What procedures does the beautician do with the face. Professional facial skin peeling as one of the ways to rejuvenate the skin. What procedures are strictly prohibited in the summer

LPG-massage technology was originally intended for the correction of the female figure. Seeing the successful results in the fight against cellulite, the creators of the technology decided to develop a similar device that will affect the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Now the device has three methods of influence: "Cosmechanics", "Liftmassage" and "Endermolift". Each of the methods affects its own area of ​​the face and neck.

How is the procedure carried out: A special massage stimulates skin cells to break down old collagen and synthesize new one. The technology is based on the principles of plastic massage, which is traditionally done by hand. The skin on our face is quite thin and delicate, and wrinkles, on the contrary, require deep study. With manual massage it is difficult not to injure the skin and at the same time act on it effectively and deeply. And LPG-massage can achieve such a "golden mean". The massage nozzle is a small chamber where a skin fold is drawn under the action of a vacuum. Inside the chamber, the skin is affected. To achieve more tangible results, it is necessary to conduct 10-20 sessions, the result of which will be visible within six months.

Indications for the procedure: This massage will be useful for any woman over 25 years old.

  • Loose and saggy skin
  • "Double chin" and subcutaneous fat in the face
  • Post-acne, scars and enlarged pores

Results: Lifting and acquisition of a clearer facial contour, reduction of fat deposits on the face, reduction of mimic wrinkles, adjustment of functioning sebaceous glands, treatment of hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates, reduction of edema.

Recovery process: After the end of the procedure, you can observe a slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) - this is a normal reaction of the body to LPG massage. Symptoms disappear on the same day, sometimes after 1-2 days.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge

RF lifting

Radiolifting is another hardware method skin rejuvenation without surgery.

How is the procedure carried out: The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a special apparatus, radio waves penetrate the skin. First applied to the face special cream that causes numbness nerve endings, and then with a radio frequency instrument, the doctor treats those areas of the skin whose appearance needs to be improved. The radio waves emitted by the instrument pass through the outer layers of the skin and deliver thermal energy to muscles and soft tissues. Heat causes these layers to contract, which promotes more collagen production.

Indications for the procedure: Lifting can be performed from the age of 25, but the procedure is ideal for an average age group, 35-55 years old. Radiolifting can be done in any season. This method of skin rejuvenation is suitable not only for women, but also for men.

  • skin fading
  • Prolapse of facial tissues
  • Sagging areas of the skin and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat), changing the shape of the face oval
  • Wrinkles around the eyes crow's feet"
  • deep mimic wrinkles in the region of the nasolabial triangle, on the forehead
  • Scars after acne

Results: Lifting creates an even contour of the face, improves its color and eliminates mimic wrinkles. Among the main advantages of this method are harmlessness to the body, painlessness, and the absence of inflammation.

Recovery process: Slight redness is acceptable on the skin, which disappears within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge


Biorevitalization involves the elimination of skin imperfections by saturating its deep layers with hyaluronic acid.

How is the procedure carried out: Hyaluronic acid is a panacea for maximum hydration skin. Before injections, the skin is cleansed of make-up residues, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization takes not more than an hour and is carried out using a thin needle or a special injector. The drug is administered intradermally until a small papule is formed.In spite of small diameter needles, the procedure can cause discomfort, so when hypersensitivity or with a low pain threshold, the affected area is pre-lubricated with a cream with lidocaine, which provides local anesthesia.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated skin
  • aging skin
  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity
  • wrinkles
  • Photoaging of the skin, prevention of premature aging
  • Preparing for chemical peels and laser resurfacing
  • Rehabilitation after chemical peels, laser resurfacing microdermabrasion and plastic surgery
  • Correction of scars and stretch marks

Results: The biorevitalization procedure gives hydration at a deeper level. After full course of these procedures, the effect persists for six months, and sometimes more. The procedure can be carried out both by injection with needles and by low-intensity laser radiation. The first procedure is more effective, the second is more comfortable. But definitely both procedures have a magical effect on the skin.

Recovery process: The rehabilitation period takes an average of 3 days, after the procedure, papules are observed white color there may be minor hematomas.

Price: 20000-50000 tenge


Bio-reinforcement of the face is another of the methods aimed at lifting the face, improving the oval of the face.

How is the procedure carried out:The skin is reinforced with stabilized acid gels along vector lines under local anesthesia. This procedure is performed every 2-3 weeks 3 or 4 times. As a result, a face lifting is formed due to a decrease in skin extensibility, saturation and hydration of the skin due to exposure to it. hyaluronic acid, the face "spreads out" and becomes fresh, the quality of the skin improves.

Indications for the procedure:Since bio-reinforcement of the face involves the fight against age-related skin changes, experts recommend applying to women who are already 35 years old, but not yet 50. Within these age limits, this procedure will have maximum efficiency.

  • Downturned corners of the mouth or eyes, eyebrows
  • Sagging skin folds
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Blurry contours of the chin and lower jaw

Results: Active lifting; to wrinkle correction (elimination of small and smoothing deep folds); uheffective modeling of the face oval.

Recovery period: Usually, after the session, the patient quickly enters the usual rhythm of life: slight swelling, redness of the skin and swelling disappear in 5-7 days.

Price: 50000-70000 tenge


Microdermabrasion is a peeling that combines the removal of dead skin cells with laser-cut diamond crystals with vacuum massage to cleanse and stimulate skin renewal.

How is the procedure carried out:Diamond-coated nozzles of various caliber and degree of deposition are used.Nozzles are selected depending on the type of skin - dry, oily, combination - and the treated area: forehead, eyelids, neck, decollete. M icrodermabrasion is performed on a special device using a vacuum and unique diamond-coated nozzles, with which the most delicate easy way massage movements the superficial keratinized layers of the skin are removed, stimulating the growth of new young cells, while improving blood circulation and triggering the mechanism of intensive production of collagen and elastin.

Indications for the procedure:Microdermabrasion is performed to remove small defects in the surface layer of the skin.

  • dim, withered skin
  • Oily skin with enlarged pores
  • Scars and stretch marks on the body
  • acne
  • Scars and acne scars
  • Fine wrinkles, age-related changes

Results: Evens out the texture and tone of the face. Helps to activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increase skin firmness and elasticity.

Recovery period:Usually, the period after microderabrasion takes an average of 5 to 8 days. Renewed skin has a reddish or pink color which lasts for 6-12 weeks. Gradually, the skin of the face turns pale.

Price: 7000-10000 tg.

Keratoregulatory peeling

This superficial peeling for problem skin.

How is the procedure carried out: The composition of the peeling includes glycolic and salicylic acids, plant extracts and vitamins. Keratoregulatory peeling is carried out in several stages: first, the skin of the face is cleansed, disinfected and degreased with a special gel, which is washed off plain water. Further n and a hydrogel is applied to the skin, which includes salicylic acid. This provides additional antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, soothes tissues before the procedure. It takes no more than two minutes to absorb the hydrogel. Then the main composition for peeling is applied to the face in an even layer. The holding time of the product is 10 minutes. After that, the base is washed off cold water face is thoroughly dried. After aggressive impact a mask is applied according to skin type. The main purpose of the masksoothe the tissues, prepare the face for an early recovery. To complete the session, a specialized cream is applied, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's epidermis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • clogged pores greasy plugs, black and white dots
  • seborrheic skin
  • Acne
  • hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation and suppuration of hair follicles on the face

Results: Narrowing of pores, alignment of complexion, improvement of skin structure, cellular respiration of the skin, getting rid of unpleasant peeling, softening of the skin.

Recovery process: The specialist who performed the procedure is obliged to select a comprehensive and complete care behind the face, based on the characteristics of the epidermis, the severity of the problem. The recovery time depends on how well the recommendations of the beautician are followed. Drugs are most often prescribed from the same line that was used for the procedure. The composition of rehabilitation cosmetics should not include essential oils and aloe juice.

Price: 10000-15000 tg.


Photorejuvenation, or IPL-therapy, is one of the most famous and popular techniques in hardware cosmetology, an effective method for correcting signs of photoaging: network fine wrinkles, pigmentation, spider veins.

How is the procedure carried out: Therapeutic effect is provided by broad spectrum light passing through a small, smooth, transparent tip, which is gently placed on the skin. Light penetrates the tissues and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the treatment of vascular lesions or by melanin in the treatment of pigmented formations, coagulating them. natural processes body, damaged tissues are removed and the skin returns to a more even and youthful appearance.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pigmentation removal
  • Removal vascular network, skin redness
  • Complexion improvement
  • Removal of fine wrinkles
  • Narrowing of enlarged pores
  • Freckles

Results: Allows you to quickly, efficiently and safely eliminate external signs skin aging, pigmentation disorders, capillary network and wrinkles.

Recovery process: After the procedure, a slight pinkishness will appear on the treated area, which will disappear in a few hours. The procedure does not require compliance with the home regime - you can immediately return to your normal lifestyle.

Price: from 10000 to 20000 tenge.

Cosmetologist. What procedures does a beautician perform?


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What procedures can be prescribed by a beautician?

Beautician can perform many procedures to hide cosmetic defects, prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging and promote its rejuvenation .

Face cleaning ( ultrasonic, mechanical, vacuum, manual, diamond)

Facial cleansing is aimed at cleansing the skin of the dead layer of cells, dust particles, blackheads, comedones ( black dots). It also improves blood circulation in upper layers skin and stimulates metabolic processes in it, which favorably affects the general condition of the skin and prevents its aging.

Facial cleaning shown:
  • patients with oily skin;
  • with acne ( acne) at the stage of healing;
  • with enlarged skin pores;
  • when fading ( aging) skin;
  • in adolescence.
To date, there are many types of skin cleansing, which are performed using various equipment.

Depending on the execution method, there are:

  • Manual and mechanical cleaning. It is the most effective, as it allows you to get rid of even deep comedones ( black dots). However, it is worth noting that this species cleansing is quite traumatic and painful. Before the procedure, the face is cleaned of cosmetics, sebum, impurities and steamed. Then the beautician removes pimples and blackheads with fingers or special loops. The skin is treated with an antiseptic ( disinfectant solution) and an anti-inflammatory drug, after which the patient can go home.
  • Vacuum cleaning. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed and steamed. Then, using a vacuum mechanism, the beautician draws out of the pores sebum, dirt, particles of dead skin. Vacuum cleaning does not injure the skin, so it can be used quite often.
  • ultrasonic cleaning. essence this method consists in mechanical exfoliation upper layers skin and removing dirt by ultrasonic waves. Special training and steaming before the procedure is not required. During cleaning, the beautician applies a special gel to the skin to enhance the conduction of ultrasonic waves. The procedure is not accompanied by discomfort, irritation or redness of the skin.
  • diamond grinding ( microdermabrasion). During this procedure, the top layer of the skin is exfoliated. vacuum apparatus with special nozzles coated with diamond microcrystals. Painful sensations and skin trauma are minimal. Diamond grinding is carried out 3-5 times within six months, which allows you to achieve the desired effect and fix it.

Lip augmentation

Plastic correction of the lips is designed to correct defects in their shape, as well as to give them attractive features and volume. If a woman who wants to increase her lips turns to a beautician, main task specialist is to make sure the procedure is necessary, to help the patient achieve desired result and inform her about possible complications and consequences of the procedure.

Lip plastic surgery can be achieved:

  • increasing the volume of the lips;
  • correction of asymmetry and shape of the lips;
  • correction of scars and scars;
  • creating the effect of "moisturized lips";
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • hiding age-related changes etc.
The process of lip augmentation begins with a consultation with a cosmetologist. The specialist studies in detail the wishes of the patient, carefully collects an anamnesis ( information about past illnesses, allergies to medications, and so on), conducts a visual inspection, and, if necessary, appoints additional medical examinations. After collecting and evaluating the data, the cosmetologist can offer the woman a choice of several methods for lip augmentation, as well as talk about their advantages, disadvantages and possible side effects.

Lip augmentation can be achieved conservatively or surgical methods. In the conditions of a cosmetology office, conservative methods are used, while a plastic surgeon is engaged in surgical correction of the lips.

Conservative methods of lip augmentation include:

  • Contour plastic. During this procedure, the volume of the lips is formed by introducing various fillers under the skin ( fillers) using the finest needles ( All procedures are performed under local anesthesia). To achieve a temporary effect ( from 6 months to a year) use biocompatible gels based on hyaluronic acid, a natural structural element of connective tissue that can retain moisture and stimulate collagen synthesis. If necessary, this substance is easily removed from the tissues surgically. For a longer lasting effect up to 5 years) use biopolymer gels. A side effect of this method is the possible spreading of the gel and the distortion of the shape of the lips, the difficulty in removing the gel from the tissues, followed by the appearance of scars.
  • Threadlifting ( lip augmentation with threads). For this procedure, special biodegradable mesothreads are used ( which over time are absorbed into the tissues of the body). By the thinnest punctures with a needle, the threads are injected under the skin in the area of ​​​​the white roller of the lip contour. Within two years, they dissolve, and in their place a framework of fibrous ( cicatricial) fabric with high strength, which adds volume to the lips. The effect lasts up to three years.
  • Lipofilling. IN this case as a filler use their own adipose tissue patient, taken from the abdomen, buttocks or thighs and treated in a special way. The procedure has minimal risks and complications, and the effect persists for 3 years. The only disadvantage may be uneven tissue survival and the need to repeat the procedure.
  • Electroporation. It is a physiotherapeutic method with which you can absolutely painlessly introduce any cosmetic preparations into the deep layers of the skin. To do this, use a special apparatus that generates electrical impulses of a certain frequency and intensity. Under the action of these impulses, ion channels are formed in the skin, through which the active substances penetrate. To increase the lips, hyaluronic acid is used, which fills the space between the cells, retains water in the tissues, and also increases the amount of collagen fibers in them.

Peeling retinoic ( retinol, yellow)

Peeling is a way of cleaning the skin by applying various creams to it. Peeling allows you to achieve rapid noticeable skin rejuvenation and improve it. appearance without the use of expensive devices, painful injections and surgical interventions. In retinoic peeling, retinoic acid is used as a “cleansing” substance, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, where it exerts its therapeutic effect ( stimulates the processes of cell renewal, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and so on).

The positive effects of retinoic peeling are:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • smoothing of superficial wrinkles;
  • skin lightening;
  • increased skin tone;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • stimulation of healing processes;
  • decreased sebum production;
  • improvement of the structure of the epidermis;
  • acne treatment.
The use of retinoic peeling is contraindicated:
  • For skin diseases- in the presence of warts, herpes or other infection in the area of ​​the procedure.
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components used during the procedure- A severe allergic reaction may develop.
  • - substances used during the procedure can enter the mother's bloodstream and be transmitted to the fetus, thereby harming his health.
  • For diseases of the liver and kidneys- organs involved in the removal of toxic substances from the body.
The retinoic peeling procedure itself includes several stages, namely:
  • Skin preparation. Preparation for the procedure should begin 2 weeks before it is performed. Beauticians recommend using special creams that will help soften the skin, which will ensure deeper penetration of retinoic acid during the peel itself. Also, a week before the scheduled procedure, you should refuse to visit the solarium, take sunbathing or the use of laser treatments.
  • Actually peeling. The first stage of the procedure is to clean the face of cosmetics, as well as the removal of superficially located epidermal flakes ( top layer of skin). To this end, the physician may use various lotions or cream. Apply directly to cleansed skin active substance (retinoic acid), and the doctor must warn the patient in advance that for several minutes he may feel slight tingling or burning is normal. 30 minutes after application, retinoic acid is neutralized and washed off, and a special protective cream is applied to the skin.
After the procedure is completed, the cosmetologist gives the patient appropriate recommendations ( do not visit the pool or sauna for several days, avoid sun exposure to the skin and use sunscreen during the week and so on) and sent him home. The positive effect will be noticeable on the same day - the skin will acquire a pinkish tint, it will become softer to the touch. 1-2 days after the procedure, the skin may acquire a slightly yellowish tint due to the action of retinoic acid ( this is normal).

The recovery period after peeling can take from 1 to 2 weeks. Cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure no earlier than one and a half months after the previous one. A full treatment course usually includes 4-6 procedures.

Eyebrow correction

Today there are many people predominantly women) who are dissatisfied with certain features of their face, in particular the shape of their eyebrows. Thanks to modern development medicine and technology, a cosmetologist can decide this problem in minutes.

Eyebrow correction procedure includes:

  • Interview with the patient. On the this stage the cosmetologist finds out the wishes of the patient regarding the upcoming procedure. Also with the help of various computer programs the doctor demonstrates how the patient's face will look when changing the shape of the eyebrows.
  • Eyebrow removal. If the patient's eyebrows are too thick or large, their shape can be changed by removing "extra" hair. This can be done with regular tweezers ( the procedure can be uncomfortable or even painful) or special epilators ( body hair removal devices).
  • Eyebrow shaping with a pencil. Sometimes the removal of "excess" hair does not allow you to achieve the desired "ideal" effect. In this case, the beautician uses a special pencil that will emphasize the contours of the eyebrows, give them desired shape and volume.
  • Eyebrow coloring. To change the color of the eyebrows ( make them darker and more expressive) cosmetologists recommend using special paints. The eyebrow tinting procedure itself is quite simple and takes no more than half an hour. The patient sits in a chair, tilts her head back and closes her eyes ( to prevent paint from getting into them.). The doctor, using a special brush, applies paint first on one eyebrow, and then on the other, after which he leaves the patient in this position for 5-15 minutes ( the more, the more pronounced the coloring will be). After the end of the procedure, the paint is washed off, and the patient can immediately go home. The main advantage of this method is that the color given to the eyebrows lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid

The essence of this procedure is the introduction into the deep layers of the skin of hyaluronic acid - a substance necessary for the normal division of skin cells, as well as for the synthesis of its main components ( collagen and elastin), providing its elasticity and resilience. It is also worth noting that hyaluronic acid has the ability to retain water, as a result of which it also has a moisturizing effect.

The cosmetologist can prescribe biorevitalization:

  • to eliminate shallow wrinkles;
  • to restore the skin after injury;
  • with too oily skin;
  • recovery healthy color skin after ultraviolet irradiation ( for example, if a person "burned out" in the sun) etc.
Most often, biorevitalization of the skin of the face and neck is performed, but this technique can be used on almost any part of the body. The procedure itself is as follows. The patient sits in a chair and takes comfortable position. The doctor treats the skin of the face with cleansing agents, after which he applies a special cream containing a local anesthetic - a substance that temporarily eliminates pain sensitivity. A few minutes later, the cream is removed from the surface of the skin and the cosmetologist proceeds to the main procedure - using a syringe with a thin needle, he injects hyaluronic acid preparations into the middle layers of the skin.

The whole procedure can last from 30 to 60 minutes, after which the patient can immediately go home. The course of treatment usually includes 4 procedures, which must be performed every 2 to 3 weeks. The positive effect of the treatment lasts for 6-7 months.

Biorevitalization of the skin is contraindicated:

  • In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process at the site of application- performing the procedure in this case can lead to the spread of infection to the deeper layers of the skin.
  • For some diseases immune system - in this case, severe allergic reactions and other disorders may develop.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding- if a pregnant woman develops any complications, this may adversely affect the condition of the child.

Mesotherapy ( injections into the skin)

The essence of this technique lies in the administration of various drugs into the deep layers of the patient's skin in order to achieve the most pronounced therapeutic or prophylactic effect. The difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy is that in the first case, hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin, while in the second case, others can be used. medications, vitamins and so on.

Indications for mesotherapy are similar to those for biorevitalization ( smoothing wrinkles, slowing down the aging process of the skin, recovering from skin injuries, and so on). The procedure itself is performed according to the same scheme - after cleaning the face, the cosmetologist, using syringes with thin needles, begins to inject drugs into or under the skin.

During mesotherapy, the following can be injected into the patient's skin:

  • vitamins- substances necessary for the occurrence of many metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Amino acids- the main components from which all proteins in the body are formed.
  • trace elements– are also necessary for normal skin metabolism.
  • Antioxidants- substances that prevent cell damage and slow down the aging process.
  • Extracts of various plants and so on.
The positive effects of mesotherapy are:
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the skin;
  • improved metabolism;
  • increase in skin elasticity;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • skin cell renewal and so on.
Contraindications to the procedure are the same as for biorevitalization ( intolerance to the drugs used, infectious or allergic diseases, pregnancy and so on).

Laser resurfacing of the face

The essence of the procedure is to exfoliate the keratinized layer of the skin with a laser beam, which is produced by special equipment. When exposed to it, the synthesis of collagen fibers responsible for skin tone is stimulated, microcirculation and skin regeneration are improved, and the structure is restored. skin tissue. This technology allows the cosmetologist to control the depth of exposure to the skin ( from the upper layers of the epidermis to the dermis), thereby affecting the severity of the therapeutic effect and the duration of the recovery period after the procedure.

Indications for laser resurfacing are:

  • Photoaging- the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation on all layers of the skin, the result of which is its rapid withering.
  • Scars and scars post-acne) - dense formations of connective tissue that appear on the skin after acne.
  • hyperpigmentation- excessive deposition of pigment in the skin, characterized by the appearance of characteristic spots.
  • Correction of uneven skin relief- defects in the upper layer of the skin, scars, "pits" after acne.
  • Prevention of aging– during the procedure, the amount of collagen fibers responsible for skin tone and elasticity increases.
  • Removal benign neoplasms skin- for example, papillomas, characterized by excessive tissue growth due to disruption of cell division processes.
Before laser resurfacing, the cosmetologist evaluates the condition of the skin, clarifies desired effect from the procedure, and in some cases prescribes additional examinations. Special preparation of the skin before the procedure is not required.

The procedure itself is performed under general or local anesthesia ( depending on the type of laser used, the treatment area) and lasts from 1 to 3 hours. The patient lies down on a special table, after which his skin is treated with an anesthetic cream. Then, cotton swabs are applied to the patient's eyes ( to prevent laser radiation from entering the eyes), and the doctor begins to sequentially treat the problem areas of the skin with a laser. After the procedure, the patient can go home the same day ( in the absence of complications).

After performing the procedure, the beautician must inform the patient about possible side effects that may appear over the next few days.

Laser resurfacing of the face can be complicated:

  • The appearance of a feeling of "heat", which usually disappears within a day. In order to eliminate this side effect, the doctor may advise the patient to use moisturizing ointments and creams, and, if necessary, prescribe painkillers.
  • Swelling, redness and soreness of the skin. To eliminate this side effect cosmetologists recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs ( for example, nimesil).
  • The appearance of crusts or blisters in the affected area. With the development this phenomenon you should consult a beautician. In no case should you remove the crusts yourself, as this can lead to the development of more formidable complications.
  • Infection of the affected area. When signs of a purulent infection appear ( severe swelling and tenderness of the tissues) should contact a cosmetologist as soon as possible, who will prescribe necessary treatment (antibacterial drugs).
The recovery period after this procedure can last 3-4 weeks, and the positive rejuvenating effect persists for several years. It is also worth noting that if it is necessary to repeat the procedure, it can be performed no earlier than 6 to 9 months after the previous one.

Laser resurfacing is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding- possible adverse reactions can adversely affect the health of the child.
  • With a tendency to form keloid scars- coarse tumor-like proliferation of connective tissue.
  • For skin diseases ( herpes, acne) - the procedure can lead to the development of an inflammatory process and the formation of scars.
  • With tumor diseases- in patients with these diseases, the body's defenses are reduced, which can lead to infectious complications after the procedure.
  • In violation of blood clotting- in this case, the procedure may lead to increased bleeding.
  • With diabetes- this pathology is characterized by a decrease in the protective forces of the skin, which can also lead to the development of infectious complications.

Mesothreads for facelift

The use of mesothreads - modern procedure used to correct aesthetic defects of the facial skin. Its essence is as follows. Special thin threads are inserted under the patient's skin, which tighten the skin itself. At the same time, a correction normalization) contour of the face, as well as an increase in skin tone.

Mesothreads can be used:

  • To eliminate wrinkles in the forehead, bridge of the nose, around the eyes, around the mouth, in the neck and so on.
  • To correct sagging skin skin folds) around the chin.
  • To lift the nasolabial fold.
  • To eliminate visible "flabbiness" of the cheeks.
It is also worth noting that mesothreads can be used not only in the face area, but also to correct similar skin defects in other parts of the body ( on the abdomen, in the chest area and so on).

The procedure for installing mesothreads is quite simple, but should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist in a specially prepared room. Before starting the procedure, the doctor draws marks on the skin of the face with a special pencil, according to which he will introduce the threads. Next, a special cream containing a local anesthetic is applied to the patient's skin.

After the anesthesia takes effect, the cream is removed from the patient's face and the procedure for installing the threads begins. To introduce them under the skin, special hollow needles are used, inside of which the thread itself is located. The doctor inserts a needle under the skin according to the markup previously applied), after which it removes it, while the thread remains under the skin, providing a tightening effect.

A positive therapeutic effect can be seen immediately after the procedure. It is also worth noting that the procedure itself is absolutely safe and painless. In this case, there is practically no blood loss, as a result of which the patient can go home a few minutes after the end of the doctor's work ( which rarely lasts more than 1 hour).

The list of contraindications for the use of this technique is extremely small. For example, if a patient is allergic to drugs local anesthesia (e.g. lidocaine) may be a relative contraindication, since the administration of this substance can cause the development of an extremely severe allergic reaction. That is why, before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist must necessarily conduct a special test - make a small scratch on the skin of the patient's forearm and apply a drop of lidocaine on it ( or other means used). If there is no visible reaction within 5 to 10 minutes ( redness, swelling of the skin and so on), the patient has no allergies and the procedure can be started.


The essence of this procedure is that the plasma of the patient himself, containing a large number of platelets ( blood cells responsible for stopping bleeding). The mechanism of therapeutic action in this case is due to the fact that when exposed to platelets in tissues, the aging process slows down, metabolic processes increase, and the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for skin firmness and elasticity, is stimulated.
  • with a decrease in turgor ( elasticity) skin;
  • patients with dry skin;
  • to eliminate wrinkles on the face;
  • with excessive ultraviolet irradiation of the skin;
  • with inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin;
  • in recovery period after laser resurfacing of the face and other injuries.
Preparation for plasmolifting consists in the exclusion from the diet of alcohol, fried foods and preservatives ( at least one day before the start of the procedure). This is due to the fact that the use of these substances can adversely affect the composition of peripheral blood.

On the day of the procedure, the patient comes to the cosmetologist's office, where a few milliliters of blood are taken from a vein. The resulting blood is placed in a test tube and centrifuged, resulting in heavier blood cells ( erythrocytes) settle to the bottom, while lighter platelets and plasma remain on the surface. After centrifugation, the doctor draws platelet-rich plasma into a special syringe and injects it into various areas of the patient's face.

After the procedure, the patient can go home, but the cosmetologist should warn him that moderate swelling and hyperemia may be observed during the first day ( redness) skin in the area of ​​plasma injection. A visible anti-aging effect will be noticeable after a few days, however, for the most pronounced effect, you need to perform 3-4 procedures ( with an interval of 1 month).

Plasmolifting is contraindicated:

  • With tumor diseases of the blood- possible deterioration general condition patient.
  • During pregnancy- activation of immunity can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
  • In immunodeficiency states- with reduced immunity, the procedure will be ineffective.
  • In the presence of infectious processes in the face.
  • At mental disorders at the patient.

Laser hair removal

During this procedure, the cosmetologist performs hair removal in various parts of the body using a special laser. The mechanism of action of the procedure is as follows. Laser radiation is accumulated by the substance melanin, which is found in excess in the region of the hair root. As a result, melanin destroys nearby cells and tissues, that is, it destroys hair follicle, as well as the blood vessels and nerves that feed it. All of the above leads to the complete death of the hair root, as a result of which it ( hair) falls out after a few weeks and does not grow again.

It is worth noting that the procedure itself is almost painless and safe ( if performed by an experienced beautician). The duration of one procedure usually does not exceed 30 - 60 minutes, however, to achieve the most pronounced effect ( i.e complete removal hair in certain area ) it is necessary to perform several sessions with an interval of 3-5 weeks. The point is that in normal conditions part of the hair follicles about 15%) is in a dormant state. Removal of growing hair during the first procedures leads to the activation of inactive follicles, as a result of which hair begins to grow from them.

adverse events ( light skin burns, infection of hair follicles, allergic reactions and others) are extremely rare and are usually easily stopped.

Laser hair removal is contraindicated:

  • Patients with albinism. This pathology is characterized by a congenital defect ( or complete absence) melanin in the skin and its appendages, including hair. Due to the absence of melanin, laser radiation will not accumulate in the hair roots and will not have any effect on them.
  • With diabetes. Patients with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of developing purulent-infectious complications in the area of ​​the removed hair follicles.
  • With an exacerbation of herpes. Herpes is viral infection, the course of which can be complicated when exposed to laser radiation.
  • During pregnancy. Maybe Negative influence to the developing fetus.
  • Patients with severe sunburn. The skin of these patients contains increased amount melanin, resulting in damage to the skin when exposed to a laser.
  • In the presence of purulent or bacterial infection in the area of ​​laser exposure.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The essence of this procedure is the effect on the tissues of the human body in those places where the lymph outflow paths pass. Lymph is a special fluid that is formed in the intercellular space of most body tissues. Lymph is collected in small lymphatic vessels, which combine to form larger lymphatic ducts. According to the ducts, the lymph flows into the large veins of the body, that is, it returns to the systemic circulation.

Violation of the outflow of lymph leads to a decrease in the protective forces of the affected area, and is also accompanied by the development of swelling of the tissues in it. To combat these phenomena, lymphatic drainage massage is used, which ( at correct execution ) facilitates the outflow of lymph, thereby helping to relieve edema, improve microcirculation in the affected area and increase protective properties fabrics.

Lymphatic drainage massage can be performed on almost any part of the body - in the face, scalp, neck, upper or lower extremities.

Lymphatic drainage massage is shown:

  • in the development

IN female body during the period of bearing a child, there are changes both of a physiological nature, and, possibly, pathological disorders of varying degrees of severity, as well as changes in the nature of reactions to ordinary external stimuli. In this regard, often even the usual cosmetic procedures can pose a certain risk during pregnancy for the health of not only the woman, but also the unborn child.

Even if they are constantly used for the same patient by experienced cosmetologists for many years, when pregnancy occurs, the reaction of the skin and the whole body to the usual cosmetic procedures may be unexpected or completely opposite. At the same time, most women, even in the face of changes in figure and general condition, continue to use various cosmetic preparations, methods and techniques in order to be well-groomed and maintain their charm.

What cosmetic procedures are allowed for pregnant women

During gestation, the development of itching and dryness of the skin or, conversely, excess oiliness, increased skin sensitivity, the appearance of acne, swelling, traces of scratching, “pregnancy” spots (hyperpigmentation spots, or chloasma), a change in the shade of the hair and the disappearance of their shine and elasticity, etc. All these negative changes often upset a woman and negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

They can be reduced or eliminated with the help of certain cosmetic products and methods. In addition, very often all the techniques used on their own or, especially, in the salon, help to eliminate negative emotions, significantly improve mood and create a favorable psychological background.

However, unfortunately not all cosmetic procedures can be applied. It is advisable to coordinate their choice with a gynecologist, in whom a woman is constantly observed, and an experienced cosmetologist. In literature specific recommendations for each manipulation does not exist, but conditionally (in terms of application to pregnant women) they distinguish:

  1. Methods and preparations with absolute contraindications.
  2. Methods with relative contraindications.
  3. Procedures without contraindications.

Absolutely contraindicated:


Visits to the solarium, which not only contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation spots, but also affects the function of the endocrine and cardio - vascular systems, as well as against the background of pregnancy, significantly increases the risk of cancer.

Massage and thermal effects

Intensive general or over a large area of ​​the body manual massage, cold (cryotherapy) or thermal procedures, which include visiting a bath or sauna, hot or thermal (mud, with chocolate, seaweed) general body wraps, since they can lead to increased activity of the myometrium with subsequent miscarriage, or premature birth accompanied by severe bleeding.

Hardware Methods

Active physiotherapeutic and cosmetology hardware methods based on ultrasonic, electromagnetic, photo- and laser types radiation, hardware types of massage, especially LPG.

The use of aromatic oils is also prohibited, as their effect is often unpredictable.

Procedures with relative contraindications and requiring the permission of a doctor:

  • low-intensity massage of the face, head, back, neck and limbs. You can use special massage brushes for pregnant women intended for bathing. Massage contributes to the normalization of function nervous system, reducing swelling of the face and limbs, muscle and psycho-emotional tension, eliminating the feeling of fatigue;
  • mechanical peeling, but very careful;
  • and vitamin cocktails;
  • depilation by means of wax,;
  • nail extension. The chemicals used in this process, especially methacrylate, have a pungent odor and are toxic substances. Therefore, when building nails, care should be taken;
  • tattoo and whitening procedures based on retinol;
  • perm, hair coloring, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy and especially dyes containing ammonia.

During pregnancy, relaxing and spa treatments are allowed and even recommended (but subject to normal temperature environment), as well as techniques characterized by a "soft" effect and contributing to the improvement of physical and psycho-emotional state. Desirable lung conduction manual massage legs in the absence of varicose veins. Such a massage helps to improve the outflow of fluid and remove toxic metabolic products along with it, not only from the tissues of the lower extremities, but also from the whole body.

To improve the condition of the skin, on which there are various rashes, brownish-brownish spots, puffiness appears, it is recommended to use various kinds masks with a "soft" effect. Currently, specialists of many beauty salons offer women during pregnancy big variety individual and complex procedures designed to take care of skin and general relaxation and recommended by gynecologists, dermatologists and physiotherapists.

It is allowed to apply manicure and pedicure, but in a room with ventilation, apply masks and make hair wraps, dye hair tinted shampoo, tonic or paint without chemically harmful or with pungent odor(ammonia) components, for example, henna or basma. Hair can be lightened with "soft" paints containing a gentle oxidizing agent in a small concentration.

In addition, to improve the structure of hair in beauty salons, oil wraps, serums and hair masks containing amino acids and based on natural oils and plant extracts.

Facial cosmetic procedures allowed during pregnancy are:

  • drainage light massage of the face together with the neck, which helps to reduce the severity of edema and increase skin tone;
  • sparing, very soft and superficial chemical and enzymatic peels (, with, enzymatic). However, the safest peels are cleaning with brewed ground coffee, table salt or sea salt.

Due to the increased susceptibility of the skin of the face to inflammatory processes, the most suitable for her are moisturizing masks, creams and tonics based on natural ingredients, on the packages of which there is a mark "For sensitive skin". You can also safely apply lotions and creams intended for children. These products do not contain active additives, alcohols and various chemically and biologically hazardous ingredients. In addition, they are characterized by a low degree of allergenicity.

In order to avoid harm to your health and the condition of the unborn child, when choosing cosmetic preparations and procedures, it is necessary to consult more than once not only with a cosmetologist, but also, first of all, with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Regardless of the season, we girls need to always look well-groomed, beautiful and attractive. But in certain period time, cosmetic procedures for the face and body are contraindicated and can carry many side effects. For example, in the summer you need to be careful about cosmetic procedures, because they can bring not only benefit, but also harm.

Procedures that can be done in the summer

  • Mesotherapy. According to cosmetologists, the procedure of non-injection mesotherapy can be done in summer season. This procedure will provide moisturizing and nourishing the skin in hot weather. In addition to the fact that the skin is moisturized and nourished, it also has a rejuvenating effect, because the skin receives not only a range of vitamins and minerals, but is also saturated with oxygen molecules.
  • Ultrasonic and vacuum cleaning without acids. Cosmetologists recommend performing ultrasound and vacuum cleaning face and body without the use of acids, as this drug increases the photosensitivity of the skin and may cause burns. After this procedure, be sure to use sunscreen in order to protect the skin from the sun's rays.
  • Lymphatic drainage procedures. During these procedures, superficial and deep-lying lymphatic vessels are activated, correcting the figure. Also in the summer it is allowed to carry out a lifting procedure using radio waves and infrared radiation. According to experts, after these procedures, you do not need to avoid the sun.
  • Body and face massage. In summer, all types of massages are allowed: relaxing, lymphatic drainage, as well as massages using masks and light gommage peels. They perfectly restore the water balance of the skin and relieve muscle tension.
  • Laser epilation. In the summer season, laser hair removal can be performed on all areas of the skin. It is important that the skin is not tanned, as burns can form. Even if you have a light tan, you need to wait 2-3 weeks, and you can safely go for laser hair removal.

Procedures that can not be carried out in the summer

  • Removal of moles, papillomas and spider veins. On those parts of the body that are accessible to the sun (face, neck, shoulders, décolleté, hands), it is contraindicated to carry out procedures to remove neoplasms. An exception may be those people who are not going on vacation to the warm seas and are sure that they will spend the summer in the office and in closed places from the sun's rays. But it is better to leave this procedure in autumn-winter period. IN summer months exposure to sunlight is too active.
  • peeling procedure. Remember, in summer time even superficial peeling can cause partial pigmentation of the skin of the face and body. Medium - violates the state of the demarcation line, and deep and completely leads to hyperpigmentation, when the entire face is covered with dark spots and scars. Therefore, it is better to postpone the peeling procedure for the colder seasons, when the sun is not so active.
  • Whitening of the skin of the face and body. In summer, it is better to refrain from skin whitening procedures, as in case of exposure to the sun after this procedure, there may be numerous burns.

About which of the modern cosmetic methods most effective, we asked cosmetologists. All of them are not only professionals, but also women who, by the nature of their activities, have experienced practically existing procedures, tried all the new products. And, of course, each of the women cosmetologists has already determined for herself “her own” - the most effective technique.

We asked experienced cosmetologists of the leading Moscow clinic to open their professional secrets and talk about the most beloved and most effective beauty procedure that they personally use.

Julia Vladimirovna Karlsson - General Director:

If we talk about my favorite technique, then this is definitely. This injection method of express facial rejuvenation, of course, is not the most pleasant procedure, but, in my opinion, the most effective one. It harmoniously combines fillers and, while using a “deep” surgical rather than a “superficial” cosmetic approach to performing injections, which gives a fundamentally different result.

As a sophisticated patient and as a professional, I like this Swedish technology so much that I invited its creator, a professor, to Russia. Now the world famous plastic surgeon comes to visit us every month, and my friends and I no longer have to travel to Stockholm specifically to get an appointment with him.

Reference: Softlifting is latest method volume modeling of the face with the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The method gained immense popularity in the West, first among movie stars and show business, and then among a wide audience of women. The procedure is much more effective than standard contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers, but at the same time it is less traumatic.

- Head of the Department of Cosmetology and Rehabilitation:

- It is very difficult to choose a single procedure among the many modern, truly effective methods, each of which has its own advantages, and what suits one patient may be useless for another. If we talk about me, then surprisingly, I have such a “basic procedure”! This .

Everything else is just an addition to it. And for myself, I spend ELOS at maximum energies, which, probably, I will not dare to use for my patients. After all, I know my skin well, I adequately assess the risks and in practice I was convinced that I need just such modes.

After the procedure, the face turns red, slight swelling is possible, but “rehabilitation” takes only 20-30 minutes, after which the redness and OTC disappear, and I am back in shape. The effect of one course is enough for me for almost a whole year.

I will not hide, high energies this is a rather painful procedure and if I had found another equally effective technique, I would probably have abandoned ELOS. But so far I don’t see any worthy alternatives for myself.

Irina Nikolaevna Ivanova - doctor of the highest category, cosmetologist-dermatologist:

- I, like any of my patients, want to stay young as long as possible and always look attractive. I probably still don't have a favorite technique. For myself, I use the most different procedures And I love trying new things.

If we talk about what gives the most tangible visible effect, then among the favorite methods that I turn to regularly are.

These are injections of modern natural preparations that serve to restore the structure and rejuvenate all layers of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid - a real "vitamin" for the skin - gives a wonderful effect of a fresh, rested face, and the procedure itself is not so scary. We use special very thin needles, so everything is quite tolerable.

Natalya Viktorovna Vasilyeva - doctor of the highest category, dermatologist-cosmetologist:

- My favorite procedure -. In order to keep my body in shape and my skin in good shape, I go through a full-fledged course of 10 procedures twice a year. Every woman has some problems, for example, cellulite, not ideal body contours or not enough elastic skin. LPG - solves them very effectively.

For the face, I use hardware cosmetology procedures - and photorejuvenation. Both methods are quite effective and relatively painless, which is especially important for me, because I am afraid of injections, although I see how effective injection techniques are and I myself carry them out to my patients.

The only thing I dared to do was mesotherapy of the scalp. After giving birth, I, like many women, had problems with hair loss. Of course, I knew how to solve them and overcame my fear and my dislike for needles, I conducted a course of injection treatment with the trichologist of our clinic, Galina Volkova. By the way, the effect, as expected, was very good.

Galina Mikhailovna Volkova - leading trichologist, dermatologist, doctor of the highest category:

Any woman, regardless of profession, wants to look at the top five! When you need to quickly achieve the maximum effect (make the look open and young, correct wrinkles and folds), the most effective method is a combination of botulinum therapy and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Still one of the most effective anti-wrinkle treatments. I know it myself. A simple, not too expensive procedure and after 3-4 days you look noticeably younger.

You can raise your eyebrows, reduce nasolabial folds, rejuvenate your neck. But injections should be done by a very good specialist.

All disappointments from Botox can only arise from its improper use. I do injections about twice a year, in our clinic, with my colleague - Natalia Vasilyeva, and I am always very pleased with the effect.