Abstract of a lesson on the application of flowers in a vase. GCD summary for the application "Vase of flowers" (preparatory group). I remind you the stages of the application

Summary of a lesson on application in the senior group "Vase decorated with flowers."
- teach children to symmetrically cut objects of complex shapes (vases and tulips) along the drawn half-contour; - learn to cut out the missing parts for a complete image of the plant (leaves and stem of the plant); - decorate the neck of the vase at will; - to consolidate the ability to use neatly with glue when applied to paper; - to contribute to the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste, accuracy and the ability to bring the work started to the end.
The teacher has an image of a tulip head pasted on a white sheet of paper. Children have multi-colored rectangular sheets of paper folded in half (21x16 cm) with the drawn outlines of the halves of the vases and with the drawn outlines of the halves (5x4 cm) of the tulip heads of pink, blue, blue, red colors; green paper for leaves and stems, scissors, glue.
The course of the lesson.
Educator: Hello guys. Look closely at your tables and tell me what is on them? Children's answers. Educator: Children, do you have half of an object drawn on paper folded in half? Who guessed what kind of object you have drawn? If your answer is correct, you will know when you cut and unfold the sheet exactly along the drawn line. You will end up with an image of the whole item. You need to cut it smoothly and slowly, since the contour line is not straight, but winding. Children are doing work. Educator: What did you do? Children: Vase. Educator: What do people use vases for? Children: For beauty, flowers, fruits. Educator: What materials are vases made of? Children: Glass, porcelain, ceramics, crystal, wood, metal, plastic. Educator: Who comes up with the shape of the vase, its size, decorations? Children: Artists, glassblowers, chasers. Educator: Children, guess my riddle. Wonderful flower Like a bright light. Lush, important, like a pan, Delicate velvet ...
Answer: Tulip. Educator: Right. Shows children pictures of a tulip head. It has a rounded calyx and three serrated petals on top. See what a half tulip looks like. We fold the tulip head in half and explain the task. To cut a tulip, you need to fold the original shape in half with the colored side inward and cut the tulip head around the office. Whoever wants can cut not one flower, but 2, 3 or more. Children cut tulips. Physical education. "Scarlet Flowers" Our scarlet flowers (Palms connected in the shape of a tulip) Dissolve the petals. (Fingers slowly open) The breeze breathes a little, (Smooth swaying of the hands is made) The petals sway. Our scarlet flowers (Fingers slowly close, acquiring the shape of a flower) Close the petals, - (crouch down, hid) They shake their heads, - (head movements to the left - to the right) They quietly fall asleep. After a physical education, the teacher suggests cutting out the leaves and stem of a tulip from green paper, and decorate your vase with a tulip or a bouquet of tulips. In the process of work, the teacher asks the children where they will place and stick the decoration on the vase. Explains that the most suitable place is the body of the vase. Widest spot on a vase. Asks how the children think to cut the leaves - by cutting in pairs, or fold a narrow rectangle in half lengthwise and cut out half of the leaf, i.e. in a symmetrical way. Children who finish work faster than others are advised to decorate the neck of a vase. At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to use game techniques for the analysis and evaluation of work. Invite children to choose the best job and explain their choice.

Evgeniya Borisova

GCD summary for applications on the topic "Magic flowers for mom" in the senior group.

Evgeniya Borisova

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration with other educational areas: cognition, social and communicative development, speech development.

Target: Develop a sense of teamwork, create an emotional mood for children.

Learning tasks:

Continue to promote the desire in children to enjoy collective activities.

Strengthen the skills of neat gluing of flower details.

Strengthen the skills of creating a composition.

Developmental tasks:

To develop an aesthetic taste, the ability to navigate a sheet of paper.

Develop imagination, creativity, imagery.

Educational tasks:

To educate accuracy in work.

To bring up in children an understanding of beauty, love for mother.

Methods and techniques: Game situation, questions of the educator, showing methods of action, reminder, help, examination of samples, explanation, independent activity of children, encouragement, analysis of work by children, reflection, individual approach, instructions.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations of field and garden flowers, photo albums. Didactic game: "Find your flower."

Demo material: color samples.

Handout: scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkin, oilcloth, wallpaper sheet, brush holder, colored paper squares of different colors and sizes (12 * 12; 10 * 10; 8 * 8, Colored paper for additional creativity.

Individual work: with Sasha and Stas to consolidate the ability to consistently and neatly connect the parts of the flower.

Differentiated approach: the child who finished his work before everyone else can cut blanks for the next flower.

Organizing time

Do you know what this holiday is? (children's answers, additions to them).

Let's put together a whole basket of flowers for our mothers, but our flowers will not be simple, we will make them magical. Let's take a look at some color samples. Flowers are different: yellow, blue, blue, orange, etc., and they differ in shape from each other.

Now I will show you the sequence of work.

* First, I take a large square of colored paper, fold it diagonally. It turns out a triangle, then I fold it in half 2 more times. Guys, make sure that the top of the triangle always ends up in the same corner, which will later become the center of our flower.

* Then, with scissors, I carefully cut off the edges of the triangle from edge to center without reaching it, leaving space for the next workpiece

* After I cut out the first blank of the flower, I carefully unfold it, straighten it. See how beautiful it turned out.

* And now guys, I'll take the middle square and, like the first, fold it diagonally, then fold the triangle 2 more times. Guys, do not forget about the top of the triangle, because this is the center of our flower. These petals are even better than the first ones.

* To make the flowers lush, I will take a small square, and, like the first and second, I will fold it diagonally, then in half 2 more times and cut out the next blank.

* Look guys, I got 3 blanks of different color and size for the future flower. And now I will connect them together. To do this, I will take the first workpiece, it is larger than the other 2 in size, put it on the table, then put the middle workpiece on it, and a small one on top. Look at what a lush, beautiful, multi-colored flower turned out. And so that it does not crumble, I will connect the finished flower parts together with glue, in the same sequence as I laid them out. Now I put down the scissors, the scraps of paper, take a sheet of wallpaper on which the basket is drawn and glue my flower over the basket. My flower will be located in the center, you guys glue your flowers from the central flower, so it will be more convenient for you.

Whoever finishes his work before everyone else can cut another flower.

Also, in the course of the lesson, the rules for using scissors and glue are repeated and the children begin to work.

Children independently choose the color scheme for their flower.

Children are doing the applique. The teacher helps if necessary.


The teacher lays out the finished collective work of the children on the table and asks them to come up. Asks children to rate their own work and the work of other children. Praises children, noting the accuracy of their work.

What did you like most about your work?

What was difficult for you?

And now we will put our basket with magic flowers in a prominent place. Our mothers will smile when looking at these beautiful flowers.

Municipal preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten number 28


by application

for children of the senior speech therapy group

"Meadow flowers"

Compiled and conducted:


Shishkina S.I.

Krasnogorsk. 2010


    Continue teaching children how to cut rosette flowers from paper circles in the familiar "fold three times in half" method.

    Exercise the children to cut leaves in a symmetrical manner.

    Continue to teach children to use a map-scheme with a sequential representation of the stages of work when cutting flowers and leaves.

    Strengthen the skills of children in a beautiful, rhythmic arrangement of forms on a vertical sheet of paper, develop spatial thinking and imagination.

    Show children the possibility of compiling a panoramic collective composition from a large number of foundations, foster interest in co-creation.

    Develop aesthetic perception in children, teach children to see the beauty of flowers.

    To consolidate the knowledge of children received in the classroom on the development of speech, ecology and familiarization with the environment.


    Targeted walks to kindergarten flower gardens.

    Conversations about meadow flowers.

    Learning poems, reading stories, guessing riddles about flowers.

    Learning the "Dance of the Flowers"

    Examination of photographs, postcards, reproductions of paintings, calendars depicting flowers.

    Didactic games: "Gardener" (in order to consolidate knowledge of the names of flowers), "When something blooms", "What grows where", "Color house" (in order to develop and perceive color and obtain harmonious color combinations)


    Large bouquet of wildflowers (artificial)

    Illustrations depicting flowers (bell, forget-me-not, violet, cornflower, chamomile, lily of the valley, poppy, carnation, tulip, dandelion, coltsfoot, etc.).

    Schemes with the sequence of making flowers

    Green paper, A4 size, paper forms - large colored circles of white and blue, red with denticles at the edges, green rectangles, multi-colored small squares.

    Scissors, glue brushes, brush holders, paper napkins, glue, glue sockets, oilcloths, scrap boxes.


    G.S. Shvaiko “Classes on visual activity in kindergarten. Program, notes. Senior group". Moscow, humanitarian publishing center "Vlados", 2002.

    IA Lykova “Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group. Planning, notes, methodological recommendations ". Moscow, "Karapuz-didactics", Creative Center "SPHERE", 2007

    T.G. Kazakova "Classes in fine arts". Moscow, "Education", 1996.

    TAShorygina “Flowers. What are they? " Moscow, "Gnome and D", 2001

    NV Nishcheva "The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment", St. Petersburg, "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2001.


Organizational moment: children are standing on the carpet. The teacher draws the attention of children to a large beautiful bouquet of wildflowers (artificial).

Look what a big beautiful bouquet I have. You like?

Where do you think these flowers grow? (children's answers)

If flowers grow in a field what are they?


(in the garden - garden, in the forest - forest, in the meadow - meadow).

How nice it is in the summer on a green, flooded meadow! Among the lush grasses, bright fragrant flowers dazzle. Elegant moths, butterflies and bumblebees flutter above them. Do you know the names of the colors? (Yes) I'll check now. Guess my first riddle:

He blossomed in the silence of the forest,

Blue gramophone,

Does it ring or not

Only the forest will give us the answer.


What color are the petals of the bell? (blue)

(the teacher shows an illustration of a bell)

What other wildflowers have a blue tint?

(forget-me-not, violet, cornflower) the teacher shows illustrations of the named flowers.

Children read poems:


E. Serova

On the sunny edge

The violet has blossomed -

Lilac ears

She raised it quietly.

She is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to climb forward

But everyone will bow to her

And he will take it carefully.


E. Serova

They are visible and invisible,

You can't count them!

And who just invented them -

Cheerful, blue?

Must have been ripped off

A shred from the sky

Slightly conjured up -

And they made a flower.

Hear the following riddle:

At the flower of the middle

In the form of yellow circles,

Frame the cores

Lots of white petals.


What color are chamomile petals? (white)

(the teacher shows an illustration of a chamomile)

What other flowers have white petals? (lily of the valley)

the teacher shows an illustration of a lily of the valley

The child reads a poem:

Lily of the valley.

T.A. Shorygina

The breeze is cheerful, bold

The spring flew into the forest.

White lily of the valley sprang up

And it rang softly.

Porcelain bell

And spilled into the thicket of boron

Melodic chime.

And now I will read you a poem about another flower:


Look, look,

What a red light.

It's a wild carnation

The new one is celebrating the day.

And when the evening comes

The petal will roll the flower:

"Until morning! See you!"

And the light will go out.

What kind of flowers are red, do you know? (poppy, tulip)

the teacher shows illustrations of the named colors

There are a great many flowers on earth, and each of them is beautiful in its own way.

More noticeable every day

The summer sun is warming

In the field and in the woods

Flowers bloomed:

Buttercup is a yellow flower

Bright blue cornflower.

And flowers grow everywhere

Unprecedented beauty.

Let's dance with you

Together with these flowers!

Flowers are handed out to children. Dance with flowers.

After the dance, there is a knock on the door. A letter came from the Fairy of Flowers:

“Dear guys, summer has come and I would like our meadows, fields and forests to become even more beautiful. But I can't do it alone. Could you help me. Look at the schematic cards in the envelope and try to make many beautiful, multi-colored flowers from them. Send your work to me. "

Let's help the Fairies of Flowers. Sit down at the tables, let's take a look at the cards-schemes.

Children look at the maps and explain the sequence of work.

Look at the working material and tell me which colors will soon "grow" in our meadows. (chamomile, cornflower, carnation)

How to glue flowers so that they look like living, and the wind stirred their petals.

Children express their suggestions. The teacher clarifies the answers and says that the flower should be smeared only in the middle, without staining the petals with glue and press it tightly in the center. Then, gently lift the petals with your fingers to give them splendor, liveliness and volume.

Before gluing the flowers, you need to lay out the composition on paper, placing the flowers on vertical paper so that they are not cramped.

Children get to work. Calm music sounds.

The teacher reminds the children of the rules for working with scissors, a brush and glue. As necessary, it provides individual assistance to children in need.

The finished works are placed on a stand, close to each other, resulting in a large multi-colored flowering meadow. Children together with the teacher summarize the work.

What flowers do you think the Flower Fairy will like the most? Why?

What kind of meadow did we have with you, there are so many flowers of different colors on it?

(multicolored, variegated, colored)

When our works are dry, we will put them in an envelope and send them to the Fairy of Flowers. She will be very happy with such a gift.

Guys there is something else in the envelope. Yes, this is a continuation of the letter.

“Dear guys, take care and protect nature, because it is so beautiful and defenseless.

You are walking in a green meadow

Dew dries on the leaves,

The wind of the grass shakes resiliently,

They whisper: don't tear us, don't!

Our flexible stems are beyond your imagination!

We are joy for the eyes and for the heart,

The adornment of the native land. "

Let's promise the Flower Fairy to love and protect nature. And then a bright, gentle sun will always shine over our planet, there will be many berries, mushrooms and flowers in the fields and forests, and cheerful colorful butterflies will flutter above them.

He blossomed in the silence of the forest,

Blue gramophone,

Does it ring or not

Only the forest will give us the answer.


At the flower of the middle

In the form of yellow circles,

Frame the cores

Lots of white petals.


Lily of the valley.

T.A. Shorygina

The breeze is cheerful, bold

The spring flew into the forest.

White lily of the valley sprang up

And it rang softly.

Porcelain bell

Rang: "Ding-dong, ding-dong!"

And spilled into the thicket of boron

Melodic chime.


E. Serova

On the sunny edge

The violet has blossomed -

Lilac ears

She raised it quietly.

She is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to climb forward

But everyone will bow to her

And he will take it carefully.


Look, look,

What a red light.

It's a wild carnation

The new one is celebrating the day.

And when the evening comes

The petal will roll the flower:

"Until morning! See you!"

And the light will go out.

More noticeable every day

The summer sun is warming

In the field and in the woods

Flowers bloomed:

White chamomile, pink porridge,

Buttercup is a yellow flower

Bright blue cornflower.

And flowers grow everywhere

Unprecedented beauty.

Let's dance with you

Together with these flowers!

“Dear guys, summer has come and I would like our meadows, fields and forests to become even more beautiful. But I can't do it alone. Could you help me. Look at the schematic cards in the envelope and try to make many beautiful, multi-colored flowers from them. Send your work to me. "

“Dear guys, take care and protect nature, because it is so beautiful and defenseless.

You are walking in a green meadow

Dew dries on the leaves,

The wind of the grass shakes resiliently,

They whisper: don't tear us, don't!

Our flexible stems are beyond your imagination!

We are joy for the eyes and for the heart,

The adornment of the native land. "

Summary of the lesson on the spring theme "Vase of flowers" (5-6 years old, application)

Explanatory note
Lesson on the theme "Vase of flowers" in the technique of Application was developed for students of the association "Rainbow" MBOU DO Children's Art House. It has an artistic and aesthetic orientation and can be used in classes in Children's Art Houses and technology lessons in secondary schools.
Purpose: To reinforce practical application skills in children; to form spatial representations - to learn how to correctly position images on a sheet of paper and stick them; to form interest and a positive attitude towards the application.
acquaintance with the rules for building a creative composition using paper flowers;
the formation of the ability to compose flower compositions using various geometric shapes;
consolidation of skills in possession of various tools and materials;
development of spatial vision of the sheet and objects in it.
education of accuracy, perseverance, independence;
instilling love and an attentive attitude towards mom;
instilling a respect for nature;
fostering a positive attitude towards work and a sense of mutual assistance.
promote the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities: thinking, imagination, attention;
development of communication skills, social interaction skills, cooperation to achieve the set goal.
For the teacher:
Samples of compositions of bouquets from different materials;
Sample of work performed
Applique patterns
For students:
colored paper;
pencil, glue;
templates of geometric shapes - circles of 4 diameters;
vase templates
paints, brushes
hard brush (toothbrush, comb)
album sheet
wet wipes.
Occupation type: Lesson in learning new material.
This lesson was developed and implemented as part of the "Rainbow" program.
Form of study- group, same age, for children 5-6 years old
1. Organizational stage.
2. Introductory conversation about the application.
3. The main part.
4. Physical minutes
5. Execution of work
6. Summing up the results of the lesson.
Estimated results.
The tasks that are set when conducting additional education are as follows:
1. Development of fine motor skills
2. Development of communication skills
3. Develop the ability to use scissors
4. Promote the development of design activities
5. To teach the accuracy when gluing ready-made forms, to compose images of finished objects from them on your own according to the sample.
6. Develop technical skills.
7. Promote the development of skills in working with various materials.
Theoretical part: Applique is one of the most ancient ways of decorating clothes, shoes, household items, home, still used by many peoples. The appearance of applique dates back to ancient times and is associated with the appearance of a stitch, a seam on clothes made of animal skins. The evolution of the applique can be traced by the images in the monuments of art of the ancient civilizations of Asia, Europe, America, by literary sources, as well as by the surviving samples of appliqués from different times and peoples. In the conditions of the primitive communal system, when there was no social inequality, the materials used for the application were available to everyone. Subsequently, application, like other types of applied art, was influenced by new social conditions. The embroidery intended for the nobility differed both in the complexity of the pattern and in the cost of materials.
For many centuries, the application has been widely used and spread not only in Asia, but also in Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany, France. Applique has become very popular during the time of chivalry. Wars, tournaments led to the appearance of generic signs - emblems. The coats of arms must be clearly visible from both sides, which led to the development of appliqué embroidery. King of Sicily Roger II brought it out of Byzantium among the valuable skilled weavers and embroiderers. One of the features of Sicilian embroidery is the peculiar use of applique.
Applique works reached their peak in the 16th century. in Italy and Spain in church attire. They are characterized by repetition of the same motive and contrasting combinations of tones. The most copper was the combination of red, yellow and green. For example, the coat of arms with the image of crossing keys is embroidered with applique work on red velvet with yellow silk satin (Germany of the 17th century); a cover for an armchair is embroidered with an applique on cherry velvet with a yellow silk fabric (France, 17th century); the image of St. Lawrence is embroidered with applique work on red velvet with a yellow cloth with a green outline (Italy, 17th century)
In Russia, at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 19th century, silhouette cutting became fashionable.
Cutting out silhouettes has become a favorite pastime not only of professional artists, but also of the nobility. At that time, two silhouette artists, who had European fame, "F. Sido and F. Antiig, were working in Russia. In 1799, the book" Catherine II and her inner circle. " F. Antiig - adjutant and the first biographer of A.V. Suvorov - left a series of silhouette portraits of prominent people of his time: figures of Russian culture, scientists, diplomats
The art of black silhouette began to be used as decoration in the homes of Russian nobles. I.S. Turgenev in the novel "New, wrote. “And indeed: the eighteenth century already met the guests in the hall, in the form of low little blue screens pasted over with cut-out, measured silhouettes of powdered ladies and gentlemen. With the light hand of Lavater, silhouettes were in great fashion in Russia in the eighties of the last century. " Profile portrait and genre scenes were widespread. The technique of the image was different: either drawing in ink or cutting out of plain paper.
In the first half of the XIX century. The greatest master of the silhouette was Count F.P. Tolstoy (1783-1873). During his long life, FP Tolstoy made over 2,000 different works: he is a medalist, sculptor, draftsman, painter, engraver. The Hermitage contains 50 silhouettes of F.P. Tolstoy, in the State Russian Museum 20 silhouettes, the same number in the Historical Museum of Moscow. In his youth, he had to endure a serious struggle with relatives, who expressed themselves against F.P. Tolstoy became a professional artist. But he still became one.
E.F. Junge, daughter of F.P. Tolstoy, remembers his father warmly. Sitting in the nursery, Tolstoy cut out amusing scenes from paper for the children’s amusement of horses and other animals. F.P. Tolstoy's silhouette cutouts, which began in childhood, remained with him for the rest of his life.
The Soviet artist E.E. Lebedeva dedicated her talent to this rare art. She was fond of paper cutting as a child, while still in high school. Later, with the same enthusiasm, E. E. Lebedeva passed on her knowledge and experience to children working in the Palace of Pioneers, in the House of Folk Art, in schools and on the playground of the house where she lived.
In the ornaments, applications of E. E. Lebedeva - motives of the nature of the middle lane, where she was born and lived almost all her life.
A great painter was fond of application, such as Henri Matisse (1869-1954), he argued that the main role is played by color, colors should support each other, not destroy. He argued that colors that can be used to depict objects and natural phenomena, by themselves, completely independently of these objects, have the power to influence the feelings of the audience. Moreover, colors can act on feelings the stronger, the simpler they are. In each application, he took 4-5 tones, but selected them in such a way as to express the essence of decorativeness and richness of color as such. Matisse argued that scissors can become more sensitive than a pencil. He moved the colored planes cut out of paper in search of the best composition on paper and strengthened first with pins, and then with glue. Cutting out individual figures and forms, changing colors and backgrounds, Matisse created a number of colorful decorative works: the mythological image of Icarus, the character of fairy tale III. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" Wolf, the symbolic image of "Destiny", memories of the island of Tahiti. In these works, the decorative and coloristic genius of Matisse manifested itself with special force. He created over 200 works, including several monumental and decorative cutouts.
Applique and all artistic creation develops the ability of children. Ability is the individual psychological abilities of a person that are formed in activity (there are inclinations with which a child was born). The ability can be formed in a child through love. Love for beauty. We need to teach children to see, love, appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. After what he sees, the child himself will begin to create, his abilities will manifest.
To develop the ability you need to develop:
Technique of work (manual skill)
All these points cause the child to have a positive attitude towards the application.

During the classes:

І. Organizing time:
The entrance of students to the class.(the melody "Sound of the Sea" sounds)
Seating in places
Verification of the list.
Familiarization with the topic.

Teacher: Hello guys!
There is only a place for bright colors,
There is no limit to dreams
Transforming everyday life into a fairy tale
In the hands are born ... .. (flowers)
The New Year holidays are over, winter, spring has already arrived ...
The first month of spring is March: brings a lot of joy to people, because the cold weather leaves, nature awakens, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth, the first tender grass and flowers appear. Flowers are one of the signs of the arrival of spring, one of the traditional signs of attention, love and admiration. Guys, you love your mother (yes) What is your mother (kind, attentive, beloved, beautiful) What does she like to do? Guys, do you help your mom? For my mother's attention, love for my mother, there is no dearer than my mother in the world. Today we will prepare a surprise with you, we will make it with our own hands. Let's call the postcard "Flowers in a Vase"
Any gift will be pleasant, and everyone will be happy with a bouquet of flowers. Why do you think?
-Because the flowers are very beautiful.
What flowers do you know? (rose, chamomile, etc.) Well done, now let's try to guess riddles?
I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red
But I always remain beautiful!
(The Rose)
There is a curly hair in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed today on a high leg
At the bumps covered with snow,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, slightly alive.
The little blue bell hangs
It never rings.
The sun burns the top of my head
Wants to make a rattle.
My friend asks me
Purple flower.
I don’t mind giving it back,
I'll give my friend ...
Answer: Violet
The flowers are beautiful and fragrant for everyone to admire. So? No not like this! We admire flowers, enjoy them. This is all true. However, they are not blooming for people at all. Bright colors, aroma are necessary for flowers to attract insects to themselves.
Only we, humans, can admire the beauty of flowers, and only color, flower shape and smell are important for insects. After all, flowers do not just lure, they also feed: some insects - with juice-nectar, others with pollen, and still others. You've all probably seen pollen? For plants to have seeds, you need to transfer pollen from one flower to another. This is exactly what insects do. A butterfly arrives and sits on a flower for a sweet drop of nectar, the pollen will stick to it. Then the butterfly sits on a neighboring plant and pollinates its flower with pollen adhering to its legs.
The teacher shows pictures of flowers, together with the children they consider how beautiful, colorful they are, they have petals and a center. The teacher explains that if there are many flowers, then this is called a bouquet
Do you guys know why flowers are always so beautiful and attractive? No? I didn't know either, until I heard one flower tell the secret of its beauty. It turns out that flowers start every morning with exercises. Do you want me to teach you "flower" exercises too?
Physical education.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(pull your arms out to the sides)
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
(reach out, hands up)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn’t matter.

The flowers are leaning
Drop the petals
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.
(get up, reach up)
- Today we have to make a bouquet of flowers in a vase using the applique technique.
Application - cutting and pasting (sewing) figures, patterns or whole pictures from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, vegetable and other materials on the base material (background). As a rule, the base material is cardboard, thick paper, wood.
Conducting briefing on safety regulations:
Use the tool only for its intended purpose and in accordance with the regulations.
Install the glue tube securely at the workplace.
During the execution of the assignment, work calmly, without sudden movements, so as not to knock off the paper, glue, cut out but not glued parts for the applique.
Place tools and materials on the table so that there is free access for convenient use.
Do not distract or interfere with the comrades sitting next to them.
Do not hold the scissors upside down.
Do not leave the scissors open.
Watch the fingers of your left hand while working.
Pass the scissors closed, with rings towards your comrade.
Working with glue. We remind the children of this, both during the lesson and in the course of work. 1. Do not put a lot of glue on the brush. 2. After spreading, place the brush on the stand. 3. Spread the molds only on oilcloths; when gluing, press the figure with a napkin, not with the palm of your hand.
During work, be careful and careful.

Practical work:
The teacher hangs the samples on the stand. What do you guys see on the postcard (vase and flowers)? What geometric shapes do these objects remind you of? ... The teacher shows the step-by-step performance of the work.
1. Take a colored sheet with a hard brush (toothbrush, comb) and spray it with different colors of paints.
2. Take a sheet of blue paper and circle a vase on it according to the pattern.
3. Cut along the contour.
4. We glue the vase on the prepared background.
5. Cut out the stems of three colors from green paper, glue them.
6. Draw 3 circles on paper of 3 different colors (red, orange, yellow) and 3 smallest circles of dark color - the middle for the flowers.
7. Cut out. Thus, 12 circles are obtained, 3 identical each.
8. Take 9 large circles (set aside the middle), fold each circle into 4 parts and cut the edges.
9. We begin to glue the flowers from the largest circle, then smaller, even smaller, and the middle.
10. Cut out the leaves from green paper, glue them.
10. We use scraps of paper to decorate the vase.
The teacher controls the work of children, additionally shows, helps to competently cope with the task, encourages achievements, activates the independence of each child.
Physical education.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(pull your arms out to the sides)
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
(reach out, hands up)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn’t matter.
(swing your arms, imitating the wind)
The flowers are leaning
Drop the petals
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.
(get up, reach up)
The analysis of the work performed is carried out.
So, our work is completed. Let's present our work to everyone.
I'm sure whoever sees your work, that person will definitely be glad. Your work turned out to be bright, expressive, and most importantly - with your own hands, you put your skill, diligence, a piece of your soul into it.
Lesson summary.
What have we learned in class today?
What did you find interesting in the lesson?
How can these works be used?
You tried your best today and can use your work as a gift.
And where, besides a postcard, you can apply the knowledge of composing a composition.
Reflection. “A bouquet of moods”. At the beginning of the lesson, students are given paper flowers: red and yellow. An image of the globe hangs on the board. At the end, the teacher suggests to the children: "Let's decorate our image, if you are satisfied with how you worked in the lesson and learned something new, then attach a red flower to our drawing, if I am not very happy with my work - yellow."

Used Books:
1.E.A. Yanushko. Application with young children. Methodological guide for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic synthesis, 2006 - 64 pages.
2. E. Rumyantseva. "Application" Simple crafts "
3. Preschool education № 8, 2008.
4. June Jackson. "Origami"
5. M.A. Gusakov. "Application"
6. A.S. Galanov. "Classes with preschoolers in the fine arts."
7. A. Alekseevskaya. "Magic scissors".
8. I.M. Petrov. "Volumetric application".
9.R.T. Kazakov. "Drawing with preschool children."