Which carpet is better to choose in the children's room. Negative side of carpets from natural substances. Carpets can be classified into several types

If you decide to sash the carpet on the floor of the child, it is obvious that it is necessary to treat his choice with maximum attention. Unlike ordinary carpets, this coating is not so easy to remove to give in a dry cleaning or clean manually, so when you purchase you need to take into account the following factors:
  • tactile sensations - Watch Carpet should not be too tough, because your child will certainly spend time on the floor;
  • the length of the pile - what it is more, the warmer the carpet, but with this increases the complexity of cleaning;
  • wear resistance - given the mobility of any child, this parameter is also important;
  • type of material - Natural materials are good, but may aggravate health problems or cause allergies, so artificial carpet is preferable.

Accordingly, there should be a good children's carpet, a hypoallergenic, pleasant to the touch, wear-resistant and with a short or medium pile, to simultaneously and well keep warm and not to deliver additional inconvenience when cleaning. An example of such a coating can be a medieval carpet from polyamide.

About natural materials, durability and many other

Hello! Not so long ago, I was looking for good and inexpensive carpet, and on the advice of your manager ordered a carpet palace in the form of parquet. Purchase is very pleased, thank you very much! But I remember that the consultant advised me not to choose a natural carpet for a child. Actually, I would like to know - why?

Natural carpet is most often made of wool or with its addition. Unfortunately, the specificity of the placement of such a coating in the children's room makes it difficult for its high-quality cleaning, therefore the likelihood of the settlement in the pile of pathogenic bacteria and dust ticks is high. And this, in turn, does not quite positively affect the health of the child, especially if he is inclined to allergies. High-quality artificial carpet is safe for children, hypoallergen, wear-resistant and easy to clean, so more suitable for accommodation in the nursery, as we have said earlier.

Please advise the wear-resistant option on a non-slip-based basis for a teenage baby room. The daughter is engaged in aerobics, also in the room there is a "Swedish wall" with additional devices, which will also stand on the floor. Therefore, it is required not just strong, but a very strong coating. Vault - the smaller the better.

For such a case, the usual "children's" carpet will not fit - insufficiently durable, therefore it is worth paying attention to the so-called office options. They are also safe, especially since the child is already quite an adult. For example, on a rubber basis, it has a special type of pile - it is chaotic intertwined, so less susceptible abrasion. If you do not fit dark gray, then there are others in the store assortment.

Tell me what a thin palace can pick up for a nursery so that it is both beautiful and inexpensive, and easy to care?

The question is quite generalized, and dozens of options from our range can be answered. But if you need cheap, beautiful and practical, you can choose such a carpet palace with a polyamide pile on a warm felt basis. A similar type of carpet is easily cleaned and suitable for many rooms, including children.

I guess I have a very atpon request. I need an inexpensive wear-resistant carpet with the maximum short pile, which would come up for accommodation in the nursery. At the same time, it should be quite hard, since we have a mobile boy, in the room always walks in shoes. What option can you advise?

Indeed, a rather specific request, but we have a suitable carpet under it. Low (3 mm) loop polyamide pile, noise absorbing warm base from artificial felt, affordable price and coloring, quite suitable for children in classic style.

The main purpose of children's carpets is to create a secure environment. On the soft floor it is difficult to slip, but if it happened, it will soften the blow and depresses the fall, unlike laminate, parquet and other solid coatings. The thermal insulation qualities of carpets and carpets are relevant for and apartments located on the first floor. And not only for them, because the floor temperature is always a few degrees colder than air, and children, as you know, constantly forget about slippers.

ESPRIT KIDS carpet (Esprit Home), acrylic, 0.7 × 1.4 m (770 rub.). PHOTO: ESPRIT HOME

During movements along the smooth floor, the dust rises into the air, and it falls into our lungs. Textile coatings are collected and hold it on the surface. The main thing, regularly vacuuming the floor so that dust and dirt will be drove deep into and did not turn it into a dust collector.

In addition to useful consumer qualities, carpets and carpets in the children's room play a decorative role due to bright colors and attractive plots, and some of them have educational functions.

Rugs for development

Barely appeared on the light, the baby begins to get acquainted with the world around. And if instead of a closed bed, put it on a soft rug, which is spread on the sofa, a chair or even on the floor, he will be able to freely observe what is happening around and move freely. Special helps to improve touch and motor skills of the child. Many models have safe sorters and arcs, on which bright toys are suspended. On them step by step, the Kroch will learn to raise the head, focus on the items you are interested in, trying to get them, crawling to get to toys, and then get up, holding an arc.

PRINCESSE carpet (House of Kids), Polyester (height 8 mm), base - felt, size 1.3 × 1.9 m (7840 rubles). Photo: Tiny Love

Developing rugs are made of natural and synthetic tissues that are easily erased. The surface of the quality product is not slippery, pleasant to the touch. And by the way, it is better to choose the color of natural, moderately bright colors. The length of the side of the rug from 60 to 120 cm. This product is offered by companies Schicco, Fisher-Price, Nattou, Tiny Love. The price of developing rugs varies from 660 rubles. up to 10 thousand rubles.

Puzzles rugs

The child grows, he needs more space, as well as informative games, for example, puzzles. They consist of several (from 4 to 30) square elements with a length of 25, 30, 33 cm. A variety of colorful drawings are applied to the surface of the puzzle. The kid will be able to study the basics of languages \u200b\u200bby the letters of the Russian or English alphabet. Images of fish, marine and earthly animals, butterflies will introduce a variety of inhabitants of the fauna. To be more confident on the real road will help puzzles with road signs or images of streets.

Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle (Peppa Pig), 0.94 × 0.94 m (1026 rub.). Photo: Peppa Pig

Manufacturers produce a lot of thematic series, the elements of which are combined with each other. Separate puzzles can be collected into a rug of any shape and size, and, if necessary, fold into the bag and remove. Puzzle mats are usually made from soft material with a corrugated EVA surface (foamed polyethylene with the addition of ethylvinyl acetate). It does not absorb moisture and is well clean. Products are presented in our market with FUNKIDS, Bomik, Rosman. Range price for the rug is 280-8000 rubles.

Teenager Room Carpets

In, who is passionate about sports, music, games, is open to communicating with friends, it is very valuable to the dignity of carpets and carpets like noise insulation. It is the carpet covering on the floor of the children's room in multi-apartment lots of storey houses, where the inhabitants of neighboring rooms often suffer from noises and sounds, creates a comfortable acoustic environment, muffled noise and sounds up to 10 times. In addition, the floor, dressed in this peculiar coat, will become warmer, and moving along it will give pleasant tactile sensations, especially when walking barefoot.

Choosing a rug in a nursery, it is worth paying attention not only to the storage material and the design of the coating, as well as on its basis. Products on a rubberized basis, in contrast to others, absolutely do not slide, do not wet, and therefore, there will be no spots on the floor. Photo: Brink & Campman

Rolled carpet for children produce a variety of manufacturers, including: Balsan, Balta Home, ITC Carpets, Vorwerk, "Neva Taft". Price is 1 m. Carpet begins with 245 rubles.

When arranging the composition of the coating: wool, synthetics (polyester, polypropylene, acrylic), viscose, cotton - must define an adult. Together with the schoolchild, it is worth thinking that prefer: one carpet, somewhat - for different functional zones or a rolled floor covering, which occupies the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. It is also important to take into account the interests and wishes of the child when choosing a picture, density and material textures.

The carpet near the bed in the bedroom will give pleasant feelings with bare feet, in a large children's room will help zonate space, and merry welcoming mats welcome you at the entrance and create a good mood. Photo: Moldabela

Types of fixation of carpet

In total, the advantages of the carpet coating are manifested only with proper laying. For, less than 12 m, there will be quite fixation of the carpet on bilateral tape around the perimeter. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is from 12 to 20 m., Scotch must be paved around the perimeter and through each meter. In the spacious room more than 20 m. Manufacturers strongly advise gluing the cloth to the base.

In some cases, this method is the only possible, such as, for example, with flooring on inclined surfaces, on the floor of the premises with bends, stairs. The carpet, laid in a similar way, fits tightly to the floor, the joints of the canvas are invisible, the edges do not wear out that as a result, it significantly increases its service life. Keep in mind: Claims associated with a rapid deterioration of the quality of the coating (loss of strength or thickness, the formation of waves, fuses, coils, etc.), are considered only when the carpet laying has been conducted strictly according to the instructions.

Carpet size

The width of carpet surfaces ranges from 0.7 to 5 m. The most common size is 4 m. What is worth considering when calculating the desired amount of material? If one of the sides of the room is slightly smaller than the width of the carpet, use a whole piece. But when it is purchased to the calculated area, another 10-15% is added. The seemingly straight corners in practice are far from the ideal, and a small stock leaves the possibility of maneuvers.

The carpet of pink and other warm colors is designed for girls, the products of colder shades will become an excellent addition to the boys room. However, there are also universal coatings for children's rooms. Photo: Associated Weavers

In more complex cases, you should choose the material of such a width at which the waste will be minimal. Ask stackers to measure the room and make a scheme of cutting. It is necessary to select the layout of the seam line. With proper laying, it is minority, but should not be neglected to hide it under furniture. The cutting diagram is important for the rooms of a complex configuration: curved, round, polygonal, where the exact plan will become the basis of the optimal option.

Removing spots from carpet

If no delay start removing the stain on the carpet, this may require only water room temperature. Paper towel collect as much liquid from the surface as possible. The movements are sent from the outside of the pollution to the center to avoid discharging the stains. If necessary, use a soap solution. There are no wet areas until it dry. If it was not possible to deduct the spot independently, it is worth contacting a specialized clearing company.

Specialized fittings for plinths are external and internal angles, right and left muffles. They exactly repeat the plinth profile in cross section, which provides tight fit without any plinth gaps and additional elements. Photo: Dollken Weimar

Plinth for carpet

To bright, multicolor carpeted coatings, including children, it is difficult to choose a one-window plinth. Pay attention to the specialized elements. They consist of a figured plastic plank with a special groove. It is attached to the wall (in place of an ordinary plinth), and in a special groove insert a narrow band cut off from the main web. As a result, the plinth becomes a logical continuation of the floor with an ideal combination of color, drawing, textures. In our market, Dollken Weimar, Korner, Rosmat.

One of the advantages of specialized plinths is a hidden installation system. Hard bar attach to the wall by self-draws. Hats of the mounting elements closes the carpet strip, which is fixed on the basis with the use of adhesive tape (it is on the front of the plank) or the adhesive layer applied in the production of the plinth (for which you need to remove the protective paper strip). In separate models in the design of the plank, space for cables and wires is provided. Simple and quick installation of the plinth does not require special skills and takes a minimum of time. And with the flooring of a new carpet cover, it is not necessary to dismantle it, it is enough to replace the old carpet strip on the new one.

The carpet in the nursery is picked up more carefully than in ordinary rooms, be sure to take into account the ease of care and operation, the composition of the pile and individual wishes. Those who prefer natural materials, it is worth choosing a carpet of wool. In addition, modern fiber processing technologies, with special compositions, eliminate the risk of porch with microorganisms and mol. Coatings from synthetic threads are suitable for all. Their pile is softer wool, it does not cause allergies, and paints are bright and juicy. Pay attention to the carpets from acrylic, one of the high-quality and expensive materials, which is considered a worthy substitute for wool. Polyester (nylon) coatings have the highest strength, eco-friendly and longer retain the color.

Ekaterina Golacheva

Content manager of the company "Amy carpets"

Smooth, fluffy, out of wool or acrylic - carpet offer is huge. If you are standing before choosing a carpet for a children's room, you need to choose a practical, comfortable, and, at the same time, a safe carpet for a child.

The carpet in the child's room is a very practical decor element. Colorful, with a stunning pattern, the carpet can become the main decorative element of the room. In the children's kingdom, he performs other important functions. When the baby learns to crawl, and then performs the first steps, the carpet perfectly softens any falls. In addition, it is a great place for games. Children love to play on the floor - build from cubes, collect puzzles, play games. Having a carpet in the room, all this can be done on the soft and warm floor. Finally, modern carpets themselves are an excellent toy. Fashion patterns and various heights of the bristles form, for example, the spatial streets of the city, through which the guys can ride on cars, look like a field for playing on which you can arrange matches with friends, or like a house for dolls to play with a girlfriend.

What to pay attention to, choosing a carpet for the children's room? Here are some practical advice.

Type of material, i.e. not only appearance matters!

Buying a carpet, most often, you think about whether it will correspond to the room in which he was. Other factors, such as the type of material from which it was made, depart into the background. However, in the case of a children's room, it is of great importance to which carpet to choose is from wool or from acrylic. First, it depends on the type of material, whether the carpet will be safe for the child. Secondly, it will be convenient for maintenance and cleaning. Finally, whether it will be durable, resistant to indifferent, abrasion and children's cereals.

Choosing a carpet for the children's room, you can decide on the purchase of products from wool, silk or cotton, or make a bet on synthetic substitutes, for example, polypropylene, polyamide, acrylic. In the market you can find carpets made of mixed fibers. What material is best suited in the children's room?

  • Wool - woolen carpets, especially made of New Zealand's sheep wool, are considered to be the highest quality products. And not surprisingly. Thanks to flexible and elastic fibers, carpets can boast of extraordinary strength, resistance to pollution and various kinds of dents. In addition, they are pleasant to the touch, increase the soundproofability of the interior and have thermal properties. It would seem - the perfect carpet for a child. Unfortunately, wool very often causes allergies. This is mainly due to the fact that it absorbs the excess moisture, creating a specific microclimate through this. So, if you have a little allergy in your house, it is better to choose products from wool with caution.
Children's carpet - Wool
  • Cotton - cotton carpets for one hundred percent natural. Unlike wool they do not cause allergies. Do not lose color and relatively resistant to pollution. However, are not the perfect product. They are thin enough, are not considered a product of good quality. Such carpets are rarely chosen for the children's room.
Children's Carpet - Cotton
  • Silk is the most luxurious material. Silk carpets are antistatic (do not attract dust), soft, smooth and distinguished by a noble glitter. In addition, we retain bright colors for many years. We can say that in principle, only one drawback is the price. Already a small content of silk significantly increases the cost of buying a carpet. A synthetic analogue of silk is viscose. The viscose carpets are also able to please the glitter, but much cheaper than their natural prototype. They are considered the most beautiful synthetic carpets.
Children's carpet - Silk
  • Polypropylene is the most frequently used material for the production of synthetic pile carpets. Polypropylene carpets are antiallergic (resistant to moisture, mold and fungi), antistatic (dust do not attract), they are easily kept clean, allocated with strength. Of course, such carpets are not so soft (some believe that they are very coarse and unpleasant to the touch), but it is great for the children's playground. Among the polypropylene carpets, you can select HEAT-SET and Heat-Set-frieze carpets. These are carpets made of purified polypropylene. The technologies used for their production make them soft, gentle and difficult to distinguish them from real wool. HEAT-SET-frieze carpets are additionally exposed to a fruit, so that the woven carpets are reminded. The fruit is also used in the production of shaggy carpets. They can be made not only of polypropylene. Polyester, polyamide, and even wool are used for their production. Shaggy carpets are unusually soft, fluffy and look perfectly on the floor. Unfortunately, they are not easy to care. Require daily knife, and their cleaning is better entrusted to professional laundry. Because of this, it is not recommended to persons who have in the child's apartment.
Children's carpet - polypropylene
  • Polyamide - carpets made from this material have similar properties of polypropylene carpets (durability, wear resistance, ease of care, color durability, resistance to moisture, mold, fungi), with that, however, the difference is that their distinguishes excessive electrification, carpets are easy Dust attract.
Children's carpet - polyamide
  • Acrylic - as well as polypropylene and polyamide is hypoallergenic material, resistant to mold and bacteria. Acrylic carpets have a number of advantages. Firstly, it seems to be reminiscent of wool - soft, gentle and elastic. In addition, they are easy to clean. They are completely resistant to the effects of chemicals, which in the case of a carpet for the children's room is of great importance. Features acrylic contributes to the fact that this material is very often chosen for the children's room.
Children's carpet - acrylic

The price tag will say the truth.

Buying a carpet, you should know the value of the basic characters (pictograms) placed on the label. You will find important information there, for example, on carpet maintenance. The most frequently used designations are symbols warning that this product is not suitable for chemical cleaning or washing, wet cleaning. The label will tell about the properties of the product, non-hatching or resistance to the effects of sun rays, moths and bacteria. On the label you can find all sorts of branded labeling, indicating that the carpet meets certain quality standards. The most common designation is the international trademark Woolmark, awarded with top quality products made of clean, natural wool, or Wools of New Zealand sign, which ensures that wool from New Zealand has been used for production, which is considered the best in the world.

What else should pay attention to?

Form and size - They must be adapted to the size of the children's room. Oval or rectangular carpets are best suited. They are the most versatile and suitable for various furniture layouts in the room. Do not buy a carpet too big, which you will need to substitute for furniture. First, it will greatly make it difficult for the carpet, and secondly, it can destroy the pile and constantly deform it.

Length of bristles - In stores you can find carpets smooth, with a short pile (up to 3 cm) and those that even have a 10-centimeter pile. For practical considerations for the children's room, it is better to choose a carpet with a short pile. Although popular Shaggy looks very effectively, pulling pieces of plasticine or food residues from it can be a serious problem. For a short pile, another argument positively says - the carpet in the children's room not only looks beautiful, but, above all, is able to provide the child to the convenience during the game on the floor. Meanwhile, long bristles can simply interfere with the game. On such a carpet, building towers from cubes or a game with machinery is practically impossible.

What should be the carpet of dreams?

The carpet in the room of an adult must, first of all, be practical and fit into the interior design. In the children's room, he must fulfill another important function - inspire for creative games. Therefore, you can choose a colorful carpet with a bizarre design - for boys, in the form of a plane of a town, which can ride with your favorite machine, football sites or auto racing. For girls - a house for dolls, and in the room of brothers and sisters - in the form of a large chamber for animals.

Designers are surprised by incredible ideas. Spatial carpets are widely popular among parents. They are designed in such a way as to create the impression of three-dimension. This effect is achieved when using wool different lengths. Thanks to this, the mat with the image, for example, the city plan seems even more real.

In any family before the appearance of the kid begins a solid preparation of the house. In order to take a newborn in the house, you need to purchase a huge number of things for the arrangement of the children's room. One of the most relevant issues relating to the design of a children's room is a solution - put a carpet on the floor or refrain from this for the reason that the pile collects a large amount of dust. Often we choose the carpet in the nursery, based on its stylistic combination with the design room, however, it is necessary to remember its practical purpose.

The presence of a carpet room introduces to any room atmosphere of comfort and comfort, which is definitely necessary for each children's room. In addition, the carpet performs a lot of useful functions: so, in the winter it protects his legs from the cold floor, in the summer it protects from the heat, just at night he is shuffling and grinds steps. The latter is important in order to produce various manipulations in the room, without fearing to wake the sleeping child.

While your child has reached the age of six months, the carpet is not so necessary in the room, although its heat-insulating and soundproofing characteristics are very useful. But when the child begins to crawl, and then go - then the carpet on the floor is more than necessary. Much warmer and more pleasant to crawl on a soft pile than naked sex. Laminate, linoleum and parquet are very smooth and slippery, and the child is still learning to walk, it falls quite often, and about such an outdoor coating can hardly hurt, so without carpet risk risk of injury.

One of the most important requirements for the children's rug is its ease of cleaning and cleaning. If we consider that it is in the nursery that the greatest risk of food spilling and spread to the floor, it is better not to make a choice in favor of natural materials that are very capricious in everyday life. In addition, the risk of allergic reactions to some materials and elements should be taken into account.

The carpet you are going to purchase, ideally, should be practical and serve throughout the time until the child grows and develops. Most of his time the child spends on the floor - there he learns to crawl and walk, plays, it turns out to meet all these requirements, the carpet should be soft, comfortable and warm.

It is better to give preference to carpets with a short pile, because in long fibers, small fingers of a crawling child can be confused, just there can easily be lost or stuck small toys. In addition, short-circuit carpets are much easier to clean and vacuuming, they dry up faster and dust in them will not fit so deeply as in long fibers.

In the choice of colors and drawings, many psychologists advise to acquire anything bright coloring with any simple geometric patterns. So the drawing will attract the child's attention, borrow it and promote the knowledge of the surrounding world.

Returning to the question of cleanliness, we note that many are worried that the carpet will collect too much dust - it will remain dirt from the street, the wool of pets, skin particles and other trash. It should be noted that the dust will settle on the floor in any case, just a carpet with his pile holds it in one place to cleaning, and on the smooth floor all dirt and dust instantly rumbles into the air even with the most insignificant movement.

Soft and comfortable carpets are perfectly suitable for the design of the children's room. They are capable not only to decorate the interior, but also to protect the room from winter cold; Prevent the occurrence of colds, as well as injuries that may occur when the baby falls.

The main criteria that are presented to the carpets are environmental safety, ease of care and hypoallergenicity. As a rule, coatings having a too dense and long pile can hardly be cleaned, as a result of which dust and dirt accumulates that can lead to different allergic reactions. In addition, small toys can be stuck in such carpets, which will be difficult for small children. A more convenient solution is palaces having a short pile that can be vacuumed easily.

Carpets can be classified into several types:

  • products made of natural materials (cotton, wool, flax, or silk);
  • synthetic coatings (polyester, nylon, acrylic);
  • combined carpets (combination of synthetic and natural components).

Natural carpets

The most common material that is used for the production of carpets is considered sheep wool. These products are distinguished by stability to various mechanical effects, durability, ability to maintain heat and environmental friendliness. Such a warm and soft coating is perfect for the children's room, because it will be very pleasant to run barefoot on it, and also sit on it and play. The disadvantages of woolen carpets include the fact that they are quite complex in care.

Carpets made of silk have a beautiful brilliant surface, due to which they look in the room very exquisite and elegant. However, it should be borne in mind that such products have a rather high price. A more economical option is a coatings of artificial silk, which are cheaper, but still inferior in quality to natural analogues, as they are less wear-resistant and durable.

Palaces of cotton are able to keep the form well, they are not pulled out and are not deformed, but it must be borne in mind that they are very afraid of moisture.

It should be borne in mind that coatings from natural materials should not be subjected to a wet cleaning, and in addition, they are not recommended to be brushed unnecessarily with rigid and rough brushes.

Synthetic carpets

To advantages synthetic coatings It is possible to include affordable price, ease of care, moisture resistance, as well as a wide selection of various colors. In addition, they are usually processed by a special composition, which has dirt-repellent and antistatic properties.

Products made from acrylic, externally resemble woolen carpets, but they differ in greater elasticity. Coatings from nylon threads have good wear resistance, and polyester carpets have an interesting texture and a long pile. Such palaces can be quietly vacuum; Move them with wet cleaning, as well as brushing the most different brushes.

However, synthetic materials are present not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. They have low ecology and practically do not warm, so they are still not recommended to use in children's rooms.

Carpets from combined materials

Products made of mixed materials usually combine the qualities of both synthetic and natural coatings. Quite often, when they are manufactured, viscose is used, which is combined with a cotton basis. As a result, it turns out very pleasant to the touch and practical coating, which, moreover, has an affordable price.

If we talk about the size of the carpet, then for the children's room you can buy both a large coating and a small rug, which can be seized in the game corner or in a zone designed for sleep. The choice of the shape of such products depends largely on the interior of the room. They can be rectangular, round, oval and even octagonal. In addition, with the help of original colors and drawings, the Palace may emphasize any interior details in the room, such as textiles or unusual wall decoration, or to act as a bright contrast, which will immediately attract attention.

Choose a carpet for a child video: