It's good to be a girl in pink. It's good to be a girl in a pink coat, maybe not in a pink one, but that's not the same

It's good to be a woman in a mink coat

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat

Typically a female toast:

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat
maybe not in pink, but it's not that!
It's good to be a woman in a mink coat,
maybe not in a mink, but it's not that !!
It's good to be a lady in your own car,
it is possible on the bus, but it’s not that!
It would be good if the salary of a hundred thousand commercials,
maybe four, but it's not that !!
So the girls are cute, I am always for
so that in your life there was only THAT !!!

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat!
It is possible in green, but not that.
It's good to be a girl in a mink coat!
Maybe not a girl, but it's not that ...

It's good to be French! Jacques Yves Cousteau.
You can be a Moldovan, but it's not that!
It's good to race around the city in a car!
It is possible in a tram, but it’s not that ...

Nice to drink vodka, grams, that way, a hundred!
Mineral cans, but not that.
Nice to go out in the evening - to see where and what.
You can wash the dishes, but it's not the same.

It's good to eat lobsters, wash down the chateau.
You can have a beer with roach, but it's not that.
To become famous like Brigitte Bordeaux.
It can be like Krachkovskaya, but it’s not that.

It's good to be a juggler in a big top circus!
You can also be a cleaner, but it's not that ...
It would be nice to take a vacation that way for a hundred days.
you can quit, but it's not that.

It's good to be a girl with a pink soul
You can be with gray, but the holiday is small,
Neither Brigitte Bordeaux will appreciate the girl,
Neither Madame Krachkovskaya nor Jacques Cousteau!

  • Eh, it's good to be a girl ...

    It's good to be a girl in a pink coat! You can wear a green one, but it's not that. It’s good to be a girl in a mink coat! It’s possible not to be a girl, but it’s not that ... It’s good to be a Frenchman! Jacques Yves Cousteau, maybe a Moldovan, but already ...

  • I love this rhyme)))

    It’s good to be a girl in a pink coat! It’s possible in a green one, but it’s not that. It’s good to be a girl in a mink coat! Maybe not a girl, but it’s not that ... It’s good to be a Frenchman! Jacques Yves Cousteau. You can be a Moldovan, but not that! Well ...

  • JUST

    It's good to be a girl in a pink coat! It is possible in green, but not that. It’s good to be a girl in a mink coat! It’s possible not to be a girl, but it’s not that ... It’s good to be a Frenchman! Jacques Yves Cousteau. You can be a Moldovan ...

  • Girl in pink.)

    Yes, that's right, today they took a queue for me. "I'm after the girl in pink."

It's good to be a woman in a mink coat, maybe not in a mink coat, but it's not that!
It's good to be a lady in your own car, to show it in full….
It is possible on the bus, but it’s not that!
Well, a salary of a hundred thousand commercials, maybe four, but it's not that!
So the girls are cute, I always want only that in your life!

It's good to be a woman in your 30s. It's good to be a woman, so 30 years old

It's good to be a woman, 30 years old.

And fall in love with a boy, 20 years old.

And a man in his 40s, also not a grandfather,

Life is beautiful at 30, the range is wide.

It's good to be a woman, 40 years old.

It's good to be a woman, so in 50 years

It's good to be a woman, so in 60 years

It's good to be a woman in 70s, damn it, years.

The granddaughter is soon 30, the hormone started playing.

It's good to be a woman at 80

It's good to be a woman in your 90s.

Review of "It's good to be a woman, so 30 years old" Zus Wyman 19.10.2018

It's good to be a woman, thirty years old.

And fall in love with a boy, so ... ... ty.

And a man at forty, also not a grandfather,

Life is beautiful in .... the range is wide.

It's good to be a woman, so years old… .ka.

If you want, you will have a drink of vodka, you would like some brandy.

And there is something to surprise a thirty-year-old

A brutal peasant can be turned on.

All climaxes are passed, passions are boiling.

And the forty-year-old, seeing, trembles.

And a hundred-year-old grandfather runs with Viagra.

It's good to be a woman, so in ... ..t

Retire soon, if not renewed.

And I ate everything, it seems, in full,

I want calmness and all went "On".

It's good to be a woman in… .t, damn it, years.

It seems to be not old, but the teeth are gone.

The granddaughter will soon ... ..., the hormone started playing.

I remember my "range" with sadness.

It's good to be a woman in ... ..t years,

Even though I'm shivering a little, turning off the light.

I remember the past, as I loved then,

She kissed me affectionately, but who? .. I forgot ...

It's good to be a woman in… .t years.

I don't want anything, the ladies have no strength.

And I laugh softly. ... Yes, I already thought!

I'm happy with my life! I have loved all my life!

And we live with love, happiness and dreams,

Our life is filled with passion and sins.

And with love, a woman should always live!

Is it good to be a woman? .. I will answer - YES!

The text is large so it is paginated.

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat verse Rubal original. But it’s not that ...

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat
Maybe not in pink, but it's not that ...
It's good to be a woman in a mink coat,
You can wear a sweatshirt, but it's not that ...
It's good to be a woman in a brand new car
It is possible on the bus, but it’s not the same….
It would be good to pay a salary of thousands of commercials in 100,
Maybe 15, but it's not that ...
So let's drink, girls, for something
So that in our life there was only THAT !!!
(C) - From folklore
It's good to stand as a bride with a lace veil,
You can tulle from the curtain, but it's not that!
It would be good to be a husband of a banker, if he is cool,
An engineer is also possible, but it’s not that!
It would be nice to sparkle me with youthful beauty,
What remains is also possible, but not that!
It would be nice to insert a tooth for me, better gold,
Wooden is also possible, but not that!
It would be nice to win a lot of money in the sports lotto,
And the top ten is also possible, but not that!
It would be good to pull out a petal from the "seven-flower"
Chamomile is also possible, but not that!
If you have to hammer in a nail, you need a hammer,
You can also use a frying pan, but it's not that!
I said a lot here, in general it sucks,
Not to read - of course, you can, but it's not that!

Than a girl to be better than a guy. 40 reasons why a girl is better than a guy

1. We are the first to leave the sinking ship
2. But! a naked woman looks more aesthetically pleasing than a naked man
3. On the phone, we will always find someone to talk to
4. If we wish, we can understand a man, they succeed much less often.
5. But! At sea, during hot water supply, we will never have
complexes to occupy the men's shower, and expel the men
6. Our tears are not a manifestation of our weakness.
7. Men live on average 6 years less than women
8. A woman does not prove her mental superiority by force
9. In men's clothes (especially a shirt), we look sexy, men in our clothes look like idiots
10. But! Our orgasms are about 20 seconds, as opposed to 5
11. We can afford clothes of any color of the rainbow
12. But! we have a bag where you can put all these essential items
13. We can make plaintive eyes in front of the teacher and get credit for work
14. When we dance, we are not like a frog in a mixer.
15. We never regret earrings.
16. We are more accurate. In everything!
17. We can cry and not pay the speeding ticket
18. But! We don’t need to shave every day, and if we forget to shave, no one will know about it.
19. If we are stupid, there will always be people who will find it cute.
20. With the same blood alcohol level, a man loses orientation three times faster than a woman
21. When we drive a car, the people around do not hear many "new words"
22. We can do several things at the same time.
23. Flirting is our tool for life
24. All problems are settled with innocent eyes and small tricks
25. All 90% of the time we think about our appearance, position in
society, about study, and about sex? why think about him if you think about him
you? men
26. We will never be late for a responsible event, because when seeing a short skirt, the car driver lets us through
27. We do not perceive an ordinary sore throat or a runny nose as a serious illness, while saying: I am about to die!
28. We can wear a sooooo short skirt to avoid the heat
29. What the woman said, God says, therefore it always happens as we say
30. But! only we hear a compliment about our new hairstyle
31. We know how to rejoice even in little things like flowers presented to us (picked from a nearby flower bed) or new lipstick
32. We can save money for the same nice little thing by flirting with a fruit seller in the market
33. When you men leave somewhere, we do not sound the alarm that there is nothing! because what are we to cook? ...
34. When we like a man, no organ betrays our feelings.
35. Only we own the art of being perfect
36. We are forgiven for screaming during horror films
37. We manage to do everything on time
38. We can have children, which no man can
39. We are more enduring morally
40. And most importantly, we love men, and no one calls us perverts for that !! !

Video It's good to be a girl in a pink coat ... (on March 8)

Who better to be a girl or a guy. Several reasons why being a BOY is better than a GIRL !! :)

1._Old friends don't care deeply about changes in your weight. In films, women are much more often shown naked. One suitcase is enough for a week's vacation. 4. You don't need to follow your friends' sex life. 5. The queue in the toilet is 80% shorter. 6. You can open all the bottles yourself. 7. Your telephone conversation lasts 30 seconds. 8. When you switch channels on the TV, you don't need to stop for more than 5 seconds. 9. The shape of your ass doesn't really matter to the device. 10. All your organs are real 11. You are not attacked by guys in masks of hockey players. 12. You do not need to always carry with you a whole bag of extremely necessary items. 13. When you are criticized, you don’t need to panic that everyone around you secretly hates you. The garage and TV control are yours and yours alone. 15. Matters of marriage are settled by themselves. 16. If someone forgets to call you anywhere, he can still be your friend. 17. Your cowards cost 100 rubles. for 3 pcs. 18. You don't need to pick anything below the neck. 19. None of your servants can bring you to tears. 20. You don't need to fall asleep next to your hairy ass every night. If you are a 34-year-old bachelor, no one pays attention to this. 22. Everything that is on your face is always of a natural color and shape. 23. You can enjoy the silence while sitting in the car as a passenger. 24. All problems can be solved with colors. 25. You think about sex 90% of your sleep-free time. 26. Three pairs of clothing are more than enough for you. 27. No one stops telling an obscene anecdote when you enter a room. 28. You can take off your shirt if you are hot 29. Vendors at the auto market can tell you the truth. 30. You don't give a damn if those around you have noticed your new nature. 31. You can silently watch football with your friend for hours on end and not be bothered by the question: “Maybe he is angry with me?” 32. You have the same mood all month. 33. You will never go to another call only because this one is wrong. 34. You know there are at least 20 ways to open beer bottles. 35. People never stare at your chest when you talk to them. 36. You can easily drop by another's house without a little gift. 37. If you do not call another at the appointed time, he will not tell everyone around how you have changed. 38. You will never miss the opportunity to make love only because you are not in the mood. 39. You don’t need to remember anyone’s wedding dates and birthdays. 40. If another boy appeared at the party dressed just like you, you can become the best friends.

Half of Russia knows this poem of mine. I scored the first line in Yandex - 2 million pages fell out. Here, in fact, is the poem itself:

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat!

It is possible in green, but it’s not that.

It's good to be a girl in a mink coat!

Maybe not a girl, but it's not that ...

It's good to be French! Jacques Yves Cousteau.

You can be a Moldovan, but it's not that!

It's good to race around the city in a car!

It is possible on the bus, but it’s not that ...

Nice to drink vodka, grams, that way, a hundred!

Mineral cans, but not that.

Nice to go out in the evening - to see where and what.

You can wash the dishes, but it's not the same.

It's good to eat lobsters, wash down the Chateau.

You can have a beer with roach, but it's not that.

To become famous like Brigitte Bardot.

It can be like Krachkovskaya, but it’s not that.

It's good to be a juggler in a big top circus!

You can also be a cleaner, but it's not that ...

It would be nice to take a VACATION, that way, for a hundred days.

You can also RELEASE ... - but it's not that ...

And now jokes aside. Naturally, this is not my poem. But with 2 million pages in Yandex, I could not find out who the author is. Moreover, I remember very well how this poem was first read in a TV show, which was watched then by tens of millions of people. But I don’t remember the author. The program was called Around Laughter. It was extremely popular. As many as 12 years - from 1978 to 1990.

It was moderated by the poet-parodist Alexander Ivanov. Most likely, he wrote this parody. But among his poems on the Internet, I could not find it. And on whom this parody - also failed to find out. Although, again, the prototype definitely belongs to some author, who was also very famous in those years.

Like this. There is an Internet with its colossal capabilities and archives, there are 2 million pages with references to the verse known to tens of millions of people. Lives on tens of thousands of blogs and sites the poem itself, written about a quarter of a century ago and read many times on a TV show repeated throughout the country. But everyone has forgotten who the author is. On some sites, the parody is listed as folk art. And on one - the authorship, without batting an eye, was attributed to herself by some aunt. But I remember very well that it was the man who read it in the program. I would only remember who exactly ...

If things continue this way, then 20 years later, announcing a performance at the Bolshoi Theater, the entertainer will say: the romance “I remember a wonderful moment ...” - music and folk words. Because even on the Internet, everyone will have time to forget that the words were written by a certain Pushkin, and the music - by some Glinka.