How to make your face smooth and shiny. How to make your skin smooth and even. How to get rid of acne and keep your face clean

Perfectly smooth skin is every woman's dream. But getting your skin perfectly smooth can be difficult. Skin is a kind of indicator of human health, and any unfavorable factors adversely affect its condition. The modern rhythm of life, unhealthy diet, smoking, frequent consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks can lead to the loss of precious skin smoothness.

Every woman tries to achieve perfectly smooth and beautiful skin in a variety of ways. Some women turn to cosmetologists, beauty salons, but there are those who solve this problem on their own at home.

The path to healthy, smoother skin consists of three main steps:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • nutrition.

Skin cleansing should be done twice a day, using special products. But it is necessary to take into account the type of skin. After all, products intended for dry skin are not suitable for oily skin, and vice versa.

Skin toning is carried out immediately after cleansing. To do this, you can use cosmetic ice, various tonics and lotions. You can buy these products at any store, but you can also make them at home.

After toning, the skin needs additional nutrition. Creams are great for this. When choosing a cream, you need to take into account the season of its use. In winter, a cream based on glycerin and fats is more suitable for the skin. In spring and autumn, it is better to choose a remedy enriched with vitamins. For a hot summer, it is better to choose a moisturizer.

But besides these basic steps in skin care, it is recommended to carry out other procedures. These can be various masks and scrubs. Currently, both masks and a variety of scrubs can be purchased in many stores, but you can prepare yourself.

Smooth skin at home

Self-made cosmetics made from natural ingredients are able to restore the smoothness and velvety of the skin. There are many fairly simple, but at the same time effective recipes for skin beauty.

Nettle broth
This very skin-friendly product contains a huge amount of nutrients and minerals that nourish the skin, improve the complexion and increase the blood supply to the cells. It is enough to simply rinse the skin several times a week with these products.

Grape juice tonic
Vitamins and nutrients contained in grape juice help to smooth the skin, refresh and tighten it. Squeeze out a small amount of juice from the grapes. Soak a gauze pad in the juice and put it on your face for 15 minutes.

Banana mask
Such a mask is able to tighten the skin, make it velvety, smooth and tone it up. To prepare it, you need to make mashed potatoes from one ripe banana. Add a little cream to it (you can replace it with milk). Apply the mask to the skin for 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Honey mask
It has long been known that honey has healing properties, as it contains many elements that are beneficial to skin health. Honey is able to cleanse pores well, it moisturizes, nourishes the skin, evens out its structure and improves color.
To prepare the mask, mix equal proportions of honey and olive oil, apply the mixture to the skin with massage movements. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water.

It is worth remembering that in order to improve the skin, the use of cosmetics alone is not enough. It will be useful to lead a healthy lifestyle: walk more often, enrich your diet with vitamins, sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, play sports.

Natural beauty will always be in vogue. But in order to be proud of your face and body, and to attract admiring glances, you need to constantly take care of your skin. There is a widespread belief among women that creating perfect skin can be expensive, and you need to fork out for expensive salon treatments. But this is by no means the case. There are many ways to get a clean face at home, without pimples, bruises, age spots and other irregularities and imperfections. Of course, it will take more than one day, so you should have patience, the desire to get rid of imperfections and conquer those around you with your smooth and delicate skin. Today we will get acquainted with some methods of how to make your face perfectly clean, these tips are suitable for both women and men caring for themselves.

How to achieve clear skin?

To maintain your skin in order, you must remember three important rules:

  • to clean;
  • moisturize;
  • supply.

Therefore, we will dwell on these points in more detail and reveal all the secrets of proper care. But, first of all, I would like to note that many problems can lie inside the body. It is important to eliminate those harmful factors and habits that can prevent you from achieving an amazing result, these include:

  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • abuse of sunbathing / or solarium;
  • lack of sleep;
  • bad / or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • unhealthy diet / or lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal interruptions;
  • stress, anxiety.

When all the "internal" factors are taken into account, it will be much easier to deal with imperfections on the outside. How to create the perfect face at home, let's take a look at the basic rules.

Facial cleansing at home

Every day our skin is exposed to pollution from dust, grease, cosmetics, so it is extremely important to cleanse it. If you want to see real results, cleansing procedures need to be done twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime, and you shouldn't look for excuses for yourself, like you didn't have time or was tired.

For cleansing, purchase care products based on your skin type: foams, gels, tonics, lotions, and creams. When washing your face, leave the gel or foam on your face for a few minutes, so the dirt will be removed more easily and without residue. You can cleanse oily skin with special porous sponges or brushes.

At the end of washing, rinse your face with cold water or, these manipulations will help close the pores and tone the skin.

Try to dry your skin with disposable wipes or a clean, face-only towel to keep bacteria or dirt out of your skin. When in doubt, let the skin air dry itself.

How to clean your face if you have oily or problem skin? Apply an alcohol-based toner in the morning to help shrink pores and prevent oily sheen and acne. If there is no special lotion, then wipe your face with a slice of lemon or fresh cucumber.

Before going outside, especially if it's winter, you need to apply a thin layer of moisturizing, nourishing or protective cream. You need to do this 10 minutes before going out, so that you can remove excess cream with a napkin.

It may seem to you that cleansing your face will take a lot of time, but this is not so, the whole procedure will take a maximum of 10 minutes, and the result is a radiant, clean face skin at home.

How to make your face clean and smooth using scrubs and peels

To remove the dead layer of the epithelium, 2 times a week you need to clean your face with products and abrasive particles. Indeed, various bacteria live safely on the upper layers, which feed on dead cells. To put your face in order, you do not have to buy ready-made scrub tubes; you can also make an exfoliating agent at home from available tools. After all, there are many options for cleaning your face.

The most gentle type of peeling is a scrub based on fruit acids. Here are some examples.

  • Kiwi + banana. These tropical fruits are high in skin-friendly acids. Mix banana pulp with chopped kiwi pulp and apply evenly on face, wait 10 minutes, wash.
  • Pineapple + honey. Pineapple perfectly cleanses the skin, and its juice easily breaks down fat and old cellular debris. Only fresh fruit is suitable for this recipe, canned or frozen will not work. And the honey in this recipe creates additional protection and nutrition for clear skin. Pour the chopped pineapple slices with two tablespoons of warm honey, if the composition turns out to be liquid, add a pinch of oatmeal. Apply to skin with light movements and wash off after 10 minutes.
  • Natural coffee + orange. Coffee is an excellent antioxidant that helps rid the skin of harmful substances and improve the condition and complexion. The orange pulp should be mixed with a spoonful of ground coffee, and add a spoonful of honey for consistency. Apply gently to the skin and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

A more radical method of how to make a perfectly clean face and remove impurities from pores is to prepare a soda scrub, suitable only for owners of oily / problem skin.

Application is no less effective for cleaning the face.

  • Mix baking soda with water (3: 1). Wet or steam skin before applying. distribute the product over the skin, especially paying attention to problem areas (cheeks, nose, forehead). In a circular motion, massage the skin. Rinse off gently with water, avoiding eye contact. After this procedure, the skin will be slightly dry, do not forget to lubricate it with cream.

Don't forget about hydration

Clean, beautiful face, be sure to moisturize after washing. After all, water and care products can dry out the skin, which means it will become more susceptible to infections.

If you have an oily skin type, then there are special non-greasy creams with a matting effect.

For normal to dry skin, deep moisturizers, such as petroleum jelly or lanolin, are suitable.

You should not apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream in a thick layer, so that the required amount of cream is absorbed into the dermis, it will take 10-15 minutes, it is recommended to remove the remaining cream with a napkin.

You can also moisturize your skin with improvised means, wipe your face with a leaf of aloe, a slice of cucumber, pumpkin or carrot, fresh fruit, melon, peach or apple, or various natural oils. Read what else can be used to moisturize.

The ideal facial skin at home is not a myth, but the result of your hard work on yourself. Follow consistency, stick to regular but gentle grooming, watch your diet and lifestyle, and enjoy clean, smoother skin.

Be irresistible!

Smooth, smooth, elastic skin radiates health and beauty, but, unfortunately, not every woman can boast of such wealth. In order to obtain and maintain a smooth, beautiful skin for a long time, you need to strictly follow a constant care regimen, which not only includes classic procedures for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, but also complemented by deep peeling, toning massage and special recipes for leveling cosmetics.

It should be admitted right away that to make the skin of the face even, you will have to work a lot, it is no coincidence that many women prefer beauty salons, where they can completely trust experienced cosmetologists, however, you can achieve the desired result at home using natural proven remedies.

Deep cleansing or peeling allows you to remove the upper stratum corneum and prepare the skin for further cosmetic procedures.

For home peeling, scrub recipes are used based on ground bran or oat flakes, coffee grounds and clay.

When carrying out a peeling procedure, you should take into account the type of skin. Oily skin withstands the deepest weekly cleansing, but dry and sensitive skin requires special attention. Firstly, it is cleaned no more than once every half a month, and secondly, the composition of the scrub is very carefully selected, be sure to check it for allergic reactions and irritations.

Cosmetic masks that deeply nourish and moisturize the face will help to make the skin smooth and velvety.

One of the most famous recipes is considered to be a rice mask, which has been used by Japanese women for thousands of years. Rice is able to very gently exfoliate dead cells and polish the skin, making it even, smooth and elastic. Rice mask is made from half a glass of ground rice mixed with milk until thick sour cream. A little vegetable oil is preliminarily applied to the skin of the face, and then a rice mask is applied. After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed along the massage lines using a damp cloth, after which a moisturizer is applied.

One of the most useful cosmetic procedures, which very effectively evens out the skin of the face, maintains its tone and keeps it young, is massage. Before the massage, you should cleanse the skin: first remove the cosmetics, and then do a light peeling.

Then you can warm your face with a steam bath or warm compress. This stage allows you to soften the skin and open the pores, which in turn will facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the massage cream.

In the process of massage, classical techniques are used (stroking, pinching, tapping, kneading), and all movements go strictly along the massage lines. It is strictly forbidden to move, stretch or fold the skin.

After the massage, a cream is applied to the face, which is appropriate for the skin type.

All girls strive to have even and smooth skin, but not every one of them knows how to achieve this. First of all, it is worth taking care of proper nutrition, cleansing the dermis from keratinized particles, and moisturizing. Only through an integrated approach can you achieve results without visiting a beautician. There are a number of certain tricks that can easily make your skin smooth and even at home. Let's consider the important aspects in order, and give practical recommendations. So let's get started.

Wipe with cosmetic ice

Start your day by rubbing your skin with cosmetic ice cubes. To prepare it correctly, mix 50 g in one mixture. oak bark, 35 gr. rosemary, 40 gr. linden blossom, 30 gr. medicinal chamomile and 15 gr. dried eucalyptus. Send the composition to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and place it on the stove. Boil for about 20 minutes, then close the lid and let it brew for another 1 hour.

After the broth has cooled, make a filter of three layers of gauze and cotton wool, pass the solution through it. Add 3 ml each. of ginseng and grape seed ether, pour the mixture into an ice cube tray. Leave until completely frozen, use 1-2 times a day. Try not to dwell on one specific point for more than 2 seconds, the total duration of the procedure is 3 minutes.

Moisturize the epidermis

Regular hydration will help you to smooth your skin. For this purpose, drink at least 2.6 liters. purified water per day. In this case, it is also necessary to lean on freshly squeezed juices (no more than 0.7 liters per day), green and herbal teas. It is worth giving preference to cabbage, carrot, celery fresh juices, which smooth out the creases of the epidermis, making it smooth.

Give up sugary carbonated drinks, sugar compotes, packaged juices. They trap poisons in the subcutaneous tissue, as a result of which the face looks tired. Regular consumption of seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables is considered an excellent option for moisturizing the epidermis. Make salads, prepare smoothies and cocktails based on them, add fortified complexes for the skin if desired.

Use creams and serums

Neglect of caring cosmetics leads to premature aging of the skin, do not allow this. In summer, use a special moisturizing serum with retinol or liquid protein. Look for hydrogels, which are 70% water, make sure that they contain herbal extracts.

In winter, protect the dermis from the wind with special anti-frost creams (for example, "Nivea"), if desired, they can be replaced with a composition for children. Such products prevent cracking and chapping of the skin, maintaining a smooth structure.

If your skin often flakes, and serums and creams are ineffective, resort to folk cosmetology. Grind 1 medium banana in a blender, grate a quarter of the cucumber with the peel. Pour in 25 ml. corn oil, add 30 gr. rye bran. Stir, make a mask, soak for 1 hour.

Purchase thermal water

The main advantage of thermal water is considered to be that it can be used both on the face with or without makeup. The remedy is especially important in summer, when the dermis suffers from sultry heat and, as a result, a lack of subcutaneous fluid.

Thermal water can be purchased at any cosmetic store; the product is available in 250 and 600 ml cylinders. The first option is suitable for regular use on the road or at work, the second - for household use or vacation.

If for some reason this humidification method is not suitable for you, purchase a compact device that makes the room humid. This recommendation should be used if you work in a stuffy office and do not have the opportunity to wash your face once every few hours.

Choose your cosmetics correctly

When choosing decorative cosmetics, try to give preference to exclusively professional products. As a rule, it does not clog pores and contains plant extracts that prevent the appearance of creases and cracks.

If possible, do not use foundation or apply it over a cosmetic primer. You can replace the tonal base with BB cream, it not only evens out the tone, but also nourishes the epidermis.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of blush, correctors and concealers, their application is highly undesirable. Products of this kind clog pores, provoke the appearance of acne and large abscesses, as a result of which the skin loses its ability to cleanse itself.

Exfoliate keratinized particles

Smooth skin cannot be achieved without the use of cosmetic products for scrubbing. You can purchase a ready-made composition or make a product yourself. For those leaning towards the second option, the following recipe will be useful.

Grind 6 pieces in a coffee grinder or blender. almonds or walnut kernels, add 25 gr. fat sour cream, 40 gr. coffee grounds, 20 ml. olive oil and 15 gr. edible gelatin. Combine all the components, mix the composition with a fork, leave for 15 minutes.

Apply the product on the face in a thick layer, wait half an hour, then begin to massage the skin in a circular motion. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 4 days, the duration of rubbing is 5 minutes.

To achieve even and smoother skin, there are two important rules to follow. First: you cannot squeeze out acne and purulent acne. Second: it is not recommended to touch your face with dirty hands.

Don't constantly try to touch up your makeup or scratch a pimple that has developed on your chin. In summer, do not wipe sweat with the palm of your hand; carry paper towels or matting wipes, which absorb excess sebum and sweat.

You don't need to squeeze out blackheads or pimples if you have absolutely no experience in such matters. Ignoring the advice, you damage the middle and upper layers of the dermis and provoke the appearance of abscesses.

Needless to say, if such actions become familiar to you, you can say goodbye to smooth and even skin forever. To cope with camendons (blackheads), use special cosmetics based on activated carbon or salicylic acid.

Balance your diet

The smoothness of your skin depends on a number of factors, including your daily diet. Try to use flour, fried, fatty foods on rare occasions or refuse them altogether. Balance the menu so that it includes vitamins of all groups, in particular AE, PP, Omega acids, fiber, protein and the right carbohydrates.

Eliminate sausages, homemade canned food and pickles, and quick snacks from the diet. Focus on lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains. Try to eat 5 times a day in portions of 250-300 grams.

The right food has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on nails and hair. Buy fish or badger oil in capsules at the pharmacy, drink the course. Once every 6 months, undergo multivitamin therapy, which includes all the necessary elements and minerals.

Avoid stress

It is known that people who are depressed or stressed for a long time look older. On their skin wrinkles appear earlier, which by no means make the skin smooth. To avoid the consequences and injections of "Botox", look for a way out of negative factors.

Sign up for yoga, do stretching, pilates, dancing. Read more, listen to relaxing music, and get at least 8 hours of rest a day. Try not to stay up late, sleep should be from 22.00 to 08.00.

People who abuse alcohol and tobacco need to change their addictions. Sometimes you can drink a glass of dry white wine, but beer, martini, vodka are prohibited. When it comes to smoking, quit the habit for good.

It is not difficult to make the skin of the face smooth and even if you follow the rules regarding basic care. Get in the habit of rubbing the dermis every day with cosmetic ice based on medicinal plants, moisturize your skin, use serums and hydrogels. Choose the right makeup, carry thermal water in your handbag.

Video: how to achieve smooth and elastic skin at home

Perfectly even and smooth skin of the face is not the privilege of models from the covers of magazines. Every woman can achieve this result using affordable natural products.

About, how to make the skin of the face even and smooth, get rid of flabbiness, small scars and specks - tell the Secrets of Perfection.

How to make your face skin even and smooth? Rules.

Often, the appearance of even young skin is spoiled by various pimples, graininess of the skin associated with the formation of closed comedones, black spots. These processes are associated with delayed renewal of skin cells, as well as stagnation of fat in the sebaceous glands. To make the skin smooth, it is enough to periodically cleanse it.

To the question: "How to make the skin smooth" cosmetologists answer in different ways. Beauty salons offer several types of services with which you can even out the structure of the skin, get rid of defects (cleaning, resurfacing). But there is an alternative way - in your daily skin care, include natural scrubs that act more gently, while simultaneously nourishing the skin.

When making various peels and masks, they must pay attention to nutrition: fatty, smoked, salty and sweet foods, carbonated sugary drinks are harmful to the skin structure. Every day, the body should receive at least 1.5 liters of clean water. Another rule of smooth skin is that as a result, scars and other skin defects may remain. Instead, it is better to use natural ones with a drying effect.

How to make your face smooth and smooth: natural recipes.

  • Helps to improve the structure of the skin and make it even and smooth daily contrast washing. Do also contrast massage: moisten 2 wipes with hot and cold water and apply alternately to the skin.
  • Improve the condition of the skin, make its contour smoother, get rid of blackheads will help honey scrub: combine a spoonful of honey and wheat bran and half as much lemon juice (honey should be thin), at first just apply the product to the skin for 10 minutes, then cleanse it with circular movements along the massage lines like a scrub. After a couple of minutes, they wash their face and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • Cleans the skin of the face from keratinized particles, makes its surface smooth herculean scrub... It is prepared as follows: they combine equally chopped oatmeal and sugar and, applying to the skin, gently cleanse it in a circular motion. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks of regular procedures (it is recommended to do them twice a week).
  • Makes the skin structure even mask: flour from wheat germ (can be replaced with oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder) is diluted with warm milk to make a not very liquid gruel. Then add an egg and honey, leave on the skin for 20 minutes, after which they smear the face with almond oil.
  • Smoothes the skin grape berry mask(it is kept on the face for about 15 minutes) or rubbing the skin with its juice. Then wash off with cool water, gently blot with a terry towel and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  • Promotes smoothing and softening of the skin banana mask: Half a ripe banana is mixed with a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of honey. The mixed mask is applied to the face and, gently patting the skin with your fingers, spread it over the entire surface. They wait 20 minutes and wash themselves.
  • To make oily, porous skin smooth, use cucumber mask: 1 fresh vegetable is peeled and seeds, chopped in a blender with the addition of egg white and lemon juice. A well-whipped mixture is applied to the face, kept for up to 30 minutes and washed.
  • You can achieve an even structure using this procedure: beat the egg white, add quite a bit of lemon juice, apply this mask on the face with a thin layer (it is convenient to use a brush). After drying, the mask is washed off with warm water.