How to develop creativity in children. Creativity: features and development. Features of the development of creative thinking

Julia Demina
How to develop creativity in children?

The closest environment for a child is a kindergarten and a family. It was here that for the first time the correct attitude towards creative activity.

Creative skills- these are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance creative activities of various kinds.

At what age should you start development of the child's creative abilities?

Psychologists call various periods from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that develop creativity necessary from an early age. If we talk about specific abilities that underlie the various types creative activity of the child, then the earliest development is the musical ability... Later fine art develops(1, 5 years old)... This is due to the child's ability to hold, pencil, brush, be able to convey the images seen. And at 4-5 years old, the child begins to depict recognizable objects. The latest in its formation are technical children's creation... This is due to the fact that children accumulate certain experiences that allow them to experiment, transform and create something new. Although the basis for this species creativity lies in that period when the child picks up the blocks and the constructor. He tries to create something of his own out of them.

How develop the child's creativity.

Creative skills have their own components. These are personality traits that allow you to look at this world from a new point of view, moving away from standard thinking. These are those capabilities that underlie creative thinking.

Development of imagination... Imagination - ability consciousness to create images, representations, ideas and manipulate them. Is developing during the game when the child imagines the objects with which he plays (takes a cube and says that this is a table, or maybe it is a cup).

Development of the qualities of thinking that shape creativity. Creativity - ability accept and create new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted thought patterns. At the everyday level, creativity manifests itself as ingenuity - ability to solve problems using objects and circumstances in an unusual way. Or the ability to see in one object another.

Conditions for a successful one.

The first step to successful development of creativity is early physical baby development: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking. Then early reading, counting, early exposure to various tools and materials.

The second important condition development of creativity the child is to create an environment that is ahead of child development... It is necessary, as far as possible, in advance to surround the child with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity.

The third, extremely important, condition for effective development of creativity stems from the very nature creative process, which requires maximum effort. The fact is that abilities develop the more successfully, the more often in his activity a person gets "to the ceiling" of his capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. This condition of maximum exertion of forces is most easily achieved when the child is already crawling, but does not yet know how to speak. The process of cognizing the world at this time is very intensive, but the baby cannot take advantage of the experience of adults, since nothing can be explained to such a small child. Therefore, during this period, the baby is forced more than ever to do creativity, solve many completely new problems for him on his own and without prior training (if, of course, adults allow him to do this, they solve them for him). The child's ball rolled far under the sofa. Parents should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa, if the child can solve this problem on his own.

The fourth condition for successful development of creativity is to provide the child with great freedom in choosing an activity, in the alternation of cases, in the duration of one activity, in the choice ways, etc.... etc.

But giving the child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults - this is the fifth condition for successful development of creativity... The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but help into a hint.

It has long been known that for creativity a comfortable psychological environment and free time are necessary, therefore the sixth condition for a successful development of creativity- warm and friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to creativity, show sympathy for his failures, be patient with even strange ideas that are not inherent in real life. It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnation from everyday life.

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This article is intended for parents who support their child's creative inclinations. Recommendations for mastering the main directions in the visual arts are given.

Develop creativity in yourself and your child

Painting- one of the types of visual activity, in full measure of which the creativity of children of different ages is manifested. Sometimes they start drawing before they speak. How important it is to support a child at the very beginning of his career. The main thing is to help the child see the world, instill in him self-confidence. You, parents, can also light a flame of joy and creativity!

Let's analyze together with you all the ways of forming knowledge and skills in the field of fine arts.

The first task is it is necessary to enrich the knowledge, ideas of children about those objects and phenomena that they observe, for example, on a walk in the park, when visiting a theater, circus. As new impressions are received in the process of observation, the drawings of children are enriched, changed, and acquire new features.

Pay attention to the fact that the objects that surround you and your children may be different: differ in color, size, position in space. The appearance of objects may change, for example, trees at different times of the year.

To consolidate knowledge, you can offer children acquaintance with works of art and for this the whole family visit the art museum. Show the children what artistic means are used by artists, depicting the same phenomenon in paintings.

After such conversations, the drawings of the children become more expressive, interesting in color, and more varied in design.

Another tool that helps to improve the expressiveness of children's drawings is viewing illustrations in books... You and your children often read fairy tales and look at illustrations for them. And based on the impressions received, children can draw heroes of fairy tales, animals. Topics such as "Three Bears", "Fairy Bird", "Fairy Palace", etc. are suitable.

The essential components of creativity are processes of thinking, imagination, memory... Therefore, the development of creative abilities is possible only with the simultaneous activation of these processes. Watch with the children from the window of your house at the clouds that float across the sky. So much for the game "What do the clouds look like?", "Find objects painted in cold and warm colors."

Russian folk art never ceases to amaze and amaze with its deep content and perfect form. Native speech that sounds in fairy tales, expressive intonations of Russian songs, bright folk toys are indispensable means of fostering love for the Motherland, the environment, nature, with which a child meets from an early age.

It is best to paint the Dymkovo (Vyatka) toy with paints. The elements of the pattern are very simple: straight and wavy lines, circles, dots. If there is no volumetric figure, offer your child a paper silhouette of a young lady or horse. Also in bookstores you can find coloring books, which have all the necessary information about folk toys, elements of patterns.

Mastering drawing requires not only the development of perception, the formation of figurative representations, imagination, but also the development of special hand movements, the assimilation of graphic skills and abilities that make it possible to embody images of ideas and imagination in a drawing. For children to develop fine motor skills of the hands, you can use finger gymnastics... Drama poems, nursery rhymes with the help of hands ("Five brothers", "Boy-finger, where have you been?" can be offered to all members of your family. These exercises contribute to the development of hand movements and manual skill, the ability to correctly hold a brush, pencil in hand and use it. Such activities are especially necessary for children with disabilities.

Exhibitions and vernissages are always the result of all creative activity.

Parents, organize an exhibition of your child's drawings. Place the most interesting works in frames and decorate an empty wall with them. This exhibition will not leave your guests indifferent! Exhibitions of children's works raises interest in graphic activity, fosters a careful attitude to the products of his labor and the work of his comrades, and subsequently the people around him.

Independent artistic activity has great opportunities for the implementation of many educational tasks, the development of such personality qualities as initiative, independence, and creative activity. To do this, your children's room must be corner for artistic and creative activities where the child himself chooses the materials, the means to fulfill his plan.

In a family, it is easy to find an approach to a child who seeks to establish himself in his artistic practice. It is important that these attempts are connected with the whole family way of life, so that the child feels like an active member of a small team close to him. If adults at home encourage and support the creative inclinations of the child, then they will develop successfully.

Creativity in modern society is highly valued in any profession, so it should be revealed in a child as early as possible. Many parents get too hung up on sensory channels, memory, thinking, very often completely forgetting about his imagination.

But if you start the development of creative abilities in a preschool child in a timely manner, then in the future it will be much easier for him to learn the process of learning in many subjects that today require a creative approach. And in adulthood, even if the baby does not become a famous actor or popular singer, he will be able to creatively approach the solution of many problems that will arise in his life. Not everything depends on natural abilities: you need to be able to develop these inclinations.

In order to timely ensure the full development of the creative abilities of children, you need to imagine what it is. This is a complex concept that includes several components that parents should focus on:

  • desire for discovery;
  • the ability to learn;
  • activity;
  • fantasy;
  • initiative;
  • striving for knowledge;
  • the ability to find non-standard in familiar phenomena and things;
  • liveliness of mind;
  • the ability to invent and discover;
  • freedom of imagination;
  • intuition;
  • the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in practice;
  • discoveries and inventions.

Usually, in preschool children, the desire to learn everything new and unknown wakes up as early as 2-3 years. However, parents do not always take their baby's fantasies and fables seriously - and completely in vain. Indeed, it is in this that his first, not yet formed, creative abilities can be manifested. Adults begin to think about this closer to school, at the age of 5-6, when the train left. So how old is it to start the first lessons on the development of creative potential in children?

Age features

Creative personality traits begin to manifest themselves at an early age. And as soon as they are noticed by young parents, you need to immediately pick up this baton and start working with the child. Otherwise, teachers have to start from scratch, when the children have not formed the elementary skills of creative activity.

Each period is characterized by its own characteristics in the development of the creative potential of babies:

  • 1-2 years: someone moves beautifully to the music, as if capturing its rhythm; some create their own paintings; others like to be in the center of attention - so you need to develop the creative abilities of children according to their interests and natural inclinations;
  • 3-4 years: the peak of the creative activity of kids, and even if it seems to you that the baby does not have anything special, it is still not a reason to abandon classes - on the contrary, you need to turn to exercises and games that develop creative abilities as much and often as possible;
  • 5-6 years old: classes are complicated by new tasks, preparing the preschooler for the further learning process and developing imagination, fantasy, talents in him;
  • 7-8 years old: junior school age is characterized by the fact that at this time serious creative activity begins - visual, musical, theatrical, and in each area the child should be able to express himself, although some one will dominate, to which he has natural inclinations.

If a child begins to lie, fantasize, live in his own fictional world, parents should not rush to scold and punish him. Most likely, adults themselves are to blame for such a situation, who missed the right moment and could not direct the creative abilities of their children in the right direction, and now they find a way out in this way - through lies. Many parents make excuses that they do not have a pedagogical education and do not know what to do in such cases. These are excuses, because there are various methods of developing the creative abilities of children - they are quite simple and straightforward.


Usually, methods of developing creativity are used in the classroom in kindergarten, but they are quite suitable for use at home. This will allow parents to more fully assess the final results.

1. The world around us

  • joint discussion with the child about what is happening around on the street, at home, in transport;
  • stories about animals and plants;
  • explanation of elementary processes taking place around;
  • answers to all questions of interest to the kid: why, how, why and where.

2. Educational games

  • buy board educational games for children;
  • they should have a lot of useful, not entertaining toys;
  • they must be appropriate for their age;
  • mosaics and constructors are the best option.

3. Drawing

  • very often the creative abilities of the child are revealed in the visual activity, so that he should always have high-quality, comfortable, bright pencils, paints, felt-tip pens at hand;
  • do not spare paper on this matter;
  • never scold a crumb for painted walls and clothes stained with paints: perhaps this is the very creative chaos;
  • first - learn the colors, then - get acquainted with geometric shapes, show how the drawing is created, and then just watch the results.

4. Modeling

  • modeling develops little fingers, the creativity of children + also allows them to show all their exuberant imagination;
  • at first, let it be the simplest balls, cakes, sausages, rings;
  • after that, they will begin to sculpt more complex shapes themselves;
  • plasticine should be bright and soft.

5. Reading

  • children need to read at any time of the day, and not just at night, and at least half an hour a day, according to experts;
  • books should be matched by age and interests;
  • try to acquaint the child with different genres of works: fairy tales, stories, poems;
  • take the kids with you to the library;
  • the book gives a flight of imagination and opens up tremendous opportunities for children's imagination, develops creative abilities;
  • immediately act out scenes from books, read the roles, since creativity can also be revealed through theatrical activities: usually this method is liked by children of any age.

6. Music

  • from infancy, let's listen to crumbs of classical music and children's songs;
  • sing him lullabies as long as possible;
  • it develops memory and imaginative thinking.

It is necessary to develop the creative abilities of children not from time to time, but everywhere and always. Parents should create an environment for the child that will facilitate his development: provide him with tools (paints, plasticine, constructors, etc.), praise him for his success and patience in achieving certain results. Adults should, within reason, give free rein to children's imagination and not restrain his creative activity.

Abilities are a mental feature of a person, thanks to which he can successfully master certain knowledge and skills. This quality does not affect the skill itself, but manifests itself in the speed and ease of acquiring certain skills. Creativity can manifest itself in various fields of activity. They allow you to create something new that did not exist before.

In addition to the biological basis of such qualities, among which are innate anatomical and physiological features, there is a social one, that is, the environment should stimulate their development. Thus, the child's creativity is conditioned by the following parameters.

Firstly, it is the presence of the necessary inclinations and predisposition. In addition, you need to be motivated to engage in any activity. In this case, social circumstances are decisive. That is, if the parents, teachers or other adults around the child noticed early his creative productivity in any activity and began to engage with him in this direction, then there are more chances that he will achieve success in the future than if the process is let go.

In the works of psychologist Torrance, who created a system for measuring creative abilities, one can often find reasoning that it is the family and the school that influence the development or destruction of the child's creative potential. They often have problems communicating with peers, since not every group accepts deviations from general behavior or thinking. There are several techniques that can help talented individuals adapt to a team.

First, it is necessary to teach the child to voice his ideas to others, so that society perceives them as a contribution that serves their own needs. You should try to express your comments kindly to others.

Second, they must show that they support ideas, principles and ideals that are respected in the community. It is necessary to teach the child to concentrate on the fulfillment of a certain task, and not to be sprayed on "personalities" and the achievement of a certain status.

These techniques will help both adults and children resolve conflicts, while remaining independent, but also taking into account the interests of the group.

The development of students' creative abilities to a large extent depends on the personality of the teacher. Stimulating a quality in his student, he himself must possess it. A competent person adequately perceives new ideas and feels joy from their victories, which shows the child a convincing example.

Children depend on a number of conditions. Therefore, when working with gifted kids, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

It is important to create a comfortable and safe psychological atmosphere. It is necessary not only to support the child in his endeavors, but also to show sympathy for his failures. It is best to avoid any negative feedback about your baby's work. Adults need to help a child if he experiences disappointment or doubt - feelings that will surely meet in the process of creative search. It is recommended to teach children to find the reward in themselves and to worry less about the non-recognition of their achievements by others.

Creativity needs to be maintained by creating the most conducive atmosphere for this. It is possible to advise the individuals who possess them, to become "intelligent adventurers", that is, sometimes rely only on their intuition for discoveries, despite the risk.

Adults - parents and educators - need to know that creativity is inherent in most children to one degree or another. But how much they will be developed, whether they can subsequently be of benefit, depends on the environment of the baby.

Creative activity in modern society is highly valued, and representatives of specialties related to the creative environment are in increasing demand. Photographers, event and party organizers, designers and stylists, web designers, florists and many, many other masters of creative trends and fields have a special talent in their field. But the development of such a talent should begin from childhood, and if parents pay due attention to this direction of development, then the child finds his true purpose in life. Often, most of the parent's attention is paid to the development of areas such as memory, thinking, or speech. Fantasy and imagination remain unsupported, forming in the baby on their own. It all depends on how strong the natural inclinations of the little man are.

Children's creativity - what they are

The concept of "creativity" in the scientific community is understood as active self-expression, which can be carried out through any form. It can be a well-aimed word or expression of thoughts in poetry, the creation of a melody, sculpture or original drawing. Even in work related to the exact sciences (chemical research, accounting), it is desirable to use creativity in order to obtain a good and effective result.

In a preschool child, creative abilities are the individual qualities of a personality that determine the success of the implementation of a particular type of creative activity. The creative abilities of a preschooler consist of a large number of components, including such skills as:

  • Recognition of those events and facts that other children do not see.
  • Producing a large number of ideas in a short period of time.
  • Striving for constant knowledge.
  • Organization of conditions in which this or that object can fully reveal its hidden essence.
  • Ease of association of concepts that are significantly distant from each other.
  • Independent creation of alternatives for solving certain problems.

The presence of all of the above qualities in a preschool child is due to excellent creative thinking and imagination. The development of children's creative abilities is precisely based on the improvement of existing inclinations and skills.

It is possible to determine the level of development of creative abilities in preschool children through the use of a variety of techniques. The most common of these is the analysis of children's drawings, which helps determine:

  • How correctly the child can convey the position of the specified object in space.
  • Is there emotionality in the image created by the preschooler?
  • How complete the content of the image is.
  • Does the child know how to fully reveal the intended plot of the picture?

The level of development of creative imagination in preschool children gives an idea of ​​the child's ability to certain areas of creativity. Thanks to such information, it is possible to identify those creative areas that should be emphasized in order to make the little fidget's self-expression more explicit and active.

In general, childhood is an ideal time for the development of a wide variety of abilities, including creative ones. A child in preschool age has a great curiosity, strives for knowledge of the world around him. This is due to the lack of stereotypes and independence of thinking. The creative potential of an adult largely depends on how intensively the preschooler's creative abilities developed and all the possibilities were used for this.

Creation of conditions for the creative development of the baby

In order for the child's creative abilities to develop correctly and in the right direction, to maximize and provide opportunities for successful creative development, certain conditions should be created:

Developing creative imagination

In everyday life, human imagination does not play any significant role, since it belongs to the category of non-existent, unreal, fantastic elements. But in science, this quality of the human person is very much appreciated, because it helps to imagine some object that is not in nature at all, or it is simply located at a distance from a person.

Thanks to good imagination, a person has the ability to keep a non-existent object in memory and even perform various manipulations with it. The activity of the imagination is divided into 4 stages:

  1. The first stage of creative imagination in a preschooler is manifested during sleep. The perception of information here does not depend on the person's conscious desires.
  2. The creative imagination manifests itself more actively in pleasant dreams.
  3. Even more active is the imagination, which manifests itself during periods of listening to music, reading literary works or poetry. Auditory or visual perception helps to create appropriate images.
  4. Creative activity is the highest form of manifest imagination.

Creative imagination involves creating a completely new image that was not previously known. Preschool children do not know the names of the methods of creative imagination, but they get to know them from the earliest childhood, with the help of fairy tales that parents read to them. A little later, such techniques are used by the children themselves, during the creative process of inventing their own fairy-tale characters, depicting them in a drawing.

Creative imagination in childhood develops through play. It is much easier for a kid to simulate a fantasy situation by manipulating real objects. For example, if a preschooler has a wand, he can imagine himself as a rider, riding it. It is highly desirable that such a replacement object be similar to the real one. Then the performance will be easier. For a child of older preschool age, the similarity of the object of substitution with the real object does not really matter, since their imagination has already been improved. Gradually, the child even no longer needs to create external support, and he can represent an object that is not nearby. The represented object is endowed with a new meaning, and actions with it are performed exclusively in the imagination of the preschooler. It is at such a moment that the creative imagination is transformed into a process of a mental nature, and the fantasized situation is realized only in the inner world of the little fidget.

Features of the development of creative thinking

Creative thinking in preschool children involves the formation of the following qualities of the mental function:

  • Dialectic. The ability of children's thinking to find contradictions in systems of various types that hinder improvement, and eliminate them.
  • Associativity. Finding the relationship between objects and events that at first glance are incomparable. Thanks to associativity, the creative thinking of a preschooler becomes non-standard.
  • Consistency. The ability to perceive objects and phenomena in a holistic connection. This property of creative thinking helps a preschooler to discern the characteristics of an object in all its diversity, as well as to determine the level of correlation with other types of systems using examples of individual objects of the system.

Creativity in the baby and the role of joint interaction in their development with parents

The development of children's creative abilities in visual activities, dance, music or other types of art is much better and more effective when the child interacts with adults, parents. Joint creativity of this type has many advantages, including the following:

  • There is a stimulation and enrichment of the relationship between parents and children.
  • The process of socialization of a preschooler is easier and faster.
  • The kid is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of effective cooperation.
  • There is no authoritarian pressure from the parents. The kid is fully aware of his importance in the family, and can safely express his own "I".
  • In the process of joint creativity, a favorable atmosphere is created for the development of imagination in preschoolers and adults.

Parents of a little fidget are well aware of how much unspent energy the child has, which he directs in the wrong direction. When interacting with parents in the game process, the baby is emotionally released, and the energy goes to the benefit of his own body. As a result, he has no strength left for whims and whimpers. Doing creative work with your child should be in a good mood so that he does not have a bad mood during the game. You should prepare for the upcoming activity in advance so that during the game there is no need to look for the required item.