Lask for washing how to use. Liquid detergent for laundry

In the modern world there is a huge number of diverse detergents, however, today we especially allocate a means for washing "Lask", which is in great demand and has an acceptable cost.

Briefly about the main thing

"Lask" is a special liquid tool (at first there was only a powder option) for the maintenance of things, both in machine guns and manually. Suitable absolutely for all tissues. For example, for silk, wool, cashmere, velvet, chiffon, fluff, sports and other clothes. White, black or red - it copes perfectly with all colors.

In addition, the means for washing "Lask" does not leave the sediment. It also gives special tenderness and softness to things. With it, you can prevent fading on dark clothes. It is able to delete "katoshka". Means for washing "Lask" can make things fresh and bright, as if new.

This "miracle liquid" appeared in Russia in 1997. Since then, every time products are updated and changes are made to the composition, allowing you to even more carefully treat your clothing. Along with this, the design of the packaging itself is changing. "Lask" exists on the market so far and is a sales leader.


So, the following is the following:

  • <5% Н-ПАВ;
  • 5-15% A-Pav;
  • phosphates;
  • soap;
  • enzymes;
  • preservatives;
  • fondancy (Geraniol, Amiltsinnamal, Limonen, Citronnelon, Bamboo extract, Butyl-phenyl-methyl-propional);
  • dyes.

As everyone has already understood, "caress" is a liquid detergent, having a wide range of applications.

Instructions for use, care measures and basic characteristics

  • You can store "affection" only in a dry, dark and inaccessible place for children.
  • If the substance inadvertently hit the eye, rinse immediately with water. If the liquid fell into food, you need to contact the hospital.
  • Those who have very sensitive skin, direct contact with the means should be avoided.
  • It is recommended before applying a bottle.
  • The shelf life is 3 years.
  • Before washing, choose that temperature mode that is written in the product label.
  • Always turn on the "Delicate Wash" program.

Means for washing "Lask": price and types

  1. "Color 3D shine":
  • "Lask" with a 3D color recovery effect "gives durability, intensity, brightness and saturation of the color of your clothing;
  • "Lask" with the effect of black 3D recovery, gives your dark things with radiance and contrast;
  • "Lask" with a white 3D recovery effect "makes sparkling and snow-white old and faded things.
  1. "Lask": Wool and Silk "(the result will not make you wait after the first washing of things that will be much softer and silky).
  2. Lask Active and Fresh (a means in the form of a gel that deeply penetrates the cloth itself and at the same time cleans the clothes itself, and also gives her an extraordinary and fresh fragrance).
  3. "Lask" Care and Repair (one more tool in the form of a gel that smoothes the surface of things and removes damage, gets rid of rods).

The pricing policy of such a universal means is quite acceptable. "Lask" - the liquid about which we will discuss a little later. As for the cost, it directly depends on the volume of fluid in the bottle and from what properties it has, the packaging is about 180 to 520 rubles.


This detergent fluid is very popular today, as it has an excellent effect of overtaking, smoothing and restoring the color of all clothes. All people who have acquired "affection" remain satisfied, because it is a unique tool that gives old things a completely new kind, freshness, brightness, shine and softness.

Many praise this substance, leaving their positive reviews, and especially allocate that a means for washing a black "caress" is much better than its analogues.

It is able to influence the structure of the fabric so that the subsequent washing will not be lifted and change its color. And this effect is possible not only with dark colors. This also applies to red and white tones. The effect is possible due to the fact that there are special components in this fluid, deeply penetrating into your clothes.

So, with any active movements and during the heat, these special components begin to be activated, while eliminating the unpleasant odor and refreshing the fabric surface with a pleasant aroma.

Main advantages

  • "Lask" has a rather pleasant smell.
  • It has a low cost.
  • Great soluble in cold water.
  • Carefully erases things.
  • Saves color.
  • Removes katovka.
  • Smoothes the fabric itself.
  • Holds color intensity at height.
  • Eliminates all sorts of defects and so on.

Additional Information

As you already understood, "caress" (means for washing) reviews are always positive. Why? About this below!

Things thanks to "affection" constantly look like they are new. And their freshness and fragrance notice absolutely everything. That is why most owners choose this means.

The volume of one such bottle is 1-2 liters. Often, a very small "dosage" of this fund is enough to wash the whole mountain of clothes. "Lask" is very economical, so one such a bottle is enough for a long time.

This is the perfect and universal means that can be used both in manual washing and machine-machine. In addition, during the washing with the hands of "Laska" does not feel bad on the skin of the hands, so nothing burns, not a pinlet and not to zudit, as from other powders. This mentions many.

The substance quickly and easily penetrates the pores of the fabric and begins to act. It is easily folded and does not leave the soap traces that irritate the skin. Perfectly performs its functions even in particularly rigid water. It does not have the properties to electrify your belongings that in the case of other powders gives discomfort and inconvenience.

Buyers note that this erasing agent removes the emerging kators, it also helps prevent their appearance in the future. "Lask" is trying to eliminate the yellowness and fall on the surface of the tissue itself. Using the washing the delicate mode, you save the best quality of clothing, so that it will look absolutely new.

To give things a primordial and beautiful view - this is the main principle of the operation of a liquid means for washing "Laska". In addition to the removal of emerged bold spots, it has another feature, it is gentle and careful concern for your things.

It is also worth noting that your favorite blouse will never climb. Manufacturers tried well in order to please all housewives and their family members. Why? Yes, because beautiful, clean, tidy and fresh clothes are a challenge of success and a good day.

Thousands of women buy "affection"!

By purchasing this universal means for washing, you give your things a second chance. Wearing clothes made with "caught" you will never be unnoticed. Do you want to always look fresh, neat and gently? Then this erasing fluid is what you need.

Buyers noted that thanks to "affection" your things will store their original attractive look, and also last for quite a long time. To date, this is one of the best erasing products with a powerful recovery effect for any fabric, whitening spots of different complexity and fresh, pleasant aroma, which will accompany you many more days after washing.

Each thing is needed your "caress"!

A rich assortment of detergents, which is presented in supermarkets and in the markets, periodically leads to hostilities. Each of them by the method of trial and error is trying to find such an optimal means for washing, which and the pocket will not hit and wash things well. In addition, I want to find such a powder or gel that will be absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. The detergent "LASK" for washing meets all these criteria, which is why more and more women prefer precisely this brand.

Who produces detergent

The tool for washing "Lask" is made by Henkel. The manufacturer considers this detergent the most successful and promising its development. The line of products "Lask" includes many types of household chemicals, which are intended for washing light and colored things, delicate tissues and different membrane fibers.

All products are certified, meets the requirements of security for humans and the environment. When buying a gel or powder it is worth considering, for what fabric means is intended.

The first powder under the brand "Lask" was released in the 70s of the past century. It was a universal washing agent, which contained sodium silicate.

Varieties "affection"

There are several varieties of detergents for fabrics, which are produced under the logo "Lask":

  • Sonya white color - for light linen.
  • Magic color - for washing colored linen.
  • Black shine - for dark things.
  • Wool and silk - tool "caressing" for washing products from wool and silk.

In the produced products, there is a unique gel for washing "Lask", with the name "Active & Fresh", which is intended for cleaning sportswear made of various membrane fibers.

All the detergents of the brand "Lask" have a pleasant smell, so all things after washing pleasantly smell.

Powder and gel concentrate designed for light things

Dry washing powder has long found admirers, since it was very advertised at one time. A little later developed a liquid tool for washing "Lask". The main part of buyers of this means is positive, but it is worth noting that such a gel or powder is not able to cope with difficult stains. However, after using "caress", light things are really whiten and returned the original whiteness.

Liquid washing powder "Lask" contains optical bleach, which are gently whiten and smoothed individual fibers. Such a "caress" you can erase both in a machine and hand. But it is worth complying with certain recommendations.

  1. When washing things in a washing machine, it is necessary to set a delicate washing mode.
  2. It is important to accurately calculate the volume of liquid tools, which is added to the drum washing. The size of the gel is completely dependent on the weight of the washed linen.
  3. This detergent works at the same time as air conditioning for laundry laundry. Things after applying "affection" become pleasant to the touch and smell well.
  4. With different stains, the gel copes not very well, so in front of the washing, the difficult stains should be stained.

Liquid powder is used for washing any things of light shade. It contributes to the restoration of the original color.

According to the reviews of the hosts, the gel "Lask" returns the initial whiteness to the stirable things. But it is not possible to give whiteness in initially gray things.

Gel "Magic Color"

Such a tool is added when washing colored things. Already from the name it follows that such a liquid powder does not simply lifts colored things, but also significantly refreshes their palette. This detergent can be purchased in a plastic bottle from 1 liter. According to the reviews of the hostesses, "Lask" in red container perfectly disrupts colored things and refreshes paints. The advantages of washing gel look like this:

  1. Clothing that is erased by a liquid tool "caress" long retains bright and attractive colors
  2. The gel is quickly and completely divorced in water, and then it is well floating.

The disadvantage of such a washing liquid is only one - poorly disrupts significant pollution.

An alternative to this gel is gel shine color. Such a gel can be used for daily hand washing small colored things. This means is also designed so that the paints on the tissues remain bright for a long time. The instructions for these liquid powders say that they can be used to wash delicate things that they return an attractive look.

The manufacturer's company claims that the "Lask" gel has special components that contribute to the removal of rollers from clothing. According to the owners, the rollers are not removed, but the new ones also do not appear after the use of "affection".

How to escape gel for dark things

The use of liquid for washing the "shine of black color" is similar to the use of gel for colored fabrics. If things are polluted, it is enough to pour 60 ml of gel, with contaminants of meaning of mean degree in the compartment, 90 ml of fluid is poured into the compartment, and if dark things are franuined strongly, then no less than 120 ml is added.

It must be remembered that with a manual washing for every 5 liters of water, 40 ml of gel is poured.

Gel for things from delicate fabrics

For particularly delicate tissues, a separate liquid has been developed, which simultaneously performs the rinse balm. "Lask" for wool and silk gently cleans the fibers of the fabrics and at the same time completely retains their original appearance. You can use such a gel for washing with your hands and in the typewriter. However, when washing the machine, the machine must be set a delicate mode or the one that is intended for these tissues.

Gel "Lask" with manual washing does not dry the skin of the hands and does not contribute to the occurrence of discomfort.

Fluid for silk and wool is considered the best in this lineup, to purify things from wool or silk. At first, a delicate powder was developed, to cleanse products from such fabrics, and then the company developed a gel that less aggressively affects the fibers of the fabric.

The concentrate has a strongly pronounced smell, but after several rinsing things, things remain light and pleasant aroma. "Lask" has a mild antistatic effect, things after drying are not electrified and do not stick to the body. This property allows you to save on the acquisition of special antistatic articles.

Active & Fresh Gel

Such a gel is intended for washing sportswear, which is made of various materials:

  • polyester;
  • polyamide;
  • fleece;
  • cotton;
  • microfibers;
  • membrane fabric;
  • mixed fabrics.

The gel is poured into a special compartment of the washing machine in an amount that depends on the level of pollution. When things are not very dirty, then only 60 ml of gel is enough, for any means of medium pollution, you will need 90 ml of fluid, and for highly dirty sports suits you need to pour no less than 120 ml of detergent.

You do not need to forget that wash things with liquid gel Active & Fresh can be at temperatures that does not exceed 60 degrees!

Features of the washing "caress"

  • In the detergent compartment, an accurately dumpled amount of gel is poured. If the liquid powder is not enough, then things are not father.
  • You can pour a gel directly to the drum of a washing machine to things. In this case, the liquid powder will work from the first minutes of washing.
  • It should be borne in mind that "caressing" is not able to wash the dyeing spots, so they are preliminarily covered or derived by the bleach if they are on white things.
  • Dark things are desirable to rinse several times so that they do not remain ugly soap divorces.
  • Select the liquid Powder "Laska" is necessary in accordance with what fabric you need to wash.
  • Before washing things you need to carefully examine the instructions.

Keep any means of household chemicals needed away from small children and animals, since there are often cases of poisoning!

Powders and gels for lashing "Lask" have proven themselves from the owners of all ages. This is exactly the option when the price and quality is at the height. These detergents have a lot of advantages and only one disadvantage - poorly disrupts the difficult stains. However, if strong contamination is pre-stamped, then all flaws will be reduced to zero. After washing the "caress" underwear is clean, soft and fragrant.

The fashion industry does not stand still, it leads to move everything around itself, tightening countless tissues and textures into the avangond. And the engine of such progress is rightfully the textile industry!

Incredible variety of fibers, weave and densities - all this contributes to the emergence of structural tissues and texture products. But it is quite simple to get lost in this abundance, because many still scares the specificity of the care of delicate things. Remember how many times have you refused to yourself in the cardigan you like from wool or a blouse from silk?

It's time to forget about the difficulties, no longer need to be afraid that your favorite product will lose color! And all this thanks to the only "affection"!

The product "Lask" came to the Russian market back in 1997. Fashion, style, technology changed - improved and "caress".

A series of product transfigurations and improvements of the formula tools led to the fact that today Lask remains a bestseller among products for delicate and subtle things!

Before buying powder, it is worth thinking, and for what purpose do you get it? It is possible, a special care requires a white or black product, and maybe this is your favorite wool sweater or a bright summer dress, which is not "to face" to lose color at all. In any case, the line of means for washing "Lask:

  • "Lask shining black";
  • "Lask 3D Restoration of White";
  • "Lask Magic color" (for color clothes);
  • "Lask wool / silk";
  • "Lask" Active & Fresh (for sportswear);
  • "Lask" Care & Repair (for damaged tissues).

All blackwear tends to fading, which can be extremely catastrophically, because literally for a pair of styrices saturated black turns into a faded gray. But the gel agent "caressing black" will help keep deep black things.

Woolen and silk fabrics do not come out of fashion for many years. And not wise, because their fibers have exceptional aesthetic, durability and elasticity.

Important: Silk and wool consist of protein fibers, so these fabrics require special care, which may seem complex and time consuming.

Step 1. Refusal of frequent washing. Refusal of frequent washing in the case of silk and woolen fabrics is very justified: they simply do not worry multiple styrenes, because Conventional powders destroy their fibers.

Therefore, it is very important to use special means and gels for washing silk and woolen fabrics!

Silk and wool are capable of self-cleaning! So, if you wear a favorite woolen cardigan one-two and there are no significant contaminants (according to fat spots, etc.), it should not be erased, because the natural structure of the fibers allows them to get rid of dust particles and dirt on their own.

The smell of wool and silk hold badly, so eliminating excess oddness can be edged with simple ventilation of the product.

Step 2. "Lask". Conventional powders containing various biodulates and enzymes destroy protein fibers of silk and woolen fabrics, so the washing of the data type data is worth it using special means, for example, "caressing wool / silk".

Bamboo extract, which is part of the gel, provides careful care, giving things softness and tenderness.

How to use? Manual washing: 40-50 ml (5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (by 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof linen) in the compartment for the main washing (the temperature mode is withstanding in the range of 30-40 ° C).

If the washing is carried out in rigid water, it is necessary to add 30 ml over the specified gel volume.

Step 3. Drying. Sew wool and silk needed away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Otherwise, the fabric will sweep up, and the product "sits".

Sportswear: what to do?

Special sportswear requires no less special approach. In this case, a good assistant will be the gel "Lask" Active & Fresh with the effect of freshness neutralizing unpleasant odors.

This agent provides delicate care and safety of membranes: wind protection, breathability and weather resistance.

How to use?

Damaged clothes: exit is

Literally after several styles, some types of fabric turn into an abundance of rollers and a villion. "Lask" Care & Repair is designed to protect new fabric and recovery damaged.

The use of Gel "Lask" guarantees a decrease in the formation of rollers and villi up to 80%!

How to use? Manual washing: 40-50 ml (5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (by 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof linen) to the compartment for the main washing (the temperature mode is withstanding in the range of 30-60 ° C).

It's time to stop avoiding tissues requiring special care, because special agents have long been created, the most facilitated the washing process of delicate fibers.

The tool "Lask" will be a great way out for those who want to extremely quickly and simply save the color and texture of their favorite products!

By choosing a tool for washing, it should be noted that powders are always more aggressive refer to fabric fibers than liquid solutions. Delicate mode and soft gels will save the initial type of things and extend their service life. Liquid tool "caress" for washing machine machine - a good option for use.

Operating principle

"Lask" is ready-made liquid products and powders designed specifically for mechanical washing. Inside the drum, the components of the gel are activated, including work. If the powder is high water temperature adds efficiency, then fluids disclose their abilities only up to 40 degrees. They are completely dissolved, do not leave divorces on the tissue, as it is very easily flooded with even cool water.

Gels "Lask" contain enzymes that perfectly cope with pollution and soften the fibers of gentle tissues.

Dissolved agents in the composition of the gel are embedded in the surface of the tissue and do not give pigments to leave the material. So the color and elasticity is saved.


Henkel has its own production in Russia. Under the brand name "Lask" produces an extensive range of gels for washing various directions:

  1. "White shine" - for light products. It helps things to keep white, copes with a gray bloom, prevents re-pollution.
  2. "Magic color" - designed for products of bright shades. The dye is not washed out of the fibers, retains juicy shades for a long time.
  3. "Black shine" - makes dark items of the wardrobe soft, protects the shape of things, delays deep black in textile fibers.
  4. "Wool and silk" is a line for delicate fabrics. Effective with low-temperature vehicle mode in low temperatures. Natural components contribute to the maintenance of thin materials, prevent the formation of rollers on wool products, straightening the web.
  5. Active & Fresh - gel designed to remove contaminants from sportswear.

Components are present: A-surfactant to 15%, 5% H-Pav, phosphates, sodium salts, fatty acids, polymers, fragrance. In addition, enzymes intended for one or another direction are made to each of the lines.


Gels for washing various brands are available on the market. It is possible to choose among a large amount of products. The "Lask" means are beneficially allocated by the available price, an extensive range, consumption efficiency.

Lask liquids are conveniently dosed by applying a cap from vials. They are perfectly coping with pollution of different nature, do not leave divorces, do not injure tender products. Fabrics preserve brightness, acquire softness and fresh look.

Powders "Lask" cope even with strong pollution, spots from fat and grass. They differ from the ordinary household chemicals more delicate attitude towards things.


"Magic black"

If the dark color is new, it is better to wash it immediately to the means "caress: black magic". Then it is not necessary to additionally put the divorces, and the rich shade will be in prior one for a long time.


  • the burntable things "Lask" will return the former depth of black, will save soft, shape and prevents further loss of color;
  • you can choose a powder or gel of 1 or 2 liters;
  • used both with manual and mechanical washing;
  • the gel replaces the main means and the rinser.

"White shine"

This line blends the fibers without an aggressive chlorine, leaving underwear fresh and clean for a long time. Softens the water, so things are released from the gray wave of scale.

Soft extracts make it possible not to thin the fibers when removing the stains, which extends the service life of the products.

"Gray color"

To give the brightness things no longer need additional effort and the use of additives to the powder. In this series, all that the juicy colors are not injured, leaving the fabric clean even with a delicate washing. Enzymes will not allow you to burn clothes in the sun, save elasticity, soften the fibers.

For wool and delicate fabrics

This series is the most careful of the assortment of the "Lask" means. Silk and bamboo extracts give the smoothness thin cannut, care about fluffy yarn of wool products, delicately clean the knitwear, not deforming the structure.

For sports and membrane clothes, there is a specialized gel "Active & Fresh" based on biologically active components. It perfectly removes the dirt, traces of sweat, returns elasticity, optimizes the properties of the membrane fabric so that air access to the body happened easier.

Other products

The manufacturer regularly improves the formula for its funds. Lask new generation is represented by a series with a 3D supplement. They enhance the removal of pollution from the fibers of any nature: synthetics, cotton, flax, viscose.

For sale available:

  1. "Lask 3D effect."
  2. "Black 3D recovery effect."
  3. "White 3D Recovery Effect.

On the shelves in stores there is a huge amount of means for washing, efficient and different. However, it is worth especially to allocate a means of "caressing", using great demand and have a fully acceptable cost. What is this tool, how to use gel to wash your caress, for what things it is suitable?

"Lask" very carefully applies to clothes, thanks to which the brightness of the paints is preserved

Lask is a liquid detergent, which was first produced in the form of a powder. Lask is specifically designed for delicate washing or washing manually. This remedy for absolutely all tissues is suitable - you can use affection for both denim, coarse clothing and cashmere or natural silk. In addition, this remedy is very careful about colored clothing and retains the brightness of the paints.

Lask has many advantages over other detergents. First, the gel leaves behind the sediment in the water. Secondly, the tool will never leave stains on clothes and give your things to tenderness, as after using the air conditioner.

How to lip black clothes caress

Almost all black clothes over time loses its coal color as a result of the washed. Very often, literally for a pair of washes, the black thing becomes gray. But, if you select the Black Magic gel, then your blackwear will remain bright for a long time.

How to wash black lingerie?

To wash black things is necessary separately from white or even color, albeit dark.

The fact is that while attending the dye is inevitably washed out of any fabric. And the washing of things of different colors together will only lead to mixing dyes. You can wash the gel both manually and in a machine machine. It is advisable not to dry black things in the sun, as the sun's rays are a natural bleach - the fabric will quickly burn out.

This gel is designed specifically for rich black clothes, its use is 100% guaranteed in black saturation. Your clothes will have a long time to have a bright, rich color.

How gel acts

Gel "Lask" makes white things dazzling white

Due to its unique formula, the gel creates the thinnest protective shell on the surface of the tissue, due to which the paints are not flushed out of it. The fabric after applying the gel becomes even brighter, and to the touch soft and gentle.

With manual washing, it is enough for 5 liters of water to take 50 ml of the means. When washing in the machine add 110 ml per 4 kg of linen. It is desirable to withstand the temperature in the range of 40-60 degrees. In addition, if you have rigid water, you should add more than 30 ml of the means over the norm.

Lask for white linen

White fabric is quickly contaminated, and after styrica becomes yellowish or gray. An ordinary powder rarely copes with such problems, so many mistresses prefer another way - to wash white things like.

Preferably white things wash in soft water. To do this, you can add some food soda to the water. If you are erased in the machine, then directly in the drum you can add about 200 grams of soda.

The gel protects white fabrics from the appearance of a grayish or yellowish shade, and makes it just white dazzling white. Also in the gel for white fabric there are enveloping pigments that give the tissues softness and shine.

Lask for color

Experienced hostesses know that colored underwear is not simply separated from white or black, but is sorted by color. Gels "Lask" retain the brightness of paints on color underwear and even returned the tissues saturation of flowers. The rough fabric becomes smooth, because the gel gel is enveloped by a protective sheath of its surface.

For manual washing of colored linen in the TAZ, it is enough to add 40 ml tools. With machine washing, about 110 ml of the means per 4 kg of linen should be added in the machine. Temperature regime is recommended from 40 to 60 degrees.

Washing and silk

Silk and also woolen fabrics consist of a large extent of protein fibers and therefore require special care.

It is not necessary to wash things too often from natural silk and wool, as they simply will not survive multiple arrangements.

Conventional powders will quickly spoil the appearance of clothing. Therefore, it is important for capricious things to use special means.

As the instruction advises, with a manual wash of woolen and silk things on 5 liters of water, 40 ml of gel is added, with a machine washing for 4 kg of linen, about 110 ml of gel is added. When washing in too hard water, add another 30 ml of gel.

Dry clothing from fabric and silk away from heating radiators and not in the sun. Otherwise, your things can sit down, and the fabric will become dim.

Where to pour gel for washing?

The washing means is poured before turning on to a special compartment in the machine. Almost all models of machine guns, the gel is poured into the powder acceptor, which is covered with a washing powder. From there, water takes him to the drum. So there will be no divorces on your things, and the clothes will be perfectly clean and very soft, as if after applying the air conditioner.

Gel for lashing is not just an advertised means. This gel really works, and many hostesses respond about him well. Delicate washing of capricious things, saving the color of black and colored things, neat care for white linen - all this means for washing her caress.