When a man says what to him. My little one or my little one. Trying to make you happier

At all times, the relationship between a man and a woman was not easy and resembled a kind of game.

So today - guys and girls are not used to talking directly about their feelings, intentions, just desires.

And this happens not only because it is not customary to talk about such things directly, but also for such a simple reason that men themselves are often not sure of what they want and what they feel. However, human psychology is such that gestures, looks, behavior can give out hidden thoughts.

Therefore, a sufficiently attentive and observant girl can always guess that the guy is not indifferent to her. And words are often completely unnecessary for this.

How to reliably understand that a man wants you. Especially if he does not show this in any way and does not speak about his hidden desires?

Simple signs will say everything for him!

There are simple actions that will definitely give out men's desires. Just do not confuse lust with falling in love - such a delusion often confuses women and girls.

If a man really wants a woman, this suggests that she attracted him with her sexuality, attractiveness, she attracts him and makes him dream, be in sweet fantasies.

But this does not mean at all that the man is in love, has some serious feelings and wants to be with this girl! Perhaps this will come in the future, but sexual lust often goes away after an intimate relationship.

However, a wise woman knows how to turn a man's desire right. And if you use your feminine power correctly, then you can achieve a lot from your beloved.

Of course, if you give yourself up to a man right away, then besides fleeting pleasure, you are unlikely to get anything. And if you show cunning and intelligence, then you can really tie him to yourself and build a good strong relationship.

But for this it is worth learning to recognize the signs that give out male desires. Let's figure out how to understand that a man really wants a woman?

  • She behaves differently with the young lady she attracts, as with the rest.
  • His gaze is literally attracted by a "magnet" to her.
  • He makes compliments, shows other signs of attention.
  • The man is clearly trying to look good when he meets.
  • He is looking for an excuse to gently touch, to be closer to smell a woman.
  • In the general company, this man tries to stand out from others.

There are many more signs, but these are the most obvious. They tell you unmistakably that your friend is clearly attracted. Let's consider each feature separately.

A special attitude is a sure sign!

When communicating with a man in a company, it is easy to notice if he sets you apart from the rest. Pay close attention to how he interacts with other members of your gender - his intonation, speech, expressions, his gestures, where his eyes look.

Therefore, compare these signs with the same, but in relation to you. If they are clearly different, you can draw conclusions.

Look at his gestures. As a rule, during a conversation, a man's hands are at the level of the abdomen or chest.

And when he talks to the woman he really wants, all his gestures will be concentrated in the pelvic area (if he is sitting). This is psychosomatics, and you cannot argue with it: gestures betray inner desires and thoughts.

Also, a man can make involuntary movements of his hips or knees, this happens very naturally and almost imperceptibly for him. And it is the surest sign that mentally he is already making passionate love with you.

The man's speech and voice will also be different. Hear how he speaks to other ladies and compare. If in a conversation with you he tries to be more polite, his voice is softer and quieter, this is also a clear sign of his attraction to you.

The eyes will tell everything!

If a man looks at your lips, neck, chest, legs during a conversation, it is obvious that he wants you. Moreover, such views are often not intentional.

This is how the stronger sex works - his eyes are simply attracted by attractive parts of the female body, there is nothing to be done! So watch out for the eyes that have a lot to say!

This is especially noticeable if you are on the sidelines. When a man desperately wants a woman, he will glance at her every few seconds.

Being in a general company, step aside and try to observe. While he is busy with some of his own affairs or, for example, talking with someone, he will periodically cast glances in your direction.

If you work together, it is especially easy to notice: such a man from time to time will look at your legs, high-heeled shoes, chest. In a conversation about business or something abstract, he will not be focused enough, and it will be easy to understand from his eyes.

Signs of clear attention

In fact, it's not difficult to understand if a man wants you. He will not hide it much.

It is important for women not to show their sympathy and to be modest, mysterious, intrigue and make men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is arranged differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent.

Most likely, a man will show signs of attention, because he does not just want a woman - he certainly thinks how to get her. And in order to achieve this, you need to persistently look after her, give nice gifts and flowers, say beautiful compliments, and so on.

Having sexual lust will cause him to choose special gifts and speak special words. It will be different from romantic youthful impulses, and certainly have a subtle sexual overtones. So you can reliably and accurately understand what is on the mind of the gentleman.

If he presented you with sexy lingerie, a negligee or a dressing gown - this is already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.

He suddenly became so beautiful ...

Every man understands perfectly well that in order for you to fall into his strong arms, he must be attractive.

So he suddenly changes - he puts on fresh shirts, he always smells good, and you can no longer remember when he was unshaven.

Appearance will give you a direct answer - if he always looks neat and fresh, going to a meeting with you, it is likely that he is attracted and hopes to get you.

Hands stretch like a magnet ...

For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, then first of all he will experience an irresistible desire to touch. Distinguishing simple, friendly touches from those with sexual connotations is easy.

If his touches are gentle, very light, often as if accidental, this is a clear sign of sexual desire.

It is also worth knowing the places to which men's hands reach. This place is slightly below the waist (a well-mannered man is unlikely to grab you by the buttocks, although he will certainly have such a desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, legs.

Also, men are always very aroused by the female smell. Therefore, you will be able to notice that a man seeks to smell you - to say something in his ear, while inhaling the smell of your hair, to kiss, to inhale the scent of perfume.

He's better than the rest!

If you are with your chosen man in a common company, and there are other representatives of his gender, then he will obviously try to be better than the rest.

Men by nature are leaders, conquerors, it is very important for them to be the first. So he will do his best to be much better than others in order to achieve your location.

In general, it will not be difficult for a woman to determine that a man wants her very much. Everything in him betrays this desire: the eyes become as if with a drag, the gaze wanders and cannot stop in front of your eyes, he is a little nervous, pays obvious attention and seems to be following you like a predatory animal.

Even the most modest and timid guy will not be able to hide his desire. It is too strong, and one way or another it will still be manifested.

How to use this knowledge is another matter. A woman is born to be admired, to be the object of lust and dreams.

But at the same time, it is worth remaining a woman - to behave with dignity and not vulgarly, not to forget about modesty and manners. Then the man will not only experience a strong sexual desire, but also want something much more ...
Author: Vasilina Serova

Many people believe that saying one thing and thinking quite another is characteristic exclusively of women.

Of course, many girls have repeatedly declared to their halves that “everything is in order” with them, when, in fact, everything was just the opposite.

However, men also sometimes resort to such veiled phrases in order to avoid some awkward and uncomfortable situations for them.

This is what men often say and what they really mean.

What do the phrases of a man mean?

1. "I love you, I'm just not in love with you"

In fact, this means that the man wants to relive the excitement that we feel at the beginning of the relationship. This does not necessarily indicate the end of the relationship, but it can be a warning sign. If a man utters this phrase, he expects you to change the situation for the better and re-conquer him.

2. "My feelings for you are too strong and I cannot deal with them."

With this phrase, a man often tries to disguise his unwillingness to part with his freedom. He is much more comfortable spending time playing video games, drinking with friends or watching football than meeting someone. Most likely, the girl wants a serious relationship, while the guy is not ready. Perhaps it will be ready in 10 years, but so far it is not worth wasting your time on it.

3. "I want to stay friends with you."

This formulaic phrase is used to soften the blow. Everyone knows that if there was a love relationship between you, you, frankly, would not be "just friends."

4. "I didn't mean to offend you."

This means that most likely he did so. If a man made a decision that he knew would hurt or hurt you, he didn't value you highly enough. Of course, some men feel remorse when they let or deceive someone, but many say this phrase simply because they think they should.

5. "We need to talk."

It hardly needs any explanation. Either the man is going to break up with you, or he wants to confess his unconventional orientation. You should not expect anything good from this phrase. If he utters this eternal phrase, it is safe to assume that everything he says next, you are unlikely to like it.

6. "I don't deserve someone like you."

In other words, he leaves you, but he would like you to get through it as quickly as possible, so that his conscience does not torment him. Although the man will not want to admit it, this phrase is actually very true.
7. "One day you will be grateful to me for this."

You will, in fact, be much better off without him. This commonplace phrase is another way to sweeten the bitter pill. Many men, deep down, know that this will not help, but they still resort to these banal phrases.

8. "Never settle for less."

The man signed you up to the friend zone. This is pretty unaccustomed territory for a girl, but your outstanding charms will help you get out of it if the man is rather shallow. But if he is, you shouldn't do it.

9. "Don't use labels."

He would still like to sleep with you, but he certainly does not aim at your future husbands. If you are not looking for a serious relationship, then this phrase will appeal to you. If you have already begun to select the names of your future children, I would not want to upset you ...

10. "She is like a sister to me."

If a man calls his friendship with a girl "kindred", you can be almost sure that he would like to be in bed with her. Chances are good that he wants to convince himself that he is not that bad. If a girl says that a guy is like a brother to her, she really means that.

11. "I didn't want to fall in love with her, it just happened."

Most likely, he is not even in love with her. He simply thought with a different organ and in six months he would realize that he had made a terrible mistake. Luckily for you, you are already switching to someone more worthy.

12. "Sorry, I didn't hear the phone."

We live in the 21st century, and hardly anyone would believe such an excuse. But men still sometimes try to use this phrase.
13. "We live together, how do we not spend time together?"

No matter how sad it is, but according to male logic, he does everything right. Try to explain to him what quality time means. If that doesn't work, chew that you would like him to spend more time with you in bed. If it doesn't reach him, leave to find someone to whom it matters.

14. "I just want to have fun."

It hardly needs translation. He wants to sleep with you. If the guy says this and you're not looking for a frivolous relationship, leave.

Find out about the signs that indicate the love of a man, a guy for you. Advice and tips for girls, women who want to be convinced of the love of the chosen one.

  • A man, a guy very often, constantly says that he loves me: how to check?
  • How to check: is a guy in love with you, a man, or considers you his friend?

How to identify a guy in love, a man by behavior, appearance, look: 20 sure signs of falling in love and sympathy, tips and tricks

The dream of girls, women is to meet their true love. To love yourself, sincerely, truly is a wonderful feeling. But I want the feelings to be mutual. Love can turn the life of a couple into a fairy tale if the feelings of both are mutual.

But how to understand if a guy, a man is really in love? Or is he just bluffing? Often men themselves cannot sort out their feelings, mistaking a fleeting love for a sincere feeling. Sometimes it hurts to be mistaken in feelings, this will be confirmed by those who have faced betrayal and disappointment.

It is important to make the right choice of a life partner, so that you can then enjoy life and cherish your love, and not bite your elbows, reproaching yourself for a mistake.

We will show you how to determine if a man is in love with you. You just have to watch him.

Signs of a man's love

20 signs a man is in love:

  1. He wants to spend time with you. A man in love wants to see you as often as possible. For this he will do everything possible. Race to you across the city to dine together. To meet you from work, to take you to work every day, even if he is not on the way. He will do all this solely in order to be by your side. For the sake of the chosen one, he is ready to give up his activities, for example, from going fishing with friends, from watching a match and other activities, without which he previously imagined life. If you see these signs, you can be sure that he is head over heels in love.
  2. He let you into his life. Has he already introduced you to his friends? Trying to introduce you to people you know? Or maybe you already introduced him to your mom? If a man does not hesitate to introduce you to his close circle, then he has serious intentions.
  3. He touches you often. The natural reaction of a man in love, a guy, is the desire to feel physical closeness. A sign of his feelings is the desire to touch his hands, lips, hair. He will try to sit closer to you, take your hand in his.
  4. Doesn't behave as usual. A man in love can behave strangely in the presence of a girl he likes. Too withdrawn can suddenly become very talkative, and sociable and active, on the contrary, can be shy and timid. Do not be surprised and try to understand the motives for such actions. Guys in love want to please their chosen one, and often their actions become unusual. Just observe him while communicating with other people and with you, everything will become clear.
  5. He cares about you. A man who cares about your difficult times is probably not just counting on sex. An obvious sign of his serious affection is the desire to help if you get sick, if there are troubles at work, if the car breaks down, in case of any other troubles. Perhaps a man cannot solve all problems, but to show participation, calm down, do everything possible to solve your problems is a bright gesture of true love.
  6. He is not interested in your past. A man in love is not interested in the past of his beloved, it does not matter to him how many guys she had, he is not very interested in the facts of past relationships. A truly loving man sees only the present and the future with this woman, where there are no others.
  7. He doesn't listen to others' opinions of you. His friends and girlfriends, relatives may have their own opinion about you, but he will never listen to bad things and accept words such as a push to action. For him, you are beautiful, although he knows that there are no perfect people.
  8. He shares his plans with you. If he consults with you on any issue, it can be small things or important decisions, this speaks not only of his affection, love, but also of respect. He respects you, your opinion is important to him.
  9. Makes plans related to you. Is he planning how to spend the coming holidays, vacations, weekends together? Rest assured, you are not just a passing fad in his life. He makes joint plans, which means that you have long occupied an important place in his life.
  10. He is proud of you. If a guy is happy to tell his family and friends about your success, if he is happy about any little thing connected with you, it means that for him you have become a part of himself. A sign of love is the opportunity to sincerely rejoice and be proud of the success of your soul mate.
  11. Remembers details and little things. A man's brain is designed in such a way that he does not remember little things, insignificant facts. But if your chosen one remembers important dates for you. If he pays attention to your tastes and preferences in food, clothing, rest, it means that you are important to him. He wants to know your tastes and remember the little things to please you.
  12. He makes you happier. The desire of a man in love is to give joy and happiness to his chosen one. Coffee in bed, flowers delivery to work, a nice message, he is often ready to make some surprises and actions that will make you smile.
  13. Looks at you intently. Look into the eyes of a man, you will immediately understand his feelings. He likes to look at his chosen one constantly. He loves to watch you when you are cooking or sleeping, when you are busy with your own business. Men love with their eyes, that's a fact.
  14. Gives gifts. Buying and presenting a gift is by no means a problem. But not always even the most expensive gift speaks of love. If you received as a gift what you dreamed of and once said to your boyfriend, you can be sure that he remembered this for a reason. He wanted to give you joy. Your feelings and desires are important to him.
  15. He is ready to talk to you for hours. Usually men are laconic. But conversations with a loved one can last for hours. He can listen to any of your seemingly stupid conversations. At the same time, he listens carefully and is interested in little things. He may ask many different questions that may seem insignificant, but in fact it allows him to get to know you better.
  16. Wants to hug you more often. If he often hugs you, this indicates a special closeness between you. In the arms of a loved one, you feel feminine and protected, happy and loved. He also likes these moments.
  17. Always reminds of himself. Even if he is very busy, if he has a lot of urgent matters, he will always write a message, call, make himself known, take an interest in business. This act indicates that the whole world reminds him of you, and nothing will interfere with his desire to be around.
  18. He believes you. Mutual trust is an important facet of love. Trusting your beloved, counting on her, believing her words without a doubt is a sign of sincerity of feelings.
  19. He keeps his promises. Saying "I love you" is easy enough. But these are just words. A real man proves his love by his actions. He knows that if he has promised, then he must fulfill his promises no matter what, because the beloved is waiting.
  20. Makes love like it's the first time If your man is passionate, has an insane attraction and desire, even if you have been together for several months, this speaks of his love. Passion fades over time, and only true love is able to rekindle these feelings over and over again.

A man in love

Video: Signs that a guy is in love

It's nice to hear declarations of love. The three cherished words "I love you" are like a balm for the soul. But is it?

Important: For some men, confessing love is not difficult, they say it naturally, often and easily. There is another category of men who cannot utter a confession. They start to blush, shy and stutter. But this does not at all mean the insincerity of their feelings.

Women in love are very gullible, they often take wishful thinking. Not all men are scoundrels, but there is a category of those who confess their love for profit. Sometimes men use the feelings of a woman in pursuit of their personal goals, for this they can play the role of a lover.

How to understand: does a guy love or not?

You can find out if a man's words about love are true. To do this, you do not need to guess on a chamomile or scatter tarot cards. It is enough to arrange a test of feelings. This should not be regarded as dishonest. After all, you are in charge of your own life and are responsible for your choices.

How to check the feelings of a man, a guy:

  1. Cancel the date. By the reaction of the chosen one, you will understand what his sincere feelings are. A guy in love will be upset if he cannot spend the evening with his beloved. A guy who doesn't love will not show upset. He will accept this fact with indifference.
  2. Check if he is ready to change his everyday life for you. A really loving guy is ready to put off his usual activities in order to spend an evening with you or to help. If you see that a guy is not ready to sacrifice even a minute of his usual pastime for you, then he is not in the mood for a serious relationship.
  3. Don't ask for help, but make it clear that you have a problem. If you ask for help in plain text, you will be given it. But a man in love intuitively seeks to solve the problems of his beloved, if it is in his power. If a guy does not love, he will not offer his help if he is not asked about it, leaving you alone with your troubles.
  4. Notice if he is jealous. If so, then he is not indifferent. But in this matter, it is important not to confuse adequate moderate jealousy with an unhealthy sense of selfishness. If a guy is jealous of you for every pillar with or without reason, makes scandals because of this, beware of such a relationship. They can be painful and not enjoyable.
  5. If you don't know his friends yet, offer to introduce you. Most men treat their close circle with special awe. If a guy willingly accepted your offer, he is sincerely in love. If he agreed, but reluctantly, then he doubts that your relationship is serious.
  6. If your relationship is just beginning, do not rush to rush into the arms of a man. If he is seriously interested in you, he will seek your favor. If a man does not love, but is simply carried away, the slightest refusal of yours will affect his desire to pursue you further.
  7. Don't always try to show yourself at your best. Prepare your man for the fact that in the morning you are without makeup, without perfect styling. If he loves you, then he understands that you are not a beautiful toy, but a living person with all the facts inherent in ordinary people. If he loves, he will not run away.
  8. A holiday woman, of course, is always able to please her man. But if constant joy is not your natural state, do not try to portray it. First, it's insincere. Secondly, your man should love you for who you are, without feigned emotions. If you occasionally have a bad mood, this is not a reason for a man in love to panic.
  9. Pay attention to whether the man takes your side in arguments with others. A loving man will try to protect you, take your side, prove you are right. If he does not like, he will not take sides, or oppose your arguments. Sometimes you, too, may be wrong, a loving man will try to explain this to you gently and not in the presence of strangers.
  10. Ask directly if he loves you. Look at this moment in the eyes. Women are endowed with special insight, they feel many things intuitively. The answer of your chosen one can dispel your doubts.

Important: There is no need to specially arrange situations to test feelings, life itself will provide an opportunity to be convinced of the love of the chosen one. The main thing is to have time to take off your rose-colored glasses.

Sometimes girls consider the guy's willingness to marry as the most important sign of love. For many guys, getting married is a difficult step. Often a question on the forehead about a wedding, a too active desire to tie the knot to a loved one, causes a stupor in men. This is not a sign of dislike, perhaps the man is simply not ready. Show wisdom, bring the man to the wedding issue gently and gradually.

Hugs of lovers

How to understand who a guy loves: me or another?

A love triangle is a tricky situation. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that another contender for the heart of a loved one may appear or has already appeared in your place. Girls feel that they are being deceived. But how not to make a mistake and not break the woods?

Let's see what signs indicate that a guy is in love with another girl:

  • The beloved began to move away. This is the first alarm bell. He used to spend all his free time with you, and recently he has pulled back. Doesn't want to spend weekends together, avoids meetings. This behavior does not always indicate the appearance of another woman in a man's life. Perhaps he has problems at work or financial difficulties.
  • You can suspect sympathy for another woman on other grounds. For example, if a guy began to hide his correspondence on the phone. If he keeps in touch with someone all the time, he tries to hide it from you.
  • He spends time with another girl. At the same time, he can tell you that this is a business meeting. Perhaps true. But it's worth watching how the guy prepares for this meeting.
  • If a guy prepares for a meeting especially carefully, he wants to please her. It is especially suspicious if before he did not carefully monitor his appearance.
  • His usual behavior and mannerisms may change. This speaks of the passion of the other, he adopts her manners.
  • A man may fall in love with your mutual friend. If during a meeting, gatherings, he devotes most of his time to her, communicates only with her, it's time to think about honesty in your relationship.
  • See how the guy looks at the girl. Passion, love, infatuation for a man is difficult to hide. Remember how he looked at you once, compare these views.
  • A reminder that is always with him can speak of a man's love for another. It can be a photo on your phone, a gift from her. If a man keeps a reminder, then this woman is important to him.
  • He avoids intimacy with you. Don't cheer yourself up if a man doesn't want intimacy with you. But first, make sure that he does not have health problems, work fatigue.
  • Follow him, in the end, if you are ready to see everything with your own eyes. Many are not ready to accept the truth as it is. And they continue to nourish hope.

Important: Doubts in a woman rarely appear from scratch. The best way to find out the truth is to have a heart-to-heart talk. A relationship built on lies and dislike will make both unhappy.

How to understand that a man does not love another

The love of the chosen one for another woman can not only hurt a woman, it greatly affects self-esteem. Many women begin a period of looking for flaws in themselves, comparing themselves with another. Most women get depressed. Try to look at this situation from a different angle. Understand that new opportunities are opening up for you.

Many women do not intend to give up, they are fighting for the heart of their beloved. With the right tactics, you can return your loved one, but you need to work hard on yourself and your relationships.

Video: How to understand whether a man loves or not?

Important: Sometimes friendships can be mistaken for sympathy. This often happens to young, inexperienced girls. They can cherish the hope of love, as a result they are disappointed.

Often guys, under the pretext of friendship, want to be closer to their beloved. Perhaps they are afraid of being rejected, afraid to admit their feelings. Friendship gives you another reason to be around, to feel the joy of communicating with your beloved. We will show you how to distinguish love from friendship.

Here are the signs of friendship between you and nothing more:

  1. He is not jealous of you for another. Usually a friend in love cannot look at your relationship with another. He can prevent you from meeting on any pretext. Telling you that this guy is not for you, that you deserve the best. In extreme cases, he may not say anything, but he will be nervous and angry. It cannot be hidden.
  2. He does not seek physical contact. In moments of communication, he never once tries to touch your hand, shoulder. Non-verbal signs of falling in love are the desire to touch a loved one.
  3. He is not shy if you touch him. A man in love cannot react indifferently to the touch of a girl he likes. His awkwardness can be determined by sweaty palms, trembling in his voice, body stiffness. The friend does not pay attention to shaking, friendly kisses on the cheek and other touches.
  4. He does not feel embarrassed in communicating with you. A guy in love will always try to show himself in the best possible light. Friends do not hesitate to tell about the embarrassing experience that happened to him.
  5. He does not seek to look good in your presence. Friends can appear in front of each other in funny or unkempt clothes. He won't worry about it if he doesn't love you. A guy in love, on the contrary, always carefully monitors his appearance. In this way, he tries to win your sympathy.
  6. He calmly endures parting with you. If the guy took the news of your departure calmly, most likely, there is just friendship between you. If a guy is in love, he will wonder when you come back. If possible, ask you not to leave. But if the separation occurs, she will always call, write and remind about herself.
  7. In a cafe, you pay in half or in turns. Friends almost always do this. If he has sympathy, he will most likely pay himself.
  8. He does not walk you home. A friend can, of course, walk you home if it's dark outside or if you ask for it. But most often friends break up if they are not on the way. A guy in love will always offer to accompany you home.
  9. He does not see you as an intimate partner. Often the cards are revealed if friends have drunk, this state is conducive to intimacy. If even in this case there are only jokes and ease between you, this is friendship.
  10. He asks for your advice regarding other girls. This gesture is very eloquent and explains a lot. If he is friends with you because he is in love, he will not date others.

Friendship or love?

Important: In the company of mutual acquaintances, there will certainly be people who will notice the light between you. Your girlfriends may say that the guy is looking with burning eyes. If no one notices anything, he hides well or, indeed, is indifferent.

You may be offended if you were expecting love, but the result was just friendship. If you are not going to give up, and the role of a friend does not suit you, try to change your behavior a little. Maybe you have established yourself as a kind of your boyfriend. You don't act feminine enough, and the guy just doesn't see you as a girl. Show him your femininity, show him a little flirtation, flirt. This can make a difference. Courageous girls can speak directly about their feelings. This is a sure way not to torment yourself, but to find out whether he loves or not.

Friendship often develops into love. Signs of falling in love can appear, even if they were not there before. People get to know each other, get to know each other better, and eventually fall in love.

Attempts to determine whether a man loves or not gives many experiences a lot. Even if the guy is in no hurry to confess his feelings, do not rush to lose hope. Turn on your observation, look at his actions. It should be said that these rules do not always work. Feelings can be expressed in different ways, whoever knows how. Listen to your heart, it will not fail.

Video: How to understand that a guy does not love you?


How to understand that a guy loves you? 11 signs that a guy is in love

And again an article for girls. I love writing for them, because the guy himself and completely understand how guys feel about girls.

The question that arises in the minds of girls, “Does my boyfriend love me?” Usually appears when the guy stops talking about it. It completely stops or just starts to remind less often that you are his only one and that he loves you more than anyone else in the world.

How do you know if a guy loves you? How do you know that he is not indifferent to me? Does he really love me? How much does he love me? What are the signs of his love for you? Here are the girls' constant questions.

It doesn't matter, we'll figure it out now :)

There are several sure signs that he loves you:

Sign 1. He constantly blows off dust particles from you.

The guy is very attentive to you, notices the slightest changes in your clothes or appearance. If you have hair, a speck of dust, a thread or some kind of leaf on your shoulder, he will definitely notice it and remove it.

Sign 2. He is attentive to your mood.

He notices the slightest change in your mood. He constantly tries to cheer you up if it falls, and tries never to spoil it. If it is bad, he will always ask why it is like that, try to find out if his actions influenced him.

Sign 3. He is interested in your life.

You can definitely say that a guy loves you if he is not indifferent to what is happening in your life. He is constantly interested, asks how your day went, what new things happened, what you did, what you did, and what are your plans for the future.

Sign 4. The guy misses you.

If you haven't seen a guy for a while and he misses you. Even if you haven't gotten bored yet. :) He wants to see you, meet, hear your laughter, walk together, feel your touches, look into your bottomless eyes and dissolve into your gentle smile.

Sign 5. He calls you himself.

You understood correctly, HE is calling you. The fact that you call does not count. So, if a guy often calls you himself to find out what you are doing, what your mood is now, this is a sure sign that he is not breathing evenly towards you. At the same time, he calls with or without reason. But it is better, of course, when for no reason. :)

Sign 6. He almost always looks you in the eye.

This is psychology. If a guy really likes a girl, he considers her beautiful, he looks into her eyes almost all the time when he talks to her. And while his pupils are slightly wider than usual, because the body is a little aroused. And when excited, the pupils dilate greatly.

Sign 7. He often touches you.

This is also psychology. A person will never touch a person he does not like. Or if you are indifferent. If your boyfriend touches you a lot, then he loves you.

Sign 8. He gives you gifts.

By gifts, I mean any things he gives you. Flowers, postcards, all sorts of trinkets ... Moreover, he gives both on occasion and without a reason.

Sign 9. You are everywhere together.

The guy introduces you to all his friends and he doesn't care what the latter think of you. He, one might say, is indifferent to any other people's opinion about you. He just knows he loves and he doesn't care.

Sign 10. He wants you all the time.

Sexually, he always wants to take possession of your body, always wants to have sex with you.

Sign 11. He tells you that he loves you.

This is the most important sign by which you can definitely determine whether a guy loves you. If he constantly tells you that he loves you, that you are the only one and that he doesn’t need anyone else, then don’t go to the doctor, and so everything is clear. But provided that it shows several of the previous signs. :) If the guy stopped telling you that he loves - this is a serious reason to think. Or pass this test:

TEST: What are you in the eyes of the guys.

A small summary: The guy does not have to do everything as written in these 11 points. All guys are different, so if your boyfriend only shows 7 out of 11 signs, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. :)


How to understand that a guy loves you by his behavior and appearance?

Are you dating the man of your dreams and want to know for sure if he loves you? Do you want to be one hundred percent sure that your feelings are mutual? Do not know how to understand that a guy loves you? Signs of love will always betray a man in love. They are manifested to one degree or another in all guys, even if they themselves are not aware of it. Take a closer look - and you will surely find out the answer to your questions.

Here are 20 signs that can help you know if a man loves you:

1. He talks about it bluntly

The guy who confesses his love for you probably isn't lying. The question is in what sense he loves. Does he always want to be with you? Only counting on sex? Or maybe he loves you as a friend?

2. Likes to spend time with you

Does the guy prefer to stay with you instead of fishing with friends or watching a football match? Maybe give up your favorite activities to spend some time with you or do something that you like? If so, then you can be sure. A man is head over heels in love with you! You can find out that a Capricorn man is in love with you for different reasons.

3. Behaves not as usual

Don't know how to understand a man's behavior? Do you sometimes notice some oddities behind him? Can't you always explain the motives of his actions? So, it is worth paying attention to how he behaves in communication with different people. Does anything in his manner change when you are around? Both boys and girls in the presence of a loved one often behave differently from usual.

Maybe the guy next to you becomes too quiet and shy? Or vice versa - active and talkative? The behavior of people in love often looks not entirely natural.

4. Takes care of you

Are you suddenly ill? Have you had a hard day? But you know you can count on your boyfriend? Great, because he is not indifferent to you.

Of course, a man will not always be able to fix everything, solve your problems or instantly cure. However, he will try to make you laugh when you’re sad, and will massage you when you say you’re tired. Will make an effort to calm you down. And this means that your condition worries him. He wants you to feel good.

If a man really loves you, then he will definitely find time for you when you need it. He will postpone all his affairs, will be able to abandon his own plans, sacrifice a free minute. And all just for the sake of being able to be close to you, hug you, support, comfort you.

5. Can talk to you for hours

Usually men do not like long conversations, especially when they are nervous and worried. And some of them don't like to talk at all. But when a guy is in love with a girl, it seems to him that a few hours of talking is cool. He wants to know almost everything about her. Asks a lot of questions that may seem trivial at times.

By any means, he supports the conversation, catches every word of the interlocutor and tries to answer as witty as possible.

6. Smiles often

Do you smile at each other for no particular reason? Your boyfriend can't hide a kind smile when he looks at you? Does he even touch your little flaws? If so, then this is a sure sign that the man loves you.

7. Looks at you as if hypnotized.

Have you ever noticed that your boyfriend is staring at you with his eyes fixed while you are doing something? If yes, then doubt - away! You can definitely understand by looking that a man is in love.

8. Tries to make you happier

Does your boyfriend like to see you happy? Often doing things that may please you? Are you ready to participate in the implementation of your ideas, even if he himself does not really want it? Perhaps he is watching your favorite romantic comedies, is able to withstand a shopping run and, without a hint of heaviness, will take you in his arms if you suddenly sprain your ankle? At the same time, he never stops there, but continues to inspire and delight you? You can be sure that the guy really loves you.

9. Gives compliments

Men rarely compliment girls they don't like. But it is always pleasant for them to name their beloved affectionately.

Remember the last time you heard tender words from your boyfriend.

Of course, every guy can give a girl something. But not every gift speaks of love. It must be something from the heart, something that you once mentioned, or something that will surely bring you joy, cause a storm of positive emotions, and will be remembered for a long time. If a guy is in love, he will have no problem choosing something special for you.

11. Hugs often

When people hug, they are especially close. At such moments, they share their innermost thoughts, they begin to talk about life, about the future, about what is especially exciting. In the arms of a loved one, you feel safe and protected, and it seems that the world around is not as gray as it used to be. Does your boyfriend love moments like this?

12. Shows attention even to little things

Love is reflected in the little things of everyday life. A person with warm feelings will unobtrusively give up the best place in the theater, throw his jacket over the shoulders of his beloved in the rain, or share with her the most delicious piece of cake. You will be able to understand precisely by actions whether a man loves.

13. Doesn't let you forget about yourself

If a man loves you passionately, he will always find an opportunity to remind you of what he thinks of you. Even if he's very busy. Even if loaded with many urgent matters. Even if you buried important documents in the mountains.

14. Can prevent conflict

Petty quarrels and principled disputes are inevitable in any relationship. But, paradoxically, it is in conflict situations that you can see manifestations of love. Or ... her absence.

How does your boyfriend behave in the event of any conflicts? Is he trying to emerge victorious from them, to show his superiority over you? Or trying to find a compromise so that both sides are satisfied?

If a man loves you, he will not forget about it even in an argument and heated discussion, and even more so he will not allow himself to pour out his negativity and aggression on you. And, of course, he will always take your opinion into account, even if he himself does not agree with him.

15. Remembers details

If you notice that the guy remembers the details of your conversations and meetings, then this is a good sign. If he was indifferent to you, he would not pay attention to the details: what you do on Saturdays, what you think about this or that topic, what you are interested in, what is your hobby, what annoys you and what makes you happy.

The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that its owner, as a rule, does not concentrate his attention on the little things, but goes directly to the intended goal, without focusing on the nuances. If your chosen one remembers most of the little things associated with you, right down to the color of the dress you were wearing during your first meeting, then you can be sure: you are very important to him, and most importantly, the guy fell in love.

16. Proud of your accomplishments

Does your boyfriend take your success as his own? Rejoicing at your victories and achievements? Does he enthusiastically tell about them to his friends and colleagues? Fine! After all, this is not just a desire to show off or "wipe your nose" to acquaintances. He perceives you as a part of himself.

17. Shares his secrets with you

Telling secrets is always risky, as they often expose the narrator's weaknesses and make them vulnerable. If your boyfriend reveals his secrets to you, it means only one thing: you are the person he really trusts. After all, you can only tell very close people not only about your positive qualities, but also about your weaknesses.

18. May change their preferences

If a man really loves you, then sometimes he can dramatically change his lifestyle. Of course, if he sees that this is really important for you and that this can make you happier.

Does the guy want to change for you, is he ready to fight his prejudices and bad habits? On this basis, you can unmistakably understand that he loves you.

19. Speaks of you in the plural

Pay attention to how the guy talks about your relationship. If in his speech the pronouns "I" and "mine", "you" and "yours" prevail, then one cannot be completely sure of the seriousness of his intentions. But as soon as he switches to the terms "we", "our", then there should be no doubts: you have become an integral part of his life.

20. Makes joint plans

Does your man talk about the future? And are you present in his plans, far-reaching? This is not necessarily marriage and children. But if most of his dreams and plans (whether it be a ski excursion in the winter in six months or buying a tent for the next summer) are connected with you, then this is the best proof of a serious attitude towards you.

The signs of love described above will help you easily answer the question that many girls ask almost every day: "How to understand that a guy loves you?" However, it is worth remembering that all people are different, there are no guys who would ideally fit all 20 points. The named signs should be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will definitely be able to understand if a guy fell in love with you.

By secret…

Probably every girl is faced with the problem of being overweight? Indeed, sometimes it is not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, remove the sides or belly. Diets do not help, there is no strength and desire to go to the gym, or it does not bring tangible results.


How to understand that a guy no longer loves you: signs, psychology

Love works wonders, a happy person in love can be seen immediately. His eyes are burning, he is kind to others, he is always in a good mood. In the absence of his girlfriend, he is sad.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - you need to use the advice of a psychologist and compare the signs. If there is no reciprocity on his part, there is no need to waste time on him.

In contact with

There is a misconception that if a young man's sexual interest has faded away and lovemaking has become less frequent, then love has passed. This is not always true. Perhaps the relationship has developed into a more mature, calm stage. You can understand that a loved one has lost interest in you and no longer loves you by a number of signs.

Psychologists have long identified the main indicators by which it is possible to determine how much a partner is in love or, on the contrary, has lost interest in a girl.

  1. Lack of respect. If he insults you, does not take your opinion into account and tries to hit with the word "hit" in the most painful place, it is time to be on your guard and understand that this is dislike. Especially if he had behaved differently before.
  2. Sexual problems. When a person experiences attraction and love, they try to do their best to please their partner. If the guy is not interested in why you avoid sexual intercourse, does not try to solve this problem, it is difficult to talk about strong feelings
  3. Communication. When a guy talks to you like with other comrades, it means that he does not distinguish you from his friends. How do you know that a guy doesn't love you anymore? He is not interested in how you are doing, he talks about the girls he likes, his previous novels.
  4. Free time. When a guy is in love, he will definitely find time to meet. If your boyfriend constantly finds reasons and excuses to avoid dating, it's time to think about it.
  5. Treason. The one who changed it at least once, as a rule, will repeat it again. If he is in love, he will not be able to think of anyone else but his girlfriend. You should not flatter yourself with hopes, look for excuses for your soulmate, you can safely say that the feelings are gone.

Phases of love

If the question arose: how to understand whether a guy loves you or not, you can take a special test compiled by psychologists. The number of points will help you recognize how your soulmate feels about you.

For each positive answer, you need to add 1 point, for a negative - 0. The answer to the question: how to understand that a guy does not love you, the test will definitely show.

  • your betrothed always finds time to meet with you;
  • always asks how your day went;
  • when you are sick, looks after you;
  • constantly wishes you "good night" and "good morning";
  • introduced you to friends and parents;
  • you have a great sexual relationship;
  • worries when meeting you;
  • all free time is preferred by your company;
  • tries to please you in everything;
  • constantly talks about his feelings.

How do you know that a guy no longer loves you? If you get it from 5 to 10 points, you don't have to worry, the person is not indifferent to you and has ardent feelings. Fewer points indicate dislike.

What does psychology say?

Knowing how to understand that a guy no longer loves, you can save time and not waste it on empty relationships. It doesn't make any sense.

Psychologists believe that there is no place for others in a couple's relationship. This means that you cannot listen to the advice of friends and girlfriends. You can think about your partner's indifference if there is an unreasonable anxiety. If you feel happy, you don't have to worry.

How to understand that a guy does not love you - psychology will help to answer this question.

  1. You will feel that the attitude has changed, purely intuitively.
  2. He will find many excuses not to come on a date.
  3. Will stop caring for you, giving gifts.
  4. When they meet you will not kiss and try to hug you.

A girl can often determine the attitude of her young man towards herself, understand him by some peculiarities. How to understand that a guy does not love you, signs:

  • inattention;
  • constant criticism;
  • lack of common topics for conversation;
  • contempt;
  • unwillingness to meet often;
  • dating is only for sex;
  • he doesn't introduce you to friends and parents.

Check out the following video for more information on how to figure out when a guy no longer loves:

How do you know that a man really loves you? The opinion of a psychologist on this topic cannot be unambiguous, because all people are different and show their feelings in their own way.

Each has special characteristics, as well as the circumstances under which the interpretation of certain behavioral changes can be truly twofold. On the other hand, there are certain nuances that answer the common female question "or not?"

In contact with

The opinion of psychologists regarding certain emotional states cannot be unambiguous. No self-respecting psychologist would dare to equate everyone with the same size. Psychologists do not consider love to be trivial chemistry or procreation instinct. They agree that love as such is dictated by both internal impulses and social nuances, but it is still based on something instinctive. Roughly speaking, a man loves, and society dictates how to love.

The society, psychologists believe, imposes certain stereotypes of behavior on men. This also applies to manifestations of love. Suppose a man is supposedly supposed to always be the initiator of a relationship. And there is also an opinion that he must certainly give the girl flowers if he loves her. And give some stupid toys, again, if he loves.

Psychologists are of the opinion that the majority acts according to this pattern, even if it is against their nature. This is the original problem of understanding male feelings. If socially acceptable people dislike him, but he forces himself to follow them, it often looks ridiculous and insincere. Bottom line: the man is misunderstood, and the woman strenuously asks for advice from her friends and psychologists on the topic of the strange behavior of a young man.

How do men love?

Differently. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally about how to understand what a man really loves.

A woman, unfortunately, is quite often interested in some kind of amorphous external manifestations, which usually turn out to be artificial.

Sweets, flowers, compliments and invitations to a restaurant are not signs that a man loves you, this is just the most banal and hackneyed type of courtship.

How to understand whether a man loves you without knowing his individual characteristics? Psychologists are sure that something really special is happening inside everyone.

  1. There are men who love loud. They cannot and do not consider it necessary to keep their feelings inside, therefore they begin to do really amazing things. If they love, they talk a lot and do a lot, for example, they can order car covers for a car with your name. As a rule, these are extroverts.
  2. Some men love in silence. They keep feeling somewhere within themselves, it inspires them. They do not need to notify everyone in a row about what they love, they just need to feel it. They can always really understand and listen to you, and they rarely lie when they love.

These are just examples, separate opinions. Someone jumps around and is in a euphoric state, while someone quietly radiates warmth from within. If you yourself really know a man, you have a better chance of realizing that he still loves you than outside psychologists.

How to understand that this is really love for real?

If you wish, you can find thousands of instructions and opinions of psychologists on how to understand that a man loves you. Do they really work? Psychologists distinguish three categories of interaction between a man and a woman, according to which one can try to understand whether he loves.


Psychologists are sure that this is really the most important point, and not chatter and facial expressions. After all, this is logical.

How to understand that a man loves you and needs you, if not by what he is doing in relation to you. What matters is what he does, not what he says and how.

To understand that a man truly loves, according to psychologists, his following habits will help:

  • he keeps his word;
  • he helps when there is a need for it;
  • he is not trying to restrict you;
  • he really tries to understand you;
  • he supports your endeavors and contributes to your further development as a person.

Non-verbal signs

Body language will not answer the question of how to tell if your husband loves you or not. He can roughly make it clear that he is interested in you or wants to fence himself off. Or indifference. But these signs will not give you the opportunity to really understand what a man has in his soul.

The following signs really can speak of his sympathy:

  • dilated pupils;
  • observing you in some general interaction with society (for example, when someone is joking, he subconsciously looks at your reaction);
  • sincere smile (with "smiling" eyes - "crow's feet" appear);
  • hands in the belt area (pockets, belt) - in this case, you can really talk about a specific sexual interest;
  • an attempt to touch (for example, hug, remove a speck).


The conversation itself, the manner in which it is conducted and, in fact, its content, can make it clear that he loves you only indirectly. Like non-verbal signs, communication can indicate the presence of sympathy and interest in a person, rather than that someone really loves someone. that love is a serious emotional state, and not a fleeting splash in the form of butterflies in the stomach.

According to psychologists, a man respects you and is really interested in you if:

  • when speaking, he is sincere;
  • the conversation he has started is about your general themes;
  • a man is not trying to negate a conversation that concerns you.

How to check that he needs you?

The opinion of psychologists agrees on one thing: if a person needs someone, then he cannot be called truly self-sufficient. Feeling defective due to the absence of a person nearby is a sign of dependence and inability to occupy oneself with something.

Therefore, think a hundred times over whether you really want your young man to need you. The fact that he loves you does not mean that he has an urgent need for you and cannot live without you.

On the question of how to understand that a man loves you, which usually women do not like. Why? Because this is not an accusation or analysis of someone else, but taking responsibility on oneself. How to check if a man really loves you?

No way. Surely - really nothing. Since of all the people in your environment you are really responsible only for yourself, psychologists suggest looking at the root.

Psychologists believe that if you ask yourself this question, there are two options:

  1. You have low self-esteem, which fuels your doubts about your own attractiveness in the eyes of your chosen one.
  2. Somewhere inside you really understand that your actions, deeds, the attitude itself, in the end, cannot contribute to love.

If we talk about self-confidence, then the opinion of psychologists is unambiguous and at the same time trite: if you start really taking care of yourself for yourself, your sense of self will change greatly. Do not do it for the sake of a man, for the sake of the same psychologist or for a page on a social network!

If your goal is to improve one or another of your facets, you will feel like a completely different person.

You will understand that there is no point in comparing yourself to others, as well as trying to be good for everyone. And questions like "How to understand if a man loves you or not?" you don't even want to type in the search bar. You won't need it. Psychologists believe that there really won't be any doubts.

The second option deserves a separate lecture from psychologists. The opinions of psychologists agree that women are often taken to extremes in relation to the stronger sex.

There is an opinion that there are two radical poles, when a woman is really convinced that she is right, but at the same time behaves extremely destructively for a relationship.

First pole:

  • entertainers from the category "I am a woman, which means I am a goddess";
  • ladies who believe that they owe everything simply because they are;
  • hysterics who turn any substance into a scandal.

Second pole:

  • ardent connoisseurs of the separation of functions in life by gender;
  • amorphous amoebas, who hid their opinions in the deepest and ugliest chest, and now indulge others in everything (including a man);
  • girls who look in love at their man and really see in him the meaning of their whole life.

Psychologists believe that if you have signs of any of these groups, it's time to really change something in yourself. If you decide to create a new relationship or develop old ones, everything will most likely go according to the usual scenario, where you will find yourself a misunderstood victim and remain at the bottom again.


If you are wondering how to check if a man really loves you, the test will not help. Of course, you can lie that you are pregnant and watch his reaction. You can flirt with other men in front of him.

But will this reaction of his be proof that he loves? And will your behavior towards a man be really honest? If not, then is it possible after that to really demand a decent attitude from him?

The opinion of psychologists is that if you are really curious about his feelings, then the optimal "test" will be a human conversation, where you will find out everything for yourself. For fun, you can explore here. Perhaps she will help you with something else.

Maybe just using it?

Well, yes, it is quite possible. Globally, we all use each other. In most cases, of course, psychologists do not deny sincere altruism.

But! Agree, when someone “sacrifices himself,” does he not expect some kind of reaction from the outside? Psychologists believe that this is purely manipulation, which implies getting your own benefit.

Think: are you using it too? Psychologists advise not to lie at least to yourself. If the honest answer to yourself is yes, then don't be surprised if the use turns out to be mutual. There is an opinion that people around are really mirrors of ourselves, remember this.

If you diligently search the network for materials on how to understand whether your husband loves you or not, then:

  • or there really is some precedent;
  • or you are just bored, because you decided to organize a problem for yourself out of the blue.

The opinion of psychologists regarding the second option is unambiguous: in this case, you must first of all take care of yourself and your development, and not try to look for a catch in the behavior of your man. Therefore, let's talk about the first one.

So how to understand? If you really want to understand your man, there are rough signs of his potentially mercantile behavior.

  1. He only turns to you when he needs something.
  2. He is not interested in your personal development, and he will demand that you sacrifice something of his own for him.
  3. He doesn’t help you unless you ask him about it a hundred times and, in addition, don’t promise something in return.
  4. If you have any problems that really need to be dealt with, he has no time.

Useful video

The psychology of men in love and relationships is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he wants independence, and on the other, he wants home comfort and attention. The video below should help you figure it out a bit:


  1. The opinions of psychologists on this topic cannot be characterized in any particular way, because everyone expresses what is inside him in his own way.
  2. Some people recommend that you pay attention to the peculiarities of the conversation or to the body language.
  3. But how to understand, if not by his actions? The way he behaves towards you speaks volumes about whether he loves or not.

There is a guy in your life that you like, it can be either a guy you recently met or an old friend who you have a new look at. Whoever it is, you are dying of curiosity from the question: are you just friends, or he will feel something more for you. If you want to know if a guy likes you, you should pay attention to what he says and what he does when you are around. If you really want to know how he feels about you, just follow our tips.


Analyze how he speaks

  1. Notice how he speaks to you. The way he talks to you can tell a lot about his true feelings. The next time you interact with him, pay attention to his tone and how much attention he pays to you when he speaks. Here are some ways to see if he likes you based on how you talk to each other:

    • Notice if he looks you in the eye. Is he completely absorbed in you or is he looking around for something more interesting than to do. Or does he sometimes avert his eyes to the side, but smile because he is shy when he is next to you?
    • See if he is treating you carefully. Or is he checking his phone or talking to other people? If so, then he is most likely not trying to impress you. But if he speaks to you as if you are the only person in the world, then he is very interested in you.
    • See if he's trying to impress you. Does he tell stories in which he looks more masculine, witty, or adventurous than he really is? If so, then perhaps he wants to get your attention.
    • See if he speaks more quietly when you are around, he may want you to lean in and get closer.
  2. Pay attention to what he is talking about. If you are just a friend to this guy, then he will speak to you differently than if he wanted to impress you and make you understand that you are more than friends. You should also pay attention not only to how he speaks, but to what he is talking about.

    • Pay attention to how he shares personal information. If he is open with you and talks about troubles with friends or family, then this means that he appreciates your attention and likes you. But if he tells you about a new girl he likes, then chances are you are in trouble.
    • Notice if he mentions his childhood. This is a pretty personal moment for most guys, if he opens up to you, then it definitely means that he is trying to get closer to you.
    • See if he compliments you. If he tells you that you look good, or in some other way makes you know that you are interesting and witty, then he may be carried away by you.
    • Notice if he teases you. If he's comfortable enough around you to tease you, then he probably likes you.
    • Notice if he's trying to be more sophisticated with you. If you noticed him belching, or he speaks rudely in the presence of his friends, but he never does this in front of you, but on the contrary, speaks politely to you, this means that he is trying to impress you.
  3. Notice how he talks to other girls. If he tells you about other girls, it could be for one of two reasons. Either he likes you and wants you to be jealous, or he just sees you as a friend and wants your advice. Here's how to figure out what it means when he talks about other girls:

    • If he always complains about the women he goes out with or says, "None of them are what I'm looking for," he may be hinting that you are the one.
    • If he's always asking for romantic advice, no matter who he's dating, he may just see you as a friend. If he says you give the best advice, you may be more than a friend to him.
    • If he often talks about his victories, but does not ask for advice, perhaps he is just showing off to win you over. But be careful, you don't want to end your relationship with another number in his notebook.
    • If he compared the girl to you, not in her favor with the words "She is cool, but not even close to being as funny as you," then he hints to you that it would be better to go on a date with you.

Think about what he does

  1. Pay attention to his body language. Body language can really show whether he wants to be closer to you or just sees you as a friend. If he hugs you, you need to understand if he is doing it because he likes you, or if it is just a friendly gesture. Here are some ways to tell if his body language says you are more than a friend to him:

    • Notice how he sits next to you. Does he always try to move closer until your knees touch, or is he sitting far away from you?
    • Try to see if you can catch him looking in your direction. Perhaps you caught his gaze, and he even blushed and looked away, because he realized that he was caught!
    • See if he's looking for excuses to touch you. Does he often bump into you when you play volleyball or football as a friend?
    • See if his body is facing directly towards you when he is talking. Is his body turned in your direction and his arm movements are directed in your direction? If so, then he wants to give you his full attention.
    • See how he touches other girls. Does he hug every girl or just you?
    • See if he strokes your hand even when he's joking. This is a very intimate gesture and can show that he really likes you.
  2. Pay attention to the things he does for you. Could he just be a good friend, or do all the favors he does to you mean something more? Pay attention to all the things he did to you and think about what they mean to you. Here's what to say:

    • See if he is caring. He brings you coffee when you’re very focused on your studies, or buys movie tickets even though you’ve only hinted that you want to go there. If so, he probably listens to your every word and just wants to make you happy.
    • See if he makes everyone happy. Is he just "Mister Nice Guy" and he likes to give a ride and buy meals to everyone in town, or does he just do it for you? Remember, if he likes you, he will treat you differently than others.
    • If he helps you with household chores like doing laundry, for example, then he definitely wants to be your boyfriend.
    • If he offers to help with your car, he doesn't just want to be friendly, he wants to impress you with his masculinity.
  3. See how he behaves with other girls. You need to check how he treats them, how he speaks to them, whether he treats them the same way he treats you, or thinks that you are special to him. You don't have to scrutinize or listen closely to see how he treats other girls, but how he treats you.

    • Pay attention to how often he flirts. Does he flirt with every girl in the room or just you? Remember, he might like you even if he's flirting with other girls, but chances are he’s unlikely to make you stand out.
    • You can look at opposite signs. Does he flirt with every girl except you? Then maybe he is not flirting with you because you are the only one he likes. Perhaps he respects you too much to tease you or flirt with you like he does with other girls.
    • Does he look embarrassed or is he shy when talking to the new girl in front of you? If so, then perhaps he does not want you to know how his relationship unfolds, because it would be better if he was with you.
    • Check to see if the other girls he is friends with know about you. If he's with another girl and she says to you, “Oh, I heard about you,” then the girl might be jealous because you are important to this guy.
  4. He is always trying to communicate with you. If he likes you, then he wants to be near you, as much as possible. He may make it obvious or not obvious. Here are some signs that he wants to be with you because he sees you more than a friend:

    • He acts as if you are the only person in the room when you are in a large group. If you are at a party, concert or bar and you realize that you have been chatting with him all evening, then he definitely wants to be closer to you.
    • If you have general lectures and he is always trying to sit next to you or take your place, then perhaps he wants to take the relationship to the next level.
    • Pay attention if he occasionally bumps into you in a cafe or bar. If he is always near you, then perhaps he is just chasing you, but if you accidentally bump into him in the same territory, then it is possible that he is just hoping to meet you.
  5. Analyze how you walk. Paying attention to how often and where you go can give you a great deal of insight into whether he sees you as a friend or if he wants your meetings to look more like dates. Here are a few points to consider:

    • Pay attention to where you meet. Whether you're meeting in romantic places like parks, wine bars, or places where you see couples out on dates. Then he probably wants from you too.
    • Pay attention to who surrounds you when you walk, if you are always alone, this may mean that he sympathizes with you. But if he always invites a dozen of his best friends, then he just sees you as a friend.
    • Pay attention when you meet. If you only see him once a month, then maybe he isn't trying to spend more time with you. But if you feel that not a day goes by for you to see him, then, yes, most likely, he likes you.
    • Pay attention to what you do when you communicate together. Going out for coffee or lunch means more that you're just friends, but going to dinner or movie nights are more than just friendships.
  6. See if he is flirting with you. It may only seem obvious, but sometimes it's harder to understand that someone is flirting than you think. Each guy has his own flirting style and there are many ways to flirt with you and show you that he likes you. Here are some signs that he is flirting:

    • If he keeps trying to make you laugh, even if he just scribbles in the margin of the notebook during a lecture, then he is definitely trying to flirt with you.
    • When he puts a lot of emoticons in an SMS message, then he flirts with you.
    • When he jokingly wrestles with you or gently shoves you, he flirts with you.
    • If he loves to drag you under the water when you are in the pool, then he is definitely flirting with you.
    • He often tries to make you laugh, then he definitely flirts. If he blushes when you both laugh, then he is definitely trying to flirt.

Ask him yourself. When you feel confident enough that this guy likes you, just tell him how you feel and ask if he feels the same way. He may just be very shy and relieved that you have taken the initiative. Here's how to ask him if he likes you:

  • Take time when you are alone. Make sure you don't talk to him when nearby friends are looking over your shoulder.
  • Be honest and open. Just say that you like him very much and want to know if you feel the same. Before he answers, tell him it's not a problem if he doesn't like you.
  • You should do this if you are sure that you like it. If he also shows that he likes you, have the courage to ask him. If he's not showing signs that he likes you, then it might be worth waiting and seeing what happens.