Children in the virtual world: supervised travel. My baby is virtual

Nowadays, many families have a computer. The PC is of great help in doing business, in rest, finding the information you need, in the learning process, and helps to while away your free time with benefit. But at the same time, computer games can often be harmful, especially if there is a child at the monitor.

What is it connected with and how is it manifested? Let's try to figure it out.

Computer games help a person to rest, relax, "let off steam" after a busy day. But this is related to the understanding of adults. The psychology of the child perceives such a phenomenon in a different way. For him, this is an opportunity to do something that is unacceptable in real life, to create such a hero that he would like to become in reality, to do everything that his parents forbid him. A small person subconsciously understands that in reality he will not be allowed to do what is allowed within the limits of virtuality. And real real life begins to seem boring, monotonous and colorless to him. He is looking forward to the end of school and runs home to plunge headlong into an interesting and rich virtual world.

So the child eventually becomes shy, he ceases to be interested in school, peers, real life, gradually he withdraws into himself. As a result, it turns out: poor appetite, irritability with or without it, academic performance and performance are reduced. And if you do not help him get out of this abyss in a timely manner, then serious psychological trauma may appear in the future. As a result, the doctor can prescribe treatment, provide a trip to new treatment rooms. But it should be prevented in time, as soon as you notice!

What to do if the child is not interested in anything other than spending most of his free time at the computer? First, it is necessary to limit the time of computer games, to establish a certain time frame. Secondly, to explain to him that the virtual world is not real. All life is not limited to games alone - there are also earthly real tasks, problems, goals that await their solution not in that, but in this world and at this time. The sooner you convey the essence of these phrases to the child, convince him, the better it will be for him.

Parents should be more interested in the real success of their offspring than in the virtual ones. It must be periodically supported, given an incentive to move, achieve goals, teach and talk about life that takes place outside the home and the computer. You can go with your child to the zoo, to a new cartoon, take a walk or play with him in the yard. All life is made up of little things, and it is in the power of parents to make them pleasant and interesting for the child, to interest him in something in the real world. When he feels it, sees the attention and support of his parents, he will understand that it is also possible to live without a computer. You don't even have to convince him.

Computer games are an insidious thing that is capable of pulling both an adult and a child into its networks. But the first can get out of it thanks to his efforts of will and knowledge. And for a child, everything is more difficult: he chooses virtuality, because he finds more advantages in it than in the real world. And it is almost impossible for him to get out of there on his own. So, dear parents, it is in your power to help your baby! Make it so that in his real life there are more positive and interesting events than those that he sees in the virtual.


Discussions Virtual child addiction

  • Look advise. Okay, let's discuss it.

    > Firstly, it is necessary to limit the time of computer games, set a certain time frame.
    - That most likely he will not like it and in adolescence a "return" will arrive in the form of complete disobedience and disregard for prohibitions and restrictions. It is important to start negotiating so that it is beneficial for the child as well. Train yourself to slowly take responsibility for your words. There are specific techniques that cannot be covered here.

    > Second, explain to him that the virtual world is not real. All life is not reduced to only one game of VV, there are also earthly real tasks, problems, goals that await their solution not in that, but in this world and at this time. The sooner you convey the essence of these phrases to the child, convince him, the better it will be for him.
    - He understands this very well. Realizes. But it's more interesting there. There is freedom, lack of responsibility, anonymity, new sensations and opportunities, self-realization. Naturally, it is important to convey to the child the importance of real processes, but how to convey that ?!

    > Parents should be more interested in the real successes of their offspring than in the virtual ones. It must be periodically supported, given an incentive to move, achieve goals, teach and talk about life that takes place outside the home and the computer.
    - It is important to maintain not "periodically", but constantly! Without support, it will be very difficult for the child, and, as a rule, there are a lot of questions in his head. As a result, if he received it "periodically", or did not receive it at all, he looked for it on the Internet, in the virtual world. And, believe me, he found her.

    > You can go with your child to the zoo, to a new cartoon, take a walk or play with him in the yard. The whole life is made up of little things, and it is in the power of parents to make them pleasant and interesting for the child, to interest him in something in the real world
    - Can. Well if it works out. And if he is addicted and he is a teenager, he has no time for walks.

    > Computer games are an insidious thing that can pull both an adult and a child into their networks. But the first can get out of it thanks to his efforts of will and knowledge.
    - An adult is chosen rather due to his life experience. He was already able to feel the beauty of this world. He understands that there are also real impressions, which are much brighter than virtual ones. The child has not yet received the opportunity to feel the beauty of the world, therefore, he has no choice as such.

    > And for a child, everything is more difficult: he chooses virtuality, because he finds more advantages in it than in the real world.
    “And the real world is often very stressful for him. Escape from problems, loneliness, misunderstanding, complexes.

    > And it is almost impossible for him to get out of there on his own.
    - Rather unlikely. But if he has the motivation to change, you can easily find a solution.

    > So, dear parents, it is in your power to help your baby!
    - You can't help anyone. He can only help himself, using the offered knowledge. Exactly how it is impossible to teach - you can only learn. So don't be under the illusion that you can help someone.

    "Nobody is good enough to teach others" (c).

    Stekolnikov Alexander.

According to most experts, radical parenting methods are not the best way out for those parents who are worried about the child's enthusiasm for the Internet. Severe restriction of access to computer games can, on the contrary, only stir up interest in them. “In addition, such measures will make the child feel like an outsider among his peers:“ Everyone is playing, I’m not allowed alone, ”and this can significantly undermine his self-esteem and trust in you. Especially when it comes to a teenager, ”explains clinical psychologist Alisa Galats.

According to many experts, it is better to restrict access to games that destroy the psyche of a child, at the same time introducing him to those computer entertainments that will be both interesting and useful at the same time. “At the same time, it is very important to discuss this situation with the child, no matter how old he is. Explain to him honestly why bloody shooters are harmful and why it is profitable for him to spend time on other things, ”Alisa Galats comments.

Virtual games: what genres to choose for a child?

In the opinion psychotherapist Anna Kulikova, action games, simulations, as well as various action movies are not the best option for a child's development. “They create an“ illusion of reality, power and success, ”although in real life they do not form either leadership or volitional competencies,” the expert emphasizes.

According to the specialist, games in these genres are not only not useful, but also vice versa, can destroy the child's psyche, forming a game addiction.

In addition, it is in these genres that an aggressive plot is most often present. “Two main points are destructive for the child’s psyche - a detachment from reality and a destructive context in which the one who kills faster wins,” adds Alisa Galati.

According to Anna Kulikova, logical and educational games, as well as various puzzle games, are really useful for a child. “These genres help the structure of the brain build new neural connections, analyze large flows of information and apply them pointwise,” the specialist explains.

According to the expert, the plot of such games should be logical, consisting of many details and several well-developed storylines.

“With small children (3-5 years old) it is better to play together, explain the rules, the meaning of the game. It is better for older children (from 7 years old) to give the opportunity to independently choose what will be interesting. And to make your child feel competent, you can, for example, ask him to teach you this game, explain its rules. In the process, do not forget to admire how he does an excellent job, ”adds Alisa Galati.

Well, in order for intellectual virtual games to really benefit the child, it is also important to follow some rules:

* Track the time. “At any age, the time spent on virtual games should not exceed the healthy limit of an hour and a half. Everything above is a factor for the potential development of addictive behavior, ”comments Anna Kulikova. At the same time, it is better to set the time frames for games in advance so that the child is psychologically ready for them.

* Do not use virtual games for your own purposes. As the psychotherapist emphasizes, very often parents try to solve their problems by manipulating computer games. For example, they shove a tablet into the kid so that they don't interfere with watching the series, or they promise to let him play if he behaves well.

This behavior has a destructive effect on the development of the child, as it deprives him of the opportunity to normally satisfy his age-related needs - for love, attention, support. “As for kids at the age of 2-3 years, their development takes place in joint activities with a parent. Therefore, any computer "development tool" will be useless if the child plays it while you are at the manicure, "adds Alisa Galats.

* Draw parallels with reality. Ideally, educational games should become auxiliary material for a child in real life. “Pay attention to what games the child especially likes, and think about how you can actually organize something like that for him,” recommends Alisa Galats. For example, if a child likes to tinker with something, calculate, then you can send him to robotics courses, if he likes chess, take him to a real chess club.

* Organize family games. So that virtual leisure does not "throw" the child out of the family, find those games that you could play all together. “And in this case, they do not always have to be strictly intellectual or developmental. The main thing is for everyone to have fun, to develop a team spirit, ”the psychologist emphasizes.

* Chat with your child. “Do not forget that usually children go headlong into the virtual world when they are not satisfied with reality. Therefore, pay more attention to the child, create for him a comfortable, accepting atmosphere at home. Ask how you are doing, hug, discuss films, books, and then the question of addiction to games may not arise at all, ”says Alisa Galats.

Artificial intelligence is no longer a surprise to anyone. But in science fiction films, we see intelligent machines as real people endowed with emotion, not just thousands of lines on a computer screen that represent the thinking of a machine. When will artificial intelligence finally take on a face?

Researchers at the University of Auckland's Animation Technology Laboratory in New Zealand have tried to combine advanced neural network AI with the appearance of a little girl. The project was named Baby X, and at the moment the third software version of this interesting experiment is being tested.

Baby X is an interactive animated model of a little girl. Her behavior is completely controlled by special psychobiological algorithms that have been developed by the laboratory staff. In fact, we have before us a full-fledged little child, capable of rejoicing, sadness, being interested in new things and expressing his emotions on the monitor screen as fully as possible.

This child sees the world around him with the help of the camera built into the computer and hears it with the help of a microphone. In real time, a little girl is able to react to familiar words and associate them with certain objects, actions or images. We can say that Baby X learns in the same way as real children at her age.

Baby X is a virtual child capable of self-learning

The model of the child is controlled by a very advanced AI based on biological neural networks, due to which the behavior of the virtual character quite accurately repeats the behavior of a person. The girl is able to be distracted during the learning process, gaze at objects of interest to her and have fun if she sees something funny from her point of view. This greatly distinguishes the project from other modern developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

Baby X is just one of the many projects that are being developed in the New Zealand laboratory. Researchers are constantly improving the animation of human faces, are developing technology for recognition of images and human facial expressions, and also work in parallel on many other equally interesting problems.

In the video below, you can see what Baby X is in action, as well as what the process of learning and pattern recognition looks like with artificial intelligence. I would like to warn you right away that if you are reading the news from an Android-based device, the video will most likely not be displayed for you, since it is posted on the portal. However, you can always watch the video using your personal computer or from an iOS device.

If any couple decides to have a child, then this is a very crucial step in their life, because it cannot be thrown away, it cannot be left anywhere. This is a part of their blood, with which they will have to spend their whole lives. But this step must be done as deliberately as possible, so that later you do not regret what you have done. Yes, of course, you cannot learn to babysit children through a mobile application, but at least you can look at them. Not many can do that, but the developers of such a game as "My virtual child" have achieved maximum realism.

First discovered

When I first opened this application, I immediately realized that everything is serious here. The child is made very realistic and behaves just like a real one, which, believe me, I know from my own experience. In addition, the list of things you can do with him looks realistic6 swim, play with his toys, put him to bed to read a book. I really liked how he is capricious, then even this aspect of the application was worked out so well that it is in no way distinguishable from real crying.

My son

My son has already grown up from a similar age, but every time I enter this game, I remember a difficult, but wonderful time when my child was just beginning his journey into this life.

BabyX is a virtual baby that can learn and experience emotions like a human. In one of the videos below, you can see an adult talking to a child on the screen and showing him images of various objects. The child reacts to the words of a person, recognizes the pictures shown to him and names the objects recognized on them. But this is not a parent communicating with their child via Skype, this is a scientist talking to an AI system called "BabyX", which simulates a virtual baby that can learn and act in everything else just like an ordinary child. And the creation of such a system is a significant stage in the development of algorithms for universal self-learning and trainable artificial intelligence.
BabyX, the virtual girl, was developed by the team of Dr. Mark Sagar of the Institute's Laboratory for Bioengineering and Animation Technology at the University of Auckland. And the prototype for BabyX was a real child, the daughter of Dr. Sagar, Francesca.
BabyX Virtual Baby # 2
All of BabyX's movements and facial expressions are copied and modeled from the movements of a real child, he can see the world around him through the camera and, using facial recognition technologies, BabyX is able to recognize the person talking to him. With a microphone, BabyX is able to hear sounds, linking them using specialized algorithms into words, phrases and questions, which he also answers with a voice using a sound synthesizer. In the electronic brain of BabyX, algorithms work that most accurately simulate the neurochemical reactions and processes occurring in the human brain, which determine its behavior and actions. For example, praising a child will release one virtual hormone, dopamine, into their brain, making them smile and laugh off the screen. The unexpected disappearance of the interlocutor will lead to an increase in the level of virtual cortisone, which will lead to an increase in the level of nervous tension in the virtual child.

BabyX Virtual Baby # 3
Despite the use of neurobiological principles, everything that happens in the brain of a virtual child is only a computer model, on the basis of which, in the future, it will be possible to create a truly powerful artificial intelligence capable of learning, thinking, and which, in the end, will turn into a virtual adult. In addition, the use of systems such as BabyX is absolutely not limited to simulating virtual people. Such systems, having undergone the process of appropriate specialized training, capable of interacting with living people and other similar systems, can serve as a substitute for a person when performing a variety of different jobs, ranging from controlling technological production equipment to controlling spaceships that will someday get to the farthest corners. space.