Homemade hair masks - proven recipes! A series of articles Pro-hair. Medical hair masks. Best Folk Recipes Best Homemade Hair Mask

The main criteria to consider:

  • the mask must necessarily approach your hair type;
  • explore the composition of the purchase agents - often the most harmful components are indicated at the very end;
  • the action of the mask should be aimed at eliminating certain drawbacks, since funds for all types of hair may be ineffective;
  • in the case of using purchased drugs, follow the instructions that should be on the package or on a separate liner sheet.

Use on a dirty or clean head?

What hair is better to apply - dirty, clean or without a difference, what should I do? After washing the shampoo, keratin hair scales are opening, which allows nutrients easier to penetrate the cells. And the main components of masks close the piece of scales, making hair shiny and smooth.

Therefore, experts recommend to apply funds for washed and slightly wet hair. On dry dirty strands, you can only apply masks prepared on the basis of oilsBecause their remnants are quite difficult to wash off and make the tearing to the greasy, in the rest of the same cases they are applied to a clean chapel.

The compositions prepared at home is better to apply in a slightly wet and dirty hair - in this case, the components of the mask will smoothly go to bed and get absorbed faster.

IMPORTANT: Massage the skin of the head at the time of applying the mask can only when it is washed. Otherwise, styling and dirt means will penetrate into skin cells.

Now you know when it is better to apply - before or after washing the hair.

Regular cleansing of the scalp from dead cells and fat improves the process of oxygen flow, as well as softens the hair structure. therefore it is advisable to apply masks after peelingbecause At this point, the tone increases, cellular exchange is activated, and the roots of the hair cover are powered by accelerating blood supply. Such a comprehensive impact helps to solve the following problems:

  • hair loss;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • violation of fat exchange.

Also improve the state of the lap the etheric oils, which can be added as an additional component to masks. In this case, the dense composition of the mass fills the cavity between the scales and solves the problem of the seeds of the tips and fragility of hair.

Now you know, including how to properly apply - before washing hair or after. As we see, in some situations you can do on clean, and in some dirty hair.

How to apply?

Application of the means on the head and hair is perhaps the only way to use it. So that the tool brings maximum benefit need to adhere to the following tips:

After processing all the strands, the head needs to be cooled with a cellophane package or put on a special rubber hat, and to bite the warm towel from above. This will contribute to the better penetration of nutrients.

It is worth knowing: The mask must be applied in sufficient quantity so that the hair can be soaked. Use at first about 1 tsp. Mix - If this is not enough for distribution across all curls, then increase the portion.

Such is the brief instruction for use. Now you know how to apply. Let's later tell me how much you need to keep in time.

How much to keep?

We told how to apply hair mask. And how much should I keep? Often in the instructions for shopping drugs indicate the recommended contact time with hair. And on average it is no more than 15 minutes. After this period, the mask is simply washed off warm, but not hot water. An additional cold rinsing procedure "seals" cuticles, preventing hair from moisture loss. Get out clean strands with a towel and do not drip them with a hairdryer.

Oil masks are washed away with plenty of water and gentling shampoo, otherwise the curls will become silent and they will look neglected.

As for homemade masks, the duration of their hair contact depends on the composition.

It is worth noting, means with honey, egg and gelatin are washed away only by cool waterOtherwise, they are difficult to remove hair. To remove the unpleasant odor from some ingredients (onions, garlic, etc.), it is recommended to add several droplets of lemon juice to the rinsing water. Designed for rubbing in the roots of tincture and herbal decoctions do not need to be flushed off.

The recipes of home mixtures consist of an affordable set of ingredients, however, before applying, it should be found as much as safe and whether allergies will not cause the appearance.

Pay special attention to the excerpt of the hair on the hair - Do not improvise and follow the recommendations, otherwise some aggressive components can damage curls. Also immediately stands off the drug if the feeling of itching, burning, etc. appeared.

Do balm apply?

Do I need to put balm after the procedure? Many experts recommend not to overload their hair with a variety of means and not to apply balms immediately after applying the mask. The exception is only natural mixtures, which include difficult-based components (for example, oils) - in this case, you need to apply shampoo with the subsequent use of balm.

How often can you do?

How often can you and need to do how many times a week, should it be carried away? Masking frequency directly depends on the composition, the work of the sebaceous glands and hair type. As a rule, most industrial preparations are recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a week, and their own prepared mixtures every 2-3 days.

To secure the result, the procedure is done for several months, without interruptions. If the hair did not receive useful substances for a long time, and the problem could not be eliminated, then the course can be extended for another 1 month.

In order to prevent masks apply only once a week. Under the sequential tips, it is impossible to be lazy - to apply fatty masks on them is allowed much more often. Masters with gelatin lamination is recommended to use only 1 time in 1.5-2 months, otherwise you can reach the opposite effect.

IMPORTANT: Popiously dissolved gelatin can be collected in strands lumps, thereby provoking hair loss when combing.

Hair can very quickly absorb a large amount of substances, but they are absorbed after a while, therefore it is not worth abuse of frequent applying masks.

Now you know how often you can use.


Masks are able to improve hair condition, but always it is important to carefully examine the composition and familiarize yourself with the instructions for use.. Make sure that the funds do not contain harmful substances and did not cause allergies.

It is especially worth being cautious pregnant and nursing women, since it is strictly forbidden to use drugs with the addition of nicotine acid or dimexide. These substances penetrate the blood of a person and are able to break the work of the organs. Also in the risk area are people having the following diseases:

It should also be refracted from drugs with the content of Dimekside to children (up to 12 years) and older people (over 55 years old).

General rules for choosing and using hair masks are quite simple and easily remembered. And adherence to all recommendations will allow you to transform curls as soon as possible and make them irresistible.

Now you know how you can use a hair mask and how often.

How to apply a mask to different parts of the curls, the features of their use before and after washing the hair, the rules for the use of purchased and self-made means.

General rules for applying masks on hair

Locking masks can perform various functions. All of them are saturated, strengthen, restore the integrity, store the color of painted strands and have a different positive effect on the hair. However, so that the product has runoff as efficiently as possible, it should be correctly used.

Consider the main tips, how best to apply mask on hair:

  • Apply during the wash head mask, air conditioning, balm simultaneously does not make sense. All of these funds are aimed at improving the condition and softening of hair, but their action is somewhat different from each other. So, the air conditioner affects the surface of the curl. The mask penetrates his structure. Therefore, air conditioners and balsams should be flushed off a couple of minutes after use. Mask need to be removed from the head after five to ten minutes on average.
  • The optimal use of the mask is every 3rd time after washing the chapels. At the same time, it is applied instead of air conditioner. The latter should be applied regularly after each washing strands, in addition to cases when the mask is applied.
  • It is not recommended to use a logo mask more often than two times within one week. Otherwise, their hair will be overloaded and their appearance can worsen.
  • Before starting the use of a particular mask, check if you have allergies to the product or its components. To do this, definitely test. Take a small amount of money and apply it to the inner side of the brush. After five to ten minutes you can trace the presence of a reaction to cosmetic products. If it is not, then you can safely use the tool. Especially pay attention to the masks with the content of honey, pepper, essential oils.
  • If you are using a composition that requires dilution or heating, then make sure that the temperature of the means when applied to the head is about 37 degrees, not higher.
  • Carefully learn the instructions for applying a specific store mask. If you do not adhere to the rules of use of the means, you can harm the hair.
Almost all of these rules concern the application of both homemade and purchased hair products. In addition, it is recommended to also take into account the time of applying the composition on strands before or after washing. As a rule, it depends on the presence of certain components in the product and the desired effect.

Special tools for applying masks on strands are not required. Usually, the means is distributed manually in or without gloves. If it is required to apply on the roots, it is slightly rubbed with your fingers. For the distribution of the product along the entire length of strands, it is resorted to the use of brushes, narrow combs with rare cloths.

Strengthen the performance of any hair mask will help "insulation." To do this, the cellophane cap or a special hat for the bath and a head is covered with warm tissue on handled strands. Thus, active substances from the cosmetic product are better imbued into the structure of the hair.

Features of the use of a ready-made hair mask

Purchased cosmetic products are usually used after washing the head. The answer of hairdressers to the question, on dirty or clean hair to apply a mask acquired in the cabin, unequivocal - on peeled and slightly wet.

The algorithm for applying funds to curls in most cases is:

  1. Wash your head with any suitable shampoo. It is desirable that the entire cosmetic hair care line (shampoo, balsam, air conditioning, mask, oil) was one brand.
  2. Little blown strands with a towel. Do not try and do not fill them. Let the water delay yourself. For two minutes you can wrap the curls into the fabric to absorb an extra moisture.
  3. Before applying a hair mask, slightly hold it in the palms to heat the heat of the body.
  4. Apply on strands along the entire length, stretch if necessary.
  5. To improve the effectiveness of the cosmetic product, wrap your head with a soft cloth. Pre-wrap the hair with a polyethylene package or a bath with a bath and insulate a towel.
  6. Suppose the time specified in the instructions for the means. It is usually no more than fifteen minutes.
  7. Carefully rinse the substance with the strand of the abundant amount of clean water. Make sure that the remnants of the mask are present in the curls, otherwise they will look fat and untidy.
  8. Wrap your hair with a soft cloth. Do not try to squeeze moisture too much of them, so as not to damage the structure.
Remember that use after mask softening products, such as air conditioning or balsam, should not be. Otherwise, curls will be overloaded with active ingredients and silicones. This will adversely affect their appearance.

Subtleties using homemade hair masks

Masks for curls of personnel cooking are not inferior, and sometimes even superior to the purchased. However, their diversity requires more attention during use. Thus, homemade means can be used before washing curls, after, and also distributed at the ends, along the entire length or on the roots of strands.

Mask Application Rules Before Isson Wash

Most self-made compositions for the hair is used before cleansing the head detergent. It is allowed in this case to apply a mask on dry or wet hair.
  • Oil compositions. It is mainly due to the specific effects of oil on strands. In addition, it leaves on them a fat film, washed off only using detergent.
  • Coffee masks and oil adding. As a rule, coffee also leaves a fat film on the curls. In addition, additional components are often introduced into it, such as castor or olive oil.
  • Means with sour cream, kefir, yogurt, mayonnaise. Such masks also require careful washout with the use of detergents.
  • Formulations with honey. This product has a specific impact on curls, strands after honey also require careful cleansing.
  • Pep, mustard masks. Their composition includes elements that irritate the skin. Therefore, it should be used only with dirty hair covered with a natural fat layer.
  • Garlic, onion. In addition to the fact that such products are annoyingly affect the epidermis, they also have a specific sharp aroma, which should be eliminated only by carefully cleansing with plenty of water.
It is also worth noting which masks are applied on dry hair. This is mostly oil tools. So the components of the product are optimally penetrated into the structure of the strand.

On the unwashed and dry or wet curls, the composition is recommended to apply for thirty-ninety minutes before washing. To do this, tilt your head over the bathroom or in the shower and carefully treat all curls with a brush, sponge or fingers.

Most often, homemade care products have a liquid structure and begin to drain after applying around the neck, face, drip. So that this does not happen, after lubricating the hair, be sure to wrap the head with the package or use a bath hat. Additionally, shook the hair with warm tissue, you will achieve the gain of the mask effect.

After the exposure time of the composition on the strand, wash it with shampoo. In some cases, you can use the air conditioner to facilitate hair combing.

Use of masks after washing hair

Most masks that are applied after washing the head is used on wet curls. There is a specific group of funds to be applied on pure strands. Consider them:
  1. Masks that give the effect of tinted, lamination, toning. This category includes products based on chamomile flowers, rhubarb root, natural honey. In order to achieve not only the healing effect, but also a certain toning, it is important to apply them to peeled strands.
  2. Masks with gelatin. In addition to strengthening hair follicles, such products laminate curls, therefore, the gelatinic compositions are necessary for purified wet strands.
  3. Yeast masks. Purchased similar compositions are applied after washing, homemade - before washing the head.
  4. Beer masks. Beer is perfectly replaced with air conditioning, so similar means are suitable for use after washing the head shampoo.
  5. Mask from rye flour. Most of the rye-based compounds have a cleansing effect, so it is not necessary to wash the curls after them.
We also note that after washing the head, almost all professional cosmetic products are applied both in the cabin and at home.

Rinse strands after a mask applied to clean hair, it is necessary more carefully to remove the residues of the mixture. Use after such procedures Balms or air conditioners should not. To facilitate the combing process, it is better to use after washing with special oil or spray.

For which parts of the hair can be used masks

The various compositions are applied to different locations. It depends not only on the result you want to get, but also from the composition of the funds.

Answering the question whether it is possible to apply a mask on the roots of the hair, hairdressers necessarily clarify what effect on the curls are needed. Usually, cosmetic products are applied to the base of hairs for their strengthening, growth. Also affect the weakened strands, since the effect on the follicle. In addition, the compositions are effective at dandruff.

  • Based on burning products - Lukova, garlic, pepper, mustard, as well as brandy;
  • With the inclusion of aloe;
  • Based on individual oils, for example, from buried.
However, it is categorically not recommended to use the masks on the roots of the mask, which includes coconut oil.

All strands are applied if you wish to influence the structure of the curls. As a rule, it concerns reducing and nutritional compositions.

  1. Masks that consist of olive oils, almonds, coconut, flax, argan, reurenik;
  2. Compositions with fermented milk products, mayonnaise;
  3. Cosmetic products with fragrant hoods - rose, lavender and others;
  4. Funds with chicken eggs and various additives - oils, alcohol;
  5. Clay formulations;
  6. Masks with dark bread and rye flour;
  7. Feeding products with banana;
  8. Masks for the return of the radiance of strands, with a toning influence - with a chamomile, gelatin, henna, beer, coffee.
Also, similar cosmetic products can be distributed at curl tips. As a rule, it is carried out to eliminate the cross section for "seating" of hair. In such cases, certain compositions based on oils are used, as well as a mask with kefir and yeast.

How to properly apply a mask on hair - Look at the video:

To know about the intricacies of the use of such funds, since this affects the efficiency of the entire procedure and the location status. The composition of the cosmetic product should be taken into account, the rules for applying to the strands to achieve the maximum result.

Love Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Brilliant and silky curls were considered and considered the standard bearer and the symbol of the health of the owner. Women attach particular importance to hairstyles, and well-kept hair - a mandatory lady attribute. Each lady should be able to make masks for strengthening and growing hair at home.

Hair care is a common topic for conversation. On television and on the Internet, we advertise all sorts of balms and shampoos, which, according to manufacturers, help solve hair problems.

At all times, folk remedies were dedicated assistants in terms of hair care. As part of folk masks there are no synthetic compounds, and it is not difficult to make a homemade mask. We will need therapeutic herbs and natural products, and the application process passes quickly and provides a chic result.

Moisturizing and nutritious masks for strengthening and hair growth

Moisturizing, feeding and strengthening is an important phase of hair care. It is not only about the use of purchased moisturizers, among which balms and air conditioners. Some women apply unique moisturizing and nutritious masks made by their own hands at home. They help improve the appearance of the hair, eliminate the brittleness, make them strong and healthy.

Homemade moisturizing masks are relevant not only in the summer, when the hair under the influence of wind and the sun burns out, become dry and split into scales, but in the cold time, when daily stacking along with head removes cause huge damage.

With the help of a nutrient and moisturizing mask, you can maintain a liquid balance, it helps make hair smooth, shiny and healthy.

Oil mask

  • Three spoons of castor, olive or sea buckthorn oil warm and apply on the hair. I advise more attention to pay dry tips. Holding a mask of half an hour under the film, wash up with a shampoo.

Aloe and Coconut Mask

  • Spoon oil melt and connect with a yolk. Then, in the mass, enter the half of the yoghurt and a spoonful of aloe juice. It remains to apply the remedy on the hair and wash off in an hour of exposure under the towel.

Gelatin Mask

  • An excellent moisturizer. Spoon gelatin stir in 120 ml of heated water and wait for swelling. Fluid warm and enter a spoon of castor oil and a bit of vitamins "E" and "A". After forty minutes, wash the remedy with a warm water.


  • Heat the headset of kefir and apply on the hair. Put on the shower hat and bite your head. After the expiration of the forty minutes, the means for feeding and moisture remove under warm running water. Apply shampoo optional.

Express mask

  • A couple of spoons of warm olive oil mix with a whipped egg, a glycerol spoon and the same amount of apple vinegar. Makeup Treat hair, put on your head sealing cap and wait forty minutes. Then wash.

Video advice

Remember, these masks are an addition to the main therapy. In case of diseases of the scalp, food and hormonal disorders, without the help of the doctor can not do.

Recipes of egg masks for dry and sequent hair

The cosmetic industry supplies the market with various hair care products. The question appears, is it possible to return beauty and health with them? Practice shows that the greater the girls are applied to the hair, the greater the care they require. According to cosmetologists, nature itself has created everything necessary for the care of the chapel.

Chicken eggs are listed in the list of validatives. Egg mask for hair creates real wonders. It helps to make loose and dull hair shiny and fluffy. To achieve the result, spend a course of 12 masks. A week spend two procedures.

Egg is the perfect combination of yolk and protein. In the yolk there are many vitamin and nutrients that contribute to the growth of hair. Eggs are rich in lecithin, proteins and amino acids. These substances strengthen and feed curls, prevent the appearance of dandruff, protect against sunlight.

Step-by-step recipes 5 egg masks.

  1. Eggs and lemon juice . Two yolks. Wake up with a juice of one middle lemon and mix with two drops of rapid oil. The resulting remedy should be launched into the skin of the head, and after half an hour, washed away. During the quarter, spend about a dozen procedures.
  2. Eggs, garlic, honey and aloe juice . A small spoonful of garlic juice. Mix with a crushed flesh of aloe leaf, yolk and honey spoon. With the help of a blender, make a homogeneous mass and treat your hair. After 30 minutes, wash the remedy without shampoo.
  3. Eggs and cognac . Two yolks mix with 25 ml of brandy before receiving a homogeneous composition. They completely cover the washed hair and wait a third hour, and then rinse with cool water.
  4. Eggs and medical . Two yolks. Scroll with three spoons of oils from grape seeds, enter a spoonful of honey and a little vitamin "A". After applying means, wait twenty minutes, and then wash. Recommended mask recommend apply once a week.
  5. Eggs and yeast . Ten grams of yeast are in a liquid from one egg, a spoon of lemon juice and a spoon of brandy. After stirring, enter a few drops of juniper oil. Covering the mixture, hair weave the film and insulate the towel, and after a third of the hour, rinse with water.

I advise you to apply masks for several months without interruptions.

How to make a mask from hair loss with rapid oil

Repenta oil is a popular home product that is used to care hair. It helps to get rid of dandruff, prevent unwanted hair loss, increase growth rate.

Large burdock or reurenger - a plant, which makes oil from the root. This is not a squeezing of seeds or fruits, and the root of the root on olive or peach oil. The remedy is sold in all pharmacy points.

  • To improve hair condition . After the shower, heated oil is recommended to go into the skin of the head and distribute the hair. Two hours later under polyethylene, wash the oil with shampoo.
  • For prophylaxis . Make a mask once in a half months. If you want to solve problems with it, spend the procedure twice a week. The result will appear through the quarter. Remember, for fatty hair, such a means is not very suitable.
  • Repel oil, lemon juice and honey . Ingredients Mix in the same quantities. I take two spoons. Then the composition is a little warm so that the honey is dissolved, enter a pair of egg yolks and mix. Apply the ready mask on your hair, cover the towel and after a half hours, rummage. Weekly use will help see the result in a month.
  • Repentic oil and pepper tincture . An amazing combination contributing to the acceleration of hair growth. A spoonful of butter connect with a spoon of tincture and add one yolk, mix. After applying, the mask hold onto the hair at least thirty minutes, and then wash. Remember, the means of burning, so before using on your head, experience it on the bending of the elbow. Negative reaction should not be, otherwise it is better to refuse tool.

The listed masks are based on cosmetic rapid oil, which is adapted for use in hair care. It is easily flushed and leaves no fat traces. If you do not want to get a fashionable hairstyle in a street style, use yellowish or transparent oil. A green tint tool color curls.

Best masks for rapid hair growth

The masks that will be discussed are perfectly accelerating hair growth, improve the appearance and make thick. They stimulate the awakening of hair bulbs in sleeping condition.

Beauty has the second side of the medal. We are talking about the appearance of problems with hair. Fortunately, the situation can be corrected if the cause of problems is not a disease.

Homemade masks that are made in the kitchen are often superior to purchased tools. All because they are based on natural components. They do not possess side effects, provide a wellness effect, save finances. Apply them is recommended in accordance with the rules:

  1. Making a mask is recommended immediately before the start of the procedure.
  2. If the tool remains, it is better to throw away.
  3. The duration of finding a means on hair must comply with the recommendations from recipes. Otherwise, unwanted consequences will appear.
  4. Some masks that include unverified components are tested on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. If the tool does not irritate the skin, then the composition is harmless.
  5. To preserve the effect, the mask should be repeated for at least twelve times.

I think you made sure that hair masks at home are made simply, quickly and easily with their own hands. If you decide to go to the use of home remedies, you will win and save money.

Hello everyone!

Today's article is a selection of the best and tested on your own experience of natural hair masks!

This article will collect homemade masks for hair and means that are designed to improve the condition of hair, their health, appearance, to give the volume of the hair, to make strands with elastic, silky, shiny, struggling with loving tips, etc ....

A separate article will be devoted to purposefully and specifically masks, with the help of which it is possible to significantly accelerate hair growth, stop their loss, if any ...

And another article is planning to write, where attention will be paid to hair masks with one "secret" component, which produces just a magical action and a particularly reinforcing efficiency of all masks!

I think you will like it. So, proceed ...

From this article you will learn:

Homemade Hair Masks - Proven Recipes

What is the advantage of homemade hair masks?

Homemade hair masks - Consider more All of the advantages:

  1. First, you can safely do at home yourself. Then when you have time and desire. No need to go to the salon and spend a bunch of money and time to salon treatments!
  2. Secondly, such masks are 100% natural (and therefore - completely safe), which you will not say (we will be frank) about the masks of professional (salon) ... Even completely natural masks should somehow be kept in tubes, right? This is for this and use at least one or two, but still "chemical" component! Well, how else to save, right?
  3. Third, natural homemade masks can do different every time! Something added new to the composition, and already - voila! - You have a new hair mask! So many shop masks do not get caught, agree, girls?
  4. Fourth, according to the cost of such masks - well, oochen budget go out! And how much are the purchased a la "natural" masks? And how many miss them (especially if you have long hair)? I do not mind purchased masks, no, in no case! Sometimes there is such a makeup that at home you do not interfere with ...
  5. And fifth, important! Homemade masks Well, absolutely no worse in efficiency than purchased, believe me! Checked by me on your own experience!

For me (as for you, I think), it is also very important that the result is very important (yes quickly, quickly!). And I prefer, after all, homemade masks, with a reasonable some of their combination with the masks purchased.

Well, you decide for yourself!

So, in fact, homemade hair masks ...

Natural Hair Masks - Effective Recipes

So, what homemade hair masks are most effective and effective:

  • Oil mask, improving hair look

Vitamin A in oil, vitamin E in oil (two teaspoons), fresh lemon juice (one spoon), honey and (can be replaced with another, for example, the almond oil is good, jojoba oil, olive).

Stir and carefully launched in the roots, distribute hair. Wear a polyethylene cap, insulate the head of a terry towel. Keep at least an hour.

  • Mask for dry, damaged and weakened hair

This miracle mask is just a salvation for hair affected by the summer roast sun, for hair tired of frequent staining, damaged by chemical twist, etc.

  • REPAYER OIL, Castor oil (quantity depends on the length of your hair).
  • A couple of droplets of Ilang-Ilang essential oil.
  • Vitamin A in oil solution, vitamin E in oil solution (on a spoon).
  • Yolk (or two yolk).

Mix everything thoroughly, heat in the water bath (it will be better to get absorbed), labeled in the roots of the hair and along the entire length.

Wear a hat, wrap, wait at least 1 hour. Then you need to rinse well.

  • Shampoo mask, which improves the condition of the hair and gives them a cool shine

Mix so much shampoo, how much you usually use for washing with one or two yolks (you can with whole eggs) and with one spoon in powder pre-operated according to the instructions.

Apply on wet hair, labeled, wait a few minutes (you can take a shower at this time - it's very convenient to do so!). Wash away

Hair after washing such a shampoo becomes very beautiful and very thick, begin to grow faster.

  • Yolk shampoo mask

Two or three egg yolks mix with lemon juice, honey, and several drops of essential oil (choose any, depending on your needs).

On wet hair, apply a shampoo mask, hold five to seven minutes and wash off.

Rinse with water, acidified with apple vinegar or lemon juice.

  • Honey mask for brilliance, strength and strengthening of hair

Wash hair, as usual, slightly dry them up to a slightly slightly wet state. Then take the honey (in terms of number orient yourself) to take it a good in the roots of the hair.

Leave under the film (cap) for an hour and a half and then rinse with a very small amount of shampoo.

Mask is simple to disgrace, but so effective, girls, in general !!!

My "Lifehaki" to enhance the effect:

  • add to Honey a couple of droplets of essential oils (ylang-ylang, fir, lemon, orange, neroli, rose - Choose!);

Do yourself "" and drink on an empty stomach in the mornings, adding a generous portion of lemon juice there (how much your stomach allows). Effect - stunning! Beauty - it starts inside.

  • Eastern mask with kefir for brilliance and dense

On the washed and almost completely dried hair, mixed with one spoon of peach oil or the vegetable oil that suits you most, adding a few drops of your beloved essential oil into this mixture.

Warm, bite, keep from forty minutes to an hour.

  • Reviving creamy mask for very dry and lounge hair

Fat cream (better home) or fatty sour cream, also suitable, mix with oil oil, wheat germs and vitamins A and E in oil (in equal proportions).

Add honey and essential oils (orange and lavender).

Perfectly moisturizes hair! Just keep it at least an hour!

  • Hair Mask Balsam

Very effective recipe!

Kefir Mix with a whole egg, add a spoonful of cocoa oil (pre-melt it, warming up on a water bath), add a spoon of honey.

Apply on clean hair, wrapping, wash in an hour or two, as you get in time.

Rinse hair after washing herbal infusion (nettle, chamomile, sage).

  • Wonderful tool for gorgeous hair

Ideal for thin and weak hair, which do not keep the volume at all.

In addition, this recipe is designed to strengthen your hair, healing them, fight the dandruff, to give vitality and shine curls.

Make a strong-strong infusion of nettle and sage.

Stretch and rub the infusion into the roots of the hair dried after washing the head, simultaneously wetting the hair themselves. Slightly dried hair - rub again. And three times, no less ...

You can (and even need, I would say!) Do not wash off.

This mask for girls with dark hair is especially useful, gives it shine !!!

  • Domestic mask

In the basic vegetable oil (olive, almond, peach, apricot bones, etc.) drop five drops of tea tree essential oil, a couple of droplets of rosemary essential oil and launched in the roots of the hair after washing them.

Warm with a polyethylene cap and a towel. After an hour, washed off.

  • Mixture when cuffed hair tips

Coconut oil + butter shi + olive oil + almond oil + cocoa oil + (pre-melt) + Ilang-ylang essential oil.

The mixture is broken and applied to the tips of pure and some wet hair.

The wax serves to save moisture in her hair. It covers his hair with a thin film and prevents the evaporation of moisture, and also protects the hair from mechanical damage.

And the Ilang-Ilanca essential oil perfectly polishes the hair and eliminates the landslide.

And it is not necessary to wash it! Just do not overdo the dosage, and then the hair will look dirty. Such a couple of "pea" composition.

And if you want to wash off, you can apply this mixture to your hair more abundantly, to hold some time and then wash off.

Homemade hair masks - application rules and tips to increase their effectiveness

Important moments:

  • We always apply masks for hair only after washing, on the purest and slightly wet hair, but not to washing!
  • Before applying any mask, doing well and skin's skin!
  • Be sure to rine the hair with the insistency of herbs, make acidified rinse water, rinse aroma, or at least rinse the hair with cool water after washing!
  • Use as a component of any mask essential oils, honey and juice Aloe! They significantly strengthen the effect of procedures!
  • Use how to add, in a mask. It enhances the effect of masks, I devoted to this entire article.
  • Always warm any mask! To do this, use a polyethylene cap and from above - a terry towel.
  • Be sure to make a massage before applying a mask! Very convenient to do it when washing the hair. Just very much and thoroughly tritte and massag the heads of your head with your heads, get "two in one", together and washing the head and massage of the scalp!
  • All masks before applying need to be slightly heated in a water bath. Not too much, to a good warm condition. So the insightful ability of the ingredients of the mask is intensified at times!
  • Natural home masks do not need to be afraid to keep longer than the recipe written. I will even say more - they need to keep longer! Will only better! But in reasonable limits, of course, without fanaticism ...
  • Homemade hair masks need to do at least once a week! Just take yourself a rule, make yourself a good and useful habit: one mask in one week. And that's it.

It will be a strong foundation and a wonderful key to your healthy and beautiful hair! Remember that power is in regularity, and not in the "magical compositions" of masks, which is also very important, of course!

Today everything!

Do, practice homemade hair masks, write in the comments that you will succeed, ask!

And share with your girlfriends in Soc. Networks of this article!

With you was Alain Yasneva, so far!

photo @ belchonock

Mikhailova Ilona

In order to solve various trichological problems, folk cosmetology offers many recipes. However, among all this diversity, every woman tries to choose the most effective on the principle of "minimum funds - maximum efficiency." Of course, that the only universal drug, suitable for every girl with any hair, no. However, in the "kitchen" cosmetology there is such a category as the best masks, a positive experience about the use of which is known to many. What the most effective hair masks exist - read in this article.

Advantages of folk remedies

Why are masks made at home, have such a lot of popularity for many centuries? To answer this question, you need to find out what advantages have folk remedies:

  1. Mixtures on home recipes are completely natural, then you are ecologically clean. And this factor, as is known, is very important for any hair, regardless of their condition, such as other features.
  2. Natural cosmetics do not give complications and side effects.
  3. Home masks are absolutely available and even cheap (which you can not say about the stores and salon procedures) - after all, the components are included in their composition are practically in each kitchen or in a pharmacy.
  4. Mixtures on folk recipes are quickly and easily prepared.
  5. Masks prepared at home have quite high efficiency and solve many trichological problems (from falling out and lack of hair growth before changing shine and smooth curls).
  6. The effect of the use of similar mixtures is sufficiently stable.

Efficiency of hair masks

Masks prepared at home are very effective. With their help, you can:

  • solve the problem of falling out and weak hair growth;
  • restore the damaged hair structure after staining, discoloration, curling and other similar procedures;
  • strengthen the roots;
  • get rid of dandruff and split tips;
  • moisten and saturate with the necessary powered dry, brittle strands;
  • normalize greasy secretion;
  • posted by shine curls, smoothness, softness and obedience.

The effectiveness of natural-based funds is indisputable, but you must understand that it is much easier to prevent the problem, the later try to solve it. It is important to properly organize care: use the shampoo corresponding to your type of curls; protect hair from frost and sun rays; On time to cut the tips, for example, using a polisher typewriter to prevent their cross-section.

Top recipes

The proposed discipers of masks used at home to stop the hair loss, for their intensive growth, to restore, moisturize and feed curls, are the simplest and affordable, but at the same time very effective. Literally 1-2 months of use - and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Against loss and for hair growth of different types

With mustard

  • Dry type

Mixing mustard powder (one artery l.), Honey (three articles), any cosmetic oil suitable for dry dummy curls (for example, olive or linen, two hours l.). A mixture is applied to the roots and is insulated with a towel. Washed off after 15 minutes.

  • Fat type

The mustard powder is divorced (one art. L.) To the condition of thick casher, lemon Fresh is added (one art. L.). The resulting composition is lubricated roots, and after, a warming cap is worn. The duration of exposure is 15 minutes.

Mustard - known to all "enemy" of alopecia and an active hair growth stimulator, which also normalizes the production of skin saline.

With pepper

  • Dry type

Mix the tincture of red pepper, bold kefir, honey (in equal parts). The mixture is rubbed into the roots with light massage movements, the head is insulating. It is washed off after half an hour.

  • Fat type

A mixture is prepared from the tincture of red pepper, skimmed kefir, cosmetic oil, suitable for bold locks of curls (for example, jojoba) - two tbsp. l. Each component. Such a composition is smeared the top layer of the epidermis, the hair is insulated, and the means is flicking in an hour.

Another very popular ingredient of masks used at home from loss of curls and to stimulate the growth of new hairs, - tincture of red pepper. The compositions with the specified component have an antiseptic effect on the epidermis, strengthen the roots, give a hairstyle.

With onion

  • Dry type

Lukovy Kashitsa is mixed (three st. L.), Honey and home sour cream (one art. L.). The mixture of the epidermis is massaged, insulate the head and withstand 1 hour. Washed a lot of soft shampoo.

  • Fat type

Mixion (150 ml) and lemon juice (50 ml) is mixed, repeal oil (floor of a teaspoon) is added. The resulting composition is applied to the epidermis, and is insulated. After half an hour, it was washed off by gentle shampoo.

Council. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, rinse the hair after removing the healing mixture with water with the addition of lemon juice or beloved essential oil.

Onions, in addition to activating the growth of curls, eliminates and dandruff.

With brandy

  • Dry type

Cognac is mixed (one art. L.), Warm honey (part l.), Loss of egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the roots and smears along the length of strands. The head is insulating, and the remedy is washed after half an hour.

  • Fat type

A mixture of brandy, lemon juice is prepared (for one part), warm oil of jojoba (art. L.), Loss of egg yolk. The hair is processed with this mixture, then they are wrapped and left for 30 minutes.

Cognac mixtures against alopecia and to accelerate the growth of curls - a softer option than mustard and pepper. But they also have proven themselves as very good cosmetics used at home in solving many trichological problems - from loss and slow-down hair growth until they give them volume and gloss.

With oils for different types of hair

  • Dry type

Warm friction oils, castor, olives, almonds, flax seeds, jojoba (in 20 ml of each component) are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied on the roots, it is withstanding 1.5 hours. Washed off by a mask gently shampoo.

  • Fat type

A prescription is taken as the basis with oils for dry hair, only lemon juice (100 ml) is added.

Mask for hair growth with oils is the most useful. After all, oils with a strengthening, reducing, nutritious and moisturizing impact, very beneficially affect the curls.

For hair restoration

Restoration of damaged hair

  • With oils

Equal parts of the friction oils and the caster are mixed (preheated), lemon Fresh is added (1 h. L.) And dry and clean hair are being processed with such a mixture. The head is insulating and withstands half an hour.

  • With egg

The whipped egg yolk and the canter (one artery l.) And the cooked means are smeared dry strands. It is maintained under the insulation of 5 hours.

  • With bread

A piece of rye bread is cropped and operated in warm milk (itching thick bash) is applied to moisturized hair, insulating. It is fluttered very carefully after half an hour.

Treating painted hair

  • With egg and cognac

The whipped egg yolk and brandy is mixed (100 ml) and the hair is smeared. It is maintained under warming 30 minutes.

  • With banana

Blynder whipped a banana (half of the fetus), egg yolk, honey and lemon Fresh (one art. L.). The resulting tool is used as an ordinary shampoo.

  • With herbs

Herbal infusion is prepared - crushed chamomile, nettle, cleanliness, oregano (one art. L.) + Boiling water (1 l), the time of insteading is 3 hours. The hair is rinsed in the resulting lotion, wrapped and withstand 1.5 hours.

Resuscitation of sequent hair

  • With honey

Mixed honey (h. L.), Any vegetable oil (two tbsp. L.), Whipped egg yolk. The resulting composition of the hair (it is possible and the entire length), is struggling with a food film. Washed off after half an hour.

  • With peach

The pulp of two ripe peaches is whipped in a blend, warm milk (three arts), the ether of the souls (seven drops). The mixture will be smeared and the ends are insulated. Exposure time - 30 min.

  • With castor oil and vitamins

Heated castor oil (two st. L.), Oil vitamins A, E (three capsules). In this remedy, the ends of the hair are dipped and insulated. Session duration - 2 h.

Nutritional compositions for different types of hair

Dry type

  • With castor oil

Warm castor oil (100 ml), fruit vinegar (any house available) and glycerin (50 ml), as well as a whipped egg are mixed. This mixture is smeared dry unmeed curls, insulated half an hour. Washed a mixture with a soft shampoo.

  • With egg and oils

Whipped egg yolk, heated oils of olive, coconut, flax seeds (30 ml) are connected and mixed. The mixture is processed all head, covered. The minimum exposure time is 2 h (the best night is best). After removal of the mask, the strands are rushed with decoction / infusion of medicinal herbs.

Fat type

  • With lemon and garlic

Equal parts of lemon and aloe juices, warm honey and chopped garlic (one tooth) are mixed into a homogeneous mass. The resulting means are processed by hair, warm. Washed off by gentle shampoo after 30 minutes. To remove garlic "aroma", the hair is rinsed in herbal branch / nasty.

  • With yeast and egg

Raw yeast is divorced (art. L.) In warm water (part l.), Retransmit for fermentation for 15 minutes. A whipped egg is added and all hair is treated with this mixture. Hold under insulation 1 hour.

Moisturizing mixes

  • With mayonnaise

Processing the entire mace of the mayonnaise (the one that is cooked at home - it is much more useful to shop). After half an hour, wash off gentle shampoo.

  • With kefir.

Flambling roots and strands with warm kefir (can be replaced by the rustling), shut with a towel. Wash out a mixture after 45 minutes.

  • With honey

Heated honey (art. L.) And milk (200 ml) and milk (200 ml) are mixed and the resulting agent is applied to the hair. Under insulation, it is withstanding an hour.

The proposed hair masks are recognized as the best because they are distinguished by the speed and ease of preparations at normal home conditions, consist of natural components and have a really unsurpassed effect.