Beautiful greeting happy mom in prose. Beautiful congratulations to mom in prose (in their own words)

Favorite my mommy! Today is your holiday - Mother's Day. How much warm, good want to tell you. Low bow to you to the earth, for all that you did for me. Your wise advice helps me in life, your love always protects me. Your radiant, tender eyes are watching not I did any stupidity. Mommy, you gave me life! And from the first minutes to today I live in reliable hands! Your prayer for me helps me to be all successful. Sorry, if in the confusion of days, sometimes I forget to make you at least a little nurse. Dear mommy! I congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you good health, good luck, happiness. Let the smile do not come off with your mouth, let the eyes never see the tears. Live, my native, and long rejoicing me with my presence on Earth.

The best holiday on earth is a mother's day. For each of us, Mom is only good, hope, warmth. In moments of joy, we rush to mommy, and she sincerely rejoices to our successes. In moments, we hurry to mommy, and she comforts, will calm down, and he will immediately be warm on the soul. And the problem with which we encountered seems to be so ridiculous. Mom - the source of our whole life. How often, without noticing, we make a lot of trouble with your moms. And never hear reproach. It's a mother! She is experiencing, prays for us, loves us with such love, which is impossible to compare with anything. Cute mommy! Let crystal tears of joy roll in your face. Health to you strong, good luck in everything. Tiss your hands, native.

There is no better holiday on earth than mother's day. We owe our own life, our relatives! Thanks to maternal love, there is Earth, and it does not hold on three whales, but on the strong love of mothers. What are we without mom? Nothing! Mother tenderness, love helps us in everything. Mamines Eyes always follow us, Mamino Heart always feels, something bad and warns us. Mamines hands make a miracle in the kitchen. Today in your holiday a lot of warm words want to devote you, but most importantly thank you for everything, native and beloved! You are the most important little man in my life, which I can devote all my secrets, you are the most reliable little man on Earth, which will never betray. I wish you my native, health, happiness, peace, patience and comfort. Happy holiday!

In the cold November day, we celebrate the most warm, the best, the brightest holiday is the mother's day. Mom - in this word our whole life. A big gift for fate - mom. And we must remember all your life. Mom - the beginning of all began. It's you, my native, learn me to live in justice. That you always worry and pray for me. And so I live so well. Mommy! You are the Bigner of my whole life. And so I want you to go to my wiser tips for a long time. God forbid you good health, happiness and love in children. Let the smile on your mouth shy more often, let the grief goes away with the side. Live for a long time and glad us. Happy holiday!

Mom is the most beautiful, most tender, the fun word on earth. After all, it comes from the maternal heart, which warms up for life. This maternal wise advice indicate us true. Mom is always there, even if we are very far from her, he is always looking forward to us. No in the light of love is stronger and sincere than maternal. Cute mommy, I congratulate you on the soul with the holiday. God forbid you good health, let the sadness never enter your home, and the diseases will pass the face. Let your life age last longer, let her eyes shine with joy, and the smile often visits your mouth. Thank you for everything, sweet mommy. I respectfully declare my head to your knees, and how you always stroke your good hand. Keep your hands, mommy. Be happy!

Mom, mommy, my beloved, the most tender, kind, sweet, the best, beautiful, the only one! How many words warm can you tell you! And you will not retell everyone. You deserve only the best. After all, it is you, Mom, raised me, taught to live in justice, taught to forgive and help. After all, these are your kind, simple, part -ile words, like a prayer I always repeat, and they help me all over. After all, only you can open my secret. I congratulate you, Mamulka, Happy Mother's Day. Be always healthy, be always happy. Let only good news come to your home. Let the luck and good luck go always next to you. Live for a long time, mom, and please all of us.

Today is the most wonderful holiday - the day of the mother. The sun shines brightly, the weather is rejoiced. How else? After all, Mom is the most kind, the most holy. After all, Mom is the most important man in my life. It's to her I go with my joy and misfortune, it's her vane heart is always worried about me. How good is that there is mom! As well, that you can cuddle to warm, kind hands and they are as in childhood, gently plunge you. These are mother's eyes with bottomless tenderness always follow me. I am grateful to you, Mamulchka, for everything. And I wish you only joy on your holiday, only good to you and comfort. Let the happy case knocks on your house. Let the good, which you emit, will definitely return to you Storice. Let the Lord guard you. Let health be with you many and many summer. All the best to you, my mom!

Mommy, in your holiday I will list what you are. You are a favorite, native, the only, dear, golden, affectionate, beautiful, dear, flawless, fair, bright, economic, sunny, beautiful, wonderful, kind, stunning, charming, gentle, unique, magical, delightful ... but all these epithets are not Transfer and a hundredth of what is good. Happy holiday, my best mom!

Mamuly, I want to remember today the old parable about the travelers who have long walked around the desert and finally found a tree under which they sat down to relax. They began to argue that she brought them the desired peace. One said that it was a thick foliage, the other claimed that strong branches, the third assured that a powerful trunk. And the fourth traveler was silent, and then asked the rest, could there be leaves, branches and trunk without tree roots. And we also could not exist without you, the one that became our roots. Happy Birthday!

Cute mom, today you can be sentimental. And remember how patiently fed me from the seeding of the semolina, how carefully taught to make the first steps, holding hands, as meekly sitting on me at night during my colds, how mazala my broken knees with green, how helped me to perform homework, and How gently tied me a tie in front of my first date. All this goes from the Great Maternal Heart! Thank you for him and your birthday!

Mom, I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to tell you today that you are the most important person in my life. Only you know how to love without any conditions and take me as I am. Only you do not require anything in return for your love. Only you support me in all endeavors. Only you do not condemn me when I make mistakes. I am immensely grateful to you for everything you do, and I wish you health for many years!

Momuli, in your holiday I will tell you that we are very valid by your sincerely huge love. We understand that it is impossible to compare with her, but we promise to remember your wise lessons, your affection and care. We promise in the most difficult moments to be equal to your strength and try to be worthy of you. We promise to make you proud of your children so that we are supporting all the days of your life. Happy Birthday!

Favorite mommy, how many good words we heard from you for many years of our mature! Today, and we are from the very depths of the soul, we wish you a hardest health, mischievous incessant youth, delicate love from all your loved ones, radiant smiles and calm wisdom. Let your heart bathe in the happiness that you deserve, and let your further life be similar to an incessive cheerful song!

Mom, probably, the words of all poets of the Wise men of the world are not enough to describe the magnificent qualities that you are generously endowed. But if I were a sculptor, I would now have set you a monument. I would have endured a huge heart from the red granite. Because only the maternal heart can, like a stone, withstand all the blows of fate and do not break, because only it will continue to love with the fortress of granite. Happy birsday, my dear!

Mommy, on this day to the already existing I would like to give you the most crazy gifts. I would like to send you to a round-the-world cruise on a snow-white liner, lay out your name with flowers on the central square, bring you a huge cake in a balloon, order you a walk through the streets on an elephant, bring you a personal hairdresser's home of the English Queen. Perhaps I will continue it once, I promise to always be an exemplary son. Happy Birthday!

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays, the day, when I want to say my sincere and gentle words, express your gratitude for love, kindness and affection. Touching SMS Congratulations on Mother's Day in verse in this intention will help. Record beautiful congratulations on the Mother's Day in prose for the one that will support at any time, will understand and love, no matter what.

The first eye opening,
I see only one of you.
You're better than everyone - I know it.
And I know even why.

I wish in this holiday bright
Do not think about the years -
They, according to all the signs,
Wealth. Take care of them.

Let them come to visit you
And kindness of native people.
Yes, and can not be otherwise
With my beloved mom!

On the day of the mother, I thank you for everything:
For the caress of hands, care and anxiety,
For this world, the beautiful dawn
And the first step in the life road,
For tenderness, infinite love,
For good words and for patience.
Thank you - I say again and again,
You are my angel, no doubt.
Let it be only good in your life
Let the sun shine brightly!
You are - and my heart is warm,
My only, best in the world!

Mom began to start all
Love and wisdom berth,
Sveta good and understanding,
Symbol of labor and creation.
On the mother's day, I wish you
Keep warm souls hundred years
Health, happiness without suffering,
Live rich and without trouble!

Mamines hands are warm.
Mamines Songs - Tenderness and Lask.
Mom rolomes universal evil,
And turns life into an excellent fairy tale!

Mommy cute, angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
Let your life be full of miracles.
I love very much. Your son leaning.

Mother's Day - Great Holiday,
About mom so much folded poems.
And anyway, not enough words to express
My appreciation, my love!
Thank you, Mom, I tell you,
And I ask heaven only about one
Please, I have health for you,
I want you to be happy!

Words of gratitude and appreciation for everything that every mother does for his child can be expressed not only by congratulations on the Day of Mother in verse. Wishes Happy Mother of the Mother Adult Daughter Maybe with Mother's Day 2016 Congratulations in Prose. Simple, but beautiful and sincere words, you can reach the closed heart to the most closed heart.

Today is the day of the mother, and the eyes of all moms are shining in the world in a special way, because their native people in life congratulate them - their children. We sincerely congratulate all moms with the holiday and wish you happiness, a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, inspiration and, of course, patience, because it is not easy for the honorary title of "Mom" without it. Take care of yourself and be happy, and we, in turn, will protect you from the troubles and disappointments. Happy holiday, our caring doves!

The very first word caressing the rumor until the end of life. The most tender and caring hands. The most kind and responsive heart. On the mother's day I want to wish you, dear mommy, real happiness, long years of life, excellent, good health, understanding and devotion in the family. Let your tears never run in the cheeks, and the pride is burning in the chest for us, your children.

Native mommy congratulations on the day of the mother! Let me say the words of gratitude and love for you. My dear, thank you for your caress and tenderness, for long, sleepless nights, for experiences, for care. For the fact that he always gave themselves without a rest, for the words of faithful and blessing. Be, my native, happy and healthy many more years, let your eyes do not know the tears, but the hands of heavy labor. I love you very much, dear, invaluable my mommy!

"Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny." The lines of this song tell about the most close and dear man in the world, about you, my mommy. In your holiday, I want to wish you a million smiles and always good mood. Let our failures do not upset you, we will definitely give you a reason to be proud of us. Let your health make it possible not only to look after the grandchildren, but also put on the feet of great-grandchildren.

Mommy, kind, gentle and radiant, congratulations on your holiday, the day of the mother! Let this day once again remind you of my love, will give tender hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. Let never be afraid of you, and the eyes will not get married from tears. Stay always the same beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know, you have the best!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in verses Mom do not leave indifferent, because all and congratulations in the world will not be enough to express admiration for maternal labor. But this does not mean that you can leave mom without congratulations on the mother's day. We also publish SMS greetings from Mother's Day Mother Short, which can be sent by phone.

You, Mom, My Best Girlfriend!
And there are no secrets from you,
We know so much about each other,
After all, we have been together for many years.

Today, mom, your holiday,
For all the good thank you,
Let your peace reign in your soul
Health, happiness, I love you!

Better mom in the whole world is simply no!
On my question you will always find the answer.
Happy mother I congratulate you
I love, kiss, hugging tightly!

On your mother, I wish you
My mother's mother,
Live a bright life, flourish,
Always hoping and loving

To your eyes shone,
So that you smiles more often
And for the forces to bestow
Your wonderful dreams!

I my mother is a cute
Today I congratulate
I have a whole hand
And from the soul I wish -

Always the same, mom, be,
Cheerful and beautiful.
After all, this is hidden life essence -
So that you were happy!

You heartily congratulations
I am with a maternal light day,
Good and the world wish
For the light to you come!

Happiness - when mom is near
And bad - when mom is not!
Affectionate and good look
You protect me from trouble.

I wish you in your holiday
Smaller worried about no reason
Happiness so that without end and edge,
And never so that there was no wrinkle!


Your smile warms -
More often smile!
Your eyes are good shine -
So stay!

You love me without looking back -
So be happy!
Let everything always be fine
At the best mom!

We hope that our congratulations on your mother will be useful to you. About everything as regards the holiday, you can read in our section "". Happy holiday!

Dear mommy, you are a ray of sunlight, which illuminates my world, so I want to say thank you and I want to wish you all the best. In order for you every day you have flourished, I wish you happiness, mommy, and well-being in everything!

Favorite mothers, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your mother. Let happiers always accompany you. Stay the same kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no more expensive in the world of man and closer than mom and I will never be tired thank you for what you did for me. Happy holiday, Favorite!

Favorite mommy! You are the most kind, beautiful, unique, delightful and tender mom all over the world! All the best that is in life it is for you. I want to wish you always remained the most beautiful and brilliant. I want you to always be a queen! My wishes for you are positive thoughts and an optimistic attitude. Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

On the mother's day, I wish you fun and interesting to spend time with a child, filling every day with joy and happiness. Let a child love her mother and values \u200b\u200bperfect moments spent together. I wish great pride and non-vacated hope for the maternal heart.

Mommy, beloved, the only one, native and indispensable! On this day, I hurry for you to meet to tell the words of love, which sometimes you are so lacking! Happy Mother's Day! Congratulations, Mom! Whether I have the most happy mom from all moms! And I, for my part, I promise that I will do everything possible and impossible, so that you never need anyone in anything, I have never asked anyone, I never broke and lived in wealth and warmth!

Mamulo! Accept my congratulations on the mother's day. I do not have enough gentle words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dear person for me, which will always support in a difficult moment and divide joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in affairs!

Mommy, I want to congratulate you, having raised to find only the warmest and sincere words that will definitely emphasize the dignity of the world. I want to wish happiness and inspiration, numerous opportunities for your development, achieve your goals. You deserve real respect and you can believe that the fate will be positive and harmonious on any side. Congratulations on you with the best and cute holiday!

Mother native! No man closer and more expensive than you. Today is the day of the mother. I want to wish you a long life, complete understanding and love, sincere joy and support for loved ones! Thank you for your care, the years of endless happiness and mental warmth, wise advice, the desire to always understand and come to the rescue! Let everything be fine with you! Take care of yourself and remember that we all love you very much!

Mommy, accept my congratulations on the mother's day. You gave me life, warmed up with your love and caress, you are your closest person for me. The most kind, gentle, caring, beautiful, wise, my mommy! I want to wish you good health and huge happiness, I love you very much.

Congratulations on the Day of Mother and from the heart I wish my prayer to protect the child from any illness and trouble, surround the child with my love, attention and care. Let the maternal heart always keep good hope, let them ever always be an invisible thread of mutual understanding and trust.

Mommy! Congratulations on your mother's day and I want to invest in the words of congratulations, all that you gave me, raising me! I want your soul to never be old, I want you to not worrying gray on the temples and a thin cobweb wrinkles! I want your eyes to know the tears of sadness, the soul was not worried and did not know the alarms for the children! Happy holiday, Mom! Live forever!

Dear mom, happy mother of you! Sometimes children are very naughty: they are rustling, they do in their own way, and mom seems that the child does not like or does not respect her. But in fact it is far away. As if we did not learn, we are still devoted to your mother, never sob it. And we want mom to always be happy!

On this festive day, we congratulate our only mommy, which is worthy of universal admiration. Let all your life be full of sincerity and understanding of the surrounding, and the warmth and the limitless love of your children fill with the joy of your soul for many years. Happy holiday dear mommy!

Mommy! My most important and expensive person in the universe! Today is the mother's day, so let me give you the fire of my heart, which will warm you up as your kindness and care warms me throughout my life. Take the part of my strength, let them keep you at the right hour. Remember, I will overcome you all!

A clan begins with the Father, from the mother - life itself! After all, women keep life long nine months in themselves, then give it to the world. This is the most valuable gift for which people should infinitely thank their mothers!

On Earth, in addition to the famous oceans, one more and his depth was unable to measure none of the scientists, although they tried to know other people more - poets, writers and cinematographers. The entire ocean is so huge that the universe probably will easily fit inside. Where is he? He is around us, he inside every mother - the ocean of her love. Love is clean, selfless, strong, like water in the world ocean, warm and affectionate as a spring sun, tender, like the first flowers. This love is infinite, like the planets of the universe. How so much feelings fit in one person? Neither scientists or poets nor writers can understand. Moreover, ordinary people.

But we do not need to understand it. We had such luck, to be loved by our mothers, that each of us has a mother! Which can grumble on failures, demand compliance with the rules, ask to call it more often and endlessly learning life. You can! This woman carries the ocean of love, leaving that no one on the ground. And this ocean is only for the child. Appreciate your mothers! After all, you are the center of their universe, the meaning of life. Tell your mom's wishes for happiness, hug them tightly. And it doesn't matter, you will have time for the mother's day or make it later - no, better do every day! Speak Mama, how much love them. And then you will see a wonderful sight - the ocean, full of luminous lights in mom's eyes. Freaks of happiness.

All mothers wish endless happiness! Let the kids, small and big, bring only joy! Let the joy not decrease, and the trouble will forget the road to you! Stay yourself, the most beautiful, good, fair, the most loving in the world!

Moms are amazing people who are truly extrasensory abilities. Who else is capable of tone the voice and face expression to recognize a lie? Who keeps interrogation better than any investigator? Who is one glance able to make a person silence or confess? Who seems to be the child the strongest, caring and close man in the world? Of course, Mom. And mom is really an amazing person. She can express his love in different ways and every time it makes it masterfully. It may scold for a bad assessment, but the next morning will make the most beautiful hairstyle to school, can sit at the window for hours, waiting for unavailable offspring from the disco and silently go to the bedroom, barely dyatyatko opened the door. All moms are different, but insanely similar! With her love, endless concern about us! So let's today, for the day of the mother, tell them how much we love them!

Mother's Day is not a calendar holiday, it's not a reason to gather at the table and eat tasty (my mother and cooked) lunch! Mother's Day is not tied to one day, it lasts daily, hourly, constantly! After all, he is in the soul, in the heart, together with her mother's love, mother's sleepless nights, mother's tears, mother laughter. It is filled with warmth, he has a soul and heart. He is almost a living being. And all thanks to mom. Thanks to our sunny, strict, fair, strong and caring mommies for everything! And most importantly - for a presented life. Cutely our moms, endlessly love and want to thank for this life, live in warmth, care!

Mom is far away, but always there. Mom is always available by phone. Mom can just press to himself, hug and all problems seem to be trifle. Mom first opens the doors to the new world and goes around the hand, showing his beauty. Mom laughs fun, beautiful sings the lullabies and so sweet was so sweet. Mom rejoices each luck and worries every fall together. Mom will be the best and thoughtful grandmother. Mom is tasty prepares, even the burnt porridge in its performance is tastier than all dishes in the restaurant. Mom smiles and her smile is better than any smile of Hollywood stars.

Mom is beautiful, even in your home, even in pink sneakers and a shell on the head. Mom tight keeps his hand, Mom has the warmest and gentle hands in the world. Mom's heart is always fighting for a child and, if necessary - she will leave him and give out without thinking. Mom forgives everything and always constantly. Mom still, you are rich or poor, her love does not become less. Mom first comes in any trouble. Why? Maybe Mom Holy? Not. Just she is Mom! Remember your mothers!