Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Narration based on the painting “In the wild north. Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "work on a plot picture"

1. Purpose:

1.1. Coherent speech: Improve the ability to compose stories about the content of the picture.

Learn compositionally, build a story (beginning, middle, end) and distribute content when presenting.

Continue to exercise the children in matching the words in the sentence.

1.2. Grammar: Activate the use of single-root words in speech (snow, snowball, snowman snow maiden, snowflake, snowy; winter, winter, winter hut, hibernate, zimushka-winter, winterer).

Learn to understand the meaning of proverbs.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination.

1.3. Raise interest in the environment, draw the attention of children to the importance of the work of adults.

1.4. Individual work.

2. Lexical material: snow blower, conveyor, snowfall, sticky, crispy, etc.

To learn to compose two or three sentences with given words, combining them in meaning a coward, a brave man.

3. Equipment: painting on the topic, toy cars.

4. Preliminary work:Supervision of the work of adults, the work of transport.

I. Organizing moment

II. Working with the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation about winter

What season is it now?

How is winter different from other seasons? /snow/

Listen to the poem. Lyrics by M. Poznanskaya.

Quietly, quietly it's snowing, white snow, furry

We will clear the snow and ice in the yard with a shovel,

From the gate we will hardly draw a stitch to the house,

Mom will come out on the threshold, she will say:

"Who could it

To lead a path to our threshold?

Guys, do you think it's hard to clean snow with a shovel? And to make it easier to clean the snow in the city, what did people come up with? How do you think?

2. Acquaintance with the picture. Conversation

Would you like to see a snow removal machine? /show picture/.

What do you think this picture is about?

Why did the truck come to clear the snow? -

/Yesterday a lot of snow fell, there was a snowfall/.

Snow fell - snowfall. Very interesting word "snowfall".

What can this car be called? - Snowplow. She is shoveling snow.

Let's repeat the phrase "snowplow" in chorus and individually.

Look at the car as it clears the snow. What does she have? - Bucket, which has two shovels - they rake the snow and send it to the conveyor. The snow goes through the conveyor and gets into the back of a truck that takes the snow out of the city. What is the name of the profession of the people who do this work?

drivers or chauffeurs.


What do you think, if there weren’t such a car, how could so much snow be removed?

Look who's watching the snowplow at work?

Tell us about these children: where they came from, what they did before, how they came to look at the car, what they say when they look at the car.

You said that the children made a snowman.

Why could he be blinded? - The snow was sticky and there was a lot of it.

Why was the snow sticky? Because it's getting warmer.

And when it was cold, could you sculpt?

What was the snow? - It crumbled, it was hard, crispy.

Well done, well told, and now listen to my story about the picture.

3. The story of the picture

It was a warm winter day. The children got dressed and went for a walk with the teacher. There was heavy snow yesterday. The guys began to sculpt a big snowman, because the snow was sticky. There was a lot of snow, and a snowplow and a truck came to clean it up. The children began to watch how the big shovels of the bucket scooped up the snow, threw it onto the conveyor, and from there into the back of the truck. “That's great! How quickly so much snow was removed! But we also helped them - we cleared the path with shovels, ”the guys said.

Who will tell about the picture?

Listen to 2-3 stories. In the course of the stories, the teacher helps the children to find the right words, build a sentence, evaluate and analyze the stories.

III. Fizminutka

Imagine that you and I are on the street.

It's snowing, it's snowing

Janitor sweeps the street

Have fun, have fun (clapping)

We are too lazy to help him.

We will warm up a little (tilts)

And now let's get down to business

Stretch your arms wider (turn)

One two three four

lean three, four

And jump in place

On the toe, then on the heel

So they did the exercises (claps)

IV. D / and "Related words"

1. And now let's play another game, with words

The teacher suggests recalling words related to the words "snow", "snowball", "snowflake". They are similar in sound, they are considered related.

How to say about a slide made of snow? - /Snowy/

What other word can be called a snowman? - /Snowman/

What are the names of the first flowers to bloom in the forest when there is still snow? - /Snowdrop/

Explain why snowdrops are called so? - / They appear from under the snow, begin to grow even under the snow /.

2. - How do you think the word "winter" is related to the word "snow"? There is a lot of snow in winter. - / Related words should sound similar, but in the word "winter" there is no such part that would sound like the word "snow" /.

Pick up words related to the word "winter".

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? What are they?

- /winterers/

What are they doing? - /Wintering/

What is the word for a day in winter? - /Winter/

What is the affectionate word for winter? - /Zimushka/

3. Name again related words. Together with the teacher, the children once again call the relative words:

snow, snowman snowflake, snowdrop; winter, winter, wintering, wintering. Make a sentence with the words "winter", "snowball".

Is it very difficult to play? But you did it.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Today you met with a snowplow. They wrote a story about her. We have a lot of different machines in the group and they can all do different jobs. You can play with them.


1. G.Ya. Zatulina "Summaries of classes on the development of speech in the preparatory group", M. 2007

Program content:

Continue to teach children to compose a consistent story, based on the picture, focusing on the plan attached by the teacher. Consistently convey events, consolidate the ability to come up with the name of the story. Clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild animals (hedgehogs) in nature. Strengthen the ability to make sentences with prepositions: on the, under, behind, front, about. Cultivate goodwill, restraint, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.




speech development classes in the preparatory group


Compiled by:

educator MDOU No. 20 "Freckles"

settlement Railway

Podolsky district, Moscow region

Sidelnikova N.M.

Program content:

Continue to teach children to compose a consistent story, based on the picture, focusing on the plan attached by the teacher. Consistently convey events, consolidate the ability to come up with the name of the story. Clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild animals (hedgehogs) in nature. Strengthen the ability to make sentences with prepositions: on, under, behind, in front of, around . Cultivate goodwill, restraint, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Vocabulary work:

Sneaks, sniffs, in single file, fly agaric - giants.

Preliminary work:

Reading the stories of T.A. Shorygin "What animals are in the forest?", I. Sokolov - Mitkov "Hedgehogs", Y. Ponomarev "Hedgehog" fairy tale.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

They lit up like a fire.

On the child's hand

Rolling towards the ball

From autumn leaves

Do not you recognize him?

Take a closer look - ka - this is ...!

How did you guess it was a hedgehog?

Let's remember what a hedgehog looks like (after all, you probably saw this animal in drawings, in cartoons, in a living corner, in a country house or in a forest). The muzzle of the hedgehog is small, with an elongated nose. Beady black eyes seem attentive and intelligent. The paws of the hedgehog are short with small claws. Hedgehogs are very interesting animals. They live in families: dad - (hedgehog or hedgehog), mom (hedgehog), children - ... (hedgehogs). How can you affectionately call them? Answers of children (hedgehogs), and if there is one baby, then ... (hedgehog).

The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs.

Quiet among the fallen leaves

hedgehog sneaking

And they rush after her

Four people eat it.

A painting is displayed on an easel. The children look at it for a while. The teacher asks questions:

Who is in the picture?

Where do you think they are?

How did you guess that this is a forest?

The teacher summarizes.

“On an autumn day, the hedgehog’s mother brought her family to a forest clearing where giant fly agarics grow.”

Why do you think mom brought the hedgehogs to the forest clearing?

See what the hedgehog is doing?

Generalization of statements.

And what do hedgehogs do?

How can you say about the hedgehogs that share the worm?

Why is this hedgehog hiding?

What did he look like?

What can we call this hedgehog?

Generalization of statements.

Now we'll have a little rest and play.


The hedgehog hurried to his home

He carried supplies with him.

Through the bumps he galloped Jumping in place.

Run in place quickly ran through the forest.

Suddenly he sat down and changed, Sit down, hug his knees,

It turned into a round ball to press the head to the knees.

And then he jumped up again, straighten up and walk

And hurried to the kids. in place.

Look again closely at the picture. What would you call her? Write a story about this picture.

  1. Think about what you will tell at the beginning: who is drawn in the picture, at what time of the year and where does the action take place?
  2. About why the hedgehogs came here. Tell us about mother hedgehog, about her kids - hedgehogs.
  3. You can finish the story about how hedgehogs feel in a forest clearing.

3 - 4 children's stories are heard. Invite the children to complete the story of a friend. The teacher gives his assessment of the children's story. The children came up with interesting stories. Now let's play the game "Make a proposal."

Children make suggestions on the actions demonstrated by the educator. The silhouette of a tree is exposed. The teacher places a toy cat: on a tree; under the tree; for a tree; in front of a tree; near a tree, etc.

Summary of the lesson:

Children, today we made up stories about a hedgehog family. You all actively participated, answered questions well. Well done!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic, aesthetic and social - personal development of children

No. 21 "Sparkle", Berdsk

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group

"Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures"

Prepared and hosted:

Efanova S.Yu.


Target: Teaching a coherent, consistent presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.


Educational:Learn to convey the plot embedded in a series of paintings.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently invent events.

Educational: Cultivate respect for the work of others. Develop observation

Preliminary work:The game "what happened first, what next?" Reading stories about the seasons.

Integration of educational areas:speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development.

Activities:playful, communicative, motor.

Subject-developing environment:a series of plot pictures (in an envelope), a ball.

The course of organizational educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning a letter was brought to our kindergarten.

Find out what's in our group.

Educator: Let's see what's in it! (A letter from Luntik, in which he writes that he wants to take part in a story contest. But he needs help to write the best story. There are still pictures in the envelope).

Educator: Do you agree to help Luntik? What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers: Arrange the pictures in order, consider each picture, make several sentences for each picture, come up with a name, make up a story using all the pictures.

2. Main stage

The teacher together with the children put the pictures on the magnetic board out of order.

Educator: Look carefully at the pictures. Are they related by common content?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: All the pictures show the same characters.

Educator: What do you think, which picture should be the first? Why? What is the second, third, fourth, fifth?

Children's answers.

Picture conversation:

Educator: What season is shown in the first picture?

Children: Winter

Educator: What are the kids doing?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the second picture.

What has changed in the picture?

What is the rabbit planning to do?

How did he decide to do it?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the third picture.

What did the hare come up with after an unsuccessful jump for a carrot?

Could the hare reach the carrot? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Look at the fourth picture.

What mood is the hare in? Why?

What do you think the hare will do next?

Teacher: Look at the fifth picture.

What happened to the snowman?

Why did he melt?

What is the mood of the rabbit? Why?

3. Physical education minute « There is a pine tree in the yard
There is a pine tree in the yard
She reaches for the sky.
A poplar grew next to her, (Standing on one leg, we stretch)
He wants to be real. (Hands up, then the same, standing on the other leg.)
The wind was blowing strong
All the trees shook. (Tilts of the body back and forth.)
Branches bend back and forth
The wind shakes them, oppression. (Jerking hands in front of the chest.)
Let's squat together -
One, two, three, four, five. (Squats.)
We warmed up from the heart
And we hurry to the place again. (Children go to their places.)

Educator: Rebta, I think that the story compiled by us will please Luntik very much and he will be able to win the competition.

Let's play some more.

4. Game exercise"Finish the sentence" (with ball)

  • It snows in winter and in autumn(leaf fall).
  • It snows in winter and in summer(rain) .
  • Snow falls in winter and in spring(melts).
  • In winter they go sledding, and in summer(by bike).
  • In winter, the forest sleeps, and in spring(wakes up).
  • It's cold in winter, but in summer(hot) .
  • Trees are white in winter and in autumn(yellow).
  • Snowdrifts grow in winter, and snowdrifts grow in summer(plants) .
  • In winter, insects hide, and in spring(get out).
  • In winter, the bear sleeps, and in spring (wakes up)
  • Days are short in winter and long in summer
  • In winter the wind is cold, and in summer (warm)
  • In winter, the hare is white, and in summer (gray)

5. Reflection:
What did we talk about in class today? From whom did you receive the letter? What did Luntik ask us about? Who was the story about? What did you enjoy doing the most?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 17" .

Prepared by the teacher-speech therapist Lekomtseva Marina Valerievna Perm region, the city of Lysva

Program content:

  1. To teach children to understand the content of the plot picture, using expressive means of speech and story building skills. Learn to form possessive adjectives.
  2. Continue to develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, memory.
  3. To cultivate the ability to work in a general mode, to listen to the answers of comrades.


Traces, plot picture "Winter" a series "The seasons in the city, in the countryside, in nature" , a tape recorder, for each child pictures with signs of winter, snowmen are funny and sad.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Today we are going in search of an enchanted painting. The painting must be around here somewhere.

And who will show us the way, what do you think? (children's answers).

Let's follow the tracks and see where they lead us. You need to move one after another, stepping footprints, otherwise you can go astray (Children imitate walking in the footsteps).

2. Conversation about winter.

We approach the picture where traces and the number one are drawn (Appendix).

Who was sitting here recently? (Hare).

How did you guess? (Following the tracks).

Whose footprints are these? (hare).

What number did he make? (Number "one" ) .

So what's the clue? (First).

- Listen to the riddle:

Skating and skiing

And houses in the snow on the roof,

All white-white nature

What time of year is this? Winter.

Today we will talk about winter.

What season is it now? Winter.

What is our winter like? (cold, snowy, frosty, icy, early, late, blizzard, evil, harsh, warm, windy, cheerful, elegant, etc.).

What about winter skies? (gray, blue, cloudy, high, light) and the sun still shines in the sky (bright, warm).

Guess who left the identification mark here? This is a fox and fox tracks (Appendix).

Name the number and sequence number of the clue. (Number "two" , hint two).

What is the earth covered in winter? (Snow, snowdrifts).

What does snow do? (Walks, melts, spins, flies, falls, lays down, sparkles, creaks, curls).

And what snowdrifts? (Big, tall, hairy, fluffy).

What happens to trees in winter? (They rest, sleep, covered with snow).

Let's go for the next clue. (Appendix).

What's the next clue? (Third).

Found, name the number? (Number "three" ) .

Whose traces? (Wolf).

How do people dress in winter? (They began to dress warmer: a winter hat, a fur coat, a coat, mittens, a scarf, boots, felt boots, etc.).

Fizminutka "Winter" (improvisation of movements).

We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play
We walk on snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.
And on skis we run, we run, we run.
Skating on ice we slide, we slide, we slide.

And we sculpt a snow maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.
Guest - we love winter, we love, we love.

Children find the fourth identification mark (Appendix).

And who was here and left us traces? (Birds).

Whose traces? (Birdly).

And what kind of birds? (wintering).

Name some wintering birds you know. (Crow, magpie, jackdaw, sparrow, dove, bullfinch, owl, woodpecker, tit, etc.).

I will call the beginning of the word, and you will call the end. Bird, what? (beautiful..., fast..., laugh..., flying..., singing..., screaming..., lying down..., small..., worries..., pestle... , hunger ..., full ..., long-tailed ..., red-eyed ..., black-eyed, industrious ..., sharp-eyed ..., insectivorous ..., swift-footed ...).

What animals live in the winter forest? (Wolf, fox, hare, elk...).

What do you think, has the life of animals changed in winter? (children's answers).

The winter forest is spoken about not only in words. Poems are composed and music is written about him.

Lie down on a snow blanket and listen to music. (A musical fragment from the classical music library sounds).

What number did you find? (Number "five" , fifth clue).

And whose traces? (Human footprints).

And what do adults and children do in the winter season? (Children go sledding, skiing, skating, together with adults they remove snow from the paths, make snowmen, etc.).

So we guessed all the clues and our picture was disenchanted.

The blizzard raged all night and covered deep lush snowdrifts. Winter tried to hide everything that was in the forest under the snow. Despite her pranks, you can see someone among the snowdrifts in the picture.

Let's make an interesting, expressive, complete story "About winter" .

Let's remember how the story is composed, the story has something ... (beginning, middle, end).

And the story will help you compose our 5 tips, remember them.

3. Self-narration.

A cold, snowy winter has come. The sun is shining, but not warm, and the sky has become gray and gloomy. White, fluffy snow fell and covered the whole earth. High, soft drifts appeared. A white lump sits under a bush and trembles, probably saw a fox run by. And in the distance a hungry wolf walks looking for prey. Nearby, red-breasted bullfinches sit on bushes and trees, and waxwings flew in to peck at delicious seeds and berries. Well, people dressed warmer and began to ski and fish on the pond. Fun and good in winter!

4. Summary of the lesson.

What did we do today?

What tasks did you enjoy?

What was the job today? (Interesting, funny, funny, unusual, fascinating, cool, funny, scary, etc.).

What is your mood after class? (If joyful, cheerful, take a cheerful snowman, and if sad, bad, sad snowman).

Grade. I liked you too: you answered with full answers, spoke all the words well, composed an interesting story. Well done! And I want to give you pictures with signs of winter, and in the group you will color them.



1. 1000 fun riddles for kids. - M.: OOO "AST Publishing House" , 2001.








Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group

"Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures"

Purpose: Teaching a coherent, consistent presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.

Educational: To learn to convey the plot embedded in a series of paintings.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently invent events.

Educational: To cultivate respect for the work of others. Develop observation

Preliminary work: The game "what happened first, what then?" Reading stories about the seasons.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development.

Types of activity: game, communicative, motor.

Subject - developing environment: a series of plot pictures (in an envelope), a ball.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning the postman brought a letter to us in the kindergarten.

Find out what's in our group.

Teacher: Let's see what's in it! (A letter from Chanterelle, in which she writes that she wants to take part in a story competition. But she needs help to write the best story. There are still pictures in the envelope).

Educator: Do you agree to help Chanterelles? What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers: Arrange the pictures in order, consider each picture, make several sentences for each picture, come up with a name, make up a story using all the pictures.

Educator: In order for our story to turn out, let's play and remember the signs of winter.

Game exercise "Finish the sentence" (with a ball)

    In autumn there is leaf fall, and in winter (snowfall) In summer there is rain, and in winter (snow). In the spring the snow melts, and in the winter (it goes). In the summer they ride a bicycle, and in the winter on (sleds). In the spring everything wakes up, and in the winter everything (sleeps). Hot in summer and cold in winter. Leaves are yellow in autumn and white in winter. In summer, plants grow, and in winter (snowdrifts). In spring, insects crawl out, and in winter (hide). In the spring, the bear wakes up, and in the winter (sleeps). In summer the day is long, and in winter (short). In summer, the wind is warm, and in winter (cold) In summer, the hare is gray, and in winter (white).

2. Main stage

Children sit on chairs near the magnetic board.

The teacher puts the pictures on the magnetic board out of order (one picture is not according to the plot).

Teacher: Look carefully at the pictures. What do these pictures have in common?

Children: All the pictures have the same characters.

Educator: What do you think, which picture should be the first? Why? What is the second, third, fourth, fifth?

Children's answers.

Children arrange the pictures in the correct order one by one.

Picture conversation:

Educator: What season is shown in the first picture?

Children: Winter

Teacher: What are the children doing?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the second picture.

What has changed in the picture?

What is the rabbit planning to do?

How did he decide to do it?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the third picture.

- What did the hare come up with after an unsuccessful jump for a carrot?

Could the hare reach the carrot? Why?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Look at the fourth picture.

What mood is the hare in? Why?

Teacher: Look at the fifth picture.

What happened to the snowman?

Why did he melt?

What is the mood of the rabbit? Why?

3. Physical education "Winter Games"

The children began to ride (hold your palms horizontally in front of your chest and make back and forth movements, as if skiing),

And somersault snow (make synchronous circular movements with your hands in front of your chest: with your right hand - clockwise, and with your left - counterclockwise).

Wanted to play snowballs (shift the “snowball” from one palm to another)

They began to sculpt them and throw them at each other - (“blind” a snowball, and then pretend to “throw” it at someone).

Snowballs began to roll (imitate the appropriate movements)

- to sculpt a snow woman (from the bottom up with both hands at the same time draw three snowballs standing on top of each other: large, medium and small)

Fun in winter! I don't want to go home!


And now let's play with you the game "Continue the story."

Educator: Guys, I think that Chanterelle will really like the story we compiled and she will be able to win the competition. And we'll play a little more.

Game "Live Words". (One of the children becomes the word - children, in itself this word does not tell us anything and does not tell us anything, and we do not know anything about children: what they are, what they do.

What do you think needs to be done to get the words to tell?

They need to make friends and stand in a certain order.

(Children are selected who become the words "friendly", "children", "blinded", "big", "snowman").

Task: stand in the right order - "Friendly children made a big snowman."

Here is the proposal. Let's read it. (First, the "children-words" repeat their words, and then one of the "children-spectators"

What did you learn about children from this sentence?

Educator: I have another game for you! Let's pick up words with the same root for the word "snow".

(Children speak in turn, whoever does not call is out of the game, the winner receives a medal).

Children's answers.

4. Reflection:
What did we talk about in class today? From whom did you receive the letter? What did Chanterelle ask us about? Who was the story about? What did you enjoy doing the most?