How to congratulate on the 50th anniversary. What can I wish you, my dear man? Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

Happy 50th anniversary!
Half a century lived, and the same amount to live
Let it remain for you, and we will not regret
Desires from the soul.
May everything that was planned come true.
Let all that has not come true come true.
Let not old age threaten with a hook from around the corner,
Let it not happen to you to meet her for a long time!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You are 50 today.
And I wish you soon
To shine again
Youth does not pass,
And she lives in her soul
Let the smile never leave your lips
And in all matters you are lucky!

Happy Birthday to you!
Behind so that the excitement remains
Ahead so that luck awaits
To protect your life from troubles!
50 - the time of wisdom, life!
At 50, everyone is a little capricious
I wish my soul not to grow old
And outwardly, always get younger!

Happy fiftieth anniversary
We congratulate, sparing no words!
We want to wish from the heart, from the heart
You desperately shine day and night!

Let everything be smooth in the family!
Let everything be in order at work!
Let the children and grandchildren delight with the arrival ...
Let there be no sadness and boredom!

May every day bring only joy!
Let fatigue never come to you!
Let life be full of success!
We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

Fifty years is a beautiful date!
They call it "golden"!
Life is truly valuable and rich
Like an ear, filled with grain!

Like the sun in the midday sky!
Like a cozy hearth in the house!
Like butter on a piece of bread!
Like sparks in happy eyes!

Calling a golden jubilee
All the same, we will not count the year.
Happy birthday to you!
Congratulations ten times - five each!

Fifty is only half
A bright life, beautiful and full,
Fifty is like a dam
When you breathe easily and freely.
I want to wish you health,
So that life is - a full cup,
Every moment you live with love
You are becoming better and more beautiful!

Congratulations on your anniversary
You are 50 today!
It's hard for us to believe
Thin waist, cheerful eyes.
And a flying gait
And a perky, pure laugh.
You are still beautiful
Success is with you!
At work - respect
At home - a friendly family!
You health and luck,
For the current years!
And it doesn't matter what today
You are already fifty years old.
This is only half.
The banquet can begin!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
You are 50 today!
Let there be every moment
Resounding laughter and joy to radiate!
May the warmth, love of family and friends
Keep it on the road and on the go!
May comfort, goodness, fun, happiness
Every day reigns in your home!

Fifty is such a date
Eh, another five zeros,
So that you heal richly
Better than any kings!
Happy anniversary
And I wish at fifty
Look one hundred ... percent,
As a student construction brigade!

The hero of the day is fifty!
And the eyes are burning stronger,
Young and energetic
The most fantastic age
I sincerely want to say
Wish you health
Long life and good luck
Achievements of all tasks,
So that every holiday,
I gathered friends in the house!

You are now 50!
Happy Birthday! Good and good luck,
Joy, love, all the best!
Never let it be otherwise!
Well, if it is a little difficult,
Just remember that after the rain
Necessarily a rainbow in the sky
It blooms in an arc for you!

50 is very nice
It's all easy and straightforward!
It's full of home and recognition
This is the life of the laws of knowledge!
These are puzzles of difficult answers
And fate does not play hide and seek!
So accept, hero of the day, congratulations,
You have a golden birthday!

You are fifty today
And this holiday is cooler than many!
Everyone wants to wish you
Health, joy on the road
For the birthday of one hundred years.
May your anniversary be a milestone
Great plans and victories
Hope, happiness and success!
Let life pamper you more than once
A parade of new achievements
And we'll mark how now
Fifty more birthdays!

50 today. Birthday!
And I want to wish you
Cheerfulness, enthusiasm, inspiration,
And it's great to live, not to know worries!
Joy and peace, let it come true
The most beautiful dreams
All good things come true
Joy and beauty in the heart!

Fifty is a round date!
But rounder and happier - a hundred!
And two hundred is exactly what you need!
Let them just be - and that's it!

I wish you spiritual wisdom,
Health, joy, kindness,
In any way - the road is flat,
And trust yourself always
On the fiftieth birthday
I want to say thank you
For believing without a doubt
For being the best brother!

The great holiday gathered all friends,
To celebrate a wonderful anniversary!
And we are ready to congratulate together
On your anniversary and your fifty!

You live your life so worthily
What can we say for you calmly,
That you are the most beautiful of all in your victories!
We wish you not to know evil and misfortune!

And may everything in life just begin!
Let your dream come true ...
Let the children and grandchildren always strive for you!
We wish you more smile!

Life begins
Over his shoulders - fifty.
But this is very little
And the eyes are still burning!

Youth rages in my heart
And does not want to subside
Different feelings excite
From which you will not get tired!

Let it be like this for a very long time
After all, until old age is 100 years old.
We are all boys and girls
And there is no doubt about that!

Birthday fiftieth
These congratulations are an honor.
May your winged guardian angel
Will bring you good news!
May it always be easy in your heart
Years will become true wealth.
Sincere people will be around
To always smile with happiness!

Anniversary - fifty years.
It seems not a lot, but already not a little.
Health, love and good luck to you.
We wish to live the same amount of time.
Do not be sad, do not see you grief,
Let only the joy in your eyes shine.
Let happiness at your feet, like the whole sea,
He sleeps quietly as an obedient dog.

Happy Birthday! You are fifty,
May this day be wonderful!
Among the many holiday dates
This holiday is special by right!
May happy bright days
Will be a bright reflection of fate
Let them bring with them
Only joyful moments!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Fifty is not a joke date.
Start life again as soon as possible;
May she be rich in goodness.
This is your new stage and important,
May he bring you good luck.
You enter it so bravely,
As if the trumpet is already calling into battle.

50 - you today!
This is a milestone in life!
Can you name yourself
An adult!

And what can I say,
Date whispers boldly:
Pour 50 for everyone,
If such is the case!

There is a lot to wish for
Kind as a gift
And take 50 each
For the happiness of the hero of the day!

Fifty years gone,
Life rustled like the surf
But beauty and charm
We still stay with you!
Wish You happiness and health,
Let life continue its run
I give congratulations today
Let it be like a talisman!

50 is not old age at all,
This is your maturity and wisdom.
At 50, you can even start
Start somewhere in your life.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And I wish you patience.
May all the bad weather leave you
And friends will not leave in trouble!

You have lived only half a century,
And how many peaks he conquered.
I wish you longevity
To do, try, create.
May it never end
Your frantic life cross.
And what year are we? Years, it doesn't matter!
Just half a toss.

Equator of Life - Mid-Century -
It is important for any person.
You are fifty and this anniversary
Let your festive sooner into the house.
May it only bring success
In all deeds and beginnings of all.
Let only good things be kept in the heart
And in life there will be something to strive for.

Fifty is the date
Anniversary so anniversary!
Be happy and rich
We wish you soon!

Keep your spirits up
Joy, youth of the soul,
And luck, as a friend,
Let him hurry with gifts!

For yourself you discover
Countries, mountains and seas.
Don't waste a minute
Life, so beautiful, in vain!

I wish life to be inspired,
Let the dream come true
Because fifty is your birthday
It's not worth worrying about this day
Cherish yours. Forget it!
Be cheerful and happy!
I wish you happiness with all my soul
On this wonderful holiday yours!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Today it is half a century old,
For your merits - we mlee
Even we are in front of you.
Have fun, have fun
And then go to bed
After all, as we know, from the fun
I really need to rest.
We will add to all gifts -
Let's leave our colorful
At your place. And Happy Day!

Fifty - the beginning of a new life
And a piece of a long journey.
Although there are already many impressions
I was lucky to go through life.
May luck not leave in the future,
Luck keeps up with you.
And let it appear before you again
A year full of happiness and joy!

Let me congratulate you today -
Today is your birthday!
My congratulations, please
And let me raise a glass
For life to always give you
Well-being, joy and delight,
And at 50 there was more happiness,
Than in all my life has happened so far!

Man stronger over the years
And wiser, they say.
Shines brighter than gold
Your anniversary is fifty!

Congratulations to you sincerely,
Be young at heart
Well, we'll raise a glass
For your golden holiday!

Congratulate on such an anniversary
Any person is obligated.
Notice that fifty noted
Add as much plus - and a century.
Childish smile and joy
And in the heart - a young soul,
Fun and celebration and sweetness
From all congratulations. Hurrying
As if on a train, we live
We "chew" our routine,
Tired - wake up! The world is waiting!

50 - what does this date mean?
Dream come true time.
Everything that you once thought
May it come true today like dreams.
I wish you do not know sorrow,
Cross out the bad forever.
And love worthy of a medal
Let it stay for all the years!

We lived with dignity for half a century!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
And be you always calm
You are no sweeter in the world!

We wish you always good weather
And the sun is bright overhead,
And thoughts to be bright
And sadness, of course, down with!

Fifty. Half a ruble! Not so little.
And now, just, life will begin.
Until now, there was only preparation for the ball.
Scatter, sadness and nostalgia, scatter!
Right, left, front and even back
Top, bottom, well, almost everywhere
Always be in big traces of lipstick.
Passionate friendly love you!

Let the skeptics forgive us -
We count birthdays!
You are 50 today
And this is a reason for fun.

10 glorious five-year plans -
This is a whole era!
Wish you no pills
You will live another half century.

Whether in snow, heat or bad weather -
To meet the dawn with joy.
Crying - only from happiness
Many springs, winters and years!

I wish you all the best
Over the head of the clear sun,
Let only good things happen
So that doubts do not disturb you.
And on the day of the fiftieth birthday
I wish you longevity
Strong, rare health,
Luck in the life of the greatest!

Today is your anniversary
Today you are fifty.
There are many guests in the house today
They all want to congratulate you.
Do not rush to part with the past
You remember, not sparing him.
And let us do the same
Tell you on the hundredth anniversary!

They say that at 50, life is just beginning
With the experience gained, everything works out in a moment,
So you have a fiftieth anniversary today,
I can't even believe that half a century has already passed.
Hurry to live now, catch every moment,
Accept congratulations from everyone around today,
Let everything come true, that has not come true yet,
So that all the good is only ahead, the bad is gone.

I'll tell you that fifty
Still no reason to take a fall
And rather, on the contrary,
After all, life has made a U-turn.

So, it's time to remember the disco
And it doesn't matter that it's already half a century.
Race in the park on skates ...
What you want - everything is in your hands.

Happy birthday to you,
And, pour it, come on soon.

To live fifty years is not to cross the river,
Fate always throws up trials.
Build a career, and keep a family,
And to be sweet and desirable for her husband ...
In everything you, our daughter, well done!
You are our pride, consolation in life!
We love you - me and your father,
Accept congratulations on your anniversary!

Fifty or fifty -
Call it whatever you want!
It makes no difference when your eyes are on fire
And you do not go - fly!
Anyone will envy you:
How do you compare at 50?
The secret is probably simple
But don't open it!

Fiftieth birthday
It is necessary to celebrate on a grand scale
I wish my aunt inspiration
And never lose heart
Wish You happiness and health,
Always cherish luck
And every day with great love
And to live with a strong joy!

50 is not yet an age
50 - only flowering,
There is still so much ahead
And there is no reason to be sad.

Smile and whatever you want
Will suddenly fall at your feet
Your wishes will come true
And the sun will rise.

Let all dreams come true
Good luck the light will shine
Grievances are forgotten
And the bank account grows.

Children only give joy
Relatives use as an example,
Health does not fail.
Cheer up like a pioneer!

Today is your birthday
And I wish with all my soul
So that young years your fuse
Never left you!
So that it was interesting to live
And there was nothing to grieve about!
After all, what is 50?
It's two times twenty-five!

Today you are fifty
And this is just the beginning of life
And so I want to wish
You will not be discouraged at this thought.

You've lived a lot, but not everything
One road winds dashingly
Your family is still with you
Supports you quietly.

My congratulations
Today is a wonderful anniversary
Your excitement will not hide
On such a beautiful day

Let there be everything that you want
Let you be surrounded by warmth
And you bathe from the love of your family
You are in a great sea of ​​tender words.

You are 50 and the number is round
Means only one thing here,
That a man is very wise
All this was given for a reason.

Today is your anniversary
Today you are fifty.
There are many guests in the house today
They all want to congratulate you.
Do not rush to part with the past
You remember, not sparing him.
And let us do the same
Tell you on the hundredth anniversary!
We all wrote congratulations for you
It is small, but it contains the very juice!

Yes, fifty years is a lot,
In life, everything has already happened:
Passion, love, misunderstanding,
And mindless wandering!

Everything has already calmed down
But not everything has happened yet,
Life is beautiful ahead
Hold on tight to her!

Let the sun shine brighter
Grandchildren love, children love!
On this jubilee day,
Helm hearty congratulations!

How much joy and sorrow
In your life you have passed more than once.
And congratulate you today,
I got a great chance!

Let the longing go away from you!
I wish you to live up to a hundred,
You are fifty years old today
Date, let's say, for a reason!

I wish you health
Everything else will wait.
If there is strength and vigor,
The rest will all come!

May your health grow stronger, your smile shines
Always and, of course, stronger!
Fate gives you gifts every day,
Congratulations on your anniversary!

And at fifty, let ambitions and plans
That all will certainly come true
Your schedule won't get any less
We wish you inspiration.

Health and happiness, success, victory,
Love, a lot of joy - very much
Let the fun become your neighbor,
May there be more of it in life!

Fifty years anniversary
Is that so much?
As soon as you grow up
Multiplying your youth.

Two times twenty five
And still that child
Though your own for a long time
We jumped out of the swaddling clothes.

Carefree life, happiness,
Beauty does not fade
And to meet such
In another fifty years.

Half a century, five decades,
But you can't guess your age -
The years don't leave a trace
If you don't notice them.

Continue to live in the same spirit!
Let there be a reserve of health.
And remember the year of birth,
Only if someone asks you.

Half a century - it sounds proudly!
Not everyone can live.
With just one look and gait
You know how to bewitch everyone.

Let the path be on your side
From clinics and pharmacies!
We wish you good health
For many, many years!

You are fifty today
You will arrange a gorgeous holiday
They will fly from all over the world
And we'll all get bogged down in the celebration!

What a wonderful anniversary
Fifty years is not much
Pour wine into glasses
I want to tell you a word.

I'm glad that brought me to life
With such a wonderful person
I lift for you
I wish you success!

Childhood days flew away forever
Youth bloomed like a rose.
You became an adult and almost white
And you're fifty today.

A white beard fluttered,
Like a blanket under a mustache.
Let the kids shine in your life
And God gives grandchildren.

Let him not know at all
Your troubles and tears
Not a single hair of yours
Even from the head.

It's time to get ready for the holiday and accept congratulations for 50 years.

What can I wish you, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy to once again remember the best moments in the life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years need to be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday man. You shouldn't read trivial words from a store postcard. It is better to prepare a small poem that you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, having previously sent information about the birthday person.

People say that living life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to regret kind words:

  • if you are preparing congratulations for 50 years to a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities of a good housewife and a loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional merits he possesses;
  • for your beloved mommy you need to choose the most tender words because she expects them and deserves them;
  • Many roads have been covered with a friend or friend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem on the occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and sounds in it nice compliments, then it will leave for a long time pleasant impression, will delight the heroes of the day. On this day, there are never enough wishes!

What not to say on the anniversary

Etiquette must be adhered to in everything. If congratulators really prepare correctly, then they will not focus not on the woman's age, even when it is congratulations on the 50th anniversary. It is more appropriate to talk about the core of life and the merits of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our life. But if in common days they are invisible, then on the anniversary you need to forget about them. It is not necessary to say for the hundredth time that the life of the hero of the day is just beginning ... It is better to tell the guests about the bright moments that await the birthday man in the next part of his life.

You should not give advice to heroes of the day if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps in life. But the wishes of health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you connect imagination and do not disconnect logic, then it is easy to create an original congratulation!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care
And all friends respect.

The birthday girl is beautiful as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And let you be fifty today,
But my eyes, just like in my youth, are burning.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and kindness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, loyal friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

On your lips the most tender smile
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, little sister, 50 ?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Our life is such a thing

I was young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
Here are the things!

I sincerely wish you
Never lose heart
It's easy to live, not knowing worries,
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, it seems like a lot ...
Everything was on your difficult path,
Life was good-natured and strict with you,
And you could find your happiness!
Have achieved what they once wanted
They managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if something you still did not have time -
There are many opportunities yet to come!
Now your grandchildren will be a joy to you,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of relatives will be the best reward
And we will continue the holiday with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile earlier,
To be the happiest - no more, no less
And life will definitely not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity,
So that there was even nothing to dream of!
Let be the whole world it will become cozy for you,
Will be painted in azure colors.
Good luck may welcome you everywhere!
But even if something is suddenly wrong,
Then for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business, in essence, is a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on the path that opens.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years is an anniversary!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Live long - long, don't get sick!
Everything will be fine - we know for sure!
Let spring bloom in my soul forever
Age makes you even more beautiful
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup for this life!


At 50, probably not by chance
The anniversary is called golden!
There is little that remains a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years passed quickly
Flashed like a short dream!
Do not be sad that summer is leaving!
The velvet season is on the doorstep!
Everything is available now, everything is clear
The sun is warming, but no longer burning!
May happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

The age of women is said to be
Discussion is completely useless!
In the jubilee fifty
You look younger!

How not to say about it
The birthday girl is wonderful!
I want to wish you:
Be just as interesting!

Let the worries go away

The road will be easy

Well, we are your friends

It will always be side by side!

Your magic beauty will easily drive you crazy -
With shining eyes, a smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss charm,
I will lay the treasures of the whole world at your feet!
Affection and tenderness all grow stronger every day,
Enthusiastically, a little timidly, we always go forward.
We will find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall ...
In love with you, like youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say fifty,
After all, I look and wonder again
You are all the same that ten years ago.

Be a girlfriend, as before, beautiful
Don't be sad, have fun, light it up
Let there be enough patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

May there be kind and bright in the eyes
The light that you carry through the years
Many songs, flowers and gifts
May they always be present in life!

You, friend, do not be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary
But in my soul, after all, eighteen,
So do not try to relax.

There are sparkles in my eyes -
So there will be a sense of business.
There is enough tenderness in my soul -
It means that the heart is not bored.

There is gunpowder in the flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, then it must necessarily be targeted, take into account the tastes of the birthday girl, profession and age. Fair half humanity always appreciates the attention and sincere attitude which can be expressed in kind words.

Here are some ideas to use and prepare original congratulations for 50 years:

  • 1. Starfall wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when blank stars are handed out to guests, on which they write their congratulations. To the music, the guests throw stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads them aloud. A star necklace for the birthday girl is created from the congratulations.
  • 2. Comic heartfelt congratulations from male guests can also be prepared directly at the celebration.
  • 3. Congratulations from girlfriends can sound like ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of a birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented teamwork on canvas. Everyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this must always be remembered. Anniversary is a special holiday, which nothing should darken, therefore, on this day you need to try.

What congratulations for 50 years will a man surely like?

A strong half of humanity loves humor and cool congratulations... Such options will amuse not only the birthday man, but also all the guests. What could be better than funny positive mood that short poems create.

For some reason everyone thinks
At 50 - half a lifetime away.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
He raised a son and a daughter ...

And the career is all right:
You are the boss (and big!)
But you will achieve more
Just don't get old in soul!

You have one road: upward,
Go ahead, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be to accomplishments
Ready for new exploits!

And half a century later,
Among loved ones and friends
Celebrate your merry
Its centenary!

Such a beautiful date
Should be doubly pleasant.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And always on horseback!
Good luck, kindness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, just like now, young!
A better feelings, Certainly,
Give to all your friends and family!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to wish you a happy birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
Only good mood.
To have prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
So that you are forever young
We achieved our goals easily and simply.
And let the fire in your eyes
Will not go out for a minute!
You have an anniversary today
And life, as never before, is beautiful!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You went through half brilliantly!
The same amount has to be passed!

Today there is for celebration
The reason is solid -
You are half a century old,
Our chef is wonderful!

May health every hour
Pleases Siberian,
Adds in the shoulders
The strength is heroic.

In the heart of the flame of love
It flares up brighter
And the fate of you yachts and pitchforks
Trying to give it a shot!

And let your path be simple
To new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

Anniversary years
You will never catch up
Fly by like comets
Touching the wires.

Time, time, how to be here,
Do not forget, do not forget
Maybe just look around
And continue to swim quietly.

The years lined up
Much eh, little fifty,
Lilac bell
Congratulations ring out.

Husbands will line up
Wives, children, sons,
Congratulate you with the whole crowd,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You are, for sure, given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock a drunken glass.

Give that, God, that everything will come true,
The haze of plans has grown,
Abundance from the horn
To pour on you.

And of course a couple of words
Putting it in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A bowl full of good luck
And live up to a hundred years.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that emphasize the individuality and resourcefulness of colleagues.
  2. Dad is main person in life, like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that was composed for him in the team.

It should be noted that any person on an anniversary deserves kind words, which you can always choose yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into fun competition... The mood is guaranteed to everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcomed.

50 years - birthday

Years, years like birds
Will fly by unnoticed
It was twenty, it was thirty
And today ... fifty.
So what, that fifty -
Shoulders not bent
And the eyes still shine
And it's not over yet!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

50 is a lot and a little,
This is a paved path in life,
But you can't turn off it anywhere.
It was hard but you didn't give up
It hurt - you didn't whine.
And you always remained yourself
And sometimes dreams come true.
To be the same, we wish you
Many years, many happy days.
Happy birthday to you.
Be healthy and don't grow old in soul!

Happy birthday - 50 years old

We will not speak loud phrases -
You are 50 and what can you say?
And we want to wish you a lot -
You cannot tell about him in a short verse.
Let friends not betray in trouble
Let the parents be healthy
Fun, cheerfulness, loyalty, kindness
You will not be abandoned and forgotten,
May respect, glory and honor
For your work will be glorious
As a reward!
And we will take you in 50 years
We are glad to congratulate you again!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

50 is a lot and a little,
This is a paved path in life.
There weren't always roses on the road
But you can't turn off it anywhere.
It was hard, but you didn't give up
It was sick - you whimpered.
And you always remained yourself,
And sometimes dreams come true.
We wish you to be so
- Many years, many happy days.
Happy birthday to you.
Be healthy, do not grow old in soul!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

If life offers you
A number of difficult puzzles,
Then solve them boldly -
You are already 50.
If you call youth!
Join her in a row!
Become fearless!
You are still 50!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

Fifty years is a good time!
And there is no need to be sad
Let another half a century pass
Don't just get old.
And on this glorious bright day
We congratulate you
Health, happiness and kindness
We wish you with all our hearts!

50th birthday

There are many round dates in life,
You are 50 today!
Hearty dear
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Forget the years, do not be discouraged,
Drink a little, sing songs.
You're not an old woman yet
And stay young.
With friends, family and friends
Celebrate your bright anniversary.
We bow low to you
Live, dear, do not hurt.
Years fly by rapidly
It is not in our power to keep them,
And let it always be like this:
How more years, the more happiness

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

We are celebrating our birth today
Your half-century anniversary.
He is weighty, there is no doubt about it,
So many guests came to congratulate.
It means that it is not only a round date,
He, rather, tells you to think:
How much has already been done, however!
How much more remains to be done!
It's a pity, we don't remember whose words these are:
"If only youth knew more,
If old age could still! "-
Your date has risen in the center of life.
There is experience, and there is still plenty of strength,
Everything is available, there is no obstacle to the goal
To do everything that I dreamed of for a long time
So that the years fly by beautifully.
You will be at least a hundred, you are young
Stay in business forever.
We want to wish you a bright life
Strength of mind and ... strength in the body!
Happy birthday to you
On your fiftieth anniversary!
And we wish that the fire does not go out
In friendship, faith and love of friends!

Anniversary 50 years - congratulations

Today is the anniversary - you are 50
Meted out from life half
And you can stand, look back
So that they will move to new heights to tomorrow

On the approaches to the peaks - bumps, ditches
But they managed to overcome all the obstacles
And you have achieved a lot now
You walked confidently towards your goal

V family life you give us a sample
Families you need
You faithful husband, caring father
The family is waiting for you and you are always loved

We raise this humble toast
For you, so that you are always healthy
So that you reach the peaks and stars
Which have not yet been conquered.

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

The years gone by will not return
And not without reason the eyes are sad.
Here, they did not have time to look back,
And behind him - fifty.
And rich life experience,
And the inquisitive look did not fade away,
And we ... today with this date
We sincerely congratulate you.

Congratulations 50 years old

We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you health, vigor,
New successes and victories,
Happy life, years.
After all, every year is something dear to you,
Even though the days are flying fast
Not 30 or 40,
Already today - 50.
May life be full to the brim
Without grief and without troubles,
And so that happiness and health
Enough for you for a hundred years.

Happy birthday - 50 years old

Join the chorus of polyphony
Congratulations and speeches,
Feel like a guest too
On your golden anniversary,
And soak up the excitement
Your delight, the radiance of your eyes,
All your thrill, intoxication
From the abundance of flattering phrases
And a smile of embarrassment
To the applause of the audience:
It's happiness to be happy
On the birthday of the ideal!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary

The essence of congratulations is simple
You will live another half a century
In a pleasant environment
In love and respect.
Over the years we acquire
And gray hair and light of knowledge.
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long years.
And every year to be nicer
Let happiness fill the house.
We are with a centenary
We will also come to congratulate you.

You are fifty today -
These are two by twenty five.
Congratulations on the round date!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you:

Warmth, comfort in the house,
To keep you healthy.
Strength for many years
May spring bloom in your soul!

Fifty years is a beautiful date!
They call it "golden".
Life is truly valuable and rich
Like an ear, filled with grain!

Like the sun in the midday sky
Like a cozy hearth in the house,
Like a piece of butter on bread
Like sparks in happy eyes!

Calling a golden jubilee
All the same, we will not count the year.
Happy birthday to you!
Congratulations ten times - five each!

50 is dawn time
Feminine new, great beauty.
A time of happiness, smiles and light.
And a simple but beautiful dream.

50 is the start time
Start time for a woman's soul
That sometimes she doesn't even notice
As the family need her hands.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are beautiful, courteous, kind.
And we wish you success, luck
And sincere warmth of loved ones.

Happiness in life, stronger health
And more cloudless days.
We congratulate you with love
On your fiftieth anniversary.

Today we are celebrating your anniversary.
Pour some wine into my glass.
I'm preparing to say congratulations toast
With all my heart I wish you happiness.

Always have enough salary for you
For all the trinkets, a pleasant waste.
And there is a lot of money, "chickens do not peck them",
Let comfort reign in your house.

There are many things - beautiful and fashionable.
So that in the right dress entered freely.
And so that wrinkles are not visible on the face,
And men watched with admiration.

In business and work - crazy success,
And let the tears roll only from laughter.
Health grows stronger day by day,
And let the children always support you.

The husband loves, cherishes and fries cutlets.
Let every day give flowers and sweets.
Let luck never end
After all, at 50, only life begins.

Years pass imperceptibly, joy and sadness replace each other, and now half a century has already been lived. The body is still young, and the soul remains at the age of 25 - it longs for adventure, joy and love! I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dreams and the most rosy dreams! Fortress of body and spirit, wisdom, patience, the flowering of the same Great love that is for life! Respect and understanding of loved ones and friends, warm love family, daily joy from all the little things that make up, intertwined over the years this miracle, the name of which is life!

How often do we hear
In my life, the words:
“If youth knew
If old age could. "

But there is a beautiful age
And on our way
When wisdom and strength
They can keep up.

It's time when again
There is luck in destiny.
Give us your word to dream.
Happiness in life to you!

Always act smart
It's nice to be smart.
Everything in the world is available
Everything in the world is clear.

And let life offer
A row of complicated charades
After all, they are easily solved
Those who are fifty!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday.
And it doesn't matter how old.
The calendar is always a prankster
Don't show the answer!

Women's eyes charm,
Their beauty, depth ...
Gloss and lip touch is important,
Well, age is nonsense.

Fifty is an incentive for women
Live, love, create, dream.
To be sweet to all my heart,
Enchant everyone again.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Long life, without hindrances.
May wishes come true
And your sonorous laughter sounds!

Today is a holiday
Half a century behind
But you are more beautiful, you are brighter,
Than anyone else.

Your age only suits you,
And the wisdom of clear eyes.
Today is a fairy tale in reality
We congratulate you!

Birthday fiftieth
These congratulations are an honor.
May your winged guardian angel
Will bring you good news!

May it always be easy in your heart
Years will become true wealth.
Sincere people will be around
To always smile with happiness!

Your birthday is another reason
Say nice words:
With you in any frost and cold
Warm and joyful always

It doesn't matter how many years in the account -
Seventeen, thirty, fifty,
And what is important is that every year
Your eyes burn harder!

Even 20, even 30 -
Is this an anniversary?
50 - this is the DATE,
Do not forget about her!

Congratulations to the hero of the day
Let them fly from all angles.
I am from everyone, without exception,
Wish - be healthy!

Fifty or fifty -
Call it whatever you want!
It makes no difference when your eyes are on fire
And you do not go - fly!

Anyone will envy you:
How do you compare at 50?
The secret is probably simple
But don't open it!

Today is your birthday
And I wish with all my soul
So that your young years fuse
Never left you!

So that it was interesting to live
And there was nothing to grieve about!
After all, what is 50?
It's two times twenty-five!

You have lived half a century in the world, -
Worked, cared, loved,
and not always life is easy was,
But you always coped and did not whine.

Success and happiness may be with you
And children give joy, not sadness ...
I'm glad I can call my sister
The woman I'm proud of!

Fifty is a round date
A new stage begins
May everything that you once desired
It will be embodied sooner as a result!

Be healthy, loved by a family,
Real good friends
And incomes are large and stable
We wish you an anniversary!