What color is chrysolite. Unique properties of chrysolite in the field of treatment. Reliable historical data on the history of the mineral

Chrysolite is a semi-precious stone. The word chrysolite itself is translated from Greek as "golden stone". The color range of the mineral is varied. Shades range from light gold to dark green. The stone has a beautiful glassy luster and beautiful color. For this he is especially loved by both jewelers and buyers.

Chrysolite is one of the most ancient minerals. Mentions about him are found among different peoples - among the Slavs, Indians, Greeks and Romans. In those days, the stone was treated as some kind of miraculous object sent to people by the gods. Chrysolite as a mineral began to be perceived much later, when the physical properties of the stone were studied. Chrysolite is used not only as a beautiful decoration, but also as a talisman. The peak of popularity of the stone falls on the beginning of the 20th century and is still in great demand.

Mineral comes in several shades. The most common is green chrysolite. Most often it is a dull transparent mineral. Saturated bright colors are very rare for chrysolite. However, this does not affect the beauty of the stone in any way. Due to its green tint, the mineral is called "evening emerald". The stone is called evening stone, because under artificial lighting its shade becomes brighter and richer, however, it does not lose its beauty and originality.

Another type of chrysolite is a yellow mineral. It is also a transparent stone with a pale color. The yellow mineral differs from green chrysolite only in color and chemical composition. The magical and healing properties of all such stones will be the same.

In addition, chrysolite is available in golden, brown, brown, orange and olive shades.

However, the following types of chrysolite are considered the most popular among jewelers:

  • Star chrysolite is the rarest type of chrysolite, which differs from other similar stones in its opacity.
  • Chrysolite Mesa. Only Indians have the right to extract this mineral and they do it exclusively by hand.

The magical properties of Chrysolite

Many centuries ago, people decided that chrysolite has magical properties. They believed that the Sun charged the mineral with a special energy that scares away evil forces. Therefore, the main value of the stone is protection from any negative impact. It protects from damage, evil eye, gossip, bad rumor, intrigue and envy.

Chrysolite stone helps to establish relationships with people around. It strengthens any relationship of the owner, both friendly, and loving, and business.

In addition, the stone is soothing. That is why chrysolite gained particular popularity in former times after the war. He gives people peace of mind and peace and helps a person to more easily experience all the difficulties that life has prepared for him.

Chrysolite gives a person self-confidence. It attracts good luck and protects against rash and wrong actions. Chrysolite develops intuition, improves brain function and relieves depression and mood swings.

The stone helps to achieve the goals and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way. In addition, he grants his assistance in litigation. Therefore, chrysolite is so loved by people whose activities are related both to jurisprudence.

The mineral protects a person from nightmares. For restful sleep, you need to put chrysolite under your pillow. Then the owner will only dream of kind and beautiful dreams. In addition, thanks to such a stone, a person can see prophetic dreams from time to time.

Chrysolite is one of the most powerful talismans for men. It increases their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. In addition, it increases libido.

Chrysolite can be worn in a frame made of any metal, however, only gold enhances the magical properties of the stone.

The healing properties of the stone

Stone treatment experts claim that chrysolite has medicinal properties. First of all, it is recommended to use it for the treatment of pathologies of the organs of vision. In addition, the stone improves vision. In these cases, it is enough to simply look at chrysolite for a certain time.

It is recommended to wear chrysolite for colds. In addition, it has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. Mineral relieves nerves, mental disorders and depression. Also, the stone helps to heal from pathologies of the spine.

With the help of chrysolite, you can get rid of stuttering. To achieve this effect, you need to constantly wear this mineral, enclosed in a gold frame.

In addition, chrysolite normalizes hormone levels and helps the body recover from injuries or surgeries. In addition, the mineral relieves migraines.

Who is Chrysolite suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Astrologers believe that chrysolite according to the horoscope is not suitable for everyone. Who can wear it, information about this will be given in the table below.

Compatibility of chrysolite with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Pisces is the only sign that chrysolite is categorically contraindicated.

The mineral is ideal for use by Virgo and Leo.

This stone will help Virgos discover hidden creativity and develop them. In addition, he will protect the representatives of this zodiac sign from evil forces and evil witchcraft. Also, the stone will develop intuition. Thanks to chrysolite, Virgos will begin to feel the danger that lies in wait for them and will be able to recognize a lie. In addition, chrysolite bestows good luck on the representatives of this zodiac sign and helps to achieve their goals.

Chrysolite grants Leo self-confidence. In addition, the mineral helps the representatives of this zodiac sign to succeed in all endeavors. He also develops communication skills in Lions. After that, they can easily "find a common language" with others.

The rest of the zodiac signs can also use the mineral as a talisman. He grants everyone powerful protection from evil forces or evil witchcraft. In addition, the stone is good for the representatives of all signs of the zodiac to one degree or another.

Despite the fact that chrysolite is a powerful amulet, it is also a fragile stone. Therefore, he requires careful handling of himself. Only this guarantees that the amulet will serve the owner faithfully for a long time.

Chrysolite is an inexpensive precious crystal of volcanic origin. Mineral of the color of young green has a unique sunny shade. It is often called the "fire-born" stone. Translated from Greek - "chrysos" - "gold", "lithos" - "stone". Among jewelers, the terms "olivine" or "peridot" are used.

Sometimes in relation to a gem, the concept of a semi-precious stone is used because of its relatively low cost. In ancient times, due to the similarity of color, the mineral chrysolite was taken for an emerald.

History of origin, description and properties of the stone

The first documentary mentions of the stone are found in the Indian Vedas, Christian books and in the scrolls of Pliny the Elder, dated back to the 1st century. The famous Roman commander, in his multivolume work entitled "Natural History", spoke about the uninhabited island of Zeberget (now St. John's), lost in the Red Sea, where chrysolites were mined thousands of years ago. This field is being exploited today.

Large quantities of gems were brought by the crusaders from military campaigns. The precious mineral is of volcanic and cosmic origin. On Earth, crystals are formed in igneous rocks and at the same time are an integral part of meteorites.

By chemical composition, the gems belong to the group of iron and magnesium orthosilicates (Fe, Mg) 2 SiO 4.

Chrysolite crystals have the following physical characteristics:

  • stone hardness - 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale;
  • transparency - completely transparent;
  • mineral density - 3.27-3.48 g / cm 3;
  • refractive index - 1.627-1.679;
  • the shine of the gem is glass;
  • the fracture of the mineral is conchoidal;
  • cleavage - imperfect (absent).

Many different inclusions of mica, ilmenite, serpentine, chromite, magnetite and spinel have a noticeable effect on the transparency of the stone. Impurities form various optical effects in chrysolite: irisation, asterism, opalescence and the "cat's eye" effect.

The high refractive index gives the gem a bright shine. The main color of the precious crystal is olive green, and the hue depends on the content of mineral particles. Yellowish, golden, herbaceous, brownish tones appear with a certain amount of iron oxides.

The gem has an amazing property - artificial lighting completely hides the yellow tint, and the crystal acquires a perfect green color. Because of this ability, he received the romantic name "evening emerald".

Natural chrysolite stone rarely has a rich color; pale shades are more characteristic of it.

Mine and cutting

Chrysolites of large sizes are very rare in nature. Massive deposits of precious stones on the planet are found in small quantities. Usually this mineral is extracted together with emeralds and diamonds. Gems are often found as inclusions in kimberlite or basalt rocks. There were times when crystals were found in placers among the fragments of stones.

The highest quality specimens are formed in the depths of the Earth during magmatic recrystallization of the rock-forming mineral olivine under the influence of hydrothermal solutions.

Chrysolite gemstones, mined deep underground in a mine, are characterized by a more intense color than those found in placers on the surface. Most often, crystals come across in the form of small grains that have an irregular shape.

Deposits of precious minerals are found on all continents of the planet:

  1. North America - USA, Mexico.
  2. South America - Brazil.
  3. Australia.
  4. Eurasia - Russia, Burma, Mongolia, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Norway, Italy.
  5. Africa - Egypt, Zaire, South Africa, Tanzania.
  6. Antarctica - Ross Island.

The recognized leader in the number of gems mined is the United States. Chrysolite is a fragile and very sensitive stone, but it lends itself well to cutting and processing.

Samples with optical effects (asterism and "cat's eye") are cabochon-cut. For the rest of the specimens, a stepped or brilliant cut is used. Gold and silver are used to frame the precious mineral.

Application: fakes and imitations of chrysolites

Chrysolites have been used in jewelry since the days of Ancient Greece. But then they were used mainly as amulets and amulets. The decorative qualities of a gemstone were appreciated much later. Today, jewelry made from this mineral is often worn with evening dresses. In a dim light, green chrysolite acquires amazing depth and mystery.

The gem is usually inserted into brooches, bracelets, pendants, pendants and earrings. Due to its fragility, it is easy to scratch, therefore, the mineral is used less often in rings. As an ornamental stone, chrysolite is used to make talismans - small figurines in the form of fish or animals.

A distinctive feature of natural stones is their optical properties. No matter how high-quality a fake, it will not be able to demonstrate the effect of birefringence. It is very easy to confuse a natural gem with chrysoberyl. They are distinguished by their density - chrysolite is characterized by a lower value.

Sri Lanka is famous for its fraudulent fishing: ordinary bottle shards are thrown into the water, which eventually smoothes the sharp corners of the glass. They are then sold as real peridots.

There are several simple and affordable ways to detect a counterfeit, for example:

If another mineral is passed off as a natural stone, this can only be detected during laboratory research.

In the jewelry industry, cheaper synthetic materials are widely used to imitate chrysolites: cubic zirconia inserts, spinel and colored glass obtained from flux.

The composition of raw materials includes rock crystal, borax, saltpeter, soda and manganese sulfate, ground to a powdery state, to give the necessary color. The crushed ingredients are mixed, poured into a crucible with a lid and heated in a muffle furnace until glass is formed. Then they are gradually cooled and poured into specially prepared molds. Sometimes the resulting sample is simply polished. Some particularly successful imitations may outwardly look like natural, but in composition and optical properties they will still differ from the original.

How to properly wear and care for chrysolite products?

Any woman always thinks first of all how the jewelry is in harmony with her outfit. And few people think that a gem must be chosen, taking into account also its magical, medicinal and astrological possibilities.

Basic rules to remember for chrysolite owners:

All jewelry with natural gems requires careful wearing and proper care:

Many museums around the world keep unique specimens obtained at different times and in different parts of the world. Some examples have an interesting historical background.

The most famous chrysolites and products from them:

Many gems were found during archaeological work in Alexandria (Egypt), near the walls of Jerusalem and during excavations in Greece.

Chrysolite stone (peridot) is a noble variety of olivine (in English-speaking countries it is customary to call it peridot). From the Greek "gold-stone". It is a gem with a unique golden hue. As if sunlight penetrated and dissolved in the greenery of the first spring grass. Chrysolite is credited with magical properties to relieve sorrows and fears. He is considered the keeper of the hearth.

History and origins

Chrysolites have been known since time immemorial. Mentions are found in Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), and in the Indian Vedas, and in the first Christian books. Pliny in his "Natural History" described the place where chrysolite was mined at the dawn of the new era - the island of Zeberget. The crusaders brought these beautiful gems from the campaigns. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans appreciated the gemstone properties of chrysolite. It has been noticed that a surge of interest in green jewelry appears after the big wars. Chrysolite greens, soothes, pacifies, pleases the eye.

Peridot stone - olivine (as well as its precious variety chrysolite) can be volcanic and cosmogenic in origin. It is characteristic of deep magma - and is part of meteorites. Lunar soil also contains peridot stone.

Large chrysolite stones are rare in nature. There are few industrial clusters on earth. Most often, emeralds are extracted from deposits along the way, during the extraction. The required mineral can be enclosed in rocks: kimberlites, basalts and hyperbasites. Or it can be found in placers, where fragments of various stones - rocks and minerals - are mixed.

In non-scientific literature and among collectors, the name "chrysolite" is still used when applied to light green ("Ural emerald"). Mineralogists will consider this use of words to be incorrect. And gemologists will object: these names are many centuries old. What to do if the stones were first named, and only much later the composition was studied. So unscientific formulations took root: "Saxon chrysolite" for, "aquamarine-chrysolite" for and "Brazilian chrysolite" for.

In the central expositions of world museums, magnificent chrysolites are exhibited.

In the Russian Diamond Fund, among the "historical stones" (there are seven of them in the catalog) there is a crystal from the island of Zeberget. Its size is slightly larger than a quail egg, and its weight is 192.6 ct. Chrysolite stone of exceptional beauty, inside of which there are several thin cracks, was cut by an ancient master jeweler.

Among the treasures of the Diamond Fund, there are other notable exhibits. This is a set of chrysolite jewelry and: a brooch in the form of a bow and girandoli earrings.

The Smithsonian Institution Museum in Washington DC has an even more impressive faceted chrysolite: the weight of the crystal is 310 ct. In the Vatican, where ordinary tourists cannot penetrate, the "monocle of Nero" has been preserved. Pliny described that the arsonist of Rome looked at the fire through a green gem. Until the end, it remains unclear which gem is set into the monocle: emerald or chrysolite. Specialists do not have access to such an unusual storage facility.

Chrysolites lend themselves well to processing, cutting. Differences with optical effects (, asterism) are processed in the form of cabochons.

Chrysolite stone: physical properties and deposits

Physical properties

  • Chrysolite is a transparent precious variation of the mineral olivine (peridot).
  • Composition: iron and magnesium silicate.
  • Olivine genus: forsterite, olivine, fayalite, knebelite, tephroite.
  • The system is rhombic.
  • Crystals are prismatic, flattened.
  • The aggregates are granular and massive.
  • Mohs hardness 6.5-7.
  • Fragile.
  • Glassy, ​​greasy luster.
  • Fracture fracture.
  • Density 3.2 - 3.5.
  • Cleavage (the ability to split along parallel planes) is absent, or imperfect.
  • Refractive index 1.627-1.679.
  • Birefringence: 0.033 - 0.048.

Inclusions: spinels, micas, serpentine, liquid inclusions "lotus flowers".

Place of Birth

Despite the widespread occurrence of olivine, its gem varieties are rare in nature. But the stone called peridot abroad has been known for a long time. Over the centuries, the geography of finds has expanded. In Russia, accumulations of precious olivine were found in the Yenisei taiga, near the cold pole, along with diamonds, and in the north of the Ural Mountains. Mineral is mined in different countries: in Mongolia and Afghanistan, in Zaire and Tanzania, in South Africa, Brazil and Egypt. The oldest known field on the deserted island of St. John's (formerly Zeberget) in the Red Sea is still in operation today. And of modern discoveries, the most significant have been made by seekers in India.

The magical properties and beneficial effects of the stone

Ancient teachings did not ignore the remarkable in many respects mineral peridot. It doesn't matter if you got a rare jewel or rough pebbles from a distant shore. The setting of the stone is not the main thing in this case. Properties are in it. He is able to attract, protect, protect, strengthen. The cosmic, lunar origin of olivine makes it influential and responsible for the emotional sphere. The deep connection between the earth and volcanoes gives strength of mind.

Medicinal properties

Ailments that the magic of chrysolite will relieve:

  • Blood pressure drops.
  • Violation of cardiac activity.
  • Diseases of the spine.
  • Cold.
  • Diseases of the eyes.
  • Nervous disorders, stuttering.
  • Nightmares.

Chrysolite magical properties:

  • It attracts the disposition of people to its owner.
  • Drives away sadness.
  • Dispels fears.
  • Protects from fires.
  • Strengthens spiritual strength.

Talismans and amulets

For its close connection with volcanoes and space, chrysolite has received strong magical properties. A talisman with a stone is able to warn and keep the owner from reckless actions. Protects against night visions, obsessive phobias. A friend of trading people, he brings good luck in business and endeavors. It is recommended to have a chrysolite talisman for people who have decided to drastically change their lives. The stone of change.

Indispensable for travelers. With the mascot, it is easier to endure forced changes of places: trips, business trips.

Chrysolite shades, as opposed to fakes

Chrysolite colors

The color of the gem is olive green. Shades: from yellow to brown, including golden, tobacco, herbal, brown, - depends on the ratio of iron oxides. The main color feature is the presence of a subtle solar tint.

The observantness of the one who first named the pebble is surprising. In the sound of the name, the noble metal revered at all times and the stone essence of jewelry came together. Sounds like "gold-stone". Gold color, merging with green, gives chrysolite an unusual color and warm tone. This is despite the fact that the border of warm and cold tones passes along the green color of the spectrum.

Chrysolite can contain mica, serpentine (fibrous mineral), chromite, as inclusions. Often, due to foreign particles, optical effects occur: opalescence, iridescence, asterism and the effect of a cat's eye.

How to distinguish a fake

Chrysolite stone surpasses most common gemstones in terms of birefringence. This is one of the remarkable properties of those crystals that do not belong to the highest cubic system. A faceted stone has a well-pronounced effect of doubling the edges: by passing a beam of light through the crystal, we get two beams. To admire this phenomenon, you need to turn the jewel in your hand. The effect is a distinguishing feature, a good diagnostic sign. The optical properties of chrysolite stone are such that artificial chrysolite is unlikely to be able to repeat them.

Natural chrysolite can be confused with another gem - chrysoberyl. The difference in density: in chrysolite it is less. In Ceylon, there is even a fraudulent fishing: they throw bottle glass into the water, and after a while they take out rounded pebbles and pass them off as real peridots (olivines).
Tinted glass is most often used for counterfeiting. But chrysolite has a uniform color. Seals in color, a kind of "thickening", give out a fake. Imitation of plastic is easy to detect: it is easy to scratch.

If natural chrysolite is counterfeited with the help of other minerals, the substitution can only be recognized in the laboratory.

Artificial chrysolite

Peridot (olivine) stone has been synthesized for industrial needs, but no synthetic chrysolite has been created in any laboratory. Imitation of chrysolite gemstones is created from inexpensive artificial materials. They use synthetic spinel or colored glass. It is obtained from fluids. The composition of the fluids includes, ground into powder; simple inexpensive substances - soda, borax and the like; and also an impurity to obtain the desired color. Artificial chrysolite is an olive-colored rhinestone. Manganese sulfate gives the desired shade. First, all ingredients are ground separately, then sieved, mixed and placed in a muffle furnace. The crucible is covered with a lid and the glass is gradually melted by heating. The resulting molten mass, without taking it out of the furnace for a long time, is slowly cooled so that cracks do not appear. At the last stage, they are poured into ready-made forms or split and grind.

Sometimes fakes quite successfully repeat the external features of a natural stone. But the composition and optical characteristics distinguish them from the natural original. The present will always have advantages, even if synthetic chrysolite is created over time.

Caring for products with chrysolite

Jewelry with natural stones needs respect and proper care. This will allow for a longer time to preserve the best properties of the chrysolite stone, which nature has endowed it with: color, shine, transparency, originality and beauty.

Before cleaning or washing a piece with natural stone, make sure the stone is hardened without the use of glue. If it is impossible to determine this in domestic conditions, ask the jeweler at the nearest workshop.

The products are washed with a weak solution of ammonia (5 ml per glass of water). If the chrysolite is silver-framed, dry cleaning with a soft cloth and baking soda is recommended. Rinse with clean water.
Chrysolite stone must be protected from acids. Strong heating is undesirable: cracks may appear. And do not forget about fragility: Gems can be shattered by impact.

Chrysolite and zodiac signs

According to astrology, olivine (chrysolite) is a love stone. By invisible threads, he is associated with the birth of children, gentleness, tenderness and care. It restores harmony in relationships. Protects the hearth. Promotes family happiness.

Makes its owner impressionable, receptive to poetry. All earth signs are advised to wear it, but especially - Taurus. Chrysolite contributes to masculine strength, and feminine too. Suitable for signs: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Leo, Gemini. Contraindicated only in Capricorns.

The stone helps if it is chosen with soul. This applies to all colored stones, but chrysolite has a special tenderness and sensuality. There is an opinion that this is a stone of one owner. Its magic acts on the one who first wears the jewelry, and does not persist when the owner changes. The effect of chrysolite is enhanced if it is set in gold. He reveals to man the secrets of nature, endows with the gift of prediction.

Chrysolite (Peridot, Olivine) - a stone of knowledge and good luck

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Chrysolite (aka Peridot or Olivine) is one of the oldest minerals known to man. This gem is one of the inexpensive gemstones, the so-called. semi-precious, widely used in jewelry. The name of the miner is translated from Greek as "golden". Olivine has a fairly long history.

The main deposits of chrysolite are located in the United States. Also, this stone can be found in Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Mongolia and the Atlantic Islands.

The main part of chrysolites is transparent, stones with a bright color are quite rare - most often minerals have a pale shade. The color of chrysolites can be either uniform or distributed in spots or stripes. There are minerals with the effects of asterism and "cat's eye".

A characteristic feature of chrysolite is that the stone has a low hardness and is quite fragile. As a result, it is necessary to wear products with it as carefully as possible, because the gem can be easily and quickly scratched or split. Jewelers advise to protect chrysolite from acids and to clean it exclusively in soapy water.

In the Middle Ages, peridot was a symbol of inspiration, as it was believed that the mineral had the power to influence the wearer's creativity. The inhabitants of Ancient India believed that a talisman with chrysolite could facilitate communication with the opposite sex. Merchants and traders tried not to part with the gem in order to protect the goods from unkind people, and also to increase their capital.

Chrysolite stone - the magical properties of the mineral

Chrysolite will help in obtaining and mastering secret knowledge, if the owner of the talisman so desires. It is believed that it is in front of this gem that all secrets and secrets will be revealed. With his help, a person will be able to do what he has not been able to do for a long time. Chrysolite will give strength and confidence to its owner, protect against negativity directed at its owner from the outside.

For businessmen, wealthy people and those whose profession is connected with money, the stone will bring good luck. Chrysolite will assist in concluding profitable transactions and contracts, relieve the risk of financial transactions, and also help make profitable investments. Olivine has the ability to attract money to her owner. The stone will strengthen the moral qualities of its owner, which, in turn, will guarantee the correctness of purchases.

Chrysolite will help make friendships, strengthen them and protect the friendly relations of its owner with other people. The gem is able to get rid of envy, protect the family hearth and bring family relationships to harmony.

Peridot will be useful to those who are prone to rash actions. The gem will relieve nightmares and bring pleasant dreams. This stone is able to protect housing from fires.

The healing properties of the stone

Many countries use chrysolite in folk medicine. In Vietnam, this gem is used for liver diseases. In Armenia, it is believed that prolonged eye contact with peridot will improve vision, and if you apply the mineral to the eye, it will relieve scabies of the eyes.

Chrysolite affects the improvement of well-being. The stone affects the psychological state of the owner. This mineral is advised for problems of the cardiovascular system, as well as for those who have a depleted nervous system. Under the influence of this gem, the owners get rid of jealousy, tension, resentment and anger.

Olivine is able to positively influence a woman's body during childbirth. It reduces pain and stimulates contractions. The favorable energy of this gem will contribute to the normalization of human metabolism, as well as the healing of wounds.

Chrysolite is able to help men with sexual impotence. The stone will give energy and enhance passion. In ancient times, it was believed that success in love is guaranteed to those who drink wine from the cup in which olivine was located.

Peridot was hung around the neck of newborn babies in order to protect them from illness. In addition, the gem is able to help with headaches and hysteria. Olivine can prevent insomnia.

Chrysolite for the zodiac sign

Olivine is considered the stone of the three signs of the zodiac:, and.

As a real ruler, Leo hates losing anything. The second place for the king of beasts is tantamount to defeat and collapse. However, he does not always succeed in being at his best, because typical Leos do not always have enough elementary self-confidence, decisiveness, good intuition for quickly making the right decision, and venture and fortitude to implement it. Olivine will completely make up for the lack of these qualities. Representatives of this sign will be able to become much stronger in relations with others, it is better to reveal all their positive qualities, and with gentle behavior (which olivine will also contribute), Leos will more easily achieve the location of the right people.

A practical Virgo, olivine will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and the development of intelligence, which will certainly be useful to her both in life and in work. Representatives of this sign have rather high requirements for everything that the people around them are not very happy with, and the excessive conservatism of some Virgos prevents them from moving up the career ladder and improving themselves. Olivine will make the Virgo representatives more attentive and patient, help them to weaken some of the requirements, which will increase their attractiveness in society.

Pisces need chrysolite no less than the representatives of the above signs. The Pisces representatives most of all lack self-esteem, the ability to make quick decisions (these people usually do not know what they want), as well as the courage to win their place in the sun. Olivine will give Pisces determination and strength, relieve them of the feeling of their own inferiority and bad luck. Also, the gem will help the representatives of this sign to see that they are cute and interesting to people - and for this sign this fact is extremely important.

Chrysoberyl - a stone of harmony and good luck Diamond - description and properties of the stone Demantoid - green garnet stone Emerald (Smaragd) - green gem

Chrysolite is a greenish-herbaceous mineral. Despite this, its name is translated from ancient Greek as "golden stone".

The mineral has different names: geologists call it "olivine", and jewelers call it "peridot". Most affectionately call it the evening emerald.

For the first time, mentions of chrysolite were found about 6 thousand years ago, and then it was believed that the stone was not of terrestrial origin, but was found in the composition of meteorites that fell on the Egyptian lands.

Today, this legend is partially refuted, since the largest deposits of this stone are located at a fairly large depth in the earth, in particular, in Hawaii, New Mexico and Arizona (states in the United States). Other countries that have deposits of this stone are mentioned:

  • Tanzania;
  • Australia;
  • Mexico;
  • Brazil;
  • India;
  • Norway.

There are also several deposits of this mineral in Russia, which are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Buryatia, in the Murmansk Region and in the Urals.

Magical properties

It has always been believed that people close to magic wear chrysolite as a protective amulet against evil forces, since the powers of the Sun are hidden in this stone, but according to magical teachings, the mineral also helps in the following cases:

  1. If necessary, establish a relationship between a man and a woman.
  2. As a talisman for those involved in serious litigation.
  3. With depression, melancholy.
  4. The stone helps to strengthen friendships in the event of a breakdown.
  5. Protect the owner from bad thoughts and actions.
  6. Promote the development of intelligence and intuition.

If you put such a stone or a product with it under the pillow, it will help get rid of bad and difficult dreams.

Medicinal properties

Healers, unlike magicians, had slightly different views on the properties of the stone, and since ancient times it was believed that chrysolite helps people with psychological disorders, promotes healing of kidney diseases, and relieves its owner of skin diseases.

Official science cannot prove the validity of such statements and explain why the stone works this way, but according to statistics, people suffering from sunburn of the skin get rid of the problem when wearing chrysolite.

Signs of the zodiac

Unlike most other minerals and gemstones, peridot can be worn by representatives any sign of the zodiac... But people born under different constellations experience different effects.

The only signs that olivine will not help and can even harm are Scorpios, Cancers andAquarius.

  1. For Pisces this talisman will help in making quick and correct decisions, this also applies to those born under the sign of Leo.
  2. Have Dev wearing chrysolite contributes to the development of tolerance and respect for other people.
  3. Libra peridot usually pacifies and relieves various fears.

In general, the mineral helps to restore inner harmony and helps to establish relationships with others, even if the owner of the stone is a conflictual and uncompromising person by nature.

Varieties and properties

Among the few varieties of peridot can be found star-shaped and cat-eye, which are sometimes mistakenly distinguished into separate types. This is due to the presence of foreign inclusions in the stone, and this contributes to the uncharacteristic refraction of light, which is not found in most chrysolites.

Olivine Massa- an even rarer variety of the mineral, which are actually granular masses. Interestingly, historically, the exclusive right to mine this type of stone possessed by the Apache tribe, and this process is carried out manually according to ancient traditions and technologies.

The chemical formula of the stone is (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4. This means that the mineral is an iron-magnesium orthosilicate. Quite often, the stones found during the study show disseminations of chromites, magnetites and spinels. Olivines have a high refractive index of light. This explains their unusual and bright shine.

Jewelers are not very fond of such a stone for the difficulty of working with it., since it is very fragile and readily soluble in acids. But at the same time, peridots are easily polished and very beautiful jewelry comes out of them.

How to wear chrysolite correctly

Usually olivines are worn in rings, earrings, and less often in necklaces and as medallions. Such stones almost always serve as inserts in gold items.

In gold, the mineral is worn not only because it looks much more spectacular this way. There is an ancient legend according to which it was in conjunction with such a metal that magicians managed to significantly enhance the healing and magical properties of chrysolite.

If the real owner knows who the previous owner of the jewelry was, then it should not be worn. The mystics explain this by the fact that olivines always remember and recognize only their first owner, and all subsequent owners can only do harm.

Usually, if chrysolite is worn for medicinal purposes, it must be kept as close to the sore spot as possible, but it is worth remembering that healing properties are inherent only in natural stones.

How to distinguish a stone from a fake

Although highly prized as jewelry, peridots are still classified as minerals and are not that expensive. And even such stones are often counterfeited, and for this, plastic or ordinary glass is used. But recognizing fake chrysolites is quite simple if you follow the following rules:

  1. Chrysolite, unlike other stones of the green spectrum, has a more "oily" shade and often on closer inspection may include yellowish foreign matter.
  2. If, after holding a sharp object over the surface of the mineral, chips come off it - this product is made of plastic.
  3. It is necessary to hold the peridot in your hand and evaluate how quickly it will heat up. Natural mineral is very rarely heated, and if this happens, it cools down quickly. Glass heats up quickly and remains warm for a relatively long time.

Pay attention to the size of the stone. Chrysolites of large sizes are practically not found in nature, and even if a stone the size of a plum is framed in a natural gold product - this is a clear fake.

Talismans and amulets

In astrology and magic, chrysolites are unanimously recognized as stones, the properties of which directly depend on the current season.

The maximum strength of the mineral is manifested in October... But regardless of the month, such a stone always protects the owner from generic curses (provided that this is its first and only owner). When wearing olivines on the left hand in a ring, it will become a reliable talisman against the evil eye.

Chrysolite is often mentioned not only as a talisman for losers and unlucky people, but also for those who are afraid to live fully and confidently achieve their goals. The mineral is especially effective in helping those who lost self-confidence due to past disappointments in people.

The stone also helps in "matters of the heart", facilitating either the reunification of unfortunate separated lovers, or relieving mental suffering. If everything is fine in the relationship, olivine helps to keep the family together and strengthen the relationship at the slightest frustration.

Care of the product

The main thing to remember for owners of products with chrysolite is increased fragility of the stone... If dropped accidentally, it can crack, and it can also be destroyed by many household chemicals.

If you wash the dishes with chrysolite on your hand, nothing terrible will happen, but you should not use different acids and alkalis to clean the stone.

It is best to just hold the stone under running water, and you can dry it by simply leaving it on the shelf at normal room temperature.