Small secrets of a big purchase: how not to miss the choice of a fur coat. Fur "beaver": what is this? Not to be confused with beaver fur

Fur is like jewelry or precious stones. It is very popular, women all over the world are ready to spend their last money for a product made from it, and it is often counterfeited. When buying a beaver fur coat, you should know a few facts about the authenticity of the fur, so as not to get caught on the beaver fur, not from a beaver, but, for example, from a rabbit.

How to tell a beaver from a rabbit? 10 facts about beaver fur.

  1. Fact. On a beaver fur product, the inside of the tag will say beaver. If you did not find such a name for the fur, but instead found the words rabbit or rex, this indicates that the fur coat is actually from a rabbit, and not from a beaver. In this case, all your allegations of deception should be directed at the outerwear seller, and not at the manufacturer.
  2. Fact. Beaver skins are large enough, on average 30-40 centimeters wide and 50-60 centimeters long. When choosing a fur coat, check the seams, if they correspond to the given dimensions, then these are beaver skins, if less, then most likely a rabbit or nutria.
  3. Fact. Quality beaver skins have a white flesh. A yellow tint of the skin or crunching indicates a low quality level of the skins. Such a product will not last you long. It should be tight and elastic. Too thin a flesh gives you reason to doubt the suitability of the fur, most likely it is a rabbit skin.
  4. Fact. If you blow on the skin of a beaver, you will notice that its pile is practically not blown through. On the contrary, rabbit fur is light and airy, pay attention to this. The natural color of the beaver fur is discreet and even dull.
  5. Fact. Beaver fur can be easily distinguished by touch. The guard hairs of the beaver are very hard and when stroking the fur a little pricks the hand, which cannot be said about the delicate and soft fur of a rabbit.
  6. Fact. How to distinguish a beaver from a rabbit by the weight of the product? It’s very simple. Beaver skins are very heavy, as you have not perfectly processed it. Rabbit products are light, due to the thin flesh and light fur.
  7. Fact. Beaver fur repels moisture well. At home, you can test the product by slightly wetting it. The rabbit fur will quickly get wet and lose its shape, which cannot be said about the beaver.

Bobrik - what kind of fur, such a perplexed question is encountered by many customers. What is this mysterious unknown animal and does it exist in nature? Whoever enterprising sellers do not pass off as him: both the beaver and the chinchilla. It turns out that such an animal does not exist at all, and the famous beaver also has nothing to do with this name. Oddly enough, the beaver is a specially bred rabbit breed called the Rex, which is much larger than normal breeds. This so-called royal breed is distinguished by its short, dense and resistant fur. According to reviews, Rex beaver fur coats look simply luxurious, they are light, soft, warm and affordable. A trimmed beaver - what kind of fur? This is a sheared chinchilla rabbit fur, made using new modern technologies, which can be made to look like more expensive products.

Bobrik - what kind of fur

Sometimes the beaver is called the Spanish or chinchilla rabbit. The pile is even and very delicate, like a plush, it is located strictly perpendicular to the skin and is distinguished by a combined color: white sides with a dark back. The outer and downy hairs are practically the same in length and reach 2 cm. Moreover, the hair is half that of ordinary rabbits. The flesh is thinner than that of a beaver, but thicker than, for example, a chinchilla. The softness and luster outwardly resemble a mink, a dark color often comes with a blue tint. The hairs are distinguished by high plasticity: they do not bend or wrinkle, unlike a regular rabbit. Beaver fur coat: what is this product?

How to distinguish between a beaver and a beaver

This is a completely different fur, which is very difficult to confuse. Rex is soft, beautiful and silky to the touch. Whichever way it is smooth, it will feel like a gentle wave to the touch. The beaver hairs are directed in one direction, so if you stroke it against the direction, you will feel stiffness and resistance. What are the main differences?

  • the direction of the beaver's hair is in one direction, in the beaver it is strictly perpendicular to the skin,
  • Rex has soft skin, beaver is much tougher,
  • the rabbit has a sparse undercoat, the beaver has a thick undercoat,
  • the pieces from which the Rex rabbit fur coat is sewn - 25-35 cm, the beaver - 40-50 cm.

Beaver fur coats - reviews

A beaver fur coat is cheaper than a mink or chinchilla, but it is distinguished by its amazing beauty, lightness and wear resistance. A huge number of models can satisfy the most demanding demands of fashionistas. Warm sheared beaver coats are worn for 5-6 seasons, especially if they are properly cared for, dry cleaned and not worn in the rain. They perfectly tolerate frost, do not let the cold through, retain body heat. Even in the most difficult places: on the shelf, along the pockets, along the sleeves, the beaver's fur, according to reviews, does not wipe off during operation, does not form bald patches, does not crumble. This is the perfect combination of price and quality. A trimmed beaver on a fur coat is very fluffy and soft to the touch, and serves its owner several times longer than an ordinary rabbit, which lasts for a couple of seasons.

Beaver fur coats, as you can see in the photo, are distinguished by good geometry: precise collar shape, strict shoulder line and chic sleeves. A beaver fur coat is a clear trend in youth fashion: inexpensive, stylish, warm, they are very popular and every girl can afford more than one model. Products can be processed in various ways: dyed in fashionable colors, or imitate expensive valuable furs. Rex beaver fur coats can be seen in the photo in this section.

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Clothes that are not inferior in their characteristics to a sheared mink fur coat ...

Why do many women today choose sheared beaver fur coats? Usually, the dreams of all the fair sex are the same - everyone wants to buy a high-quality natural fur coat at a reasonable price, but such that it looks expensive. Beaver coats meet this requirement. Let's talk about their merits!

Interesting historical facts

Beaver skin interested people several centuries ago. Even then, beaver fur was highly valued by merchants. It was to them that the merchants paid for the valuable goods. Why was the beaver fur the unit of calculation in the merchant time? The animal's fur was highly prized for its beauty and ability to keep warm. In Russia, during the reign of Ivan IV, only boyars were allowed to wear beaver fur coats. Ordinary people were prohibited from such outfits.

What are the features of fur?

Modern stylists love to experiment with the fur of a sheared beaver, since the skins of these animals are in high demand to this day. The advantage of this fur is that it never gets wet, therefore, women of fashion can safely put on a beaver fur coat even in the rain.

On a note! Fashion designers give preference to the Canadian animal, since its undercoat is denser than that of congeners from other countries.

The natural color of the skins is especially appreciated. The noble dark chocolate color on the back, smoothly turning into light colors, looks extraordinary and attractive.

The durability of beaver coats exceeds that of mink coats and is second only to. The high thermal characteristics of the fur are provided by a thick undercoat.

Sheared beaver fur coat: the most fashionable models 2018-2019

Today, the greatest demand is for shortened models beaver fur coats. The end of the stylish look will be leather boots with high wide heels and a mink hat. But here it should be remembered that such an image is suitable only for a slender fashionista.

Fur coats look exclusive with a transverse arrangement of stripes, straight fit and patch pockets. Jeans and any style of boots are ideal for such models.

It is worth paying special attention to a sheared beaver fur coat. in white... Such products, regardless of the peculiarities of sewing, always give a girl elegance and charm. They will ideally be combined with both a dress (skirt) and.

Finishing and combining

This season, the trend is for sheared fur coats with a fur collar or a hood made of a different type of fur, which differs not only in the length of the pile, but also in color. For example, a beaver coat with a lynx collar, as in the photo:

How to distinguish a fake?

There are several criteria that will allow the customer to be sure of the authenticity of the beaver fur:

  1. A beaver fur coat will always be heavy.
  2. In order not to confuse a beaver with a rabbit, you should run your hand over the fur. Rabbit fur, unlike beaver, is delicate and soft.
  3. The length of the beaver fur stripes in the product will not be less than 30 cm. Therefore, there will be few seams in the beaver fur coat.

How to evaluate the quality of fur?

Every customer who is interested in a sheared beaver fur coat should know the rules by which the quality of the fur is determined and the tailoring is evaluated.

Consider the criteria that indicate the high quality of winter fur clothing:

  • After compression, the fur immediately straightens and takes on its original appearance.
  • The villi of the beaver fur should always be directed in one direction, the texture should be even.
  • No glue should be visible on the seams.
  • The presence of a foreign smell indicates an incorrect painting.
  • Mezdra in a fur coat should be thick and elastic at the same time - this is a sign High Quality.

Experts say that it is better to buy a fur coat from a shorn beaver in specialized salons. Such establishments, worried about their reputation, prefer to sell quality products, providing truthful information about their products. In addition, the warranty card issued by specialized salons presupposes the return of the goods in case of defects.

What is the price?

When buying a beaver coat, you should pay attention to its cost. It should be understood that the price of a sheared fur coat cannot be low, otherwise it should alert the buyer, because a low price tag may indicate a poor-quality product.

It should be remembered that the cost is formed on the basis of:

  • the quality of the fur;
  • product length;
  • a collar made of other, more expensive fur;
  • quality of tailoring;
  • brand popularity.

In Moscow, beaver fur coats are offered by brands such as MARINA FURS, NAFA, SAGA, KOPENGAGEN FUR. The average cost of such fur coats ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.

How to remove dirt on fur?

At the end of the season of active socks, each owner begins to think about how to clean a sheared beaver fur coat at home. Experts usually recommend using dry cleaning services. Self-cleaning will give a positive result only with light dirt.
Let's take a look at the most effective cleaning methods:

  1. In equal proportions in glassware are mixed alcohol, vinegar and water... With a swab dipped in the resulting solution, the fur is wiped against the fur. At the end of the procedure, wipe with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. For removing greasy stains solution prepare like this:
    - salt (3 teaspoons) is added to water (500 ml);
    - the solution is stirred;
    - ammonia (1 teaspoon) is added to the liquid.
    A swab dipped in a solution is used to wipe the fur against the fur. After the procedure, the pile is wiped with a damp, clean cloth.
  3. Cleaning dirt hot sand... The fur coat is laid out on a flat surface, the dirty place is evenly covered with hot sand and rubbed into the fur with the palm of your hand. At the end, the sand is shaken out of the product.

After cleaning the fur with a solution, the fur coat is hung on a hanger and dries up at room temperature. Drying with heating devices is prohibited. After drying, the fur is combed with a special brush.

How to store?

For a fur product to serve for a long time, it must be properly cared for. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Fur should not be stored in a plastic bag. Experts recommend sewing a fabric cover.
  2. To fight insects, deterrent tablets are put in pockets, and tags are hung on a hanger.
  3. Every 3 months, the fur coat is removed from the cover for airing.
  4. A fur garment in the closet should be positioned so that free air access is provided to it.

If you comply with these requirements and wear a fur product carefully, then a sheared beaver fur coat will delight the hostess with its beauty for at least 10 years.

River host beaver and its species

Beavers (from Lat. Castor) are a genus of mammals from the order of rodents. The only representative of the beaver family (from the Latin Castoridae Hemprich, 1820). It is divided into two species - the common beaver (from the Latin Castor fiber), which lives in the area from the Atlantic coast to the Baikal region and Mongolia, and the Canadian beaver (from the Latin Castor canadensis) - in North America.

Common beaver, or river beaver, or Eurasian beaver(from Lat. Castor fiber) - a semi-aquatic mammal of the order of rodents. In the Russian language there is a word beaver, but it is not a synonym for the word "beaver". "Beaver" is an animal, and "beaver" is a beaver fur. Modern taxonomy distinguishes 8 subspecies of the common beaver.

In Europe, the common beaver lives in the Scandinavian countries, in France - in the lower reaches of the Rhone, Germany - in the Elbe basin, Poland - in the Vistula basin, Mongolia - on the Urungu and Bimen rivers, in northeastern China - in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Northern Trans-Urals. Scattered foci of habitation of the common beaver are found in the upper reaches of the Yenisei, Kuzbass, Baikal regions, in the Khabarovsk Territory, and in Kamchatka.

The Canadian beaver (from the Latin Castor canadensis) is a semi-aquatic mammal of the order of rodents; one of two modern representatives of the beaver family (along with the Eurasian river beaver). The Canadian beaver is found in the USA, Canada, North America. Introduced to the Scandinavian countries. From Finland, where it was brought in in 1937, it penetrated into Karelia and the Leningrad region. Introduced in the Amur basin, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

The beaver is a large rodent adapted to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Body length reaches 1-1.3 m, height at the shoulder - up to 35.5 cm, weight - up to 32 kg. The body of the beaver is squat, with shortened five-fingered limbs, the hind ones are much stronger than the front ones. The tail is oar-shaped, strongly flattened from top to bottom. Hair on the tail only at the base; the rest is covered with large horny scutes, between which sparse, short and coarse hairs grow. A horny keel extends above the midline of the tail. The eyes of the beaver are small, the ears are wide and short, barely protruding above the level of the fur. The ear openings and nostrils close under water, the eyes close with blinking membranes.

The beaver has beautiful fur, which consists of coarse guard hairs and a very thick silky undercoat. The color of the fur of an ordinary beaver is from light chestnut to dark brown, sometimes black. The color of the Canadian beaver is reddish brown or blackish brown. The tail and limbs are black.

The difference between the common and canadian beaver in the number of chromosomes. The common beaver has 48 chromosomes, while the Canadian beaver has 40. They cannot interbreed.

Unlike the Eurasian beaver, which was practically exterminated, the Canadian beaver suffered less damage. It does not belong to a protected species, its number reaches 10-15 million individuals, although before the European colonization of North America there were dozens of times more beavers. Canadian beavers were intensively hunted for their fur and meat, which by the beginning of the 19th century. led to a sharp reduction in their range. Later, thanks to security and restoration measures, their numbers increased. Currently, Canadian beavers in some parts of their range are considered harmful animals, since their dams contribute to the flooding of the area, and construction activities destroy coastal vegetation. But in general, beavers have a beneficial effect on aquatic and coastal biotopes, creating conditions for the prosperity of many organisms.

The beaver has been the target of intense hunting in the past due to its excellent and durable fur. In some countries, this valuable fur-bearing animal was even bred on fur farms. Beavers are raised on farms in the Eastern and Western Provinces of Canada, where they are provided with good nutrition and living conditions. Beavers from the Eastern Province are better than beavers from the Western Province in terms of fur quality, and the fur of a beaver from the Western Province is superior to Russian beavers.

Strength and beauty in beaver fur

Beaver fur is the most valuable and expensive type of fur, which has been in great demand in Russia for a long time. The fur of the common, or Eurasian, river beaver is not only amazingly beautiful, but also has significant strength due to its coarse guard hair and thick silky down. The color of the fur is no less attractive: from light chestnut to almost black, dark brown on the body and completely black on the tail and limbs. In the wild, the extermination of beavers is strictly prohibited, since these cute animals are listed in the Red Book.

Beaver fur is exceptionally warm, soft, fluffy, velvety soft. The pile is beautiful, shiny, soft, thick, fluffy and even. It has a downy undercoat, which makes it warmer and fluffier. In terms of strength, it is second only to otter fur. The hairline is divided into a rough, shiny, sparse awn and thick, soft, silky fluff. The color of the fur is from light brown to almost black.

Beaver fur is of several types: long, shorn and plucked. The long fur of the beaver is a natural pile, a little shaggy, the skins are quite heavy in weight, more water-resistant and wear-resistant. It is considered to be fur for men's products. Sheared and plucked beaver fur has a delicate, velvety, shiny pile, looks neater and better, weighs lighter, looks like mink fur. Pinching is a laborious and delicate process, it is performed manually, preserves the quality of leather fabric, requires special knowledge and experience. Plucked beaver fur is used for the manufacture of women's outerwear, using special sewing technologies, it is considered more expensive and exclusive.

Light and sophisticated beaver fur products

Beaver fur is a complex fur for sewing clothes. For the manufacture of products from beaver fur, the skins of adolescent animals are used, which are valuable in that they have a thick and soft down. The original technology of dressing, joining the skins and processing the pile is used - a haircut or a pinch, the colors are individually selected, in some cases they work on fur for a whole year. The result is an elegant, soft and light product, with unusual tints from dark to light.

Every woman of the fair sex dreams of an exquisite fur product. Compliance with quality and price is in the first place when choosing a fur coat. Moreover, it should be warm, light, comfortable, stylish and elegant. Beaver fur meets all the criteria for quality, comfort and durability of products. The fur of the Canadian beaver is deservedly considered one of the best in the world, it has a magnificent shade, a practical thick, soft and silky undercoat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Happy owners of beaver coats confirm this with confidence. In recent years, beaver fur has been one of the top favorites in the world fur clothing markets.

In Ancient Russia, in cold and harsh winters, beaver fur coats were preferred, they are the warmest, very wear-resistant, up to 18-20 seasons. Also, products made of beaver fur are waterproof, they can easily withstand a humid climate and wet snow, and when the weather is bad, the fur becomes even fluffier. Beaver fur products are stylish and comfortable, comfortable and practical to wear, have a rich and presentable look. They are relevant and always in fashion in any weather.

Beaver mining history

About a thousand years ago, in Eastern Europe - in Russia, Poland and Lithuania, an organized beaver hunt took shape. The people engaged in this business were called beavers, had the exclusive right to hunt - beaver rut, in the princely possessions. In fact, these animals were in the semi-domestic position, sometimes whole beaver farms were set up. Poaching was severely punished.

The left footprints or beaver-catching tools imposed on the community the obligation to either look for a thief or pay a fine. In those days, beavers were caught with nets and traps. Later, by the 17th century, the number of beavers had already noticeably decreased, and their fishing moved mainly to Siberia. In 1635, it was already forbidden to set traps on beavers. In the 16th century Trade Book, the usual price for a black beaver is 2 rubles. Judging by the degree of collection of duties, according to the 1586 record in Novgorod, a beaver was about 1.3 times more valuable than a sable, since a duty was taken for 30 beavers, as for 40 sables. At the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, a dozen beavers in wholesale cost from 8 to 30 rubles. Beaver fur was used mainly for women's hats and edges of women's fur coats, rarely used for men's fur coats.

By 1917, in Russia, beavers survived in 4 isolated territories: in the Dnieper basin - the Berezina, Sozh, Pripyat and Teterev rivers, in the Don basin along the Voronezh tributaries, in the northern Trans-Urals - the Konda and Sosva rivers and in the upper reaches of the Yenisei along the Azas river. The total number of beavers did not exceed 800-900 heads. Since 1922, hunting for them has been universally prohibited. In 1923, a hunting reserve was organized in the Voronezh Region along the Usman River, and in 1927 it was transformed into the Voronezh State Reserve. At the same time, two more reserves were created: Berezinsky and Kondo-Sosvinsky, the founder and first director of which was Vasily Vasiliev. Their main task was to protect beavers and restore their numbers. Since 1927, the first attempts at settling beavers in wild areas were started.

From 1927 to 1941, 316 beavers were settled in 12 regions of the European part of the USSR and 2 regions of Western Siberia. From 1946 to 1970, another 12071 beavers were settled in 52 regions, territories and autonomous republics of the RSFSR, in 3 regions of the BSSR, in 8 regions of the Ukrainian SSR, in the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian SSR. As a result of the measures taken, by the end of the 1960s, the beaver in the USSR inhabited an area almost equal in area to the area of ​​the 17th century. The increased number of beavers made it possible to organize their commercial capture again. Now the number of beavers in Russia reaches 80-90 thousand individuals.

Popular beliefs about the beaver

There are many popular beliefs about the beaver. Here are some of them: “To kill a beaver is to see no good,” is considered in Ukraine. And in neighboring Belarus they say that if you kill a beaver, you will never get an inheritance. “All beavers are kind,” the Belarusians believe. You cannot build a new house if someone in the family has killed a beaver. "It is a sin to kill a beaver - you can pay with your life."

The Russians say about the beaver: "A wordless animal, but quite like a man." In Polesie they say: "Don't touch the beaver, he is like a master." According to popular beliefs, a beaver cries when he is wounded, and asks not to kill him with a human tongue. In the Lviv region, it is believed that if someone catches a beaver, the beaver will cry and overpay the whole family of the one who caught it, that is, the whole family will die out.

The Siberian peoples of the Khanty and Mansi revered the beaver. Among the Malososva Khanty, beavers are former people who have turned into beavers. They also do not deny wisdom to beavers. Thanks to the beaver cult, beavers were still preserved in the region of the Konda and Sosva rivers in the 1930s.

    It should be noted that, as a rule, there are not so many worthy offers of fur coats from a real Canadian beaver in Russia due to their relatively high cost compared to fakes made from rex rabbit, orilag and other inexpensive types of fur. So suppliers go for gimmicks. They offer cheap fur coats, for example, from a sheared rabbit, and beaver fur is indicated on the label. There is a visual similarity, but in the process of wearing, the flaws become obvious.

    Types of fur that can be substituted for a beaver product:

  • Rabbit.
  • Nutria.
  • Muskrat.
  • Orylag.

It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to understand the quality characteristics of fur, so we have compiled a special memo for you.

How to distinguish beaver fur from simpler and cheaper types of fur?

  • For sewing, skins of natural colors are used, sometimes they are tinted or lightened. They are distinguished by a brown tone that smoothly transitions from light edges to a saturated one in the center.

  • Beaver fur is stiffer. In sheared skins, the guard pile and underfills are of the same length. Run your palm against the villi. Do you feel tingling sensations in your palm? Therefore, in front of you is a fur coat made of sheared beaver skins. Rabbit fur is soft and does not prick the skin. This test method is not suitable for a plucked beaver.

  • Try on different models to compare weight. A good fur coat must be weighty. However, the elegant design of the product allows you to feel a sense of security and self-confidence without any discomfort. It is thanks to the density of the skin and the density of the fur (and as a result - and a certain weight) that a feeling of reliability and protection from cold and wind is created. And the professional work of the designer will make the fur coat comfortable and comfortable.

Fur shop "Russian Winter" sincerely wishes you successful shopping! Make no mistake in your choice!