What are the possible complications during childbirth? Consequences of difficult childbirth for the child. Pathological preliminary period

   In order for childbirth to pass without various complications, you need to prepare well for them. Consider the most common childbirth problems and describe how to solve them.

   The most common birth problems are:

perineal tear

   What is the reason for the rupture of the perineum? There are many reasons: for example, weak muscles in the perineum or a too narrow vagina, inelastic perineum, scarring after trauma in previous births. A perineal tear can also happen if the delivery is too fast or the baby is very large.

   What to do in this situation? There are the following recommendations:

    1 . Get tested for infections regularly and do not waste time with their treatment. The fact is that the extensibility of tissues decreases with fungal and infectious diseases. Visit a doctor in a women's clinic. Even before the birth, the doctor will notice a predisposition to ruptures and will definitely prescribe special procedures that will help prevent them.

    2 .In general, tissue tone largely depends on heredity and decreases with age. But you can take some measures to increase the tone of the tissues. To do this, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you should definitely include vegetable oils in your diet - olive, linseed, sesame, pumpkin.

    3 . Even in late pregnancy, continue to lead an active lifestyle - move more, walk, do fitness, attend classes in the pool for pregnant women.

    4 . In order for the skin to become more elastic, do your own perineal massage. To do this, use any vegetable oil or cosmetic oil. It is necessary to do perineal massage according to the following schedule: in the 1st and 2nd trimesters - once every 5 - 10 days, in the 3rd trimester - once every 3 - 5 days. From the 36th week of pregnancy, start massaging every other day, and from the 38th week - daily.

    How to massage the perineum

   Wash your hands thoroughly, oil the perineal area well. Then insert your finger into the vagina for 2 - 3 cm, after having also lubricated it. For a minute, gently press on the back wall of the vagina (closest to the intestines) so that you feel muscle tension, then release. Relax your muscles and slide your finger into the vagina, moving gently down to the perineum towards the anus. Initially, the muscles of the vagina will be a little tense, but over time you will master the technique and learn how to relax. Massage for about 3-5 minutes.

    5 . In order to avoid tissue rupture, strictly follow the instructions of the obstetrician during childbirth. Usually, noticing the threat of rupture directly during childbirth, the doctor performs a perineal dissection (episiotomy). Such incisions heal much better than if the rupture occurred spontaneously.

    6 . Remember that the most important thing is the right attitude. It has been scientifically proven that a woman who is very much looking forward to the birth of a child has fewer problems during childbirth. Therefore, tune in to work, activate the entire body, do not think about pain, but clearly track it. You must be aware of everything that happens to you and describe what you feel. Do not take everything that happens as a tragedy. If the doctor prescribes any procedures or medications, then this is required by the situation.

Rupture of the cervix and pubic symphysis

   Rapid delivery, large fetus, cicatricial changes (after surgery or postpartum), various inflammations - all these are the causes of rupture of the cervix and pubic area. But the most common cause is - early attempts, when the uterine pharynx is not yet sufficiently open.

   In this situation, during childbirth, it is very important to inform the doctor about the appearance of attempts, so that he evaluates the size of the opening of the pharynx and decides whether you can start to push or not. In general, so that there are no troubles, doctors must take into account all the factors and, on the basis of this, are already taking appropriate measures.

Divergence or rupture of the pubic articulation

   Divergence or rupture of the pubic articulation most often occurs due to the fact that during pregnancy there is some softening of the ligaments. Also, a narrow pelvis, a large fetus, and the use of obstetric forceps during childbirth can also lead to a divergence of the pubic joint.

   In this case, the doctor will decide to perform a caesarean section. Especially if this is not the first birth.

postpartum hemorrhoids

   Even if hemorrhoids do not bother you in any way during pregnancy, they can sharply worsen after childbirth.

   The causes of such complications, in addition to stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis, may be an unbalanced diet, constipation, a sedentary lifestyle.

   You should take care of your health during pregnancy - move more, try to eat right. And at the first sign of a problem, see a doctor. Watch the regularity of the stool, avoid constipation. To do this, you need to include in the diet more foods rich in fiber: raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, dried fruits, whole grain flour bread.

Retinal disinsertion

   Retinal detachment is caused by intense stress during childbirth. Women with severe myopia are at risk, but sometimes retinal detachment can occur in those who have not had vision problems.

   To avoid this problem, regularly visit an ophthalmologist during pregnancy. If at one of these consultations the doctor detects thinning and ruptures of the retina, then he will conduct a special prophylaxis - laser coagulation.


   At a high load, which is associated with the growth of the uterus, there is a sharp increase in pressure in the veins and damage to the valvular apparatus. The main reasons for the development of this disease are - sedentary work or standing for a long time, lifting weights, a sedentary lifestyle, wearing high-heeled shoes.

Episiotomy (perineotomy)

Sometimes, when the fetal head is already beginning to show, the doctor decides to cut the perineum (episiotomy - an incision from the center of the perineum to the side, perineotomy - an incision towards the anus).

An incision is made only according to indications:

  • threatened perineal rupture (when the perineum is about to rupture on its own)
  • acute fetal hypoxia (a significant decrease in the fetal heart rate), so that the child is less affected by childbirth
  • breech birth - to reduce the likelihood of injury to the head, which comes last
  • premature birth - to facilitate the birth of a premature baby, its bones are soft, more easily injured
  • green waters - to facilitate the birth of a child who already suffered in utero

Weak labor activity

Weakness of labor activity - contractions do not intensify or weaken over time. The opening of the cervix slows down, and childbirth is delayed.

Causes - insufficient readiness of the body for childbirth, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, abortions, obesity, various complications of pregnancy, fatigue of a woman in childbirth and other reasons can lead to this complication in childbirth.

Often weakness complicates childbirth, which began after prolonged (within several days) pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by irregular contractions, which leads to severe fatigue of the woman. This is called the pathological preliminary period.

It is possible to identify the weakness of labor activity on the basis of a study of the nature of contractions, according to the results of the examination - the absence of cervical dilatation and according to monitoring monitoring of the strength of contractions.

Treatment is carried out depending on the identified causes. Women in labor are allowed to rest, painkillers, sedatives and hypnotics are administered. After a few hours of sleep, women in labor usually develop good labor activity. If labor activity does not increase, then drugs are administered intravenously that enhance uterine contractions (oxytocin, prostaglandins) - stimulation of labor activity.

The introduction of drugs is carried out against the background of anesthesia, more often epidural anesthesia, and under careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus. If labor activity does not increase within a few hours, then a caesarean section is performed.

preterm birth

Premature birth is called if labor activity begins at 28-37 weeks of pregnancy. The frequency of preterm birth is 6-8% of all births. In 50% of cases, the cause of preterm birth cannot be determined.

A child is born prematurely, his organs and systems are not sufficiently developed. Depending on the gestational age, the weight of a premature baby ranges from 500 to 2500 grams. Premature babies are more likely to get birth trauma during childbirth.

The shorter the gestation period, the more the child suffers from childbirth. After the birth of premature babies, they are placed in an incubator where a constant temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration are maintained, many children require observation in the pediatric intensive care unit.

In case of premature onset of labor, if the cervix has not yet opened, drugs are administered that prevent the development of labor. If this does not give an effect or the opening is already too large, then the birth is carried out very carefully, with thorough anesthesia, so that the premature baby suffers as little as possible during childbirth. Sometimes, in the interests of the fetus, a caesarean section is performed.

Vacuum extraction of the fetus

Vacuum extraction of the fetus is a delivery operation in which the fetus is artificially removed through the natural birth canal using a vacuum extractor.

In modern obstetrics, vacuum extraction of the fetus is of extremely limited use due to adverse effects on the fetus. Vacuum extraction is used only in cases where there are no conditions for performing other delivery operations.

Unlike the operation of applying obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction of the fetus requires the active participation of the woman in labor during traction of the fetus by the head, so the list of indications is very limited.


  • weakness of labor activity, with ineffective conservative therapy;
  • incipient fetal hypoxia.


  • diseases that require "turning off" attempts (severe forms of gestosis, decompensated heart defects, high myopia, hypertension), since during vacuum extraction of the fetus, active laboring activity of the woman in labor is required;
  • discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis;
  • extensor presentation of the fetal head;
  • prematurity of the fetus (less than 36 weeks).

The last two contraindications are associated with the peculiarity of the physical action of the vacuum extractor, so the placement of cups on the head of a premature fetus or in the region of a large fontanel is fraught with serious complications.

Conditions for the operation

  • Living fruit.
  • Full opening of the uterine os.
  • Absence of a fetal bladder.
  • Correspondence between the size of the pelvis of the mother and the head of the fetus.
  • The head of the fetus should be in the cavity of the small pelvis with a large segment at the entrance to the small pelvis.
  • Occipital insertion.

Operation technique

The technique of the operation of vacuum extraction of the fetus consists of the following points:

  • Cup insertion and placement on the glans
    The cup of the vacuum extractor can be introduced in two ways: under the control of the hand or under the control of vision (using mirrors). Most often in practice, a cup is introduced under the control of the hand. To do this, under the control of the left hand-guide with the right hand, the cup is inserted into the vagina with the side surface in the direct size of the pelvis. Then it is turned and the working surface is pressed against the head of the fetus, as close as possible to the small fontanel.
  • Creating negative pressure
    The cup is attached to the device and negative pressure up to 0.7-0.8 amt is created within 3-4 minutes. (500 mm Hg).
  • Fetal attraction by the head
    Tractions are performed synchronously with attempts in the direction corresponding to the biomechanism of childbirth. In the pauses between attempts, attraction is not produced. The obligatory moment is to perform a trial traction.
  • Removing the cup
    When cutting through the vulvar ring of the parietal tubercles, the calyx is removed by violating the seal in the apparatus, after which the head is removed by manual techniques.


The most common complication is slipping of the calyx from the fetal head, which occurs when there is a leak in the device. Cephalohematomas often occur on the fetal head, cerebral symptoms are observed.

It is not enough just to make a choice: we also need to prepare ourselves to cope with the task that we are taking on. For some reason, not everyone understands this. It seems to some that home birth is only a holiday, only an easy and pleasant adventure. (After all, everyone who talked about it said that it was easy and joyful!) But in addition to the "holiday", there is also "work" that needs to be done in order for the child to be born safely.

Some families forget about this (or maybe no one told them about it, but they themselves did not guess?). They are preparing for the "holiday" and do not expect any complications, and then - if this does happen to them - they are bitterly disappointed in the very idea of ​​home birth and become active opponents of all these "fashion trends".

That's what we're going to talk about today - about what complications can occur during home births, how you can avoid them, and how to determine whether you can stay at home or need to go to the hospital.

Last summer, I had a chance to talk with the ambulance workers, who sometimes go out on calls to women who “failed” with home births. I was given a whole bunch of situations that an ambulance brigade that arrived on such a call may encounter. (Special thanks to paramedic L. - for compiling a list of complications.)

By the way, there is nothing surprising in the fact that these doctors have formed a persistent negative attitude towards home births: after all, they ONLY saw such unpleasant situations, and they NEVER saw successful home births - that's why they considered me ;-) "desperate nutcase". For them, I was the first LIVING person who managed in some incredible way (and repeatedly!) to give birth at home and do without an ambulance ;-))) (and even survive at the same time).

So, let's consider all the situations described (and Irina Martynova will comment on them from the point of view of her vast experience).

I. Birth complications that are possible for any woman, including those examined in the antenatal clinic.

1. Sluggish or insufficient labor

- hence, fetal hypoxia, subsequently - asphyxia of the fetus, leading to its death, and if timely medical care is not provided, to serious conditions and even death of the woman in labor.

(IM: Of course, this can happen if a woman is at home alone, without an obstetrician, and for some reason does not want to call an ambulance. But if a woman is preparing for a home birth with an obstetrician, then this situation will not arise.

Let's look at the options. There are 2 types of generic weakness - primary and secondary.

Primary - this is when weak contractions continue for several days, but there is no normal opening dynamics. In such a situation, you must first determine whether the birth has begun - maybe these are just harbingers, and there is nothing to worry about. If the birth has begun, but there is no dynamics, then you need to establish the cause.

Maybe this is a flat bubble that prevents the baby from lowering - then the obstetrician should remove the bubble, and the birth will go on normally. Maybe the reason is the woman’s general fatigue, or low hemoglobin, or even some mental abnormalities - but if a professional obstetrician observes the woman’s condition during pregnancy, he will notice this not at the time of childbirth, but much earlier, and convince such a woman that home birth is contraindicated for her.

There is also a secondary weakness of labor activity - at the same time, normal labor pains begin with progressive labor activity, a gradual opening of the birth canal occurs, but for some reason childbirth turns out to be protracted, and the woman gets tired of such childbirth.

Then her weakness sets in, called secondary - the attenuation of labor activity occurs. In such a situation, it is customary to induce labor. In a home birth, if the obstetrician believes that there is no danger to the mother and child, you can simply let the woman sleep so that she can gain strength. After that, she will have new good contractions, and she will be able to give birth normally.)

2. Premature detachment of the placenta.

Due to insufficient supply of oxygen-enriched blood, it causes fetal hypoxia, up to asphyxia. But it is especially dangerous for a woman in labor, because. causes profuse uterine bleeding.

(I.M .: Yes, sometimes placental abruption occurs. The reasons can be different - injuries (mental or physical), chronic diseases and anything. But this does not happen instantly - after the first signs of placental abruption, there is still time to call an ambulance.

If spotting appears with a small opening, any competent obstetrician will immediately send such a woman in labor to the hospital, without waiting for the situation to worsen. It is clear that such a woman should no longer have any home births. If she is in such a situation trying to give birth alone, without medical assistance, then this is not normal.)

3. Umbilical strangulation of the fetus

- hence, fetal hypoxia. With prolonged failure to provide medical care (surgical intervention) - asphyxia and death of the fetus.

(I.M .: Cord entanglement is quite often detected at the time of birth - then you must immediately remove the loops that suffocate the child and act according to the circumstances - it depends on the degree of suffocation. In the mildest case, it is enough to briefly immerse the child in cold water. In more severe cases, mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration is performed, chest massage - the obstetrician must know resuscitation techniques and be able to apply them at the right time.

When the obstetrician listens to the baby's heartbeat even before birth and feels that there are some failures, it can be assumed that there is an entanglement. To avoid asphyxia from entanglement or pressing, the obstetrician performs the so-called triad according to Nikolaev: this is a way of drug control of intrauterine asphyxia.

The obstetrician will constantly monitor the heartbeat of a child who is in this condition, and by the time he is born, the obstetrician will prepare for all necessary measures. He must have cold and hot water and suction available, and must be prepared to apply all resuscitation procedures.)

4. Incomplete discharge of the placenta.

Causes severe bleeding, up to profuse. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

(I.M .: Of course, incomplete delivery of the placenta also occurs during home births. If a woman gives birth alone, she cannot accurately determine whether the placenta has come out completely. Therefore, in such a situation, one cannot take risks - with any bleeding, you need to surrender to the maternity hospital.

But if an obstetrician is involved in childbirth, he will be able to detect in time that there are complications in the separation of the placenta. The obstetrician must not only know what measures are required, but also be able to do it. It is necessary to enter the uterus with your hand and as soon as possible to make the separation of the placenta. Old professional obstetricians even in maternity hospitals did this without anesthesia - they followed the woman's sensations.

After manual separation of the placenta, it is required to massage the uterus and check the walls. If everything is done correctly, then the uterus will contract well. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an early postpartum period, taking into account the contraction of the uterus - the obstetrician will use strong reducing agents so that there is no further blood loss. To compensate for the blood loss that has occurred, it is enough to drink more liquid - if there are no symptoms of acute blood loss. If there are such symptoms (and the obstetrician sees this), then medical assistance is required - you need to put a dropper.)

5. Insufficient contractile activity of the uterus

- therefore, bleeding that is dangerous to the health and life of the puerperal.

(I.M .: To stop postpartum bleeding, you need oxytocin, which is produced in the pituitary gland - and it is released due to the fact that the baby suckles the breast. If this is not enough, then you need to inject oxytocin intravenously, at the same time as massaging the uterus with your hand. If the uterus is really badly contracting, then cold and heaviness are applied to the stomach (in maternity hospitals they use an ice pack) so that the uterus does not "open".

There are special cases when it is already known in advance that the uterus will not contract normally. For example, asthmatics take special drugs that relax the muscles. I had to take such a birth: a woman with chronic asthma took such a drug. But even in this case, you can cope with bleeding if you were observed by a home obstetrician, and he knew in advance about this situation.

True, you first need to make sure that there are no tears in either the cervix or the vagina - in order to exclude other causes of bleeding. If there are gaps, you need to sew them up - the home obstetrician should be able to do this.

You need to understand that the protective functions of our body are always on the alert - and the work of the uterus is conceived very wisely. Childbirth is a natural act, and the uterus "knows" how to behave after the birth of the child. If a woman does not take any relaxing drugs, if there are no very strong interference with the natural mechanism of uterine contraction, then the law of nature will operate, which has always worked and is working - otherwise we would all have died out by now.

Our reproductive function is based on the production of oxytocin in the pituitary gland - because of it, labor begins, a child is born, thanks to it the uterus contracts and the afterbirth is separated, and then - again due to it - the uterus "slams" and bleeding stops. The uterus is a powerful muscular organ, which, after the placenta has passed, "pinches the throat" of the vessels, prevents blood loss, and contributes to a good contraction of the uterus.)

6. Dissimulating intravenous blood coagulation

- DIC syndrome. Unpredictable complication, extremely dangerous. To save the life of a puerperal, emergency help from a hematologist is required. It occurs more often than is commonly believed.

(I.M .: Maybe this really occurs “more often than is commonly believed,” but I have not had a chance to come across this. Usually, a woman who is observed by an obstetrician also undergoes an examination in a antenatal clinic. She is given the necessary tests, and any deviations in blood coagulation are determined in advance. If there are any problems, if it is assumed that a woman has a risk of developing DIC, then home birth should be abandoned.

Probably, there really are situations when DIC develops suddenly, without any deviations in the analyzes during pregnancy. Here I would like to say that in my first place is still the spiritual basis of preparing for childbirth. In order to avoid such a formidable pathology, a woman must prepare spiritually, take communion, take a blessing for home birth. My practice confirms that everything is given to us according to our spiritual sins. Blessing is the key to a successful outcome.)

7. Multiple ruptures of the cervix.

(I.M .: This can happen if a woman gives birth alone, without the supervision of an obstetrician. If she was preparing for a home birth with an obstetrician, then the cervix should be ready for childbirth. There is a certain set of ways to prepare the cervix: various antispasmodics are used - vegetable and others.

True, such preparation may not work - there is the concept of "rigid neck" (this means that the tissues are not at all elastic), and in such cases it is also necessary to use hormonal preparations. But the obstetrician is able to determine this in advance and start preparing even such a neck for childbirth in time so that everything goes smoothly.

There were cases when I just did a finger massage of the neck after 36 weeks of pregnancy (this is the edge of a mature pregnancy - only after it you can prepare the neck). When such a woman goes into labor, and the period of full opening is already approaching (when there is already a feeling of attempts, but the neck is not yet fully open, and you can’t push yet) - then you also need to do a finger massage and take the neck away, not allowing the woman to push. In this case, antispasmodics, weaker or stronger (intravenously - for better effect) should be administered intravenously.

An obstetrician must correctly guide a woman in childbirth, taking into account the condition of the cervix - this is an individual matter, for each cervix you need to look for your own approach. But even if cervical ruptures occur, a professional obstetrician, with the help of special mirror holders, is obliged to sew up both the cervix, the vagina, and other parts of the birth canal.)

This is a very exciting topic for both women and her family. Especially if the woman in labor is an impressionable nature, then the expectation of childbirth becomes a real test. However, is it boring to worry so much? After all, it is not known how your birth will go, favorably or not. Especially if the gestation proceeded favorably, and physically you are completely normal. About the terrible stories from the lips of the "experienced" must be forgotten. Some people are able to exaggerate and embellish what they felt or what someone said to them. However, there are also real situations when labor activity is complicated by some phenomena. It is tedious to know about this in order to respond at the right time and take the necessary measures. Do not worry, experienced doctors and modern technology will solve all the problems that arise before them.

Today, medicine gives a chance to identify and prevent the causes of complications even before the birth process. Therefore, difficult births in our time occur very rarely. The specialist usually sees immediately what needs to be done. Probably, he will introduce drugs to the woman in labor that enhance the birth process or decide to use some well-known method. Consider a few complications that can occur during the birth process.

Prolonged labor

There are circumstances in which the birth process lasts longer than usual, and as a result, prolonged labor is usually stated when there is a delayed delivery. They are measured by how the baby's head descends and the cervix dilates.

There are three reasons for delayed delivery. This:

  • complications associated with the birth process. Such as, a woman in labor is observed not periodic. They may be too rare, weak and short. They can be, and vice versa, frequent and strong. Both those and other contractions are ineffective and lead to unfavorable childbirth. If the contractions are too rare and sluggish, uterine stimulation can be done. For this, the expectant mother is given a dropper. And if on the contrary, they try to calm the work of the uterus, using epidural anesthesia or painkillers.
  • complications associated with the baby. It may be that a woman in labor is difficult to give birth, because the baby is not positioned correctly and is very large. Everyone knows that some time before the birth process, the baby is head down. At the same time, his chin is pressed to his chest, and his head is lowered. This is the most favorable posture for birth.

    However, it happens that the child does not lower his head, and when he is born, his chin “wants to come out”. In this situation, the diameter facing the pelvic passage increases significantly, and although the baby's head may be of normal shape and size, its position increases the size of the birth canal, leading to a delay in labor. If, nevertheless, the baby in the second phase did not turn the head correctly, then the specialist will turn the baby's head using a vacuum extractor or special forceps.

    If this procedure does not help, an emergency caesarean is performed. Not often, but still it happens that the head of the crumbs is turned to the pelvic passage with its side, face or even forehead of the baby. As a result, depending on the situation, they make a decision and the method of conducting delivery. First of all, it swings cases of breech presentation of the baby. The vaginal birth process with breech presentation is very dangerous, since when the baby passes through the birth canal, all the “work” is performed by his buttocks. Therefore, the baby's head does not have time to adapt to the pressure.

    Since the head of the crumbs is very vulnerable during the period, maximum caution is required on the part of specialists. In this case, childbirth takes place with the help of a caesarean section. Especially if the mother is giving birth for the first time. If the baby is large and there is a possibility, or hypoxia is observed, a perineotomy or episiotomy may be performed. This procedure is carried out, usually with premature birth.

  • complications associated with the birth canal. It could be a narrow pelvis. This says that the birth canal, formed by elastic pelvic bones, soft and delicate tissues of the vagina and uterus. As a result, childbirth will proceed through surgery. If the pelvis is not very narrow, a dilated vaginal delivery may occur. There may be a case in which the pelvic dimensions are ideal, and complications arise due to anomalies of the birth canal.

preterm birth

They can be attributed to complications because a baby born between 29-36 weeks is very lethargic and suffers during childbirth. In such a child, the systems and organs are poorly developed, the weight becomes from 0.5 to 2 kilograms. Premature babies are more likely to get injured because their bones are very soft. Some crumbs born before the due date require monitoring in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Distress baby

If the baby experiences a lack of oxygen, they talk about distress. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: premature detachment of the placenta, around the body or neck of the baby. Distress often occurs as a result of strong pressure on the baby's head during short, long or intense labor. In this state, the baby's heart rate and heart rate change.

If the amniotic fluid is brown or yellow, there is meconium in it. This is the result of stress. In this situation, especially if there is a violation of the heart rhythm, electronic monitoring of the baby is done. They will probably take a sample of the baby's blood through parts of the scalp. Thanks to the electronic machine, you can find out the degree of acidity. It will help determine the level of severity of the baby's condition. After the results, they decide how the birth will take place.

Cord prolapse

This is a very dangerous case, because the clamped umbilical cord does not deliver the necessary oxygen to the child, which threatens with hypoxia or even death. In this situation, immediate delivery is required. This situation occurs when the loop of the umbilical cord is below the presenting part of the baby and falls out.

Bleeding during childbirth

It can develop during childbirth or after childbirth, endangering the health of the woman and the unborn baby. It is not uncommon for the cause of bleeding to be problems that are primarily associated with the condition of the placenta. This is very important if there are chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus, some diseases of the liver and kidneys, severe heart disease, endocrine diseases, hormonal disorders, diseases of the genital organs and others. Also, the cause of bleeding during childbirth can be injuries during the gestation period or a large number of miscarriages, abortions.

If the bleeding has opened, the specialist will work simultaneously in several directions. As a result, the woman in labor will be infused with blood products and blood-substituting solutions through large veins. Also - erythrocyte mass, frozen plasma. Often, a special mask with humidified oxygen is applied to a woman's face. During this period, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and heart rate are monitored. Women in childbirth are injected into the narcotics department to undergo surgical treatment.

This is the most common complication of childbirth. They usually can have different consequences and origins. It can be ruptures of the perineum, cervix, vagina.

Perineal tears are superficial in the form of abrasions and cracks, do not bleed and heal very quickly after the baby is born. For the prevention of perineal ruptures, special preparation of the perineum for the birth process is recommended even during the gestation period. A woman in labor needs to know what is the ideal procedure for perineal tears. After all, when the muscles are very tense, the likelihood of ruptures increases several times.

Vaginal tears can be violent or spontaneous. The causes of spontaneous ruptures include rapid childbirth, if the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis or an underdeveloped short vagina. As a rule, spontaneous ruptures of the vagina are a continuation of the ruptures of the birth canal. Violent ruptures are formed due to the vacuum extraction of the baby, obstetric forceps. During the treatment of tears, the specialist sutures them with special sutures. Very deep and severe tears are sutured under general anesthesia. This operation should only be carried out by a professional.

Unfortunately, tissue ruptures can have serious consequences. This is especially true of the cervix. Such gaps often lead to the death of the fetus or the woman herself. A rupture in the uterus can be if the woman in labor has undergone surgery before. In cases of rupture of the uterus, the birth procedure is stopped by introducing the woman in labor into deep anesthesia and performing the necessary manipulation. If a rupture does not occur, but there is a chance of its occurrence, an emergency caesarean section is performed, because in such cases it is possible to save the child.

postpartum hemorrhage

Of course, one cannot do without blood loss during the birth process. Every wound always bleeds. During childbirth, the area of ​​the wound is very large, so the bleeding continues for several days. But sometimes the bleeding can be quite profuse. It is likely that the cause of this is a perineal tear or episiotomy. If there are no injuries and ruptures, then the specialist determines whether the uterus is relaxed or the placenta remains.

It also happens that bleeding lasts for several days or even a month. The main reason for this is hormonal change. As well as infectious inflammation. If a fragment of the placenta is present in the uterus, the specialist will prescribe medication. If this does not help, you can try curettage of the uterus.