What to wash at 90 degrees. Tips for the operation of washing machines. Preparing laundry for washing

Washing Machine Tips

  • Causes of odors, grease, plaque and black mold in the washing machine.
  • Should the water pipes be closed when the machine is not in use?

  • Causes of odors, grease, plaque and black mold in the washing machine:

    Many people only wash at 40 degrees. Nowadays, in addition, there is a tendency to use even lower temperatures for washing, in order to save energy. Remember that at this temperature, ordinary powder does not cope with pollution (or copes badly), and additional biological additives must be used in order for the result to be good. It's also worth noting that bed mites (or their eggs) can reportedly survive low-temperature laundry, and it's best to wash bedding at 60 degrees.
    In addition, regular prevention, in the form of washing at 90 degrees, is necessary.

    Washing machines now often suffer from the accumulation of grease and bacteria in them, causing an unpleasant smell, rotting of hoses and door gaskets, as well as various breakdowns. Another serious consequence can be that the aluminum base of the drum can be corroded by these accumulations, leading to the final failure of the washing machine.

    Due to the fact that many people wash exclusively at 40 degrees, which, combined with poor quality detergents (and in the wrong quantities), and the use of various stain removers for colored fabrics, without bleach (which allow bacteria to multiply), leads to the fact that the washing machine, literally, rots from the inside.

    When you wash a greasy plate in a plastic cup at 40 degrees, it will wash off, but when you drain the water, you will find a greasy film already on the plastic cup. To defeat fat, higher temperatures are needed. If you wash the same greasy plate at 60 degrees or higher, the greasy film will not appear on the plastic cup.
    Currently, manufacturers recommend that the machine be cleaned once a month. This is especially important if you mainly use low temperature washing and/or liquid detergents and stain removers without bleach.

    Preventive cleaning is done like this:

  • Set to the hottest temperature for washing and add detergent, DO NOT LAY THE LAUNDRY.

    If you normally use detergents that don't contain bleach, buy one that contains bleach specifically for your maintenance wash. This will help kill bacteria and prevent black mold and greasy deposits from forming in the washing machine. Do not use pure bleach, there are several types of bleach containing products (such as oxygen bleach) that are suitable for this purpose.

  • Another way to clean your washing machine is to use baking soda crystals to help dissolve the grease and get it out of the washer. Soda must be poured directly into the drum. Use also without underwear.
  • To check if your washing machine has similar problems, carefully inspect its interior for dirt and grease: pull back the rubber pad at the front of the drum and look behind it, there is usually a fairly large space in which dirt and grease accumulates, which causes a specific smell and decay of this seal.

    Bad smell from the washing machine.

    Unpleasant odors from your washing machine can be the result of a buildup of grease and dirt. It can also be caused by chemicals that have entered the washing machine from the laundry, or come from the sewer if a special drain valve is not installed (not correctly installed).

    To get rid of the smell that remains even after two preventive cleanings, try pouring vinegar into the dispenser, set the temperature to the highest and run the washing machine idly. Repeat if necessary. This is a well-known remedy, vinegar has amazing properties.

    Cooler or hotter?
    Are you really saving energy by washing at 40 degrees?
    To achieve the best result, it is advisable to use biological detergents.

    Powder with the function of "removing stains", like any washing powder, must, first of all, effectively cope with general pollution, that is, it is good to wash dirt, dust, skin particles fastened with sweat from linen and clothes.

    Its other task is to remove stains of protein origin. Dietary supplements, enzymes, which are part of the powder, cope with these spots.

    The most used class of enzymes in powders are proteases. They help to remove protein impurities, as well as grass and certain types of food.

    In addition to proteases, the composition of the bio-powder may include enzymes of other classes that are effective in removing starch (amylase), fat and oil stains (lipase), as well as pellets that form on clothes during wear and washing (Cellulose).

    You need to know that most enzymes work at an average washing temperature (40-50 degrees), and they die when it rises. Although now there are some enzymes (mainly amylases) that can withstand washing temperatures up to 80 degrees.

    And here we have the first contradiction. Everyone knows that in hot water, grease, oil and vegetable stains are washed off better than in warm water. But at high temperatures, not only enzymes are destroyed, but also protein contaminants coagulate, “sticking” to the fabric and leaving stubborn stains. Therefore, the best temperature for removing protein contaminants is 40 degrees. It turns out that a good wash is always a compromise.

    If you wash with enzyme powder, then washing is best done in two stages. Soak the laundry first - let the enzymes "work" at a moderate temperature. And then, when the enzymes have done their job and the protein stains are removed, you can wash at a higher temperature and even boil, then other components come into play, removing grease and oil stains.

    But we must not forget that boiling is a very rude attitude towards things. Washing at a low temperature is more gentle and allows you to keep your things longer. In addition, washing with a machine at a high temperature leads to significant costs of electricity, which in our time is not at all cheap! High efficiency even at low temperatures is an indisputable advantage of washing powder.

    In addition, with a constant wash at 90 degrees, maintenance is not required!

    Bleach or remove protein stains?

    Unfortunately, this is where you have to choose. The fact is that the quality of bleaching directly depends on the amount of chemical bleach that is part of the powder. But the high content of chemical bleach inhibits the action of enzymes until they are completely destroyed (if they are part of the powder). And the proportion of enzymes in the powder is already small - up to 1.2%, and an increase in their number does not lead to an increase in the quality of washing. So the combination of whitening power and effective removal of protein stains is always a compromise.

    Removing black mold from the rubber seal on the washer door and from the detergent container

    You can use a regular toothbrush or something similar to do this to remove the mold.

    At the same time, when working with black mold, in order to protect yourself, you must wear goggles and a mask during the cleaning process.

    You can try special products for removing black mold, sold in supermarkets. But before using them, you should carefully read the instructions to make sure that this product is safe for rubber and plastic items.

    If the door gasket or detergent dispenser is too moldy, the only recourse is to replace it.

    What Causes Black Mold to Appear in a Washing Machine?

    This is mainly the use of low temperature when washing, as well as the use of detergents that do not contain bleach. The bleaches in detergents (plus heat) kill bacteria that can otherwise grow inside the washing machine.

    It is also important to leave the washing machine door open after washing to allow it to dry completely.

    Should you turn off the water supply taps when the washing machine is not in use?

    All manufacturers recommend: it is worth doing it.

    If the faucets are always on and therefore pressurized, you could get a leak, or even a flood from running water, or a torn filling hose.

    The quality of washing depends on many factors. And the water temperature is one of the main ones. At best, things simply stretch badly; at worst, they will be hopelessly damaged. Therefore, before wetting clothes and underwear, it is necessary to study the information on the labels. If they are not there, then knowledge about modes, fabrics and general rules for clothes will help you navigate.

    Temperature for washing

    Many automatic washing machines allow you to set the washing temperature with almost an accuracy of 1 degree. Therefore, it is very important to know in which cases this or that heating is used, at what temperature it is better to wash things, depending on the degree of contamination and the material of manufacture.

    up to 30 degrees

    This is cool water. It is used for slightly worn things. If the stains are stubborn and strong, then pre-soaking with powder or soap will be required. Such heating is suitable for delicate fabrics (wool, silk, some types of synthetics) and products that require gentle handling, such as knitwear. Also, at this temperature, things do not shed.

    up to 45 degrees

    From 30 to 45 degrees - the most versatile temperature regime. It can be used on almost all fabrics and even for daily use. Fresh stains are easily removed in this range.

    up to 60 degrees

    This mode is used for more durable and strong fabrics such as linen or cotton. At 60 degrees, even heavy dirt is easily washed off. It does not require additional soaking or treatment with cleaning agents. This mode is used for, bed linen and cleaning children's things.
    90 degrees and above

    At this temperature, things are not only washed, but also disinfected. This is a way to cleanly wash without resorting to expensive and often hazardous chemicals. However, a fairly small number of things and fabrics can tolerate boiling: these are natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. Even when exposed to such temperatures, they do not deform and do not become unusable. But the color can be lost. Therefore, boiling is used mainly for white or light fabrics. It is recommended to boil children's clothes, medical clothes, underwear of sick people (especially for skin diseases), textile toys, etc.

    Depending on the material

    With the appointment of temperatures, everything is clear. But what to do if the labels are erased or lost, and only approximately is known about the thing and the material of its manufacture? In this case, they decide in which water it is better to wash, based on previous experience or an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. If absolutely nothing is known about the wardrobe item, it is recommended that you first wash it in cool water by hand.

    natural fabrics

    The most durable and heat-resistant material of all is linen. White fabric easily tolerates boiling, and colored fabric retains paint even at 60 degrees.

    Cotton is not far behind linen. It can also be boiled or machine washed at 90-95 degrees. However, the color keeps worse. Products with drawings or painted should not be washed at temperatures above 45 degrees.

    Wool is one of the most whimsical materials. It can be rinsed only in cool water and using special products.

    The same applies to silk. This delicate material does not tolerate heat above 30 degrees.

    artificial fabrics

    In most cases, artificial and synthetic fabrics do not tolerate heat well: the fibers become coarse, brittle, or even change their properties. Also, things can be deformed or sit down. Therefore, it is recommended to wash any clothes made of synthetics at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, and it is even better to limit yourself to 30.

    Viscose is easily deformed, it is better not to expose it to high temperatures, but to limit it to cool water.

    One of the most heat-resistant man-made materials is polyester. He calmly refers to heating up to 40-45 degrees. However, when overheated, the fabric "breaks". Acetate also belongs to this group.

    Elastane or lycra is quite resistant to hot water. Typically, these materials are added to another type of fabric (such as cotton). The percentage depends on how resistant to heat this or that thing. Usually clothes can withstand hot water (up to 60 degrees).

    Acrylic cannot be heated: it barely tolerates a 30-degree wash. It is as finicky as the wool it imitates. It also requires the use of special liquids and easily loses its shape.

    Even if you take a shower every day, the bed will not stay perfectly clean. During the night, exfoliated particles of skin and hair, as well as sweat, accumulate on it. Therefore, over time, linen gets dirty and needs to be washed. If you look at the sanitary standards, you can find a simple recommendation there: change bedding sets weekly. It is important to consider the season of use. In winter, we wear pajamas, which keep the sheets clean longer and are allowed to be changed every two weeks. In the summer we sweat a lot, so it is advisable to freshen the linen every seven days.

    Bed linen should be changed once a week

    The quality of the fabric also affects the frequency of washing. Cotton products are more resistant and are able to stay more or less clean for two weeks. Duvet covers and sheets made of silk, bamboo and batiste need to be replaced after five days.

    To find out the allowable washing temperature in the machine, carefully read the product label. It should contain information about the composition of fabrics and manufacturer's recommendations for care.

    How to wash bedding in a washing machine

    Depends on the following factors: the type of material and the degree of contamination. For sewing bed sets, natural, mixed and synthetic fibers are used, which must be washed at different temperatures. But first, the laundry needs to be prepared for the upcoming wash.

    Bedding must be handled separately from towels, clothing and other items. Children's sets cannot be washed together with adults, as they require special household chemicals. In addition, you need to include an additional rinse. First of all, sort the laundry into colored and white, be sure to take into account the characteristics of the fabric. Coarse calico and satin are highly durable, so you can set the cotton program for them. Viscose, cambric and silk are delicate fabrics, so care must be taken with care. They are washed only on a delicate mode.

    Treat stains before washing

    If stains are observed on the linen, treat them with the appropriate composition. Then turn all products inside out, shake out all accumulated dust, fasten all fasteners if any. Only after that the bed can be sent to the drum.

    When choosing a kit, it is very important to consider the following fact: the ability to provide products with proper care. That is, you must know exactly on which mode to wash bed linen. It depends on the type of fabric:

    1. Linen and cotton - easily tolerate exposure to high temperatures. The recommended indicator is 60 degrees, but if things need to be disinfected, indicators up to 95 degrees are acceptable. Additionally, you can turn on the function of pre-soaking and spinning at maximum speed.
    2. Satin - for its processing, set the temperature no higher than sixty degrees for dry powders and forty for liquid gels. Spin can be both maximum and medium.
    3. Bamboo and batiste - for these materials, set the delicate mode and low rates: for bamboo - no higher than 30, for cambric - 40 degrees.
    4. Synthetics are a practical option, the care of which depends on additional fibers. It is not recommended to wash such products too often in hot water - pellets may appear on them. The best option is regular processing at forty degrees.
    5. Silk is a delicate and delicate material, so it must be washed at a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees. Spin and bleach are prohibited. It is recommended to add a softener and pour only liquid powder.
    6. Viscose is a delicate material that is washed by hand or in a typewriter, setting the appropriate mode. Permissible temperature - no more than forty degrees. Viscose must not be twisted or spun.
    7. Chintz - the fabric does not like high temperatures, so it is better to limit yourself to forty degrees, refuse bleach and set the spin cycle at medium speeds.

    The choice of temperature regime depends on the fabric of the bed linen

    The type of material determines the frequency of washing. Synthetics, in which cotton fibers are present, are the most resistant fabric that retains its freshness for a couple of weeks. Bamboo, silk and satin should be replaced every five days. Please read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before washing.

    In order for bed linen to serve you for a long time, follow simple rules during operation:

    1. Washing should be carried out as often as required. For any discomfort that occurs during sleep, change the kit.
    2. It is better to pour liquid gel into the machine. It is well washed out of the fabric, does not leave unpleasant streaks and does not cause irritation.
    3. New linen should be washed immediately after purchase.
    4. A dirty kit should preferably be processed as soon as possible. A long stay of a wrinkled fabric in a basket with other things can significantly worsen the condition of the material.

    If the laundry is left in the basket for a long time, it may deteriorate the condition of the material.

    If you are washing in a machine, do not rely on the water temperature that is recommended for a manual approach. In air, it cools quickly and does not destroy the structure of the material.

    How to wash baby bedding. Despite the fact that in the typewriter the diapers are washed easier and faster, it is better to do it by hand. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, you do not need to accumulate the necessary amount of things. Secondly, almost any product is allowed to be used for hand washing, and the choice is limited for a typewriter.

    With automatic processing, it is recommended to wash the linen of a newborn at the maximum temperature so that they are additionally disinfected. At the same time, remember that ninety degrees is an indicator that is valid only for cotton and linen. As for detergents, laundry soap is the best option. If it is not available, choose specialized liquid products and include an extra rinse in children's kits. After washing, things must be ironed.

    In some cases, the sets can only be washed by hand. For example, if the machine is broken or you live in the country. In this case, the process will be delayed in time and take a lot of effort. To make your work easier, soak the products in water, adding a large dose of powder or liquid gel.

    Some kits only need to be washed by hand

    The water temperature is selected taking into account the composition of the fabric and the brightness of the pattern. Dilute the powder in water and immerse the laundry. Add liquids if necessary. After an hour, when the dirt leaves, it remains to rinse the products well so that the water is clear.

    Regarding ironing, opinions are divided: some believe that it makes the fabric softer and gives them an attractive look, while high temperatures destroy germs. Others think it's pointless. The choice is yours, but experts recommend that you iron your clothes in the following cases:

    1. One of the family members fell ill - the infection can be transmitted through the bed.
    2. The set is intended for a child under one year old.
    3. Increased humidity in the house when the thing cannot dry well.

    The feasibility of ironing bedding is still controversial.

    If the laundry is washed after washing, it must be washed again by setting the intensive mode and the re-rinse option. Products can be pre-soaked in oxygen-containing bleach for about an hour - for maximum effect. In severe cases, the problem will be solved by digestion in ammonia.

    Bleach will help get rid of stains on white sheets

    Colored items can be saved in another way: prepare an ammonia solution and immerse the bed in it for thirty minutes, and then send it to the washing machine.

    What bad smell says

    If clean laundry smells bad despite the use of a high quality laundry detergent and fabric softener, determine the cause of the problem. Perhaps you did not immediately pull the bed out of the machine or did not dry it completely. Eliminate all triggers. If there is no result, it is necessary to clean the washing unit. If this is not done regularly, mold will inevitably appear on the internal parts, which is the main source of bad smell. Try pouring citric acid into the powder compartment and run the longest program at the highest temperature, leaving the drum empty.

    In the closet where you store linen, put bags filled with lemon balm, lavender or other pleasant-smelling herbs. You can place soap, coffee beans or cinnamon on the shelves. These simple and affordable products will add fragrance to your bed and keep it fresh for a long time.

    The main goal of any laundry is to get clean and pleasantly smelling laundry. If you follow simple recommendations, the kit will retain its original appearance and bright color for a long time.

    In some washing machines, the choice of water temperature for washing occurs automatically - for example, when choosing the Silk program, washing takes place at a temperature of 30 ° C, and intensive washing for heavily soiled items involves heating water up to 60 degrees. For other models, the choice of the washing program and temperature is “at the user’s choice”: by loading the laundry into the machine and selecting the program, the hostess independently sets the desired water temperature.

    The minimum water temperature at which the washing machine is washing is 30 ° C, the maximum, depending on the model, is 90 or 95 degrees.

    With self-selection of the washing temperature, the step is usually 10 ° C; with automatic for, the following values ​​are usually used:

    • 30oC (cool water)– , is used in such basic modes as "Wool", "Silk", "Delicates", "Hand Wash", "Soaking";

    • 40oC (warm water)- one of the most popular temperatures, it is what the quick wash programs for lightly soiled laundry, washing products from colored fabrics, mixed laundry, synthetics, delicate washing of cotton products mean;

    • 60oC (hot water)– washing of cotton fabrics, intensive program for things with serious pollution. At this temperature, bed linen, towels and tablecloths, children's clothes, white cotton fabrics are usually washed;

    • 90 or 95°C (very hot water), the mode can be designated as "Boiling" - used to disinfect cotton fabrics, wash very dirty clothes and things with old stains, treat laundry for the smallest children. As a rule, the use of this mode implies a pre-wash at 60 degrees.

    What temperature to choose for washing fabrics of different types

    When choosing the temperature for washing, it is best to be guided by the information indicated on the product label. However, if this is not possible, you can follow the general rules.

    • natural wool items(both one hundred percent and with the addition of cotton or synthetics) are washed at a minimum temperature of 20-30 degrees;

    • clothes and underwear made of silk and things with lace trim also requires special delicacy, the recommended water temperature for washing is 30 ° C;

    • viscose silk garments require the same gentle treatment as natural silk, the temperature of the water for washing should not exceed 30 ° C;

    • tulle curtains wash at 30-40 degrees;

    • lavsan, nylon and capron less demanding on temperature - the fibers can withstand temperatures up to 50-60 ° C, while chemical bleaches cannot be used for washing them. These restrictions also apply to things made of natural fibers with the addition of synthetics - even if the content, for example, of lavsan is 5%, if the permissible temperature is exceeded, the thing may be deformed;

    • 100% cotton, linen or can be washed at any temperature, however, it is not recommended to expose brightly colored fabric to very hot water - with systematic washing at temperatures above 60 ° C, even the most durable color will quickly fade;

    • sportswear(fleece, thermal underwear, clothes made of membrane fabrics) are washed as carefully as possible, at a temperature of 30 ° C and using special means;

    • jeans are washed at 30-40 degrees, this avoids deformation of products and preserves the color of the fabric;

    • down jackets and clothes on a synthetic winterizer lining also washed at low temperatures - from 30 to 40 degrees.

    What else determines the choice of temperature for washing

    The higher the temperature of the water, the more damage it causes to the structure of the fabric, even with gentle washing. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the maximum allowable water temperature only when it comes to washing heavily soiled items. And in this case, it is better to increase the exposure time of detergents by choosing a program with a soak or a pre-cycle.

    Therefore, in order to "refresh" this or that wardrobe item, it is better to use the most gentle programs and slightly warm water - 30-40 degrees. This is the temperature usually provided for short daily wash programmes.

    In addition, the choice of detergents also affects the optimum water temperature. Traditional powders are usually designed for washing in any water - from cold to boiling. At the same time, special detergents usually have limitations. For example:

    • organic laundry detergents can be used at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, in hot water the enzymes decompose and the product loses its effectiveness;

    • liquid shampoos for washing designed to work at temperatures up to 60 degrees;

    • means for washing membrane fabrics are used only for washing in cold water.

    Therefore, if you use special products, choosing the temperature for washing in a washing machine, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the composition of the fabric, but also with the instructions on the package.

    The question of how long an automatic washing machine takes may seem a little strange. However, we dare to say that there is nothing strange in it. A person may be interested in washing time in at least three cases.

    Firstly, when a used washing machine is bought and there is no attached instruction, secondly, there is no display on the washing machine that would show the washing duration and, thirdly, a person chooses a new modern washing machine and wants to know its washing time capabilities in different modes. That is why we decided to talk in detail about how long or how fast a machine can wash.

    Factors that determine the duration of washing

    A full washing cycle includes certain stages, there should be at least three of them:

    • wash;
    • rinsing;
    • spin.

    The duration of each washing step depends on a number of factors, so the washing time may vary. These factors include:

    • water heating temperature - this means that the higher the heating temperature, the longer the water will heat up, and therefore the laundry will be washed. The shortest washing time, ceteris paribus, will be when the water is heated to 30 0 C, or when washing in cold water;
    • the use of an additional rinse also increases the washing time by an average of 20-30 minutes;
    • the number of revolutions during the spin cycle - the higher the speed, the longer the spin time, for example, when spinning at 800 rpm, the machine spins for 10 minutes, and when spinning at 1000 rpm - 15 minutes;
    • the extra wash function will extend the time by another 15-25 minutes;
    • soaking is similar to the extra washing process;
    • the time for the function of boiling the laundry also increases, again so that the water heats up at least to a temperature of 95 0 С;
    • laundry weight - this function is available only in modern washing machines of an average and expensive cost class, the machine itself determines by the weight of the laundry how much powder is needed for washing, water and sets its duration;
    • degree of pollution - this function is also found only in expensive washing machines, thanks to special sensors, the machine determines the water consumption and the washing mode that is optimal in terms of duration and temperature.

    Note! The presence of the last two functions in a washing machine is not always economically justified. Any housewife will be able to choose the washing mode on her own in a machine with standard functions without overpayments.

    Duration of washing modes

    What makes up the time of one wash cycle is more or less clear, now let's consider the most common programs and modes, and see what their duration can be. In this case, we will talk about a specific mode and its embedded parameters that can be changed manually, namely temperature, spin speed, this, as we have already noted, also affects the washing time. Most washing machines have the following modes:

    For some of these modes, additional functions can be set, such as super rinse, prewash, which means that you need to add another 15 to 30 minutes to the time indicated above.

    Modern washing machines are equipped with a dryer, which can significantly extend the complete wash cycle.

    Does the washing time depend on the type and model of the washing machine?

    The answer to this question is obvious, of course, the washing time depends on the model of the washing machine. In modern models, the manufacturer is trying to the maximum to reduce energy consumption by reducing the duration of washing modes, thereby making the machine economical. But on average, this time differs by 20-30 minutes. You can see a more accurate washing time for a specific mode in the instructions for the washing machine, and if you do not have a printed version of the instructions, you can find it on the Internet.

    As for the type of loading of the washing machine, it does not affect the duration of the wash. and front-loading have similar modes, the duration of which may differ, but not significantly. Both in those and in others there is a fast and intensive wash mode.

    For those who care about the duration of the wash, it is best to choose those models of washing machines, the display of which shows the remaining washing time. In addition, the delayed wash function will become convenient, which assumes that the machine starts up on its own after a period of time from 3 to 19 hours.

    So, the washing time in the machine can be from 15 minutes to 4 hours. Everything will depend on the combination of parameters and factors that we listed above. Wash properly and enjoy!