How to learn to write exactly. How to develop calligraphic handwriting: preparation. Calligraphy for beginners

Darina Kataeva

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique. Slope, span, width of letters, lines - all these are distinctive characteristics and individual characteristics of each person. However, not everyone is happy with their handwriting, some even try to change it and make it more beautiful. What are the best ways to develop and improve handwriting?

Types of handwriting

Today there are different types of writing. For example, the most common: tilt to the right or left, monotony, strong or weak pressure, straight handwriting, etc. If you don't know how to write a postcard in an unusual handwriting, use your school handwriting or dancing method. In this case, you can alternate the rhythm, for example, write one letter enlarged, the second - reduced.

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique.

A person's handwriting is difficult to change, especially if you make an effort in adulthood

How do muscles work?

To change your handwriting to a beautiful and even one, first of all, pay close attention to how the writing process is carried out and which muscles you use. If you strain a lot during the writing process, it will be clearly expressed in letters. Learn to write in a relaxed state, this will allow you not even to get tired, but on the contrary, to have fun.

Beautiful handwriting engages the muscles of your entire arm and even your shoulder, so don't shake yourself up, relax, and you'll notice how your handwriting changes!

Find convenient accessories

Here your own preferences are already important, some like to write with a pencil, others - with a pen. When choosing, rely not on design, but on the comfort and convenience that you will experience while writing. The ink of the pen should be bright, but not smudged when writing, otherwise no matter how hard you try, beautiful handwriting will not be early!

The paper on which you will write must be of high quality; it is best of all that it be a separate notebook. Choose such accessories that you first of all would like to improve. The notebook should be selected in a cage or ruler so that you see straight lines and strive to fit into the space allotted to one letter.

If you manage to create a comfortable environment, you will enjoy both the learning process and the work on your handwriting. Therefore, do not rush to start writing right away, evaluate yourself, purchase quality accessories and proceed to the next stage!

Find comfortable writing supplies

How can an adult make his handwriting beautiful, fast and permanent?

  1. Sit upright, relax and start your first activity... Try not to rush anywhere during training, write like on water: measured and relaxed. If, after writing for a long time, a red spot remains on your hand, then you were too tense and held the pen tightly. Lead complete lines, clear strokes, pay attention to each letter, and remember that the important role is not the quantity of writing, but the quality! In the first lessons, do not strive to write, you first need to learn how to hold a pen correctly. Air mail is the best option! This will train your muscles in your arm, shoulder, and hand, making it much easier to change your handwriting in the future.
  2. How do you hold the pen? When writing, three fingers play a key role: thumb, index and middle. The end of the handle should rest against the side of your hand or the base of your thumb. Choose a comfortable position for yourself, the main thing is that you are relaxed and comfortable! After placing the pen in your hand, practice again not on paper, but in the air.
  3. Try to train the basic parts of the letters... While reading and writing, we may not even think that each letter consists of similar symbols: lines, ovals, a circle or a semicircle. To get started with quality writing, practice writing these elements first. You can spend a few sheets sketching geometric shapes or writing vertical lines. When the lines and ovals are the same, proceed to the next step to improve your handwriting.

Train! This is the main secret that allows you to quickly change your handwriting to a good one!

  1. Going back to childhood and learning the alphabet... At this stage, your task is not just to write the letters of the alphabet. Pay attention to what elements each letter consists of, compare your samples, how you write and as indicated in the writing books, see a sample of the letters of the alphabet of the most beautiful handwriting in the world. Buy a notebook to teach children how to write. Draw each letter one by one. If something doesn't work out, remember your problems and strive to fix them. Even if one letter is beautiful, it does not mean that you have learned calligraphy. Repeat this letter one more time so that its spelling comes to automatism. This stage is considered difficult and time-consuming in terms of duration and effort.
  2. How do you make the most beautiful uppercase handwriting? Connecting lines are something that takes a lot of time. Gaps between letters should be nicely filled. At first, write short words, divide them into syllables, and watch the connections. Scrolling writing plays a key role in writing long sentences and texts. Pay attention to the movement of the hand, if it becomes tense, return to the previous stage. Be sure to refer to the analysis that you did initially, study the examples of what beautiful handwriting looks like again so that you can pay close attention to the main shortcomings.

How do you make the most beautiful uppercase handwriting? Practice your calligraphy!

  1. Be creative. If you have already achieved some success, try something new for yourself to choose a handwriting! To do this, learn new writing styles, practice, because in this case, you can even learn beautiful handwriting with curls. If you later need to make a beautiful note, you will amaze other people with the ability to master calligraphy to perfection. Study ancient writing. If you started out to improve your handwriting, now start learning the science of calligraphy. Also, study the alphabet of beautiful English handwriting in detail: this might be for you! Much depends on the mood, and even if something does not work out, do not be discouraged, find the positive in learning. After all, working on your letter, you develop such qualities: patience, endurance,.

Improve yourself constantly! Even if you managed to achieve some result, do not stop! It is important to bring the acquired skills to automaticity.

If something doesn't work out the first time! Self-improvement is a complex process that requires practice and willpower. To learn how to write beautifully, you should understand why you are doing it! When you have a vivid perspective, you will reach your goal faster!

March 30, 2014 6:54 pm

A lot of scientific papers and useful advice have been written about how to learn to write beautifully. The process is painstaking, therefore it requires both effort and time. It is difficult for an adult to change his handwriting, but there is nothing impossible in the world. A little effort, and everything will definitely work out: your own name and any letter or number!

Beautiful handwriting

Neat and beautiful handwriting is an art that anyone can master. The process is based on calligraphy, the basics of which were taught at school several decades ago. Now this subject is considered morally obsolete, it is simply removed from the program. However, in everyday life, beautiful handwriting does not mean the ability to patiently and slowly drawbeautiful uppercase letters, but the constant use of the acquired skills.

Calligraphic handwriting

Under calligraphic handwritingthe technique of accurate, legible writing is understood. Several centuries ago, it was used exclusively for religious purposes, now it has many more purposes. There are professions in which calligraphy is not a whim, but a real necessity. These include school teachers, librarians, archivists and those who have to fill out a lot of paperwork by hand.

Calligraphy for beginners

While mastering the difficult art of calligraphy, it is necessary to choose the appropriate writing set of tools:

  • rollerball pen or nib (for more experienced learners);
  • a notebook with drawing paper;
  • easel, located at an angle of 45 degrees.

A beautiful handwriting is formed from letters, the accurate spelling of which must be mastered initially. Please be patient: it will take several hours or several days to work out one letter. However, if you really want to know how to write beautifully, you can get things done quite quickly.

Calligraphy copybook

The easiest way to correct your handwriting is to use calligraphic scripts. Seeing a sample in front of him, the student intuitively tries to copy the style and immediately corrects his mistakes. Try to useprescriptions for beautiful handwritingif you want to improve your writing style on your own, without involving teachers or attending thematic courses. You can even take those that are recommended to first graders. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, these manuals are very well compiled.

Calligraphy lessons

When planning your calligraphy training, you need to prepare your workplace in advance. There can be no "unnecessary" things on the surface, and the hand must not hang in the air. Remember how they prepared the desk at school, make sure that there is a lot of light, a comfortable table. The next thing to do is outline a piece of paper. If you are just starting to learn, it is better to use a regular pen. Whenbeautiful writing of letterswill become a habit for you, you can master the technology of writing with pens.

How to teach a child to write beautifully

You can teach children to write from the age of three if you feel that your child is ready for lessons. However, if you thinkhow to develop beautiful handwritinghave a child, get ready to spend a lot of time and effort. It is necessary that the child's hand is steady, so do not rush to study the recipe too early. The optimal age is considered to be 5-7 years: practice shows that children who began to write at an early age very rarely possess calligraphic handwriting, and it is difficult to develop it later. To start learning, use a recipe with oblique rulers and a comfortable ballpoint pen.

How beautiful it is to sign

A beautiful painting is a visiting card of any person, which should look stylish and intricate. It is unlikely that thematic literature or master classes will help out here. Rarely do I manage to think ofhow to learn to sign beautifully, in a few hours. When a person signs for the first time, he often uses the first letters of the surname and a cunning stroke.

When deciding on changes in adulthood, you should consider the existing option and understand what you don't like. You can change the angle of the letters, add elements, or try to change the writing style. Remember that an elegant painting, which works to form a positive image of its owner, should not resemble a child's "scabbard".

How to correct an adult's handwriting

It is quite possible to understand how to make a beautiful handwriting even at a conscious age. The principle of learning does not change from this. A pre-prepared workplace is required, a recipe that includes the English or Russian alphabet, paper and a ballpoint pen. The procedure for solving the problem, how to learn to write in beautiful handwriting, will be as follows:

Exercises for beautiful handwriting

Techniques aimed athow to quickly learn to write beautifully, also imply the ability to concentrate on small things, to become meticulous. Moreover, in different cases, different methods are used:

  1. If the letters are too small / large, you need to use a notebook or download a special stencil. In the process of work, you need to try not to go beyond the border of horizontal lines. After long workouts, the letter will automatically fit into the specified fields.
  2. If there is no connection of letters, you need to try to write the words without lifting the pens from the paper.
  3. If there is strong pressure during the writing process, you need to develop the correct body position at the table. Keep your shoulders and arms relaxed and your posture as close to ideal as possible.

To assess whether the handwriting requires correction, you need to write several lines in the usual manner, for example, the Russian alphabet. It is advisable to transfer the obtained result to a third party for evaluation. A person often gets used to his writing style and does not understand why he is bad for others.

Examples of beautiful handwriting

Calligraphy requires more than just writing neatlybeautiful letters in wordsbut also maintain a person's own style. If you look closely at each of the works, you can see a different character in them. Having understood the technology of how to write at least the Russian alphabet in a beautiful handwriting, you need to improve the acquired skills, gradually starting to solve more complex problems, and not be limited to block letters.

How to change your handwriting to beautiful

The ability to draw letters beautifully, make the same squiggles, creating an even calligraphic font is a business that not everyone can handle.

Handwriting is considered almost a hereditary factor: if he writes like a chicken with a paw, then it will be so all his life.

This misconception is easy to refute. Handwriting can be changed, and everyone can do it, at any age. You just need to work on yourself, perform exercises that will help develop skills.

A person has a potential, developing which they acquire various skills.

Today, the problem of poor handwriting is becoming acute due to the frequent replacement of handwriting with printing.

Computerization simplified work in all organizations and spheres of life, people began to use a pen less often. Emails today are mostly sent by email.

Few remember how beautiful it is to write by hand. And skill still needs to be developed, regardless of age.

Calligraphic handwriting is beautiful, even letters with rounded lines. Its beauty is built on even, identical lines.

It is not difficult to achieve such an effect, the principles of writing in calligraphic handwriting do not differ from the generalized rules of calligraphy.

Rules, following which, you will learn how to write in calligraphic handwriting:

rules Additional Information
1 Sit up straight Remember the school lesson on the correct position of the back and elbows. Back straight, move closer to the table.

The elbows are off the table, the hands rest freely on the surface. The head is slightly lowered. Make sure that your back does not begin to bend, bringing your face closer to the notebook.

2 Hold the pen correctly Hold the handle with three fingers at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the visible part of the rod
3 Daily workouts To teach yourself a new skill, devote 10 to 30 minutes a day to it - as much as you can afford.

Any goal takes time and effort. Train daily, and the result will not keep you waiting

4 Slow repetition Start by making all the written letters look even and beautiful. To do this, print the letters one at a time, at regular intervals.

Do this carefully and slowly. Draw them. When it gets easy, speed up your writing, move on to whole words.

But do not allow yourself to be careless for the sake of the speed of writing, because the goal is the aesthetic component.

5 Calligraphy lesson Remember how the letters were outlined according to the pattern in the first grade. Download a picture with a sample of calligraphic handwriting from the Internet.

Download the font that you like from the Internet, fill out a Word document with it and print.

Circle the letters, learn to draw beautiful curls by hand yourself. Practice each letter separately

How to write numbers beautifully?

It is not difficult to write numbers beautifully. There are only 10 of them.

Learn to write numbers beautifully:

  1. Sit at the table, move the chair closer, straighten your back.
  2. Take a pen and a piece of paper.
  3. Print numbers slowly.
  4. Make sure each has the same slope and size in both directions.
  5. When you're good at it, try writing a little faster.
  6. Change your pen: write with gel pens and ballpoint pens. For training, use a pencil and felt-tip pen.

Make sure that it turns out equally beautiful with any object in your hands.

How to write neatly in block letters?

Remember the school subject - drawing. There it is important to accurately and correctly convey all the parameters of the figure in the figure.

They are signed strictly in block letters. The first lessons were devoted to learning how to write these very letters beautifully. Drawing required precision and clarity in everything, including handwriting.

Don't be confused: the spelling of uppercase and lowercase letters is very different. The rules remain the same: diligent daily training, slowly drawing each letter separately.

Gradually move to writing whole words and sentences.

Important! Once your writing skills become a habit, practice dictation. You will learn to do it quickly and mechanically.

How to teach a child to write beautifully?

It is much easier to teach a child to write beautifully. His pen skill is still in its infancy until about 5th grade.

During this time, pay attention to his sitting style, how he grips the pen, and his diligence.

Explain to your child how important it is to have beautiful handwriting, how this skill will come in handy in life. An inspired child will diligently follow all of your instructions.

Techniques to help children develop beautiful handwriting skills:

  • Tie a rubber band to the tip of the pen and sling it over your wrist. This is a workout for the muscles of the arm, hand, fingers. Repeat daily.
  • Only a person with good motor skills and developed muscles can write beautifully and evenly.

    Go in for sports with your child, do daily exercises. Pay attention to the muscles in your back, arms and hands.

  • Mark the point of contact with the pen on the child's finger with a felt-tip pen. This will help instill proper grip skills. And the correct position of the handle in the hand is already half the success.
  • Teach adults and children using a simple ballpoint pen. For children, choose a thin one so that it is comfortable to hold in the hand. Poor handwriting is caused by the wrong choice of pen.
  • Do the exercise with the child: let him take the handle with three fingers at the very top and gradually, pressing on the table, go down with his fingers.

    This is how the pen fits correctly in the hand. Help your child remember this position.

  • Develop fine motor skills - how we write depends on it. Let the child do origami, beadwork, sort out cereals in a bag. Even simple rosary beads are capable of developing fine motor skills.

All kids want to learn to write beautifully and competently, even adults dream about it. If at a more mature age it is more difficult to achieve this goal because of the previously formed skills, then with schoolchildren everything is much easier.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

Unfortunately, at school we do not always learn to write correctly right away due to the busyness of teachers: heavy workload, filled classes, etc. Parents should take the situation into their own hands here, they can help their kid in the work on the handwriting, which he will be proud of in the future.

How to achieve the desired result quickly and efficiently? Unfortunately, it will not work to teach a child to write beautifully in a short time. This will take him time, patience and practice. Nevertheless, the task can be facilitated by numerous techniques, programs and high-quality office supplies.

What do you need to buy to teach accurate and correct writing?

Before you start writing classes, you need to "arm yourself" with the necessary equipment, that is, office supplies. They should be of high quality and help the child on the path to improvement. The list of must-have purchases should include:

  • simple slate pencil. The pencil should be moderately hard and sharpened so that the child can effortlessly guide it over the paper. At the first stage of training, it will be a pencil that will be used to draw out sticks and dashes, so the hand can quickly get used to such loads. It is a pencil that will help eliminate a lot of stress on the fingers, wrist and other parts of the hand. It is lighter and more flexible than a pen and will help you display letters in the desired font with minimal effort;
  • ball pen. The transition from pencil to pens is very important, since now the child will learn not only to draw straight lines, but also try to do it neatly. It is worth planning the transition from pencil to pen for children aged 6-7 years. You should not choose helium or oil pens for practical training, as they easily spread and smudge on the paper. It is advisable that silicone finger rings are installed on the handle, they will help keep the fingers in the desired position for a long time and prevent slipping;
  • notebook in a slanting line. It is better to start learning in notebooks with sheets of light color and dense texture. The surface should not be sliding, otherwise the ability to write beautifully will take longer to form.

In addition to the above stationery, you can buy an eraser - an eraser for correcting what has been written, but experts highly do not recommend doing this. Erasing the failed first results will not help the child on the path to new achievements, but rather become obstacles. Only seeing his progress and successes on paper, the kid will want to continue to work on the handwriting.

Separately, we note here the issue of organizing a place for writing. It should be ergonomic and consist of a desk and chair / chair adjusted for the child's height. This approach will help him position his hand correctly for performing buildings and prevent health problems due to heavy stress on the fingers and wrist.

In what ways can you learn to write beautifully in a notebook?

When a student needs to write quickly, he does not pay much attention to the aesthetics of his handwriting, but for a student, compliance with this requirement for writing is extremely important. Handwriting, to some extent, can be called a business card of a person, so parents should pay maximum attention to this issue in the first stages of training.

Note, it doesn't matter if a boy or a girl is learning to write. Beautiful and clear handwriting does not belong to a particular gender, but the "clumsy" letters can immediately indicate a certain level of literacy or lack of it.

If you decide to teach a first grader at home in parallel with school, then your methodology should not conflict with the teacher's approach. They should complement each other and improve the results already obtained. In no case should you retrain a child if he writes with his left hand, since this is a genetically inherent feature. The stress of exercising with the right arm will not give the desired results, or they will only be obtained after a considerable period of time.

So, how to teach a child to write beautifully words and even long texts in a notebook? Traditionally, it was believed that a nib or fountain pen could help to develop the skill of accurate writing. Now this technique is rarely used, since in comparison with modern methods it does not give high results.

Today, experts recommend using prescriptions or more playful options for classes in the form of thematic coloring pages and additional drawings. In the first version, the child is taught to write correctly, according to established state standards. The student is given examples of filling in lines of sticks with squiggles, alternating printed and capital letters. When the baby begins to learn syllables, he is given to write names, surnames and short names.

Note that it doesn't matter if the child learns to write in Russian or in English. Written assignments can be performed using different methods, but always with a certain regularity.

Recipes and games: skillfully combine

To practice skills, kids of different ages are offered a rehebnik that will be interesting to them and will definitely be within their power. At the advanced level of writing, it is suggested to do the writing exercises in cells rather than oblique lines. To fill in, not only the alphabet, but also numbers can be used; sometimes it is recommended to manually rewrite even the multiplication table or short books.

One lesson at home should not last more than 10-15 minutes in 1 day, it is also not worth shortening or dividing this time. In 5 minutes, the child is unlikely to be able to remember the correct spelling scheme for even the simplest letter.

An important factor on the way to the ability to write beautifully will be the factor of game activity and competition. If your child has extracurricular activities at the educational center, or you go to a school club, you can ask the teacher to arrange a small competition or use thematic coloring books, coloring by dots and special lines as an aid. You can distribute samples to fill out, set a specific time for completing tasks, or set other additional requirements: correct execution, literacy, etc.

The most important thing in this case is to remember that the competition is not organized to highlight the success of individual students, but to stimulate their efforts. There is no need to scold or praise the child for failures / successes, the adult needs to be shown that learning efforts will definitely pay off in the future and back up this statement with a small gift.

Calligraphy and handwriting correction

Experts believe that you can improve your handwriting at any age: both at 13 and at 30 you can and should continue to work on yourself. Efforts will need to be made more than in the early stages of training, but the result will pay off.

At a more mature age, it is recommended to carry out calligraphy and handwriting correction using a simulator, special programs, work courses, etc. It should also be borne in mind that calligraphy is a whole art and therefore it will require serious effort and time, even with a talent for beautiful handwriting.

In eastern countries, calligraphy occupies an important place in the history of peoples, therefore there are whole houses of sciences for their study and practice. They prepare exercises and basic works on the technique of performing handwriting of various styles and orientations. You can take interesting approaches and teaching methods from them, it all depends on your preferences and the interests of your child.

Thus, there are many methods on how to teach a child to write beautifully and even quickly in a notebook. The most popular of them were presented in this article, but you can find even more on the Internet or on the advice of familiar teachers. The main thing is that your child is sincerely happy with every lesson!

Beautiful handwriting is a rare phenomenon, especially in our time. It was in the nineteenth century that the school had such a subject as calligraphy, in which children were taught to display each letter. Then there was a need for this: there were no printers and copiers, all documentation was written and reproduced manually. And in order to understand what was written, the handwriting of those who wrote had to be clear, understandable, even and beautiful. Now, in the age of computer technology, people are gradually losing the ability to write by hand. And even more so - to write in a beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Even in the educational system in our time, handwriting is not given the same importance as it used to be.

On the one hand, this is correct: not all kids are given even letters, besides, there are more important and necessary skills. On the other hand, the ability to write beautifully has not bothered anyone yet, and many people enjoy their own beautiful handwriting.

What to do? How to learn to write with beautiful handwriting? This is quite possible with the desire and some perseverance. Although some believe that the ability to write beautifully is an innate quality and those who are unlucky enough to possess it should not even try. Actually this is not true. Although there is some natural predisposition for beautiful handwriting, just as there is aptitude for drawing or composing music, you can develop this predisposition in yourself. To the level of skill or even mastery. Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence!

Tips for those who write no better than a chicken's paw, denoting letters with indistinct and disordered characters that cannot be read.

  1. Practice. Write as much as possible. Moreover, this must be done with full attention: slowly, with concentration, displaying each letter.
  2. Buy a prescription. The one in which the first graders draw their sticks, circles and hooks. At the same time, remember your childhood. This is a technique that has been proven for decades and actually works. Your advantage over a first-grader is that you, unlike him, will not study from under a stick, but of your own free will, with enthusiasm and desire. Therefore, your results should be more significant than those of a first grader. At least compared to your own results at this age.
  3. Go to your notebook. When you fill out the prescription, you can buy another one and fill it out again. In the event that you liked it or, conversely, you are not very happy with the result and want to improve it. After writing down, where you write the hooks according to special rulers, you can proceed to writing them in a regular notebook. It is better to take a school notebook in a ruler, one where there is a regular line, but no auxiliary. Now write the same thing that you wrote in the copybook, only in this notebook. Compare the result. If the result in the notebook is worse, try harder.
  4. Separate letters. In the copybook and in the notebook, you wrote sticks, hooks and other squiggles, and only at the end - letters. Now focus on writing individual letters. Take any letter and start printing it. Lowercase, uppercase, lowercase again, uppercase again, etc. Usually you find that some letters are better, some are worse. Those that work well, you are ready to write at least all day, and those that do not work, irritate you, turning into hatred. Relax. Take a deep breath. Exhale. And keep working on your unloved letters until you win.
  5. Do not hurry. It is unlikely that you will be able to write in a beautiful and flawless handwriting after a couple of days of classes. Tune in to a long process. But don't make it an unpleasant duty. Enjoy it. Then the result will come faster, and you will enjoy the process.
  6. Develop fine motor skills in your fingers. This helps to form beautiful handwriting. Do any action with small objects: weave from beads, crochet, sculpt crafts from plasticine and clay, paying special attention to small details.
  7. Drawings. Drawing, especially drawing small objects and details, also helps to improve handwriting. So draw as much as possible, for a start it is better to draw with a pen. You can not draw, but trace the drawings. Find some graphic with an abundance of detail, and start tracing all the lines. You can also do shading, this will also be very useful. Buy a coloring book and shade the drawings with small, even, parallel lines.
  8. Don't just work with your wrist. If you only use your wrist when writing, and your forearm muscles are not involved, it will be difficult for you to achieve beautiful handwriting. After all, you will not have the desired scope, amplitude, and, accordingly, smoothness and roundness.
  9. Watch your posture. Correct writing posture is important not only for your slimness and spine health, but also for beautiful handwriting. Slouching, dropping one shoulder, or pulling your neck forward creates unnecessary clamps and tension in your body that prevents you from writing easily and freely.
  10. Train with your imagination. You should be very clear about what this or that letter looks like, how the connections of the letters are drawn, how the whole word should turn out. You can do these imaginary writing skills anytime, anywhere. For example, if you are stuck in a traffic jam or sitting in line at the dentist. Once a letter or word has been drawn in imagination, you can trace its outlines with your finger on any surface or in the air. It is better not to do this in the queue at the dentist. Your actions may make the nurses suspicious.
  11. Writing instruments. When you have more or less mastered an ordinary ballpoint pen, try writing with other tools: a simple pencil, colored pencils, a pen that needs to be dipped into an inkwell, a fountain pen, felt-tip pens, and even paints with a brush. Why is this needed? Firstly, these activities can bring you considerable pleasure. You may even plunge into a state of meditative trance, as is the case with Buddhists who paint hieroglyphs with a special brush. This is a good stress relieving exercise. Secondly, in this way you will consolidate the acquired skills and, possibly, diversify and decorate your handwriting.
  12. Form style. When you start to get even, fairly beautiful and in every sense decent letters and even whole words, you should think about developing your own, original and unlike others, handwriting. After all, the handwriting taught in writing, for all its evenness and intelligibility, is not very suitable for an adult. And we strive to ensure that the handwriting is not only understandable, but also beautiful. Think about how you can decorate it. Perhaps you will lengthen some vertical lines, add dashes over some letters, add some curls and other decorative elements. Your handwriting can be large or round, small or elongated, medium or squat. It is believed that handwriting depends on the character of the person. Perhaps this is so. You can change something in your handwriting and thereby influence your character or simply beautify it.
It is quite possible to correct the handwriting for the better. You just need to show patience and perseverance in developing your calligraphic skills.