So that the husband did not change and loved his wife. We are looking for common topics of conversation. Conspiracy so that the husband's wife listened and respected

All about religion and faith - "Strong prayer To make her husband loved and not changed a conspiracy" with a detailed description and photographs.

Not a single couple is insured against infidelity in the relationship. It is believed that men by nature polygamans, therefore women in relationships are much more often worried about the fact that the man can change them. Of course, the best way to insure infidelity is to build honest and trusting relationships with your beloved. But sometimes you can progress and magical way. Just for these cases and there is a conspiracy from the treason of her husband.

Conspiracies from treason husband

How does a conspiracy from treason?

Any magical conspiracy is nothing but the impact on the will of a person. How to make a person thinking and acting exactly as you want. Just for this purpose and use the magic ritual. He helps to inspire another person what he wants to get from him. In principle, the conspiracy is not to change the husband, is a fairly simple and harmless procedure. The fact is that this plot does not enter into intrapersonal conflict.

The fact is that when a man comes into marriage, he, as a rule, wants to keep loyalty, some kind of part of it. This means that the conspiracy from the change will work for the one part that supports the idea of \u200b\u200bjealousy.

Of course, it may be that a man does not adhere to the idea of \u200b\u200bloyalty at all and considers it to be normal to change his wife. In this case, the situation is more complicated. Because here is the idea of \u200b\u200bloyalty imposed by plotting, enters the conflict with the true opinion of her husband, who considers treason with absolutely normal phenomenon. From such a state of affairs, from intrapersonal conflict may be negative consequences, which can be expressed in a sharp change of moods, in the man in this case it can very much to spoil the character. In this case, the wife may even regret that she brought such a plot for him. But even if it happened, you can always make another ritual, which will help to correct the created position of things.

What situations can be applied to conspiracy?

If we consider situations in which the conspiracy should be used, there may be several of them:

  1. Conspiracy from a change wife can apply if she initially notices his husband an increased interest in other women. There are such men who do not even hide how other women are interested in sexual terms. So that such a husband does not change and was always faithful to his wife and applies a plot.
  2. A conspiracy from a change can read the wife, if the fact of treason has already occurred. If the woman found the strength in himself and decided to forgive the wrong husband, then it can be done so that past treason has become a real lesson for him, just in this and will help the magic ritual spent correctly.
  3. This conspiracy from the change can not only be the wife itself. This can make a mother on her son in front of him to marry, for example. If the mother knows that her son loves to meet immediately not only with one girl, if she knows that he is able to change, then she can protect future daughter-in-law.
  4. You can make such a magic love ritual if your husband goes somewhere far away. At a distance of degrees of love, flirting between spouses for obvious reasons decreases, the attention of men is dissipated. This leads to the fact that the probability of treason rises several times. Just in such a situation, it will be very helpful to bring such a plot on your beloved.

Underwear plot

Conspiracy from treason is, of course, a magical ritual, which involves working with sexual energy. For this reason, it is very well to impose a similar conspiracy on the underwear of your beloved. Make such a ritual is necessary in the period when the moon is in growth. Pripasit your husband's panties in advance, it does not matter what kind of shapes or color are. Even for the ritual it will take a candle.

Stay in the room alone. No one should interfere with nor animals or other people. Disconnect all the electrical appliances that are in the room, instead of this burn the candle. First you need to tune in to conduct a ritual. You need to configure yourself, mind and soul. Make a deep breath and exhale, in order to light in your head. After that, proceed to the ritual. Take your own underwear of your loved one. Then you need to read the following ritual:

"From now on, the slave of God (her husband's name), who would not want, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (their name). From all other women, these desires will fight back and they will return to me. Do not make you a mistress, do not fall in love with you in the mistress, all your libido you spend on me. Our love will be stronger when you get all the passion for me, our love will be better when you turn around to me. To be you only with me, love hot only me. I can't make it easier to talk. The words of my strong in the soul enter, the words of my label, how the boom falls. No girl besides me, you do not feel any desire. The traitor does not work out, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is clean, our relationships are passionate, all your thoughts at home, with me. My words are strong, my words to you fall into the soul. "

After that, a couple of minutes, holding underwear in the hands, think about your loved one. Then quickly put off the candle and leave the room. It is necessary to adjust so that this lingerie is your favorite put on the next morning. And also preferably to make sex with her husband. This practice is very effective, by the way, it is not so, simply, will take off if desired. With the help of such a practice, it is good to configure her husband on the sensations of the house, family. So that he had a certain longing home and you, who just won't give him the opportunity to change. It is very good to hold such a practice if your husband leaves the house for a long time.

Conspiracy on flower and tree

This conspiracy so that the husband does not hurt his wife to be treated in the summer year. Specifically, when the poppy and trees blooms. This rite is carried out on wormwood. With this magic love ritual, you do that the husband will not go to the side. It is necessary to spend these rituals in a summer clear day, on the lunar calendar it should be a growing moon.

Go to place not in nature, where blooms poppy, and trees grow. Mac red and in this case it will symbolize the passion with which you will work through a conspiracy. First, go to the flower, consider it more carefully, penetrate him with a sense of respect and admiration, so you contact him contact, and the flower will respond. If there is contact, you can read a plot:

"Handsome, slim, pysterny, Men I remind you of my man. The love spells to you, so that my man goes to my wife once and forever to pay. Only my wife, let him love the Slave of God (the name of her husband), his wife only caresses and his eyes and hands, he does not hurt his wife, he wishes his wife, he no longer wants his wife, only his wife. I can't make it, but I ask my man to talk to love and passion to me. There will be nothing against the power of nature. A strong conspiracy on a strong and beautiful flower and on a faithful man. The situation is deploying on myself. "

After that, go to the male tree tree, hug it and you need to read the following conspiracy:

"To admit that I love the slave of God (the name of the man), I do rituals on it, I read prayers, so that I loved me one. You have a mighty tree, beautiful, make it so that he can only show my nobility to me, there is no others for him, whoever communicated through life. So that I was able to admire one thing in my life, so that it could be awesome forever. There is only me for him and do nothing, without me, as without air. I tell your fate, I tell you the prayers, so that I loved me, I loved my wife, no one. The words are strong, rituals reliable. "

Ask the tree sincerely care, like the Father and even be destructive to you treat you. If you were sincere in rituals, the change in relationships with my husband will come very soon. Check you can according to how he cares about you and protects.

Conspiracy on food

Very well work plots for food. You can talk a magic love plot in advance at salt, and then this salt is needed during a romantic dinner to escape the food of your beloved.

On salt in the appropriate atmosphere and the corresponding lunar day you need to read the following conspiracy:

"My eye is loving and all-seeing. I look at my husband and I speak him from the exits to the side. I won't want, it will not be able, not love, only his wife is true, all his thoughts about her. My boyfriend, my husband, my beloved. Gorky you fate with others, only with me one thing is good. "

It must be an absolutely new pack of salt. You can completely salt the food, which is cooking for your beloved. But it is important to ensure that no one else has eaten this salt or food with a conspiracy salt. By the way, such a ritual is the best way to punish a man for treason. If you love it, I'm sorry and even during dinner whisper about yourself:

"It's easy to punish, but I will not give the other, to leave and leave with you, I prepared food for you, for you spoke, for you your beloved."

Conspiracies work even better if they carry them into church holidays, in pure Thursday, for Easter.

So that the husband does not change - fast, but a strong conspiracy.

So that the husband was faithful. So that the husband never changed. Per

Conspiracy at a distance

If your husband is far away, on a business trip, and you suspect that it changes, then it is better to contact the moon with a direct plot. Of course, in such a situation you want to take revenge, then it can only worsen the situation, revenge will always have time. But the conspiracy read on the moon will help align the situation, open true emotions. If you spend this situation, then after some time it will be resolved by itself very favorably for you.

This ritual is carried out in full moon, if it also coincides with Sunday, the force will be even more. Exit on open space, such as a balcony, look at the moon and say these words:

"Moon, help preserve love fragile, better. Help to tell the slave of God (the name of the man) that I love him one, and I want loyalty from him. Let him hear my heart at a distance, let him keep our love. Help open his heart and let me in it, thoughts about me, feelings about me. I ask myself, I'm fighting for my own, let my left with me. I will give me wisdom moon. "

Even if you have a very difficult condition of the soul, such a ritual can still be carried out. It works very well, it is white magic. Such magic helps learn the true feelings from all participants in the situation. After such a ritual, it usually becomes much calmer in the soul.

Prayer To make the husband not changed

Conspiracy from male treason

Family is not only husband and wife. Family are children who suffer from the loss of feelings and mutual understanding between parents. How to prevent treason? What to do when the husband walks? Each family is individual. It is not always possible to maintain a good relationship after many years of joint married life at the level of just originating. If you have tripped the mass of methods and does not help anything - you can use the plot. Prayer from betrayal of the spouse "I have loyalty to print, no one can take this seal: neither with your hands, nor conspired words, nor a sedimal spell, nor a triyazy diyas, nor a gray grandfather, nor a trick, or a leader nor an evil sorcerer, nor Shaman nor cunning deception, nor clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts, nor adamovy garden, nor before, nor ass.

Prayers and conspiracies

May it be so. Amen. Buy for home, please, another 12 candles and dial the holy water.

In anyone, convenient for you, when the spouse is not at home, burn the candles. Next, place the icons and a cup with holy water. With sincere faith in the soul, proceed to repeated moles: the wonderworker Nikolay, I appeal to you with a plea. Forgive me for the request of a damn and get rid of sorrowful suspicion.

Conspiracy and prayers from treason husband

However, I will start not from conspiracies, but from prayer. And if you find that the husband began to change, first of all try it exactly to prayer, well, if in two weeks it will not be any result from it, then go to the conspiracy. Prayer from treason husband Morning Music, it is necessary to pray as soon as you wake up without getting out of bed. The result from prayer must come within two weeks, if there is no desired result, then you can try more strong ways, including a plot.

The text of the prayer is as follows: "God I ask you, let all the ways-road slave of yours (the name of the husband, under which he was baptized) to me.

Prayers from treason and throat husband

Perhaps your spouse succumbed to a spell, or devils took it. Whatever your husband walked and remained faithful, just praying for the soul of his sinful. Why take on magic and brings your narrowed or discouraged for eternal loyalty, if there is a bright prayer to God, which does not carry sin and any negative consequences? As a result of petition, the Lord God will arouse your beloved, will guard him from lustful thoughts, animals of desire and fornica.

Conspiracy from vulgar husband or boyfriend

Experienced leaders are advised not to despair and do not give hands, but to hold one of the effective conspiracies designed to protect relations from male treason. Conspiracy from the eighth of March this conspiracy is specifically held exclusively on the eighth of March, so that the nature itself helped protect a woman from treason. For a ritual, you will need to be stock grains in stock grains and cook a photo of your beloved man.

Prayer for loyalty to her husband

Magical rituals also enter the list of ways to keep marriage. In prayer, you ask the Lord to enjoy your loved one and save him from temptations. The husband will be protected and fenced from lustful thoughts and intentions. It will not be able to overcome his resistance to even the most experienced tempter. Having received the blessing of God, your family will be under the wing of the Holy Forces. Through the prayer we communicate with God, and therefore our thoughts should be clean.

Prayer To make the husband not changed

And the woman is very hard going through the betrayal of her husband, when the treason is for her husband - this is a day trifle, which will soon be forgotten. And if you are afraid that treason will touch your family, then you need to read prayer Nikolai pleases with a request that he will save your husband from the temptation, which can destroy your happy family.

Initially, you will need to visit the temple and submit notes about the memo to the health that you need to write from the heart itself. Put three candles with the icon of Nicholas, and say such words to ourselves as: Nikolai Wonderworker, only you are able to defend my legitimate spouse from the carnal temptation.

Russian Orthodox prayer from change

If you want to save mutual loyalty, be happy in marriage and do not succumb to temptations, then the Orthodox prayer against change will help you. Huge strength of church prayers from the change each of us is asked if it is possible to somehow avoid treason and what should it be done so that it does not happen? First of all, you need to listen and hear your partner, adhere to moral norms, principles and more often contact God and the Holy Great Martyrs with miraculous prayers. Contact the Holy Cosme and Damian.

Prayer To make the husband not changed

Prayers for the preservation of the family and against the treason of her husband

Effective prayer from the treason of her husband is a good alternative to the spell for the Orthodox person. Any woman wants the beloved to adore her so much as her own life, and maybe even stronger. Unfortunately, the man is stronger than the influence of the forn. Often, the rival applies black magic, and then it is necessary to resist her by the power of his faith. To ensure that the husband respects the relationship will help the prayer for the preservation of the family.

What are the first calls, the signals of a woman, what time to take care of the instructions of the spouse? First of all, if you are in marriage for a long time, you should pay attention to body contact. If a loved one does not perceive you as a woman, refuses to caress, does not seek once again hug and kiss, it says that the feelings were hung. Even if loyality is in order, he still does not look left, this chill between spouses will easily lead to scandals. Only in your hands return the passion in the relationship.

You should not immediately be enough for the conspiracy of the Warlocks. Recall that you are always with you - about faith in God. Strong prayer, so that the husband loved his wife more than life, can return the relationship to the normal course. Love will become strong and indestructible, like a powerful river.

But still try starting with yourself, weigh all the arguments "ha" and "against". After all, in addition to conspiracies, there are other ways to implement affection in the relationship and warmth. Remember, the power of prayer will not help you if you are going to lead a small man from the family. Wish happiness to rival, if there is something, and internally be calm. Give your husband a choice so that he then fully realized what happens to him without you. But nevertheless, with the help of Christian prayer, you can achieve results if you read it correctly.

Love and loyalty in the power of faith

So that peace and peace in the family, throughout the entire marriage, it is necessary to appreciate and respect each other. This is a simple truth that in modern society will meet not so often. Scandals and discords with clarifying relationships may begin after the wedding. If in one case this is the normal process of "wipes" to each other, the couple checks its love for hardness, then in the other - the path to the end, to the death of the relationship.

Prayer, so that the husband loved, sought to the Lono of the family and missed his wife, can help those who were baptized. The kindness and tenderness of the character is not raised, but it is in every man, whatever Grubian he did not build it. It happens that cooling is caused by fatigue at work and problems in other spheres of life. In this case, it is worth reading common prayers. But if you understand that there is already a question and the conservation of the family, additional support will be required.

Prayer for well-being and loyalty to Matron of Moscow

Usually a well helps a prayer for well-being in the family Matron Moskovsk. She is good because he transmits divine love to the family, but you do not need to teach incomprehensible Old Slavonic words. This prayer refers to the category of general and family. It works if there is bad relationships in the family, the trouble happened, the husband looked at gambling and completely forgot about his wife. The prayer as a whole increases the well-being of the family, improves the relationship between spouses, but it is not aimed at that husband loved his wife more than life. Reading the prayer is appropriate in cases where there is not enough stability in marriage. Text of prayer Matron Moscow:

The intercession will surely help a woman who asks for help sincerely. Do not forget to pray diligently in the morning and in the evening, attend churches and observe the post. The world and harmony will reacted in your family, there will be a fuss and superficial problems.

So that the man loved only his wife

In addition to prayers for the preservation of the family, there are also sacred texts designed to revive tender feelings between spouses. If you notice that the husband stands on the threshold of Blud, it is already very pulling on the side or even there are the first signs of treason, it's time to connect all the power of prayers.

This text on love also use the problem of different temperaments in marriage without rearranged into the problem. It often happens that at the beginning of a joint life of both all satisfied, but the victory was something more landed. Near you is a living person who just entered into a conscious and independent relationship. A man is often even harder than a woman. Be your favorite gentle and read prayers in his absence. Please accept: the wife must take her husband as it is. So that love does not leave your life, pray for its preservation before Most High.

Very well works tandem prayers about the preservation of love and ritual. For a family in which there is an opportunity to drink alcohol, the next rite is perfect. It is possible to make it that your loved one has a lovedness to their chosen. Only in the case of a complete ignorance of a man about what you did before a romantic dinner, the ritual will work.

So, you need to buy a wine that your beloved like. A drink bottle needs to speak to be loyal and love. Think that soon a man will adore you more than life. Just draw this text before wine:

"Wine progress the words magic,

So that the servant of God (his name) wanted me, the slave of God (your name),

To adore (name), sleeping with dreams about me and rose too,

So that my body is welcome to him, so that Azart juniorly woke up.

Strong drinks for this ritual are not suitable. On the preservation of a family in which the husband loves to drink, it is better not to pray in such a way. And in other cases it is necessary to give a conspired wine to her husband. Wife should do it unobtrusively, but in the same evening. Most of all, a romantic is suitable for this.

On the preservation of family and happiness

So that the favorite was a faithful husband and a good family man, my wife will also have to try. Use a prayer that will return family happiness in a married life. It is best to read this text when the moon is growing. So you will have more likelihood that love will grow throughout the month, and then strengthened. About the preservation of the family, ask God, referring to the church candle:

"As the moon in the sky grows and increases,

So in the heart of the slave of God's warmth and love will increase.

Now wanted my spouse to adore me, no live without me.

And the moon-sorcerer contributes to this.

Will make the moon so that every time

Both it increases and the love in the narrowed mine increased,

Love this tenderness and warmth was accompanied by

Our welfare we carried together.

Making this ritual is necessary every night before bedtime. To your favorite again interested you, dignify this rule. To prevent the Blud and on the preservation of the family, the regularity of rituals is important. If you need an instant result, the prayers will not help. We'll have to resort to black magic, but it will only adversely affect your spiritual path.

Prayer of the Virgin for rapid reconciliation

If a quarrel happened, you can and need to resort to the action of prayer. Return the world into the family, because in the marital life there are often discords because of jealousy. So that harmony reigns again, you need to pray the icon of the Virgin "All-Safe." The patroness of marriage and family life is instructed by the lust and does it so that he never looked over the other side.

Love wives, too, can fade over time. So as not to happen, my wife needs to grow in itself a feeling of gratitude to her husband and diligently pray, thank God. In all problems, a prayer word helps, but you need to skillfully apply it. Understand your feelings and fate. Prayer, so that the beloved adore more life, simple and affordable, but it really changes life.

"On the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord of the Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsaritsa, Hoody and Countries Our Monster Possible Intercession!

We take a laudatory singing from us unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son of your son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with the faith and love of your one who gives you up the preching image. Major Boy worthy of him is pardoned to life, it's not so good to die about us, Vladychitsa, Yako, all of you are possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of our: hearing us who are praying for you, Surprise above us, and the richness of your mercy, Ivavi willing to your heavenly help to your and interference, and we succeed at the Son's Son's Son, our jealousy and a dream of souls, The GradErter is wisdom and strength, judgment truth and nonlinearia, mentor Mind and Smithnantry, the spouse of love and consent, a chance obedience, who are offended by patience, having a fear of God, who grieves the grace, rejoicing abstinence; We all lowered the spirit of the mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. She, Mrs. Prechaya! Outlecoming your lucky people, scattered away, borrowing on the path right to Nastavi, the urgent rubbish, the old age will support, Yuna's leisurely, babies, and win on all of us the charity of the Milostivago Your intercession, erect us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of the eyes of salvation . It's a pretty to us Budi Zea and on the terrible court of your son, who have been preparing in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting of the angels and with all the saints of Life. You boasts, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. You will pray for you, and you, Jaco almighty assistant, and our own and all our lives, have been betrayed, now and are constantly and forever. Amen"

So that the man loves more than life, you need to help relationships prayer. The Holy Text is needed to an Orthodox person in obligatory, and the Christian family is even more so. So that it was easier for you to handle the texts of the prayers that you have more than once used in the future, learn them by heart.

Prayer about the beloved Saint Matron is one of the most effective ways to return the harmony into your life. The girl needs to pray the matron in cases.

In life there are difficult situations. We all cherish families and unbreakable well-being, but no one is immune from the care of her husband. This tragic moment is painfully experiencing any woman.

The whole life of a person collapses, because his strong rear gave a crack or his beloved leaves you. . Strong prayer for the experience of his wife, so that her husband respected, and the children lived more.

Because spouses spend a lot of time together, they will know each other so well, which is surprising and nothing to surprise. It needs to be corrected. There was a strange trend: as soon as the medical and sweet marriage period passes, the woman at home ceases to follow himself. It justifies it simply: "Let it love me what is what". This is true, only there is one "but" - a man loves her eyes.

To light the former light in the eyes of his spouse, you need to always look good. And houses including. No need to give preference to old things as home clothing. Let it be a simple but sundress, for example. No baggy clothes - let the spouse admire those of your charms that he got. In general, from the very beginning of your life, enter yourself the rule - look good at home. It is not necessary to be perfection for make-up. But here clean hair, nails and teeth are a golden rule. Never launch yourself so that it happens. It warms the interest of a man for a long time.

At the same time, do not forget that all your cosmetic procedures and other intimate cases must remain secret as much as possible. To interest him again, it is necessary to look gorgeous, but not to show exactly how it succeeds. No masks in the evenings in front of the spouse - there is a bathroom, as well as for other female procedures. At least something should remain a mystery for a man. And you will make you from the stories about childbirth (your or someone else). Not every man such a conversation like. Leave these impressions with yourself. As well as about any operations or other medical interventions. The average man who does not work as a doctor does not like such stories.

Prepare your favorite dishes your husband, even if you endure them. At least a couple of times a week. It will show how well you know it, and appreciate his tastes. At the same time, do not forget that cooking should not take all your free time. Do not make a cult from meals, let it be just a pleasant addition to family life, no more. Try to surprise your culinary creations, and not cook once and all week. It is not only harmful to the stomach, but also bored quickly.

Try to surprise not only on culinary field, but also in intimate life. This is an important aspect. Perhaps even more important than everyone else. To fall in love with her husband again, pay attention to your sex life. Try something new, diverse your joint holding in bed. And of course, do not refuse sex for different unreasonable reasons.

Do not forget to amaze your husband

In the end, to make the point of reference of the new stage of family life, you can change the situation. For example, if at home is constantly children or other relatives who do not set up the right sexual paws, then just remove the hotel room, arrange romance. The best option is to go to a joint holiday. Let even at the cottage or to the campsite for the weekend. This will help not only liberate, but also get close to even more.

What can not do

Under any conditions do not swear with your husband. During the time you lived together, most likely there was a lot of quarrels. Twen their minimum. In many ways it depends on the woman. There are situations in which you can silent, stuck or ignore. This will also be a pleasant surprise for something who guessed her husband, who is subconsciously waiting for a scandal and is already configured to him.

Even if in family life everything was not too smooth, it is not a reason to take a step to the left. This applies to both sides. In order for her husband, it was not even a temptation to start intrigue on the side, change their behavior. Be softer, feminine, lighter in communication. Recall what was at the beginning of the relationship, what your spouse loved you. Try to regain your attitude to life.

Do not be offended without reason Never. And even if there is a reason for your opinion, do not be offended. In the period when you are trying to return the former passion - it's just all spoils. If your interests do not coincide with something - this is not a reason to be silent offended and sulking in the corners. Just avoid conflicts on these topics. In the end, all the tastes are different.

Do not blackmail your husband with sex or food. It will not bring anything new to the relationship, except for the offense and quarrel. Delicious lunch and dinner, clean clothing and bed, good sex, not through strength - the key to strong family relations so that it does not happen in the house. It also concerns order in the house. This is a direct female responsibility - to maintain a family hearth, do not neglect your duties, even if you get tired at work.

To fall in love with her husband again, pay attention to him. It is impossible to change a family evening (even if the TV) is on their own interests. Even if you really want to chat with a friend, go somewhere alone or sit on the Internet. Your husband needs your attention, albeit silent, even if it does not speak about it. Just watch movies together, keep on the sofa or play some interesting, favorite game.

Do not neglect this aspect as communication. You are interested in the business of your husband, listen carefully to all that it is important for him to tell. In turn, too, tell about how the day went. But do not forget that the dialogue is a conversation two, do not turn it into a monologue. Otherwise, it is, first of all, quickly bother his spouse. Secondly, it will tell that you are only interested in what is happening with you. Thirdly, it's just not polite.

Communication between spouses - an important aspect of family life

Do not poke your husband in its shortcomings and bad habits. Most likely, they have always had them, you saw them and took a man already so, to remake it difficult. Do not deliver anything, neither for him extra problems endless start on the topic: "What are you for a person?", "Why are you always doing so, and not a form" and other. If the harmful habits appeared already during family life, then you are to blame for this, in part. Then it is impossible to jam on only one man alone. And to correct it endless conversations about how it spoiled, too, no need. Choose a soft tactic - caress and care. These can roll the mountains, it is not that weaning a husband from smoking, for example, or scattering things around the room.

Never scold a man for what you allow yourself. For example, for what it is in bed, if you yourself do not have a snack from time to time with something delicious in front of the TV. This will only lead to a new twist of quarrels and offense. And your goal is to fall in love with a husband. Act with Nasty - I like to dinner in bed after work - bring him dinner in bed. First, it will surprise it. Secondly, it will be pleasant. Thirdly, you will show care and attention. This once again convince your man that your feelings for him were not cooled over the years, but remained at the same level.

Try less to blame my husband in trifles

How to return the old passion

If the husband was openly told you that I was tired of family life with you, then find the strength calmly and on items to discuss your mistakes with him. To criticism from his part, we will take the most coldly. And then analyze for yourself if you want to change and return the love of your spouse. If there is a desire and forces, then set the time period during which you try to start everything from scratch.

First of all, carry out work on errors that do not suit the spouse. And then go to other women's tricks to fall in love with her husband again. For example, start making him small surprises. It is not necessary that it was something large-scale. Let it be notes with the words of love or with your memories. Where to hide them - your business. Just do it need it all at home, and not in the pockets of his jacket or trousers. It is possible that at work it will only distract him or put in an uncomfortable light in front of his colleagues.

Preheat its interest by sending an Intimate SMS messages. But only at a time when you know that he is really not busy. For example, on a lunch break or in the evening, when he is already heading home. You can tell you that you want him to do with you. Flirt with your man. It will remind him that the most romantic period when your relationship is still born.

Invite your husband for a romantic dinner. Let him be at home. It is important to remove all distracting elements away. This applies to animals, relatives and even children. You can put the latter for one or two nights and attach to the grandmother. Remind your husband about what you can be passionate and delightful. And to set up a spouse to the desired paw, you can use small tricks - perfume perfoches, dishes with aphrodisiacs, sexy outfit. Not vulgar and vulgar, but with a hint of light erotica.

Romantic dinner is relevant even after many years of living together

Why do you need to start with bed restoring relationships? Because exactly what happens in it is most often an indicator for a man. Passionate and ardent sex is a guarantee of feelings for strong sex. But the sluggish and routine - duty and nothing more. Do not turn your most powerful weapon in everyday life.

And most importantly - do not be overly persistent. This man does not like, in any way. If you followed a refusal to something (even if a romantic dinner, which you so diligently prepared), find the strength to take it calmly. Perhaps the spouse of trouble at work or initially there were other plans. Just quickly retrain the romantic dinner into the usual, without any reproaches. Consider care and ulostly ask why the failure was given.

Observe the measure. Not too persistent does not mean that you need to be indifferent. This once again convince your husband in that the relationship has exhausted yourself. Show interest, but not aggressive. And God forbid you from checking your spouse. Never under any circumstances. First, if he wants to hide something, he will still hide. Secondly, appreciate yourself and your choice. If your man saved something in something, he will find the strength (albeit with time) to admit this.

To return the past passion in relationship, remember that between you was in the brightest time. What is it useful? First, refreshes memory. Secondly, some nostalgia pushes at the same time, sometimes, on interesting actions. Both you and the spouse. Thirdly, it's just fun. And family life should not be a duty, she should bring and joy. Fourth, this is a good topic for dialogue.

Add fun in relationship

What to do so that the husband loves always

Treat your man as a man! Do not try to control it in everything and keep on a short leash. First, it does not like it anyone. You themselves, too, did not have such a soul. Secondly, nobody loves the podcasts. You yourself want to be next to the man, with a capital letter, and not a hazardous creature.

Finance. Yes, yes, the same stumbling block for many families. If your spouse gives you all earned money, then be kindly interested in his opinion about how to spend it better. At least make an exemplary cost plan for the current month.

Never do. Even in such typical women's things, as the cost of a new acquisition. Or save, or have the courage to confess how much you have spent. Do not do in small things - it is low. And there is nothing about large circumstances. If you have made a choice in favor of a concrete man, then be honest with him.

Extend horizons. Do not live on only work and your home. Get out to take a walk together. And it should be not a trip to the store or by affairs, but just a joint walk through the park, for example. If there is a dog in the house, then make yourself a good family tradition - walking together in the evening. Always and in any weather. This is an extra reason to spend time together, talk or even get silent. But together.

Come up with a family tradition! If it has not yet been launched during a joint life. And agree in advance to observe it, by all means. For example, conduct weekends together in nature. And useful for your health, and for relationships. In bad weather, you can spend weekends at entertainment places - cafes, cinema, theater, museum and others. If only your interests coincided here.

Find a common hobby. For example, sign up together in the pool or fitness. If your man is not a big fan of such an active recreation, then look for compromises. For example, video games. Find a common interest that once again unites. Like your spouse to twist monsters in your free time, learn and you. Together it is more fun, and there will be something to talk about later.

So that the husband loved you always, love and you yourself. But only know the measure. Narcissa is not very nice. If your self-esteem is incredibly low, work on yourself. The man loves the woman who loves himself. Or at least skillfully masks its complexes. Do not steamed every day that something is wrong with you. Perhaps your spouse does not notice this at all, but from constant mention will begin to pay attention to your shortcomings. And in general, it will say frankly, no one likes forever dissatisfied people.

And most importantly - love your husband! Men are not so worried, as it seems at first glance. They feel great all what is happening. And if you sincerely love him and try to be a number one for him in life, he will see it and appreciate it.

To fall in love with her husband anew and for life, you just need to love him. Always. Even when you are tired, no strength for conversations or something more. Just come down to it, hug and kiss. This will be enough to show that you are the same woman he loved so much earlier. Be together in any circumstances by taking the side of your man, supporting it. It is also very valuable for him. Even if he is not right. Be a support, appreciate and love. This is enough for harmony in the family.

Everyone wants to love and be loved - that is human nature. We are looking for love everywhere, try to keep it and suffer when we lose. To get your personal happiness, many are resorted to the attractions, but this magic threatens terrible consequences.

Prayer, so that the beloved loved is not even, this is a request that a person is drawn to the highest forces to increase its chances of relationships with one or another object.

How to bring requests to heaven?

Prayer for love is a promise, a request, with which a person is addressed to the highest forces. The message, intention and, and not exact order of words are very important here. The words of prayer should not be exactly the same as they are specified in the source. At all, it is not necessary to memorize the text of the prayer by heart, you can simply say something similar to feeling and from the heart.

To read the prayer you need to choose a quiet, calm place - it can be a room in an apartment or an open space in nature. The main thing is that at that moment nobody slow down the ritual. It is necessary to reassure your mind, focus and call the image of the person in love with the head. Hold this image, start slowly and quietly read prayer, giving the value to each word.

Also need to remember that prayer magically will not solve anything. If there are sympathy or other warm feelings in the object of the object, then the prayer will work, but if his heart is busy with someone else - nothing can be done here.

Prayer loving hearts

It happens that relations are fading, feelings weaken, then this prayer will come to the rescue. This prayer will force your beloved better to treat you, stronger to love and respect.

"I pray you, the angels are white, in the name of Jesus Christ and all the saints in the sky, pray for (your name) and (the name of the chosen (TSI)). Incemakes of the slave of God (chosen one) yes handing him love my eternal yes faithful, raguised him in the heart of ice and put on fire with fiery, unintegrating. I pray, merciful, help create (your name) and (chosen name) family strong and happy, help (your name) and (chosen name) become a faithful wife and husband, mother and father of children of good and coming. Bless the Union of Two Loving Hearts and pay them life together. Everything in the power and the hands of God is merciful, laying in front of his will! Amen. Amen. Amen."

Another option:

"The union of love of all the angels and the apostles, God, connect two souls of your slaves - (your name) and (chosen name (TSI)). We put on this union fortress of the Spirit and humility, the commandments of yours. And yes, the love of earthly and heaven, the prayers of the Virgin and all saints will be connected to us. "

So that the man loved only me

When reading this prayer, you need to put the right palm on the heart, press a little and say:

"Before you, God, I stand, your slave is humble (your name), and I open your heart. I ask you, reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart is worn without loving this. I ask you, open me the way to the slave of God (chosen name), my beloved. May our life will be lit by true love and light, and we will find immortality and after death. Bless and direct me, God, I hope for your mercy! Amen."

Conspiracy on the thing

In addition to prayers, there are conspiracies of white magicthat will help to establish relationships between spouses.

This thing is will allow you to register feelings stronger, He will force a partner to think about you, do not change, call and wander in separation. This plot is applicable for both husband and wife.

The subject to be read by prayer may be any, but it is better to choose such a thing that was in close contact with these man - comb, shawl, ring or chain, toothbrush and other.

Spend a ritual better in the dark. To do this, you need to get a quiet, convenient location, light the candle and put the subject of your beloved. Look at the thing and mentally visualize your chosen one and slowly, thoughtfully pronounce:

"In a terrible black separation, all bridges are burned, and you are not burning, you be next to me. Take the thing in your hands, and then your world will shake, the heart will break, the earth will turn away from the strong love of your to me. There will be no your world now the same, will not be the most beautiful maids (men) are attractive for you, only to me you will have an attraction. So come to me, so love me, how I love you. Forever and ever! Amen."

Here is another conspiracy, so that the husband of his wife loves more than life, he wanted her and was always there.

For this ritual need good, not strong, red wine. Arrange a romantic dinner for her husband, pour him wine and tell these words for him:

"I screw the words of the words magic so that the slave of God (the name of the man) wanted me, the slave of God (your name) to adore (name), to sleep with dreams about me and climbed, too, so that the body myself was welcome to be azart youth He woke up. Amen."

To achieve the location of the girl

Prayer to love the guy.

"Lang I, the Slave of God (Your Name), let you get up, let you fall into the glory, but I will go from the doors to the doors, from the gate to the goal, to the field to the field, from the sea to the sea, let me find my true, my sincere , your great girl (chosen name). Yes, I will go in a purely field under the stars blonde, blue and I will find three roads: one road goes to the River Fast, the river is clean, the other road goes to the black stone, hot, the third road leads to a dreet tree, dark. I will choose the third road and go through it. And I will come to the tree of the Dark and Saw, I in this tree my longing on the Virgin is beautiful, and blooms the tree with flowers different and beautiful. And then Virgo will find his sleep from his sleep and she will understand that her life is not life without me, well done beautiful and faithful. And yes, the bonds strong-strong bonds will fasten, and there is no interference between us, neither thunderstorms or troubles nor losses. Amen. Amen. Amen."

New article: Prayer for a husband To loved his wife more than life on site site - in all details and details from a variety of sources, which managed to find us.

Each woman wants her man to perform her whim. And in family life, you especially need to be able to find a compromise. But husbands are different, very capricious and non-promotable including. It will not always be effective to deal with direct methods here, because the husband can go to even greater resistance. But try to change the situation with the help of magic will be useful. To do this, you can apply a conspiracy on her husband's obedience.

Conspiracy on her husband's obedience

How does a conspiracy work?

How so that with the help of magic you can make it so that you will be more obeying your native husband. The conspiracy of the husband works so that the family pair changes the informational field. The family appears more understanding, love, both spouses become softer and loyal.

In general, to be honest, the conspiracy so that your husband listened to spend better after the wife itself is ready to surrender to his husband. Then this magic ritual will be the last brick on the pool of family harmony. If a woman conducts this conspiracy on obedience from anger, because the man hears it always and under any circumstances, it will still be no harmonious relationship. Yes, the conspiracy will make that a man will be completely in the authority of his wife, but at the same time his will will be strongly suppressed. The fact is that the woman herself after a while can bother such obedience. After all, if we talk about harmonious happy relationships, I want to have an equal partner next to you.

When can this conspiracy be used?

Here are some situations when you can apply a conspiracy on obedience for your own spouse:

  1. The conspiracy on her husband's obedience can be safely applied at home if you are tired of useless disputes with your husband. There are men who themselves love to argue. Wives of these often want him to be obedient and did not argue. It is useful to make a ritual, because after him a person will find the sphere to implement himself and in the end will not be so often and it is useless to argue.
  2. From the men want obedience and in the case when a woman from him wants to get something pleasant. For example, it is not accustomed to give gifts, and the same happens. If so, then to make a plot of God himself ordered. After that, to convey to it the importance of gifts will become easier. It can be done so that he himself gives gifts without reminder.
  3. The mother of his daughter can also make this ritual, so that the son-in-law was listened to her daughter. There will not even need a strong magic text, the simplest, because here magic will launch the power of maternal love.
  4. Conspiracy so that the husband must be submitted and when the family is in a difficult position. When you need to take an important decision, it is especially necessary to rally with the whole family and get the loyalty of each of the family member. Here the magic word can also help.

Conspiracy on water

The easiest way to bring such a plot so that the spouse is subordinate to the water. Early in the morning, my wife must be stood up, drink a glass of water, and then prepare conspired water for your beloved. To the glass with water you need to very confidently read such magic text:

"My spouse, you hear my God's conspiracy. I want to do you for yourself to do your love for this in this water. If you want to contradict them all around, and you are listening to me, I was mine and for my soul. I need your obedience for harmony, and not for evil. How the water in the glass is clean, not muddy, as it is calm, so let my cute, I am listening with love. As stated, it will be, but in a different way, can not be. Amen".

After that, the conspiracy can be offered to his beloved as soon as he gets out of bed. It is important to trace so that he to scoop this driver to the bottom. When he will drink, the following words say well to himself:

"For love and obedience you are beloved."

Of course, the woman needs to behave in a certain way, so as not to provoke a cute on an extra dispute. For this, it is necessary to emotionally not to be involved in disputes, do not answer them, then the husband will simply cease to be interesting to argue with you. But this does not mean that it is necessary to shake offense, it is also wrong, not to be involved in the empty and meaningless disputes. It is possible that over time, the cute will begin the energy that spent on the argument to spend to take care of you.


As you know, sexual energy is strong. And since men are polygamous creatures, then they are raging in them in a special way. And by the way, perhaps because of the oversupply of sexual energy, your husband can spend energy on disputes. You can make a conspiracy on his obedience to panties. It is better to do it in the male day of the week. It can be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. And there must still be a growing moon, because with the help of the magic ritual you attract something in your life. Take cute panties, exit the straight lunar light and say such a magic text:

"So as not to argue, but I loved me more by the slave of God (his name). As you see my face, you do not want to argue, but only to obey me and you want to listen to me. You see my love in me, you do not want to argue with me. Take care of me, for this energy and leaves. As a flower in the spring blooms gentle and love your love after a conspiracy, it blooms and blooms in a lush color, you perform all whims. "

This conspiracy is a little and love spell. Wife needs to be done so that the next day the husband went to the conspiracy shorts, then the family will necessarily come to a new level of harmonious relationships. By the way, this magical ritual is perfectly suitable in the event that the favorite began to actively pay attention to other women.

Conspiracy subordinate to the will of her husband.

Conspiracy subordinate to the will of her husband.

Conspiracy to sweet pie - so that the husband listened.

Any wife wants to control her husband, so

Conspiracy on the moon

With a magical request for her husband's obedience, you can contact and directly to the moon. Go to the growing moon, on its straight light and you need to read the following text:

"As the sky without the moon can not, so let my my wife can not be happy without me. To understand it, it always listened to me and in everything. For his wife, who loves let him do everything you need, all that I want and let him bring this pleasure. Being him obedient with me, to be a devotee. Moon myself support. "

You can tell the same magical conspiracy to talk about your spouse while he sleeps. But it is impossible to allow the husband to wake up. If we say such a text sincerely, after a few days you will notice the first results from the conspiracy. Such rituals work no worse than the magic of the famous Siberian healer.

Conspiracy So that the husband loved and respected only his wife

Conspiracy so that husband loved his wife

This strong conspiracy on love husband must independently read the wife to love her more life always wanted only her and never changed his wife. After the wife read the conspiracy on the love and respect of her husband on a glass of water and give her husband to drink him, a loved one "take up for his head" will stop drinking and walking with friends, and will always rush to his wife. Subsequently, the love spell made on her husband, he will be very pulling home to his family, every day, even more and stronger respect and loving his wife.

Pour drinking water into a glass and tell me the words of the conspiracy on love and respect for her husband:

Water boils, water stands, water dries.

How water dried the sun and the moon, fast winds are all twenty-four hours.

So if this water dried my husband, the slave of God (name).

Supports her drink, remove me, I, Slava God (name), do not forget.

How can't nature without water be, as people and cattle cannot live without water,

So that and the servant of God (name) also could not get up on his feet, climb,

In the work and service are managed, sit, walk, stand, keep head

Without me, the slaves of God (name).

There is a feocclist in a clean field, but everything dried out, everything has grown

Day in the sun, at night at the moon.

So for me, God's slave (name), let him dry and bored,

By his wife sighs and suffers, loves and respects.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.

Little husband's husband on food This is the easiest way to make my husband not walked and loved only to his wife. To quickly and strongly, you need to read a conspiracy on a salt of which I should later escalate food for your husband. What is this plot that you need to read yourself on the love of my husband to my wife read further. It is best if the conspiracy will be read in full moon, in this case the conspiracy will work for her husband in the morning. Arrange a festive dinner and spend the food of the conspiracy salt, do not be afraid to taste the conspiracy food, it will only affect her husband. Conspiracy to salt you need to read after 6 pm - a minute before, better a little later! Waking up

Witches are very often read the strongest love spell on longing in bad weather. If you read a strong Witches of a guidance plot in the rain in the snow or in a strong wind, then with the help of magic on a person you can bring black longing and love. Immediately since the fulfillment of the witch magic ritual, an obsessive desire will appear as soon as possible and more often be together. The consequences of the "Witch's Lookwitch" you will see immediately, in this way, a person begins to call more often and more brightly exercise their love feelings, but from you at a distance to the distance to you. This very common in the people and quite quick conspiracy allowing you to impart

A promotional rite and a conspiracy to loyalty and preventing treason about which it will be very strong and independently a guidance conspiracy that is done only once on a beloved husband or a man so that he did not walk on the left and could not change. The conspiracy to the loyalty of the "burden of loyalty" will succeed in a loved one from the temptation to change and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the safety of loyalty to you with your loved one, you hold the rite to loyalty and live quietly. Read only once a guidance spell on loyalty to your beloved husband or a man with whom you live in a civil marriage. Fast and strong conspiracy to loyalty and prevent treason Read need

A promotional conspiracy against the treason of her husband will help stop and prevent the treason of her husband and a beloved man who likes with the help of prayer magic. If you read the conspiracy of the prayer from the vote on a good live and fulfill a simple ritual on the poppy, a strong conspiracy will be able to make the husband not walked on the side, did not drink and did not walk with friends and he always pulled him to his wife. White plot - prayer will stop treason her husband and return peace and love in the family. From a long time, conspiracies and prayers against the vote of her beloved husband help their wives to save a family in mutual love and harmony to get rid of treasures and jealousy providing the family a good live. Mac in the old days called

How to shock with a photo and independently make a spell on love by photography plots for today you will tell you. To make a magic ritual for love, you need to prepare and assemble the attributes you need. Even photograph made on the phone will be suitable for performing a guidance ritual, but the photo should be solitary (where a man is one), just a photo from the phone you need to print on paper. In addition to the photo, a church candle, holy water, a new embarrassing needle and a red thread, a piece of fabric and a coin, will be required. The spell is performed directly at home at any time of the day and night, the lunar cycle for the love spell also does not matter.

The magic on the Assumption of the Blessed Borthy Day on August 28, by the tradition of ancestors, contributed to the maintenance of the fooling love between her husband and wife or toggage of the Yellow of Love in a man whose woman wanted to be awesome and fall in love with himself. Conspiracy on love care continue to read independently in our time in order to create a strong family of storing loyalty between spouses. When the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mary's Savages will come this year, and the qualities of our ancestors can remember and resorting to White Love Magic to read a plot - a prayer for love loyalty and marriage of a simple rite in the church in church candles. What a conspiracy is a prayer for

After reading the spell on the salt, you can quickly eliminate the rival without her photograph with the help of magic and conspiracy. Make an independent magic rite and reading the conspiracy to the rival on the salt, the rival in love or the mistress will quarrel with his beloved man and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on the forums you can read a lot of positive feedbacks to those who made a conspiracy from the rival. This conspiracy will very quickly make it possible to eliminate the rival and return her beloved to himself. Very easy to perform the rite if necessary can perform any unprepared person on whose love hurt another woman and everything you need for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile her husband and wife after a quarrel will make so that the beloved husband himself apologized and still resentment for his wife. Magic for reconciliation is a very common magic rite with which you can reconcile spouses for a very short period of time. This old population for her husband after a quarrel should read the wife herself and not to talk about the rite spent independently for reconciliation with her beloved. Only with this condition, even if you were very quarreled, the conspiracy to reconcile the warring, affecting the kindness and love of the husband will be able to make him go to reconciliation and ask for forgiveness from his wife. Strong conspiracy to reconciling with a loved one

A strong conspiracy to your saliva needs to be read independently if you need to do so that the beloved person loved and in the separation only for you. The magical power of saliva will make the favorite wanted to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls were indifferent to him. This is a very old love spell on the saliva often used girls in Russia when a loved one, or her husband left for earnings to another city. Love plot - a spell on saliva helped to keep marriage and protect your beloved from treason. Magic on saliva helped me more than once to push a strong feeling on a loved one

This rite is suitable for those who read the conspiracy want to please all men and attract their attention to themselves with the help of magic. After reading the conspiracy to acquaintance with a certain person who liked to do so that the power of magic will help to meet a worthy man "pushing" his first to take a step towards serious relationship with you. And who to do from a man after influencing him plot to solve you. Lover or husband You want to find yourself by reading a strong and safe conspiracy for familiarity with a safe man, decide exactly you. Bring a person to his magic bings of love can be at a distance from him, without contact with a man

The strongest rite with reading a conspiracy on a burden love is done on twisted church candles. Powerful binary age trigger. If you do not need a binary spell, make a spell on the apple. As soon as twist 2 two candles together and read them a conspiracy on love. The spell will immediately begin to act! Remove the spell on the twisted candles is practically not possible and it is done only if you really love a person very much and he does not like you. Many magicians are not called a love spell on twisted (swing together) Candles - "Black

The conspiracy for love for the statement of the Lord helps to meet his love, quickly get married or strengthen and ignite love feelings from a loved one. There is a believer that the winter meeting meets and read the prayer on this day - a conspiracy to love, the Lord helps to meet with loving souls and forever tie people with a feeling of clean and real love for each other. Having read the conspiracy on love a day on the reference of the magic impact begins on the same hour and the person whom a love spell was made - a conspiracy begins to experience a strong love attraction to her half, even if you are not familiar yet, in a short time, you will get acquainted with the events

Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos, though a church holiday, but all conspiracies and rites on love on this day have tremendous power. Especially if the cover read conspiracies and prayers for strengthening love, to a rapid marriage or meeting and acquaintance with their narrowed. According to traditions per day at the cover of the Most Holy Theotokos in the church, reading the plot of the prayer from her icon, you can raise a good, rich and successful groom and in the same year to go beyond your beloved marriage. What prayer you need to read on the cover I will now tell. Come to any church or the chapel, put a candle of the Virgin and tell me the following

Christmas, christmas post and christmas week is the best time to read conspiracy and magical rites. Vintage conspiracies and magical rites for love read on Christmas post are able to quickly fall in love with the person liked. In addition to love with the help of a conspiracy, you can very quickly marry a man affecting it with the help of Christmas magic of love. So, if you need to fall in love with yourself and make a man marry with magic, to fulfill this desire will help the next Christmas rite and a conspiracy on love Read during Christmas

Prayer to the power of heaven, so that her husband was faithful and loved his wife more than life

The family is the highest good, given by the Lord to people in consolation and to continue their lives. The wife defined the role of the keeper of a homely hearth and a family, to her God designed to take care and take care of them. In the event that love and mutual understanding between the spouses are violated, the task of the wife take care of the preservation of the family to keep it from the decay. Prayer from the treason of her husband is an antidote that the Lord's name is able to save a family from a fodder fall and return her beloved to righteous life.

"And the man said: That's the bone of my bones and the flesh from my flesh; She will be called his wife, for taken from her husband. Therefore, he will leave his father's father and his mother will go to his wife; And there will be one flesh. " Genesis 2: 23-24.

Treason, love spells, storms are adversity - a strong test for the family union

Everyone of the family may fall into the share of any family - material, emotional or even magical. The latter make problems. After all, the main goal of magic is the impact on spouses aimed at destroying their emotional connection - love. When the thought of the envious and deliberate comes to learn a good one, a good spouse from the family, first of all, the chairs are going to the move.

  • Witchcraft is very likely if before that your marriage was full of mutual understanding, her husband loved children and his wife. Just noticed a certain change in the behavior of a man - read prayers about the preservation of the family and the claim from the damage to the probation, they block the effects of witchcraft and remove the veil from the mind of the beloved.
  • God's permissions require both men that are subject to treason due to the tendency to the carnal utya. To tame a passion for demonic lifeliques from a loved one, pray to the Holy Heavens, they will calm down the booming blood by Menota and save a man from fornic.
  • Try to stay from addressing the magicians, in order not to take sin on the soul, because so you will not find the loyalty of your husband, but only subjected to his mind to the devilish effect.
  • To resume humble love, the pray for the Lord about the preservation of your family, and he gives you the spark of God's mercy, which with a new force will express the heart.

Even if there is no reason for anxiety in your life, and love and well-being fill your souls, then do not wait for the problems. Prayers for the preservation of the senses of his wife and husband in respect and loyalty to each other surround you invisible protecting the father of the heavenly and his holy worshi. Only God's Word will give you a blessing and reliable protection from adversity, makes her husband in his wife's soul and loved more life.

Icons - walked from the treason of her husband and to preserve marriage in consent

The Holy Licks of the Virgin and the Rhodics of God, according to the decision of the Nicene Cathedral, are obliged to revere all the soul of Christian. As a spacing of the Holy Spirit, the icons can work wonders to show people a testimony of the presence of the Lord and His Holy Power next to us. Praying for them about any misfortune or everyday problem, you can save the mercy of the Lord, for only he is dominated by everything essentially.

  • "Uzver, how much you scream to him, faith your and effort, the Lord will give you the fulfillment of every desire and protection against unbelieving worldly. Pray for the insights of the sinewoman's husband, to heal it from a fornication and fall into demonic eyes. The burden of all his wife is the keeper of the family and the hearth. And there is no more help in grave concerns, rather than the power of heavenly, and holy angels with asparencies. Yes, it will be tired to the Lord with a strong prayer to the Lord, so that he saw the hearts of the faithful yes of his blessings worthy "(prep. Seraphim of the Union of theologian)

Prayer to the Icon "All-Burden" will arouse spouses to reconciliation

"All-wide" - the icon of the Virgin, to which the prayers are raised about the return of the world between spouses and giving healing from any ingredient commodity. The second name of the icon is a pamakarist. She patronizes wives in every trouble family - treason of beloved, springs or suspicion that torment the heart of the spouses. In her will, give happiness in the family and to cross the lust to return to the house to the deubs. Yes, the wife is awesome and loved her more than the previous one.

  • If you feel that the man got carried away on the side and is distinguished from the performance of married duties, or became unfair to his wife - the pray for the Virgin, so that his rusty is tightened and entered.
  • Just necessarily before any prayer, ask the Father of Heaven to forgive you free and all sorts of involuntary presets so that your soul is filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Be sure to forgive the traitor to all the soul, the same senior forgives us gracious, so that the heart is not hate, because it cannot love to return to where she has no place.
  • Prayer read always in the morning. And not only until the husband returned, but then to protect the family from adversity.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon "All-Safe", or "Pamakarist"

We take a laudatory singing from us unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son of your son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with the faith and love of your one who gives you up the preching image. Major Boy worthy of him is pardoned to life, it's not so good to die about us, Vladychitsa, Yako, all of you are possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of our: hearing us who are praying for you, Surprise above us, and the richness of your mercy, Ivavi willing to your heavenly help to your and interference, and we succeed at the Son's Son's Son, our jealousy and a dream of souls, The GradErter is wisdom and strength, judgment truth and nonlinearia, mentor Mind and Smithnantry, the spouse of love and consent, a chance obedience, who are offended by patience, having a fear of God, who grieves the grace, rejoicing abstinence; We all lowered the spirit of the mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. She, Mrs. Prechaya! Outlecoming your lucky people, scattered away, borrowing on the path right to Nastavi, the urgent rubbish, the old age will support, Yuna's leisurely, babies, and win on all of us the charity of the Milostivago Your intercession, erect us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of the eyes of salvation . It's a pretty to us Budi Zea and on the terrible court of your son, who have been preparing in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting of the angels and with all the saints of Life. You boasts, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. You will pray for you, and you, Jaco almighty assistant, and our own and all our lives, have been betrayed, now and are constantly and forever. Amen".

"Live source" - Icon of the Virgin to return peace in the family

In the event that the series has suffered a series of confuses family, then the preservation of peace and peace between spouses is praying for the Most Holy Theotokos, falling in addition to the abroad. The miraculous icon has a rich story to heal bodily and spiritual wounds, return love and understanding spouses.

If the husband was swayed, he was fascinated to the Blud's cobweb, then praying to the icon of the mother of God's mother, you can break the chairs of the demonskie and connect the hearts of the spouses in the world and the rest, so that he loved his home and family the former.

  • Before the beginning of the rite, submit to three temples your spouse's name to mention about health, for the love spells first take care of health. The name of God and the power of prayer in the temple of the soul will break out of captivity of the Witchcraft.
  • Be sure to keep the burning lamp at the icon, which pray, it symbolizes your love and faith in the creator.
  • Prayer is read until the family has returned to the Lono. After reading the prayer to the Mother of God the life-giving the power of witchcraft will weaken, and the mind of the husband is clear.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, referred to as the "Library Source"

"Non-fulfilling color" - icon, which protects the family from

The holy image of the mother of heavenly "unstippable color" is attributed to any wonderful property associated with the patronage of marriage and family well-being. So that the husband respected and did not think to betray her love, and his wife was true to him, Ichko clean his heart, spouses can first read this prayer.

She is raised by plea on the preservation of a strong family and health of the married couple. In the forces of the Virgin to hide their love from the invasion of demonic temptation. More life will be a husband to love, if not forgeting to read his prayer to the Virgin.

  • Icon "unfading color" should always be present in the headboard of a married bed. She is credited with a great power of patronage over families.
  • In the evening, leaving for sleep, pray the Virgin about the custody of peace and peace in the house. Let it be sideways from misunderstandings and disagreements.
  • In addition to any prayer, read Psalms aimed at preserving love between husband and wife.
  • The main thing - the icon of the Virgin "unfading color" has a great power to keep family consent. It is important that young parents be married to be blessed by this holy face. The Mother of God will be a keeper and patroness of their union.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, called "unfavorable color".

"O, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, and your ear your ear to moles. Vladychitsa and mother of our God, do not contempt that requires your help and do not remove us sinful, at the sights and teach us: do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our. Buddes us mother and patroness, hand you hand yourself with merciful cover. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins. Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, softening the hearts of evil people who assume us. Oh, Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of the virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we have helped us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, yes see the path of the truth of God. The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. Jesh, we pay glory, honor and worship now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Holy Righteouss, bring your plea for the preservation of peace in marriage

The best faith for any Orthodox marriage union will be the icons of those saints whose names are the spouses. Their power of serving God is recognized as a sacred synod, who determined their miraculous power to patron over those who are inflicted in honor of them. And if it comes to the spouse to protect the righteous patrons of her husband from treason and the fall of everyone, without being fulfilled.

  • Be sure to buy a couple of icons in the church shop in honor of the saints, whose names you with my husband were baptized. It is important to know the true baptized name of each, because there are no discrepancies cases with worldly reaction.
  • Both icons are kept near, not separating them with other images or objects. Better if the saints will be the head of the bed.
  • In any sadness, please contact your saints for advice, tip, resolution of problems or by the instructions of a married oath.
  • Before prayer to the holy patrons, they read the "Symbol of Faith". This prayer canonical and is obligatory to read the faithful Christian, which indicates your faith and reverence of the Lord's one.

Psaltry to preserve family happiness

Psalms of David contain deep meaning to which a certain prayer is complemented. This gives her the unprecedented strength to convey the holy heavens the importance of your request and indicate the Lord on those problems that your heart and soul torment.

Complete any ritual reading Psalms, and you will be given a miracle - your request will be fulfilled at the seniority of the Most High. Among the many songs you need to define the one that you in this case are most important.

  • Psalm 10 - to pacify a quarrel between spouses.
  • Psalm 43 - God appears the truth about the suspect in Bluda and remove the accusations, if slander was false.
  • Psalm 54 - in order to return respect for the spouses and restore their relationship.
  • Psalm 90 - from the devilish and witchcraft of the probative.
  • Psalm 116 - On the granting of mercies and blessing with the happiness of families, that the Lord will be diligently.
  • Psalm 126 - On the restoration of the world between separated spouses, in order to break the power to interfere.
  • Psalm 127 - to punish all separating legal spouses.

The importance of prayer is difficult to overestimate. Without appeal to the strength of the Lord, it is impossible to defeat evil, rival or to enjoy the sinewoman. One condition is worth between you and the acquisition of grace - your Identic faith in a single God. Only by faith will be given to you, for how your heart will open to be the existence of the Holy Spirit, and fill it with his blessing of the Lord, quenching your aspirations and sadness.

Prayers for love of her husband to his wife and help with a happy marriage. . They are governors of God over the earthly life of human, those who are responsible and helping the difficulties of family life and giving God the united hearts of spouses.

When you leave the creator more in your life, it turns away from. Daily prayer from the treason of her husband is the key to the fact that the beloved will be faithful to you. . Return the love of her husband to his wife, if he lost her in his heart.

A strong conspiracy of a loving wife for the fact that her husband was faithful and did not change. . Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon "Dislike Color". . Do you use Tarot's cards in your life?

Family life rarely flows smoothly. Unfortunately, the oaths, the data at the time of the engagement, do not guarantee complete well-being. An ordinary man is weak before temptations, so one of the most frequent causes of discord is the appearance of another woman. Each couple in its own way is experiencing this difficult period: someone immediately submits for divorce, and someone to the latter is trying to save the relationship.

There are often cases when spouses who are on the verge of a break suddenly change their decision. Moreover, the relationship between them becomes stronger, and here they are already experiencing the second honeymoon instead of dealing with the section of the property. From the side, such a reunion seems to be a miracle, but what is hidden behind this, it is known only to two people who decided to fight for their happiness. To save the family, it is not necessary to access the psychic and sorcerers, it is quite sincerely to pray to the highest forces. If the intentions of the seeker are aimed at the benefit, the holy patrons will definitely contribute to the restoration of peace and harmony between her husband and his wife.

What prayers need to read to return the love of her husband

The priests are recognized that even wedding will not protect from change. They also do not give an unequivocal answer to those who ask the Council in case of her husband's appearance. But spiritual mentors are confident that the clodman must repent, redeem his sin and ask the Lord to relieve their fate. In the meantime he did not stand on the path, his wife can only pray for it if she decided to keep the family, and forgive the traitor.

Prayer Siluanu in Athos about the implementation of the beloved person and taming passions

For example, you can ask for help from Siluan Athos. Saint is known in that he was able to learn to overcome all temptations and temptations, whom there were a lot in his life. "On the preliminary waters of God, the will of the silhouan! By grace, you from God given, tearfully pray for the whole settlement - the dead, living and future - not preglotes for us to the Lord, to you diligently falling and your imagination of the poorly asking (names). Mostgni, about all-stock, on a prayer for a diligent intercession of the genus of Christian, who had a wonderful Mary of God, wonderfully the faithful man in Earth Vertograd, the appearance of God's Gresh and the Ltaditude of God's Greshi, the wrongness and lawlessness of our But by the unfairful goodness of the Lord of our Jesus Christ of Christ, and save us along the greatness of His mercy. To her, the worship of God, with the Hisness of the world, the Holy Issue of Athos and the Holy Moviers of Holy Earthly Falling Sprinkle from the Holy Word of the Holy Woeing Mount Afonov and the Bogidian Desert Educator from all the troubles and entrepreneurs of enemy in the world to preserve. Yes, the Angels are saints from evils and the Holy Spirit in faith and brother-in-law strengthening, before the saint of the century about one, the Holy Holy, Cathedral and Apostles of the Church of the Prayer is creating and the Saving Saving Duck, yes, the Church of the Earth and Heaven is incessantly Slavor Creator and Father Lights, enlightening and illuminating The world in the eternal truth and the good of God. The people of the earth of the whole succeeding graceful and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brother-in-law, darling and salvation, the spirit of fear of God. Yes no malice and lawlessness frequently of the hearts of Lyudsky, who can destroy the love of God in human and to overthrow them into a raped hostility and fratricide, but in the strength of the Divine LUVE and PRADE, I will hurt the name of God in the sky and in the earth, yes will be his holy in human And yes the world and the kingdom of God will be reigned. Toyjdde and earthly Fatherland - the land of the Russian as soon as possible, the desired world and the heavenly blessing, in the meter of the Mostbid Omophore Mother of God covering, getting rid of him from the glad, disintegration, coward, fire, the sword, the invasions of the innovations and interference branches and from all the enemy visible And the invisible, and the Taco of the Holy House of the Mother of God, before the condense of the century, he was abyful, the cross of the life-walled force, and in the love of God, it is not surrounding. To all, in the darkness of sins immersed and repentance of the heat, below the fear of God, not to the man and Sita, immensely love us the Lord inener insulting, succeeding, about all-blessing, in our harassment of our God, yes, I will visit our God all everybody and comes to our soul, and any malice And the pride is everyday, despondency and unrecord in our hearts, abolish. We still pray, about hedgehog and us, the gratefulness of all the spirit of God, strengthened and the love of God warmed, in humanity and britate, humble Suppinania, and for everyone, in the truth of God, to approve in the fertile love of God, thoroughly strengthen himself, and the son-darling. Yes, tako, it's creating him all sideways, in every piety and cleanliness of the time of life, the path will be restless and with all the holy of the celestial of the kingdoms and its agnchago marriage will advise. He will be from all earthly and heavenly, and he will be glory, honor and worship, with its original father, the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen".

The prayer of the Virgin from the icon "unfading color" to preserve marriage

Smeal assistance to spouses, in whose relationship there was a cold, will have the Queen of Heaven. In general, her face in the bedroom is a kind of faith from change. For example, the icon "unfading color" will retain family well-being and mutual respect. It is necessary to pray before it, if at least some hints appeared for infidelity, quarrels and quarrements were frequent, an emotional crisis was passed. "Oh, the Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hopefully Christian and Refuge sinful! Blind of everyone in misfortunes to you, we hear our wedding, your ear your ear to moles. Vladychitsa and mother of our God, do not contempt that requires your help and do not remove us sinful, at the sights and teach us: do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our. Buddes us mother and patronage, hand you give your merciful cleaning. Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins. Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition. Protect from enemies of visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who make us. Oh, Mati Musput Our Creator! You are the root of the lady and the unlocking color of children and chastity, they went to dispense to us by the weak and the vigorous carnal passions and wandering hearts. As soon as our spiritual eyes, and Wilder the Pravda of God. The grateful of your son will strengthen the weak will in the execution of the commandments, and we will get rid of any trouble and attack and are justified by your stortive intercession on the terrible court of your son. Jested we pay glory, honor and worship now and pronouncedly, and forever. Amen".

This prayer helps to establish a personal life and create a family.