Exhibitionism: what is this disorder, how is it manifested and treated. Who are exhibitionists, why do they do it and is it worth it to be afraid of people with such deviations

  • What happened?

    On Friday, October 6, the Kirov police announced the search for a man who showed his genitals to children in the Fileyka area. The exhibitionist hung around educational institutions and at the first opportunity showed his genitals to schoolchildren. Despite numerous publications of orientations in the media, it was not possible to detain the likely pervert.

    Svoykirovsky decided to figure out what pushes people to public exposure and why they often choose children as spectators. For help, we turned to the head of the health center of the Kirov City Clinical Hospital No. 1, psychotherapist Maria Dubrovskaya.

  • Who are exhibitionists and why do they show their genitals?

    Exhibitionism is a form of deviant sexual behavior. Often the deviation can be observed within the framework of a mental illness. It is possible to reliably find out the reasons only when examined by a psychiatrist. From the demonstration of their genitals and the reaction of the victim, the exposed person experiences sexual satisfaction. For him, the very fact of exposure is important.

  • Why do they undress in front of children?

    Most often, the gender of the viewer does not matter, the very fact of the show is important. But there are also those who choose a certain category of people as a victim, for example, women or girls. Very often, exhibitionists choose a child as a victim. This is due to the fact that the undressing person assesses the degree of risk for himself when demonstrating his organ. For example, being naked in front of a man who can just hit is dangerous. An adult woman can scream, and a child, most often, is not able to fight back.

  • Can such a meeting affect the health of the child?

    Of course. Especially at risk are children from single-parent families, where there is no father or grandfather, where there is no male upbringing. For example, a girl who is brought up by one mother may be in a state of shock, develop a state of neurosis. After that, the child may be afraid to go to school. Often, after such a meeting, children begin to feel guilty, to assess the situation in such a way that he spied something forbidden, and was not shown to him. It is very important to talk about this with your child.

  • Do I need to report the incident to the police?

    Yes, you should contact the police immediately. A person may be unhealthy and pose a danger. For example, in some cases, an exhibitionist may have pedophilic tendencies. But this can only be found out after a medical examination.

  • How to tell a child about a possible danger and minimize the risk of meeting such a person?

    Talking directly about exhibitionism to a small child, of course, is not worth it. It is better to explain to him that you do not need to walk through dark streets, parks, deserted places. Most often, the act of demonstration takes place there. At the same time, there is no need to intimidate the child with maniacs, you need to be as careful and correct as possible, but at the same time effectively explain that walking in such places can be dangerous.

    Photo: screenshot from youtube.com/vJOBivay

Most exhibitionists are not prone to violence and do not pose a serious threat to society. However, they can inflict deep moral trauma on their victim. Often they choose children (girls 10-12 years old) as their sexual object. However, this cannot be considered as pedophilia, because the age of the viewer does not really matter to the patient. Only 10% of exhibitionists have pedophilic tendencies. Most of the patients are heterosexual.

Diagnosis and treatment

Exhibitionists themselves rarely seek medical help from a sex therapist. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture and anamnesis, which can be collected. To treat the disease, it is necessary to identify the causes of the pathology. The disease is treated with psychotherapeutic methods. In most cases, the prognosis is positive, but relapses may occur.


Sexual behavior and sexual disorders in humans
General concepts of sexology Andropause Asexuality Vollust Homosexuality Cavernous Bodies Clitoris Libido Masturbation Masters and Johnson Orgasm Pygasm Sexual Arousal Penis Promiscuity Sexual Norm Tantric Sex G-spot Transsexuality Sexual Response Cycle Orgasm Control Frustration Benjamin Scale Kinsey Scale Tanner Scale Erection Ejaculation
sexual dysfunctions Anorgasmia Vaginismus Venous leakage Hypogonadism Dyspareunia Clitorism Menopause Penile fracture Early ejaculation Erectile dysfunction
Manipulations in sexology Vaginoplasty Labioplasty Ligamentotomy Wurn technique Enlargement of the glans penis Enlargement of the clitoris Enlargement of the G-spot Kegel exercises
Sexual deviations

- this is a deviant sexual behavior in which sexual arousal is achieved by showing the genitals to strangers, most often members of the opposite sex and children. The greatest satisfaction is the observation of the reaction of the victims, experiencing embarrassment, fear, fear. Acts of exhibitionism may be accompanied by masturbation, public sexual intercourse with a partner. Diagnosis is performed by a psychiatrist using clinical methods; in order to clarify the diagnosis, psychological testing and examination by a neurologist are prescribed. Treatment includes psychotherapy and medication.

    The term "exhibitionism" comes from the Latin language, meaning "demonstration, showing." The first cases are described back in antiquity, reflecting the idea of ​​the shamefulness of nudity. In some cultures where wearing clothes is optional (tribal settlements in warm latitudes), exhibitionism is absent. In highly developed countries with a dominant puritanical ideology and the suppression of sexuality, this disorder is more common, more pronounced. It is difficult to judge the prevalence of exhibitionism among women - its manifestations take on a socially approved character (striptease, erotic shows). In the population of men under 40 years of age, the etiological indicator is 4-4.5%.

    Causes of exhibitionism

    Among the psychological features of exhibitionists, the most characteristic are considered to be a deep personal imbalance, the desire to assert themselves in the eyes of others, the need to compensate for imaginary or real inferiority. On the basis of these problems, under the influence of adverse factors, a disorder of sexual behavior develops. The triggers are:

    • Loss of control of behavior. The cause may be a mental illness, an organic lesion of the central nervous system, a state of alcohol or drug intoxication. Exhibitionism affects patients with schizophrenia, trauma or atrophy of the frontal lobes of the brain.
    • Psychotraumatic experience. The connection of sexual arousal and genital display occurs in people who are accidentally seen by strangers while masturbating. Another example of psychotrauma is the compulsion in childhood or adolescence to undress, photograph or film in the nude.
    • Copy behavior. The connection between sexual gratification and nudity can be formed during the course of children's and adolescents' play, watching films and shows with erotic content. In such cases, exhibitionism is a form of stereotypical behavior.


    Zoologists have established the fact of the existence of exhibitionism in the animal world - males demonstrate an erect penis to rivals as a symbol of challenge, aggression, readiness to attack. The expected reaction of the enemy is fear, surprise, fear of a possible attack. Among humans, similar symbolism is displayed in obscene gestures imitating the phallus. According to the assumption of psychoanalysts, human exhibitionism is a relic (ancient, irrelevant) instinct that allows one to assert oneself among strangers, to demonstrate the significance of one's own personality. In response, a complex of emotions of the victim is expected: surprise, fear, curiosity and fear of being abused. The act of true exhibitionism is always impulsive, performed in a state of narrowed consciousness caused by stress, high anxiety, intense uncontrolled sexual fantasies. Conscious opposition to exposure turns out to be impossible. After an attack, remission occurs, the duration of which ranges from several days to months.


    The need to distinguish between forms of exhibitionism arises in the process of establishing a diagnosis, especially in the framework of a forensic psychiatric examination, when making a prognosis, selecting treatment and rehabilitation measures. The classification is based on the clinical manifestations and pathological mechanisms underlying the pathology. There are three types of this sexual disorder:

  1. True exhibitionism. Refers to disorders of sexual preference. The patient loses control over his actions, experiences strong sexual arousal when the body is exposed in public.
  2. Candaulism. In addition to the main symptoms, there is a desire to undress a partner in public and perform an act of copulation. Actions are uncontrollable, often ending in ejaculation.
  3. False exhibitionism. The demonstration of the genitals is part of the hooligan actions. The exhibitionist acts according to a preliminary plan, and not under the influx of emotions.

Exhibitionism Symptoms

The act of exhibitionism is preceded by a state of psycho-emotional stress: the patient experiences anxiety, is under the influence of a stress factor (conflict, tragic news), suffers for a long time from sexual deprivation, which generates fantasies. Excitation and a sense of satisfaction become the central need that determines the thoughts, emotions and actions of the patient. Consciousness narrows - the ability to objectively assess the environment, plan and control one's own actions is lost. Exposure occurs in the presence of a sexual partner or strangers. Most of the victims are women, children and the elderly. Excitation grows with a pronounced expression of emotions - fright, surprise, fear. Some exhibitionists masturbate in public, provoking an erection and ejaculation, others have sexual intercourse with their partner. Incidents of violence are rare.

Manifestations of female exhibitionism are different from male ones. Most researchers argue that women demonstrate a naked body, including genitals, not for sexual satisfaction, but for sensual pleasure. It arises when men realize their own attractiveness and desirability. Demonstration of a naked body is necessary for emotional release, self-esteem, getting rid of complexes associated with relationships and appearance. Exhibitionists master professions that allow them to realize the desire to expose the body in relatively acceptable ways. They become striptease dancers, erotic dancers, nude fashion models, actresses of pornographic films. The absence of harsh public censure and the ability to maintain social adaptability smooth out the problem of female exhibitionism.


Exhibitionism is complicated by emotional disturbances - during the period of remission, patients become aware of the obscenity of their behavior, experience feelings of guilt and shame. Among the casual victims are acquaintances, neighbors, as a result, the disorder negatively affects social adaptation. Patients spend most of their time at home, become withdrawn, have difficulty making acquaintances, communication, often find themselves in a situation of litigation. Indecent exposure is not grounds for criminal prosecution, but an expert opinion on the presence of a true disorder is required.


Examination of patients with exhibitionism is carried out by a psychiatrist. The main diagnostic tasks are to identify the presence of a disorder and determine its origin, that is, to differentiate isolated forms from symptoms of other diseases - schizophrenia, mental retardation with behavioral abnormalities, frontal atrophy, local lesions of the frontal cortex. The general diagnostic scheme includes the following procedures:

  • Psychiatric consultation. Using the method of clinical conversation, the doctor collects an anamnesis, clarifies the symptoms. To confirm exhibitionism, it must be established that acts of public exposure occurred regularly for six months or more, were the main or only way to obtain sexual satisfaction.
  • Neurologist's consultation. The specialist interviews and examines the patient. If there is a suspicion of damage to the frontal areas of the brain, he prescribes instrumental examinations (MRI, CT of the brain).
  • Psychological diagnostics. The psychologist conducts a study of the cognitive sphere and personality traits. The results make it possible to identify schizophrenia, oligophrenia, signs of personality disorder or neurosis, to assess the degree of maladaptation, emotional tension, the risk of aggressive violent actions.

Treatment for exhibitionism

Medical and psychological assistance to exhibitionists is provided on a voluntary and compulsory basis. Often, censure of the actions of patients on the part of society prevents them from visiting a doctor on their own, the initiators are spouses, or therapy is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the court. An integrated approach includes three components:

  • Psychotherapy. The sessions are aimed at the patient's awareness of the causes of exhibitionism - childhood psychotrauma, negative experience, lack of arbitrariness of behavior, as well as the development of new stereotypes - the restoration of the connection between sexual arousal and sexual behavior of a partner. Methods of psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral and behavioral therapy are used.
  • . Drug therapy is aimed at reducing sexual desire, impulsive behavior. The use of psychotropic and antihypertensive drugs, hormonal drugs that reduce the production of testosterone is shown.
  • Rehabilitation. To prevent relapses, it is necessary to introduce the patient into socially significant areas, restore family, especially marital relations. Rehabilitation measures are carried out through the efforts of psychologists and close relatives, including professional consultations, open discussion of sexual problems by spouses, prevention of stressful situations, and prevention of psychological pressure from loved ones.

Forecast and prevention

The effectiveness of exhibitionism therapy depends on its timeliness, the patient's desire to get rid of the disorder, and the support of relatives. The less often acts of exposure are performed, the more a person is motivated to recover, the more favorable the prognosis. The risk of recurrence is reduced with proper rehabilitation measures. To prevent exhibitionism, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of sexual education of children and adolescents: openly discuss the topics of sexual relations as interest arises (use special literature), protect against viewing pornographic images and films, make sure that there are no people in the environment who are prone to acts of a sexual nature in regarding children.

Fast news today

Actually, exhibitionism is getting sexual satisfaction by demonstrating your own naked genitals to strangers around you. Most often seen in men. As a rule, most exhibitionists are impotent, incapable of other forms of heterosexual activity.
Such people are afraid. But in vain. They are harmless, they are unlikely to attack someone who unwittingly became their spectator. And if they have a desire to touch the hem of the skirt and the knee of their "victim", then this is rather an element of fetishism, a reason for sexual relaxation. And they are afraid of exhibitionists because of stereotypes.

We mean that a person usually undresses before entering into sexual contact, and therefore the naked genitals of an unfamiliar and, perhaps, somewhat unpleasant person are perceived as a danger (“what if he attacks! what if he is crazy?”). And he only needs to be looked at, that someone is nearby, some like the fear of the beholder.

Psychologists-specialists in sexual relations say that the desire to reveal their "secrets" in public arises in people with sexual complexes, sexual neuroticism. They may be afraid of intimacy with a woman, the female body, they may also be victims of an overly strong-willed mother or grandmother in childhood.

Adherents of the exhibitionist movement insist that they are not sexual perverts. Their main pathos is the destruction of boundaries and decency. These are the revolutionaries who even created their own dictionary with "professional" terminology. For example, the notion of Godiving is an exotic form of "exhibitionism for oneself" when nakedness occurs without witnesses.

Someone likes to walk naked in the park, stay in the office at night and tap the keyboard in the nude, sunbathe on the roof of a 27-story building. They do not have the goal of attracting someone's attention, they are excited only by the understanding that someone, theoretically, can still see them.

Fraisa is also exhibitionism without prying eyes, but it requires the presence of a true friend or girlfriend, who, as a rule, film the undressing of the protagonist on camera and insure against the appearance of unwanted voyeurs. Flashing is the sudden display of genitals in a public place.

Attract attention to yourself, open-wrap your raincoat, lift up your skirt in front of an astonished audience, and then jump into the car or hide around the corner. Whoever saw, he was amazed, who did not understand anything - he will be tormented all his life, he saw something or only imagined it.

Running away, in the sense of running away, is not really necessary, because it is unlikely that someone will chase the “impudent”, but the very feeling that you are running away, those who have tried it, turns on no less than the act of demonstration itself.

The vocabulary of exhibitionism is large and varied, including group actions, public defecation, and a sea of ​​other subtleties of human pleasure. There are, for example, such individuals who are not able to personally demonstrate their “dignities”, but are only ready to do it with the help of the Internet - they post their nudes on www pages and get satisfaction from the fact that someone will see it.

There are also those who like to have fun in certain places - “tram boor”, for example ... Well, as for how it is treated, doctors say that it is not so difficult. A few sessions of psychotherapy - and no more desire to flaunt yourself.

To the question What is exhibitionism, how did it arise and when? given by the author Eurovision the best answer is Exhibitionism (Latin exhibeo - to expose, show) is a form of deviant sexual behavior, when sexual satisfaction is achieved by showing the genitals to strangers, usually of the opposite sex, as well as in public places. As a rule, the exhibitionist does not expect to continue contact or start a relationship, the demonstration of the genitals is often accompanied by sexual arousal and masturbation.
Distinguish false and true exhibitionism. In false exhibitionism, exposure is a hooligan act. With true exhibitionism, which is a disease related to sexual preference disorders (ICD-10 code F65.2), the exhibitionist loses control over the actions performed.
True exhibitionism can manifest itself in connection with emotional disturbances. In such individuals, periods of bouts of exhibitionism are interspersed with long periods of normal behavior.
A separate form of exhibitionism is candaulism - the desire to demonstrate to others your naked sexual partner or sexual actions with him.
The emergence of exhibitionism as a phenomenon is associated with the spread of constant wearing of clothes and the accompanying idea of ​​the shameful nature of nudity. Cases of exhibitionism were already known in antiquity. Thus, Theophrastus wrote:
(1) Shamelessness is not difficult to define: it is obvious and obscene mischief, and shameless is what a person is.
(2) Having met free women, he lifts up his cloak and shows his gender ...
- Theophrastus. Characters. XI
In cultures where nudity was not considered shameful, exhibitionism is not observed. In Western civilization, its appearance is associated with the spread of puritanical ideology associated with the suppression of sexuality.
In performing his act, the exhibitionist expects to see in the victim a very specific set of emotional reactions: a combination of surprise, fright and curiosity. A different response cannot satisfy his needs and may even lead to aggressive behavior. In addition, a necessary component is the fear of being persecuted.
In the animal kingdom, the demonstration of an erect penis has a very definite communicative meaning: it is a gesture of challenge, aggression, readiness for an attack, it symbolizes strength and power. Similar phenomena take place in human society, this is evidenced by the prevalence and significance of symbolic phallic gestures (fig, "fuck", etc.). H. Mester explains exhibitionism with relic instincts that encourage a person to assert himself, to demonstrate the significance of his own personality through phallic demonstration.
The cause of exhibitionism can also be any mental pathology or organic brain damage. Drinking alcohol can also be associated with acts of exhibitionism: there are many alcoholics among exhibitionists, and acts of exposure are often committed in a state of intoxication.
In addition, exhibitionistic needs may be based on stereotypes of sexual behavior that have developed in childhood, associated with the observation of acts of nudity, participation in them, with sexual games in children's companies.
The act of true exhibitionism is performed impulsively, in a state of narrowed consciousness, it is preceded by such phenomena as irritability, anxiety, the appearance of intense sexual fantasies. For a true exhibitionist, it is often impossible to resist the desire for exposure, but after the commission of the act there is a remission, the duration of which is individual.

Answer from take time off[guru]
Adam and Eve were the first

Answer from Help[guru]
The second part of the question is ludicrous, while the first is when a person takes pleasure in showing their genitals.

Answer from Lev Kolobov[guru]
(lat. exhibeo-exhibit), achieving sexual satisfaction by demonstrating the genitals to persons of the opposite sex outside the situation of sexual intimacy. It usually occurs in men. However, a number of authors note that some women, for example, engaged in professional striptease or prone to exposing various parts of the body (usually breasts, hips) have certain exhibitionistic inclinations. For most male exhibitionists, the fright of a woman is important, so they tend to shock her by appearing suddenly from behind a shelter, in a window or entrance of a house. Having opened a cloak or coat, they demonstrate an erect penis, coming into a state of strong sexual arousal, sometimes reaching a mental orgasm. Often the show is accompanied by masturbation. Sometimes cases of exhibitionism are observed in public transport at a later time, often nudity is performed in front of children. Persons in whom exhibitionism is combined with elements of sadism are most attracted to the reaction of fear and shame in women, and in the presence of masochistic tendencies, their own feelings of humiliation, shame or fear of punishment turn out to be exciting (such varieties include candaulism, erotographomania).
Verbal (verbal) exhibitionism is also distinguished, when a man enjoys whispering intimate details and outright vulgarities in a woman's ear or listening to them from her. Most often this happens on the phone, when a man calls a woman he does not know and in the conversation touches on topics that cause him sexual arousal, while masturbating to ejaculation and orgasm. Verbal exhibitionism can be combined with the desire to expose one's genitals in front of another person. As an age norm, elements of exhibitionism can be found in 5% of children under the age of 7 years and in less than 1% of children aged 7-11 years. In childhood, the demonstration of the genital organs is devoid of sexual overtones. However, with a decrease in excitability thresholds and a violation of the timing of psychosexual development, most often as a result of neuropsychiatric diseases, the demonstration of the genitals is in some cases accompanied by sexual arousal, and subsequently by orgasm. Voluptuous sensations during exposure in such children can be fixed by the mechanism of imprinting, further forming exhibitionistic inclinations. Prevention of exhibitionism is the same as for other violations of psychosexual orientation, the treatment is mainly psychotherapeutic.