How to achieve porcelain skin. Why do people get industrial piercings? Make-up for owners of fair skin

V last years more and more talk about the dangers of sunburn, which causes early aging skin. Indeed, it is so. On the contrary, girls with porcelain skin look younger than their age. This can be said about almost all Japanese women, because they carefully monitor their appearance. We will learn from the beauties of the Land of the Rising Sun how to make your face perfect.

What is porcelain-like leather?

On the ideal face, there are no pimples, redness, enlarged pores and other imperfections. In a word, it is perfect. The skin is matte, no sunburn. But this is not painful pallor. On the contrary, porcelain leather is characterized by radiance and shine, which make a woman a sophisticated beauty.

Many girls to reach similar effect, resort to the use of decorative cosmetics, applying several layers of masking agents. But because of this technique, the face will lose all its naturalness. There are some simple tips on how to achieve porcelain leather at home.

Less makeup

Japanese women most often use decorative cosmetics only as an addition. With its help, they emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages. How less makeup will be imposed, the more chances to keep natural beauty... Any cosmetics clog the pores, so sooner or later you will have to eliminate the consequences. Most of all, this rule is observed by women of the older generation. Young Japanese women sometimes allow themselves to do spectacular makeup, especially for the eyes. But in any case, they always thoroughly wash off all makeup before bed.

Step-by-step cleansing

Japanese women never allow themselves to sleep with makeup on their faces, even if there were very few of them. This simple rule will keep your skin porcelain, clean and fresh. If ignored, the epidermis will stop breathing and regenerate during the night's rest.

It is recommended to use a phased facial cleansing system. First you need to rinse off makeup and dust with oil. The next step is to wash your face with a mild cleansing foam. And in conclusion, it remains only to lightly walk on the skin with a gentle scrub. It will remove dead cells, completely remove all excess from the pores, allowing the skin to actively regenerate. This may take about fifteen minutes, but this is completely normal.

Oiling the skin

Asian women always include various cosmetic oils in their daily face care. They allow you to moisturize, nourish, smooth and make your skin porcelain. Argan, coconut, watermelon, apricot, corn and other oils are used, depending on the type of skin. They can be applied under the cream, mixed with it, added to masks and other cosmetics.

Camellia oil deserves special attention. It is ideal for preserving youth and beauty. it natural remedy perfectly fights dry skin and wrinkles on the face. In addition, it can be used in parallel for hair and nail care.

Change of care products

Korean brands compare favorably with European and American ones in that they have not been producing the same product for decades. Every few seasons, something new appears on the beauty industry market.

You should not get attached to one of your favorite jars. Otherwise, the skin will get used to the product and become less sensitive to the ingredients. Therefore, on the way to achieving porcelain skin, you should periodically change your skin care products.

Proper nutrition

Only healthy food can be guaranteed to improve the condition of the skin. And the Japanese know firsthand about proper nutrition.

You should definitely include in your daily diet rice, amino acid-rich foods and reduce fat intake. You need to eat more seafood: fish, shellfish and algae. They are rich in substances that have beneficial effects on skin health.

The right drinks will also help to make the face smooth and elastic. It is green and white tea. If possible, it is better to replace them with all other drinks. Also green tea successfully used to cleanse the skin externally.

New generation foundations

Instead of classic foundations, Japanese women use progressive BB creams, and now they use CC creams altogether. They contain many caring components and do not dry out the epidermis. Therefore, to obtain the effect of porcelain skin, it is better to give preference to hybrids of moisturizer and tone.

Competent application of cosmetics

Many, in the old fashioned way, rub the care products in the face in a circular motion. But this is fundamentally wrong. So the skin quickly stretches, becomes flabby, lethargic, and wrinkles appear soon. It is better to apply any cosmetics with light slaps. Thanks to this, the inflow of capillary blood increases and the processes of rejuvenation and recovery take place more intensively. Previously, it is recommended to first warm up the care product in your hands and only then apply it to your face with patting movements.

Sun protection

Ultraviolet rays are the main enemies of porcelain skin color. Not only do they make the face dark, tanned, but also the sun contributes to the formation of wrinkles and rapid aging. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use only high SPF creams. Better yet, in sunny weather, hide your face under the natural shade that you can create with an umbrella or a hat. It is not only useful but also beautiful.

Facial massage

All Japanese women know how great power is. therapeutic massage... It activates energy, increases muscle elasticity and enhances blood flow. It is not necessary to contact a specialist to undergo a facial massage. You can do it yourself at home. The point is that it is important to follow the direction of the massage lines. From the cheeks to the ears, from the corners of the lips up to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the sides, from the bottom of the chin to the cheekbones.

If you are thinking about how to achieve a porcelain complexion, then these massage lines are worth memorizing. On them, you need to apply decorative cosmetics, masks, remove makeup and do other procedures.

Snail slime

Not so long ago, the most popular ingredient in Korean creams has become Sounds creepy, but don't be intimidated. This ingredient contains elastin, collagen and has excellent healing properties. This is what you need to get a porcelain face. Therefore, you need to safely and without hesitation buy funds that contain snail mucus.

Cloth masks

Japanese women constantly and with great love use cloth masks. They provide the skin with the necessary nutrition and replenish the lack of moisture. If we consider Russian products, then it is better to read reviews about them before buying. Porcelain leather cannot be achieved with cloth masks if they are not of high quality. The material itself must be made of cotton, and nutrient must contain natural ingredients (snail mucus, aloe, milk proteins, clay, etc.).

Girls who have experienced masks made in Japan, Korea and China speak positively about them. Products based on green and white tea, bamboo juice, sea minerals perfectly even out skin tone, make it smooth, and give a porcelain shine.

Mask "Pearl White"

To eliminate redness, inflammation, even out the tone and matting of the skin, Japanese women traditionally use special mask... It consists of egg yolk, acacia honey and water. All are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face evenly thin layer... After twenty minutes, the mask is gently washed off with warm water. Already after the first application, the face becomes velvety, and its color is more delicate and uniform, like porcelain.

Home peeling

We can say that asian girls obsessed with renewing and cleansing the skin. Therefore, they peel several times a week, regardless of skin type. At first glance, it may seem that very often. But in the end, after so many procedures, you will have dense, porcelain skin, without any flaws. It is better to give preference to natural recipes that are based on fruits or berries (strawberries, rose hips, pineapple, papaya, etc.). As the experience of many girls shows, peeling from oatmeal also gives good results.

Emulsions and serums

Today the market offers many products for facial rejuvenation. You definitely shouldn't give up serums and emulsions. Moreover, they can and should be used every night before bed. Japanese women first apply serum, then cosmetic oil and in the end - night cream... It is better to buy emulsions based on natural ingredients: marine collagens, algae, goat's milk or snail mucus.

Eye patches

A porcelain face will not look perfect if bruises and bags are visible under the eyes. Therefore, attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes. But regular creams not as effective as gel patches. They contain collagen, which helps to remove bags, dark circles, and wrinkles. Some patches don't need to be rinsed off, so they can be applied right before going out.

Now you know how to make your skin porcelain and healthy without numerous layers of decorative cosmetics and expensive salon procedures, which often have very dubious results. But do not forget that only comprehensive care and the regularity of the procedures will make the face snow-white, clean and radiant. Every girl can do this if she is not lazy.

The fashion for milky white skin has been present for several centuries in a row. Porcelain skin was a sign of aristocracy, a high position in society. Only an aristocrat could afford to protect her face from the sun's rays, actively using hats and umbrellas. A healthy glow and tan were signs of the low class and a sign that their owners had to work for a long time. fresh air under the scorching sun.

The situation changed dramatically in the middle of the 20th century. Legendary Coco Chanel became the trendsetter in tanning fashion. The trend quickly entered the masses. Nowadays, tanning is available all year round, regardless of the latitude of residence - just visit the solarium.

However, fashion has a tendency to come back. And in recent years, the porcelain skin tone has become more and more popular.

This is partly due to the growing popularity of healthy way life. AND chocolate color leather, "fried" in a solarium, does not fit into this model. After all, fascination with ultraviolet light (natural or artificial) can lead to various skin problems - from rapid aging to cancer.

Porcelain skin, perfectly smooth, delicate, milky in color with a slight blush, is at the height of fashion among show business stars who set trends around the world.

Nowadays, women of fashion around the world strive to whiten their skin with cosmetics, decorative cosmetics and traditional medicine. However, following the fashion, one should not forget about common sense and overly carried away by the whiteness of the face. Porcelain skin is, first of all, healthy and natural look face, and not a painful pallor in the form of a mask.

The sample of porcelain leather is Japanese women. In the country The rising sun never tried to look tanned and throughout the ages sought to whiten the skin. Local women tried to make their faces white and clean, as this indicated tenderness, purity and innocence.

Until now, Japanese women spend a lot of time every day on facial skin care. To do this, they have special beauty rituals that include cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. However, not only high-quality skin care is responsible for its whiteness and tenderness. The beauty of the face depends on the state of health, so Japanese women try to eat right, get adequate rest and exercise as much as they can.

You can also partially give your skin a porcelain look with the right makeup.

How to make porcelain leather

To achieve a long-term effect in the form of porcelain skin, it is necessary to follow a set of certain rules for face care and nutrition. It is also important to learn how to apply decorative cosmetics correctly.

How to Achieve Porcelain Leather Using Cleaning Methods

Thorough cleansing of the face is the first step towards achieving porcelain skin. This process should be carried out regularly and with the use of suitable cosmetics.

There are several basic rules for cleaning the skin:

  • Choose cosmetics that will help solve your specific skin problems: oily, dry, prone to breakouts, blackheads, and more. You can also pair effective means that will take care of your skin comprehensively. Cleansing cosmetics include scrubs, toners, astringents, and wipes.
  • If you have sensitive skin, then scrubs cannot be used. The irritated dermis will respond with an even greater negative reaction if it is mechanically influenced.
  • If you suffer from regular acne that cannot be cured by cosmetic products, then you may have certain problems with internal organs and systems. In this case, it is recommended to contact a dermatologist, cosmetologist or therapist to establish the cause of such a reaction on the part of the skin.
  • You should cleanse your face twice a day - in the mornings and evenings. If you neglect this rule, then clogging of the pores can occur and rashes and blackheads form.
  • Cleansing the skin too often can dry out the epidermis. Therefore, it is extremely important to moisturize and nourish the face after each cleaning procedure.
  • Use one or a maximum of two cleansers. Frequent alternation cosmetic preparations can provoke negative reaction skin.
  • Try brushing your skin with an intense exfoliation brush. It can only be used by owners of a "stable" dermis that is not prone to irritation and rashes. For sensitive epidermis, you can use such a device from time to time, but on gentle settings.
Instead of expensive cosmetic cleansers, you can use regular baking soda... For peeling, you need to wet it with warm water, without dissolving, and rub it gently into the skin. After the whole face has been treated, wash off the soda under running water. This budget product helps to deeply and gently cleanse the skin, no worse than store-bought cosmetics.

Also, don't forget about simple rules hygiene: touch your face with your hands as little as possible and change and wash your pillowcases frequently.

Porcelain skin at home with face masks

Simple whitening masks can also help give your skin a porcelain look. You can easily prepare them at home:
  1. Parsley and cucumber mask... This tool helps to even out skin color, make freckles invisible, dark spots and bring the shade of the face closer to porcelain. To prepare the mask, mix equal amounts of chopped parsley and cucumber and apply on clean skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Apple milk mask... Perfectly cleanses the skin, tightens it and gives it whiteness. We take half a green sour apple, grind it into gruel, fill it with a glass of milk, add half an egg yolk and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply the product to the skin for 20 minutes.
  3. Mask with boric acid and bodyag... This product is not for delicate and sensitive skin. The mask is more suitable for owners of oily, dense, hardy skin. We mix a tablespoon of bodyagi with a couple of drops of boric acid and the same amount lemon juice... Apply to face, avoiding eye and lip areas. We wash off after 10-12 minutes of exposure.
  4. Rice mask... We take half a glass of rice, grind it in a coffee grinder, add a little warm kefir, milk or mineral water to get the consistency of gruel. We apply on clean face for 15 minutes.
  5. Buckwheat mask... Grind one tablespoon of buckwheat in a coffee grinder and add one beaten egg white, a teaspoon of apple juice. Mix the components thoroughly and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Oatmeal mask... We take one tablespoon oat flour and brew with a small volume of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, add one tablespoon of parsley juice. Apply on face warm for 20 minutes.
  7. Wheat Sprouts Mask... Grind a couple of tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains in a coffee grinder and add a teaspoon of honey. For optimal results, apply the mask every other day.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide mask... It is a versatile bleaching agent. We mix five grams of three percent hydrogen peroxide with one whipped egg white and five grams of shaving cream. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes. You can also periodically spray 3% hydrogen peroxide on your face with a spray bottle. The skin will be whitened and refreshed.

How to achieve porcelain skin with vegetable oils

Another recipe for achieving porcelain leather came from Japan and belongs to geisha, who were famous for their perfectly smooth and well-groomed skin... They regularly used vegetable oils to give the porcelain tone to the face.

The following recipes have survived to this day:

  • Pour a couple of glasses of fresh white camellia petals or half a glass of dry raw materials with half a glass of almond oil and put the mixture in a steam bath for a couple of hours. Filter the resulting oil and put it in a dark place. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck with an oil mixture in the evenings before going to bed instead of a night cream.
  • Camellia chinese oil can be found commercially in finished form... It is used pure for skin whitening. Apply oil to cotton pad and wipe our face in the evening. If the skin is oily, then remove the remnants of the product with a tonic or lotion. When dry and normal skin leave the oil to soak. You can just dab your face lightly with a paper towel.
These vegetable oils help not only to whiten the skin, but also to even out its surface, to make the structure more uniform.

Porcelain Skin Makeup

Makeup in japanese style, which perfectly accentuates the whiteness of the skin and its porcelain appearance, is suitable exclusively for fair-skinned women. The swarthy will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Porcelain skin is primarily the epidermis without any imperfections. Therefore, the main attention when applying makeup should be paid to the tone.

Consider the makeup rules for porcelain skin:

  1. To achieve perfect skin primers with matting properties will help. The base must be applied to the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin.
  2. Stretch the matting base from the center of the face to the sides.
  3. To hide minor imperfections, you can additionally use concealer.
  4. Texture foundation you need to choose according to your skin type. To achieve a "porcelain effect", it is recommended to take a shade half a tone lighter than your natural one.
  5. To obtain the most natural tone, apply special brush for foundation or pear-shaped foam sponge.
  6. At the end, apply to light skin powder. Its tone should be combined with the shade of the foundation or be half a tone lighter.
  7. Pinkish light blush will give freshness to the image. They must be of a cold shade without reddishness.
  8. Eye makeup should be light and subdued, as well as in harmony with the general tone of the face. Beige, pinkish shades, nude colors are ideal.
  9. Lips can be emphasized with a translucent gloss or thick pastel lipstick.

Basic rules for maintaining healthy porcelain skin

To keep your skin healthy and fresh for as long as possible and keep it whitened, you should stick to simple recommendations to care for her:
  • Protect your face from sunlight... Even if the weather is cloudy, ultraviolet light penetrates through the curtain of clouds. Solar radiation renders harmful effect on porcelain skin and can provoke the appearance of dark spots, freckles and the first signs of aging. In addition, those who enjoy basking in direct sunlight are at increased risk of developing skin cancer. Use sunscreen even in cloudy weather. Pick one that says it has a "broad spectrum of action." This means that the drug will protect against UVA and UVB rays. Its defense factor must be at least 30 points.
  • Look for shade anywhere on the street... To hide from the direct rays of the sun, you can use a canopy, umbrella, tree, hat. Remember that the most aggressive impact the sun affects the skin from 10 to 14 hours.
  • Drink water in a large number ... Our body needs constant fluid circulation. Water helps to cleanse the skin of decomposition products, toxins. It prevents dry skin. The recommended dose of liquid per day is 2 liters.
  • Drink white and green tea... These varieties contain high levels of antioxidants that prevent skin aging. Try to consume these drinks daily.
  • Watch your diet... Analyze your daily diet for balanced foods rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Avoid eating oily foods, especially if your skin is oily.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Healthy sleep- this is the key to fresh and rested skin. During the night's rest, the processes of renewal and restoration take place in the epidermis.
  • Don't pop pimples or peel off crusts... Otherwise, dark spots on the face may remain from small scars left after traumatic exposure to the skin.
How to make porcelain leather - watch the video:

Porcelain skin color is the result not only of natural data, but also of careful facial care, balanced nutrition, correct image life. Also important role plays a matching makeup.

Want to do natural makeup, even out the tone of the face, hide imperfections of the skin? You need to choose the right shade of foundation, concealer and powder. And for this you need to correctly determine the skin color of your face. And this is where the difficulties begin. How do you determine your skin color?

How to determine skin color: main types

There are as many skin types as there are face types. There are two main types of skin in Europe: yellowish and reddish.

Yellowish skin refers to skin that is slightly beige, golden, or yellowish-nutty. Most Russian women have beige-yellow skin.

Only 15% of our girls have reddish skin color. Such skin appears pink, freckled, or pale.

The easiest way to categorize tanned skin. The yellow skin is tinged with a distinct brownish-yellow color in summer, often with an olive tint. The reddish skin after the beach turns red, and in a rested state takes on a copper tint.

If a girl is prone to rosacea - the formation of red streaks on her face, then her skin can be mistakenly attributed to the reddish type. Sensitive skin that has severe redness around the cheeks and nose is also not necessarily reddish. In this case, you need to look at the forehead or chin - there is no redness in these zones, and the color is determined unambiguously.

It is difficult to determine the color of the skin and girls with a pale face. If you have a transparent light complexion, and bluish vessels are visible in the eye area, then you should take a closer look at the skin of the shoulders, armpits, on the neck and in the décolleté area. In these places, the skin is more pigmented.

Yellowish skin color

Yellowish skin is the most different shades: light to dark.
Light yellow skin appears clear or discolored Ivory... A very dark tone has an olive tint.

Many natural shades are hidden between these polar tones: light beige, sandy, golden, rich nutty and others.

The shades of foundations developed for such skin have similar names.

Reddish skin color

The main skin color is yellow. The skin tans slowly, the tan lasts well.

Makeup base should be very light and yellowish. If there is no redness, then the base can be applied in a thin layer and a little powder with transparent powder.

Porcelain color

The lightest skin tone will work with the lightest foundation shades.


Such dark skin will never appear pale. The face has a uniform olive tint and is of a yellowish type.

A rich beige is needed here. tonal basis and powder of the corresponding color.

Problem skin

In the photo you see a girl with a beige face type and sensitive skin with redness.

In this case, you need a liquid tone of a warm beige-golden hue. If you need more thick layer makeup, a compact base will come in handy.

How to choose a shade of foundation?

How to choose tone cream the color of your skin? Do a little test. Place some foundation on your finger and draw a line from the cheek to the chin. If the line seems invisible and merges with the skin, then you have chosen the right foundation. When in doubt, apply three strips of different shades and compare the result.

If there is redness on the face, apply a strip of lower jaw to the neck. In the neck area in women with a yellowish skin type, redness is usually absent. If you have very pale, porcelain skin, also run the strip around your neck.

Try to carry out the test in natural light. If artificial lights are on in the room, try to let the light fall on your face from both sides.

Don't try to change your complexion with foundation. Hide minor redness and blue circles under the eyes help concealer. You can darken or lighten your complexion with a darker or light powder... And the brightness and relief of the face are given by bronzers, highlighters and blush. The base should be as close to your natural skin tone as possible. The job of the foundation is to create the perfect makeup canvas.

Cold pinkish base is not suitable for everyone. If your skin on both the face and neck has a reddish tint, then a base with a slightly pinkish tint is right for you.

If the skin on your face is red and looks beige on your neck, then you need a warm beige foundation. Couperose and rosation can be perfectly masked with a yellow base, thanks to which the skin will acquire a fresh and neutral tone.

At the same time, certain shades of the yellow base complement the skin of almost all shades. A yellow foundation is harder to go wrong than a reddish foundation.

Often pink foundations, especially on yellowish skin, age the face.

However, for pale skin, a foundation with lilac and pink pigments can give a fresh and healthy look.

A base with peach or apricot pigments softens the yellowish tinge of olive skin.

The base with amber pigments gives the tanned skin a special shine.

How to choose a concealer shade?

Concealer perfectly conceals skin imperfections, masks skin areas that have slightly changed their color compared to the main tone. The concealer is applied only to the problem area. Have you decided to disguise the bruises under your eyes? Apply the product strictly on the bruise itself, but not on the entire eyelid.

For beige and ivory leathers, a yellow concealer will work. This color is versatile, it perfectly masks dark circles under the eyes, acne and brown age spots.

In the case of bronze and ebony leather, the choice of concealer shade depends on the saturation of the skin tone. For light to medium skin tones, use a golden orange concealer. Darker dark skin a dark brown concealer is needed.

You can test the coloring properties of the concealer by applying it to a vein on the inside of your wrist.

How to choose a shade of powder?

It's best to choose a powder that matches your skin tone exactly. This will keep your skin looking healthy and luscious.

The translucent powder covers the face with a barely noticeable layer, but it is still not translucent. It looks most unnatural on olive and dark beige skin. Also, translucent powder is appropriate in areas where there is too much concealer.

How to determine skin color according to the Western system?

In the palette of decorative cosmetics, there are several levels of skin color saturation:

  • fair - light, milky;
  • light - light, ivory;
  • medium - beige;
  • olive - golden hazel
  • tan - bronze;
  • brown - brown;
  • black - black.

They correspond to shades of cosmetics

Milky (fair)

People in this group have red or very blonde hair, White skin... The skin may appear reddish or bluish because the blood vessels are showing through.

They are characterized by light blue and green eyes, and many freckles are often observed.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are light. If they are dark, you probably are not the first phototype.

In the sun, the skin quickly turns red and burns, sometimes to blisters. It is practically impossible to get tanned.

People of Nordic descent have very light, porcelain skin. The lightest powder color suits them.


Hair - light, blonde shades, light brown, light brown and sometimes dark.

Eyes - green, blue, light brown, sometimes dark brown (usually with dark hair).

The skin appears white, but if you look closely, you can notice a yellowish or pinkish tint, freckles are possible.

The skin does not tan well, but if you try, you can achieve a golden tan. Brown tan practically impossible. Burns with burns in the form of "bubbles" are possible.

Ivory to beige tones work well. The second color of the cosmetics palette is used by people of purely European origin.

Medium light beige (light medium)

Hair - brown, all shades from light brown to chocolate. Red hair is possible with brown eyes.

The eyes are dark gray, gray-green, green-brown, sometimes blue or brown. At all light eyes are not typical for this type.

The skin is beige, possibly subtle freckles.

You can tan until light brown... The tan lays down evenly, but at first there is a risk of burning. If the skin burns, it will turn red and flake off.

If light suits you beige tone, then you are the result of "friendship of peoples" and your ancestors from the South and East, from East Asia, and maybe from the Caucasus or from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco.


Richly beige color suits the descendants of the inhabitants of South America, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East.

Medium dark

Hair - dark brown, black.

Eyes - brown, black, dark gray, dark green.

The skin is dark beige, light brown, golden. No freckles. There may be age spots and white spots on the skin.

The skin tans quickly and to the color of milk chocolate. It rarely burns, when it is under the scorching sun for a long time. If it burns, it turns red. It rarely comes to peeling.

Brown color of the foundation, "cinnamon color", coffee with milk, deep tan color suits some residents of India, South America, the Persian Gulf, Africa, the Pacific Islands.

Dark brown

Hair and eyes are dark. There are no freckles, pigmentation spots are possible.

The skin is light brown, bronze, medium brown. The tan reaches dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

Dark brown toner is suitable for residents of South Asia, Africa, South America.

Very dark. Black (very dark)

The eyes and hair are dark. Skin from chocolate to black. Tans to black, never burns out.

Highly dark color very rarely represented in cosmetic brands... He suits the darkest inhabitants of Africa.

The first 2 tones are light, the next 2-3 are medium, and the last 2-3 are dark.

How will this information help you when choosing lipstick and eyeshadow?

Light colors look very natural on light skin, they add brightness to medium skin, and are lost on dark skin.

Medium colors on light skin look bright, good, on medium skin they look natural, on dark skin they look good.

Dark colors look bad on light skin (especially if they are not in harmony with the color of eyes, hair and clothes), on medium - good, add brightness, on dark - naturally.

Highly light colors, almost white, for more dark skin they lose color and look chalky, pure white.


The names of the tones themselves will tell you how to choose a foundation to match your face tone.

You yellow type skin? Pay attention to sandy, olive, nutty, light beige and gold shades.

Do you have a red skin type? Your palette: apricot shade, copper or pink beige.

Do you have a noble porcelain appearance? Look for cosmetic products, in the name of which there are the words "light", "transparent".

The effect of "porcelain skin" - perfectly smooth, white, slightly highlighted with pink blush - is every woman's dream. You can see this effect not only in old paintings (the women depicted on them achieved the effect of white skin with the help of powder, blush and white lead), but also in modern photographs.

How to make your skin porcelain: what should be done for this, how to care, how to paint, what products to choose.

Porcelain leather: a modern look and new technologies

The newest approach to care and make-up combines gentle methods of achieving results, hydration plus nutrition and protection from the sun.

At the forefront of the best cosmetics are Japanese and Korean manufacturers Menard, Shiseido, Mishka - famous Asian brands that combine traditional recipes and a high-tech approach.

Such products have many functions, combining toning, care, protection.

Many creams not only contain a powerful SPF filter, but also whitening ingredients, because the skin of Asian women should be aristocratic pale.

You can achieve truly beautiful and aristocratic-looking skin if you build a competent care strategy.

Purification should come first.

The skin needs to be freed from excess fat produced by the glands, dust microparticles, to clean the clogged pores from impurities, and to make makeup remover. Basic cleansers - gels, foams, tonics, lotions, micellar waters. There are means for cleansing persistent cosmetics, there are very gentle ones designed for youthful skin. An additional plus will be if the cosmetics contain hyaluronic or retinolic acid, amino acids, peptides and lipids.

Care itself is the most important component of maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. as well as its delicate porcelain shade. Creams, lotions, serums, fluids must contain vitamin complexes, amino acids, plant extracts, micro-oils, glycerin and other nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. Skin whitening substances - acid complexes, extracts of parsley and rhubarb, vitamin C.

To protect the skin around the eyes, it is worth picking up special cream, designed for current and sensitive skin century.

Protection - the face must be protected from the sun's rays and their harmful effects. The cream should have an SPF filter, and it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head in summer.

Beautiful skin is the key to proper and competent care. Expert advice in the field of cosmetology will help women to make their skin truly porcelain, fresh, revitalized and beautiful.

1. You should choose cosmetics that mask redness, blackheads, dark circles under the eyes and the slightest defects - the surface of the epidermis must be perfect. For this purpose, primers, correctors, special sticks that neutralize imperfections are suitable.

2. During the day, in hot weather, do not forget to use matting wipes that absorb excess moisture and sebum. Use thermal water to freshen up - it does not wash off makeup, while providing comfort.

3. Cleanse your skin twice a day - in the morning - from sweat and toxins released during the night, in the evening - from makeup and impurities. Don't forget about day and night creams that moisturize and nourish your skin.

4. Pimples and comedones will interfere with the effect of the porcelain skin and should be removed. Use a boric soap solution, which will dry out acne, or any ointment listed in this article. Solcoseryl ointment helps with post-acne.

5. Once every 1-2 weeks, spend superficial peeling, once a season - median, 1-2 times a year - deep acid peeling, contributing to the regeneration of the skin and its rapid renewal.

6. Do not touch your face with dirty hands - this can cause infection or acne. Also, you cannot squeeze out acne yourself - it is better to entrust this to a beautician, and cauterize the rashes on the face with alcohol or drying agents.

7. In the morning, wipe your face with an ice cube - this procedure closes enlarged pores and refreshes the skin. Low temperature helps to regulate the production of sebum.

8. Don't forget about drinking regimen- at least 1.8-2 liters of water must be consumed per day. This will keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

9. Use protective equipment not only in summer, but also in colder seasons. The moisturizer's SPF filter protects against negative impact sun rays.

10. If you love to sunbathe, then do it between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm.

10. To maintain antioxidant processes in the body, start drinking white and green tea daily instead of black. Another alternative to these wonderful drinks is herbal teas and herbal teas. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, unlike black and flavored teas.

11. Start monitoring your diet. The use of semi-finished products, oily and spicy food negatively affects your appearance. Fruits, vegetables rich in fiber - better way to beauty. Dairy products heal acne and smoothen the skin. Honey will saturate the body with vitamins.

12. Start your morning with a glass warm water with lemon juice or 1 tsp. honey, and then eat 1 serving of steamed oatmeal with apple and nuts - this detox will quickly put the skin in order, make it renewed, smooth and radiant.

13. Get enough sleep. An 8-hour nap starting at 10-11 p.m. helps the body recover and slows down the aging process.

Whitening face masks

1. Apple mask.

Fruits of winter varieties, for example, the North Sinap, are rubbed on a fine grater into a liquid gruel. A little lemon juice is added to the resulting composition, put in several layers of gauze and cover the face with it. If necessary, you will need to add fresh composition under the gauze so that the mixture is not dry. After an hour, the mask can be washed off the face.

2. Milk mask.

Farm milk with a fat content of up to 10%, chilled in the refrigerator, is applied to a cotton pad and wiped on the face. When it dries up, apply another layer, and so on 10 times. The mask is left on the face for 30 minutes, then washed off.

3. Creamy mask with essential oils.

Farm cream is cooled, then mixed with a pinch of sugar, add 1-2 drops of your beloved essential oil- anything other than cinnamon. Moisten several layers of cheesecloth with cream and put on the face. The duration of the composition is 30 minutes, after which the face is washed and rubbed with a tonic.

4. Cucumber mask with parsley.

The cucumber is rubbed on a grater, the excess juice is poured into a glass - it will still come in handy. Parsley is chopped in a blender at high speeds, cucumber pulp is added to it. The resulting mixture is rubbed onto the face with a thick layer, left for 30 minutes. Then the vegetable mixture is washed off, rubbed over the face cucumber juice, leave for another 30 minutes.

5. Parsley and yogurt mask.

Parsley is ground in a blender, mixed with fatty curdled milk and applied to the face. The mask lasts 20 minutes.

6. Japanese rice mask.

Rice powder, obtained in a coffee grinder or a mill from ordinary rice, is poured with kefir, milk or carbonated mineral water to get a mass with the consistency of sour cream. For density, you can add a little starch, and for moisturizing - glycerin (available at the pharmacy). The finished mask is used once a week, applied to the face for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with water and tonic.

7. Mask for problem skin with boric acid and body water.

Mix the substances in a 1: 1 ratio, add 1 drop of essential oil suitable for your skin type, and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the composition to the entire face, except for the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. If tingling occurs, that's okay. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes.

8. Mask for the area of ​​the nose whitening.

Grind 20 g raw potatoes To make a liquid gruel, add a little lemon juice to it and apply it to the skin of the nose. Use the mixture every day until the desired result is achieved.

9. "Morning porridge".

After waking up and cleansing the face, a mixture of steamed oatmeal mixed with yogurt, 1/2 tsp is applied to the skin. sea ​​iodized salt and 1 tsp. parsley juice. The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes and then washed off. It is done once a week, optimal time- on the weekend.

10. Citrus mask for face.

Mix the pulp of orange, grapefruit and lemon, apply on the face until completely dry, then rinse with water.

11. "Elixir of youth."

Sprouted sprouts of soybeans or wheat are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, applied to the face, washed off after 30 minutes with warm water. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the "babies" of plants, it is possible to significantly improve the quality and appearance skin.

12. Mask of banana and milk.

Half a fruit and 2 tbsp. l. the drink is ground in a blender, applied to the face and left for an hour. Then wash off with water and rub the skin with a tonic.

13. Whitening product for severely tanned skin.

Mix egg white, a little shaving foam and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. This product is especially suitable for oily and combination skin.

It is not so difficult to make the skin porcelain, fresh, white and radiant if you follow the set of rules and actions prescribed in this article. Correct mode day, nutrition, cosmetics and care will make the skin truly beautiful, like that of aristocrats.

Perfect even complexion is the result of not only good and constant care for ourselves, but also the result of what we eat. Skin whitening is impossible without proper nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked and fried foods... But feel free to include more greens, vegetables, fruits in it. Shrimp, fish, squid - many seafood due to its useful substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin (remember the same Japanese women). Drink clean water and green tea. will help you not only the beauty of your skin, but also the healing of the whole organism. The body will receive all the substances it needs, and the skin will receive the necessary nutrition "from the inside". Women's online magazine Country of Beauty will tell about others important points to achieve the effect of a "porcelain" face, without any things skin whitening it will be impossible.

Skin whitening - using masks

To make your face "porcelain", you can resort to. It can even be whitening masks. For example, from parsley, cucumber, carrots. All three components can whiten the skin of the face a little, and make it almost invisible.

Whitening skin with a rice mask

For the now fashionable "porcelain" complexion, you can make rice mask... Grind half a cup of rice in a coffee grinder. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tbsp. rice powder with small amount warm milk, kefir or mineral water. Apply a freshly prepared mask to your face and rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes. Then apply a light nourishing cream on your face along the massage lines.

Skin whitening with a sauerkraut or wheat grain mask

You can use other masks as well. For example, a juice mask sauerkraut or a mask of ground germinated wheat grains.

    In the first case, to obtain a "porcelain" glow of the skin, it is necessary to wipe the face with sauerkraut juice. This should be done every day, wetting the napkin in juice and rubbing the face along the massage lines.

    The wheat germ mask is more difficult to make. But if the result does not stop you - act, and after a couple of weeks your skin will seem to glow from the inside. For such a wonderful mask, you need to take ground germinated wheat grains, mix them with 1 tsp. honey, massage into the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse off gently with warm water. You need to make such a mask every other day to achieve better effect... And then - as you want.

Skin whitening - remember the direction of the massage lines

Let me remind you the directions of the massage lines of the face: from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from bottom to top to the tip of the nose on the nasal inlay, along the back of the nose - from the tip of the nose upward, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

Note that applying, makeup remover, masks and other procedures must be done strictly along these lines. This should become a habit for you. For what? The answer is simple - the skin of the face requires careful handling, with improper make-up removal and care, it stretches. requires certain moments. Massage lines are the areas of least stretch of the skin.

Perhaps with proper facial skin care. Wash your face with warm or cool water. Cannot be used for washing hot water- it makes the skin rougher.

Skin whitening is still impossible without the use of masks. If you are using masks, test the allergies of the ingredients. To do this, apply the mask to your wrist. If redness and itching do not appear after half an hour, feel free to use this mask. In general, if you know in advance that you are allergic to a particular component of the mask, do not use this composition. For many, honey is the most allergenic drug. Therefore, if possible, try acacia honey. Of all types of honey, it is hypoallergenic.

Remember that before applying the mask, the skin should be well cleaned of cosmetics, dust and dirt. It is advisable to steam the skin of the face so that the opened pores absorb as many useful trace elements and minerals as possible.