How to make a tender gentle man. Education of your beloved: how to teach a man to be attentive

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My husband is very restrained in the manifestations of love in people and at home. I basically know that he loves me and faithful. But my problem is that I really lack some external manifestations - good words, touches, at least friendly, some praise. At least once a day)). And he still avoids this very much, well, it is pupil, which believes that all these Musi-Pusi \u200b\u200bhumiliates a man that only weaklings do that, and that as a result, you can only spoil my wife and will sit on your neck. Leads to ...


My ex-husband was very expressive and active in the manifestation of signs of attention - hugs, kisses, flowers, gifts, compliments ... It's all nice, of course, until you understand that this energy is usually directed not only for you. :) Now I meet with a person who is much more restrained in the manifestation of his feelings. But if anything does something - then obviously from the depths of the soul, and only in relation to me. :)

03/18/2004 21:38:09, Krysk

you know, the code you are constantly called "Pukleak" or "My soft pupse" - and no my arguments that I am slim and beautiful do not have the place to be, then you want a serious relationship, instead of all these meow, meow :)

Five years after a wedding with sex, everything was perfect - tried both so, and soyak and soak; Found your favorite and unloved places, postures and all that. It seemed - what else, we can deliver to each other real pleasure and satisfaction. And just a month ago, my Igorekh was replaced. He begins to ask for such that causes the internal protest of the soul and body! Then hold the finger from him in the pope during this, says the erogen zone there he has, he asks him to do it only with his hands, and when I ...


04.05.2000 20:27:10, Lena

All OK. Just not accepted to discuss it! But, if for you it is in a burden, because with your husband you have a trusting relationship, talk ... Where are the norms here? Personal matter. It is good that your husband to you with such desires is drawn, not to the left.

05/11/2007 09:49:45, all the name

Are you looking for ways to increase the sympathy of your guy to yourself? Many are interested in this question. Sometimes guys are so much immersed in work or in their own interests that they completely forget about tenderness. This may be a consequence of habits, or because of its modesty to show love. No matter what the reason, there are still methods how to teach the guy to be more gentle to you.

1. Answer a smile on his manifestation of love

The first advice on the list of methods, how to teach a guy to show tenderness, it's smiling to him when he is really gentle. Show him that appreciate it and his love makes you happy. When he understands that his actions make you happy, he inspires to do so again and again. It is important for him to see your smile. Therefore, when he shows love for you.

2. A little retreat

You know, sometimes our guys do not show their feelings because we do not give them opportunities. We just take the initiative in our hands and do everything themselves, and after surprising. Why it is not delicate. Try such an experiment. Give away a little bit from him, and you will see what happens. When you stop pouring it attention, it turns out that he is still quite attentive to you. Before that, he simply had no opportunity.

3. Speak directly what you like

If not to tell the guy, what do you like when he shows his love, he may just not guess how much that means for you. Although we cannot judge all men, but most of nature are less gentle than women. Think how many women are hugging at the meeting, or touch before the interlocutor during the conversation, and then you will understand that men do not do that. The guy is just sometimes needed verbal encouragement to understand what is important to you. Just a couple of comments can completely change the situation.

4. Speak to him compliments when he is gentle to you

When he really shows his feelings, make him a compliment. Tell him what you like when he hugs you. Tell me that you are happy when he takes you by hand. These words should be accompanied by a smile. This encourages the desired actions. And we always want to be encouraged.

5. Flirtite

This is a very interesting way to make a guy show feelings. Flirt will lead to the right direction. Flirt hints to man that they are interested in it, but in his hands further actions. This is personally my definition. If we already meet with someone, does not mean that you need to stop flirting.

6. Talk to this seriously

Sometimes, in case you lacks his attention for a long time, or your guy has become less gentle than before, then it is a reason for a serious conversation. Tell me that they missed his tenderness that the manifestation of love will make you happier. Men are different from women. They may not even notice that they began to pay less attention to you. Sometimes a conversation about it is enough to fix everything.

7. Give him time

You know, sometimes a guy needs a little time to start or understand the hints that you give him. And this is normal. Can really work. But, nevertheless, there is an opportunity that this guy simply does not know how to show tenderness, and then it will not change. This does not mean that he is indifferent to you, the reason is just that he is what it is.

There are many ways that contribute to the guy more showing his love. What did you use to achieve the desired result? I am sure our readers want to learn more about this topic!

In marriage with my husband two years old. The offer made in a month. Got married in seven. Before the wedding was so gentle, affectionate, kind. Nobogge did not reproach in anything, made complements. And now he just reproaches me all, does not make compliments, the Sovnm did not affectionate. He never hugs me, but I have already forgotten how to kiss. Sex once a week, with it we also do not kiss. There is a little baby. What to do?

Answers (9):

Well, I was very affectionate, but then at the time I stopped being like this. Began to behave like him. My husband did not like it, about expressed. I told that I take an example from him. Now we live in love and understanding

Talk to him. You can go to the psychologist. But in general, before you marry, you need to live together at least a year. Maybe he is not comfortable with you, how it would not be sad. But it is better to solve this problem, a child can be raised separately.

Maybe you yourself hug it, kiss? Try to change your image, but not dramatically so that it is not frightened. Make a new haircut, paint your hair into another color, take care of your appearance.

I think that it is impossible to teach, make. And you don't need to teach your husband, he can do everything. Most likely you saw the routine. Do not put pressure on your husband in this regard, let go of the situation and just try to diversify your life a little, spend more time without a child.

I will not say that we have exactly the same situation. But I am a rude man in myself. The wife is constantly complaining. Of course, I try to be softer, just does not work. So it is most likely incorrigible. And at the expense of sex the reason, look in the other.

Most couples through it passes. We also had such a period with my wife. But somehow we ourselves understood that we would slowly destroy our love and family and we can lose each other, because we now have complete harmony in relationships.

In general, according to your description (I do not want to scare you), but you might think that he has someone on the side. Talk to him that he does not suit you (and his obviously does not suit him, since he behaves like that) so that he wanted to change in your appearance in your relationship. Spouses should express (calmly, without scandals) that they are disturbed, it is impossible to keep discontent. And also it is more often to praise him as a child, you gave you pleasure - thank him, and he still wants to make you pleasant.

It so happened that the boys try to bring up strong and courageous, and women were shy and needed in the male shoulder.

Each man with age begins to appreciate the tenderness, which he did not receive in childhood, the girls need it always, because they see love in careful attitude. Your man allows himself rudeness, what, wait until he oversteps a forty-year-old frontier to feel the need for care and tenderness? How to make him be more gentle?

What is for you tenderness

Some women invest in this concept increased attention, others - romance, third - affection, fourth - respect. Accordingly, the answer to the exciting issue will be yours. However, in any case, you must first give to understand the guy that you feel. therefore without a frank conversation can not do. Share that you are offended by His rudeness, the desire to complete the preliminary caresses and immediately go to the assault of your abode. Or, on the contrary, that he gently touches you only when he wants sex, and so, no reason, no. You lack nice words and compliments and so on.

Honest conversation

Come on the conversation openly, not accusing, namely, sharing its feelings: say no "you don't love me at all," and "I feel unloved, because I miss your caress." Feel what is there a difference? In the first case, the man will immediately begin to aggressively defend themselves, in the second one will feel that the wrong thing comes with you, and will try to correct if it really loves you.

Encourage the manifestations of tenderness

Have you talked to a man, he promised to correct what's next? Every time he will manifest itself as you expect, say, mark it and say that you really like that you feel happy. Look at him with tenderness and sometimes silently touch, especially if you are not alone. Speak that only a real man can afford to be affectionate with a woman. All others who have no these qualities are unworthy to wear this proud name.

Do not bother about the wall

If your man really does not really value you, all your requests and hints will be ignored. Think, why do you need a person who frankly uses you, without worrying about your feelings. You will never change it, it can only make himself, and apparently, he is not going to strain to make you happy. While you are not married and are not related obligations, break this relationship, because you are worthy of the best party.

So the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are arranged that they simply need to feel support, security, comfort, tenderness. A huge number of women suffers from a lack of this feeling, and after all, everyone wants to be surrounded by warmth, caress and attention. Unfortunately, often men associate the concept of "tenderness" with the concept of "weakness", so they diligently try to avoid manifestation of gentle feelings, remaining worm. What do you need to make a woman to make her man more gentle?

Most male representatives absolutely do not specifically demonstrate the manifestation of tenderness. And according to the absence of such prerequisites, it is absolutely impossible to make a hasty conclusion, that he does not like a woman or does not care, does not understand. Most likely, his personality was formed under the influence of many cultural and hereditary factors, and the situation in which he grew plays the last role. If you are experiencing a real love for a "fat" man, be patient, try to create situations that will be able to teach him, do not hesitate to show your feelings.

The survey of respondents - women on this topic showed that more than 50% constantly reproach their men in the absence of tenderness, this is only aggravated by the situation. So the nature is arranged that the boys are already born not delicate, and they are associated with weapons, and they are fighting and often offended girls. This is explained by the fact that men have more hormones causing cruelty and aggression, so heard since ancient times, when a man was a getter, a defender of offspring and territory. And over the centuries, the generally accepted norm considered the restraint of men in the expression of emotions. Therefore, a woman just need to encourage her man for the slightest manifestation of tenderness and affection. In order to be gentle, try to take advantage of several tips:

Do not demand permanent confessions and surges from him, this behavior will only give out it;

Never put an ultimatum, do not be as categorical. Just appreciate each attempt to manifest emotions, and emphasize how happy you are and how pleasant you;

Do not show excessively and obsessively your tenderness, do not climb a beloved in the waters of tenderness, he will feel this "smeared";

Take care of his body, let him learn how to enjoy not only sex, but from a simple touch, make it a massage or any, at your discretion, cosmetic procedures;

Discuss his emotions, problems, feelings. Even the very restrained and courageous man lacks support in a collision with life difficulties. If he can share with you his experiences, then he will be much easier for him to show sympathy and understanding towards you, and there is already to tenderness not far;

Try to seem next to him a little girl requiring protection. Do not take the initiative in your hands, showing that you are an independent and strong woman, you will select the desire to take care of you. Better more often ask for help and support.

In any case, do not forget that the tenderness is a vital element for bonding the relationship between a man and a woman, and that the alienation between loving people does not arise, the tenderness tightly binds them to each other.