Tell children about folk holidays. Educational activities for children of the preparatory group “Folk Holidays in Russia. tutor of the Montessori group

The twelveth holiday of the Orthodox calendar, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, on the tenth day of the Ascension. Other names for the Trinity are the day of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost, the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and honors the Holy Trinity. The event set forth in the New Testament book "Acts of the Holy Apostles" has a direct connection with the doctrine of the Trinity - one of the main provisions of the Christian faith. According to this teaching, God exists in three non-merged and indivisible persons: the Father - the beginningless principle, the Son - the logos and the Holy Spirit - the life-giving principle.

Holy Week


The seventh last week before Easter, lasts 6 days, starting on Monday and ending on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. The meaning of the holiday is preparation for Easter. Traditions at the holiday: cleaning the house, obligatory bathing, commemoration of ancestors, putting up a swing, painting eggs, baking cakes. According to the beliefs of the people, colored eggs have magical powers, for example, if you put the shell on fire, then the smoke from this egg can heal a person from night blindness, they also believe that such an egg can heal a sick tooth. Signs for this holiday: if you heat the stove on Maundy Thursday with aspen wood, then the sorcerers will come to ask for ash, parsley sown on Good Friday gives a double harvest.

Popular name of the holiday Transfiguration of the Lord among the Eastern Slavs, celebrated on 19 August, and even before this holiday, it is forbidden to eat apples and various apple dishes, but on a holiday it is necessary the other way around - pick as many apples as possible and consecrate them. The purpose of the holiday is the consecration of apples, seeing off the sun at sunset with songs. Yablochny Savior has another name - the first autumn, that is, the meeting of autumn. According to tradition, you need to treat apples first to all your relatives and friends, then to orphans, the poor, as a reminder of the ancestors who have fallen asleep in eternal sleep, and only then eat the apples ourselves. In the evening, after the holiday, everyone went out to the field to sing along with the sunset, and with it the summer.



Slavic folk festive complex, celebrated from January 6 until January 19. Christmastide is oversaturated with various magical rites, fortune-telling, omens, customs and prohibitions. The purpose of the holiday: folk festivities, carols, sowing, dressing, erotic games, ritual atrocities of youth, fortune-telling for the betrothed, visiting, rituals for well-being and fertility. Holiday sayings: wolves marry on Christmastide, from Christmas to Epiphany it is a sin to hunt animals and birds - misfortune will happen to the hunter. According to popular beliefs, the presence of spirits among living people, invisible to the ordinary eye, made it possible to look into their future, which explains the numerous forms of Christmas divination.

Epiphany eve


This holiday of the Orthodox Church belongs to the twelve. On this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Forerunner (the Baptist) in the Jordan River is remembered and the Great Blessing of Water is performed. It is also a preparation evening before the big Orthodox holiday, which is called the Epiphany or Epiphany. Epiphany water is eaten on an empty stomach, spoonfuls, a little bit at a time. The Orthodox keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. In addition, a drop of the shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take ordinary, unconsecrated water and add a drop of Epiphany water there, and it will all be sanctified.

Folk Orthodox holiday, celebrated on July 8... Holiday traditions: swim without looking back, because it was believed that on this day the last mermaids leave the banks deep into the water bodies and fall asleep. After the Kupala games, the betrothed couples were determined, and this day patronized family and love, in addition, in the old days, from that day to Peter, weddings were played. The first mowing is the day of all evil spirits such as: witches, mermaids, werewolves and many others. Celebrated on July 8 (June 25 old style). Peter and Fevronia are Orthodox patrons of family and marriage. According to the calendar of East Slavic folk holidays, correlated with the Orthodox, this is the day of the first mowing. It was believed that on this day the last mermaids left the shores deep into the reservoirs, so it was already safe to swim. Since 2008, July 8 has been celebrated in the Russian Federation as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Sayings: there are forty hot days ahead, after Ivan there is no need for a zupan, if it rains on that day, then there will be a good harvest of honey, pigs and mice eat hay - for poor mowing.

A traditional holiday among the Eastern and Southern Slavs, celebrated on 2 August... The tradition of the holiday includes: collective meals, the slaughter of a bull or a ram. The holiday has pagan roots, since at first it was a holiday of the god of thunder Perun, but with the adoption of Christianity among the Slavs, instead of the image of Perun, the image of Ilya, the prophet, appeared, hence the name of the holiday. Sayings at the holiday: Ilya keeps thunderstorms, Ilya keeps the rain and brings down the word, Ilya endows with bread, not swords on Ilya's heaps - he will burn with heavenly fire. From Ilyin's day, according to folk legends, bad weather began, and it was also forbidden to swim.

Palm week


Passion Week. The main folk rituals of the week are associated with the willow and fall on Saturday and Sunday. There is a legend associated with this week, which says that once the willow was a woman, and she had so many children that the woman argued with Mother Earth herself that she was more fertile than the Earth. Mother Earth got angry and turned the woman into a willow. There is a belief on this holiday - a consecrated willow can stop a summer thunderstorm, and thrown into a flame can help in a fire. Holiday traditions: consecration of a pussy willow, beating with willow branches, chants of spring.

A traditional holiday of pagan origin among the Slavic peoples, associated with the winter solstice. Celebration date - on the night from January 6 to January 7... The meaning of the holiday is the turning of the sun from winter to summer. Celebration - caroling, dressing up, Christmas-tide games, fortune-telling, family meal. According to popular belief, Mother-cheese-earth could open up only because of a lie, for a false oath, or because of perjury.

Pancake week


Slavic traditional holiday celebrated during the week before Lent... The purpose of the holiday is to say goodbye to winter. Traditions: bake pancakes, go to visit, arrange feasts, ride a sleigh and sled, dress up, burn or bury an effigy of Shrovetide. Celebrated from meat-eating Saturday to forgiveness Sunday. The fertility of people in the popular mind was inextricably linked with the fertility of the land and the fertility of livestock, the third side of Maslenitsa is connected with the stimulation of fertility - the memorial.



The oldest Christian holiday, the main holiday of the liturgical year. Installed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, which occurs no earlier than the day of the conditional vernal equinox on March 21... Traditions: consecration of colored eggs and Easter cakes, welcome kissing. Most of the Easter traditions originated in worship. The scope of Easter folk festivals is associated with breaking the fast after Great Lent - the time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, were postponed to the celebration of Easter. At the end of the 19th century, it became a tradition in Russia to send open letters with colorful drawings to those relatives and friends with whom you cannot celebrate Christ, on Easter as the main holiday.

Holiday of the Eastern Slavs, which starts September 14... The essence of the holiday is the celebration of the approaching autumn: the day before, the summer ended and the new year began. On this day, ceremonies are performed: housewarming, ambush, lighting a fire, the rite of tonsure, funeral of flies, the legend of the sparrows. Semyon's day is considered happy, so it is advised to celebrate housewarming. Signs: Semyon sees off the summer, leads the Indian summer; on Semyon - the last thunderstorm; spike seeds have not been removed for seeds - they are considered lost; if geese fly away on Semyon-day, wait for early winter.

Clean monday


The first day of Fedorovaya week and Great Lent. On this day, everyone forgives each other and starts the day with a clear conscience and a clear soul. This is a very strict day of fasting as well as on the following days. The name of the holiday comes from the desire to spend the first day of fasting clean. On this holiday, during the first Lenten Great Compline, they begin to read the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and other prayers of repentance. At the end of the 19th century, most of the oleaginous revelers, despite strict fasting, were "rinsed out" or got drunk on this day. Since this is the day of fasting, all that can be eaten or drunk on this day is: a little black bread with salt and water or unsweetened tea. The prayer of Ephraim the Syrian, "Lord and Master of my life," will continue to be ascended throughout the days of Great Lent.

One of the holidays of the Eastern Slavs, celebrated on October 14... The meaning of the holiday is the final onset of autumn, on this day the meeting of Autumn and Winter was previously celebrated. People say that from the Pokrovo goblin stop wandering through the forests (in another way they are called forest owners). On the eve of this holiday, young village girls burn their old straw beds, and old women burn their old bast shoes, worn out over the summer. The Russian people, celebrating the days dedicated to the Mother of God, were waiting for Her help.

Orthodox holiday celebrated on 14 August... The essence of the holiday is the small blessing of water. The tradition of the holiday is the beginning of the collection of honey, its consecration and a meal - "widow's aid". The holiday is celebrated in honor of the Origin of the trees of the Cross of the Lord at the end of the XIV century. The meaning of the holiday is the first day of the Dormition Lent. Honey Savior is also called "Savior on the Water", this is because of the small consecration of water. According to tradition, it was on this day in Russia that new wells were consecrated and old ones were cleaned. This holiday is called "Spas Honey" because on this day the bee hives are usually full to capacity and the beekeepers go to collect the honey crop.

Summer holiday of pagan origin, celebrated from 6th to 7th July... The holiday is associated with the summer solstice. Traditions: burn fires and jump over them, lead round dances, weave wreaths, collect herbs. The holiday begins the night before. The name of the holiday comes from the name of John the Baptist (John's epithet is translated as “bather, plunger”). The main feature of Ivan Kupala is cleansing fires, in order to cleanse himself of the evil spirits inside a person, he would have to jump over these fires.

Red hill


Spring holiday among the Eastern Slavs, which celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter... On this day are celebrated: spring girls' round dances, a meal with scrambled eggs, youth games. The red hill symbolizes the full arrival of spring, it is with this holiday that this season is celebrated. In addition to the fact that the Red Hill symbolizes the arrival of spring, the holiday also symbolizes the meeting of boys and girls, because spring is the beginning of a new life for all nature. At the Krasnaya Gorka holiday there is one proverb that says: "Whoever marries on Krasnaya Gorka will never get divorced."

Spring-summer holidays and ceremonies

Winter holidays and ceremonies

Off-season rites and customs

Autumn holidays and ceremonies

Agrafena Bather (Bather)

1. Day of Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Agrippina. In the peasant tradition, it is known as Agripina the bathing suit, since the day of her memory fell on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala and was interpreted as the day of preparation for it.
2. The popular name for herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala.


The great twelfth feast of the Orthodox Church in honor of the good announcement of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Pure Virgin Mary about the upcoming birth of Jesus Christ by her. In the folk tradition, it is associated with the moment of the vernal equinox, when the earth woke up and the period of the greatest activity of all living things began.

Divine services on Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Divine services on Maundy Thursday - Matins, Liturgy and All-night Vigil on Thursday of Holy Week, which are permeated with the memory of the events of the day preceding the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Church recalls the Last Supper, at which the Eucharist rite was established - communion, Christ washing the feet of the disciples, the Savior's covenants left to the disciples, his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas.

Great post

From Monday after Maslenitsa week until Easter.

A seven-week period of strict abstinence, repentance and prayer in anticipation of the celebration of Easter. According to the popular calendar, at this time there were rituals of invocation of spring, preparation and carrying out of plowing and sowing.

Palm Sunday

An attribute of the celebration of Palm Sunday, the last before Easter, when the willow was consecrated in a temple or in a churchyard. Among the people, the willow was endowed with magical power, the ability to convey health, strength and beauty to a person or an animal.

Palm Sunday

Sunday in the sixth week of Lent before Easter.

On this day, the Church celebrates the twelfth feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In Christian churches, palm tree branches are consecrated (for the Orthodox - willow). The holiday is associated with the idea of ​​mercy and philanthropy.

Boom / Sula driving

Egoriev day, Easter week, Ascension.

The rite that "closed" the spring and "unlocked" the summer. It was timed to coincide with Egoriev's day, Easter week or Ascension. It included the ritual burial of arrows (sula) by women for protective and reproductive purposes.


Fortieth day after Easter (late May - early June)

The twelveth feast of the Orthodox Church of the Ascension of the Lord. Celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, when, according to the Gospel, Jesus ascended to heaven. On this day, according to an ancient custom, meals were held in the fields with pancakes, "ladders" and scrambled eggs, marking the end of spring and the beginning of summer

Wipe off the fire

Maundy Thursday

The ritual of obtaining "living" fire by rubbing two pieces of wood against each other in situations of disaster (loss of livestock, crop failure, epidemics). As a calendar ritual, it was performed on Maundy Thursday and Ilyinsky Friday. They extinguished the old fire in the home ovens and on the priestesses and ignited a new one obtained by friction.


According to the church calendar, the day of commemoration of the Monk Gerasim of Lycia (V century) and the Monk Gerasim - the first Vologda miracle worker (XII century). This holiday in central Russia coincided with the arrival of the rooks, the first sign of spring. On this day, the people were getting rid of the kikimora in the house.

Magical actions on the last day of the harvest, which meant the completion of the harvest and a festive meal timed to coincide with them. The most common ritual was "curling the beard" - the last unclenched ears and ritually magical actions with sickles. The rite was to provide the fertile power of the earth.

Dwarf sheaf

A sheaf of the last ears of corn harvested in the field is an attribute of the pre-dozhin ritual. Sheaf cutting was accompanied by a number of ritual actions and prohibitions. The sheaf was dressed in women's clothing, used for fortune-telling, placed under icons and kept until the Protection of the Virgin, then fed to cattle in order to protect it from winter lack of food.

Whit Monday

First Monday after Trinity

Celebrated at the beginning of All Saints Week. It affirms the divine essence of the Holy Spirit and its unity with other hypostases of the Holy Trinity. On this day, the peasants glorified the land - the birthday girl, made rounds of the fields "fed the land", giving her part of the meal.

Egoriev day

The popular name of the church holiday in honor of the great martyr George. Memorial Day of the saint is celebrated twice: winter in December, spring in May. Spring was established by the church on the day when, according to legend, Saint George was beheaded. In the popular belief, St. George is a serpent fighter, warrior, master of the land and patron of cattle.

Magical actions on the eve or on the day of the beginning of sowing. The most suitable for the beginning of the ritual sowing was the day of the prophet Jeremiah (Eremey the Zapryagalnik). The sowing day was considered a festive day, accompanied by prayers and festive meals.

Ivanovo herbs

Herbs, flowers, tree branches, roots, the collection of which is included in the ritual complex of the celebration of Ivan Kupala. According to legend, they are distinguished by special witchcraft power and healing properties. Herbs were collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, dried and used as a remedy for all misfortunes, in girl's fortune-telling, in the treatment of people and livestock.

Games and fun with eggs

Easter week and Fomino Sunday (Red Hill)

Entertainment of rural youth with the use of eggs: rolling eggs from bumps and wooden trays, knocking down with a ball, etc. These games date back to ancient agricultural practices.

Ilyin's day

Day of remembrance of the Old Testament prophet Elijah. In the popular belief, Ilya - the Prophet ruled the fertility of the earth, was the ruler of thunderstorms, lightning and rain. On Ilyin's day, the peasants did not work on the land and performed protective rituals in order to avoid the punishment of the prophet.

From Easter to Trinity

Festive entertainment for children and young people from Easter to Trinity. A large swing was built for the Easter week festivities. Swinging on a swing is an echo of an ancient magical action designed to stimulate the growth of crops.

Click / Call of Spring

Depending on local conditions, it takes place on March 1/14 (Evdokia-Plyushchikha), March 4/17 (Gerasim-Grachevnik), March 9/22 (magpies), March 25 / April 7 Annunciation, April 23 / May 6 (Yegoriev day) , May 9/22 (Nikolin's day), as well as on certain days of Great Lent.

The ceremony was associated with the first arrival of birds and the beginning of snow melting. It was accompanied by chanting chants, actions with larks (rye cookies) and cleansing rites. The main participants in the ceremony were children and girls.

Red hill

First Sunday after Easter

In the Orthodox tradition, the holiday was dedicated to the remembrance of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas on the eighth day after the resurrection. Since the time of ancient Russia, it has been a holiday of the beginning of spring among the people - with bonfires, girls' round dances, fairs of brides, rites of invocation of spring. It was considered mainly a girl's holiday.

Baptism and funeral of the cuckoo

From the Ascension (the fortieth day after Easter) to Trinity (the fiftieth day after Easter)

1. Agrarian-magical maiden and feminine ritual with a "cuckoo" - a herbal or rag doll in the form of a female figure, a bird or a decorated tree. The ceremony was accompanied by a funeral procession, mourning for the cuckoo, girls boom, fortune telling and a ritual meal.
2. Ritual meal, round dance, youth festivities during the spring - summer holidays. Usually arranged at Ascension (late May - early June) and Peter's day (June 29 / July 12).

Kuzma and Demyan

The popular name for the days of memory of Saints Cosmas and Damian. It was celebrated three times a year in accordance with the lives of the saints. According to popular beliefs, the holy brothers were considered the patrons of blacksmithing and many women's field and domestic work, as well as marriage, family and home.

Easter ceremonial bread with the custom of its consecration, treats and distribution to believers for Easter. This custom dates back to pagan times. The conversation after the fast began with eating a cake. The remains of the Easter cake were used in fortune-telling about the harvest and offspring of livestock.

Kumlenie (Posstrimism)

From Easter to Spiritual Day

The custom of establishing spiritual kinship for a certain time between female representatives who have no children, with an oath promise of friendship and mutual assistance. The boom was accompanied by curling of birches, the exchange of magical things and gifts, and a ritual meal. The ceremony was usually performed on Easter, the day of John the Theologian, Nikolin's day, Ascension and the Day of the Spirits.

Kupala night

The night before the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the shortest night of the year. According to popular beliefs, this is a night of rampant evil spirits, the best time to spoil crops and livestock. On the night of Kupala, witchcraft and medicinal herbs were collected, and cleansing rites were performed.

Kupala bonfire

Ritual bonfire during youth festivities on Midsummer's Eve. It was obligatory to jump one by one or in pairs over the fire as a guarantee of health and good luck. The ash from the fire was credited with a special power that brings light and warmth, cleansing from everything unkind.

Ladder-shaped ceremonial cookies. It is baked on Ascension (the fortieth day after Easter) and on the day of commemoration of John Climacus. According to popular concepts, the ladders facilitated the road to heaven and symbolized the spiritual ascent of the soul of the righteous to paradise. At the Ascension, they were supposed to help Jesus Christ ascend to heaven on the fortieth day after his resurrection.

The magic of Easter Matins

Magical actions and judgments of parishioners during the Easter service in the church. Fishermen asked for a good catch, hunters - for luck on the hunt, girls - for a good groom. Such witchcraft in the church contradicted Christian morality, but was widely practiced in the people's life.


From the third week after Easter to Trinity

A holiday of young married women with children, with joint secret meals in the forest or on the banks of water bodies. The custom goes back to ancient times and is associated with the worship of the deity of vegetation.

Myrrh-Bearing Wives Week

Third Sunday and fourth week after Easter

The holiday is dedicated to the Myrrh-Bearing Women, the first witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Among Russians, it is known as a "woman's holiday" with feminine festivities and meals, in southern Russia - with rituals of boom for girls and the funeral of the cuckoo.

Nikita Vodopol

Day of Remembrance of the Monk Nikita. One of the dates of the beginning of ice drift, marked by fishermen as the beginning of the fishing season. According to legend, a water person who wakes up from hibernation breaks the ice, torments the fish and demands a treat. The fishermen sacrificed bread, wine and tobacco as a sacrifice to the waterman, otherwise there would be no good catch.

Hail Egoriy

Ritual tour of the courtyards on the eve or on Yegoriev day in the Kostroma province. The "hollers" sang spell songs, made noise and collected alms from the owners. The Yegoryevsk rounds were of a cattle-breeding nature and were timed to coincide with the first pasture of cattle, ensuring its protection and well-being.


The popular name for a Christian holiday in memory of Saints Constantine and his mother Helen. An important stage in the agricultural calendar, when they finished sowing grain and began sowing flax, hemp, oats and buckwheat, planting cucumbers. It was accompanied by magical ceremonies in the fields when sowing flax.


March 20 / April 2 (Roman Great Martyr Paraskeva, injured at Neuron), July 26 / August 8 (Martyr Paraskeva, born near Rome in 138), October 14/27 (Venerable Paraskeva of Serbia, who became famous in the middle of the 11th century), October 28 / November 10 (Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday).

The popular name for the days of memory of Saints Paraskev, of which there are four in the Orthodox tradition. Among the Eastern Slavs, Paraskeva Friday, the patroness of the day of the week of the same name, was especially revered. Girls and women considered her to be their patron: she helped with childbirth, patronized marriage, home, women's pursuits, especially spinning. Paraskeva healed from mental and physical ailments, patronized land, livestock and water, was the patron of trade.

Celebrated on the first Sunday after the March full moon following the vernal equinox (between April 4 and May 7).

The great twelveth feast of the church calendar - Bright Sunday of Christ. Christian Easter is a memory of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, of his death on the cross and a miraculous resurrection. Includes Easter Matins, religious procession, consecration of eggs and Easter cakes in church, cooking Easter cottage cheese, family meal, commemoration of the dead. The ancient custom of protective rounds of houses by children and young people with the collection of treats was preserved.

Easter week

The first week after Easter

Festive week after Easter (Bright Week), with daily services, the laying on of the shroud on the throne, bell ringing. The whole week was accompanied by festivities of young people, swinging on a swing, sports games, treats, christianity with relatives and friends. The second half of Easter week was especially solemnly celebrated.

Easter prayers

Easter week

The custom of going around the houses of parishioners in a procession of the cross, led by a priest, serving prayers and congratulations. In gratitude, the owners presented the priest with money, food and a handful of grain, after which "all the evil spirits go out of the house."

First pasture

The first spring pasture of cattle, usually timed to coincide with Egoriev's Day. It was accompanied by traditional rituals before sunrise or at sunrise: three rounds and ritual feeding of cattle, presenting a shepherd, prayers.

First saved

The popular name for the holiday of the Orthodox Church, dedicated to Jesus Christ the Savior (Savior). The church arranged a solemn carrying out and worship of the cross, a procession with the cross to reservoirs and the consecration of water. On this day, there were mass festivities, bathing of people and livestock, and everywhere a tribute was paid to the water. Beekeepers consecrated honey on this holiday. Folk tradition associated the first rescuer with the wires of summer.

Petrov day

Great Orthodox holiday in memory of the apostles Peter and Paul, the first preachers of Christian doctrine. In the popular worldview, these saints are the keepers of the keys to heaven and hell and rule the dwelling places of the souls of the dead. The holiday was revered among fishermen and shepherds, and was also considered a holiday for young people. Preceded haymaking and preparation for the harvest.

The funeral of Kostroma

Sunday of All Saints Week or on the Day of Spirits

Completes the Trinity-Semitic holidays, hence the farewell rituals - the funeral of spring in the image of Kostroma. Kostroma was portrayed as a girl or a guy in women's clothing. The funeral ceremony was accompanied by fun, bathing, games.

Transfiguration (Apple Savior)

The great twelveth feast of the Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The popular name of the holiday is associated with the ripening of apples, which the parishioners carried to consecrate to the church, after which they were allowed to be eaten. From that day, they began to pick apples, they treated the sick and beggars with Spassov's apples.


Middle of the fourth week after Easter

Feast in half the period of fifty days separating Easter from Trinity. On this day, the Orthodox Church recalls the teachings of Christ about the meaning of salvation that he brought to people. Small consecration of water is performed, after which the water is considered healing. The holiday is mainly for women.

Seeing off (funeral) of mermaids

Sunday of the Russian week

A holiday of the symbolic banishment of mermaids into the fields outside the village, away from human habitation. Mermaids were portrayed by mummers in the images of frightening impiety, a stuffed animal in "woman's" attire or in the form of a mummed horse.


On the tenth day after Easter, less often on the first Sunday after Easter (Fomino Sunday)

Day of remembrance of the dead, timed to coincide with Easter. According to popular beliefs, on this day, the dead rise from their graves, break their fast after Lent, rejoice that children remember them. Genetically, the holiday goes back to the cult of ancestors.

Russian week

1. Demonological character of the mythology of the Eastern Slavs. According to popular beliefs, girls who died before marriage, suicides and unbaptized babies became mermaids. Mermaids are known in the form of a young beautiful girl with a fish tail or an ugly unkempt scum. In all cases, the mermaids were feared and avoided meeting them.
2. In some provinces of Russia, sorceresses and witches who fly on a broomstick were called mermaids.

Russian week

The week before Trinity

According to popular belief, this is the time when mermaids are on earth, when they can come into harmful contact with a person. It was full of cleansing rituals, accompanied by festivities, round dances, mummers' games, and meals. During the Russian week there was a ban on women's work - spinning, weaving, bleaching of canvases. The last day of the mermaid week was called the mermaid or nettle spell

Spring Summer Autumn

An all-village holiday with a joint meal in the southern and western provinces of Russia. It was timed to coincide with patronal and cherished holidays. On these days, ritual actions were performed with a wax candle, which was made from wax collected from all courtyards. Each year, new pieces were stuck on it, over time it could weigh up to five pounds. The families kept the candle one by one.

Semik (Green Christmastide)

Seventh Thursday after Easter

1. Feast three days before Trinity. He opened the Trinity festivities complex, marked the end of spring and the foreshadowing of summer. With the adoption of Christianity, the pagan seven was confined to the Trinity, but continued the ancient rituals and beliefs.
2. Decorated Trinity birch or anthropomorphic stuffed animal, with which the youth went around the house at seven o'clock.

The popular name of the church day of remembrance of the Forty Martyrs - Christians, who under the torture of the Gentiles - pagans went to death, but did not renounce their faith. This day was especially significant because it was close to the vernal equinox, one of the key points of the calendar year. According to folk performances, forty birds on their wings brought spring to Soroka. On this day, birds were baked from the dough and with them the children called out for spring.


Wednesday (or Thursday) in the fourth week of Lent.

On this day in the Orthodox Church they worshiped the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. The people called the whole week "Sredokrestnaya", when the fast was "broken" in half. On this day, biscuits in the shape of crosses were baked, which was supposed to affect the future harvest, the health of people and livestock, and the safe end of field work.

Holy Week

The last week of Lent preceding Easter.

The Church recalls the suffering of Jesus Christ and enjoins upon believers especially strict abstinence, repentance and the sacrament. Preparations for Easter began on Monday. Especially a lot of rituals took place on Maundy Thursday. At this time, in the spring, they decorated the premises with willow, prepared and consecrated Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter and painted eggs in the church.

Third Savior

The popular name of the church holiday in honor of the transfer to Constantinople from Edessa of the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ not made by hands in 944. On the third Spas, fairs were held where canvases were sold. Dozhinki and sowing of winter rye were timed to it.

On the fiftieth day after Easter

The great twelveth feast of the Orthodox calendar in memory of the descent of the holy spirit upon the apostles, when the Holy Trinity is honored. In Russia, the Trinity is also associated with the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. In the folk tradition, on Trinity they glorified flowering vegetation, curled a birch tree, mumbled, arranged girlish fortune-telling.

Troitskaya (Semytskaya) birch

Trinity week

A felled birch tree, the main attribute of the Trinity-Semitic rites. It was cut down, curled and decorated, placed in houses, left in the fields. These actions were supposed to influence the future harvest, and to endow young women with offspring.

Trinity Saturday

On the eve of the feast of Trinity

One of the four all-Russian days of commemoration of the dead, when the church commemorates all of the dead Orthodox Christians from the century, and parishioners - their deceased relatives. On this day, they visited and decorated the graves with greenery, communicated with the souls of the deceased, and arranged ritual meals.

Trinity wreath

Trinity week

A ritual maiden wreath of fresh greenery and flowers, an attribute of participants in the Trinity rites and festivities. They were worn on the head, or hung around the neck, and the girls used them to guess about future marriage. Trinity wreaths were kept and used as amulets and medicines.

Maslenitsa tuzhilki

One of the days of the first week of Great Lent

Separate manifestations of Maslenitsa entertainments as regret about the past Maslenitsa. On that day, "tuzhenniki" were baked - bread made from the remains of pancake dough, they had fistfights, rode down the icy mountains, baked lean pancakes, walked around as mummers.

Dormition of the Virgin

The popular name for the great twelveth feast of the Orthodox Church. Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary in memory of her ascension. Widely celebrated among the people. It coincided in time with the completion of the harvest of grain and was accompanied by many harvesting rites. On this day, the farewell to summer took place, in the huts for the first time they lit a fire and dined in the light.

Fyodor Stratilat

Day of Remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates. In the Russian tradition, it is known under the name "wellsman": if the wells are dug on that day, the water in them will be "clean and drunk." From that day on, the peasants began to weed and remove manure into the field.

Flor and Laurus

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus. Among the people, the saints were considered the patrons of horses, on this day they celebrated the horse festival, the horses were not used for work, they were bathed and fed "to full satisfaction." Prayers were performed for mortality and for the offspring of livestock.

Thursday candle

Maundy Thursday

A candle lit in the church on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week (the last week of Great Lent) as a sign of the faithful's love for the Savior. The fire of this candle was considered sacred, with it they went around all the corners of the house and yard, set fire to wood in the stove, blessed the young.

Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

Thursday in Holy Week

The church on this day remembers the Last Supper on the first day of the Jewish Passover. The people perceived it as a day of spiritual and physical cleansing during the borderline period between Lent and Easter. On this day, they commemorated the dead, strictly abstained from fast food, cleaned houses and yards of debris and dirt, and washed in the bathhouse.

An attribute of spring-summer agricultural rituals. It occupies a central place in Easter rituals. The Church sees in him a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, and in the red color of Easter eggs - a symbol of the rebirth of believers "by the blood of Christ." Painted eggs were exchanged during the christianity, given to relatives and friends. The Easter egg was credited with magical powers: healing the sick, the ability to extinguish a fire, find a missing cow, help find a treasure

Egoriev day

November 26 / December 9
The popular name of the church holiday in honor of the great martyr George. Memorial Day of the saint is celebrated twice: in December and in May. The winter one was established in honor of the consecration of the Church of St. George in Kiev in 1051. In the popular belief, St. George is a serpent fighter, warrior, master of the land and patron of cattle, one of the most revered saints.

Clicks of frost

December 24 / January 6 - January 6 / January 19
The rite of invoking frost for a meal and treating it with ritual food. It was usually timed to coincide with the Christmastide period (Christmas Eve, Vasilyev's Evening, Epiphany Christmas Eve). In some provinces of Russia, the ceremony was performed at Easter.


A magical Yuletide rite that took place on Christmas Eve, on Christmas morning, on New Year's Eve, or on the eve of Epiphany. Mobs of young people walked around the courtyards, congratulated and praised the owners, demanded and received gifts, and in cases of refusal, threats followed, promising big troubles in the family and household.

Christmastide, days of remembrance of the dead

Ritual porridge made from whole grains, berries and honey. Prepared on the eve of Christmas holidays: Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, days of general remembrance of the dead (parental days). The ritual meaning of kutya is due to the symbolism of its three constituent ingredients.

Pancake week

Starts 56 days before Easter

The oldest truly national holiday of farewell to winter and welcome to spring. Maslenitsa week fell on the period of the cheese-growing week before the beginning of Lent. "Reckless", "wide" "abundant" Maslenitsa is the favorite winter holiday of the Russian people. Each day of Shrovetide week was distinguished by its traditional rituals and entertainment.

Nikolin day

December 6/19
Feast of the Orthodox Church in memory of St. Nicholas of Mirlikisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker). This saint was perceived in Russia as the patron saint of the Russian people, a peasant saint, a "peasant patron". It was celebrated twice a year: in December and in May.

Onisim - Shepherd

Commemoration day of one of the seventy apostles of St. Onesimus, who was popularly considered the patron saint of sheep. On this day, the custom was to "call out to the stars" in the sky so that the sheep would lamb well, and to expose the sowing grain in the frost for a good harvest.

Telling fairy tales

One of the entertainments on Christmastide with your family or at youth tea parties after caroling. The process was partly ritual in nature and was intended to magically influence the world around us.

On Christmastide, on Shrovetide

A ritual change in the appearance of people and a special form of play behavior during calendar holidays, especially on Christmastide. They also dressed up for Maslenitsa, Kuzminki, Rusal week, Semik and Spirits day. Since pagan times, dressing has been endowed with special magical powers, but gradually it has turned into a playful pastime for young people.

December 24 / January 6 - January 6/19
One of the oldest and most important holidays of the peasant calendar. Marks the transition from the old agricultural year to the new one. During Christmas time, the church celebrates Christmas, New Year (Vasilyev's Day), the Baptism of the Lord.

Yule outrages

A form of unusual behavior that differs from generally accepted norms. It was allowed during Christmas time, but condemned in everyday life. Most often, the atrocities were committed on New Year's Eve and on the night of the Baptism of the Lord.

Glorification of Christ (Christianity)

December 25 / January 7
The Christmas ceremony in honor of the arrival of the Magi on the occasion of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Children, boys and girls walked around the courtyards with a Christmas star, praised Christ, congratulated the owners on the holiday, collected food and money.

Presentation of the Lord

The twentieth holiday of the Orthodox calendar. The name is associated with the significant evangelical meeting of the God-child Jesus Christ with the righteous Simeon in the Jerusalem temple. The people interpreted the name as a meeting on this day of winter and summer, many agricultural signs are associated with the holiday.

Yulia Voronyanskaya


« Folk holidays in Russia»

Health-saving technologies:

Health preservation and promotion technologies

Aesthetic technologies

Outdoor and sports games

Musical impact technologies

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development


Introducing children to traditional culture, creating conditions for the formation of interest in the traditions, customs of their relatives the people.



To acquaint children with traditions celebrations Day of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, with folk signs, rituals.


Develop memory, thinking, recreating imagination (the ability to mentally imagine the times and conditions of society in ancient Rus,interest in folk culture, the need for information.

Formation of skills of communication with cultural heritage.


Education of moral qualities, love for the native land, folk art, To folk games.

Preliminary work:

learning by heart carols, poems about folk holidays, proverbs, ditties, folk signs.

Age: children of preparatory groups 5-6 years old

Materials and equipment:

a candle, a star, a straw effigy, a green veil, a calendar, gifts for carols.

1. Organizational moment.


Hello dear guests. We are glad to see you at our place.

"For a dear guest, the gates are wide open."

Children enter (for 3 people) under Russian bunk bed melody. Line up in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, many guests have come to us today, and let's say hello to them, as in ancient times with a bow.

2. Introductory remarks.

Educator: Our ancestors loved and knew how to have fun. Russian people loved and love holidays... They loved to treat the guests hearty and tasty. Spoke: "Help yourself with what God sent", "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies",

They sang songs, danced. And you guys love holidays? And why? What do you know holidays?

Children: Yes. The holidays are magical and fun... New Year, Christmas, Easter ...

Educator: Well done, you know a lot holidays that have been known since the time of our ancestors. Who do you think the ancestors are?

Children: Ancestors are those people who lived before us.

Educator: Our ancestors are Russian people, they lived on Rus - Holidays have always been honored, but celebrated them differently, not like us, modern people. Do you want to know how?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's go with you on an excursion into the past. How do you ask? On a magic sleigh. Sit down, let's go back to the past. Go! (Music)

On ID winter on Rus.

3. Conversation about Christmas.

And here, guys, you and I and our guests ended up in Ancient Rus... Russian people have always been able to work well and have good fun. Many different holidays they had and they were divided into great, medium and small. Some were celebrated annually and on the same days, others - annually, but on different days of the month. Among these holidays people singled out the greatest and most beloved. And so that we do not get confused in them, we will create our own calendar of the ancients holidays.

Educator: Tell me, what time of year does the year begin with us now? (Winters).Right. And our ancestors began the year in winter. And the most beloved and famous winter holiday is christmas.

Why this this is the name of the holiday? (Answers of children).

(The overhead light turns off, the candles are lit, soft music sounds. The candle is on.)

Educator: Christmas is religious holiday... The very word Christmas says that someone was born. The birth of a child is always good news. According to the biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The heavenly angels carried the news of the birth of Jesus. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky. Christmas - feast of believers in Christ... This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

Do you know other traditions of this holiday? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, these are gifts to relatives and friends; postcards, sweets, souvenirs.

Educator: Our grandparents love this one very much holiday- Nativity. It is also called winter Christmastide. Christmastide is from the word "Saint"... In that the holiday was glorified, praised, glorified Christ, New Year, future harvest. Boys and girls dressed up in animals: goat, bear, unclean force: Babu Yagu, kikimoru, etc. In groups they went home, congratulated on holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

4. Perception of folklore.

Educator: (Knock on the door. Children preparatory groups singing strollers).

Educator: Carollers will definitely get something edible: sweets, nuts and special ceremonial cookies, they were called roes - they were necessarily prepared in every home for this occasion. These dough figurines should be eaten right there, after making a wish.

Educator: So guys, what holiday in Russia was celebrated in winter? How is it celebrated?

That's how fun celebrated... Christmas. Let's mark winter on our calendar holiday christmas.

Educator: And what time of year comes after winter (Spring)

5. Conversation about Shrovetide.

Who knows what holiday celebrated late winter and early spring (Pancake week)

Shrovetide was called wide, cheerful. (View presentation)

Pancake week - holiday seeing off winter and meeting spring. Shrovetide is so named because before Lent, Russian people ate cow butter, on which pancakes, pancakes, and flat cakes were fried. And damn it looks like the sun. The sun is a symbol of the end of winter. What are they just not ate: with butter, with honey. Maslenitsa celebrated 7 days... All days, all week people had fun, laughed, sang songs, walked, went to visit. On the last day of the week, Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness. And a stuffed animal made of straw (Scarecrow showing) they took them out into the street and burned them - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all troubles and difficulties. During the burning of the stuffed animal, people sang songs, had fun.

Do you like having fun?

Then let's play Russian folk game"Burn, burn clearly"

Number of players: even

Additionally: No

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. The players join hands and lift them up, forming "Gates"... The last pair passes "Under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" becomes in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or sentenced:

Burn, burn clearly

So as not to go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest in chorus shout:

One, two, do not crow,

Run like fire!

"Burning" trying to catch up with the running... If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught "burning", then they stand in front of the column, and "burning" catches again, i.e. "Burns"... What if "burning" catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair leads.

Educator: So guys, what the holiday in Russia was celebrated with weight? How is it celebrated?

Educator: And on the calendar we will mark one more folk holiday"Shrovetide"

Educator: It is getting warmer and we are going out of the sleigh into a green meadow. What time of year has come after spring (Summer)

7. Story about holiday"Ivana-Kupala"

Educator: In the summer, our ancestors honored holiday of Ivan-Kupala. (View presentation) Kupala is the oldest thanksgiving sun, summer maturity and green mowing. Name holiday"Ivan Kupala" came from the words - to immerse in water.

Therefore, on this day, they pour water over each other, swim in the river, make fires, sing songs, read fortunes, and lead round dances.

8. Round dance. So we will be in a round dance with you.

Round dance "Ivana Kupala""Cabbage

Educator: So guys, what the holiday in Russia was celebrated in the summer? How is it celebrated?

Educator: We continue to compile our calendar folk holidays... Summer-Ivana Kupala.

Educator. Autumn comes after summer.

9. A story about autumn holidays.

In autumn on Rus celebrated the holiday Protection of the Holy Virgin, October 14. It is very revered holiday in Russia... After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, our intercessor and helper. V the people this day was considered a meeting of autumn with winter. Called this holiday of the Intercession from the word"Cover", because during this period the earth was covered with the first snow, like a blanket. Approximately from these days, they began to drown in huts, the cattle were no longer driven out to pasture, they completed all field and garden work, spinners and weavers began to work.

On Russ holiday The covers have long been associated with the beginning of winter and dedicated to him sayings: "On the Pokrov, the earth is covered with snow, frost is dressed", "On Pokrov, autumn is before lunchtime, and winter is winter after lunch."

From October 14, the autumn fairs of Pokrovsk began, cheerful, abundant, bright. Here you could see everything that the earth thanked people for their hard work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. They showed their skills craftsmen

On Pokrov in the villages, an accordion played until morning, and the boys and girls walked in a crowd down the street and sang funny daring ditties.

10. Chastushki.

Our children also sing them with pleasure. (Chastushki)

Educator: So guys, what the holiday in Russia was celebrated in the fall? How is it celebrated?

Educator: This is the end of our calendar. Autumn- holiday of the Intercession... And it's time for us to say goodbye. And the calendar holidays we will definitely add new ones holidays, with which we will get acquainted further on occupations... Bye.


Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Inviting children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational - methodical manual. -

2nd ed., Rev. T add. - SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2002.

Karpenko M. T. Collection of riddles. M .: Education, 2986.