Juna Davitashvili's technique. Technique and methodology of non-contact massage. Reception and transmission of biological information. Contactless massage. How the session proceeds

We know little about ourselves. Life is too short, and often it develops in such a way that a person does not have time to open up and express himself. This is essentially a tragedy. It is not without reason that philosophers and dreamers of the past sought to find some kind of elixir of longevity.

Yes, we must fight to prolong life! And I am convinced that there is a remedy, but it is not outside, but within us. Everyone can develop healing powers, delay their own old age, and help another person.

Essentially, this is one of the basic principles of modern preventive medicine. And I try to follow it in my work, to create my own method of strengthening the human body. This technique is based on ancient folk, mainly ancient Assyrian methods of combating diseases. And from my own, already considerable experience.

Ancient healers were able to influence a person, identify and cure many diseases without touching his body. The force emanating from them can be called a biofield in modern language.

The word “biofield” appeared in our speech not so long ago, but it is already familiar to everyone, and there are few skeptics left who deny the existence of a special radiation inherent in humans.

Scientific experiments by physicists carried out with my participation made it possible to give this radiation a more precise definition - “the physical field of a biological object.”

It does not seem incredible to anyone that around the planets, including around the Earth, there are streams of electromagnetic and other radiation that signal the state of celestial bodies. Why not consider radiation from the human body possible? It creates an invisible shell around a person, as if projecting, reflecting the internal state of the body. The existence of such a shell is confirmed by experiments. And we can conclude that a person is both a transmitting and a receiving system, that he can not only transmit his own radiation, but also perceive someone else’s.

This is the art I want to teach to as many people as possible. I prefer to work with doctors, because real treatment requires medical knowledge. But, using my method of non-contact massage, you can relieve fatigue and headaches in your loved ones. pain, nervous tension can, I think, anyone who takes it seriously and tries very hard.

Of course, sensitivity to the radiation of a biological object, as well as the ability to send its own radiation, is not the same for everyone. During many speeches in large audiences, I often ask the audience to raise their hands, with open palms facing me, and send my signals to the audience.

Some people immediately begin to feel an influx of warmth into their palms and a strong tingling sensation in their fingers, while for others these sensations are weaker. Still others do not feel anything, but this does not mean that they will never develop such abilities. Sensitivity can be developed and trained in the same way as, for example, an ear for music or the ability to subtly distinguish colors and shades is developed!

Although we will not be talking about treatment, but about prevention, we still need to have the most general understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Those who regularly read the Health magazine already have such knowledge. The rest can be advised to turn to reference publications. Things will be easier for those who know massage techniques.

So let's begin! The person you are trying to help is sitting or standing with his back to you. He should sit with his hands on his knees, palms up, and stand with his hands down.

Your open palms with slightly bent fingers seem to create a dome above his head. Keep them at a distance of 5-10 centimeters, not tense, loose, easy. Focus mentally on the tips of your fingers and begin a smooth, as if stroking movement from top to bottom, along his body with your palms facing down, and then back, from bottom to top, with your palms facing up. Above the head, the palms almost join (the distance between them is 2-3 centimeters), forming a dome, and again begin to slide down (Figure 1). The movements of your hands should be unhurried, as if gently enveloping.

Your first experience can be considered a success if you begin to feel warmth in your palms and a slight tingling sensation in your fingertips. This means that you perceive the radiation of your patient. How should he feel? Also a slight warmth, reminiscent of a weak, relieving breath; in any case, he should be pleased.

Good contact with the patient is a condition for the success of any treatment. And our exercise can also be imagined as the beginning of contact.

The next technique is the movement of the hands, which is conventionally called “energy distribution.” You also start it above your head and smoothly lead it down. Your hands with slightly bent fingers are facing the patient's body. And, either bringing your palm closer to your palm, then spreading them apart again, you seem to describe invisible wide figure eights on his chest, and then on his back (Figure 2).

When you feel that you have mastered both techniques, start the session with “energy distribution”, then alternate it with the first technique; each is performed for 2-3 minutes. The session should be concluded by lightly rubbing the chest and upper back. Rub with both hands at the same time, clockwise (Figure 3).

Does everything seem simple? But, I repeat, you need to train, learn to “listen” to your hands, and not rush. And I ask you - do not undertake to treat serious diseases or act on a diseased organ! Also, do not conduct such sessions on pregnant women. If the person you want to help is under the supervision of a doctor, very good! The doctor will help evaluate the results of your work.

With a non-contact massage you can try to lower high blood pressure and increase low blood pressure. But be sure to check its indicators objectively before and after the session, using a tonometer!

Preventive sessions will improve well-being and mood, and increase your patient’s performance. They should be carried out according to this scheme: the first week every day, break one day; again daily for a week. A break of at least a week. This cycle can be repeated if necessary.

The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes. This is a time of concentrated work for you. But also great joy - the consciousness that you bring health to a person.

Preventive and therapeutic exercises

...by me until the end

This path has already been passed once.

Exercise No. 1

Hands above your head. The hands touch with palm surfaces and fingers pointing upward. Feet shoulder width apart. Intense compression of the palms is performed, mainly in the area of ​​the elevations of the thumbs and closer to the wrist joints. Movements – up to 30 times.

Exercise No. 2

Hands touching palms, fingers up, palms at the level of the right shoulder joint. Elbows apart. Intense compression of the palms is performed in the same way as in exercise No. 1. Movements – up to 30 times. Repeat the exercise twice a day.

Exercise No. 3

The same as in exercise No. 2, but the palms are at the level of the left shoulder joint.

Exercise No. 4

The same as in exercise No. 2, but the palms are at the level of the middle of the sternum.

Exercise No. 5

Hands at the level of the solar plexus, palms touching, fingers pointing down. Intense compression of the palms is performed, mainly in the area of ​​the elevations of the thumbs and closer to the wrist joints. Movement 30 times. Repeat twice a day.

Exercise No. 6

Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are slowly raised up shoulder-width apart, then slightly bent at the elbow joints, pulled to the sides and back, trying to smoothly connect the shoulder blades together. In this case, you need to feel the tension in your back muscles. Make 2-3 attempts to connect your shoulder blades in this position, then slowly lower your arms down.

Exercise No. 7

Feet shoulder-width apart, then the right leg is taken to the side, toes extended. The right hand is raised up, making a flowing movement with the palm above the head in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Then the hand is pulled forward over the right shoulder, bending the arm at the elbow joint. The hand remains parallel to the surface of the body. Then, at the level of the lower edge of the chest, we bring the hand back and slide it along the torso, the outer-posterior surface of the gluteal region and the right thigh. At the same time, the spine seems to twist with a feeling of tension in the “tailbone.” The chin turns towards the hand.

Exercise No. 8

We repeat exercise No. 7, only the left leg is moved to the side.

Exercise No. 9

The left hand is on the back of the head, the right hand is pulled back at the level of the shoulder girdle. The right leg is taken to the side, bent at the knee joint and 9 springing movements are made in it. Take the starting position and repeat this exercise with changing limbs.

Exercise No. 10

The right hand is on the back of the chair, the left hand is raised up and laid to the side with the palm down. The left leg is moved to the side with the toe extended. Make circular movements with the leg in the hip joint clockwise with maximum amplitude. At the same time, the back muscles are tense with a feeling of “tailbone.” Do up to 20–30 movements.

Take the starting position and repeat a similar movement, but only with your left hand on the back of the chair and movements with your right leg.

Exercise No. 11

Feet together. Standing on your toes, arms along the body, make springing movements in the ankle joint, without touching the knee joints with the heels, moving the extended toe back in a quick movement, touching the buttock with the heel (reset). Do 19 times.

Exercise No. 12

Feet together, then take the right leg to the side, turn the right shoulder back, as if twisting the spine, feeling the back muscles. With the right palm, press the muscles of the lumbar region at the level of the kidneys and do a kind of bending backwards. Make 3-5 posterior deviations and take the starting position.

Exercise No. 13

Repeat the previous exercise, only abduct the left leg.

Exercise No. 14

Feet shoulder width apart. Lightly stroking the arms, then stroking the legs in the form of a light massage from top to bottom, especially massage in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon and from bottom to top, more intensely - the muscles of the lower leg and thigh.

Exercise No. 15

Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are bent at the elbow joints. Right hand at navel level, palm down. The left hand is at the level of the upper edge of the sternum, palm down. The hands approach each other up to 5–7 cm, and then diverge to the starting position. We make, as it were, pressing movements in front of the body for 30 seconds. Then we change the position of the hands and carry out the same pressing movements for 30 seconds. After this, we massage the front surface of the chest, the area of ​​the wrist joints for 30 seconds, first with the right hand, then with the left hand, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise No. 16

Legs wider than shoulders. We lightly stroke the arms, torso, and limbs from above, as if sliding over the body. Then we take the starting position, coughing slightly, as if clearing the throat.

Performing these exercises leads to the following changes in the body:

1. Breathing becomes faster and deeper, lung excursion increases, which leads to increased gas exchange.

2. The frequency and strength of heart contractions increases, the speed of blood flow in the pulmonary and systemic circulation increases, and, consequently, in vital organs - the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles. In oxygen-enriched organs and tissues of the body, metabolic processes increase and accelerate: salt, water, enzymatic, hormonal, energy, mainly due to aerobic glycolysis.

3. The blood outlet from the depot is mobilized, microcirculation in organs and tissues is improved, the removal of toxins from the body through the skin, kidneys, lungs, liver, bile ducts and gastrointestinal tract is enhanced with the active participation of the autonomic nervous system.

4. Under the influence of changes in breathing and head movements, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid increases, which helps to strengthen and accelerate the exchange between cerebrospinal fluid, brain and blood, leading to an improvement in cortical-subcortical relationships, activation of brain function, and consequently, the influence of the central and peripheral nervous system on the entire body, maintaining homeostasis and communication with the external environment.

5. These exercises help strengthen the muscles of the torso and limbs, relieve fatigue, tone the body, restore normal muscle tone, relieve neuropsychic tension, and increase performance.

“I want,” Juna said every day, “to give people all my knowledge, experience and promising techniques that I have developed throughout my life.”

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Cosmetic non-contact massage

“I would give you the power of my wings!”

With the help of non-contact massage, you can to a certain extent prevent premature aging of the facial skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Self-massage is best done in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is advisable to do it regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. Lying down, turn your right hand palm up, slightly bend and relax your fingers. Try to charge the brush with energy and create a feeling of warmth in the palm. Relax your facial muscles. Make circular movements with your right hand clockwise at a distance of 2–3 cm from the surface of the skin. For 1–2 minutes, sequentially “treat” the areas of the forehead, temples, nose, eyes (each separately), cheeks and the front surface of the neck. The total duration of the massage itself is 10–15 minutes.

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Technique and methodology of non-contact massage. Reception and transmission of biological information

Usually, everyone who successfully uses non-traditional methods of treatment in their practice, sooner or later has to answer the question about the uniqueness of their abilities. Perhaps, when answering, we can draw an analogy with music. In principle, every person, even those completely deaf, can learn to play any musical instrument. However, not everyone can become a good musician.

At public lectures, Juna conducted an experiment: she invited everyone to raise their hands and try to catch the “signal” she was sending to the audience. This is where the different abilities of perception came to light.

Some very quickly began to feel a strong tingling in their fingers and warming of their palms. For others, these sensations were much weaker and did not arise immediately, and some did not feel anything at all, like me.

Did this mean that the latter could not use contactless massage, at least for self-help? Of course not.

Already in the nineties over six hundred thousand people completed the courses that Juna and her students (doctors who have mastered this method) conducted at the scientific and methodological center in Moscow and on trips in our country and abroad.

And among them there was not a single “incapable” one. People of different ages, usually without medical education, successfully use non-contact massage for self- and mutual help.

Juna was convinced that most people could develop their sensitivity to signals from human physical fields through systematic training.

During the treatment process, you need to enter into a kind of energetic contact with patients. The massage therapist becomes an operator working in the mode of receiving, processing and transmitting biological information. Therefore, a non-contact specialist is often called an operator. Various methods of psychophysical self-regulation are a good help for a novice operator. Autogenic training, for example, makes it possible to quickly concentrate and distance yourself from “external interference.” A person who has mastered self-regulation is able to concentrate his attention on the palms and fingertips, which, in turn, sharpens their sensitivity. When working in the mode of receiving biological information, you need to try to catch the “signals” emanating from diseased organs. To do this, Juna held her palm at a distance of 5–10 cm from the surface of the patient’s body and analyzed the sensations arising in her hands. The operator will typically experience a slight warmth in the palms and sometimes a tingling sensation in the fingertips. For the correct implementation of treatment and prophylactic procedures for the diseases described below, this is often enough. Over time, you can feel the difference in the radiation emanating from individual areas of the body. With sufficient skill, sensations will vary depending on the nature of the pathological process, the stage of the disease, and the psychophysical state of the patient. For me, each ailment causes “its own” sensation: cold and warmth, tingling or tingling.

Juna said that sometimes the signal is difficult to even describe. For example, with a gastric ulcer, the hand seems to be “sucked in” by a funnel, and in the area of ​​impaired blood circulation with obliterating endarteritis, a feeling of repulsion appears, as if the identical poles of magnets are brought together. Having mastered autogenic training, you can easily induce a feeling of warmth in your hands, which is actually accompanied by an increase in skin temperature. If you then bring your hand to the patient’s body, he will feel a slight local warmth. With a certain skill, as if “tuning your hands” to this or that sensation, you can evoke something similar in the patient. Sometimes heat irradiates relatively far from the site of exposure. The paths of sensations often coincide with the course of energy channels described in manuals on Eastern medicine.

It happens that the patient feels uneven heating of any part of the body. As a rule, heat is felt less in the area of ​​impaired blood circulation. If non-contact massage is effective, the asymmetry in the perception of radiation from the operator’s palm is reduced. Before you begin to master the techniques of non-contact massage, you need to train your hands to work in the “receive” and “transmit” modes.

“Reception” was mentioned above. Now about the “transfer”.

Concentrate your attention on your hands. Hold your hands freely, without relaxing or straining them too much. Bring your palms to the patient’s skin at a distance of 5–10 cm. The fingers should be slightly bent and spread apart, with the pads facing the patient’s body (Fig. 1). Mentally directing the energy into your palms and fingertips, begin to slowly move your hands along the patient’s body. When the hands slide along the body, they seem to envelop it with an invisible elastic “substance”. Feel it. Movements must be continuous, at the same pace. Try to practice them until they become automatic. It is extremely important that the operator and patient during the session are parts of a single feedback system. The operator, sending radiation to the patient, at the same time must be able to perceive and evaluate his reaction (at first, at least in the form of heat emanating from the body). It is necessary that the “reception,” “processing,” and “transmission” of biological information occur continuously throughout the entire procedure.

How to differentiate subjective signals (the operator’s perception of his own signals) from those coming from the patient’s organ? The signal coming from the organ disappears when moving away from it, but subjective sensations, as a rule, remain. During the session, hands must be clear of signals. If these hand signals appear and are held, then the operator gets rid of them with “salt movements” (energy release).

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XI. Transfer Among the empty, difficult days, official harassment, the oppressive struggle for a piece of bread, for a log of firewood, for every day and step of existence, difficult for everyone and unbearable, when the family is destroyed, there remains one real day - the day of transfer. Change of clean linen

In addition to the physical body, a person has a subtle biofield or energy body, an aura. Doctors and researchers not only proved its presence, but also learned to take photographs using special biosensors and record changes in subtle biofields. If you influence a person’s aura with directed energy, you can be cured of many diseases, improve your overall well-being, mood, and replenish your strength. This effect is called non-contact massage and has its own indications and contraindications.

The subtle body or aura of a person is a two-layer field structure located both inside and outside the physical body. The biofield stores memories, information about the state of the body and internal organs, feelings, thoughts, emotions and sensations.

Non-contact massage is the targeted impact of the healer’s energy flow on the patient’s biofield or aura without touching the body.

By directing the warmth of his hands to the problem area, the master concentrates his attention and thoughts on it.

The massage technique has been known since the times of Ancient Assyria: the inhabitants of this state knew how to stop bleeding, treat wounds and relieve pain by concentrating their internal energy. This method of massage was rediscovered in the Soviet Union by the healer Dzhuna Davitashvili. She studied the heritage of the Assyrians, summarized the collected experience and created a unique method of non-contact massage.

Effect of massage

Massage without bodily contact is used to prevent various physical and mental diseases. With its help, you can alleviate the patient’s condition, stabilize blood pressure and pulse rate. It has been proven that after a course of massage:

  • hemoglobin levels increase;
  • joint pain decreases;
  • lymph flow improves;
  • swelling goes away;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • migraines and headaches go away;
  • skin color improves.

Having mastered simple techniques and techniques, you can practice self-massage at home.

Regular exercise will help restore youthful skin, get rid of wrinkles, and improve cell metabolism. Evening sessions will relieve fatigue and tension after a working day. For efficiency, it is recommended to use some tips that may be useful for beginning practitioners:

  • Sessions are held at any time of the day, but either morning or evening is recommended;
  • In the absence of experience and knowledge, there is no need to treat severe stages of diseases and diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • The combination of non-contact massage techniques and drug treatment makes it possible to more actively combat the problem;
  • Preventative massage is carried out daily for a week, after which a day of rest is taken and the course is repeated. After the second course - take a break for 7-9 days;
  • For children, massage sessions are more convenient to do during their sleep.
  • People with unstable mental health and disorders of the central nervous system are also recommended to have non-contact massage sessions during sleep.

Indications and contraindications

In order to diagnose and conduct massage sessions, experience and training from specialists are required. The impact of non-contact massage is desirable for:

  • Diseases of the throat and respiratory tract;
  • Hypertension;
  • Hypotension;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Headaches and sleep disturbances;
  • Fractures, severe bruises, sprains;
  • Poor blood counts;
  • Impaired metabolism;
  • Impaired functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Epilepsy;

Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, oncology and acute mental disorders. It is not recommended to conduct massage sessions with children under one year old.

Preparing for the session

The massage is performed in a room with dim lighting. The massage therapist must be in a good, calm mood, since all emotions are quickly transferred energetically to the patient. The procedure should begin by warming up your hands:

  1. The palms are folded in prayer mudra;
  2. Forcefully separate the bases of the palms, placing emphasis on the pads of the fingers. Slowly spread your palms so that a ball of warm energy is felt between them;
  3. Attention is focused on energy and warmth. Spend several minutes in this meditative state.

Some people are given the gift of healing from birth, and in order to develop it, you can do a little training:

  1. Press the tip of one finger against the surface of the chair and feel the pulse. Place another one nearby, press it, and feel the pulse again. Extend all your fingers like this, keeping your attention on the feeling of pulsation;
  2. Raise your palms 3-7 cm above the surface of the chair, concentrate on the sensations in the pads of your fingers.
  3. Feel and hold the pulsation.

After this exercise is mastered, they learn to distinguish between different materials, surfaces, substances, and temperatures. An open palm is placed at a distance of 5-7 cm from the surface. They close their eyes. Ask an assistant to place an object on the surface of a table or chair. Concentrate on the pulsation and warmth in the fingertips, on the images, thoughts, and sensations that pop up in the head. It is recommended to record all data in a diary in order to later analyze the experience and understand which thought forms are more accurate for a given subject.

Methods and techniques of non-contact influence

During the session, patients can sit, lie or stand. Body position does not matter: the client should be comfortable. Each appointment takes no more than 8 minutes. The healer determines the problem area by increased heat or cold coming from the affected area, distorted vibrations.

The non-contact massage technique includes 5 main techniques. The first is pressing. For this, the palms are placed over the problem area, and then moved to the side by 5-10 cm. They are connected again at the sore spot and held for 5-7 minutes. The result of taking it is a decrease in pain. The saber technique is similar to pressing, but the palms are placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other.

The next technique is a hood. The heat is concentrated on a small area of ​​skin. Fold your fingers into a pinch and move them in a circle or spiral, moving them closer and further from the affected area no more than 7 cm. It is recommended to do 5-7 repetitions, and then speed up the movements. The energy distribution technique is carried out with a straightened palm placed perpendicular to the painful area. Energy is collected by the fingertips. Attention is focused on the patient's sensations.

The last trick is pumping. The palms fold the cups and visualize how they are filled with the energy of heat and light. As soon as the bucket of palms is filled with energy, it is transferred to the patient’s body. The place of entry is the solar plexus. It is necessary to watch to the end how pure and bright energy fills the client’s body, how muscles relax, emotions and the patient’s condition change. If necessary, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

All these treatment methods are aimed at smoothing out the problem area. After each dose, you need to shake your palms to free yourself from the negative energy of the disease.

Method of influence

The session is carried out as follows: the patient is in front of the healer in a relaxed state. The first exercise - the master holds his hands above the patient’s head, distributing energy along the body. The hand should be free, not clamped, relaxed. The healer runs his hand along the entire body and, having reached the feet, returns to the head. If, while moving towards the feet, the fingers are pointing down, then raise the hands with the palms up. Above the top of the head, the hands are brought together.

This exercise is diagnostics, identification of problem areas, identification of violations in the integrity of the biofield and in energy flows. After this, the session is continued according to the dominant disease.

Sessions to normalize blood pressure

For high blood pressure, it is recommended to conduct sessions with the patient lying or reclining. The healer performs the technique of energy distribution and pressing. Each technique will take no more than 6 minutes. Next, the energy is transferred from the face to the back of the head and back. With slight pressure, pass the hands over the face, along the spine - to the heels of the feet and back. The number of repetitions is from 8 to 12. Finish with circular massaging movements aimed at the upper back and chest.

Pressing is performed in the lumbar region and above the neck. The average distance between the patient and the master’s hands is 4-6 cm, and it is recommended to do 7-9 repetitions. After this, you can start using the saber technique. It is performed along the entire body. Palms face down. One hand draws energy from the navel to the legs, the other from the navel to the neck. The session ends with rubbing the back and chest.

The result of a properly performed massage is a decrease in diastolic pressure by 20-60 mmHg, and systolic pressure by 10-30 mmHg.

Face massage

The best time to massage your face is in the morning after washing and moisturizing. Do it for about 2-4 minutes as follows:

  • Relax your fingers, place your palm parallel to your face.
  • Circular movements with the hand are made at a distance of 2-3 cm from the face along the massage lines.
  • The direction of movement is clockwise.

If you massage every morning, then after a month you will notice an improvement in skin color, a reduction in facial wrinkles, and the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Relieving puffiness

This type of massage is aimed at reducing swelling, pain, and relieving fatigue. You can also do it to normalize sleep and improve your mood. It consists of the following:

  1. Energy distribution methods are performed for 2-4 minutes.
  2. They make pressing movements along the axis of the limbs: the arms move towards each other. Completion time: no more than 10 minutes;
  3. Smoothing out the problem area.
  4. You can end the session by filling yourself with energy. This will balance the biofield and replenish the patient’s strength.

Relieving headaches

The massage is performed from the patient's sitting position. The healer's right hand moves from the forehead to the back of the head and back.

The technique is repeated 5-9 times. Then both hands are placed above the crown area. The palms bend slightly and the thumbs touch each other. The pads of the remaining fingers are fixed above the scalp at a distance of 1-2 cm for 5-7 minutes. After this, the first dose is repeated, the temples are rubbed and the patient is filled with energy. The place where energy enters can be changed: instead of the solar plexus, it can be the parietal region, the occipital or temporal part. The average massage time is 8-10 minutes: it depends on the location of the headache and its intensity. The person doing the massage must check that the vibrations of the headache disappear and that the pulsation and biofield of the patient return to normal.

Massage for heart diseases

Practice of non-contact massage for heart failure:

  • Reception of the press over the heart area - up to 7 minutes;
  • Saber technique over the liver area - up to 5 minutes;
  • Reciprocating technique over the kidney area - up to 3 minutes;
  • Extraction and distribution of energy over the heart area - up to 7 minutes;
  • Press over the area of ​​the kidneys and liver - up to 3 minutes.

In case of arrhythmia, it is important to establish the underlying cause of the disease and act on it. The massage begins with a saber maneuver. They carry it out with relaxed hands, working the entire surface of the body. Next, they begin pumping and distributing energy. The patient's hands, heart area, liver and head are treated. The total operating time is up to 7 minutes.

Then press over the heart area for no more than 2 minutes and fill it with energy again. The session is completed with contact direct cardiac massage for 1 minute. The final part of each session is an energy release. To do this, the master runs his hands along the patient’s legs and arms at a distance of 2-3 cm. The speed of movement increases as he approaches the feet and hands, and after each pass the massage therapist shakes off his palms.

After the session, the massage therapist needs time to restore strength and energy balance.

The duration of recovery depends on the time of treatment, compatibility with the client’s biofield, the complexity of the massage and the psychological state of the master. The patient also needs time to rest: after the session, it is recommended to lie down in a quiet environment for 10-15 minutes, relax or even sleep. This will help you absorb and correctly distribute the energy received, balance your own biofield and restore strength.