How to build long-term relationships. Features of male psychology: how to build a strong relationship with a man

Elizaveta Babanova


Relationship. What happens inside you when you say this word?

Are you in pain from an unsettled and difficult relationship that has gone nowhere? Or ... spread into a smile, thinking about your happy relationship and your beloved man as the main source of joy, inspiration and strength?

How should your relationship be assessed?

Let's do a little self-test before you decide if this article is helpful to you.

Determine where you are on the relationship scale. 0 is either the absence of a loved one, or a devastating and even destructive (even long-term) relationship, and 10 is a happy relationship (put 10 only if this is really your dream relationship)? Now write down the number that reflects your relationship at the moment.

Do you like this rating?

If you put 2 or 3, you know for sure, and you have known for a long time that it is time to change something. But even if you rate your relationship at 6, 7, 8, or even 9, it means there is potential for improvement in your long-term relationship.

If today your relationship is:

  • do not feed your heart and soul with love,
  • are not for you a strong fulcrum and powerful rear (including financial),
  • do not develop you as a person,
  • do not give sense gratification,

then this article will help you start moving towards a relationship 10 out of 10 points.

My experience

Until recently, the support of the relationship was of secondary importance in my life. Perhaps because at the age of 4, my parents separated, and from childhood I formed a false belief that a man cannot guarantee you protection. Personal qualities, professional skills, relatives and true friends in our life with my mother were much more significant support than my dad. A happy relationship between a man and a woman was generally poorly imagined in my mind.

In addition, in my family there is a very strong feminine principle - in most families, women occupy a leading position.

Arriving in the United States, I did not have the goal of successfully getting married, like many girls who go abroad. I was purposefully educated to stand firmly on my own feet and not seek out the secrets and laws of a happy relationship. For 10 years, I first strengthened the pillars of personal and , environment, and then spiritual support.

This does not mean that I did not have a relationship. They were, but more often than not they accompanied my growth, and were not its source. I will even say more: until last year, relationships were not a top priority for me.

But one day I realized that I still need a relationship. This happened at the moment when I had already realized as a person and a professional. Behind him there were several theological schools and the experience of rather difficult relationships with men, which did not end in success. I already knew how to distinguish true desires from false ones, formed by the experience of my environment. And it was thanks to this that I realized what kind of relationship I needed. And what became a discovery for me - I decided to give up leadership positions and be filled with feminine energy. After this decision, a deep transformation began. And I started thinking about how to build a happy long-term relationship.

Either happy or none

Over time, I realized that a woman like me can either be in a happy relationship or not be in it at all.

For many years I have observed that women in unhappy relationships have a much worse life than unmarried women who are realized in other areas and have a wonderful environment. Building long-term relationships is very difficult for them, and takes away energy from them, which they could spend on realization in other areas of life. Therefore, I followed the path of the latter - I chose conscious loneliness instead of relationships that were inferior in my understanding.

But I also saw other women. Realized in a family, filled with feminine energy, more balanced. Their lives seemed more fulfilling to me. And the relationship did not interfere, but on the contrary, helped them successfully build a career or run their own business. Their success in a happy relationship inspired me.

The road to the relationship of my dreams was long and arduous. I have done a tremendous amount of inner work along the way. I now have a relationship building model that I teach other women.

I systematized the knowledge gained from my teachers in the field of relationships, my own negative and positive experiences and saw the patterns that formed the basis of my model - 5 pillars of long-term happiness in relationships.

This model involves more than just creating a family for the sake of procreation. And the unification of men and women for their development as a whole. I do not pretend that this model will work for every woman. But if you share my beliefs and values, chances are it will suit you.

Pareto's law guards love and understanding

Most likely, you have already heard about this law or, as it is also called, the rule.

20% of efforts give 80% of the result,
and the remaining 80% of the effort is only 20% of the result .

Examples of Pareto's law in life:

  • 20% of exercises are responsible for the formation of an ideal figure.
  • We wear 20% of our clothes in our closet 80% of the time.
  • 20% of clients bring 80% of the profit.
  • 20% of readers leave 80% of comments on articles.

By itself, this law explains a lot, but what does it have to do with the sphere of relationships? The answer is simple.

Secrets of Harmonious Long-term Relationships: 5 Pillars

Pillar 1. Shared values ​​and goals

The secrets of a happy relationship start with shared values ​​and goals. If a woman wants to grow spiritually, and a man wants to play computer games, such a relationship will not last long. Most likely, such a couple will have a physical attraction that will quickly fade away without intellectual and spiritual unity.

  • Do you and your loved one have common goals and values?
  • Have you thought about it, wrote them down on paper, discussed each other's visions?

If not, look at your personal values ​​and those of your partner. Do they match?

Targetis the answer to the question "where are we going?" (as a couple / family)

Value- this is the answer to the question "what are we going for?"

For example, imagine a relationship in which one partner wants to live light and travel around the world. And the other dreams of stability, a large comfortable home, pets, and deep relationships with neighbors. Do you already see potential problems in this union?

If a man and a woman do not agree on a compromise, there will be no need to talk about the success of a happy relationship. They will constantly face conflicts of interest. A compromise could be the decision to travel for 6 months and live in one place for 6 months and integrate into the local community. Otherwise, each of them will constantly feel discomfort that his desires are not being realized.

Unfulfilled desires of even one partner are a guarantee of a deterioration in relations.

I also identify 7 levels of commonality in values ​​and goals that guarantee success and happy relationships. There may be more of them, but these are the main ones:

Level 1: material survival

Example: together we save up for housing, pay off the loan. The secrets of a happy relationship at this level are the material agreement of partners. If a woman wants to be under material protection, and a man cannot guarantee this, they are guaranteed failure.

Level 2: physical pleasure

Guaranteeing constant intimacy is one of the strongest benefits of a long-term relationship with TZ. physiology. However, this guarantee is not the secret of a happy relationship; it is just an advantage.

Level 3: children

Toddlers often hold a couple together for a while, but having children alone is not a guarantee of long-term family happiness.

Level 4: interests / hobbies

Example: snowboarding together / attending personal growth trainings. When a couple has common values ​​at the level of personal interests, they are united at a higher level. Efforts to build long-term relationships will need less.

Level 5: intelligent content

Often these couples have a similar or common field of activity, but not necessarily. The main thing here is mutual intellectual enrichment and development. When a couple develops intellectually together, it brings them closer and fills them even more. Happy relationships in such couples are much more likely.

Level 6: strong emotional contact, emotional connection

At this level, we feel deep trust, understanding and acceptance. We are not afraid to expose our emotional states.

If there is a union at 5 and 6 levels, then the partner is the best friend. With him / her you are not only interested, but also emotionally safe. Each of us is subject to external influence to some extent. If our partner creates a safe emotional space for us, which becomes the main source of support and inspiration, then the relationship becomes very strong. There is always a definite answer to the question “How to make a relationship happy” - create an emotional connection with your partner in which both of you will be an inspiration for each other.

Level 7: General Spiritual Practice

My personal experience and that of happy couples prove that the deepest relationships are built through shared spiritual practice. In my case, only such a relationship can become for me the main source of both happiness and growth.

The more levels of community, the stronger the union. But only unity at the highest levels creates favorable conditions for joint development.

So Pillar # 1 - Shared Goals and Values. Move on.

Pillar 2. Equivalent Energy Exchange

I am often approached by women who do not know how to “help” their men to give expensive gifts more often or provide them completely.

To get a man to give you everything he has, you need to give him something that he doesn't have. Perhaps this is your spiritual strength. Perhaps this is your feminine energy and health. Perhaps this is a family hearth. Emotional support and rear. A happy relationship is only possible with an equal exchange.

If you want a man to give you a lot, he also needs to give a lot. But this is not a trade exchange of gifts for gifts, but an interchange of male and female energy.

I observe how some pairs break up when the energy exchange is not equal. It is not easy to explain, but I think intuitively you feel well - with which people you are in the black, and with which - in the minus. And you also feel - to whom you can give something valuable, and to whom you cannot.

When one partner has an energy resource (and this includes health, personality, spirituality, and the environment) developed by 100 points, and the other - by 50, each of them will feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, the one who has a resource of 50 will feel that he is giving all / all of himself, but the one who has a resource of 100 will receive less. After all, his tank will not be filled.

At the beginning of a relationship, against the background of a hormonal surge, this is not felt so sharply. But over time, the difference in energy potential manifests itself and begins to weigh on.

I think that the reason and meaning of caste marriages is precisely this - so that the exchange is equal, partners are selected from a similar environment / with a similar level of education, etc. There are many examples in history when “forced” marriages turned into truly happy relationships due to the equal exchange of energy between partners.

What if you find yourself in an “unequal relationship”?

In order to increase the energy resource, I recommend pumping intellect, personal skills and engaging in spiritual practices. And for women - to additionally direct attention to the development of female energy.

There are couples where 1 + 1 = 2. This is the most common type of relationship.

There is, where 1 + 1 = 1. When the partner brings practically nothing to the relationship. Are there such couples in your environment?

And the best option is when 1 + 1 = 3. When partners strengthen each other so much that their union gives rise to something much more than just the sum of their energies.

What option do you have?

Pillar 3. Polarity

The relationship "man-woman" is built on the tension and opposition of two energies - masculine and feminine. If a woman is in masculine energy (everywhere she takes a leadership position), she will attract a man in feminine energy into her life (he will always wait for the initiative from her and will be led).

If a woman is dominated by feminine energy, she has a chance to meet a man with a strong masculine beginning.

Each of us has both energies and we can manifest them in different ways depending on the stage of development of the relationship.

In the initial period of the relationship, the majority of the polarity is manifested very clearly, which is why the first six months the physical and emotional attraction is off scale, and the relationship seems to be happy. But for most couples, strong attraction fades over time.

This especially happens in couples with many children, who cease to feel like a man and a woman, but become mom and dad, practically asexual creatures for each other. Naturally, there is often no need to talk about a happy relationship here.

The good news is that this is one of the most easily resolved issues. Polarity, along with sexual arousal, is much easier to regain than it is to correct a lack of intellectual or spiritual intimacy.

By the way, there is a widespread belief that a woman wants to be led. But this applies only to dependent women, who, without the presence of men in their lives, often become lost. I belong to a different category of women (and I know that most of the participants in my trainings are very whole women who are perfectly realized in this world). So, for women like us, I supplemented this statement.

A smart woman wants (yes, yes, we sincerely want this!) To be led. But only if she agrees with where she is being taken.

This brings us back to pillar 1. Uniting on the level of values ​​and goals is one of the deepest, transformative, fulfilling processes that a couple can go through together. And now, after the goals are coordinated and the path is indicated, we can surrender all our leadership positions and happily follow our man.

Pillar 4. Psychological / emotional complementarity

This pillar contains a large set of qualities that reflect our thinking, character and physiology.

There are opposite, but complementary psychotypes.For example, she loves to talk, and he loves and knows how to listen. It will not be difficult to build happy and long-term relationships here. And there are opposite psychotypes: she loves to talk, and he loves silence and solitude. He is kinesthetic, and she does not like to be touched often. In this case, he will constantly receive less, and she will feel an overabundance of bodily contact.

Also with emotional compliments. This is a big topic, which is beyond the scope of this article, but which we will analyze in more detail in other materials.

The problem of complementarity is also solvable, but work is going on here at a very deep and subtle level.

For example, I sometimes need to fool around. As in childhood. Basically, I am engaged in serious activities - I help people with difficult issues, often support them in the process of getting out of tragedies. Turning on the inner child for me is one of the most powerful ways to relax and reboot.

Emotional tension comes out through laughter and ridiculous (harmless) antics. To surrender to the childish facet of my personality without fear of being rejected or misunderstood is a great value for me in the field of relationships. If my loved one did not have this quality, I would have to look for a similar way of expressing myself elsewhere, but not in our relationship. Perhaps in the acting circle. This means that “at home” I would constantly receive something less, and lack self-expression.

Do you get joy and pleasure from spending time together? If you are more fun, more pleasant, happier with other people than with your loved one, then this is worth paying attention to. After all, your life consists of the moments that you spend together. The secrets of a happy relationship are complementarity.

Pillar 5. Ability to put the interests of a loved one on an equal footing with yours

And sometimes even higher than their own.

When in a couple both have a strong desire and ability to give, they develop very quickly and create the conditions for true happiness and long-term relationships.

If you are your lover's main fan and your lover is your # 1 fan, an amazing team is formed. Everyone gets a sense of strong support and confidence that your relationship is the main source of strength, inspiration and support.

If there are higher levels in the relationship, then there is a feeling of "command". When two people feel like they are on the same team, they have a tremendous chance of success in a happy relationship.

And this feeling is equally valuable and important for both women and men.


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If you want to go deep into the topic of relationships and deal with issues such as:

  • How to identify values ​​and set common goals correctly?
  • How to connect at the highest levels?
  • How to return or reinforce polarity?
  • What are the karmic reasons for good / bad relationships and how to fix what is broken?
  • How to create a great relationship from scratch?

Come to the "Goodbye Rake!" Instructions for women who want to improve their privacy.

  • A harmonious relationship in a couple is what many aspire to. When we are happy in a family, when we have a loved one who responds to us with mutual love - what could be more beautiful than this? And at the same time, it is very difficult to create harmonious relationships: quarrels and conflicts hurt us to the very heart and bring severe suffering. How to build a relationship with a girl or a guy, with a woman or a man? And, just as importantly, how to maintain a long, good relationship with your partner?

    You should not think that building harmonious relationships with the opposite sex is possible only for a small fraction of people who, by nature, have got a good disposition and a wonderful partner. In the life of each couple there are their own adversities and their own problems, and the fact that the couple lived for many years together, and the feelings remained, did not extinguish, and even more - they lit up with new facets - this is the merit of two people who found that small, fragile path of the right relationship, with which it is very easy to get lost and on which it is very difficult to reach the end.

    And it depends only on the efforts of both partners whether they will reach it, and whether this path will be happy and pleasant. But this does not mean at all that you need to follow this road blindly, stuffing bumps or stepping on the same rake. You can open your eyes, understand the psychology of your companion and walk this difficult path together, hand in hand. Then it will be much easier, and will bring so much joy and happiness that it is even difficult to imagine.

    What is love or how does love arise?

    People often confuse two fundamentally different concepts: love and falling in love. Before looking at how to build and maintain a lasting, good relationship with a man or woman, with a girl or boyfriend, let's try to find the difference between the two.

    Nature decides for us who we fall in love with. Although we imagine different characters that we like, for example, a tall blonde or an attractive brunette, in life everything happens differently. At one fine moment, each of us meets a person to whom a wonderful feeling of falling in love arises. Everyone has this manifested in different ways, but many note dizziness from communication, an irresistible attraction and, in general, a fantastic feeling of attraction to their partner. And from the first kiss, there is even a feeling as if the earth is leaving under your feet.

    Attraction to a certain person does not arise in us by accident. And this does not depend on us at all. Nature has taken care to bring us together with the optimal partner, which in all its properties suits us best. Of course, it will seem to someone very soon that it was a joke of nature when she fell in love with such goats ... or do ..., but more on that later. At the very beginning, we do not notice each other's shortcomings, because we are blinded by ... pheromones.

    Yes, the attraction is built precisely on smells and for a reason perfume companies around the world want to release the perfect pheromone perfume that would solve all personal problems with the opposite sex. However, so far this has not been possible to do as accurately as nature easily does. It is she who selects the right couples and ideally builds the relationship of a girl with a guy, a man with a woman.

    Of course, there are other, additional circumstances not directly related to libido and the four "lower vectors" that further increase the attraction to each other. Sound women really like a rough, low male voice, skin-visual women are important about romance, emotional fulfillment of meetings, impressions, and so on. Each vector has its own nuances that catch on. We are excited by our partner, we like him - and it is this, the first sensation, that we, by mistake, call love. Although in reality it is falling in love, a physical attraction built on the chemical reactions of our body.

    Carried away by our partner, we, as a rule, are more carried away by our experiences and sensations, how pleased we are with this person. And, unfortunately, at the same time we understand very little about our couple - her desires, hobbies, joys and sorrows. Although it seems to us the opposite, we are sure that we get to know our soul mate better and better.

    For our future partner, we invent characteristics that seem to us to be the best: for example, the spectators attribute kindness, sympathy, mercy, compassion to the partner, the skinny ones - logic, agility, cunning, people with an anal vector - honesty, decency, responsibility. In every step of our beloved, in every word, in every look, we are looking for confirmation that he is the best of all. We are blinded by pheromones. At the same time, we often close our eyes to bad habits and unpleasant actions, thinking that everything will change in the future.

    And at the same time, the other person in a pair, most likely, does not possess such characteristics at all. Not in the sense that he is an antihero with bad qualities. But he is not the angel that we draw in our imaginations. By no means, he is also a normal, ordinary person, with his good and negative qualities.

    The fact is that in each pair, created on the basis of "pheromone attraction", the innate properties, qualities of each partner are not opposite, but different. This is due to the fact that attraction arises only between people with different lower vectors. For example, in one pair, there may be a woman with a skin vector and a man with an anal vector. She is fast, agile, cunning, and he is thorough, courteous and does everything efficiently. They are just perfect for each other, but the problem is that they do not see their striking differences at close range. And even if the vectors are the same, for example, both partners are anal-dermal, then they have different supports or it turns out that his anality chooses her skin, her skin chooses his anality.

    How to properly build relationships with the opposite sex?

    Physical attraction based on pheromones is gradually disappearing. Naturally, we are given 3-4 years. Of course, the duration of this period is individual. But sooner or later, and the excitement and dizziness end, reality appears. We peer into the person with whom we once created a couple and do not see at all the one whom we saw before. And we think it was he who changed. Although, in fact, we have changed - the "doping" that was on the body ended, and the love ended. But this does not mean at all that everything in the world is over. Love is not only attraction, it is something that you have managed to create.

    But if you do not make any effort to understand each other, then conflicts, quarrels, which means stress and anxiety are guaranteed. Gradually, we begin to notice that something is wrong here: we see that the partner is not at all kind, not at all cunning, and even knows how to deceive. We begin to blame each other, blame ourselves or others for having paired with a person who doesn't really have the very best qualities that we attributed to him. Women, as a rule, after another disagreement remember the proverb "Love is evil, you will fall in love with a goat," and men are surprised at the inadequacy of their little wife.

    This is the most difficult period in the life of a couple. And there are only two ways out of this situation. The first is to break up. Today, unfortunately, this is largely the case. In an era of haste and consumption, no one wants to waste their precious time and nerves with a partner.

    If a few decades ago, couples were saved by shame in front of the party and children, but today there are practically no restraining factors left. Perhaps there are situations when the choice of divorce is justified, for example, in the case of domestic violence or when time is irrevocably lost, there is no turning back, and the relationship turns only into torment. But in many cases wonderful, ideal families break up, wonderful people disperse who simply could not understand each other. Each pulled the blanket over himself, considered the shortcomings of the other, and did not care at all about understanding the merits of his partner, his advantages.

    But everyone in any pair has advantages - after all, it was not for nothing that nature, three years earlier, created a pheromone connection between them.

    People disagree, but ironically, they often find partners similar to their previous companions. Some time passes, but the problems repeat themselves. Do you think breaking up with stress and breakdown every three years is a good life scenario? Of course, there are those who tie up with a serious relationship and remain alone, but after all, such a result cannot be called happy.

    The second way out is to form true love, build harmonious relationships in the family, maintain a long relationship with a loved one, with a boyfriend or girlfriend. But for this you need to make an effort. Understand not your own desires, but the desires of another person. And not in a skeptical, snobbish form, as we often do, but truly, humanly, out of love. It is as a result of mutual psychoanalysis, which is available to everyone today, that we begin to understand another person, and not just ascribe our negative characteristics to him, as we previously attributed positive ones. We begin to see his personality, his desires, and understand that he is an amazing person who is simply very different in his innate properties and characteristics.

    Only those who have burned themselves so many times that they have managed to put armor on their hearts do not dream of love, so that they no longer make mistakes and experience disappointment. But living without her is not as easy and beautiful as they think. Therefore, you should not be afraid and avoid her, as well as rush to fall in love or build a relationship with the first man you come across. After all, many disappointments and scars, as well as fear of her, can be easily avoided if you know how relationships with the opposite sex are built and what is worth doing and what is not.

    How to build a relationship

    Once you've met a man and a relationship begins to emerge, allow yourself to relax and have fun and pleasure. You do not need to immediately analyze it, trying to understand whether it fits your ideal and whether it is suitable as a life partner. All these thoughts will only spoil the mood and steal the opportunity to get that feeling of euphoria that love gives.

    You need to think about such important things later, when the passions subside a little, and everything will indicate that he has serious plans. After all, the most important thing in a relationship is when it is easy, comfortable and good for both of them. You should not be annoyed, alarmed, embarrassed or upset by anything. If this happens, you need to think about what requirements this man does not meet, whether they are justified, whether they are very principled and important for you, and whether you present them to someone else or know for sure that they can be fulfilled.

    When you make sure that your requirements are reasonable, and the claims are justified, and you are absolutely sure that they are being fulfilled by those who truly love a woman, then this is not your man and you do not need to build a relationship with him. Not only will you waste precious time, deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy life, but you will also put your self-esteem and future life at risk.

    Do not assume that the proverb "Tolerate - to fall in love" teaches something good. It is not known who invented it at all, who needed to force women to endure, be silent and endure men's whims and fulfill whims. Yes, it is necessary to resolve controversial issues with a loved one, after all, we are quite different, but this does not mean that everyone should endure something that does not suit them. When a person is unable to accept the carelessness of another, his laziness, rudeness, insults, infidelity, greed, stinginess, inability to behave with people, ignoring his interests and ingratitude, there is only one correct way - to part with him.

    After all, whoever said that women should sacrifice themselves and their mental and physical health, so long as someone does not say that no one needs them, old maids and generally failures. Everyone has something for which he can be blamed, therefore, as the saying goes, "Who are the judges?"

    You can build relationships correctly, taking into account your interests and desires. It may sound selfish, but how can you create a happy couple if a person is not able to come to terms with what seems to him shortcomings, and he suffers, worries and sometimes hates himself for not being able to love the other as he deserves. Who will feel good if someone who is unhappy lives next to him? Only a sadist who needs a sacrifice.

    Only those relationships in which both are happy can be happy. The person who inspires, pleases, delights, makes you feel at your best and see the beauty in the world is your person. You do not need to fight with him, put up with him, sort things out, find compromises, give in and suffer, ask or plead. I want to hear him, I want to take care of him and take care of him. And he responds in kind. When a woman meets her man, she intuitively knows how to behave in order to build a relationship correctly. If she does not know something about him, she is not afraid to ask him or those who know him about it, while it is better than her.

    It is always comfortable with him, even when silence reigns, and everyone is thinking about something different. It's cozy with him. It gives a sense of security, reliability and safety, even without doing anything specifically for this.

    But sometimes the woman herself has requirements for men so unreasonable that she suffers not because he is bad, but because she cannot in any way fit him into the ideal image that she once created. She does not want to lose him, but she is completely happy, she does not feel herself either. Here's an advice to take a closer look at your list of requirements. When a person is really loved, I like it even how he snores, or they just don't pay attention to it. Love overshadows any things that might annoy others.

    An ideal relationship with a girl is every man's dream. Yes, this is a commonplace truth, but the importance of personal life is often unjustly downplayed. It seems that everything will work out by itself. Meanwhile, relationships do not just take up a significant part of your life, they gradually come to the fore, affecting everything else. So if relationships instead of joy bring tension, the girl next to you is unlikely to match your ideal.

    And here there are two ways: to find that one, the only one that meets all the parameters for this role, or to "educate" the most suitable girl, bringing her to perfection.

    But before you start acting, you need to understand what an ideal relationship with a girl they are.

    How to build an ideal relationship with a girl?

    What future awaits you?

    The most obvious sign of an ideal relationship can be determined by answering a simple question - do you see you together in the future? If so, how far can you imagine it?

    So you will listen to your feelings, which, as you know, do not lie. If there is a clear feeling that you will be together next, then this is perfect sign.

    If you often plan for the future, set goals for a month, six months, a year in advance, that is, a reason for joy.

    You can check her if in doubt: just start a conversation about the future and watch how she reacts... If you see that the topic inspires her, she herself offers something - this is very good. But if the girl somehow gets away from the conversation, or he clearly does not inspire her enthusiasm, it is a bad sign.

    But there are other factors that will help you reach the final verdict on a relationship.

    What are you ready to go for?

    No matter how trite it may sound, but an ideal relationship implies willingness to sacrifice both partners.

    Try asking yourself the question - what are you willing to go for the sake of her comfort? Can you change something in yourself that was good for her?

    You can also analyze her behavior. If you hear phrases from her like “Your expectations are your problems”, “I'm not going to change myself for the sake of someone,” then this means that she simply does not consider you as her man... Just a temporary option until nothing is better.

    Ideal relationships are defined in a completely different way - in them, a girl tries to change in her behavior what her man does not like.

    The same goes for you. Yes, these rules apply to both partners, no matter how much you want the opposite.

    You need to do so that your behavior does not cause discomfort to the girl, and if this happens, change it.

    But sacrifice should not be viewed only as something global. It is worth paying attention to the little things - this is where we really show up.

    What are you investing in each other?

    Here it is worth considering not only material, but also emotional "investments".

    With material things, everything is more or less clear - you both have to spend money on each other. Although many girls believe that a man should pay for everything, even if she has her own means. If she thinks so, then although it is not so significant, but still negative indicator.

    The same goes for her emotions. If she does not give, but only takes, this does not look like an ideal relationship with a darling.

    But emotions are more difficult. How do you know if she is investing them in a relationship?

    Here, too, your senses should help you. If you ask yourself this question, then something is wrong.

    I know a lot of cases when a girl managed to give a lot, although she had absolutely no material freedom for this.

    Moreover, she did it at any time, even when there were some problems.

    Think about it the next time you decide that today is not the right time to do something for her.

    Do you inspire each other?

    A perfect relationship with a girl makes you feel energized and motivated after interacting with her. You just talked on the phone, and you feel that you are charged with positive emotions and are ready for new achievements? This is a great sign. As in the advertisement: "Red Bull inspires!" =)

    If she is experiencing something similar, then this is another good sign.

    The secret to a perfect relationship is sex.

    How important do you think sex is in an ideal relationship with a girl?

    This is at least 90% of all factors, because it is because of him that you are now together.

    This cannot be changed. And you should not believe her if she assures that everything suits her in bed, and you yourself understand that you are far from a giant or you feel that not everything is so smooth... Imagine if you had problems with oxygen or nutrition - would everything be fine in this case? Of course not. And sex is just as important, and our nature is to blame.

    Do you know how to satisfy your girlfriend?

    How dangerous dissatisfaction in sex is, you probably yourself understand. In such a situation, it is impossible not only to build an ideal relationship with a girl, but their complete collapse is inevitable. It's just a matter of time.

    I hope you now understand what an ideal relationship with a girl should be like:

    You dissolve in them and do not torment yourself with questions. Both of you give each other strength and constantly give emotions. No fear that a girl will leave you if you don't do something

    And if you are still not sure that your relationship with your girlfriend is perfect, do not close your eyes to it. Do everything to make sure of this as soon as possible. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you leave her (don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all), and the sooner you will find that girl with whom you are ideal in terms of building a relationship.

    Do not worry, she will cope with the breakup, and you will not lose precious years that cannot be returned.

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    • I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, because Roman changed my life for the better and taught me how to get the most out of everything, no matter what I do. I also found myself and my way, now there is a business, there is a girlfriend next to me. Everything is working out!

      Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

      From the video courses Romana learned that seducing girls can be easy and simple, and you don't have to have a lot of money or be a raving pet! I pumped, although before the training I was completely zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he really is a practical trainer, he publishes excellent courses.

      Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

      Good video courses, in which there is neither water nor empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are sorted out in great detail. The relationship is shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and get success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

      Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

      He underwent individual training with Roman Vinilov on dating and dating girls. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave immediate results. The novel showed his skills, gave advice, and motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

      Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

      Roman, I want to express my gratitude for the fact that your course has changed my life dramatically and for the better! I couldn't believe that after a few weeks of studying on your course, I would already have the first significant results!

      Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

      Received the book by e-mail and began to study .. so much useful information and no water! Thank you, Roman, for such efforts.

      Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

      Rum, well, I seduced the girl I told you about. for 2 whole years I was trying to get it, but to no avail. Your course boosted me and now I'm just happy. and just ONE WEEK.

      Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

      Your relationship course, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Previously, I imagined everything in a completely different way and was very mistaken. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged high-quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

      Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

      Spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn it, the girl herself began to seduce me. This works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I go on dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10, 8 end with sex, and 5 of them on the first date.

      Evgeny, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

      Thank you for your newsletter tutorials and books. Although they are free, the information in them is very valuable! I spent a whole year scouring the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile. just a pickup truck, rms, some western stuff. and then I got to know your work. This is what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is ours, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more. although for those who only want sex - the same thing))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thank you Rom!

      Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

      Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 skype conferences and I learned how to conduct dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, funds and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. He's such a novel 🙂

      Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

      How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment either. But after training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. I changed myself so that girls now just dry up for me. Learning from Roman is very cool, the motivation is active, the kicks are magical, the experience is endless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

      Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

      Thank you Roman for your courses and advice! They always help, I am very glad that I am familiar with you and your materials.

      How to build a correct and healthy relationship with a man?

      I am glad to welcome you, dear ladies, to my internet blog! It's no secret that a woman and a man are different in nature. They have different logic, emotional state, psychology.

      But this is how it should be, according to the laws of nature, because opposites are drawn to each other. It is important for each of us to realize ourselves in terms of serious relationships, create a strong family, give birth to heirs.

      How to choose the right life partner?

      Worthy girls choose worthy suitors as their gentlemen. However, how among the many suitors to notice one, the best contender? So often people make mistakes by wasting their time on destructive relationships.

      Girls usually put forward a number of criteria for what their potential boyfriend should be, but they forget about the most basic. Perhaps the most important thing to look out for is the existence of common interests. At first glance, this may seem primitive to you, but if you look at it, this is the most important criterion.

      When both people have the same thoughts, opinions, outlook on life, they will never be bored together, and they will always support each other. Even if you are opposites, this does not mean that you will be bored. In this case, you can find in your partner what you are missing and learn something useful and new from him.

      We attract the right partner

      A woman should be a person, and a real lady does not envy others and knows her merits well. She knows that she is so alone, period. When a person loves and accepts himself with all his shortcomings, others begin to love and appreciate him. If she wants to meet a worthy passion and interest her, she should be interesting to herself.

      Today there are many opportunities for reincarnating your own image and emphasizing your merits. First of all, you should go in for sports, keep fit, visit a spa, take care of yourself and your style.

      Check out the lessons for women to help you build strong relationships with men here.