The characteristic of Mrs. Prostaya from the comedy is inexpensive. The characteristic of Mrs. Prostaya (by Comedy D.I. Fonvizin)

- Mrs. Prostakova. The playwright depicts it bright and real. We have a lively face, we see simpler, we understand all its simple primitive psychology, we understand why and how the character of this "bureaus", as it calls her true. The first thing that rushes into the eyes when you read "inexpensive", or see the production of this comedy, this is the extraordinary rudeness of Ms. Prostaya: The first action begins with the fact that she scolds the tailor of Trushka, calling him "cattle, thieves of the thieves and a nervous" . The same rudeness is visible in her words facing her husband, to his brother. But in handling the servants, not only rudeness is visible, but also inhuman cruelty. Having learned that the girl's girl fell ill, broke and ragged, Prostakova exclaims: "Ah, she is, the beast! Lies! Bit, Bestiya! As if she is noble! " Tryshka tailor she tells her husband to punish for the fact that, in her opinion, Kaftan, who he sewed Mitrofan, is poorly sits. "Pluts! the thieves! Fraudsters! To kill everyone to death! " She shouts to people. The bad appeal with the servants of Prostakova believes not only by its right, but also by his duty: "Everything is managed by, father," she says to Pravda, "From morning to evening, he doesn't stop behind his tongue, she does not finish: it's shuffling Those house and keeps! " The serfs she completely ruined the lips and herself says: "Since all that the peasants were, we did not have anything to contempt." The same brother, cattle, cattle, with his peasants, "" How many neighbors were offended by me, how much did it do, "he says," I didn't beat anyone to anyone: but all sorts of loss than going to him, the court His peasants and ends in the water. "

Heroes "Nepalized" Fonvizin

Brother and sister received the same upbringing, which partly explains the rudeness of their morals. Prostakova herself says that their father had eighteen people of brothers and sisters, but, besides her with his brother, all "ended up"; It can be seen that the children grew without any supervision: "Others from the baths were pulled out; Three, the felible of the milk from the copper cattle, died; Two of the holy of the bell tower fell; And the best did not stand up ... "Children did not teach anything at home. The father was angry when "good people" persuaded him to give his son to school, and shouted: "Curse the child who will drive something from bass, and do not be that cattle, who will want to learn something."

In a conversation with the Street, Prostakova draws a portrait of his father: "Deadly Batyushka," she says, "the governor was fifteen years old, and with the same, and in the same way, he learned that he did not know how to make a diploma. The girls acted, there was always, sitting on the iron chest. After all the chest assign and put something. " At the same time, he was "economy" the great, in other words, is a mischievous soul. "The dead man, light" ends his story of the prostakov, "lying on the chest with money, died, so to speak, with hunger." An example of such a father and education given to them to children affected the character and views of the prostata.

Fonvizin. Inexpensive. Performance of small theater

However, agreeing with the Father in the fact that "without sciences people live and lived," Prostakova tries to give his son to his Mitrofanushka some formation. Following the requirements of time, she even says Mitrofan herself: "We learn the eyelids." She understands that now without the letter of big ranks you will not get. Therefore, the Kuteikin seminarist for the third year as teaches Mitrofan, the retired soldier of Tsyfirkin - arithmetic, and the German terribleman, who enjoyed in the house with special honor as a foreigner, to all sciences. Prostakova does not regret anything in order to bring Mitrofanushka to people, but, without understanding anything in sciences, she interferes in the lessons, it is stupid prevents teachers to make their own business and potaks Leni Mitrofan.

The crazy love is simple to son - the only good feature of her character, although, essentially, this is a primitive, rude feeling; Prostakova herself compares his love for his son with the natural affection of the dog to his puppy. But the love of his son, whatever it, occupies the first place in all the actions and thoughts of Mrs. Prostaya. Mitrofan is the center and the meaning of her life. For the sake of him, she is ready to commit a crime, trying to take away the sophia and forcibly marrying it with Mitrofan. Therefore, when all her atrocities are disclosed when His estate takes care of his estate for the inhuman treatment with servants and threatens to give it to court, seeing that the power and strength of her are taken away, she rushes to his adorable son: "One you stayed with me , my heart friend, Mitrofanushka! " "And when Mitrofan, in response to this cry of a maternal heart, rudely pushes her:" Yes, the Mother, as an imposed! " - She does not withstand her grief and with the words: "And you! And you throw me! " deprived of feelings. At this moment, Ms. Prostakova became sorry for ms. The author managed to portray it really like a living face. Pointing to her, the famous final words of the comedy says: "Here is the worst of decent fruits!"

The comedy "inexpensive", created by Great Phonwan in the 18th century, does not come off from the scenes of the metropolitan and regional theaters by this time. It is included since the Soviet times in the school curriculum of all the Union republics and remained in most of them even after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of independent states. "Satira Bold Lord", as Pushkin's playwright named, not only cruel criticism and ridiculous, ignorance, the cruel herrock, climbed the shame of the serf system of Russia, but also created a whole gallery of images that embody certain types of characters, because of its vitality almost immediately Magnifying. One of them is Mrs. Prostakov, mother of Mitrofanushki.

Hero place in the work

The image of the spacecraft in the comedy plays one of the main roles. She is the owner of the manor, the owner of the fortress shower, the nobleman, the stronghold and the personification of state power here, in its estate. And it, in turn, one of the thousands of corners of Russia. And those problems that arise in separate territories are characteristic of the whole country. This is first. Secondly, the image is important to the fact that it raises and raises the Son in his image and likeness. And everything is negative, which is in the mother, cultivated in Mitrofane tenfold. But if there are prostaclers, cattle - the past and present of Russia, then their offspring is its future. So thought Fonvizin and wondered about what the state would come to them if all ignorant chams would be refilled in it. Which Debresions of the Middle Ages will throw the country to what ruin, the impoverishment will bring? Third, the image is interesting and in itself, it is like a human type, quintessence of class and personal defects.

From the surname to the person

Prostakova Heroine on her husband. And he really is "Prostak": a slightly accuracy, blessing, fully believed wife and managing the estate, and the upbringing of the Son. He, not less than the rest of the household, tolerates humiliation and insults from her, but put into place a ribbed Grubian and Samonurku does not occur to him. However, interpreting the surname, the image of the prostata acquires another shade of value. The people "simple" (not "simple") means "stupid", "nonsense", "fool". And a nice lady, long ago, the staggering frontier is proud of what is illiterate, it does not know how to read and write. Moreover, sincerely considers it the norm for female nobility. So, according to the simplicity and naivety of spiritual, it embodies the most retrograde, conservative, stagnant layer of nobility. In the entire same extent through the native surname - Natilin - the image of the spacecraft is revealed. "Lady" - the comedy, created in many ways in accordance with the poetics of classicism, allowing and in such a way to convey to the reader / viewer the essence of the character. The asian essence of the heroine, not covered with nothing, literally crying about himself from the very first replicas on stage. And the farther the action of the play, the clearer to us the animal essence of this woman. The rustling sergeant, she does not consider the servants, scolds and pound them without a branch of conscience. The peasants ruined his own, treats them extremely cruel. Ready for any meanness, even a crime for the sake of benefit. Sophia, as if the thing, is going to give it to the wives of her brother, because That was liked pigs from the village, a girl inherited from the dead parents. In this regard, "inexpensive" is very indicative.

The heroes of the comedy, embodying the fastener of Russia, are all negative as on the selection! Crushed spiritually and mentally social prejudices of the medium itself, Prostakova Calcute and Son. It is engaged in education and education. It is engaged in the form, giving tribute to fashion and new social requirements. In fact, "To grow up the deubsions," in the opinion of this, animal love of a loving woman who loves his son, no one or the other. And one more "cattle", betraying the mother, nobody, begins from her Chad, is not recognizing, stupid and mean. Therefore, the final vernal words of the work sounds the entire noble-serpentine system: "Here is the worship of decent fruits!"

Modern classic

It is worth noting that the expression it became a winged and stepped far beyond the plays content. So we can say about any negative example, a act, the appropriate reaction becomes becoming the appropriate reaction. Therefore, you should always try to behave, speak and do so as not to protrude our "cool" and did not give "decent fruits"!

The image of the prostata in the comedy D. I. Fonvizin "Nepali"

Prostakova-One of the main characters "inexpressible". No event taking place in the comedy does not pass without her participation. The position of the hostess at home obliges it to this,

Who is such a prostakov? The nobleman, lives in the village, has a fortest, in a word, a typical sample of the wife of the Russian landowner. She houses houses and keeps everything under his control, from economic trifles to his own husband, who does not dare to heal it.

Prostakova illiterate and uneducated and considers literacy with an unnecessary luxury, which can only spoil a person. Then the conscience and honesty are not familiar with the heroine. Proshatova strives to look no worse than other landlords and wants to give his son to Mitrofan, who is the main spacer, education, worthy of nobleman, hires He is a German teacher. But it makes it only because of the metropolitan fashion and do not take care of how and what her son will be taught.

The main thing for the prostachable-her own well-being and the well-being of her son. She will go to any deception and meanness, using all tricks and tricks, only to not lose their welfare. It lives in its well-minded principles, the main of which-misfortune.

In the formation of space-based, duplicate, dull inhuman power and ignorance, all the qualities that were inherent in the Russian landlords of the eighteenth century and put up for ridiculous in the comedy.

The Comedy of Phononvizin "Nepal" is one of the classical works, without which the traditions of a social comedy and satire in Russian literature cannot be considered. The author skillfully depicts typical characters of the depthies, hospitable, coarse, uneducated, however bear important titles and proud of their own nobility.

An important role in the reflection of the author's position and the entire thought of the work plays such a characteristic character as Mrs. Prostakov. Hard landlord, it is quite typical for the Russian reality of that time. Under her "wing" is a hot beloved son, as well as not too loving husband, who simply does not dare to object to the authority. It is actually incorrect, but a very purposeful woman who is fully focused on the upbringing of his own son and financial, social prosperity of his family. It obviously lacks both education and banal education and tact, however, this character is not deprived of strong feelings, and not so unequivocal, as it may seem.

Characteristic of the hero

The main features of the character are not so difficult to understand, they are prescribed by phonvizin quite clearly, since the prostacob itself is not a person's mysterious, nor the lady is too deep in its inner content. On one side, she is cruel and merciless, she is ready for all for the sake of achieving their own goals. On the other hand, it is filled with love for his son so much that he does not want to notice his obvious flaws. Such a contradiction does not allow the reader to perceive it exclusively as a negative hero.

The main features of the heroine can also be attributed to concern, hot temper, intolerance. It is not too happy, so always dissatisfied with what is happening around. This applies to both the relationship with her husband and social devices, even politicians and economics as much as it can understand them at all.

Another important feature of this hero is her dislike for sciences in all their manifestations. For her, the absence of any development is a guarantee of stability and well-being. It is very straightforward, so any exercises and lessons perceives literally. In many scenes with the teacher, its greed is revealed: simple mathematical tasks turn it into a real shock, make them fully protect their child from these malicious sciences.

That is the psychological portrait: the typical consciousness of the powerful landowners with the years literally "killed" in it all human. Only the thirst for power drives her, and even good feelings turn into something negative: the love of her husband turns into commanding, tenderness to his son - in the hyperecent. Small, but significant features, the author draws through the details, for example, giving a reference to an unsightly maiden name. Former beam, prostakova received no less talk after marriage.

The image of the hero in the work

Prostakova - the central image in the comedy, around which several plot lines are twisted. However, much more important is that it embodies all the old premium, which is ridiculed by Fonvizin. The final, in which Prostakova plays again the central role, shows the author's main idea that it is through the social death of this "malicious fury." It was inevitably an end to her, just as the whole system of the Meshchansky society. Throughout the Comedy, Prostakova and there is an embodiment of the Meshchansky orders and remnants.

Through the image of the prostata author of the comedy, it looms all the features that he is so hateful in the modern society. Mrs. does not consider its fortress people, they are only soulless and not too smart cars for the execution of orders. They are obliged to endure any punishment about and without it. In her eyes, such people simply cannot have good intentions and need "Help Mittens".

The interests and feelings of other people, she does not consider something important. Without cheating and tricks, this woman will not be able to arrange their future, and this is a dead end of development, which is why he leads to such a tragic final. The deprivation at the end of the space-planned village is the direct reference of the author to the sad end of the entire boss, which should lose all property for his crimes. At the same time, the future of the state, according to Fonvizin, remains for such characters and classes like Sophia and Milan.

Jan 19 2012.

A genuine revolution made Fonvizin in the comedy language. The speech of many of his heroes is predetermined by Spe -. COFIC. In the "inexpensive" especially colorful speeches of Prostaya, Natilin, Eremeevna. Fonvizin retains all the incorrectness of the language of his ignorant heroes: "First" instead of the first, "Relika" instead of a child, "Goluba" instead of the head, "Kotor" instead that. Proverbs and sayings are well used. Rough, the predachable natural nature is well revealing the vulgarisms used by it: "And you, the Beesting, dumbfounded, and you did not dug brother in Haru, and you did not smash him on the ears." From the Language of Prostakova do not go like a laughing words: cattle, khark, canali, old witch. The news of the disease of the courtyard Girl Palace leads her in rabies: "Oh, she's a besting! Lies. As if noble! "

Throughout the comedy, cattle and spaces emphasize that they are smartly unusually, especially Mitrofanushka. In fact, Prostakova, her husband and her brother do not know how to even read. Moreover, they are deeply convinced of the uselessness and unnecessary knowledge. "No science people live and lived," confidently declares Prostakov. Equally wildly and their public ideas. High positions exist, according to their deep conviction, only for enrichment. According to Prostaya, her father "Voivodo was fifteen years old ... I didn't know how to lose, but I knew the adequate to notice." The advantages of the "noble" class they see in the ability to insult and relieve people dependent on them. The reason for "worst" may be bad mentors. Mitrofan's training is entrusted with a hacified seminarist Kuteyukin, a retired soldier of Tsyfirkin and the former Kumor, Germans. Mitrofan is one of the main actors of the comedy. Using voice characteristics, D. I. Fonvizin depicted Mitrofan as the greatest lazy. But it's not just a matter of teachers, the nature and behavior of Mitrofan the natural result of those living examples that he is surrounded in the parents' house. The most detrimental influence provided on Mitrofan Prostakov. After all, his name, translated from Greek, means "such a mother", that is, "which is a mother." From Prostaya Mitrofan adopted rudeness, greed, contempt for labor and knowledge. Education, which mother wanted to give her son, Scot's upbringing, educating animal needs.

Slavery corrupts the Lords, landowners, damping their human traits. They turned their peasants in cattle, but also became cattle, losing honor and conscience, forgetting about human and related attachments. Fonvizin managed to create a truly typical images that became nominated and survived their time. The names of Mitrofanushka, Natilin, Prostaya, became immortal.

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