Diet for teenagers and proper nutrition. Diet for children for a week to lose weight at home How to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl without a diet

In adolescence, growth processes are activated in the child's body. During this period of life, significant changes occur in the functioning of the body, especially in the hormonal and emotional spheres. That is why it is so important that a teenager gets enough calories and nutrients through food.

For full development, it is very important to provide a teenager with a balanced diet Principles of a healthy diet

  • Meals should be regular, so it is important to organize a meal plan that a teenager will follow every day.
  • The teenager's menu should be as varied as possible so that the child receives both interchangeable and irreplaceable nutrients in the right amount.
  • Proteins in the daily diet of a teenager should be at least 50-60% represented by animal products.
  • A teenager should receive fats from vegetable oil, sour cream, nuts, cheese, butter and other products. It is desirable that about 70% of all fats consumed per day be vegetable.
  • Carbohydrates the child should receive in larger quantities than other nutrients. The optimal ratio of carbohydrates to proteins is 4 to 1.
  • Sources of fast carbohydrates (sweet meals) should make up to 20% of all carbohydrates consumed by a teenager.
  • The child will receive complex carbohydrates from cereals, potato dishes, bread. For the preparation of flour dishes, it is recommended to give preference to flour with coarse grinding.
  • Fish should be on the teenager's menu at least 1-2 times a week. The same recommendations are given for red meat.
  • Every day, a teenager should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. One serving is a medium-sized fruit (such as an apple or orange), two small fruits (such as an apricot), 50 g vegetable salad, a glass of fresh juice, three tablespoons of cooked vegetables.
  • Dairy products should be on the teenager's menu daily in the form of three servings.
  • A child can eat fatty and sweet foods in small quantities, but such dishes should not replace healthy foods, as they contain too few useful elements.
  • The best types of heat treatment of products are called boiling and stewing, as well as baking.
  • In the diet of adolescents, foods with nutritional supplements, margarines, store-bought sauces, out-of-season vegetables, raw smoked sausages, very spicy dishes, deep-fried foods, packaged juices, candies, fast food, chewing gum are undesirable. It is also worth limiting the consumption of white bread and sugar.

When compiling the menu, you need to take into account the lifestyle of the child. The food needs of a teenager

A teenager should receive an adequate amount of calories to cover his energy expenditure during the day. On average, this is 65 kcal per kilogram of the child's weight, which in general is about 2500-3000 kcal per day.

If a teenager's physical activity is high, the daily calorie intake should be increased in accordance with the energy expenditure in training.

In terms of nutrients, adolescents are recommended to get 100-110 g of protein, 90-100 g of fat and an average of 400 g of carbohydrates daily.

What foods should be in the diet?

A teenager's daily food needs will be as follows:

  • Meat - about 200 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 60 grams;
  • Dairy products - about 500 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • Cheese - about 10-15 grams daily;
  • Fish - from 60 to 70 grams;
  • Sweets - up to 100 grams;
  • Bread - from 300 to 400 grams (including rye bread in an amount up to 150 grams);
  • Pasta or cereals - about 60 grams (beans are replaced once a week in the same amount);
  • Vegetables - 300-350 grams;
  • Fresh fruits - from 150 to 300 grams;
  • Dried fruits - about 25 grams;
  • Butter - from 30 to 40 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - from 15 to 20 grams.

Read about vitamins for teenagers in another article. You will learn about whether it is necessary to introduce additional vitamin complexes into the diet and what you should pay attention to at this age.

What you should pay attention to when compiling a menu for a teenager, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

How to teach a child to eat healthy?

The issue of proper nutrition in adolescence is both complex and simple. Parents are still able to influence the menu of their son or daughter, but the food preferences in general have already been formed in the child. In addition, the desire to be independent and do your own thing affects nutrition. Here it is important to find a balance between food control and personal violence.

In introducing a teenager to a healthy diet, the example of parents is important. It is desirable that the whole family follow the principles of rational nutrition. Talk to your child about the benefits of specific foods and the importance of certain foods for growth and health. Tell your teenager about the importance of breakfast, the bad effects of fast food, skipping meals, and starvation diets.

Be sure to pay attention to the nutrition of the child at school. Encourage your teen to bring healthy alternatives to hot dogs and pizza from home. For example, let your son or daughter take yogurt, fruit, casseroles, homemade cakes to class.

Food habits are formed in children over the years, so parents need to set a good example

Teenagers should eat at least 4 times a day. All meals are divided into:

  1. Breakfast. In the morning meal, the child should receive about 25% of all calories.
  2. Dinner. This is the most voluminous meal, accounting for 35 to 40% of daily calories.
  3. afternoon tea. It is represented by a small snack, corresponding to approximately 15% of the daily calorie content.
  4. Dinner. At the evening meal, the child is advised to eat from 20 to 25% of the calories of the daily requirement. At the same time, it is important that the teenager has dinner a maximum of 2 hours before the moment when he goes to bed.

What liquids to give?

The total amount of fluid an adolescent consumes per day will be determined by the child's menu, the activity level of the adolescent, and the weather. On a hot day or during physical exertion, water should be consumed more. On average, a teenager needs about 50 ml of fluid daily for every kilogram of his weight.

The best drink for a teenager is plain water. Also, in the diet of school-age children, drinks such as milk, compotes, jelly, rosehip infusion, decoction of dried fruits, tea, cocoa may be present.

Juice is considered a less preferred drink due to its high content of simple sugars and increased acidity. If a child drinks freshly squeezed juice, then it should certainly be diluted with water.

Teenagers should avoid carbonated drinks and drinks high in caffeine. Caffeine interferes with iron absorption and can cause sleep problems. Drinks with gas do not quench thirst and irritate the digestive tract, and often contain various chemical additives.

The best drink for both adults and children is water How to make a menu?

When compiling a menu for a teenager for a day, one should take into account the daily routine of the child, in particular, the mode of attending school, sports clubs, tutors and other activities.

It is better to make a menu for the whole week at once, then it will turn out to be more varied and nutritious. Consider these nuances:

  • For breakfast, a teenager should receive an average of 300 g of a main course, as well as a drink with a volume of approximately 200 ml. Milk porridge, cottage cheese dishes, scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs are considered good options for breakfast. Vegetables, dried fruits, berries, fruits, meat, sauces are added to them.
  • Many teenagers have lunch at school, where they get soup, a second course (which usually includes a side dish and meat or fish), and a drink. The home lunch menu is built on the same principle. The child is given about 250 ml of the first course and about 100 g of vegetable salad. The main dish is offered to a teenager in a volume of up to 300 grams, and a drink in a volume of 200 ml.
  • For an afternoon snack, a teenager is recommended to consume dairy products, fruits, pastries and cookies. Approximate volumes of dishes are 100 g for baking, 100 g for fruit and 150-200 ml for a drink.
  • At the evening meal, a teenage child is offered a main course (about 300 g) and a drink (200 ml). A good choice would be low-fat protein dishes, such as cottage cheese casserole, egg or fish dishes. Also a good option for teenagers' dinners is porridge and vegetable dishes.
  • Bread can be included in any meal, offering the child bakery products from different types of flour.

You can maintain interest in healthy food by preparing meals together Sample menu

A sample daily menu for a teenager might look like this:

  • Oat milk porridge with dried apricots, bread with cheese, cocoa.
  • Egg, tomato and cucumber salad, noodle broth, stewed cabbage, beef meatballs, grape juice, bread.
  • Cottage cheese cookies, apple, milk.
  • Potato casserole with meat, rosehip infusion, bread.

The second menu option for the day for a child 12-17 years old:

  • Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream sauce, bread and butter, tea.
  • Carrot and cabbage salad, borscht, mashed potatoes, baked rabbit, dried fruit compote, bread.
  • Sweet bun, orange, kefir.
  • Omelet with peas, cheese sandwich, chicory.

Another option for a daily menu for a teenager:

  • Omelet with tomatoes and cheese, rye bread, tea with honey.
  • Zucchini caviar, vegetable soup with sour cream, buckwheat porridge, stewed liver, apple jelly, bread.
  • Oatmeal cookies, baked apple, ryazhenka.
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins, cocoa, bread.

Nutrition should be varied, healthy and balanced Possible problems

If parents are not interested in the child's nutrition, due to a monotonous and nutrient-poor menu, a teenager may experience such problems:

  • Obesity.
  • Brittleness of the bones.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Diseases of the joints.
  • Dizziness and low blood pressure.
  • Problems with the menstrual cycle in girls.
  • Caries.
  • Exhaustion.

Excess weight

If the BMI of a teenager exceeds 25-30, you should pay attention to nutrition and adjust it. First of all, harmful foods (chips, chocolate bars, fried foods, fast food, sausages, mayonnaise and others) are excluded from the child’s menu, the total amount of food is reduced by 10-20% and physical activity is added to the daily routine.

Overweight teenagers (if fullness is not a consequence of the disease) need to reconsider nutrition and their activity

Prepare homemade meals for your child, focusing on baked, stewed or boiled dishes. Let the child eat vegetable soups, cereals, low-fat dairy products, chicken, lean meat, fish, eggs, seafood. No need to give up potatoes, bread or pasta, as well as sweets. Let such products be present on the menu in a small amount 1-2 times a week.


Adolescents are often dissatisfied with their appearance and may choose the wrong way of dieting with more restrictions. The result will be hypovitaminosis, delayed sexual development and anorexia.

You can suspect such problems in a teenager by a sharp decrease in weight, constant weakness and fatigue, mood changes and irritability, frequent refusal of joint meals, disappearances after a feast (to induce vomiting), problems with the menstrual cycle, sleep disturbances.

Anorexia tends to be closely related to psychological problems

In such cases, parents should pay more attention to both the child's menu and conversations with him. Many adolescents with a similar condition require the help of specialists.

Video of the channel "TGym - A bright path to excellence!" will be very useful for every teenager.

Diet for children is not only a way to lose weight, but also an opportunity to cure various diseases of internal organs. Learn how to make a menu for a child and how to motivate him to eat right without scandals and breakdowns!

Being overweight in a child creates more problems than being overweight in an adult. Children too painfully experience the ridicule of their peers, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, and their growing body begins to develop incorrectly due to the increased load on fragile organs and systems. Therefore, a children's diet for weight loss should take into account all these features. It is important not only to eliminate existing problems, but not to harm, but, on the contrary, to benefit health in order to prevent childhood obesity and possible complications. Getting a baby to eat right is not at all easy, because he will have to give up his favorite, but harmful or useless foods. The main task of parents is not only to organize a balanced, nutritious and complete nutrition system, but also to make it attractive to children.

It is impossible to apply for children and even adapt adult weight loss methods for them. They should be built on completely different principles, although they are based on a common mechanism of action - creating a calorie deficit to spend your own body fat. But this is achieved in other ways and options for catering. In addition, the child's psyche is very unstable and changes significantly with age. Therefore, methods suitable for preschoolers will absolutely not work for schoolchildren or teenagers.

When choosing a children's weight loss method, the cause of the appearance of extra pounds should be taken into account. This is not always caused by excesses in food. Excessive children's fullness can be the result of various diseases, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Only in the absence of internal pathological causes of weight gain can we conclude that it is caused by malnutrition and lack of physical activity. But even in such cases it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of children's weight loss, which are as follows:

  1. A growing body cannot do without the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so no diet should create a deficiency of at least one of them.
  2. Children do not know how to endure and should not experience hunger, it is unacceptable for them under any circumstances.
  3. It is impossible to completely deprive babies of sweet foods, which are usually excluded by most adult weight loss methods - it is necessary to include healthy sweets in the diet.

No children's diet can be rigid, either for medical reasons or for moral reasons.

Besides, choose a method of losing weight is necessary taking into account age:

  1. Until the age of 5, any type of diet for weight loss is strictly prohibited (except for therapeutic ones for medical reasons), since a sharp rejection of certain foods can upset the balance of nutrients and adversely affect metabolism, which in the future will aggravate the situation with being overweight and significantly complicate its normalization. At this age, it is necessary to provide the baby with proper feeding, completely eliminating harmful sweets and soda.
  2. From 5 to 9 years old, if you are overweight, you can introduce slight restrictions on the caloric content of the diet by excluding high-carbohydrate foods and refusing "empty" calories. But the main method of normalizing weight should be physical activity. Physical aerobic exercise will help activate the metabolism, due to which extra pounds will literally burn. It is better to give the baby to the sports section, but you need to choose it only at his own request, so that classes bring joy.
  3. Starting from the age of 10, boys and girls spend a lot of time at the computer, they love chips, snacks, fast food and sweets, which leads to the formation of body fat. It is necessary to eliminate all these provoking factors and transfer the son or daughter to a proper healthy diet while increasing physical activity. But this should be done gradually, not forcing, but motivating for such changes in lifestyle.

In any case, a diet for obese children should be based on a completely balanced diet. Otherwise, the consequences of improper weight loss can be growth and developmental delays, vitamin deficiency, deterioration of health, and the development of various diseases.

The essence and principles of the diet

All children's diets for weight loss are based on general principles:

  • balanced menu with a predominance of protein foods (50% of the diet);
  • optimal calorie content of the daily diet in accordance with age and physical parameters;
  • the correct preparation of the menu with the exception of food that contributes to weight gain.

Subject to these principles, the necessary results of healthy weight loss are provided:

  • weight is reduced gradually, but rather quickly and steadily;
  • all excess is removed from the body, including fat deposits, toxins, salts, and other harmful compounds;
  • the immune system is strengthened, the condition of the bone system and muscle tissue improves.

But these positive effects are achieved only with a competent approach and compliance with all the above recommendations.

Nutrition rules

In addition to these principles, when following a children's diet, you must adhere to several basic rules:

  • fractional meals - at least 5-6 times a day;
  • proper distribution of food throughout the day:
    • breakfast - 25%;
    • lunch - 10%;
    • lunch - 40%;
    • afternoon snack - 5%;
    • dinner - 20%.
  • in the first half of the day, you should eat mainly protein foods, in the evening - cereals with vegetables;
  • it is strictly necessary to exclude uncontrolled eating and overeating associated with it;
  • dishes need to be cooked only by boiling (in water or steaming), stewing and baking without fat.

The composition of the diet

The children's diet menu should include only products that are useful for the growing body:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • low-fat dairy, sour-milk products;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • chicken, beef liver;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • bread (rye, bran, whole grain).

From drinks it is allowed to use natural fresh juices, kissels, cocoa with milk, teas, herbal infusions, mineral water without gas.

In a limited amount, you can enter into the diet:

  • healthy sweets - chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade;
  • unrefined vegetable oil - for dressing salads;
  • butter - for cereals.

Products from the last list should be used to a minimum. It is advisable to give sweets in the morning.

Prohibited on any children's diet include:

  • canned food, smoked meats;
  • muffin, soda;
  • semi-finished products, sausages;
  • fast food, fried pies;
  • chips, crackers, nuts, etc.

It is very important to set up children correctly so that they do not buy such food on their own.

Drinking mode

In addition to these permitted drinks, it is extremely important that during the period of the children's diet the child consumes enough water. A specific amount, as in weight loss programs for adults, is not established here, but you must definitely drink 1-2 glasses of water in the following cases:

  1. In the morning - on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up to prevent dehydration and constipation.
  2. Before meals - 30 minutes before each meal to prepare the digestive system and reduce appetite.
  3. Before exercise to create a supply of free fluid that will come out in the form of sweat.

Taking vitamins

It is not necessary for the child's body to constantly take vitamin preparations. Even if you follow a diet, which must necessarily be based on proper nutrition, a sufficient supply of essential vitamins, minerals, and other elements from food is ensured.

In addition, any vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken only as directed by a pediatrician. Most often, their use is necessary in seasons of increased risk of colds to strengthen immunity and prevent infection. Taking vitamins and following a children's diet for weight loss are not related.


Putting a child on a dietary diet is very difficult and sometimes almost impossible. Therefore, there is no need to put anyone anywhere. The children's psyche is arranged in such a way that they subconsciously deny everything that they are forced to, but at the same time copy the behavior of adults at the same subconscious level. Without even understanding why and what he is doing, the baby in his daily life is guided by what he sees.

If the whole family eats wrong, eating unhealthy foods, getting carried away with fatty and fried foods, then it will be impossible to force the baby to eat something else. After all, he perceives only such food as necessary and tasty. Therefore, it makes no sense to explain anything else to him, and even more so to impose healthy food, while continuing to eat the rest of the family in the old way. All or at least most family members will have to switch to such a menu. If everyone has diet food on their plate, then the kids will not perceive it as something violent. Over time, correct eating habits will be developed that will remain with them for life and will help avoid problems with being overweight.


Even against the background of family motivation, the child should know that he needs to lose weight and make some effort for this. Therefore, at all stages of the children's diet, it should be supported and encouraged for the results achieved. It is advisable to reinforce this with small gifts in accordance with existing interests and preferences. If he likes to design, for the lost kilograms you can give him a children's designer, a set of colors is suitable for a young artist, and a beautiful hairpin for a little fashionista.

Even better would be to come up with a "reward points system". For example, accrue 1 point for every 100 grams lost, as well as set the number of points scored for a particular reward. A trip to the zoo can "cost" 3 points, a trip to nature - 5 points, etc. This approach will help create strong motivation and strengthen the desire to lose weight.

Physical exercise

To achieve the maximum effectiveness of the children's diet, it is necessary that the child moves more, and ideally, engages in some section. If there are no sports inclinations, it is necessary to use the above reward system, which will make him go out more often, participate in outdoor games, ride a bike, or just actively spend his free time.

Regular exercise, for example, a morning exercise complex, can be an excellent option. Best of all in such cases, children's physiotherapy exercises, designed specifically for a certain age category, are suitable.

It should be borne in mind that losing weight quickly is strictly prohibited at any age. Rapid weight loss will cause irreparable harm to a growing body. Fat deposits are broken down slowly, so you can safely get rid of only 1-2 kg per month, subject to the correct children's diet and increased physical activity. If the weight loss is greater, then muscle tissue will begin to be lost, which will be very difficult to restore.

General contraindications

The main contraindication for the use of any children's diet for weight loss is the age of up to 5 years. During this period, the baby can only be transferred to proper healthy nutrition. Before using a dietary diet for children aged 6 years and older, it is imperative to consult a doctor to exclude the presence of diseases in which losing weight would be dangerous to health.

You can not lose weight in the presence of such pathologies:

Modern realities are such that the fight against excess weight has ceased to be an indisputable prerogative of adult women and men. Today, the question of how to lose weight at 12 years old will hardly surprise anyone. Many teenagers already by the age of 10-12 manage to gain a very decent amount of extra pounds. Imperfections of the emerging figure often cause the development of serious stress. Especially in girls. And this is not counting the deterioration of well-being in general.

At the same time, it is much easier for a teenager to lose weight than for an adult. After all, a growing organism spends a lot of energy on its development. To find the most effective ways to lose weight for a 12-year-old child, you must first find out where the extra pounds come from.

Excess weight in children does not always appear as a result of overeating due to hunger. Very often chronic stress appears among the causes of obesity. The teenager is immersed in it, for example, watching the bad relationship between his parents and participating in their conflicts. If the situation in the family is far from favorable, the father and mother regularly and loudly quarrel in front of the children, most likely, the latter will begin to seize the negative emotions they experience.

So, how to lose weight for a child at 10 years old? First of all - to eliminate the impact of stress and adverse factors, which we will discuss below. And be sure to take into account puberty, if the girl has already entered this phase of development.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons teenagers gain weight. Most children today spend too much time on the screens of various gadgets. Parents should reduce it to the maximum by offering the child in return for active sports (of choice), dancing and any other activities that involve movement. Most often, this is quite enough to bring body weight in order.

Healthy eating, minimizing the time spent behind a computer screen and TV, adequate physical activity - all this parents should demonstrate to their children by their own example. Then you don’t have to think at all about how to lose weight for a child of 11 years old.

Hormones and physiology

Puberty involves an increase in body weight. This is a normal physiological process. Therefore, it is not necessary to look for ways to lose weight for an 11-year-old girl who has entered this period. She begins to turn into a girl: there is an intensive development of secondary sexual characteristics, her hips are rounded. After a short period of time, she will significantly increase in height, but the weight will remain the same. Then the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl will disappear by itself.

Remember that the body weight of the child is actively growing from 8 to 11 years. Rounding may give the false impression of being overweight. And from 10 to 12 years old, a teenager usually grows intensively (stretches). These are the nuances of the physiological development of each person.

How to lose weight as a teenager

Designing a diet for 12 year olds is a difficult task. If you exclude frankly harmful and high-calorie foods only temporarily, you can not even count on a stable result. In addition, during the period of intensive growth, it is impossible to limit the intake of nutrients into the body. In the daily diet of a teenager, there should be a place for milk, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and bakery products.

How can a 12-year-old girl lose weight without particularly limiting herself in nutrition? The main thing is to learn how to properly distribute food in order to ensure its optimal absorption.

The ideal mode in this case is 4-time. The first breakfast should account for 25% of the daily ration, for the second breakfast - 15%, for lunch - 40% of the daily food volume and for dinner - the remaining 20%.

We reduce appetite

How to lose weight at 11 years old (this also applies to 10- and 12-year-olds), if a child who has decently gained weight periodically opens up a brutal appetite, and he claims that he is hungry all the time? Take him to the doctor.

Is everything all right with your health? Then use these appetite control techniques:

  • transfer the teenager to fractional nutrition (you need to eat often, but little by little);
  • supplement his diet with fiber - it gives a feeling of satiety;
  • increase the number of vegetables in the daily menu (the tartronic acid contained in them prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats);
  • Reduce your consumption of egg whites (they contain a substance that stimulates appetite).

Daughter said she hates her own reflection in the mirror because she is fat? And you, of course, have already begun to go through hundreds of diets and other methods in search of an answer to the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl. In fact, you only need a few guidelines.

Features of dietary nutrition

If parents do not want their daughter to secretly try unsafe weight loss methods, it is up to them to explain to her in time how to lose weight for an 11-year-old girl. And also teach her how to properly compose a diet menu and choose products for it.

In order not to starve between breakfast, lunch and dinner (you will read about the nuances of the main meals a little lower), snacks are allowed. The ideal option is to use nuts, unsweetened fruits and dried fruits during these intervals.

To minimize the risk of a breakdown, it is allowed to eat sweets, confectionery and bakery products once a week. Of course, within reason. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.


Breakfast should be quite dense and nutritious. How to lose weight by correcting it? You need to think in advance and make a list of the most satisfying healthy foods and dishes.

You will have to forget about the old food. For example, if mother used to feed her child in the morning with yogurt and pancakes poured with syrup, now only yogurt can be left from this set.

For the preparation of a dietary breakfast, the use of:

  • any freshly squeezed juices (smoothies);
  • fruits;
  • chicken eggs (in any form, except raw);
  • lean meat (preferably poultry);
  • croup;
  • dairy products;
  • green tea;
  • dark chocolate (no more than 50 g).

Dinner and supper

It is best for a losing weight girl or boy to dine with home-cooked dishes, since in this case the parents themselves choose the products for them. The daily menu must include:

  • soup (vegetable, meat or fish broth);
  • meat or fish (boiled or baked);
  • stew of stewed vegetables;
  • multi-component salads from seafood or fresh vegetables (do not season with mayonnaise).

Dinner is allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The food you eat should be as light as possible. It is ideal to drink something fermented milk with a low fat content - for example, kefir or yogurt.

Sample Diet

Daily calorie intake for a 10-12-year-old teenager on a diet ranges from 2400 to 2500 kcal. Be sure to include in the diet a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and meat.

Option ILet's have breakfastBuckwheat porridge with low-fat milk.
Let's have breakfast againSteamed beet cutlets and apple compote.
LunchBorscht with lean meat, boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables stew with a slice of rye bread.
DinnerA salad of fresh vegetables (can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream) and fruit jelly.
Option IILet's have breakfastPancakes from semolina with the addition of raisins and apples with a glass of compote.
Let's have breakfast againHomemade chicken or turkey liver pate with a slice of rye bread and fresh fruit.
LunchOatmeal soup with prunes and dried fruit compote.
DinnerBoiled potatoes, steam meatballs and tea (compote).

Taking into account the daily calorie content of the diet and after consulting with the endocrinologist and family doctor, you can make adjustments to this sample menu. A month of such nutrition - and the questions “how to lose weight for a girl of 10 years old” or “how to lose weight for a boy of 12 years old” will lose their relevance.

Physical exercise

Understanding that, do not forget about the need for adequate physical activity. After all, as already mentioned, many modern children move too little, as they prefer computer games to walks in the fresh air and yard games.

In the complete absence of even minimal physical fitness in a child, you should start with periodic trips to the pool and water park. So you kill two birds with one stone - and the mood of your daughter or son will rise, and the condition of the muscles will improve significantly.

If a teenager has expressed a desire to visit the gym, do not rush to immediately write him down there. First, let him get into the habit of doing exercises every morning. It will warm up the muscles, respectively, the body will begin to burn more calories. In order for the child to be strong enough for the gym, you will have to work out at home for at least 2-3 weeks.

From about 11-12 years old, girls entering puberty suddenly discover the full scale of the catastrophe of excess weight and its impact on appearance. If for parents this is a trifle, then for a teenager during a hormonal storm and restructuring of the body - a real tragedy.

Often even a small and easily remedied amount of overweight can lead to severe depression. Therefore, parents need to keep their finger on the pulse and respond in time to changes in the state of their daughter or son. After all, a child at this stage of his development is very vulnerable, he needs the understanding and support of the family.

Understanding what weight loss methods to choose for a 12-year-old teenager, parents should clearly understand what happens to his body and body during this period.

Do no harm

If by the 12th year of the life of a daughter or son it turned out that you still need to lose weight, you should reduce body weight wisely. At the age of 10-12, a teenager's body spends a huge amount of nutrients on growth and development. Therefore, any overly rigid diet and exhausting physical training can cause significant damage to health and even backfire in the later life of a girl or guy.

Girls and boys can absolutely safely lose weight through the normalization of nutrition (remove all harmful and high-calorie) and adequate, dosed physical activity. The main thing is that a teenager does not lose more than 1 kg in a week.


Every child (and adults, to be honest) needs motivation. A losing weight teenager needs to be encouraged. For example, at the end of each week, after a kilogram plummet, you can please your daughter or son with some kind of gift, or celebrate success in a different way - tickets to the cinema, bowling or skating rink.

It is extremely important that the child during this difficult time is supported by his family members and friends. Of course, it will be much easier for a teenager to get used to a new diet and diet, to maintain a healthy lifestyle in general, if his parents begin to do this with him.

He needs support from relatives like air. In addition, doing sports together, arranging trips to nature or mini-hikes on the weekend is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Let's summarize

Teenage obesity is a very serious problem. Fortunately, today there are many ways to lose weight for teenagers without strict diets and grueling workouts. Children easily manage to lose weight - they just need to replace their bad eating habits with good ones.

We emphasize that adolescents are strictly forbidden to use various diet pills and starve - this causes significant harm to the developing body.

The task of parents is to put these simple truths into the mind of their child (especially girls) even before the onset of puberty. Indeed, in search of information on how to lose weight for a 10-year-old girl, a child may stumble upon very dubious and even health-threatening methods.

Children are a mirror of their parents. And if in the family the focus is not on a healthy lifestyle, but on the stomach, then neither dad, nor mother, nor son, nor daughter can avoid problems with being overweight. Adults can carry extra 5-10 kilograms calmly, but the body of a child, especially at 10-12 years old, can react badly. At this age, obesity is not so much an aesthetic disease as a hormonal one. In boys, the production of testosterone decreases, in girls, problems with the production of estrogen begin to arise.

However, at the age of 10-12 years old, due to excess weight, the first complexes begin to appear in a girl: the boys begin to tease, to joke. If you do not want your beloved child to have problems with peers, and in the future with his personal life and the birth of children, you need to take action now.

What if there is already a problem?

First, do not despair, and secondly, act! But in no case should a girl of 10-12 years old be put on buckwheat, as well as lock the refrigerator at 18:00.

If possible, enroll your daughter in dancing or running. The best option would be if you go to yoga, Pilates or shaping with her. In a couple of months, the girl’s figure will tighten up, the extra 2-4 kilograms will be gone forever.

If you can’t go in for sports, then start walking with the whole family in the park, but it’s better to run. An excellent fat-burning option is Nordic walking. This is a normal fast step, only you hold ski poles in your hands.

The need for a diet

Strict diets are definitely not needed! It is necessary to adhere only to a proper nutrition system. First, remove all harmful products from the house: mayonnaise, margarine, cheese (with the exception of cheese), sausage, white bread of the highest grade. Secondly, significantly reduce the consumption of sugar (for a girl of 12 years old, 3 teaspoons of sugar per day is enough), sweets and other sweets - no more than 100 grams per day (this is about 10 sweets).

In the diet of a girl, all nutrients should be in approximately the following proportions: proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 60%, fats - 20%.

It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Oatmeal is good for breakfast, a banana as a snack at school, for lunch - a plate of low-fat borscht with a piece of Borodino bread, at 16 o'clock you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese and one apple, in the evening you can eat 100 grams of boiled breast, and an hour before bedtime a glass 1% kefir will be a great end to the day. Such a diet will speed up the metabolism, and the child will lose weight by 2-3 kilograms per month.

Girls and boys in adolescence are very vulnerable, often their hormonal and personal development goes ahead, forcing them to suffer from the imperfections of their bodies. By appearance, the team perceives a person, therefore, schools cannot do without offensive nicknames or laughter about awkward clothes.

If your child is overweight, and even at such an early age as 12 years old, do not leave him alone with this problem, making him secretly grieve or become more insecure, find out how to lose weight for a child at 12 years old.

There must be good reasons for the appearance of extra pounds and centimeters at such a young age. One of them is hereditary, in this case, relatives should know how to lose weight at 12 years old.

Of course, we are talking about diseases such as diabetes, slow metabolism, diseases that limit motor activity.

Another root of evil can be a psychological problem - the divorce of parents, the death of a family member, trouble at school, can cause depression and a nervous breakdown, which is accompanied by overeating and a violation of healthy food control.

But the most common reason was and remains an elementary violation of the regime.

Causes of excess weight

Unhealthy foods that contain only fat or huge portions of sugar - sodas, chips, sweets, fatty sausages - can accustom a child to heavy and unhealthy food. Flavor enhancers that are in the composition of such food can even be addictive.

Organization of life is very important, but first you need to understand how a 12-year-old child can lose weight.

Diet or how to lose weight for a child of 12 years

Teenagers are wayward and do not always want to listen to advice, so it is very important not to force the child to fulfill your requirements, but to be an example to him. If everyone in the house eats healthy food, then the child will eventually want to eat like that.

A good example is much more valuable than going to nutritionists and psychologists. Create an atmosphere of joy in the kitchen, try new ones, make vitamin salads, bake lean meat and fish, delight your child with a curd dessert with berries and jelly, a light vegetable soup with spices, fresh fruits.

The main thing is to wean the child from fast food and show him that food is measured not by quantity, but by quality. Then he will become and will lose weight.

Physical activity for weight loss

Sports can help a child in many ways. “How can a 12-year-old child lose weight?” - moms and dads ask the coach, but in fact, their support is more likely to be needed here.

The family is a key factor in the formation of personality. Physical activity should help speed up metabolism and raise morale.

A child who sits all day at textbooks and a computer loses a sense of his physical strength and shape, so he does not control the amount of food he eats. The one who is fresh and cheerful will lose weight and better find a common language with others.

Morning exercises for a teenager

Start the day with family gymnastics, because neither the muscle corset nor the growing bones of a teenager are ready to withstand heavy loads yet.

outdoor activity

Physical activity for a child

Biking, rollerblading, playing football and tennis, jogging are very good for both adults and children. Take him to the section, or find him good peer companions.

Weight loss in childhood is a rather difficult process for a child, since there are not so many children's diets that do not harm the health of a growing body, and psychologically, diets for 12-year-old children cannot always be easily maintained by them.

Overweight problems are not always directly related in children with a constant feeling of hunger and a desire to overeat, often this is caused by poor relationships between parents, parents and child, and even a child with other children. If the situation in the family is unfavorable, parents constantly swear and shout at each other in front of the child, most likely due to constantly experienced stress, a 12-year-old child will seize the negative emotions experienced.

Before starting a diet for children of 12 years old, it is better to go to a psychologist and determine the reasons why the child has a desire to overeat. In addition to psychological reasons in the modern world, the dominant factors of obesity in childhood are a sedentary lifestyle, because children spend so much time playing computer games and snacking on harmful foods (chips, sodas and sweets).

In order to understand how to lose weight at the age of 12, you first need to clearly set the goal of achieving an optimal weight for maintaining a healthy physical form, ask the child why he wants to lose weight in order to determine the motivation, and only then develop a clear plan to achieve results.

The following tips will help you understand how to lose weight for a 12-year-old child and how to consolidate the results:

  • Drawing up a table in which all results, diet and its observance will be entered. If a child understands how to lose weight at the age of 12 and follows the plan for several days or a week, eats healthy food and loses a little weight, he should definitely be encouraged, but not with delicious food, but, for example, going to the cinema, bowling or increasing the amount of money, issued for pocket expenses;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child drinks plenty of clean drinking water, which will help reduce appetite and lose weight quickly;
  • Finding healthy snacks. If your child likes to snack between meals, try to choose healthy, low-calorie meals such as fruit or yogurt;
  • It is forbidden to eat anything before going to bed. The body burns calories more slowly in the evening than during the day, so even a harmless apple will eventually cause harm. Before starting a diet, try to explain how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl or boy and what is the harm of such nightly snacks;
  • Count the number of calories consumed daily, because it is important that the child's diet is complete and is at least 1500-1700 kcal, otherwise there will simply not be enough strength for study and sports;
  • It is important in relation to how to lose weight for a 12 year old girl or boy to know the meaning and understanding of the concept of measure. Trying to lose weight does not mean that the child will never eat sweets or desserts. Within reason, in small portions, you can sometimes allow your child's favorite junk food;
  • Find a sport that the child would like to play. Playing football, swimming, basketball, athletics or dancing will surprise you with the results and help bring the body into proper healthy condition;
  • Thinking about how to lose weight for a girl of 12 years old or a boy, you can try to exercise at home, in addition to the previously chosen sport. Running at your own pace, push-ups and sit-ups, cycling or rollerblading or skating (in winter) will do;
  • Do not let problems or bad mood affect the food you eat and prevent the implementation of the previously planned weight loss plan;
  • If the weight has stopped decreasing and has stood in one place for any period, in no case should you despair and return to your normal lifestyle. Weight loss does not occur evenly, there will be weeks when the weight will come off more slowly than usual. This process is natural and is not a sign that you will not be able to lose weight anymore. No matter what, stick to your plan and the result will eventually come;
  • Also, puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a girl of 12 years old or a boy, arm yourself with interesting and informative programs about the dangers of fast food, chips, sweets and drinks and periodically watch them with your child;
  • Make sure that the child sleeps at least 8 hours a day and gets enough sleep. This will make sure that the growing body has enough energy, both for study and for sports. In addition, healthy and full sleep is an easy way to lose weight;
  • Make a meal plan, which will describe the menu for the day in advance, including snacks. This will help save the child from impulsive momentary decisions towards junk food, also keep a diary of meals consumed per day and count calories;
  • You can not eat food and at the same time watch TV, read or be distracted. It is necessary to explain to the child that concentration during meals is an important tool for losing weight;
  • Ask your child's friends to help and support your child during this period. Children can go for walks and play sports together, which will serve as an additional incentive and motivation.

An important point in the process of losing weight is an interesting creative activity, with the help of which the child will not be bored. Boredom is known to encourage frequent snacking, so it's best if your child doesn't have time for it.

How to lose weight at 12: children's diet menu

It is important to consider that a child, despite being overweight, should receive all the vitamins and macronutrients necessary for the body to work, therefore, rigid low-carbohydrate and mono-diets should by no means be chosen as a way to lose weight.

When following a diet, it is best to follow the well-known rules of healthy eating, namely - to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, 5-6 meals a day in small portions, do not eat food 3-4 hours before bedtime, and exercise.

Sweet, starchy and fried foods will have to be limited and reduced to a minimum (1 candy per day), but not completely excluded from the diet, as such a restriction can lead to a breakdown. Carbonated drinks will have to be replaced with freshly squeezed juices or plain drinking water, fruits, yogurts and nuts should be consumed during snacks, breakfast should be hearty and consist of healthy foods, vegetables, cereals, soups, meat and fish should be prepared for lunch, and dairy and fish are suitable for dinner. dairy products.