A doll for a teapot made from an old doll. Hot water bottle doll - master class from Zhanym. From nylon and bottle

The tradition of inviting friends for a cup of tea has existed for a long time. There are people for whom it is completely normal to drink an infusion of something from a bag while running, but true connoisseurs of the drink assure: only a leaf brewed according to all the rules can give real pleasure. To keep warm, you need not a banal towel, but a heating pad for the kettle. Making a pattern, sewing it and decorating it with your own hands is not at all difficult.

The easiest option to implement. But this does not mean at all that it should be anything - a few decorative elements will turn the craft into an interesting accessory for the kitchen. You can make a heating pad for a teapot with your own hands; the master class will help even beginners cope with this task.

If the heating pad completely covers the teapot, in this case you can do without a complex pattern. It is better to make the inner surface of the cap from cotton fabric; the insulating material can be padding polyester, batting or even felt - the main thing is that it provides thermal insulation. The outer layer can be anything, it all depends on the desire of the author and his creative intent.

By wrapping a sheet of paper around the teapot, you can determine the width of the fabric cut. Now you need to set the height, for which you need to connect the paper from the side of the spout and from the side of the handle.

The resulting rectangle will be the size for the inner layers of the cap. The outer cut is made a little larger: the fabric should not “stick” to the insulation and squeeze it. All layers need to be cut out with seam allowances on four sides; a centimeter or one and a half will be enough. After this, you can begin assembling the parts:

  1. First, you need to lay insulation on the cotton fabric (face down), fold it 1 cm and sew the bottom edge.
  2. Fold the top 2 cm and also stitch it, putting the lace inside in advance.
  3. Now it's time for the side seam. The main thing is not to sew the lace, because they need to tighten the top of the bell as much as possible. The base of the heating pad is ready.

How to decorate the outer part of the cap is up to the author of the work: decorate it with embroidery, beads, appliqué or drapery. Or you can take a waffle towel with a pattern you like or use the patchwork technique. The outer “clothes” of the heating pad can be either removable or sewn to the bell. The principle of assembly is the same, but the laces of the base and the front layer must be tied so that the fabric does not move during use, and a loop must be sewn into the “top” of the heating pad for convenience.

If there are scraps of fabric left over from the fabric used for the outside, it will be very useful to make a few placemats for cups.

Sewing a heating pad for a chicken-shaped teapot is not as difficult as it might seem. Having prepared the fabric for the inner and outer layers, insulation (batting, padding polyester), threads, scissors, sewing machine and needle, you can start working:

Many people call the teapot warmer another name - Dunyasha. A doll made with your own hands for a teapot, using patterns that were used back in Tsarist Russia when creating a samovar babka, exudes comfort and warmth. The difference, perhaps, is only in the selection of materials. As for the doll itself, there are many options:

  • Russian beauty with a porcelain face;
  • funny tilde;
  • chubby rag toy.

The top of an old but in good condition plastic doll will also work. The working part of the product is a skirt, which is made according to the principle of a cap. Dimensions for the pattern of a life-size teapot doll are made using paper wrapped around the teapot.

If the top fabric along the bottom edge is not connected to the insulation and the inner layer, you should first make the functional part: spread the insulation between two rectangles of cotton fabric and quilt it. The resulting blank measures 29x74 cm and will become a heat-insulating bell after the side, bottom and top seams are stitched. Using an elastic band in the drawstring, tighten the base.

Darling Dunyasha

To make a head for a samovar woman, it is better to take a beige, but you can also use a white, square with sides of 29 cm. You need to put a lump of filler (cotton wool, padding polyester) in the center, wrap it in cloth and tightly wrap the “neck” with a strong thread. Now you need to securely fix the head by sewing it to a heat-insulating bell, sewn from rectangular blanks measuring 55x23 cm.

The removable upper skirt can be designed in an ethnic style, but it is quite acceptable to create a fantasy costume in accordance with the external characteristics of the selected model.

From the same fabric as the skirt, or the same color as the scarf tied on the head, you need to sew sleeves - a tube 20 cm long, fill it loosely with holofiber or padding polyester, and sew up the edges. The central part of the workpiece is attached to the head and skirt, the ends are also fastened with several stitches to the base.

The heating pad is ready, it can be used as a talisman, that is, without certain facial features. But if you wish, then eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth can be embroidered or drawn.

To make a woman for the samovar, in addition to the head and arms created as for Dunyasha, you will need a torso with signs of a portly person. A torso is made from a colored piece of fabric and foam rubber, two cotton balls in fabric covers are sewn on - this will be a magnificent bust. The functional part of the heating pad (heat-insulating dome) must be sewn from rectangular and quilted blanks measuring 58x27 cm. All parts are sewn together with a hidden seam.

But you can complicate the task: make a frame for the product from wire. Three pieces of 80 cm each need to be folded in half, and then begin to twist them together into one bundle. After 15 cm, at shoulder level, insert a piece 20 cm long between the segments - these will be the arms. Continue twisting the “torso” to the waist (another 10 centimeters), and then separate the ends according to the principle of spider legs: in different directions and with an arched bend outward.

The frame must be installed on the base and sewn on top of the dome, and the excess wire must be carefully bent. The torso is also made on a frame and is immediately connected with strong threads to the bell with a hidden seam. For the hands, you can take a ribbon from the remains of padding polyester and wrap it around the frame. The head is placed on a twist and sewn to the body with a hidden seam. To style your hair or braid your hair, you can use floss or woolen threads.

Now the doll needs to be dressed and decorated. Whatever the author likes will be used: a costume for Maria Ivanovna can even be silk or guipure lined, with beads, embroidery, lace or braid. Here it is important not to lose a sense of proportion and choose the optimal combination of decor and color scheme.

There are a lot of ways to make teapot warmers using different techniques, but this is even good: You can choose the option that you like. Any of these dolls will add coziness to the kitchen and help make a conversation over a cup of friendly tea intimate and unforgettably warm.

Attention, TODAY only!

A teapot toy with tea leaves, or baba, as it is also called, has always attracted the attention of children and adults. This is an important element of a home tea ceremony, which is not only decorative, but also has practical applications.

Most often, this is a textile doll with a long fluffy skirt, which hides underneath a petticoat made of padding polyester or other insulation. Thanks to this petticoat, the toy prevents freshly brewed tea from cooling quickly.

The culture of using a heating pad for a teapot originates in England in the 19th century, but it was in Russia at that time that this element of tea drinking began to be created in the form of a buxom beauty. During the Soviet period, teapot toys were popular not only in everyday life, but also represented the country as souvenirs.

Warmers can look like not only dolls, but also animals or fairy-tale characters. They can be created using different types of needlework and tools. They can also be made in different styles and techniques.

You can create such a heating pad yourself or purchase it from craftswomen. Many of them offer teapot toys among their finished works. Each toy is unique and reflects the unique energy of the needlewoman who created it, the love and strength invested.

Usually the process of creating a woman for a teapot does not require much time. But how much delight and joyful emotions it can bring! Using very few materials and imagination, you will definitely be able to create a unique masterpiece!


Baba on a teapot in the form of a Tilda doll

You need to prepare:

  • glue;
  • filler;
  • insulation;
  • fabric for the doll’s body and for its clothes;
  • yarn.

  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Work order:

Before starting work, it is necessary to take measurements from the kettle for which the heating pad will be sewn. After this, you can start creating the pattern. The doll must be cut to the middle of the body. A wide skirt with a petticoat made of insulation will be sewn onto it.

  1. Cut out the body parts from the fabric, adding about 0.5 cm for allowances.
  2. Sew the parts to each other and turn out the resulting elements of the future doll.
  3. Add filler to them.
  4. Cut out the details of the petticoat from insulation. Also sew them to each other. The diameter of the petticoat at the waist should match the diameter of the doll's body.
  5. Sew the body and petticoat.
  6. Add more filler to the doll's body and sew a piece of fabric from the bottom to the body with a hidden seam to close the product.
  7. To make a dress. Decorate it with lace, ribbons or buttons.
  8. Cut out and sew an apron.
  9. Make hair out of yarn and glue it to your head.
  10. Embroider the eyes, apply blush on the cheeks.

The last step is to dress up the resulting doll in a ready-made dress and apron, and also beautifully braid her hair. The charming woman is ready for the teapot! Now with its help you can enjoy hot aromatic tea longer!

Baba from a plastic doll

If an ordinary plastic doll has been lying in the chest of drawers with toys for a long time and no one plays with it anymore, there is no need to throw it away! She can make an original woman for a teapot. Both a modern doll and an older toy will do.

You need to prepare:

  • threads;
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • insulation;
  • textile.

You will also need tools:

  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Work order:

  1. Cut one identical rectangular piece from the fabric and insulation.
  2. Place the cuts on top of each other, fold them in half lengthwise and sew the edges together to create a cylinder.
  3. Make two rings from wire for the top and bottom of the petticoat. The upper ring should fit the doll's body, the lower one should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the cylinder made of fabric and insulation.
  4. Fasten the rings using wire stands, the height of which should correspond to the height of the petticoat. It turns out a frame for it.
  5. Place the wire structure inside a cylinder made of fabric and padding polyester.
  6. Fold the cylinder in half and insert its upper edge inside the wire frame, as if wrapping it outside and inside.
  7. Sew the edges of the cylinder at the bottom. Also sew it to the top ring. Insert the doll into the top ring and secure it.

The doll needs to sew a beautiful dress, decorate it to your liking, and the woman is ready for tea!

Baba from nylon

Baba for a teapot made of nylon? Easily!

You need to prepare:

  • threads;
  • glue;
  • thick cardboard or plastic bottle;
  • padding polyester;
  • nylon tights;
  • plastic doll eyes;
  • textile;
  • yarn.

You will also need tools:

  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Work order:

  1. Cut out the base for the body from cardboard. Wrap it with padding polyester, cut into strips, and put on nylon tights on top. Cut off the excess part of the tights and sew the edge of the cut. Instead of cardboard, you can use a plastic bottle, cutting off the excess if necessary.
  2. Form the figure of a future woman from the resulting blank. A needle and thread will help with this.
  3. Roll up a ball of padding polyester and put tights on it. Cut off the excess part of the tights and sew the edge of the cut. The result was a blank for the head.
  4. Shape the doll's face by tightening the padding polyester with a needle and thread.
  5. Glue plastic eyes.
  6. Make hair out of yarn and glue it on.
  7. Create hands from wire, padding polyester and nylon tights. Form fingers by pulling the filling together with thread.
  8. Connect all elements.

The petticoat can be made from a wire frame, as described in the previous master class.

The doll needs an outfit! If you tie a piece of fabric on your head, as grandmothers do, you will get a cozy woman in a scarf who will warm everyone with her warm smile!

Baba on the samovar in the shape of a chicken

A toy for a tea ceremony, as described above, can be created in the form of different images. Chicken is a great idea for such a product.

You need to prepare:

  • threads;
  • filler;
  • batting / foam rubber / padding polyester - for lining;
  • fabric - it is advisable to use bright fabric for work, whose patterns will be similar to the plumage of a chicken.

You will also need tools:

  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Work order:

  1. Prepare a pattern according to the drawing. It is important to remember that the length of the sides of the cells on it is 5 cm. We need to prepare the following number of parts: body - six parts, head - two parts, comb - two parts, beak - two parts, earrings - four parts, wing - four parts, tail - two parts.
  2. Cut out the pattern pieces from the fabric and lining material and sew them.
  3. Turn out the resulting elements and add filler.
  4. Sew on the eyes. They can be made from buttons or any thick black fabric.
  5. Sew the comb, earrings and beak of the chicken with a hidden seam.
  6. Sew the head and body.

We decorate the resulting toy using imagination and available materials. A wonderful chicken came out!

Creating a woman for a teapot is not at all difficult. To do this, you need materials that are in any home, use imagination and patience, and spend a little time. For inspiration, you can turn to fairy tales, paintings, or remember your favorite toy as a child. But how much warmth and comfort it will bring to the house!

Photo ideas of homemade women for a teapot

Today we will tell you how to make a baba for a teapot. Our step-by-step instructions will help even a child cope with making this toy.

How the woman appeared on the teapot

The tradition of covering the samovar with something warm and wrapping it up came from old Rus'. This was done purely for practical reasons: nowadays these kettles are electric, and they boil after a short time, but to warm up a large Russian samovar, it took a long time. Try boiling a full kettle on gas - it takes much longer to heat up than an electric one, and a samovar will take even longer to heat up.

And then samovars became a thing of the past, but the lovely tradition remained. This is probably why they like to make dolls for teapots in the form of girls with curvaceous figures, or in common people – women. A teapot baba, made according to all the rules, will be the main decoration of your tea parties and will keep the teapot warm for a long time.

Well, or in a teapot, if a regular one runs on electricity and there is no need to keep it warm for a long time. For lovers of very hot tea in the form of boiling water, this is just the thing.

Types of dolls for a teapot

With all this needlework, it is not necessary to have any special materials; the doll can be sewn entirely from material, without the use of plastic or anything like that. Like this:

Or this one, like “Tilda”:

Or you can take a real doll as a basis, or just its head, or its head and body.

What you need for work

Our article examines a completely rag doll. Or rather, step-by-step instructions for its manufacture. You don't need much fabric, but try to choose one that doesn't wrinkle too much - you can check this by crumpling the fabric in your hand. What else is needed:

  • Thick knitting threads for doll hair. Floss threads are suitable. If you want to make her braids, weave ribbons into them.
  • A filler that will also serve as insulation, so it should be selected especially. Sintepon will do just fine. Or batting. It should also be a lining.
  • For decoration, take a few beads - you can decorate the doll with them, making beads and earrings for her (sew them directly to the doll), as well as lace and/or fringe or braid on the hem of the dress. Stock up on beautiful small buttons and beads.
  • Well, it’s unnecessary to talk about the need for needles, threads and scissors, but we can remind you.

Baba for a teapot: step-by-step master class

And here is the pattern for the doll for our master class. Please note that the pattern is suitable for any doll, this is not for a specific model, but in general. It is customized to the size of your teapot, i.e. you can make it any size you want. Don’t forget to allow seam allowance, and the heating pad itself should not fit too tightly; on the contrary, ideally it should be able to rotate freely around the kettle.

The body should have 2 parts, do not forget the seam allowance - exactly 1 cm. Sew both parts, except for the side where the bottom will be. Facing inward. At the folds, we cut with curly scissors or cut out the corners with regular scissors.

We unfold all seams along the seams and iron them or, if the fabric allows, simply straighten them with our fingers.

Now turn it inside out.

Fill the doll with stuffing to the waist - head and arms, that is. Not too tight, but not so tight that the stuffing would flop around. Sew below the arms, right along the right side.

The lining piece should also be made in duplicate. There are 0.7 mm allowances on the sides and 15 mm at the bottom. We cut out the lining material in the same manner. The fabric is folded together with the lining, sewing together on the sides, leaving the bottom with a hole.

Now place the bottom layer, the insulation layer, into the main layer. Grab it in several places by hand so that it does not fall out.

Using the dress pattern, we cut out 2 parts from any material at hand, possibly fleece. You can sew it the way you want. And sew any details to it - from frills to pockets.

The face is usually not drawn completely, only the eyes. These are already superstitions, actually, but they just somehow became a custom everywhere. The eyes are made from the smallest beads or stitched with a “cross” with black threads.

The heating pad is ready, but to make another model, from nylon, watch the video tutorial:

Craftswomen who know how to knit also got down to business and showed with examples that a heating pad for a teapot can even be crocheted.

True, it is a rarity for it to be a doll. Probably because it's really difficult! Here is a photo of such an example:

And if your imagination is at full speed, even more can be accomplished!

The most skillful and imaginative craftswomen come up with and make true masterpieces!

If you want to try to do something equally unusual, keep the diagram, and then everything depends on you:

Look at a few more options for hot water bottles, no longer in the form of a doll, for inspiration, so to speak:

What is the main thing in needlework? Try it! And even when it seems to you that it turned out crooked and not the way you wanted, know that you did something, tried, and everyone else who didn’t dare, thinking that nothing would work out for them, can only admire your talent!

Video MK

Since Russian people love to drink tea, it is very important that the teapot stays hot for as long as possible. So a wise Russian came up with the idea of ​​using teapot dolls for these purposes. They appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century and serve as a kind of heating pad. Their skirts are made of thick material to keep them warm, and some of their heads are made of porcelain and hand-painted. Nowadays, when there is not enough time for long tea parties, the doll serves more as a decoration for the kitchen interior.

I'm alone on the teapot
In an insulated sundress -
A faithful wife to her husband,
I must support him.

Tea brewed in a glass
I can't stand it. The spirit in him is not the same
And neither the color nor the strength are the same.
Tea without a kettle is absurd,
Kupleva overspending.

Charming teapot dolls for the comfort of your home

As a gift or for yourself, your loved one: let's make the kitchen tea party cozy, make a hot water bottle doll for the teapot!

The comfort and warmth of every home begins with the details. Stylish handmade kitchen accessories will be a great addition to any interior or a great gift. Bright and cheerful characters, for example, an original teapot warmer in the form of a doll, will bring a little home comfort to your kitchen design, especially since sewing a doll warmer for a teapot is not at all difficult. Even novice craftswomen can handle this.

Long intimate conversations over a cup of delicious warming tea have become traditional in many families. For a long time in Rus', hot water bottle dolls were used to keep the tea in the samovar hot longer. Modern housewives still do not forget about these dear warmer dolls, because thanks to them, the tea in the teapot does not cool down and delights guests with its rich taste and aroma for a long time. This original teapot warmer will lift the spirits of your guests and create an atmosphere of warmth and harmony in your kitchen.

There are a large number of characters that can be taken as a basis when creating a hot water bottle doll for a teapot.

These include charming dolls, kind grandmothers, curvy ladies in national clothes, characters from Russian fairy tales (Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, brownie Kuzya and others), funny cats and cows, and even such exotic animals as parrots and giraffes. In general, the imagination of needlewomen has no limits.

One day, Norwegian needlewoman Toni Finanger came up with the design of a textile doll called Tilda, which later became incredibly popular. Since then, craftswomen from all over the world have been creating magnificent dolls based on the very first Tilda. These cute, funny “tildochki” girls (as the needlewomen themselves affectionately call them) are very positive and cheerful. They wear bright dresses, funny braids, create an atmosphere of comfort and fun, and serve as interior decoration.

The Tilda teapot warmer will become a stylish accessory in your kitchen and will give you joy and a positive mood every day.

There has always been a reverent and special attitude towards tea drinking in Rus'.

Tea traditions were not interrupted even during the USSR. One of the attributes of this ceremony was the so-called woman on the teapot - a doll with an insulated skirt quilted with batting, which retained the warmth of brewed tea for a long time. It was in the USSR that teapot dolls became a fashionable trend and were produced on an industrial scale. They were made in the form of a magnificent Russian lady or merchant's wife and were a very fashionable element in the interior.

Currently, hot water bottle dolls are experiencing a real heyday. Almost every needlewoman who makes dolls with her own hands certainly creates her own unique copy. These can be classic warmers based on ready-made dolls, funny characters crocheted or knitted, tilde warmers sewn from fabric, or funny animals. There can be an incredible variety of options for the execution of such a useful thing. Our master class and several interesting ideas will help you make real masterpieces with your own hands.

Doll for a teapot in the form of a tilde doll. Master Class

In order to sew a tilde on a teapot with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following in advance:

  • pieces of natural fabric material (cotton, satin, linen or calico) and fleece for the top of the dress;
  • padding polyester, holofiber for insulating the heating pad;
  • wool for making hair;
  • buttons, ribbons, braid or lace;
  • sewing tools: scissors, needles, threads, sewing machine.

1. Measure the dimensions of your teapot and make a pattern based on the template according to your dimensions.

2. Place the pattern details on the material (preferably linen) and, taking into account 1 cm seam allowances, cut out the future parts of the doll.

3. Sew the parts of the body, except the bottom, making cuts in all bends. Turn the stitched parts right side out.

4. Fill the head and arms with filler. It is necessary to make a line between the top of the doll and the skirt that will prevent the stuffing from falling out.

5. Cut out the lining pieces from the fabric according to pattern No. 2, leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm at the bottom and 8 mm at the sides. Cut similar parts from padding polyester. Use a sewing machine to connect the lining to the padding polyester, leaving a small hole.

6. Sew the body blank with the insulated lining in a circle and turn it inside out through the prepared hole, which then sew it up. Place the insulated part of the heating pad into the doll's body.

7. Sew a slightly gathered strip of colored fabric to the bottom of the body.

8. From fleece, cut out two dress pieces and one collar piece using patterns No. 3 and No. 4.

9. Form the doll’s hairstyle out of wool and glue it onto the head. Embroider or draw eyes, blush your cheeks.

10. Put a fleece dress on the tilde-warmer, secure an apron made of fabric to it with a button and ribbon. Decorate the doll with lace or braid to your liking.

The teapot doll in the shape of a touching tilde is ready!

Hot water bottle for a teapot from a finished doll

From an old doll you can make the easiest version of a teapot warmer to make. Even dolls from the USSR era are well suited for this. Surely in your house or country house you will find some broken plastic toys that are lying around idle. Even if the doll does not have legs, it is still suitable for creating an infuser with your own hands.

Such a doll for a teapot will not require a special pattern. It is enough just to take two rectangular pieces of fabric with a length and width equal to the dimensions of the teapot and metal wire. It will be necessary to connect the material in such a way as to form a cylinder. Sew the lining part of the skirt with padding polyester, and then connect it along the bottom circle with the front part of the skirt.

You need to make two rings from metal wire, equal to the circumferences of the top and bottom of the skirt, and then connect them with pieces of the same wire to each other. Insert the resulting frame inside the skirt. Fold the top of the skirt fabric onto the wrong side of the structure so that the top ring is covered, and sew it with thread. Place the doll in the inner top ring of the skirt. Now all that remains is to make clothes with your own hands and decorate the doll to your taste.

Master class on creating a doll-amulet for a teapot

Textile doll-hot water bottle. Master Class