In addition, the ban will save the "yard" cat from giving birth on the street.
  2. Help with hygiene... With increasing size, the cat cannot always reach hard-to-reach places. Wipe the ponytail and genitals with a damp cloth. Monitor your ears and eyes. Any infection is dangerous to the health of not only the mother, but also the offspring.
  3. Monitor loads... A complete lack of activity threatens obesity. Therefore, play with the kitty normally, but do not make it jump high. In the last stages, it is better not to disturb the pet.
  4. Let's sleep . Pregnant cats sleep more often than usual. This is normal behavior and cats save the energy they need to get pregnant.

Breeders advise to play classical music for the cat. At least a week before giving birth, ensure the cat is completely calm by isolating noise, crowds, and games.

Preparing for childbirth

The gestation period in cats is short, but sufficient to prepare everything necessary for the birth of fluffy crumbs. Already at the initial stage of pregnancy, think over exactly where the pet will give birth.

Take a cozy personal place, build a "nest" out of a low box. Cut off the fourth wall to make it easier to communicate with the cat during childbirth. The box should be large enough to accommodate both the mother and the growing offspring. Cover the box with newspapers or a thick diaper. It is undesirable to lay the usual fabric, because kittens can get confused in it.

Place the cat inside to get it accustomed and comfortable. The pet may not like the constructed place, and she will begin to "nest" in the closet or behind the sofa. Do not scold the cat for such behavior, but tenderly invite to the designated place. Place the box in a corner, in an enclosed space, but in a way that you can access it

Make an appointment with your veterinarian in advance. If a specialist cannot come and help personally, then leave a phone number at hand for an emergency consultation.

Possible problems

The owner must monitor the condition of the pet and talk to the doctor in time.
A dry and hot nose does not always mean that the expectant mother is sick. Often the nose dries out due to dry air or high room temperatures. If other symptoms appear during dryness (weakness, diarrhea, body temperature above 39 ° C), then you should seek help. Birth pathologies are indicated by three main symptoms.

  1. Duration. Some pedigree cats, for example, "British", give birth later than usual. However, if a cat is nursing a pregnancy for no reason and is not allowed for 70-72 days, then this is a serious reason to contact a veterinarian. The expectant mother may need a cesarean section. A frozen pregnancy is not excluded, requiring stimulation for the release of dead kittens.
  2. Allocations. When blood, pus, greenish or brown mucus is released from the vulva, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. A cat may experience a rupture of the uterus, detachment of the placenta, death and decomposition of the embryo, genital infection, ectopic pregnancy. In all these cases, the health and life of the expectant mother is at risk.
  3. Slimming. Long-term hygiene procedures for a cat often indicate a miscarriage that has occurred, which can occur at any time. The owners do not always notice how the cat eats the released embryos along with the afterbirth (it can happen at night). Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the roundness of the shapes. Suddenly, a "thinner" cat should definitely be shown to the veterinarian, as parts of kittens or afterbirth may remain in the uterus.

Vaccination of a pregnant cat is strictly contraindicated. Usually, expectant parents are vaccinated two months before mating to ensure good immunity for the offspring. Before vaccinations, they give an anthelmintic and undergo a medical examination to detect diseases, including toxoplasmosis. If this has not been done, then the mother is vaccinated together with the kittens.


If it was not possible to prevent unwanted mating, then you can terminate the pregnancy in the first weeks. Also, abortion can be prescribed for pathology of the development of the embryo, infectious diseases, due to too young or old age. You can spay a cat during pregnancy, but only for a short time, when the kittens have not yet formed. Some veterinarians refuse to sterilize a cat in position, as they fear for her life.

How to understand that a cat is pregnant - a professional veterinarian will help with this. Observe your pet with a doctor throughout the pregnancy. This is the only way to identify pathologies in the early stages. Kittens may not settle down, dissolve, develop incorrectly. Miscarriages and death of kittens are not uncommon. Disruption to the course of pregnancy can adversely affect the health and life of the cat. Take care of your pet.

Pregnancy in cats is a period of waiting and pleasant excitement.

Like any future woman in labor, a kitty needs a certain attitude and care.

Therefore, it is worth collecting as much information as possible in order to take good care of the expectant mother.

Pregnancy period of cats

To begin with, it is worth deciding what period it is wise to call pregnancy.

Some people think that this time is counted from mating to finishing. However, it is not.

The gestation period begins when fertilization has occurred.

Naturally, with perfect mathematical accuracy, in this case, no one will determine how many days a cat's pregnancy has already lasted.

Many sources give different periods of pregnancy, an average of 9 weeks.

This period can be increased or decreased by a week, which is not a bad thing.

The duration of bearing kittens depends on the physical condition of the kitten, her breed and age.

It has been noticed that in short-haired cats it seems that the gestation period is shorter (58-68 days) than in long-haired cats (62-72 days).

However, if the kisunya is not born on the 70-72nd day, you should contact your veterinarian.

The first signs of pregnancy in a cat

Although it is very difficult to immediately calculate the exact date of conception, quite obvious signs of pregnancy can be observed as early as 20 days after it.

The cat's nipples enlarge, become bright pink. The skin around them begins to peel off. It is very easy to notice if you put the kitty on the back.

In the third week, an experienced veterinarian can palpate if a murka is pregnant.

Important! Do not try to palpate yourself! This is fraught not only with the death of kittens, but also with serious difficulties with the health of the cat.

It so happens that already at 1-2 weeks the kitty becomes more melancholic, brooding.

She eats less, sleeps more than usual and practically does not want to play.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, due to changes in hormonal levels, she may be nauseous.

This is not something abnormal, because pregnant women also often have toxicosis in the first trimester.

After 3-5 days, vomiting passes, and the owner can be sure that his pet will soon become a mother.

Cats may also have a false pregnancy, which "passes" on its own and does not need special treatment.

However, when padding occurs frequently, the animal must be shown to a specialist.

Sexual activity of cats during pregnancy

Regardless of how many days a cat's pregnancy lasts, she may suddenly go into heat.

Usually from the very beginning of bearing kittens, she behaves calmly.

But it so happens that just on the 20-21th day of pregnancy or later, the kitty again begins to ask for the cats.

This phenomenon is called superfetation, and it is observed in every tenth cat.

If you allow her to mate with a cat, she can get pregnant a second time from a new dad.

Kittens will develop normally in the uterus within 3-6 weeks.

In this situation, there is a danger that when the murka gives birth to the first kittens, she may have a miscarriage from their second "batch".

If such a misfortune has not happened, then 3-6 weeks after the first birth, the second comes.

It is important here that all kittens from both broods have enough nipples and milk.

Sometimes a pregnant cat wants to go for a walk "to the left"

Pregnancy progress

Now you know how much the cat is wearing, you can also establish pregnancy, especially in her third week.

Her subsequent schedule for bearing kittens looks like this:

  • 4-6 weeks: The growing fruits are already so large that you can feel them with gentle pressure on the cat's tummy. This study must be carried out very carefully and without sudden movements that can damage the baby's amniotic membrane and lead to a miscarriage.
  • In the fifth week, the kitty's tummy becomes very noticeable, it rounds up beautifully. And from the sixth week, especially if the murka bears more than 2 kittens, the belly becomes very large - the babies grow quickly. In the sixth week, the cat should have milk.

  • 7-9 weeks: In the seventh week, the uterus is filled with liquid, so it is difficult to determine with the help of palpation how many kittens will be born. If you are very curious, it is better to do an ultrasound. But during this period, the fruits are already so large that you can feel their heads with your palm. During this period, the kitty begins to behave restlessly, looking for a place for childbirth. This is the best time to introduce her to the drawer you have prepared.
  • At the 9th week, the cat calms down, becomes inactive and even a little detached. She has noticeable nipples and enlarged mammary glands. There may be some clear or white mucus coming out of the vulva.
  • 3-4 days before the onset of childbirth, the kitty can suddenly become active, everywhere to follow the owner. Her body temperature drops to 37 ° C.

Important! If a pregnant cat urges you to be with her, this is not a fad. This behavior can be a consequence of not only the fact that she perceives you as her parent and patron. The cat is well aware of what her birth will be - problematic or not so. And if the animal urgently requires your presence, arm yourself with all the necessary auxiliary items, as well as patience and stay close to the murk.

Caring for a pregnant cat

It is good if, before mating, the kitty was dewormed and vaccinated.

It is forbidden for a pregnant cat to give any medication, except in some exceptional cases, when she is sick with something.

And then, in such a situation, be sure to seek advice from a veterinarian.

In general, caring for a pregnant cat means providing her with peace and sufficient, well-chosen nutrition.

Even if your kitty eats dry food, it is worth consulting your veterinarian about which natural foods should be included in her menu.

Vitamins should not be given, because you have already increased the portions of your kisuni.

If her diet contains everything she needs, why oversaturate her body with all sorts of additives?

Moreover, such an overdose is fraught with vices and deformities of kittens. An exception is the recommendation of a veterinarian.

About a week before the expected birth, it is worth reducing the amount of food you give your cat a little.

This is done so that newborn kittens are a little smaller, and childbirth is easier.

Do not worry, this will not affect the final size of the offspring, because their dimensions are genetically laid down.

Knowing how long a pregnancy lasts in cats will help protect the expectant mother from dangers.

For example, in the seventh week, the kitty's center of gravity, for obvious reasons, changes, but the cat may not be particularly aware of this, still trying to climb onto the closet.

However, due to a disturbed sense of balance, she can fall, harming herself or the kittens.

Make sure that climbing on mezzanines and other heights becomes impossible for your cat from week 7 until birth.

Also, in the last weeks of pregnancy, it can be difficult for a kitty to maintain personal hygiene and reach intimate places.

Help her stay clean and wipe these areas with a damp cloth.

It would be nice to do an ultrasound for the cat at 8-9 weeks. This will allow you to know the exact number of kittens and be ready to give birth.

It is imperative to find out where the veterinary clinic is located, which works around the clock, and write down its phone numbers.

This information will come in handy if insurmountable difficulties arise during childbirth.

Possible difficulties during pregnancy

Due to various factors - malnutrition, physical injury, uterine infection, hypothermia, or overheating - a cat can miscarry.

Most often this happens at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Call your veterinarian right away if you suspect a miscarriage.

Dead fruit must be eliminated as soon as possible before the putrefactive processes begin.

So what does it take for a cat to have a successful pregnancy and childbirth? Right!

First you need to arm yourself with the necessary information, and then take the right action to take care of your Murka.

And the kitty will certainly delight you with a brood of cute fluffy lumps with beady eyes.

Pregnancy in cats: timing, signs and proper care

In order for your cat to please you with healthy kittens, she needs some care. Pregnancy in cats proceeds smoothly and calmly if the owners have competently approached this process.

Pregnancy in domestic cats is a period of pleasant excitement and anticipation.

A cat, like any other woman in labor, needs special care and attitude.

In this article, you will find out as much information as possible on how to properly help an expectant mother.

How long does pregnancy last in cats?

It is worth determining for a start what period in cats it is correct to call pregnancy. Many believe that this period begins with mating and ends with childbirth, but this is not the case. The period of bearing offspring in animals begins with fertilization. It is worth noting, however, that with perfect accuracy it is still impossible to determine exactly by day when fertilization took place and how many days a pregnancy lasts in cats.

Further in our article, we will give some signs by which the owner of the animal will be able to more accurately determine that he needs to cook a special place and pay more attention to his pet.
From many sources it becomes known that the gestation period usually lasts 9 weeks... Pregnancy can last a week more or less, but this is not a pathology. The gestation period in cats largely depends on the physical condition of the animal, age and breed.

It is reliably known that in short-haired breeds, for example, Abyssinian, Devon Rex, Russian blue - the gestation period lasts 58-68 days. At the same time, pregnancy in cats of long-haired breeds lasts longer, for example, in the Neva Masquerade, Norwegian and Siberian cats, the duration of pregnancy is 62-72 days.

If your pet hasn't given birth after 72 days, be sure to see your veterinarian.


Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to immediately calculate the exact date of the onset of pregnancy, the obvious signs of pregnancy of a cat can be determined already on the twentieth day.

The animal's nipples will enlarge and become bright pink. The skin around the nipples will begin to peel off, which will become noticeable if you put it on your back.

An experienced veterinarian can palpate a cat's pregnancy by palpation by the third week. You should not try to palpate yourself, this can harm the kittens and the health of the pet.

Early dates

You may notice that in the second week, your pet becomes more thoughtful and melancholic. She plays less, sleeps longer, and her appetite will also deteriorate. As early as the third week, the animal may vomit. Do not worry, this process also happens in women, in the first trimester they are tormented by toxicosis.

Within five days, the vomiting disappears, and you can almost certainly determine the pregnancy. Also cats may have false pregnancy, which will go away on its own and will not require special treatment. It should be noted that if the false process occurs frequently, you must contact your veterinarian.

Late dates

Your pet will begin to gain weight at 4-5 weeks, the weight will increase by one or two kilograms depending on the number of kittens. The x-ray can show the skeletal structure of kittens on day 44, but do not x-ray unless absolutely necessary.

The animal's taste preferences can also change, and mood swings appear. After a month and a half, the belly will increase even more, the cat will walk slowly, waddling.
After 8 weeks, the animal will begin to look for a place for birth ("nest"), show anxiety and nervousness, during the same period you can feel the active movements of the kittens, simply by putting your hand to the belly of the pet. Milk in the mammary glands will appear on the 9th week, and the animal will move less and lie more, if there are many kittens, pregnancy usually passes faster.

Important! At one time, cats can have from one to ten kittens, the reproductive organs of these animals are arranged differently: the uterus of a cat resembles the letter Y in shape, it is much shorter than the uterus of a person and looks like a pear. Embryos are evenly fixed on the processes of the uterus after fertilization, so multiple pregnancies do not harm the animal.

How is the pregnancy going?

The further course of this most important process is as follows:

  1. The first changes in the animal's body will begin in the first couple of days after conception. The hormonal background will change quickly, heat will stop, and pregnancy will come.
  2. Until the first three weeks, you will determine the process by a good appetite, a tight stomach, decreased activity and swollen nipples.
  3. The cat's belly will be noticeable visually as early as the fifth week. It will not only be dense, but will go down and expand in volume. This is especially noticeable if there are several fruits.
  4. After five weeks, the belly expands in breadth. The lateral roundness will appear and will stick out.
  5. By the sixth week, the kittens will almost form and begin to grow hair. You can only see an increase in the abdomen.
  6. Kittens will become active in the seventh week, they will begin to move. If you gently, without pressing, put your hand on your stomach, you can feel how they move. During this period, the animal will look for a secluded place and show anxiety.
  7. The mammary glands will fill up in the last week before birth, transparent discharge from the genitals will appear, and activity will decrease significantly.

The most important period begins a few days before giving birth, the pet will need your presence. Nervousness and anxiety of the animal are clear signs of the imminent birth of kittens, the expectant mother will require the attention of the owner.

Important! If a pregnant animal needs your attention, it's not just a whim. This behavior is due to the fact that the cat perceives you as its owner and parent. The animal feels how the pregnancy is going - problematic or normal. Therefore, be patient and take the utmost care.

Features of caring for a pet in a crucial period

Caring for cats during pregnancy is not very difficult. Let's find out what to look for when leaving.

What do we have to do

A little physical activity is beneficial for the animal to maintain muscle tone.

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of the animal during pregnancy. During pregnancy in cats, they must eat properly and fully. The diet must include dairy products, meat, and if she consumes dry food, then it is recommended to switch to super-premium food.
In the first month of bearing offspring, the diet can not be changed. During this period, it is recommended to give feed with a higher content protein, calcium, trace elements and vitamins.

It is not recommended to increase the daily food intake for a healthy cat. The daily food intake for pregnant animals is increased only if the animal is weak.

Did you know? On August 7, 1970, a Siamese cat named Antigone, who lived in the United States, gave birth to 19 kittens at a time. The cat got into the Guinness Book of Records.

From the fourth week onwards, your cat should be fed a high protein meal. In the middle of pregnancy, the number of feedings should be 4 or even 5 times a day. But at the same time, the portions are reduced. By the end of pregnancy, the number of feedings can triple.

Please note that the cat should not be fed, as this can lead to a difficult birth.

Cats may experience a decrease in appetite approximately 1 to 2 weeks before delivery. During this period, the cat's abdominal cavity is overflowing with kittens, and the animal needs nutritious and high-calorie food. Such food should be placed in a small volume.

If the pet eats natural products, then the daily diet should be as follows:

  • The meat must be boiled. Since raw meat can contain helminths. It is recommended to give beef, veal, pork less often. Meat should make up 50% of the daily diet.
  • Lean boiled fish.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs (2 times a week).
  • Groats (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat).
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

If the pet is tormented by constipation, it is recommended to temporarily include the following foods in the diet:
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetable puree (best of all from beets).
If the cat eats natural foods, veterinarians recommend adding special supplements with vitamins and minerals.

If she eats exclusively dry food, there is nothing to worry about. Since the quality feed contains a balanced diet, which is well suited for pregnant cats. Such food already contains vitamins and minerals that are needed for the animal.

Did you know? Isaac Newton (the famous physicist who discovered the law of universal attraction) invented the door for domestic cats.

Contraindicated actions

Let's take a look at what actions are contraindicated for pregnant cats.

  1. It is not recommended for a cat to be outdoors. She would be best at home. The animal can become pregnant a second time, and this has a bad effect on the kittens and on the mother herself.
  2. You also need to take into account the gestational age of the animal, since childbirth should not take place on the street.
  3. On the street for a pregnant cat there are many dangers - she can climb a tree, try to crawl into narrow places. And this is extremely dangerous for her, regardless of the gestational age.
  4. During this period, it is forbidden to give medicines (even against fleas, ticks and worms) on their own. Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Self-prescribed medications can harm both kittens and the cat itself.
  5. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to forbid the animal to climb high objects. Due to the large abdomen, coordination is impaired, and during the jump, she can hit her stomach or fall from a height and harm herself.
  6. Fights or squabbles with other animals are contraindicated for pets in position. If you have more than one animal in your home, try to keep your pet away from them and give her peace of mind.
  7. It is contraindicated to feed the animal, as fat cats may have complications during childbirth.

Possible complications, or When a doctor is needed

Cats can have a variety of problems during pregnancy. For any kind of complications, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!
Dangerous complications in cats:

With proper care and nutrition, complications do not arise. And miscarriages and other serious complications are extremely rare.

Parallel pregnancy (superfecundation)

Superfecundation - This is the fertilization of two or more eggs in one ovulation period by spermatozoa from different males. Such a case often occurs in urban animals, since a large number of males live in a relatively small area.
As a result, one cat and several different cats may be present during conception. As a result, fertilization occurs from different sets of spermatozoa, and the animal carries a litter of kittens that are not similar to each other.

An even stranger phenomenon happens, which is called superfetation. This happens if the animal has sexual activity in the middle of pregnancy, usually in the third week. In the event of a new copulation, the cats are fertilized again and hatch two broods at different maturation periods.

In this case, the two broods continue to develop one after the other with a difference of several weeks. As a result, two situations can arise:

  • during the delivery of an early brood, a miscarriage may occur, since the later brood may not yet be fully formed;
  • otherwise, inside the uterus, both broods will be able to fully form, the earlier one will be successfully born, and the later one will remain inside the uterus for several more weeks. After the birth of the second litter, another problem may arise - the cat may not have enough nipples for all kittens or not enough milk, in which case the owner will have to feed some kittens.
By adhering to all of the above recommendations, you will have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy in a cat and reduce the risk of complications during labor. The darling will thank you for this with her warmth and affection.