Constructive activity of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. Course work: Psychological features of mastering the constructive activity of children of the fourth year of life

Prerequisites constructive activities are laid at an early age. The child masters object-related actions, he develops visual-motor coordination, the action is separated from the object and himself from his actions.

Design always presupposes the solution of a certain constructive and technical problem, which provides for the organization of space, the establishment of the mutual arrangement of elements and parts of objects in accordance with a certain logic. It is important that the building meets the requirements of the real structure and fulfills its purpose. The chair should be such that a matryoshka can be seated on it, and the bridge should be such that a car can pass over it. Although the building is not created for practical use, it reproduces the basic elements and functions of a real structure.

In early childhood, the ability to endow buildings with a certain content is important for the development of constructive activity. An adult teaches this skill to a kid. If a child has built a bridge, the adult immediately notes: “What a beautiful, high bridge. A car (or a doll) will drive along it, ”- and encourages the child to perform appropriate play actions.

In preschool age, two interrelated aspects of constructive activity: construction-image and construction for the game. If a child is fascinated by the very process of construction, often without even using buildings in play, but creating new ones over and over again, if constructing is prompted by an interest not in the result, but in the process of obtaining it, then construction comes closer to pictorial activity.

Design, prompted by a play motive, approaches the constructive and technical creativity of adults, because it obeys the practical purpose of the building, and when creating it, it is necessary to take into account a number of important conditions. For example, a built ship must accommodate all sailors.

At the same time, child construction has its own specifics... In an adult, each structural element performs a strictly fixed function and is closely related to others into a single whole, and a children's building may not meet all the requirements for a particular structure. Not including all the elements, the building resembles a real one only in its general form. In addition, in the game, the purpose of the building may change depending on the plot.

There are such types of construction:

1. By sample(finished building, diagram, drawing, plan, drawing);

2. According to the conditions- the requirements that the future design must meet (for example, you need to build a house for the matryoshka, and the matryoshka has a certain size);

3. By design.

The fundamental point in design is analytical and synthetic activity on the examination of objects, the meaning of which is as follows:

1) It makes it possible to establish the structure of an object and its parts, to take into account the logic of their connection. Thus, a tower that has too narrow a base collapses.

2) Allows you to determine the design methods. In the analysis of the sample and the choice of methods for constructing it, the preschooler is helped not by visual perception itself, but by specially organized cognitive activity. The child examines not only the basic properties of objects (shape, proportions, size, etc.), but above all their specific constructive qualities (stability, balance, length, etc.).

3) On its basis, the child plans the course of construction, creates an idea. The success of the implementation of the plan is largely determined by the preschooler's ability to plan and control its progress.

The ability to examine a structure is developed under the guidance of an adult. At 3-4 years old, the child not only names objects, but also highlights their main parts, indicates some details. At 4-5 years old, he quite well distinguishes the main parts in size and shape, establishes their location relative to each other. At 5-6 years old, a preschooler can conduct an independent analysis of a sample or structure: select parts, determine their purpose and spatial location. He finds interesting design solutions and plans the stages of creating his own design based on the analysis. At 6-7 years old, the child analyzes the structure of the object from a practical point of view. By highlighting the parts, he establishes the functional purpose of each of them, determines the correspondence of the shape, size, location of the parts and takes into account the situations in which the structure will be used.

Improving analytical and synthetic activity creates the basis for constructive creativity of a preschooler.

Construction has a great influence on the development of personality and will. Success depends on the ability to maintain the goal of the activity and set it independently, on the ability to control the progress of work, to compare the result with a model.

Creativity in design is already observed in younger preschoolers (for example, in the choice of an object for construction, in the new use of well-known structures). Throughout preschool age, children develop the ability to make changes in construction methods so that the building obeys the requirements of the situation. For older preschoolers, indicators of creativity in constructive activity are the novelty of the methods of constructing an object, the novelty of the object itself to impart stability to the structure being constructed.

Self-test questions

1. What aspects of the child's psyche can a child's drawing tell? Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. How does a preschooler's drawing develop?

3. What are the main functions of the visual activity of the preschooler.

4. What aspects of the child's psyche can a child's drawing tell?

5. How does a child's drawing develop?

6. Describe the main types of construction in preschool age.

Features of the constructive activity of preschoolers.

The name of constructive activity comes from the Latin word constructio - construction.
Underchildren's design is understood as an activity in which children create from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special building kits and constructors) a variety of play crafts (toys, buildings).
Construction is a rather difficult activity for children. In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activity of adults.
For the constructive and technical activity of adults, the practical purpose of structures and buildings is characteristic. When performing a construction, an adult preliminarily thinks over, creates a plan, selects material taking into account the purpose, work technique, external design, determines the sequence of actions.
All these elements are outlined in children's design. Here are also resolved
constructive tasks ... Children's construction products are usually intended for practical use in play.
AS Makarenko emphasized that a child's play with toys-materials from which he constructs, "are closest to normal human activity: from materials a person creates values ​​and culture."
Thus, the constructive activity of children is close to the constructive and technical activity of adults. The product of children's activity does not yet have social significance, the child does not contribute anything new either to the material or cultural values ​​of society. However, the management of children's activities by adults has the most beneficial effect on the labor education of preschoolers.
Children's design can be visual or technical.
If the product of the constructive and technical activity of adults basically always has a practical purpose (a building for a theater, a store, etc.), then a children's building is not always made for direct practical use. So, at first, children are enthusiastically building a zoo, but as soon as it was created, the building lost all interest for them. To the question: "Why don't they play?" - one girl answered: "It is not interesting to lead people around the zoo."
Such a phenomenon, when children do not play with a completed structure or building, can be observed often. One gets the impression that the child is interested in the constructive process itself, as if he is mastering something new, complex, interesting in it.
But in this pictorial construction there is still the main content of constructive and technical activity. If the child does not use the craft in his practice, then, creating it, he tries to display in it, as far as possible, everything that is necessary for the action. The principles of creating a product of constructive activity are the same as in design.
At the same time, it should be noted that often in pictorial construction in his buildings, the child achieves much greater similarity with the surrounding objects than when they are intended for direct practical use in play, while in buildings for play, the child allows more conventions.
In such a building, it is important for him to have the most necessary things for the game. For example, in the course of the game it was necessary to fly an airplane, so the presence of a rudder, wings and a seat for the pilot turned out to be sufficient. It doesn't matter that the constructed plane looks primitive: it fully satisfies the play needs of children. It is a different matter when a child seeks to show different types of aircraft. Then the children perform them with special constructive care. Thus, the nature and quality of construction does not always depend on the skills of the children.
The existence of two types of children's design - visual and technical, each of which has its own characteristics - requires a differentiated approach in their management.
The constructive activity of preschoolers is in the nature of a role-playing game: in the process of creating a building or structure, children enter into play relationships - they not only determine the responsibilities of each, but perform certain roles, for example, a foreman, a builder, a foreman, etc. Therefore, the constructive activity of children is sometimes called and building game.

Types of construction in kindergarten

Depending on the material from which children create their buildings and structures, they distinguish:
construction from building materials;
construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials;
construction from natural material.
Designing from play building materials is the most affordable and easy type of construction for preschoolers.
Parts of building sets are regular geometric bodies (cubes, cylinders, bars, etc.) with mathematically precise dimensions of all their parameters. This makes it possible for children, with less difficulty than from other materials, to obtain the structure of an object, conveying the proportionality of its parts, their symmetrical arrangement. There are many sets for all age groups of kindergarten: board, for games on the floor, in the yard. Among them are thematic ("Architect", "Cranes", "Young shipbuilder", "Bridges", etc.), which are used as an independent type of material for design, and sometimes as a supplement to the main building set.
As a rule, in building kits, individual elements are attached by overlapping each other, attaching one to the other. In addition to construction kits, "Constructors" are recommended, which have more durable connection methods. Most often, wooden ones are used with the most simple fastening methods. Metal ones are also used, in which the fasteners are more complex - with the help of screws, nuts, spikes, etc.
In the Constructor game, children learn to solve more complex design problems, get acquainted with various ways of joining parts, create all kinds of movable structures, while building sets are intended for the construction of mostly fixed structures.
Construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials is a more complex type of construction in kindergarten. For the first time, children get to know him in the middle group.
Paper, cardboard are given in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, etc. Before making a toy, you need to prepare a pattern, lay out and stick parts and decorations on it, make the necessary cuts and only then fold and glue the toy. This whole process requires the ability to measure, use scissors. All this is much more complicated than constructing buildings by composing them from separate ready-made forms.
Boxes of perfume, powder, matches, pieces of wire wrapped in colored winding, foam, foam rubber, corks, etc. are actually a semi-finished product. By connecting boxes, coils with glue or wire, supplementing them with various details of another material, children get interesting toys - furniture, transport and other products.
Natural material as a building material can be used for the games of children, starting from the second youngest group. This is primarily sand, snow, water. Children build a road, a house, a kindergarten, a hill, bridges from raw sand, with the help of molds (sandboxes) - pies, etc. At an older age, children freeze tinted water, preparing colored ice floes that decorate the site. A slide, a house, a snowman, and animal figures are made of snow.
Using natural material in their games, children get acquainted with its properties, learn to fill their free time with interesting activities. They learn that the sand is free-flowing, but it is possible to sculpt from raw sand, water can be poured into different dishes, and in the cold it freezes, etc.
Starting from the middle group, children make toys from natural materials: branches, bark, leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, spruce, nutshells, straw, acorns, maple seeds, etc.
The peculiarities of crafts made from this material are that its natural form is used. Quality and expressiveness is achieved by the ability to notice in natural material the similarity with objects of reality, to enhance this similarity and expressiveness by additional processing with the help of tools.
This activity is especially important for the development of the child's fantasy.
The list of different types of construction in kindergarten shows that each of them has its own characteristics. However, the basics of activity are the same: in each child reflects objects of the surrounding world, creates a material product, the result of the activity is intended mainly for practical use.

Construction value in the formation of the child's personality

Construction, more than other activities, prepares the ground for the development of the technical abilities of children, which is very important for the all-round development of the personality. The biographies of many prominent technical inventors show that these abilities sometimes manifest themselves even in preschool age. An example is the childhood of outstanding inventors: A. S. Yakovlev, I. P. Kulibin, V. A. Gasiev, T. A. Edison and others.
What are some of the important personality traits that are formed in the constructive and technical activity of adults, especially in the activity of a creative nature, and lay the foundations for the formation of technical abilities?
For the creative constructive and technical activity of adults, subtle observation is characteristic, developed on the basis of a great accuracy of perception and understanding of the technical essence of objects.
The designer must be able to imagine not only the structure of the machine, the structure, but also the technical side of them: how, with the help of what the parts are fastened? Which one is the main one for the whole structure? By what means is the mobility of parts and structures as a whole achieved? How are all parts of the structure placed not only in the frontal plane, but also in the space of three dimensions?
Constructive and technical activity requires a relatively high concentration of attention. Before proceeding with the creation of a structure, an accurate calculation, thoughtfulness is necessary; when performing it, a certain sequence and accuracy in work is required. Any inaccuracy leads to serious miscalculations.
For the creative constructive-technical activity of adults, a developed spatial imagination is characteristic, which is expressed in the ability to arbitrarily operate with images of spatial imagination in accordance with the set goal. Before constructing a new machine, the creator must clearly imagine it and mentally follow the operation of the machine. Only after making sure of the successful solution of the constructive problem as a whole, the designer gives consent to the transformation of the mentally created into a real product.
The designer's imagination must be both extremely concrete and extremely abstract, that is, he must have not only a developed spatial imagination, but also a high degree of flexibility of thinking, which is manifested not only in the ability to mentally create various concrete variations of the general scheme of the machine, but also in the ability to give up on time such options that are impossible to implement in the given conditions.
Technical abilities are characterized by emotional and volitional qualities of a person. They are expressed in interest in constructive activity, in the satisfaction that a person experiences when creating or improving any structure of social significance. Awareness of social significance in the creation of a new invention causes the inventor's creative activity and the desire to achieve the set goal. Moreover, this responsibility manifests itself even when the designer or inventor is not interested in this type of technology.
The above qualities of the future designer begin to form in children under the guidance of a teacher. Teaching children to construct is of great importance in preparing children for school, developing their thinking, memory, imagination and the ability to independently create.
In the classroom of constructive activities, children form generalized ideas about the objects that surround them. They learn to generalize groups of similar objects according to their characteristics and at the same time find differences in them depending on practical use. Each house, for example, has walls, windows, doors, but the houses differ in their purpose and, therefore, in their architectural design. Thus, along with common features, children will also see differences in them, that is, they acquire knowledge that reflects essential connections and dependencies between individual objects and phenomena.
In terms of preparing children for school, constructive activity is also valuable because it develops the ability to closely link acquired knowledge with its use, an understanding that knowledge is simply necessary for success in activities. Children are convinced that the lack of the necessary knowledge about the subject, constructive skills and abilities is the reason for failures in creating a structure, an uneconomical method of manufacturing it, and poor quality of the work result.
In the classroomconstructive action important qualities are formed in a preschooler; the ability to listen to the teacher, accept a mental task and find a way to solve it.
An important point in the formation of educational activity, as is proved in the studies of employees of the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, is the reorientation of the child's consciousness from the final result that must be obtained in the course of a particular task to the methods of implementation. This phenomenon plays a decisive role in the development of a child's awareness of his actions and their results. The process itself and the methods of completing the assignment become the subject of the main attention of children. They begin to understand that when completing a task, not only the practical result is important, but also the acquisition of new skills, knowledge, new ways of activity.
The switching of children's consciousness to ways of solving a constructive task forms the ability to control their activities taking into account the task at hand, that is, self-control appears. This excludes the mechanical performance of work once learned by rote, a simple imitation of a friend. The child is already in a position, as N. N. Poddyakov notes, "to analyze his actions, to single out their essential links, to consciously change and rebuild them depending on the result obtained." This makes it possible to teach children not only individual specific actions, but also general principles, schemes of action, and prepares the child to become aware of his cognitive processes. The child learns to control his own mental processes, which is an important prerequisite for successful schooling.

Kindergarten Construction Program

The program is developed on the basis of the principles of Soviet didactics, taking into account the peculiarities of the constructive activity of the preschooler and sets the following tasks in teaching and guiding the constructive activity of children:
1. To educate children with the necessary skills and design skills.
2. To give children knowledge about objects displayed in constructive activity, about their appearance, structure, about the main parts, their shape, spatial arrangement, relative size, about the materials with which they work.
Children should be able to group objects according to their common characteristics, understand the relationship between the features of their shape and the functions they perform. Learn the correct names of materials in their geometric or technical definitions: in play building sets - cubes, plates (square, rectangular, narrow, wide, etc.), arches, bars, cylinders, etc. Distinguish them by size and sustainability. Learn the correct names of tools: hammer or mallet (wooden hammer), wrench, screwdriver, nails, screws, use them correctly and know their purpose.
Children should be familiar with natural materials (pine bark, spruce and pine cones, maple seeds, etc.).
Determine the texture of paper (whatman paper, glossy color, writing), know thin cardboard, wire in an insulating winding, etc. Know their properties and possibilities of use. Children should be able to use paste, stationery and wood glue when gluing various materials.
3. Teach children to work purposefully, to plan their activities in advance, which is a prerequisite for the successful fulfillment of constructive tasks.
4. To foster in children independence in work, creative initiative.
5. To cultivate the ability to control their activities, direct them to a more rational way of solving the problem proposed by the educator. Do not resort to mechanical imitation of the methods of work of comrades or a previously learned method, which in this case cannot be applied.
To teach to understand that the purpose of design classes is not so much a practical result as the assimilation of new knowledge and skills, that is, to form in children the ability to learn, readiness to learn at school.
6. It is also necessary to use the rich opportunities of constructive activity to instill in children a sense of teamwork in work.
But practice shows that the relationship of children in constructive activity by themselves is not always built on the correct basis. Therefore, the role of the educator is of great importance here. He must teach his pupils to work collectively, first discuss the plan together, clearly distribute responsibilities in the process of performing buildings, toys, coordinate his work with the actions of his comrades.
At the same time, children should be educated to motivate their proposals, to comprehend the proposals of their comrades and the ability to choose the best option, abandoning their own, if it turns out to be not entirely successful.
In the process of joint implementation of the structure, the guys should help each other, respond kindly to the requests of their comrades, be sensitive and attentive to their work.
7. Constructive activity requires careful use of materials. From the very first days of training, it is necessary that the children follow the appropriate rules: before the lesson they laid out the material in a convenient order, after the lesson or the end of the game they did not destroy, but dismantled the buildings, collected unused material (boxes, pieces, paper, natural material) and carefully, in in a certain order, they put it on a permanent storage place.
Order in the workplace is a prerequisite for the successful completion of any task, for educating children in the skills of organized work, and aesthetic feelings.
Any material that children work with should attract them with its appearance. When analyzing and evaluating works, children should be drawn to the aesthetic qualities of the constructed object. To develop in children the ability to evaluate the process of their work and the work of comrades from an aesthetic point of view (how organized the work process is, is carried out in the right sequence, without unnecessary and chaotic movements, at a good pace).

Basic Techniques for Teaching Design

To teach children to design, you need to use a variety of techniques.
The choice of techniques depends on the requirements of the program for a given age group, on the material with which children work, on their experience in knowledge of objects and the existing connections between them, on the ability and skills in construction.
When determining the program content of the lesson, one should rely on the existing experience of children, constantly complicating educational tasks, developing the ability to independently solve feasible constructive problems. The main teaching techniques are as follows:
1. The educator's demonstration of construction or toy manufacturing techniques. Explanations help children learn not only the actions necessary to complete the structure, but also the construction of the lesson, the general order of work.
Before proceeding with the practical implementation of the task, it is necessary to consider the object or sample, highlight the main and additional parts, then think over the manufacturing process, select the necessary material, prepare it (for example, make a pattern out of paper, select and stick individual design elements, etc.). ) and only then fold and glue the toy. At the same time, it is determined from what material the structure needs to be made, in what sequence.
A sample or picture depicting an object can be used in classes where only an explanation is given, or when it becomes necessary to help children control their work, clarify their understanding of the subject, or at the end of the lesson as a model of the most successful and correct solution to a constructive problem for comparison with works of children.
2. Explanation of the task with the definition of conditions that the children must fulfill without showing the methods of work.
3. Demonstration of individual design techniques or technical techniques of work that children master for their subsequent use in the creation of buildings, structures, handicrafts. For example, in a building - how to make a ceiling on high abutments, how to achieve a stable structure; in paper construction - how to glue the sides of a closed cube or bar; in working with a designer - how to fasten wheels on axles with a nut; in working with natural material - from which material is it better to make individual parts, in which cases it is better to use plasticine, glue for fastening, how to use an awl, etc.
4. Analysis and evaluation of the child's work process and finished products are also methods of teaching construction, while it becomes clear what methods of action they have learned, which ones they still need to master.
Elements of analysis and control can take place during the performance of work by children or at the end of an operation. For example, when making a box, a basket, they learn to fold a large square sheet of paper into 16 small squares. After completing this operation, you need to check whether everyone performed it correctly, why this or that error was made, how to fix it. When preparing the pattern of the box, check whether it is made correctly, whether the lines for the cuts are marked in the right places. And only then proceed to the next stage of work.
At the same time, it is necessary that in the classroom the teacher communicates with the whole group and with each child separately, in order to check whether he has mastered the new material. So, in the construction of the bridge, the guys themselves must determine whether the parts for the foundation are correctly (large and stable), whether the supports at the bridge are stable, whether the overlap is done correctly so that the bridge does not fall apart. When assessing the collective work of individual groups of children, the educator must take into account not only the quality of the finished product, but also the process of joint activity itself, encouraging the manifestation of respect for the work of comrades - the initiative in coming up with an original design, the ability to motivate their proposals, agree with each other, who will be what make.

The first and second groups of early age. Constructive games and classes in the first group of an early age are carried out from 9 months of a child's life. Children of this age have their own characteristics: there is an interest in the actions of adults, the need to communicate with them, interest in toys, objects, the desire to touch them, take them, knock them.
The understanding of an adult's speech is intensively developing, which makes it possible to develop connections between words and actions, to know the name of toys, objects. Children can perform simple actions with objects, toys at the request of the teacher: "Find a cockerel", "Show a cat", etc.
From that time on, it is necessary to arouse in children an interest in actions with cubes and bricks, teach them to recognize and distinguish them, follow the simple actions of an adult with them and reproduce these actions: put cubes and bricks on top of each other, lay them side by side.
Classes with bricks and bricks in this group are conducted individually with each child for 3-6 minutes.
The program of construction classes with children from one to two years old (the second group of early age) is somewhat more complicated. The education of purposeful actions and the ability to play continues. The sensory experience of children is enriched: acting with building materials, they acquire elementary ideas about the shape, size of objects, and learn to orientate in space.
Children learn to recognize 3-4 parts of a building set (bricks, cubes, plates, triangular prisms), be able to superimpose them on top of each other, put them side by side, and reproduce the actions shown by the teacher.
What children make from bricks and bricks cannot yet be called a building. A cube is placed on a cube, and this structure is called a tower, 3-4 bricks placed side by side on a narrow edge - a fence. It is important that they learn to understand the task and perform it, act purposefully and get a result.
In order to teach children of this age to play actions, you need to repeat the same movement several times. The number of parts used by each child can be up to 4-5.
In the classroom, when the children make the building for the first time, the teacher deals separately with each child. As you master the actions, you can group children for classes by 4-6, and by the end of the year - by 8-10 people.
Preparation for classes and examination of the sample should not last more than one and a half minutes, otherwise the activity of children will decrease. Building materials should be placed in different parts of the room, here are also small-sized toys of all kinds. All this will contribute to the development in children of the ability to self-occupy themselves.
If in construction classes the main method of teaching children of one and a half years was a demonstration of a sample and methods of action, accompanied by an explanation of an adult, then by the end of the second year of life, verbal instruction is possible, referring to actions, of course, familiar to children.
First junior group. Children of the third year of life become physically much stronger, more enduring, capable of longer exercises with greater mental stress, since significant changes occur in their mental activity.
By the age of three, they can already name what they will build, and are capable of greater independence, they can perform certain actions without the help of adults, changing the course of familiar events, thereby expressing their attitude towards them.
The program of constructive activities also envisages in this group only construction from building material. Children develop a strong interest in building games and activities. They construct buildings from the same parts of the building set as in the previous group: cubes, bricks, plates, prisms (triangular). They learn to distinguish between them in shape and size, to recognize these shapes regardless of their position on the plane of the table (standing, lying, located with the short or long side to the child), to understand that stability depends on the position (bricks and plates are most stable when they lie on the wide side ).
Children learn to correctly name objects of building material (cube, brick), understand and use words correctly (large - small, long - short, high - low, wide - narrow); correctly follow the verbal instructions (put, take off, put, take away, take apart, bring, put, etc.).
Child 2-3 years old learns the following techniques for working with building material: places bricks, plates (track, train) horizontally, puts 4-6 cubes or bricks on top of each other (turret, ladder), closes the space (fence, fence, house), makes simple floors (gate, slide, bridge, house, garage).
You should strive to ensure that the kids perform the same building in different ways: a crib can be made from two cubes and two bricks or from three bricks (large and small for large and small dolls), a house is built from a cube and a triangular prism or from three bricks and prisms, a matryoshka can already settle in such a house. Children's buildings may vary in color. This approach develops the child's ability to easily find the necessary parts for independent work. It is necessary to achieve accuracy in the work of children: if the cubes (bricks) are laid horizontally or vertically, then this must be done exactly so that, for example, the side of one cube fits on the side of the other, and does not protrude above it, etc. Of course, the child will not immediately master this, but it is important that he strives for this, checks how it turns out, and corrects. This is also necessary for the development of coordination of movements of the fingers and hand. Moreover, the teacher should sometimes invite the child to check with his fingers how the details are laid, and to rejoice with the child in his success, to encourage him for trying to do the job well.
The teacher teaches children to find similarities between buildings made of play building material and familiar objects around them and asks them to name them. In addition, the guys should think in advance what they will build and how; be able to control their actions, determine whether the buildings are even, whether they are stable, whether it happened, as the teacher showed, correct mistakes in time, consciously choose those details that are more suitable for the intended work.
In the classroom, the teacher organizes the children into groups of 4-6, 6-8 people. After 1-2 months, the number of simultaneously engaged children increases to 10-12, in the second half of the year it is possible to conduct classes with the whole group.
The structures that children use to learn how to construct don't have to be complicated. It is important that children strive to complete them carefully, memorize and apply the correct construction techniques, and then can use them in their games.
It is desirable that parts of different shapes be painted in different colors (cubes - in red, bricks - in yellow, etc.). Children should be drawn to the harmony of colors in the building (the walls of the house are yellow, the roof is green; all the cubes that make up the sofa seat are red, the bricks for the back are yellow, etc.).
In the classroom, you need to use figurative toys, commensurate with the set of building materials, to make children want to play with the building. The teacher must show how to do this (the doll climbs high up the ladder, then goes down, goes to play with a friend, etc.) so that the lesson brings joy to the children, reveals the purpose of buildings, convinces them that it is interesting to play with buildings. You can tell the guys about the plot of the game. The teacher starts the game first, and then includes the children in it, discusses with them about what else needs to be built, how to play. In games and in the classroom, figurative expressions, artistic words, songs should be used (while laying the doll on the built bed, sing the song "Bayu-Bayu" by M. Krasev, "Sleep, my Bear" by E. Tilicheeva, etc.).
Children of the older group can build a steamer, a car, etc. for the kids, decorate them with flags and go on a journey with the kids. During the trip, the elders tell what they see on the way, where they have arrived; at stops they go for a walk, visit the zoo, etc. Older children, under the guidance of a teacher, can make various toys for the little ones from natural material, paper or clay. All this will attract kids to play with building material, cause the desire to make buildings themselves, be attentive and caring to each other.
Second junior group. Children of the fourth year of life are characterized by great physical and mental activity. Thanks to the greater mobility, the child, guided by adults to the perception of the environment, gets acquainted with new objects and phenomena, his ideas about them are significantly enriched, and the circle of his interests expands.
The constructive activity of children of this age is characterized by its direct connection with play: dolls are put on a newly built tram, the tram travels along the line, and the child accompanies its movement with appropriate sounds.
A more stable desire for independence appears, which requires the creation of conditions for meeting this need of children.
The child is more and more interested in the activities of adults and peers, in connection with which more stable forms of joint play appear, in the process of which the skills are formed to play together, help each other, turn to a friend for help, and rejoice at each other's success. True, joint games are still unstable, short-term, and require some guidance from the educator.
The design program in this group is somewhat more complicated.
The main material for construction is building material. Its sets are replenished with a new part - a bar. Children get to know him, it becomes clear at the same time his difference from other parts (cube, brick, plate), in which position he is most stable: when he stands upright or lies. Children learn the name, use it in the game, learn to distinguish between large and small bars.
Children develop constructive skills that they acquired in the first junior group: they place bricks, plates on a plane in 1-2 rows (road for cars, tram or railway line), arrange them vertically, in a row, at some distance from each other, or tightly attached to each other (a fence for birds or animals, a fence for a garden, etc.).
The teacher gradually complicates the task: without showing how to make a road, he suggests thinking about how to build it so that a large car can pass along it (either lay bricks, plates in two rows, or change their position). This contributes to the development of the ability to first visualize the solution and then execute it. At the same time, children are already given more details.
In this work, they consolidate the ability to make simple floors - one- and two-tier (gate, pigeon tower, house). Moreover, attention is paid to a preliminary examination of the general appearance of the sample, and then the main parts are highlighted. For example, showing a small house for a small nesting doll, the teacher highlights the parts of the house: walls, door, window, roof. The matryoshka can enter the house (which is shown in front of the children). Further, we consider what each part is built of: the walls and the door are made of bricks, the roof is made of prisms. The educator then shows how to build, focusing the children's attention on each part built.
So, in the course of classes, children learn to distinguish buildings in size, shape, to see from what details and in what color they are made. The child names the color of the parts, completing the building, taking into account its color scheme, so that each main part has one color (the table has a cover of one color, legs of another, etc.).
It is important that each child learns the sequence of the construction. It is necessary to instill in children a steady interest in games and buildings, for which in the classroom the teacher shows how to play, offers children imaginative toys that help to find new content for the game, to develop its plot.
In the classroom, creating conditions for the implementation of buildings according to the intention of the children, the teacher prepares them to create buildings themselves and play with them. At the same time, it is important that children use the constructive skills learned in the classroom. If this is not the case, therefore, they have not mastered them enough, which must be taken into account in subsequent studies. In children 2-3 years old, their desire to play and build together should be encouraged, the teacher should unobtrusively help them in this. First of all, you need to teach children to respect the work of their comrades, to help each other.
Children learn to keep order in their workplace: they lay out building materials on the tables in the order in which the teacher showed them. At the end of classes and games, the building is disassembled, the material is laid on the table in the order in which it was before the lesson.
Middle group. Children of four years old acquire a fairly stable interest in building games. They are well acquainted with some of the details of the building material, they know their purpose.
The design experience that children received earlier gave them the opportunity to acquire some technical skills, remember ways to create simple structures that they can easily reproduce in their games.
If in the previous groups the child basically imitated the actions of the teacher, reproduced buildings according to his model, only adding some details, then in the middle group he can already name the theme of the building that he is going to do, is able to carry out his plans to the end. But topics often change under the influence of external circumstances and sometimes can only be realized with the help of a teacher.
Children's games are becoming more diverse in topics, somewhat richer in content, since they reflect not only the impressions of what surrounds them in kindergarten, but also what they learned from trips with their parents to the dacha, on the boat, on the train , which have been heard from stories, fairy tales. By the end of the year, children are able to repeat interesting games, play them for several days, making minor changes. Sometimes, having conceived a game, they make buildings for it, select toys that correspond to its intention.
Children have a growing interest in the quality of their work. If the educator makes certain requirements for the order in work, for a certain sequence, for the methods of construction, the child consciously achieves the assimilation of this and feels satisfaction if he succeeds. Children have a desire to learn how to do the job beautifully, as required by the educator. They are attracted by the very process of mastering skills. In this regard, they willingly exercise in order to achieve better results.
The need for contact with other children for joint activities increases. The child already seeks to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades in order to achieve a common goal. Children are already able to understand the requirements of adults and the community and subordinate their behavior to them.
The “Kindergarten Upbringing Program” plans for this group, in addition to playing and classes with building materials, making crafts from paper, natural and other materials.
Children need a rich experience of the world around them to be successful in learning and playing with the materials.
The process of acquaintance with objects (toys) must be subordinated to the creation of generalized ideas about a group of similar objects. When examining furniture, for example a table, explain and show that all tables must have a cover, legs, but tables can be large and small, high and low, the table top can be of different shapes (square, round, triangular). Each table has a specific purpose, and therefore, its own characteristics (dining table, writing, etc.). With the help of visual examination, children get acquainted with other homogeneous objects, which helps to bring them to the ability to distinguish common properties and differences in objects depending on the application.
The teacher should observe the buildings under construction and other structures with the children, paying attention to the friendly work of builders, consider the architecture of buildings, cars and other objects, while using words denoting spatial relations (in front - behind, above - below, right - left, closer - further, more - less).
Children's building kits are replenished with new parts - large and small cylinders. In comparison with other details, children learn their basic properties and differences, learn to name and use them correctly in accordance with their constructive properties (for table legs, for headlights near cars, for decorating buildings, etc.). All building material, while retaining a certain set of parts, is replenished with different plates - short and long, wide and narrow, bars, cubes, prisms, large and small cylinders.
designing children are taught the following technical skills: to close the space, to construct simple buildings of different sizes, using appropriate toys (for a large doll - a large bed, for a small doll - a small one, for pedestrians across a river - a low bridge, if motor ships are floating along the river - a high one, etc. .), proportion the buildings to each other (table and chair, bed and chair, etc.). Select parts by size, shape, color, while taking into account their stability in accordance with the characteristics of the building, remember the sequence of its implementation.
Children learn in the learning process that the parts have varying degrees of stability, which depends both on the position on the plane and on the combination with other parts: the cube is stable on any face; a brick and a plate, placed on a wide edge, are also stable, a block placed on any long side edge. A brick and a plate, placed vertically between cubes or prisms, become more stable.
Children are introduced to the fact that some parts can be replaced with others, respectively by connecting them: two bricks, placed one on top of the other on a wide face, replace two cubes, 2-3 cubes can be used to make a bar. It is important that the children learn the principle of replacement, and during the execution of the construction it is necessary to direct them to independently solve such problems: "Think about how you can replace the cubes if there are not enough of them." This task is useful in class, when the children are familiar with the bar. Comparing it with other details and determining its features, offer to guess what parts a bar can be made of, and show the child himself how to do this. For the construction of a building, deliberately give less than necessary bars and more cubes, so that the child faces the task of replacing the bars with cubes.
In the same way, children get to know the relationship between other details: from two bricks or from two plates, you can get a bar, etc.
Children continue to learn constructive actions according to the model, according to the conditions proposed by the teacher, and according to their own design in the game. When children build something according to a model, they learn to analyze it, examine it (general view, main parts, details, their spatial arrangement). The sequence of the construction process is also determined. If the task is to form generalized ideas in children about a group of similar objects, then several samples made by the teacher are considered, or several objects, toys (2-3 houses, different in size or in the number of floors, made from different parts; 2 -3 toy cars: a passenger car, with a tank, etc.), then the main parts that all homogeneous objects or samples have are highlighted.
After that, it becomes clear for what purpose different machines are made and why the individual parts of each of them are different (the body of the passenger car is small, the cargo body is large, the tank is cylindrical).
On the basis of the formed generalized ideas, children learn to create a series of buildings of homogeneous objects in several lessons (first, a small house with a square base, then with a rectangular base, each wall is not from 2, but from 4 bricks laid in 2 rows). In one lesson, they build a one-story house, but more complex in design, from a larger number of parts, in the next lesson, a two-story one. Each time, attention is fixed on the fact that each house has certain parts, but they can be of different shapes, sizes and made from different parts. So, gradually, children's perception becomes more purposeful and deep, they develop a stable understanding that there is a certain connection between the structure of an object and its purpose in life.
Children carry out the construction of a house without a sample, according to the conditions proposed by the educator: to make a one-story house or a two-story one from those parts that are on the table.
With the help of such activities, the child will be prepared to independently create a building in accordance with the game concept, since in the game it is often required, in accordance with the practical purpose of the building, to transform a familiar pattern, supplement it with various details, and change its size.
The interests of each child are clearly manifested in the game, and the teacher must be observant in order to identify certain abilities of children.
In the classroom, children can play with their building, for which the teacher gives them figurative toys. In the process of such games, he encourages children to play together: the cars of all the children drive across the bridge and roads, you can propose to build one common road together, a gas station next to it, put a traffic light, etc.
In the middle group, children should be taught to build together. Each should have an independent construction site: one builds a garage, the other a bridge, having previously agreed on who will build what. And then the children together finish building what is needed for the game (a road or something else).
The teacher teaches children to be accurate. For example, the guys should fold the details so that they take up little space: stack bricks, cubes, plates, connect the prisms either in cubes and stack them, or in a row so that some prisms are placed with their top up, and others - between them - way down.
If in the second younger group the material was laid out mainly for each child, then in the middle group it should be placed in the middle of the table so that the children learn to take only those parts that they need.
A little more details are laid out on the table than is needed for construction: an extra 2-3 cubes, 2-3 bricks, etc., in order to teach children to take only the right amount.
After classes and games, the guys independently disassemble the buildings and put everything in place. The participation of children in the preparation of the material, distribution of it on tables, joint cleaning of parts also teach them to work collectively, reckon with their comrades, and take care of them.
By fostering the ability to evaluate the aesthetic qualities of objects, the teacher teaches children not only to work correctly, but also to work beautifully.
The teacher continues to draw the attention of children to the color of the details, teaches them to group them so that the individual parts of the building have the same color, for example, the bridge is yellow or green, the railings are red, etc. It is necessary not only to show samples of buildings that are harmonious in color, but also to explain that work becomes beautiful when colors are combined well.
In the middle group, around the second quarter of the school year, a new type of activity is introduced - designing from paper, boxes, spools and other materials.
The program is very simple. Children are taught some operations with paper: bend a sheet in half, achieving coincidence when bending the sides and corners, glue small parts (windows, door, pipe, etc.) to the main form.
The task is that the first skills that children acquire are mastered, so that when working with paper and paste, they strive to complete the task as accurately as possible, thoroughly. Of course, the guys find it difficult to achieve this on their own. The teacher must help them.
At the same time, from the very beginning, children must learn to control themselves, whether they have performed this or that operation correctly. When teaching children to glue small parts, special attention should be paid to the very method of gluing: how to spread glue on a part, how to use a napkin, check if it is glued well and correctly. It is necessary to educate in children the desire to correctly perform all actions, to learn their sequence, to rejoice in the successful completion of the task. The teacher should pay attention not only to the fact that the child completes the toy, but also to whether he is working correctly, whether he understands everything what he is learning.
In the corner of the visual activity, there should be colored pencils, paste, paper of a certain shape and of different colors, so that children can make an album themselves, some kind of toy, as they did in class. It is advisable that the teacher himself make some toys with the children in his free time. As a rule, all these crafts are simple, but it is important that the children know their purpose.
Children's toys made of paper can be supplemented with buildings made of building material, for example, decorate boats with garlands of flags. Use houses, trucks, buses in various story games.
Toy making from natural material is best done in the spring and summer. The guys, together with the teacher, their parents at the dacha, in the forest, collect cones, acorns, dry seeds. Here, this material, together with plasticine for fastening the parts, sticks, matches without sulfur heads, colored pencils, pieces of thick colored paper, should be in such a place and laid out so that children can use it freely throughout the year. The teacher needs to show the children the process of making and fastening parts: how to connect acorns together, how to firmly install a nut shell on a plasticine plate, etc. It is important to dream up with the children what can be done from this or that material: “Does an acorn resemble a girl’s head in a hat? - asks the teacher, referring to the children. - What else needs to be done to get a finished figure of a girl? What material is suitable for this? " The teacher encourages interesting suggestions. First, he performs the toy himself, explaining what material he takes and why, how to attach one part to another, what to do to make the toy stable. Gradually, children are also actively involved in the work: they select material, fasten parts, and then make toys themselves. The teacher shows how to make the toy more expressive, and thereby activates the imagination of children.
You can offer children to make fabulous images from natural material (from pine cones, chestnuts, acorns). In the summer, it is best to do it outdoors.
It is desirable that the crafts find application in the game, in everyday life (as a decoration, as an item for a gift, etc.).
Senior group. Children 5-6 years old have an interest in designing and building games. Children willingly build a group, make toys. They can already do a lot on their own.
The games of the older children are becoming more interesting and varied. They reflect a wider range of knowledge that they acquire from direct observations of the world around them, from extensive information on radio, television, from books and stories of adults. The reality in the games of children is reflected much more fully. In the definition of the concept and the development of the plot, great independence appears.
Children like that the educator demands from them much more in their work than from toddlers. They have elements of self-control: they notice their mistakes, inaccuracies in the image and try to correct them, they understand what they have not yet learned, what they have not mastered.
They construct with great interest when a specific task is assigned to them, requiring mental exertion. They are especially pleased and pleased with a successfully completed task.
Success in activity is also achieved by the fact that children can remember and tell how they are going to act, although this is not yet so easy for them. The teacher helps children express their thoughts correctly and accurately.
The development of speech leads to the fact that communication of children becomes more free. They willingly share their experience with their comrades, they are able to answer correctly and explain what they are doing, they know how to agree that they will design together. In difficult cases, the educator must come to the rescue: suggest individual methods of work, clarify the characteristic features of the form, details of the depicted object, show the appropriate illustrations.
The program in this group includes the following types of construction: from construction kits, paper, various boxes and natural materials. But the tasks in teaching design are increasing significantly.
Children acquire a lot of new knowledge and technical skills. So they gradually prepare for school, that is, they learn to carefully perceive tasks and complete them, independently solve a number of constructive tasks, consciously and persistently master new ways of working.
Children continue to learn to analyze samples of finished crafts, designs, highlight essential features in them, group them according to the similarity of the main features, and understand that the differences in the main features in shape and size depend on the purpose of the object.
Children develop the ability to independently examine objects, to know the procedure for using them without the help of a teacher. They should be able to identify the main stages in the creation of structures and independently plan their production, objectively assess the quality of their work and the work of their comrades, and find the reasons for failures.
The educator should pay great attention to the games of children with elements of construction, where the techniques that they got acquainted with in the classroom are fixed. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage creativity, invention, imagination and ingenuity. And in the older group, children perform work according to samples, according to the conditions proposed by the teacher, on a topic and at their own request.
To construct from paper and additional material, the guys must learn to bend the paper in half, four times, in different directions (diagonally, along the middle line, along the diameter in a circle), smoothing the folds, making cuts along the drawn lines until the next fold or line. These skills will help children do more challenging work.
For the manufacture of handicrafts, thick white and colored paper, thin cardboard, all kinds of boxes and other materials are used. At the end of the lesson, you can invite the child to look at his toy and tell him if everything was done well, what difficulties were in the work and what he learned.
The teacher must diversify the tasks. For example, if the kindergarten is located near the pioneer camp, you can teach the children to make a tent from a square sheet of paper folded diagonally and cut one fold to the middle. Children glue together two triangles separated by this cut. A flag is glued on top and the door is cut out in the form of the letter "G". The rest of the attributes of the camp (a sports ground, trees, a mast, etc.) are carried out by the children themselves, and the teacher helps with advice.
In the spring, you can show children how, bending paper in different directions, make toys out of it: an arrow, a boat, a boat, a helmet (budenovka). Arrows are good for familiarizing themselves with the strength of the wind, children will learn that arrows fly farther in the wind, closer to the wind. The game can include moments of competition: whose arrow will fly next? Who will find the best wind direction? The children also learn that paper boats dipped in molten stearin become strong, they can swim in streams, in a pool.
To make toys from all kinds of materials, the teacher must show how to fasten matchboxes: gluing them to each other in a row or one above the other, or putting one box into another (insert a vertically standing box into a horizontally lying box).
The first method can be shown and applied for the manufacture of a desk, carriages, lockers, the second - for making a baby carriage, cars, in particular a dump truck. The dump truck body can be movable. For this, a strip bent in half is glued under the body and from above to the base. Coils can be used to make furniture, flag holders. Children of the older group continue to make toys from natural materials.
There should be albums with photographs of handicrafts made from natural materials in the pictorial area. They are necessary in order to arouse children's interest in making toys on their own.
Any products that children make should be used in their games. You can set up a museum, view and analyze with children their own work. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight the most interesting, expressive products, pay attention to the successful use of the material, to a creative attitude to work.
The items can be used to play "shop". Then the guys select the best ones. A group of children, together with a caregiver, called the Toy Selection Committee, advises what is appropriate, what is unsuccessful. You can offer to finish or do the work again. Such activities of children will become an element of a creative story-driven game.
In the lessons of designing from building material, they continue to work on teaching children some technical skills: to connect several planes into one large one, to connect together rarely placed bricks, bars, cylinders, preparing the basis for floors, to make buildings durable.
The guys should master all the details of the sets well and use the correct names: long, short, wide, narrow, square, triangular plate, large (small) cube, bar, cylinder; be able to navigate in the shape of the sides of the parts: the sides of the cube are square, the sides of the bar are rectangular, the end sides are square, etc.
Children should figure out what is better to construct separate parts of the building, walls in bulky and light structures, which parts are the most stable and can be used for foundations, and which are suitable for windows, doors, ornaments.
In constructions, children display their generalized ideas about objects. And it is very important that the teacher teaches children to be observant, the ability to peer into the world around them. Based on this, the topic of the work is determined. After excursions around the city, it is good to invite children to build a multi-storey building, a road and show the carriageway, crossings, etc. on it.
Each theme starts with simple buildings, gradually their content becomes more complicated. In the first lessons, children mainly build according to a ready-made and semi-finished model. For example, buildings are one-, two-story, with a square and rectangular base, a simpler and more complex design. As a result, generalized methods of design are formed, which allows you to move on to the task according to the conditions: to build a house for 2-3 dolls, a two-story building with wide showcases on the ground floor, etc. Here you already need ingenuity, free handling of the material based on a good knowledge of its features , mastering technical skills.
This development of each theme will prepare children for creative solutions to constructive problems in the construction of buildings in the game.
The children must carry out complex buildings (a kindergarten with a plot, a zoo, a railway station, a collective farm, a pioneer camp, etc.) collectively.
It is necessary that in the game children use the visual skills that they have acquired (modeling, drawing, application). So, when creating a zoo, children build cages for animals from building material, the animals themselves are molded, then painted, and green spaces are made of natural material. Performing the task collectively, the guys learn to work in concert and amicably.
Preparatory group for school. In this group, the most important task is to prepare children for school.
For children of this age, construction is one of the interesting activities. They already have experience in understanding the surrounding reality, a conscious attitude to technology, to architectural monuments. They are already able to give an elementary aesthetic assessment of various structures and objects of architecture. They try to be more organized in their work, know how to reckon with the requirements of the team, be disciplined, and control their activities.
Children of this group, like all other groups, are closely associated with construction activities with play.
The main attention is paid to more complex forms of examination of objects in order to form generalized ideas about groups of similar objects and to establish a connection between the form and the functions that these objects perform in life, as well as for mastering generalized methods of action. The survey here is also aimed at ensuring that children can see objects in different spatial positions and present the sequence of the construction process.
In this group, greater demands are made on the ability of children to plan their work than in the previous ones. They must imagine what the building will be like before doing it; think over and select the desired material.
Children need to know that to be successful they need to:
clearly represent the object, its structure, spatial position;
have good technical skills;
see the sequence of operations required for the manufacture of crafts, designs.
The teacher should conduct classes in such a way that children have an interest in acquiring knowledge. To do this, teaching children to design, he must, during walks, acquaint them with various types of transport, buildings, bridges, paying attention not only to the general structure, methods of fastening parts, but also to various options for the same structures and structures, to artistic, architectural merits. Children should comment on what they see, analyze their work and the work of their comrades.
Teaching children to work collectively is one of the important tasks of fostering a sense of camaraderie in them. To do this, the teacher invites the children to think over the plan together, select the material, distribute the work among themselves and take a responsible attitude to participation in the common work.
Particular attention should be paid to the education of organization in work, hard work. The guys get used to the order when they themselves prepare the material for the lesson in advance, they put everything in place on their own after the end of the work.
In the preparatory group for school, much attention is paid to the development of the creative imagination of children. They already design not according to a ready-made model, but according to their own imagination, sometimes referring to a photograph or a drawing. The sample is more often used to compare a volumetric toy with its flat pattern-sweep. Here, children are offered a theme and conditions that a toy, a building must meet. Moreover, the conditions themselves are more complicated than in the older group, for example, to make animals from natural material that would freely fit in the cages of a zoo made of building material; from a circle cut along the radius, make a toy, in which the cone will be the main part.
Of course, this group also uses a sample made by the teacher from the material with which the children work. For example, you need to show how to work with natural material, what can be made of it, what are the techniques for working with it, methods of fastening, giving expressiveness to the image, etc. But in this group, you can already show general techniques that will be useful for making different toys rather than a specific subject. For example, when working with paper, the teacher explains how to make a closed or hollow box out of a square sheet of paper divided into 16 small squares, and only then the children use it to make toys according to their design. In working with building material, the teacher shows how to make a stable platform on high foundations, invites children to think about in which buildings this method is applicable. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to sort out with the children who applied the shown technique how, what are the individual solutions to a common problem for all, and note the most successful ones.
And in this group
design classes closely related to the game. Often, children have a desire to remake toys, buildings or make new ones. Of course, good toys must be preserved, and less successful ones must be corrected and improved.
To share experiences with children (in the preparatory group, the work performed is often the result of an individual decision), exhibitions of children's works should be organized, albums with photographs of buildings and toys should be made.
To enrich the impressions of the children, you can arrange thematic albums with postcards, which depict different types of cars, airplanes, bridges, buildings. Children will be interested in this, as they like to define brands of cars and get acquainted with new ones, finding similarities and differences.
So, in the preparatory group for school, in the classroom for designing from paper and additional material, children need to master the following ways of working: fold a square sheet of paper into 16 small squares, then make patterns of a cube, a bar, boxes of the same shape, and only then make of them toys; divide a sheet of paper diagonally; draw a circle with a string and a pencil; make toys by folding a sheet of paper in different directions; prepare paper forms that children use as parts for making bulky toys (cars, Christmas tree decorations, etc.).
From the first lessons, children are taught to make boxes from a square sheet of paper, first folded into 9 squares. Then they learn how to make a house pattern, a paper basket folded into 16 squares. If they make a house, they figure out where its windows and doors will be, then they make cuts on two opposite sides, fold the pattern and glue it together, add some details: a roof, a pipe, a balcony, etc.
This lesson (as well as the subsequent ones) can be used to develop spatial orientation, spatial imagination, the elementary ability to see a volumetric object in a planar pattern. Children need to be taught how to independently prepare a pattern for a toy, the ability to highlight its main part, determine its shape, and then make it, supplementing it with details that characterize this toy. So, many different toys can be made from a cube box: a basket, a table, a chair, a box with a lid, etc. It is important that the children themselves find which objects have the main part similar to a box and make a corresponding toy.
To consolidate the ability to see a volumetric object in a pattern, it is necessary that each child be able to compare this pattern with a finished product, and then make a toy on his own.
The independent completion of the task by the children will help the teacher see how correctly the child imagines where the individual parts of the product are on the pattern. The guys always do this kind of work with enthusiasm.
Children 6-7 years old can make toys from cardboard, some parts of which are made movable (bunny wiggles its ears, Petrushka waves its arms, moves its legs, etc.). For such toys, templates are prepared from thick cardboard. Children trace them on cardboard with a thin pencil, cut out, paint, and then connect the parts with thread or wire.
To arouse children's interest in making such toys, the teacher makes 2-3 toys in the presence of the children, and then suggests trying to make the same toy ourselves.
Making boats from paper, boats soaked in molten stearin, turntables, pigeons is a favorite pastime of children in spring and summer. A bright turntable can be placed outside the window, and children will observe the change in the strength of the wind.
An interesting activity for children 6-7 years old is making toys for toddlers. Of course, the teacher needs to follow this process, help children in time with advice on how to make this or that toy.
In the preparatory group for school, children continue to make toys from natural materials: tree bark, pine and spruce cones, nutshells, acorns, corncobs, bird feathers, burdock, etc. Usually, children make such toys with enthusiasm. In order to further interest them in such work, it is necessary to acquaint the children with illustrated publications in which finished products are presented in the form of photographs, for example, postcards from the exhibits of the exhibition "Nature and Fantasy" (Moscow, 1969). It is useful to discuss what they saw with the children, invite them to think about who the artist depicted, what he wanted to express in his work and what means he used. At the same time, the guys must dream up what else can be made from such material. In addition, children must be sure to show the basic techniques for making toys from various materials, how to fasten parts, what tools should be used (for example, explain how to prepare straw so that they can be used to make figures of people and animals).
Children often make toys as they play. We must encourage these attempts by children and provide them with everything they need to work. Designing from building kits and constructors takes a large place in the preparatory group for school in the classroom and in games.
The Kindergarten Upbringing Program pays special attention to teaching children the ability to plan not only the individual stages of creating buildings, but also their entire course of work, to determine which parts of the building material are most suitable for the construction of a particular building and its individual parts.
Children in this group have a particular interest in technology that should be encouraged. For the game, give all kinds of "Constructors", from which they themselves will make various samples of airplanes, cars with movable wheels. At the same time, the guys master the techniques of working with a wrench, mallet, nuts.
In the previous groups, the children mastered the basic construction techniques. The only new thing is the overlap on high abutments, which is used mainly for arming high bridges.
Children 6-7 years old can create a building with two or more floors and supplement it with individual elements of architectural design.
Children are able to complete a building, focusing only on a drawing, photograph, drawing. Of course, they should be simple, without unnecessary details.
If in the previous groups, during the construction of buildings, children mainly created one- and two-story houses, large and small houses, then in the preparatory group for school, the children already know that there are residential and public buildings (schools, theaters, kindergartens, hospitals, train stations) , all buildings, regardless of their purpose, must have a foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors. Residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. can vary in size and architecture. Therefore, during construction, their children do not build houses in general, but buildings for a specific purpose, for example, a station, a theater, a store, etc. .).
Teaching continues in complex buildings, which children build collectively. This is a kindergarten with a plot, a pioneer camp, on the territory of its children they build a mast with a flag, tents, a volleyball court, etc. More often, such structures are necessary for children to play, and it is important that they perform them according to the rules of collective construction ...
Games can be interesting and meaningful when children apply all their skills in all types of visual activity. For example, they sculpt birds for the poultry farm, paint tablecloths for the dining room, make books for the library, library cards, etc.
In games and construction activities, children acquire certain knowledge that is necessary in preparation for school, which is the main task of the "Kindergarten Education Program".

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Constructive activity of preschoolers Performed by the teacher: O. Zakharova

Constructive activity. The term "construction" (from the Latin word construerе) means bringing different objects, parts, elements into a certain mutual position. Children's design is usually understood as a variety of buildings from building material, making crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. By its nature, it is most similar to pictorial activity and play - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Buildings and crafts of children are for practical use (buildings - for play, crafts - for decorating a Christmas tree, for a gift to mom, etc.), therefore, they must correspond to their purpose. Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a certain, pre-conceived real product corresponding to its functional purpose.

Construction is a rather difficult activity for children. In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activity of adults. AS Makarenko emphasized that a child's play with toys-materials from which he constructs, "are closest to normal human activity: from materials a person creates values ​​and culture."

Types of construction in kindergarten: Depending on the material from which children create their buildings and structures, they distinguish: construction from construction materials; construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials; construction from natural material. Designing from play building materials is the most affordable and easy type of construction for preschoolers.

Construction from building materials. As a rule, in building kits, individual elements are attached by overlapping each other, attaching one to the other. In addition to construction kits, "Constructors" are recommended, which have more durable connection methods. Most often, wooden ones are used with the most simple fastening methods. Metal ones are also used, in which the fasteners are more complex - with the help of screws, nuts, spikes, etc.

Construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials. Construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials is a more complex type of construction in kindergarten. For the first time, children get to know him in the middle group. Paper, cardboard are given in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, etc. Before making a toy, you need to prepare a pattern, lay out and stick parts and decorations on it, make the necessary cuts and only then fold and glue the toy. This whole process requires the ability to measure, use scissors. All this is much more complicated than constructing buildings by composing them from separate ready-made forms. Boxes of perfume, powder, matches, pieces of wire wrapped in colored winding, foam, foam rubber, corks, etc. are actually a semi-finished product. By connecting boxes, coils with glue or wire, supplementing them with various details of another material, children get interesting toys - furniture, transport and other products.

Construction from natural materials. Natural material as a building material can be used for the games of children, starting from the second youngest group. This is primarily sand, snow, water. Children build a road, a house, a kindergarten, a hill, bridges from raw sand, with the help of molds (sandboxes) - pies, etc. At an older age, children freeze tinted water, preparing colored ice floes that decorate the site. A slide, a house, a snowman, and animal figures are made of snow. Using natural material in their games, children get acquainted with its properties, learn to fill their free time with interesting activities. They learn that the sand is free-flowing, but it is possible to sculpt from raw sand, water can be poured into different dishes, and it freezes in the cold, etc. Starting with the middle group, children make toys from natural materials: branches, bark, leaves, chestnuts , pine cones, spruce, nutshells, straw, acorns, maple seeds, etc.

Features of crafts and their importance in the life of a child. The peculiarities of crafts made from this material are that its natural form is used. Quality and expressiveness is achieved by the ability to notice in natural material the similarity with objects of reality, to enhance this similarity and expressiveness by additional processing with the help of tools. This activity is especially important for the development of the child's fantasy. The list of different types of construction in kindergarten shows that each of them has its own characteristics. However, the basics of activity are the same: in each child reflects objects of the surrounding world, creates a material product, the result of the activity is intended mainly for practical use.

The main teaching methods are as follows: 1. Show the teacher the methods of making a structure or toy. Explanations help children learn not only the actions necessary to complete the structure, but also the construction of the lesson, the general order of work. 2. Explanation of the task with the definition of conditions that the children must fulfill without showing the methods of work. 3. Demonstration of individual design techniques or technical techniques of work that children master for their subsequent use in the creation of buildings, structures, handicrafts. 4. Analysis and evaluation of the child's work process and finished products are also methods of teaching construction, while it becomes clear what methods of action they have learned, which ones they still need to master.

Tasks in teaching and guiding the constructive activities of children. To educate children with the necessary skills and design skills. To give children knowledge about objects displayed in constructive activity, about their appearance, structure, about the main parts, their shape, spatial location, relative size, about the materials with which they work. Children should be able to group objects according to their common characteristics, understand the relationship between the features of their shape and the functions they perform. Teach children to work purposefully, to plan their activities in advance, which is a prerequisite for the successful completion of constructive tasks. To foster in children independence in work, creative initiative. To cultivate the ability to control their activities, direct them to a more rational way of solving the problem proposed by the educator. Do not resort to mechanical imitation of the methods of work of comrades or a previously learned method, which in this case cannot be applied.

6. It is also necessary to use the rich opportunities of constructive activity to instill in children a sense of teamwork in work. But practice shows that the relationship of children in constructive activity by themselves is not always built on the correct basis. Therefore, the role of the educator is of great importance here. He must teach his pupils to work collectively, first discuss the plan together, clearly distribute responsibilities in the process of performing buildings, toys, coordinate his work with the actions of his comrades. 7. Constructive activity requires careful use of materials. From the very first days of training, it is necessary that the children follow the appropriate rules: before the lesson they laid out the material in a convenient order, after the lesson or the end of the game they did not destroy, but dismantled the buildings, collected unused material (boxes, pieces, paper, natural material) and carefully, in in a certain order, they put it on a permanent storage place.

It is important! Order in the workplace is a prerequisite for the successful completion of any task, for educating children in the skills of organized work, and aesthetic feelings. Any material that children work with should attract them with its appearance. When analyzing and evaluating works, children should be drawn to the aesthetic qualities of the constructed object. To develop in children the ability to evaluate the process of their work and the work of comrades from an aesthetic point of view (how organized the work process is, is performed in the right sequence, without unnecessary and chaotic movements, at a good pace).

The meaning of constructive activity: Promotes the development of sensory and thinking abilities of children; develops planning mental activity; promotes practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships; plays an important role in developing the initial skills of working in a team; fosters a caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones, to comrades, a desire to do something pleasant; is of great importance for the upbringing of aesthetic feelings: not only technical skills and skills are formed, but also a special attitude to the world around them - children begin to feel the beauty of nature

Constructive activity acquires such a multifaceted significance in the upbringing of children under the conditions of: Implementation of systematic education; Using a variety of methods and techniques

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Development of constructive activities in preschool age

Completed by: Bokova Yu.V., student of retraining courses

Checked by: Burakova N.K., teacher of psychology


2. Creation of a subject-developing environment for the organization of work on the development of constructive activity in preschool age




Preschool childhood is a period of initial formation and development of personality. The formation of a preschooler's personality is an extremely complex and multifaceted process.

The modern humanistic policy of our society considers preschool childhood as a socio-cultural phenomenon. In turn, the humanistic tendencies of education led to the emergence of new values ​​in the subculture of childhood: the emotional world of modern children has changed, they have become more free, independent and active in learning about the world. Intensive informatization of society expands the boundaries of knowledge of the preschooler, his external relations with the world of adults.

* sensory development;

* development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities;

* formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

Thus, modern approaches pose important and responsible tasks for the teachers of preschool educational institutions to guide the productive activities of children.

The pedagogical value of the constructive activity of preschool children lies in the fact that it develops the child's abilities, his creative skills. The importance of this activity was noted in their teachings by prominent Russian physiologists I.P. Pavlov and I.M.Sechenov on the role of the motor analyzer. As you know, children can get ideas about space, shape, size on the basis of visual and kinetic sensations, which play an important role in mental development. Noting the great cognitive value of the hand, I.P. Pavlov considered her a subtle analyzer, "allowing you to enter into very complex relationships with surrounding objects."

Construction has a great influence on the development of the personality and volitional sphere of the child. So, its effectiveness is influenced by the nature of the motive: what is the building for. Success depends on the ability to maintain the goal of the activity and set it independently, on the ability to control the progress of the work, to compare the result with the model.

In the process of construction, the physical improvement of the child is carried out. Constant exercises in a wide variety of movements, accompanied by emotional uplift, contribute to the fact that these movements become quick, dexterous, easily obeying the control of the eye. The coordinated work of individual muscles improves.

Constructive activity is an effective means of aesthetic education. When acquainting children with buildings and structures, as well as architectural monuments that are accessible to them, they develop an artistic taste that causes aesthetic pleasure when looking at beautiful structures, the ability to appreciate what people have created by the creative work of people, to love the architectural wealth of their city, country, and to take care of them is formed. In addition, preschool children develop an understanding of the appropriateness of architectural solutions.

The experience gained by the child in the course of construction is indispensable in terms of the formation of the skills and abilities of exploratory behavior.

Purposeful and systematic training of preschool children in construction plays an important role in preparing for school. It contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, reveals to them that the main meaning of activity is not only in obtaining a result, but also in acquiring knowledge and skills. Such a cognitive motive causes significant changes in mental processes. These changes consist mainly in the ability to arbitrarily control their cognitive processes (direct them to solving educational problems), in achieving a certain level of development of mental operations, the ability to systematically perform mental work necessary for the conscious assimilation of knowledge.

Constructive activity does not arise by itself; without the consistent formation of constructive and creative skills, it remains at the manipulative level.

The need to resolve this contradiction determined the choice of the research topic.

Purpose of the research: to study constructive activity in a preschool educational institution.

Object of research: design as a practical activity of preschool children.

Subject of research: the process of forming constructive and creative skills in older preschool children.

Research hypothesis: the organization of a system of management of constructive activities in a preschool educational institution allows the child to show creative abilities, enrich sensory experience and realize cognitive and aesthetic needs.

Research objectives:

1) study and analyze the conditions for the development of constructive activity in preschool children;

2) analyze modern approaches to the problem of "Designing in preschool age";

3) consider the features of the use of various materials used in preschool educational institutions in constructive activities;

4) substantiate the importance of the management of constructive activities in a preschool educational institution.

1. Justification of the problem of design in a preschool educational institution

design preschool educational training

The state and development of the problem of constructive activity in preschoolers in theory and practice Play activity is the leading type of activity for a child from three to six years old. In the process of its implementation, he develops imagination and symbolic function, an orientation towards the general meaning of human relations and actions, the ability to highlight moments of subordination and control in them, as well as generalized empathy and a meaningful orientation in them are formed.

Design is a type of productive activity of a preschooler aimed at obtaining a certain, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. By its nature, it is most similar to play and pictorial activity; it also reflects the surrounding reality.

The problem of the development of constructive activity in preschool children was considered by L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina, N.N. Poddyakov, G.A. Uruntaeva, V.G. Nechaeva, Z. V. Lishtvan, A.N. Davidchuk, L.A. Paramonova, L.V. Kutsakova, G.A. Uradovskikh.

L.A. Paramonova in her article “Creative Artistic Design” highlights a new approach to teaching art design, which is based on the generalization of paper design methods in the process of their “de-objectification”. The author, defining the general strategy of teaching, highlights the goal of this approach - the formation in children of the ability to design independently and creatively. This training system provides for the forms of construction, provides the relationship of construction with other types of activity - play, as the leading activity of preschoolers, drawing and others. So the child is aware of the ways of activity, its productivity increases; both the design itself develops (motivation increases, the concept deepens in accordance with the game tasks), and the game, as well as descriptive and dialogical speech.

Thanks to various types of visual activity and construction, the child separates the property of the object from itself. The properties or attributes of an object become the object of special consideration for the child. Called by the word, they turn into categories of cognitive activity. Thus, in the activity of a preschool child, categories of size, shape, color, spatial relations arise. According to L.V. Trubaichuk, so the child begins to see the world in a categorical way, the process of perception is intellectualized.

Summing up the study of this problem, the author considers the cognitive competence of the preschooler as the disclosure of the cognitive capabilities of his consciousness in the child, the discovery of them in himself in order to cognize the world around him and actively participate in it. The development of cognitive competence in preschool childhood provides the formation of such skills as the ability to learn, to receive education throughout life.

L.V.'s program Kutsakova "Design and art work in kindergarten" reveals the content of work with children on design and art work and presents two options for its implementation, applicable in all age groups of kindergarten. Also, a detailed technology for teaching children to design with the help of designers, paper, cardboard, construction, natural, waste and other materials is given. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of didactics and the age capabilities of children.

The author of the program "Colored palms" I.A.Lykova in the methodological manual "Ecoplastika" reveals the content of creative activities for children of 4-7 years old to create original arrangements, applicative paintings, forest sculptures, floristic compositions from materials such as: leaves, branches and fruits trees, garden and decorative flowers, rye and wheat straws. The emphasis is on the fact that in ecoplastics, artistic images are always unique, because they are created in collaboration with the great artist - Nature.

Construction is a rather difficult activity for children. In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activity of adults.

For the constructive and technical activity of adults, the practical purpose of the construction of buildings is characteristic. When performing a construction, an adult preliminarily thinks over, creates a plan, selects material taking into account the purpose, work technique, external design, determines the sequence of actions.

All these elements are outlined in children's design. Here, constructive problems are also solved. Children's construction products are usually intended for practical use in play.

Children perceive signs of a constructive material with different senses (touch, vision), practically master the size, length, width, and volume of an object. Constructive activity makes it possible to obtain clear ideas about space due to the fact that these representations are formed from specific features of the form, size, length of the object, the spatial arrangement of parts of the structure.

In combination with the name of the geometric body, the verbal description of the spatial arrangement of its parts, children create an idea of ​​the shape, size, direction, the differentiation of which gradually becomes rather subtle. N.N. Poddyakov emphasized the importance of construction in the sensory education of preschool children.

Lishtvan Z.V. pointed to the formation of generalized ideas in children in the process of constructive activity, which in turn have a significant impact on the development of thinking. She noted that constructive activity contributes to the improvement of children's speech, since in the process of work, children share their ideas, learn to motivate them by communicating with each other. The above mental processes - speech and thinking - are closely related. Domestic teacher A.S. Makarenko emphasized that a child's games with toys-materials from which he constructs, "are closest to normal human activity: from materials a person creates values ​​and culture." Thus, the constructive activity of children is close to the constructive and technical activity of adults. The product of children's activity does not yet have social significance, the child does not contribute anything new either to the material or cultural values ​​of society. However, the management of children's activities by adults has the most beneficial effect on the labor education of preschoolers. If the product of the constructive and technical activity of adults, in general, always has a practical value (a theater building, a store, etc.), then a children's building is not always made for direct practical use. So, at first, children are enthusiastically building a zoo, but as soon as it was created, the building lost all interest for them. To the question: "Why don't they play?" - one girl answered: "It is not interesting to lead people around the zoo."

When constructing from building material, children use ready-made three-dimensional bodies. They freely combine material and create various buildings: steamships, trucks, houses, for which they connect separate parts of the structure using various techniques (overlays, attachments, etc.), the positive quality of this building material is that there is no need for fastening, which is given to the baby with difficulties. Being engaged in the construction of a building from a building material, children can alter the structure several times, seeking to improve it.

In addition to wood building material, in the technical design of preschool children, it is recommended to use metal or plastic constructors with complex fasteners (using screws, nuts, spikes, etc.). In modern preschool educational institutions, it is advisable to use large parts of the Lego-type constructor starting from middle age. According to G.A. Uradovskikh, in the course of practical construction, children create object models of objects, generalizing their cognitive experience. But, three-dimensional wooden parts of a simple geometric shape are intended mainly for mastering the modeling of the structure of objects. This material is ineffective for the development of symbolic means. The latter relate to the sphere of expression of attitude to reality and allow to generalize and express emotional and cognitive experience in certain life situations of preschool children.

Construction from paper, cardboard and other additional materials is a more complex type of construction in a preschool educational institution. For the first time, children get to know him from middle age. This type of construction involves the construction of three-dimensional toys from a flat material (paper and thin cardboard). Paper and cardboard are harvested in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, triangles. Before making a toy, you need to prepare a pattern, lay out and glue parts and decorations on it, make the necessary cuts and only then fold and glue the parts. This whole process requires the ability to see a volumetric toy in its flat pattern, the ability to use scissors, to represent the proportionality of the parts of the object. The process of constructing from paper and additional materials is much more complicated than constructing from individual ready-made forms by means of their compilation.

The traditional practice of teaching children to design in preschool educational institutions suggests the use of a variety of structural materials, the properties of the latter and determine the types of design. The nature of the design tasks is different for each building material. The cognitive sphere develops through technical design. When constructing a building, the child learns the structure, shape, size of the object, the color of the material, and is also oriented in space. In the process of teaching construction, preschool children develop personality traits, the arbitrariness of mental processes.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment for the organization of work on the development of constructive activity in preschool age

Requirements for the creation of a subject developmental environment, ensuring the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education, interpret the concept of "Subject developmental environment" as a system of material objects and means of a child's activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance in accordance with the requirements of the main general educational program of preschool education (7 ).

The need to create a subject developmental environment in preschool educational institutions in different areas of personal development is justified by the results of scientific research (V.A.Petrovsky, L.M. Klarina, L.P. Strelkova, S.L. , the requirements of the state educational standard.

The data of psychological and pedagogical research allow us to conclude that the organization of a subject-developing environment is an indispensable element in the implementation of the pedagogical process, which is of a developing nature. Since, from the point of view of psychology, the environment is a condition, process and result of personality self-development; and from the point of view of pedagogy, the environment is a condition for the child's life, the formation of an attitude to basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital personal qualities, a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of the personality, satisfying the needs of the subject.

In order to successfully master the game construction technique and the significant influence of constructive activity on the development of children, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions in preschool educational institutions. In modern conditions, the active role of pedagogy in the search for ways to improve the subject-developing environment as a condition for the formation of a child's personality is growing

For technical design, first of all, there must be a sufficient amount of building material so that all children or half of the group can be engaged at the same time. There should always be more material than is needed for a given building, both in shape and quantity, in order to teach children to take only the required amount. The exception is the construction process in the early age groups and the first junior group, when children are just beginning to acquire constructive skills.

For design in all age groups, small (desktop) and large (floor) building materials are used, as well as designers who have different ways of connecting parts: from elementary toys - inserts and stringers used in early age groups - to rather complex ones. assembly of wooden and plastic constructors for children of primary preschool age. The use of a desktop building material in the constructive activities of preschool children makes it possible to act simultaneously for a large group of children, providing everyone with direct work with the details of the builder. However, the use of large building materials for play buildings in groups and on the site of the kindergarten makes it possible to unite a larger number of children. This material accommodates not only toys, but also the children themselves. In addition, various additional materials and toys are needed.

In the process of systematic construction lessons, children intensively develop sensory and mental abilities. The ability to purposefully consider and analyze objects is formed, to compare them with each other, to highlight the general and different in them, to make inferences and generalizations, and to think creatively.

Working with building materials, children get acquainted with the individual properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships. Learn to plan and organize their activities and achieve results. That is why construction and other types of productive activity bring up in children such valuable personality traits as independence, initiative, hard work, accuracy, and the ability to work in a team. In the process of design and visual activity, children develop an aesthetic attitude to what they do and see, and an artistic taste develops.

L.A. Paramonova together with O.A. Safonova developed a new approach to teaching, which is based on the generalization of methods of construction from paper in the process of their "de-objectification" (a method that is revealed outside the context of making any toy, and is also filled with specific subject content). The goal of this strategy is to encourage children to design independently and creatively. Children are taught in stages.

Stage I. Methods of design are taken out of the context of practical activities of a specific nature (boat, flashlight, etc.), worked out, and then each of them is introduced into the process of making various toys. At the same time, the teacher has the opportunity to successfully use game situations with tasks in poetic form (reflection of the "way of action according to A. V. Zaporozhets").

Stage II. Problem statement: to correlate the learned methods with new conditions and to transfer them to another situation in a transformed way. Thus, their generalization is provided.

Stage III. Creation of conditions for self-design.

Education, built on the principle "from general to specific", reorients the child from a practical result (a specific craft) to an awareness of design methods as a means of making various new interesting toys. Its result: children develop the ability to design independently and creatively, i.e. to put into practice new original ideas (outside the task coming from an adult): to find non-standard solutions - to significantly change and diversify the combination of known operations: to select material by texture, color, shape, size in a certain combination corresponding to the idea. The latter is evidence of the artistic nature of the activity (which is impossible with the traditional approach), the influence of training on aesthetic development.

In addition, this training system provides for a combination of various forms of construction (with their help it is possible to organize meaningful communication of children); provides the interconnection of design with other types of activity - play (theatrical, role-playing, directorial), drawing and others. What does this contribute to? The ways of activity are realized, its productivity increases; both the design itself develops (motivation increases, the concept deepens in accordance with the game tasks), and the game, as well as descriptive and dialogical speech.

As mentioned above, paper design is classified as an artistic activity - mainly artistic and aesthetic objects are created: fairy figurines for games (plot, theatrical), crafts for interior decoration, etc. These can be both literary characters and invented images. Even when real objects are embodied in crafts (crib, chairs, fan, etc.), images of people and animals (chanterelle, pig, boy, girl, etc.), children always try to decorate the toy, while maintaining the overall basic structure. The technique of working with paper is varied: creasing, tearing, cutting, folding. The last two are more complex and more common in teaching practice.

You can develop creative design skills through:

1. a variety of techniques, starting with its simpler types (crushing, tearing);

2. generalized methods in the process of mastering a more complex technique (origami, kirigami, volumetric sculpture);

3. creation of conditions (the possibility of searching, a variety of materials).

The last technique is implemented with the help of a teacher. The design method itself is worked out together with the children outside of a specific task, and then demonstrated as the basis for making a number of crafts. And only then the teacher gives the children the opportunity to independently apply the learned methods for new crafts. This develops the ability to design independently and creatively using different techniques. On the basis of this general strategy, a system of pedagogical work has been developed.

As a result of using this technology, older preschoolers develop observation, the ability to see the characteristic aesthetic signs of surrounding objects, to compare them with each other; skills are formed associated with the artistic and imaginative reflection of objects and phenomena in various types of visual activity; children learn to create multi-figured plot compositions by placing objects closer and further.

So, in the process of creating an idea, presenting a scheme of an imaginary image, imagination develops as a new formation in older preschoolers.

So, the skillful leadership of the constructive activity of older preschoolers includes:

· Purposeful and systematic planning of work;

· Providing didactic support of the pedagogical process;

· Analysis and control of independent constructive activities of children;

· Individual-differentiated approach;

· Use of various methods and techniques of work;

· Creation of conditions for the organization of children's activities;

If a child is fascinated by the very process of construction, often without even using buildings in play, but creating new ones over and over again, if constructing is prompted by an interest not in the result, but in the process of obtaining it, then construction comes closer to pictorial activity.

Creativity in design is already observed in younger preschoolers (for example, in the choice of an object for construction, in the new use of well-known structures). Throughout preschool age, children develop the ability to make changes in construction methods so that the building obeys the requirements of the situation. Among older preschoolers, indicators of creativity in constructive activity are the novelty of the methods of constructing the object, the novelty of the object itself, and the novelty of techniques for imparting stability to the structure being constructed.


Construction is a complex activity in which children create a variety of play crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, special construction kits and construction sets). The analysis of the research in the field of preschool pedagogy showed that the problem of construction in a preschool educational institution was mainly studied in the aspect of the aesthetic development of preschool children. Federal State Requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education include design in the educational area "Cognition", which includes sensory, cognitive and research development, as well as the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

The traditional practice of teaching children to design offers various types of construction material. The properties of the material also determine the type of design: technical and artistic. Volumetric wooden parts, as a type of building material, are intended for mastering the modeling of the structure of objects, allow to generalize and express the emotional and cognitive experience of a child in certain life situations.

The analysis of the pedagogical research on the stated problem made it possible to determine that the constructive activity of a child is a rather complex process: the child not only practically acts with his hands and perceives the building being erected, but also necessarily thinks at the same time.

The fundamental point in the design is the analytical and synthetic activity for the examination of objects, which makes it possible to determine the methods of design. In the analysis of the sample and the choice of methods for constructing it, the preschooler is helped not by visual perception, but by specially organized cognitive activity. On the basis of analytical and synthetic activity, the child plans the course of construction, creates an idea. The success of the implementation of the plan is largely determined by the preschooler's ability to plan and control its progress. Improving analytical and synthetic activity creates the basis for constructive creativity of a preschooler.

The process of sequential formation of constructive and creative skills in older preschoolers is provided by: the development of interest and the formation of basic skills for constructive activity (main stage); the formation of initial competence as a readiness to independently solve problems in the process of implementing game projects (creative stage).

The formation of the preschooler's subjective position in design activities is provided by personality-oriented pedagogical support based on a flexible change in the position of the teacher, who serves as a model of the culture of behavior for children in activities related to the use of appropriate materials.

The position of the teacher changes as the children develop constructive and creative skills: the teacher is the bearer of knowledge and skills in designing from various materials, organizing interesting leisure time; teacher - initiator of projects, coordinator of children's ideas and interactions; the teacher is a partner of co-creation and joint activities in leisure, supporting and stimulating the independence, initiative and creativity of children. At the same time, pedagogical support is focused on the individual characteristics of pupils and is a natural help in solving new problems by the child associated with the consumption of the means at his disposal.

The conducted pedagogical research proves the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical conditions and allows us to outline the directions for further study of the problem: the study of the features of the transfer of the experience mastered by children in directly organized educational activities into broad independent activities, as well as the interaction of the kindergarten and the family.


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3. Wenger L. A., Mukhina V. S. Psychology. - M., 2011.

4. Vygotsky, L.S. Educational Psychology / Ed. VV Davydova. - M .: Pedagogy, 2008.

5. Davidchuk, A.N. The development of constructive creativity in preschoolers. - 2nd ed., Add. - M .: Education, 2010.

6. Lishtvan ZV Construction. Series: Library of a kindergarten teacher, // M: Education. - 2009.

7. Paramonova, L.A. Construction as a means of developing the creative abilities of older preschool children. Theory, practical recommendations, class notes for students of advanced training courses and readers interested in the topic of child construction, // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 17, 18 (233).

8. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool Psychology: Textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

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    The concept of "mental health of the individual". Types of upbringing in the family and preschool educational institution. A study of the mental health of older preschool children in preschool educational institution No. 186 in Makeevka. Evaluation of results and development of recommendations.

    thesis, added 11/23/2010

    The development of speech of preschoolers as a process of mastering the native language, patterns of speech acquisition, features of the process of development of speech functions in preschool age. Formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical and grammatical.

    term paper, added 02/16/2011

    Implementation of a program that includes the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions under which self-awareness is formed in older preschool children. Revealing the general level of social adaptation of a child in a preschool educational institution.

Construction is a productive type of activity, since it is aimed at obtaining a certain product and meets the interests and needs of children.

There are two types of design:

Technical design: and from building material, from parts of designers with different methods of fastening, from large-sized modular blocks.

Artistic design: made of paper and natural material.

In our work, we use the following forms of organization of design training:

Design by pattern. The point is that we offer children samples of buildings, as a rule, we show them how to reproduce them. Provides direct transfer of ready-made knowledge to children, methods of action based on imitation. This is a necessary and important stage of learning, during which children learn about the properties of parts of a building material, master the technique of erecting buildings (learn to allocate space for a building, carefully connect parts, make overlaps).

Conditional design. Without giving the children a sample of the building and the methods of its construction, we only determine the conditions that the building must meet and which emphasize its practical purpose (a bridge for pedestrians; so that a ship of a certain width passes under the bridge). Design tasks are problematic in nature, since no ways to solve them are given. This promotes the development of creative design.

Design according to drawings and diagrams. First, we teach children the construction of simple and schematic drawings that reflect samples of buildings, and then, on the contrary, the practical creation of structures using simple schematic drawings.

Design by design. It has great opportunities for the development of children's creativity, for the manifestation of their independence: they themselves decide what and how they will design. But the creation of an idea for a future design and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers. Children should have generalized ideas about the constructed object, master generalized methods of construction and be able to look for new ways, that is, use the knowledge and skills acquired earlier.

Construction on the topic. We offer children a general theme of constructions (“Birds”, “City”, “After a fairy tale”) and they themselves create designs for specific buildings, choose the material and methods of their implementation.

Design by model. As a sample, we give a model in which the outline of individual elements is hidden from the child (the model is pasted over with paper). Children reproduce from building material. No way of solving this problem is given. This construction is an effective means of activating their thinking.

In addition to organized educational activities, we constantly deal with children individually and promote them from independent activities. This activity is planned, monitored and analyzed. We plan this work at least 2 times a week during the academic year, in the summer - 3 times a week (including walking activities). We create the necessary conditions for the effective organization of productive (constructive) activities.

The presented perspective planning can be used by kindergarten teachers, students and parents interested in organizing constructive activities with children of primary preschool age.

Forward planning
on the organization of constructive activities
with children of the 2nd younger group

Month Work with children Working with parents
September GCD "Caterpillar" (natural material)

Program tasks: Teach children to construct from natural material (chestnuts). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate an interest in nature.

GCD "Wide paths" (building material)

Program tasks: Learn to create buildings by attaching parts to each other. Continue to learn to distinguish and name building parts. Raise interest in joint activities.

GCD "Slide for Katya doll" (building material)

Program tasks: To learn how to build a slide, attaching parts (cubes, prism, brick) to each other, to make the building stable. Learn to distinguish and name the four primary colors. To develop the desire for game communication, speech activity, the ability to contact adults and peers.

GCD "Magic Snake" (building material).

Programmatic Objectives: Continue introducing designer details. Strengthen the ability to connect bricks. To acquaint children with the method of building a curving snake. Develop the ability to work in a team. Cultivate perseverance, fine motor skills.

D / and "Wonderful bag"

Site labor: collecting natural material

Questionnaire "Constructive activity with preschoolers"
October GCD "Listopad" (natural material)

Programmatic tasks: To continue teaching to use natural materials in crafts. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate an interest in nature.

GCD "House - teremok" (building material)

Program tasks: Teach children to construct buildings from building material, put bricks tightly to each other, make a building with ceilings. To develop the elementary ability to reflect in buildings an idea of ​​familiar objects. To develop the desire for game and speech communication, to activate speech activity (large - small) cube. Develop the first skills of dramatization. Foster a desire to beat the building.

GCD "Two Long Paths" (construction material)

Programmatic tasks: Reinforce knowledge of length and color. Learn to select parts of the same color, use your building in the game. Foster interest in design.

GOD "Gate" (building material)

Program tasks : Learn to change the height of the building; name details: bricks, cubes; build a variety of gates, different in height. Strengthen the skill of ways to arrange parts. To cultivate perseverance.

Site labor: collecting natural material

Construction and construction activities (building material)

To attract parents to participate in the exhibition of handicrafts from natural materials "Hello, Autumn!"
November GCD "Fences" (building material)

Program tasks: Learn to create more complex structures by attaching parts. Strengthen the skills to neatly lay out the details one after another. Continue to learn to distinguish and name building parts (brick, cube, plate). Foster interest in design.

GOD "They treated the elephant with candy" (made of paper)

Program tasks: Learn the technique of folding a square in half diagonally, find the middle of a square, bend the corners of a square to the middle. Develop perseverance, accuracy. Cultivate an interest in constructive paper activity.

GCD "Truck" (building material)

Program tasks: To teach children to construct buildings from building material, to make it stable, using the techniques of attachment and overlay. Develop imagination, speech activity. Foster interest in design.

GCD "Narrow and wide gates" (building material)

Program tasks: Teach children to make more complex constructions by combining parts. Teach children to distinguish and name details. Reinforce sizing (narrow - wide, high - low). Foster a desire to play together.

Construction and constructive activity (cubes)

Monitoring of freight transport

December GCD "Herringbone" (paper)

Program tasks: exercise children in folding a square diagonally. Make a herringbone out of triangles. Create an image of a fir tree in the winter forest (at the request of the children). To foster a respect for nature.

GCD "New Year's toy" (made of paper)

Program tasks: to consolidate the skills of working with paper, gluing technique. Develop memory, speech, fine motor skills. To cultivate accuracy in work.

Examining an album with photographs "My building"

January GCD "Garage for cars" (building material)

Program tasks : Teach children to prepare the basis for the overlap, to navigate the plane. Build a building in accordance with the size of the toys. Teach children to work together, agreeing on a work plan. To foster in children an interest in joint activities.

GCD "Furniture for bears" (building material)

Program tasks : Teach children to make a building according to a model, transform it by lengthening it, distinguish and name parts. Clarify children's ideas about pieces of furniture and their purpose. Develop attention, logical thinking, speech. Foster a friendly attitude towards animals.

Viewing photo albums on the topic "Furniture", "Cars"

Consultation "Building a house"
February GCD "Bridge for pedestrians" (building material)
Program tasks : Teach children to build bridges of simple construction. Give an idea of ​​their purpose. To consolidate the ability to examine the sample, to make the building stable, to form the ability to distinguish between “long and short”.

GCD "Seed bag" (made of paper)

Program tasks : Continue teaching children to work with square paper. Teach children to decorate their work with drawings. Cultivate accuracy when completing the assignment.

GCD "Fence for toys" (building material)

Program tasks: To strengthen the ability of children to build a fence, placing bricks vertically in a circle, placing them tightly to each other. To develop in children the desire to build buildings. To foster a desire to build, to beat buildings.

GCD "Gift for Dad"

Program tasks: to consolidate the skills of working with paper, to develop creativity, speech, to foster a caring attitude towards parents.

D / and "Wonderful bag"

March GCD "Mimosa for Mom" ​​(made of paper)

Programmatic tasks: To reinforce the ability of children to tear off small pieces of napkin, roll them between fingers, carefully stick them on the drawn shape. Develop interest in this type of activity. Educate neatness.

GCD "Building a farm" (building material)

Program tasks : Strengthen the ability of children to close space, rhythmically arrange bricks on a plane with their narrow side, alternate them in color. Learn to choose the necessary details by comparing them. Develop thinking, imagination, speech. Foster interest in design.

GCD "Teremok for a cat" (building material)

Program tasks: Teach children to make buildings with ceilings, build a teremok, placing bricks vertically, placing them tightly to each other. Continue to learn to listen to the teacher's explanation, to understand him, to act at his request, to construct meaningfully.

Develop hand muscle motility. Foster a desire to complete the work, responsiveness.

GCD "Bus" (building material)

Program tasks: Teach children to construct a building, attach parts and superimpose on each other, use various parts of the constructor, make the building stable. Develop speech activity. Foster a desire to beat the building.

Independent constructive activity

Consultation "The Role of Design in the Development of Preschool Children"
April GCD "Airplane" (from paper)

Programmatic tasks: To continue teaching children the simplest techniques of folding paper, to teach how to correctly fold and fold paper, so that when folding the opposite sides and corners coincide. To cultivate perseverance.

GCD "One-story house" (waste material)

Program tasks : To form a generalized idea of ​​houses, they are different (one - and multi-storey). Develop artistic taste. To cultivate perseverance and accuracy during work.

GCD "Duck" (made of paper)

Program tasks : Exercise children to fold paper. Develop fine motor skills of hands, spatial imagination. To cultivate perseverance.

Examining houses (for a walk)

May GCD "Two-storey house" (building material)

Program tasks : Continue to teach children to construct buildings from building material according to the conditions proposed by the teacher (high houses with ceilings), to make the structure strong, lay out the parts evenly, tightly pressing them together, and select them by size. Develop the creativity of children. Foster interest in design.

GCD by design (building material)

Program tasks: to consolidate the skills of constructive activity, to develop fine motor skills, creativity, to foster interest in joint activities