Figurative-volitional attitude to longevity and health. Your self-image programs your life. Get rid of useless experiences

When I read the conspiracies that I received from Evdokia of Karelian, I understood that they should not remain only for my personal use. After much thought and work with these conspiracies, I came to the conclusion that I can direct this healing energy to help people, but under certain conditions.

For many years I worked with the energy of the word, creating my own energy moods. That is why I came up with the idea to rework the conspiracies received from the Karelian healer, so that the result would be energy moods. I decided to create understandable and effective formulations on the same topics as the conspiracies of the Karelian healer - that is, aimed at improving health, personal relationships, attracting happiness, success, prosperity, and fulfilling desires. Provided that these moods retain all the strength and power of the ancient energy inherent in the conspiracies.

There is another reason why I decided to rework incantations into a more modern form - moods. After all, as we have said, conspiracies are a very powerful thing. The conspiracies of Evdokia of Karelia therefore cannot be used more than once a month. Otherwise, you may harm yourself. In addition, to create a conspiracy, as you probably saw for yourself, is an art, and not always easy. Its development requires energy. Yes, and the conspiracy itself requires energy to be invested in it, and a lot of it, only then will it work.

And if healers have enough such special energy, thanks to which they can heal others, then ordinary people do not have enough of it. Therefore, there is a risk of a large overspending of strength, and as a result of energy depletion.

In addition, in conspiracies very often there are incomprehensible words and formulations. We don't always know how to pronounce these words correctly. And in conspiracies, you usually can’t change a single word. Say something wrong - it will not work, or it will not work as it should.

So it turns out that the moods are in all respects much easier to use. And it certainly won't harm anyone or anything. It is also very important that moods, unlike conspiracies, can be used daily, and for a variety of reasons, and not only in case of emergency. At the same time, in terms of effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to conspiracies!

In these moods, the energy basis of ancient Karelian incantations is preserved unchanged. The only difference is that with this energy we awaken not the Higher (or some other external in relation to man) forces, unknown and beyond our control, but our own energy Universe. Those huge energy resources and healing powers that are inherent in every person.

At the same time, I translated the verbal part of the conspiracies into modern language. Now you can not be afraid that some words will be not so understood or mispronounced.

The guarantee of the strength and effectiveness of my moods is also the fact that, in addition to the actual energy of the word, they are also connected to the energy of places of power, one of which, as we know, is Karelia. And if you want to know in more detail why this region is especially significant, read the book "How to find a foothold to turn your life around for the better."

Well, now let's get acquainted with the rules for reading moods. As you will see, these rules are much simpler than for conspiracies, but still they must also be known and must be followed.

Attunements, unlike conspiracies, can be read anytime and anywhere, and at least every day. Attitudes are applicable not only in case of emergency, in situations that seem hopeless, but also in general for any reason, and even without a special reason, if, for example, you just want to improve your psychological state.

The moods can be read both aloud and silently, both loudly and quietly, both quickly and slowly. They work anyway. Read aloud only when you are alone. In all other cases - about yourself. It is not necessary to learn by heart, it is quite enough to read from the book. If you really want to - you can, of course, and learn. If at the same time you skip some words, or replace one word with another, close in meaning, nothing bad will happen, the mood will still work in the same way.

Attunements can be read while sitting, lying down, on the move, in transport, at work, etc. In general, they do not require special settings. But if you are at home, and no one and nothing bothers you, then you can strengthen the effect of the mood by performing simple rituals already familiar to you from conspiracies: retire in peace and quiet, relax, close your eyes, breathe a little calmly. Then you can immediately start reading - at any pace, aloud or to yourself, as you prefer.

First, look through all the settings, choose what is most relevant to you now, and get to work.

Health settings

To strengthen immunity

Strength awakens in my body, in my soul - this is the strength of the spirit, the power of the body, the indestructible energy of remarkable health. Strength, energy wakes up in my body, activates, gains power, and begins to act. Like a beam of light, like a flash, protective forces are activated! A flash of light, a flash of energy - and the whole organism is covered by light, the energy of health. Protection is getting stronger, power in the body is growing. All defensive systems are getting stronger. My defense is strong and reliable! From now on, I am firmly and reliably protected from any enemy, from illness, from infection. My protection envelops me in a powerful energy, light cocoon! Diseases simply bypass me. They don't even get a chance to get close to me! My protection shines so brightly that it scares away everything dark, painful, negative. I am full of health! I am full of energy! I am full of strength! All the body's defenses are mobilized. They work clearly, powerfully, energetically. They do their job very well. I am well! I'm strong! I am energetic! I am protected!

To get rid of infections

I am a healthy, strong person! My energy is in full swing. Like a spring, my inner strength unwinds. It fills the entire body to the tips of the fingers and toes. The energy of health overwhelms me! I put into action my will, my desire and intention to get well! With my will, I spin the energies of health in my body to the maximum speed, and they clean, sweep away all infections from my body! As if with a powerful broom, all infections are swept away! Every cell of my body is clean, healthy, free, filled with powerful energies of health! All cells and tissues are restored. All organs and systems are filled with new strength and health. Strength comes, grows, accumulates in my body. My will to health grows stronger and becomes powerful, indestructible. One effort of will, one thought about becoming healthy is enough for the most powerful mechanism of cleansing and healing to come into action in my body! As soon as I want to become healthy - and I'm already healthy! I express my intention now, instantly, at my will, get rid of all infections! Infections are gone, health is coming. Recovery processes in the body are in full swing! I am healthy now and will always be healthy.

For heart and vascular health

My heart, you are beating and beating in your chest, you are driving blood through the veins as God has prescribed, as Mother Nature has foreseen. Exactly, you beat strongly, my heart, you work joyfully, you fill the vessels with blood, you disperse the life force through my body so that I am always cheerful, cheerful, healthy! You are full of love, my beautiful, young, strong, healthy heart! The energies of love gently and carefully touch you, filling the heart muscle, every vessel, every cell. The energies of love spread throughout the body, fill the heart and blood vessels, bring powerful, indestructible health! I am young again, I am cheerful and cheerful! My heart is healthy and young, I have healthy, young, elastic, strong blood vessels! They briskly carry blood, oxygen and nutrition throughout my body. And I become healthier, more cheerful and more fun every day!

From hypertension

The forces of light, the energies of heaven enter my body, flow through my veins, pacify the blood, guide me in the right direction. Blood flows through the vessels correctly, evenly, quietly, calmly. Vessels, like the banks of a river, are even, smooth, and freely let blood through. Nowhere does the blood of congestion know. It flows calmly like a smooth quiet river. Vessels are elastic and durable, gently and smoothly relax. The pressure is dropping. Blood pressure is normal. Quietly, smoothly, but at the same time, the blood flows strongly - as nature intended. Everything in the body returns to normal. I calm down, and the blood calms down, flows smoothly, without congestion. Vessels calm down, relax. The heart beats evenly, smoothly, calmly. I'm fine, I'm fine. Everything is in order, everything is going as it should. I'm on the right track. I overcome everything easily, calmly, without stress. My heart, my blood vessels work calmly and easily. Calmly and easily flows blood through the vessels. Light, free, relaxed vessels are filled with the energy of health. Blood flows freely through the vessels - it brings me the power of health, vitality, peace and joy. The pressure is normal. Vessels are normal. The heart is normal. I am well.

From hypotension

A new, young and energetic force awakens in me. Like a spring sprout breaks out of the ground, so I throw off lethargy, heaviness, apathy, inertia! I am reborn to a new, fresh, youthful, energetic life. Every cell of my body comes to life and is filled with strength. Revitalizes and rejuvenates the blood. Blood merrily and joyfully fills young, fresh, elastic vessels. Blood merrily and joyfully runs through the vessels to every cell of the body! Vessels are filled with blood as it is provided by nature. The pressure rises exactly to the norm! The pressure is normal. Vessels are filled with blood, healed, rejuvenated. My body receives new nutrition, new blood, is filled with oxygen, and along with this desire to live, the joy of life! I'm interested in living! I have so much strength for new achievements! Like a sprout that has broken through from the ground turns into a flower, so I softly and smoothly bloom, open up in joy and strength towards the world, the sun, a new day and a new, cheerful and cheerful stage of my life! A new strength pours into my heart. The heart becomes powerful, powerful, strong, vigorous! It joyfully and energetically drives blood through the vessels. Vessels joyfully and vigorously carry young fresh blood throughout the body. I am reborn to a new, cheerful, young, energetic life!

For the health of the musculoskeletal system

I stand firmly on my feet! I confidently move through life, go my way, intended only for me, and the best way for me. A powerful rod is my spine, strong and strong. The energy of life and health flows into my spine and makes it even stronger, even stronger! A powerful force spreads through the spine, flows into each vertebra. The vertebrae are softly and elastically attached to each other. Cartilage, intervertebral ligaments are filled with strength and energy. The muscles that support my spine become strong and elastic. Youth and health flows into their every cell! Energies of health fill all the nerves, all the vessels that feed my spine. Fresh, pure, young blood nourishes my entire musculoskeletal system. All joints, all cartilage, all muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels are renewed! The entire musculoskeletal system is updated and healed! The joints are young, mobile, filled with strength and health. All bones are strong, young, easily carry my body, support it easily and reliably. I move easily and freely! Movement gives me only joy! I am happy that I have such a young, healthy, strong, reliable musculoskeletal system!

From osteochondrosis

I am like a strong, strong, young tree, full of strength in order to stand up to my full height, to be straight, strictly vertical, slender, and at the same time flexible and mobile. My spine is strong and strong, and at the same time elastic. Energies of health fill my spine. Pouring into the spine, they cleanse and strengthen it, while giving it elastic soft mobility. My spine easily carries my body! My neck is straight, straight, mobile, healthy. Young healthy vertebrae of the cervical region easily support the head. The load on the cervical spine is exactly what nature intended. My neck is easy! Back is easy. Easy on the entire spine. It is easy and joyful for me to walk, stand, move. Health flows into the spine! The mobility of the vertebrae is restored. The elastic ligaments between the vertebrae are restored. The health of nerves, blood vessels, muscles adjacent to the vertebrae is restored. My young spine is healthy, strong, elastic, strong.

For the health of the nervous system

Everything in the world is reasonable, proportionate, harmonious. I am part of the world, my body is arranged reasonably, proportionately, harmoniously. My nervous system is built according to the laws of harmony of the world. The brain and spinal cord intelligently, calmly, harmoniously control the body. The peripheral nervous system easily and freely transmits signals from the brain and spinal cord to all organs and systems, to all parts of the body. All organs and systems, all parts of the body, in turn, easily and freely transmit impulses to the brain and spinal cord. Thanks to this, my nervous system provides uninterrupted direct and feedback between all organs and systems of the body. My body is a single, holistic, healthy system, where all processes are reasonable, harmonious, interconnected. My body is a self-regulating system. A healthy central nervous system, a healthy peripheral nervous system ensures the smooth functioning of the whole organism. My body works like clockwork! Every moment a new, fresh, healing energy flows into my nerves. Thanks to her, my nervous system is strengthened! Each of my nerves is as strong as a diamond. Every nerve cell is healthy and pure as a diamond. Diamond fortress nerves give me courage, strength, health, joy of life! I do everything the way I want. I am in perfect control of myself. I build my life the way I want, I achieve all my goals - and always and in everything my ideally healthy nervous system helps me!

For a headache

Peace surrounds me. I'm safe. Above me is the boundless sky, full of peace. Soft light pours down on me from the sky. He soothes and calms me. He touches my head lightly and gently. It's like a gentle cool hand rests on my forehead. I feel love and tenderness emanating from her. A soft gentle touch brings me into a comfortable, pleasant state. Soft light pours easily and calmly into my head. It fills the head with a pleasant soft glow. Everything that hinders is dissolved in this glow. Everything hard, hard, piercing is gently dissolved. The pain goes away. Everything bad is gone. Soft, enveloping light soothes every cell of my head. I am relaxing. The tension is gone. There is not a drop of tension. Only peace, softness, gentle enveloping touch of healing light. It's like a light breeze blows everything that interferes out of my head. I breathe easily, freely. Soft quiet breath - enveloping tenderness dissolves the remnants of pain. Soft quiet exhalation - everything painful is easily carried away. Silence… Calm… Gentleness… Calm soft blue sky above me… Soft healing light in my head… Peace… Comfort… Return of health… Return of strength… Return of cheerfulness… Joy… Harmony… Health…

From dizziness

The world in which I live is safe and stable. I feel secure and stable in this world. I'm confident. Everything in my life is going according to plan. I am absolutely calm. There are always clear, precise thoughts in my head. I know exactly what I want and I know exactly what to do. Lightness, clarity, freshness in the head. I feel again like in my youth, I am mobile, cheerful, easy-going. There are only pleasant sensations in my head. My gait is firm. I stand firmly on my feet. My head is completely healthy. All vessels of the brain, all nerve cells work perfectly. The head is perfectly healthy. Youth and health return to all cells, vessels, muscles, nerves. The muscles of the neck and head relax. They are in good shape. Muscles released from tension release blood vessels and nerves. Vessels and nerves are free. Vessels in a normal tone-relaxed state. They contract easily and naturally in accordance with the beating of the heart. Blood flows easily to the brain. A healthy brain is perfectly supplied with food and oxygen, and works perfectly. Healthy vessels of the brain are strong, elastic, evenly open along their entire length. Healthy vessels of a healthy brain work perfectly! I'm fine. I stand firm and steady on the ground. I confidently go my own way in life. The healthy energies of the universe support me!

For endocrine health

I discover my fountain of youth within myself. It is like a fresh clean spring with clear spring water. I discover this source in myself and carefully, gently release it, cleanse it of everything that prevents it from breaking through. And now pure, transparent, like spring water, the energy of youth fills my whole body! I'm young again! My youth does not dry out, its source is inexhaustible, like the purest transparent key. The energy of youth beats more and more, more and more joyfully! My whole body seems to wake up from a dream. I am reborn to a new life! The pure energies of youth fill every cell of my body. The energies of youth easily touch all endocrine glands - and rejuvenate them! I instantly become younger, because my entire endocrine system is getting younger! The endocrine glands produce the necessary hormones with renewed vigor. They bring me strength, health, energy! I feel more energetic, stronger, younger every minute! I am young, strong, energetic again, and it is interesting for me to live! Life for me is a great joy! I am full of plans, desires, hopes! I am purposeful, and I have enough strength to achieve any goals that I want to set for myself! The strength, the energy of youth boils in me. My endocrine system, all endocrine glands are in balance and balance. All endocrine glands are healthy, and work as they should. Hormones are produced exactly as much as necessary. All imbalances go away, the norm is restored. The endocrine glands are getting younger and healthier every moment of my life. I live to the fullest. I enjoy life! I'm getting younger!

For digestive health

The strength and energy of health flows into my entire digestive system. The esophagus, stomach, large intestines and small intestines, all organs of the digestive tract fall into their natural place, and return to an ideally healthy state. Health energy fills the esophagus, stomach and intestines - and washes away all diseases and pathologies. The natural balance is restored. Normal natural functions are restored. Natural purity is restored! I have a young, healthy, clean esophagus. I have a healthy, strong stomach. I have an active, young, healthy intestine. The gastrointestinal tract is updated, restored, acquires an ideal natural structure. The normal ability to digest food is restored. My gastrointestinal tract serves me perfectly! He perfectly assimilates food, and is freed from waste. In my stomach there are always only pleasant sensations. I have a normal appetite. I feel great both before meals and after meals. Pleasant lightness in the stomach. Any food is good for me! I have a perfectly functioning stomach, a perfectly functioning intestine. The healing energy works in the gastrointestinal tract more and more actively day by day. My health is growing and getting stronger!

For the health of the respiratory system

The energy of health, like a fresh, gentle breeze, flows into my respiratory system, and fills it from the inside with a pleasant feeling of strength, freedom, joy of life! I take a breath - and breathe in the power of nature, the energy of health. I exhale, releasing stagnant energies with pleasure. I breathe easily, freely, joyfully! I breathe the way nature itself breathes - easily, harmoniously, naturally. I live in the rhythms of nature, I am one with her energies. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, so I breathe, as the earth itself breathes, as the tides are replaced by low tides, and the gusts of wind are completely calm. Everything is harmonious and reasonable in nature - my breathing system is just as harmonious and reasonable. I am absolutely calm - everything is fine with me, everything is fine! Everything goes on. I breathe, I live. I am healthy, I am free, I am happy! My nose breathes absolutely easily and freely. The nasal passages are clean and healthy. The bronchi open joyfully and freely, filling with life-giving air. The bronchi are cleansed and healed, and breathe easily and freely. Breathing is easy, free, it is so pleasant for me to breathe! The lungs open, completely filled with air on inhalation - and are easily and freely released from air on exhalation. Clean, fresh air cleanses, renews my blood! I breathe deeply. My respiratory system works flawlessly. She is in perfect health! Health fills the respiratory tract with powerful energy. The whole body comes alive, rejuvenated, renewed, because the blood carries oxygen to every cell. I am happy that I live, breathe, enjoy life!

For urinary health

Stormy, young, bright, cleansing energy is born in the lumbar region. The entire lumbar area is filled with light! Light saturates all organs and tissues in the lumbar region, the light of health penetrates them through and through. This light of health brings me lightness, purity, rejuvenation! A powerful stream of light rushes into the kidneys - it washes them through and through! The kidneys begin to glow from the inside, glow with health and purity. I have clean, perfectly healthy kidneys! They actively, harmoniously perform their functions. With new strength, the power of youth and health, they easily and naturally cleanse my body of toxins. And they themselves remain clean, luminous, healthy! Flowing light energies wash the kidneys, ureters and bladder. The entire urinary system becomes clean, flowing, filled with the light of health! The light of health rapidly passes through the kidneys, ureters, bladder, correcting all problems and clearing everything unnecessary! And now the strength, the power of health is born in the kidneys, in the ureters, in the bladder. The strength and power of health flourishes, actively acts, every moment heals my entire urinary system! Kidneys, ureters, bladder in excellent, perfect condition! My urinary system is beautiful, young, healthy, clean, active! Clean, young and healthy my whole body!

For Women's Health

I am happy that God created me as a woman. I really like to live in a female body! I like myself. I am definitely attractive. I am young and will always be young. I accept my body the way it is. I like my body. I have a lot of merit. I have many attractive qualities. I am who I am, the one and only. I am unique. I am unique. I am worthy of love! I deserve respect. I deserve to treat myself well, to approve of myself, to admire myself. I love myself, I love my body! My love for the world, for the Universe, for myself is so great that great joy is born in my soul from the fact that I live, I love! The power of love and the power of joy creates a powerful light energy whirlwind in my body, which instantly covers the whole body, rejuvenating and healing its every cell. This force, this energy unwinds in me like a spring, and I become young, cheerful, strong! The body becomes young and elastic, healthy and strong. I am all glowing with youth, joy, health, love! The energy of life, love, health unwinds like a spring, and fills my soul and body, my heart, all my senses with strength, freshness, youth. My feelings are fresh and young! I am strong and energetic! The spring of energy of youth and health unwinds and fills all my female organs with light, the power of youth. The power of love flashes within me to glow with a bright, powerful light! I love, I'm loved! The Universe favors me, shares all the power of love with me. The power of love fills my whole body. The power of love, youth, health fills all female organs, heals and rejuvenates them. The light of the energy of health, youth, love instantly takes away all the problems, everything superfluous. I radiate only health, youth, light, love! Nature endowed me with femininity, nature gave me the gift of love, and I gratefully accept this gift. From now on, love is always with me, always in me. She is in my soul and in my body. And where there is love, there is health, youth, happiness. I am happy to be a young, healthy, tender, loving, attractive woman! My feminine strength, youth, beauty bloom in full force, like a beautiful bright flower, created for radiant, eternal, endless flowering!

For men's health

The essence of the world is love. This is a great power. This is power and might. The energies of the world are the energies of love. I am part of the world. My soul and my body are created from the same energy that fills the world - this is the energy of love. I allow this energy to flow freely through me. I accept it, I accept it simply and naturally - like the air, like the sun and stars, like the sea and the sky, like all the surrounding nature, of which I am a part. I am open to light and powerful energies. They liberate me, free me from fears, from uncertainty, from tension. I easily and freely accept myself as I am - because nature has given me everything I need for life, she generously rewarded me. And now I boldly and freely accept her gifts. I give myself the right to love. I give myself the right to be myself. I accept as a great gift the right to be a man. I accept my manhood. I am a really strong person. My power reveals its potential, manifests itself every day more powerful and brighter. I am a strong person - and at the same time subtly and deeply feeling. I have a right to all my feelings. I accept them as they are. I allow myself to express my feelings easily, naturally, freely and harmoniously. Love fills my life, and there are no barriers to it. This is a strong, powerful, bright, and at the same time gentle and warm feeling. My masculinity and strength do not prevent me from being gentle and sensitive. My relationships with women develop easily, naturally. They bring me only joy, happiness, pleasure. Nothing prevents me from enjoying love! The strength and energy of love flows in me, fills my soul and body, fills my muscles with strength, gives power to my whole body, brings me health and youth. I have a healthy heart, I have excellent blood circulation, I have a powerful reproductive system with strong, indestructible health! The energy resources of my body are inexhaustible! I am self-confident, I am young, healthy, active, energetic, there is no limit to my male powers. And so it will always be!

For strength and endurance of the body

I live in a powerful world. Mighty mountains and seas, mighty winds and water currents, mighty and strong stars and planets. The power and strength of my world become my power and strength. I am one with the power and strength of nature. I am one with her. My world is generous, it shares its power with me - and I open up, accepting this power. The hardness and endurance of the stone become my hardness and endurance. The speed, strength, mobility of the wind become my strength, energy, mobility. The patience of the earth becomes my patience. The power of mountain rivers and waterfalls becomes my power. Strength, power, energy pour into me, fill my body and my soul. I am strong, I am invincible. No matter what happens, no matter what obstacles I meet on my way - my power, strength, endurance will only increase. All obstacles, problems are just a challenge for me, a challenge to my strength, my energy, my thirst for life. I respond to every challenge with a stormy upsurge of energy, the mobilization of all my forces. I know that I have a colossal reserve of strength. I will endure everything, and I will become even stronger! Every day I take a step towards my goals, dreams, every day I defeat myself and circumstances. I am a winner! No matter what happens, everything makes me stronger! I use every moment of my life to become stronger. I rest when it's time to rest - and I become stronger. I fight if I have to fight, and I get stronger. I work when it's time to work - and I don't get tired, but only get stronger. I always enjoy life - and this joy makes me stronger. Life is beautiful in all its manifestations! I am ready to meet with any manifestations of life. I see in everything opportunities for my growth, development, for increasing my strength. The longer I live, the stronger, more resilient, younger and healthier I become! The more I can and know how, the more things I can do. And I can rightfully say: I am a worthy, brave, confident, strong, hardy person!

If there is a lot of physical activity

A powerful source of energy inside my body is waking up, waking up, gaining strength. I have a huge untapped potential of energy. Now I am discovering this potential, I am beginning my acquaintance with it. This powerful source is similar to a dormant volcano, or to a motionless ocean surface. Even when he is still, even when he sleeps, he breathes power. His strength is enormous. Now I lightly touch the surface of this source. I feel its power with all my being. Inside me - like a compressed spring. She holds great energy. I feel this energy now. She is unspent. She is biding her time. I feel the spring slowly, slowly begin to unfold. It unfolds very slowly, smoothly, calmly. I just watch this force from the outside, I do not give it full power over me yet. I keep her under control. I hold back this force so that it unfolds very smoothly, slowly. Just enough so that I can feel its hidden power. But I'm saving it for when I need it. Now I feel that I am filled with strength. Even a little awakened, this power already overwhelms me with power. The body is filled with energy. Muscles are filled with strength, and so they begin to play. The body seems to be rushing into battle! It craves physical activity. The power is unfolding within me, and it is already difficult for me to sit still. But I continue to restrain myself, continue to feel the growing power, enjoy it. Every cell of the body is filled with strength and thirst for action. The body needs activity! The body wants activity. There is a huge power in my body - and it requires realization, requires application to physical action! Now I hold this power. It will gradually increase until the very moment when I need it. As soon as the moment comes when I need to act, the spring of power in me will unfold in full force! Power will burst out of me with a powerful jerk, a flash! Like a volcanic eruption, like a storm in the ocean! And I can do anything, I will move mountains, and at the same time there will still be plenty of strength! I am strong, active, powerful! Any physical activity is within my power! Any physical activity is a joy for me now! The whole body plays with power! I'm ready to act!

If there is a big mental load

I live in a wise world. Wisdom is just in the air here. Understanding the truth, no matter what area of ​​life it may concern, is very easy! Being wise, knowing, understanding everything is very simple. Knowledge is given to me effortlessly. I simply connect to the wisdom of the world spilled in the air - and my intellect is instantly enriched. The intellect is filled with strength, power, it becomes active. I can engage in intellectual activity for as long as I like, without getting tired at all. Mental work for me is a joy. My intellect perceives this work as a pleasant, highly enjoyable gymnastics for the mind. Creativity, the work of thought is my element! When I have mental work to do, I feel like a fish in water. Nothing stops me, nothing holds me back. I think freely, I create, I joyfully create! My thought is flexible, my intellect is powerful, my creative imagination is limitless, my possibilities are greater than ever! A powerful force and energy is now filling my brain, my nervous system, my entire body. I think like never before clearly and clearly. The thirst for mental activity just spurts out of me over the edge! Now I will do what interests me, what brings incomparable satisfaction. Everything will work out perfectly for me! I can handle any load, and I can handle it easily, effortlessly. I feel great. I am in the excellent mood. I am eager to work! I have a lot of strength, and I can work long, hard, and at the same time not feeling tired. My head is always fresh and clear! I do not get tired, because work is a pleasure for me! I am happy that the work is waiting for me! This work for me is like flying for a bird. I get down to business - and a powerful energy within me immediately awakens. The mind works powerfully and at the same time easily. I rely on myself, on my intellect, on intuition and creative imagination. I let myself go on a creative flight. Everything will be as it should be. I am free. I create, I create, I rejoice!

To recover from physical exertion

A soft, warm wave of energy smoothly, calmly enters my body. She very gently, gently touches tense muscles, and smoothly relaxes them. A gentle wave of energy slowly, calmly moves through my body from my toes to the top of my head, and then back again. This wave of energy gently and smoothly washes away fatigue from me. Muscles relax… Tension is released from all organs, all parts of the body. Soft relaxing energy fills every cell of my body. The tension releases, releases me, gently and smoothly leaves ... I relax ... I relax. Fatigue, like thin streams, leaves my whole body. Every cell comes to life... I am filled with vitality again... Like a smooth, calm, clean river, the life force awakens in me. Something straightens out inside, every cell straightens out. Muscles begin to breathe, feeling the regenerating strength. The vital force originates inside, and slowly grows, unwinds in the body, taking away the remnants of fatigue. I breathe calmly, softly, with full breasts. Each inhalation brings strength, each exhalation takes away the remnants of tension. I have fully recovered. I feel alive, cheerful, active. I am full of fresh, new, young forces!

To recover from mental stress

Nothing bothers me. I relax ... Soft peace envelops me. I feel good, calm, comfortable… I like to live. I like to work and relax... Now is the time to relax, and it's so wonderful... Soft, smooth energy fills my body. The remnants of fatigue are gone. Residual tension dissolves. The life force is gradually awakening in me. In a calm, comfortable, relaxed state, I feel how strength is restored. It slowly, gently grows. I feel very good. I rested. I am full of strength, desires, hopes. Only joy awaits me!

For the beauty of the face, body, hair

Nature is eternally young, every spring it is renewed, reborn anew, filled with the strength and energy of youth! From now on, I am part of nature, the same energies that renew the world every spring now play in me! As the earth awakens from its winter sleep, as the spring waters seethe, as young green sprouts fill with strength and youth - so I come to life, renew myself, reborn to new youth, to eternal unfading youth! Young spring energies seethe in me and transform me inside and out. The whole body glows with youthful energies! They are cheerful, active, joyful, stormy and fresh! They form my new, youthful body! Strong young muscles are formed. The figure becomes slim, toned. The skin is reborn, becoming elastic, dense, young. Thick beautiful hair grows fast. The gray hair disappears completely. Young, spring energies do wonders for me! I'm getting younger, younger every day! My body is getting younger, my soul is getting younger. My soul is young and beautiful! Young spring energies fill it. The beauty of my soul is reflected in my face. I have beautiful young eyes. On my lips a young cheerful smile. I enjoy life as in my youth - because my youth has returned to me forever. The beauty and youth of my soul shapes my young, beautiful, strong body. The young forces in my soul are only growing, strengthening, multiplying. A young, ageless soul is reflected in my eyes, in my smile, in my even posture, in my quick, young, impetuous gait. A young, ageless soul helps me become younger and more beautiful every day. Life boils in me, transforming my face, hair, figure, posture, gait. The beauty of the soul blossoms, and the further, the more it will blossom. And along with the beauty of the soul, my external beauty also blooms! Beauty, youth, health are the wonderful gifts of nature, which I enjoy in full right. Beauty, youth, health are always with me from now on!

Set yourself up for wealth and financial well-being

To get the necessary benefits of life

I am a very good, worthy person. I deserve all the best in life. I deserve prosperity. I'm fine. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic, positive now, because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to flourish. I trust the world in which I live. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world and let it take care of me. I take care. I am now letting the blessings of life that I need into my life. I welcome them with joy and delight! The blessings I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I am happy to open doors for them! As soon as I have some material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves go into my hands. I keep getting what I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life becomes abundant! For me, this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life!

To attract significant financial income

Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, endless. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful stream of abundance! He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy the high level of my income. My life is rich and wonderful.

For wealth

I live in a rich world. There is something here for everyone! There is enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying the simple fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open myself to the wealth of the world. Everything that is best in the world is for me! I am grateful to the world for having in store for me many of its gifts. Now my hour has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth enters my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise by themselves. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls on me from the sky! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this in full right! So it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I just enjoy life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I am rich and happy!

To find new money making opportunities

The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am a part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As an underground river necessarily breaks out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy, and, like a thirsty in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst, to satisfy my financial needs to the fullest. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wise the world is. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energies in my life never run out!

Out of poverty

Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident and I know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was fully born and live in this world, and I have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are near, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune in to their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself, and, saying goodbye to the past, I create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!

To ensure financial stability for years to come

Powerful light energies touch me, saturate me with their power, enter my life. I let in a powerful, bright energy flow that brings happiness, well-being, a charge of strength, joy, optimism, new opportunities. I bathe in this powerful energy flow. He is like a wide, full-flowing river, the water in which never dries up. A wide, full-flowing river powerfully, evenly, calmly carries its waters. This is the river of my well-being, my financial stability. I can fall into its deep, clean, transparent waters at any moment. Nothing will ever make this river dry up! My cash flow is so strong and stable that no power in the world can drain it! The more I take energy from this stream, the more it arrives there. I boldly, confidently take as much as I need! I receive - and I spend, without fear and doubt, with full confidence that much more will come to me than I spent! It’s like I’m on the bank of a powerful, wide, deep river, which always, no matter what happens, splashes at my feet and generously shares its water. At any time I can take as much as I need. A full-flowing river of monetary energies is always with me. Any amount of money is always available to me. Money comes and comes! So it is now and so it will always be.

To get financial support in a difficult situation

I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself to the flow of money and accept it. I know for sure, he comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure that help is coming! I mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win!

I let go of all the worries, worries, stresses. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the side. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Relaxed and calm, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a decent way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down, and allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. I get everything right!

Set up to get out of all kinds of crises

To get out of the financial crisis

For me, it's time for a change. It's natural, it's normal. I am sure that these changes are necessary for my own good. Now I am mobilizing all my strength to easily and simply say goodbye to the past. The financial source that fed me in the past is no longer suitable for me, because I now deserve more. And I easily let go of the old sources of income from myself. I don't need them anymore. They left because it's better for me. Because my life has moved on. I became different. I have grown and changed, I have become better in every way, and therefore now I deserve more. I am now on the threshold of a new, better fate. And I accept it joyfully, calmly, confidently. I gather my strength, energy, and turn the time of change into a period of new opportunities. I was given a favorable chance to find a new source of income, and I use this chance one hundred percent! A new source of energy is opening up in my life. I am discovering powerful hidden forces within myself that are now opening up and beginning to act. New cash flows are already entering my life! I draw them to me. I find more and more resources for my material well-being. I make the most of the time of change for myself - and smoothly move into stability. I'm fine. I'm all right. I rightfully receive the material benefits I need. I deserve prosperity and well-being.

To overcome the midlife crisis

I have the ability to be happy at any age. My strength and energy only increase over the years. I am getting wiser. I know myself, I know what I need in life. And I easily achieve everything that I need in any period of my life. Now I am faced with a choice of how to live my life. What that choice will be is up to me. Everything is within my power. And I choose growth, development, success, happiness. I choose to reach new and new heights. Looking back, I accept my past as it is. Everything that could and should have happened to me was there. What happened to me in the past was the best of everything that I could get in the previous period of my life. And now I'm on the threshold of a new stage. I choose a new, efficient, meaningful life. I choose the opportunity to build my life according to my will, to make it the way I want it to be. I am actively building my present and future - and I am given all the necessary strength for this. Success awaits me. I am waiting for new, much more interesting than before, goals and objectives. My energy has only grown over the years. My intellect is getting stronger, my spiritual powers are maturing. I am now at the peak of all my abilities. I already have experience, I have knowledge of life, and at the same time I am full of energy. This is a wonderful time in my life! I'm in for a great update, a great turn for the better. This is the time of my heyday, my happiness. This is the time for the implementation of all plans and hopes! I'm only at the beginning of the journey. I take the first step, and an endless happy road awaits me! I am full of strength. I'm happy. My life is just beginning!

To overcome a personal crisis associated with losses (loss of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, etc.)

I gather my strength, my spirit, I turn to the source of my inner wisdom in order to adequately survive what happened. I am a strong person and I can handle this situation. No one and nothing in the world will break me. I acknowledge that what happened, happened. It is impossible to cancel it. You can only accept the fact of what happened and come to terms with it. I have a powerful source of strength within me. My power works, works, helps me cope with pain, heal and start a new life. I need all my inner energy potential now. I turn to my inner energy Universe for help and support. There, in this Universe, there is everything to console me, to help me survive the loss. I find in this world within me such a special area - the area of ​​peace, security, healing, rest and comfort. I give myself the right to simply go away for a while to this area, and there, left alone with myself, calmly heal all my wounds. I have every chance to heal from these wounds. Heal - and continue to live. My inner Universe is like a cradle for a baby. For a while I leave the world, from people, to hide in this soft comforting cradle. I find there a source of love, kindness, tenderness, peace. As if someone's kind hands with a soft loving smile wipe away my tears, and with their touch pour new strength into me. Now I can endure everything, survive everything. I am reborn from the ashes like a phoenix to become a different being - renewed, having received a very important experience, and finding the strength in myself to live on, be happy and reach new heights. Even my pain I can turn into a new experience that I need. In this experience, the soul matures, the heart becomes more sensitive and understanding. This experience allows me to reach a new level of my development - to become a wise, mature person worthy of respect and admiration. This experience gives me new strength, and a new, deeper outlook on life. Many new heights are ahead of me. Fate gives me a chance to start again all over again. And I choose life. I choose myself. I choose happiness no matter what.

In a relationship crisis

Now is a very important moment in my life. Now I choose with whom I go along the way, and with whom I do not. I make a decision and make a choice, guided by the irrefutable axiom that I deserve only the best. I am worthy of love and respect. I am worthy of understanding, support and care. I let into my life only those people who respect me, recognize my right to self-esteem. With me along the way only those people with whom relations are built on the principles of mutual love, respect and mutual understanding. I cut ties with those who treat me worse than I deserve without regret. I open my soul and my heart to loving, kind, understanding people. I give them my love and respect, and they return the same to me. I never forget for a second that I deserve to be loved and happy. There is a powerful energy source inside me - it is a source of love and happiness. I find this source in myself and literally bathe in the streams of love. The Universe around me and my inner Universe are filled with love. These waves of love run right through me. They attract truly loving people to me. And those who do not love just quietly and painlessly leave my life to go their own way. Thanks to the source of love that I discover in myself, all problems in relationships are resolved. Because from now on, only those people who are worthy of me are with me. Now I am surrounded only by love, respect, support and understanding of loved ones!

In a crisis in the profession

I am grateful for the previous phase of my professional life, my career. It was a great time. I have learned a lot. I got invaluable experience. I know a lot, I can do a lot. I am a good specialist in my field. I have achieved a lot. But now a new stage of my life and career is coming. I have already outgrown that previous stage. And now something new, much more interesting awaits me. My path in life is only ascending. And I know for sure that new heights await me ahead. My path is the path to more and more significant achievements. This is the way to more and more complete self-disclosure in the profession. The next stage of my professional life will be much richer, more productive, more interesting than the previous one! Now all the forces of my soul are mobilized for a new qualitative leap. I'm rising fast! I'm moving to a new quality! Next, I expect a rapid career growth. Now I'm gathering my strength. With my will, my thoughts, my desire, I create for myself a new, brilliant future. I have everything I need to successfully continue my career - more successful than before! I'm confident. I am full of energy. I am alert and active. I know what I want. I trust myself and my destiny, my life path. My life path leads me to the professional activity that suits me best right now. A wonderful stage begins - the highest career take-off, the full flowering of all my abilities and abilities! I am full of energy, I am ready for this, I have every right to achieve maximum success!

To get out of the spiritual, creative crisis

No matter what happens to me, everything has a huge, deep meaning. If I cannot always see and understand the meaning of what is happening, it means that it is simply hidden from me for the time being. But it is always there, always there! Nothing in life happens by chance. What is happening to me now is for my own good. In order for me to stop, comprehend my previous path, and then rise to a new stage in my development.

What is happening is the birth of a new part of me. A new "I" is born! I know that childbirth is often painful. But the reward for them is the greatest happiness of the birth of a new being. New forces, new opportunities, new wonderful qualities are being born in me now. These are positive changes! They are necessary for me for a further more interesting, rich, fulfilling life. Life challenges me, tests me for strength. I find new, previously unknown forces in myself. I can handle everything! During this period of my life, I discover new sources of energy in myself. With the help of these new sources of energy, I will reach new heights! There is a new peak in front of me - and I am striving for it! I leave behind everything that prevented me from achieving it. Now I know that my path is from peak to peak! I am moving forward, to new discoveries, to a new comprehension of the world, to such interesting facets of life that I did not know about before. There is so much ahead of me! The world is full of joy, happiness, love. The world is ready to share its secrets and riches with me! And I am wholeheartedly open to the world and ready to accept all its gifts. From now on, I enjoy life in all its manifestations. I'm glad I'm alive. I thank life!

To break the deadlock and accelerate positive life changes

I am calm and balanced. I'm confident. I take very good care of myself. I deserve better. And the best is already knocking at my door. Giant forces are dormant in me, capable of making the most favorable changes in my life. Now I am awakening these forces. The source of these forces is in my inner universe. I look inside myself to find this source. I see him awakening - with a bright flash! A fountain of energy is born inside me! The power is just overflowing! This power is mine. She is completely in my control. Now I direct its flow to the path of favorable changes. Power moves, flows in a powerful stream, shines with bright light! She is alive, she is active! It fills me completely, from head to toe. The power is coming! There is more and more of her, and she is more and more powerful, more and more active! I myself become a source of strength. Now I can do everything. I easily overcome any obstacles. I boldly walk towards change. Now my life is movement, it is activity! My power shines so brightly that in its light I see clearly and distinctly what my purposes are. I see clearly and distinctly the most favorable direction of my path. I am going to a place where happy changes are already prepared for me on my life path! A fountain of power bubbles up inside of me. I'm getting stronger, more confident. And at the same time, I am absolutely calm. I go without stopping! Right now I am entering a period of happy change. This is a wonderful streak of luck, in it there is only light, only joy, only happiness, only luck, only success! I joyfully enter the bright streak of my life!

To program a happy future

I calm down. Now I look with a smile at everything that until recently caused me anxiety and worries. In fact, it's all such trifles! The main thing is that I live. With me it is a miracle, this great gift is life. As long as I live, I can do a lot. So much is in my power! Now I discover in myself the ability to transform my life at will. I have everything for this! My consciousness is able to transform my reality. My thought has power, it is material! I direct my desires, my intentions, my thoughts to the goal I need. I have the necessary energy reserve for this! Now I am programming a happy future for myself. This is my strongest and most sincere intention. I put my energy into this intention. I put all the power of my desire to attract happiness into my life! The future starts today. My thoughts today become the reality of tomorrow. So I choose to be happy today! Right now I am creating in myself, in my inner Universe, in my soul, in my mind, a feeling of happiness! I have the right to feel happy just like that! Just because I live. I was born into the world - and I'm happy. I am happy to wake up every morning and fall asleep every evening. I am happy to see the sun and the sky, I am happy to walk the earth! I fill every moment of my day with happiness. I discard from myself everything that previously prevented me from feeling happy. Now I feel happy no matter what! There is no such reason in the world that can deprive me of the feeling of the miracle of life and the happiness of everyday life. I am filled from the inside with a feeling of happiness. Every cell in my body begins to glow with joy. Happiness fills me. I don't need to demonstrate it to anyone, I don't need to prove to others that I'm happy. It is a quiet, inner state. And yet it has great power! The power of a magnet that attracts happiness into my life. I am a magnet for happiness! Happiness is always with me! I am happy today and always!

To gain desire and zest for life

Now I put aside all my affairs and worries for a while. I relax, I calm down, I rest. The energy fills my body with a soft, warm wave, and takes away all worries, all anxieties. How good it is not to think about anything, not to want anything, but simply to enjoy rest and peace. Peace, only peace within me. Peace around me. The whole world is full of peace. I seem to gently sway on the waves of the whole ocean of peace. I dissolve into an ocean of peace. Everything that used to bother me, bothered me, is now left behind. I release the previous stage of my life. It ended. I let go of all my previous desires and goals. They left behind, and I move on. My journey continues! Now, right now, a whole new universe is being born for me. A new world is waiting for me around the corner of my life. I'm ready to look around this corner. I know for sure: there awaits me something that I still did not know. New desires await me there. There will be new, previously unexplored goals for me. There is a new meaning to my life. New energy for a new life is already waking up in me. It is born directly from the ocean of peace in which I am now. She gains strength, she fills me from the inside. I am now reborn. My new strength, new energy is born. A new world is born for me. A new life is born! All the old is gone. The new is knocking on my door! New interests, new desires, new goals. I rejoice, I welcome the arrival of the new in my life! I am entering this new and wonderful period of my life with interest and desire.

To identify your true interests and begin to follow them

I am a unique, inimitable person. There is no other person like me anywhere else in the world. I am not better or worse than others, but I am the only one as I am. I value myself for my uniqueness. I follow my own path in life. I give myself every right to be different from other people. I have the right to be who I am, to be myself. The world needs me, the universe needs me just the way I am. I have my own tasks and goals in life. I have my purpose. My true self knows exactly what I really want. I trust myself. I trust my inner wisdom. I trust my intuition. I turn inward to hear my inner voice. I discard all extraneous opinions, all interests imposed on me from the outside. Now I hear only myself and trust only myself. I have the right to be happy. I have the right to do what makes me feel happy. I have the right to receive in my life that which adds to my feeling of happiness, joy, fullness of being. I choose those goals and desires that bring me joy, benefit and pleasure. I choose activities in my life that make me happy. Joy accompanies me always and in everything! I am happy, I feel happy - it means that I am going my true way.

The ability to generate ideas and set new goals

I'm only focused on winning right now. Powerful energy is born in me. It is aimed at achieving new important goals for me. The energy of victory is born in me! I have a huge reserve of strength. It is constantly replenished. My powers require action! They are active. With their help, I am able to achieve everything that I need. Now I am creating new perspectives for myself. I have great potential. I can do whatever I want. I can do everything. I have a sharp, sharp mind. I have a powerful intellect. Now I am focused on finding the idea that will bring me success, prosperity, happiness. The space around me is filled with ideas. They are in the air. The strength of my intellect is increasing. It is so large that it allows me to easily pick up ideas right out of thin air. Easily and simply, without tension, without effort, ideas spontaneously arise in my head! Beautiful, creative, success-bearing ideas come to me easily and simply, rightfully so! I gladly welcome new ideas entering my life! I have enough strength to start implementing them right now! I'm full of ideas! I have a huge supply of power! I am active and focused on the goal! Everything works out the way I thought it would!

To unlock the potential of your intellect

I am absolutely calm. I am full of strength. My life is a field for the realization of all my possibilities. I joyfully and with passion undertake to solve the tasks that confront me! Any life task for me is a great opportunity to prove myself, to test my strength. I'm ready for action! My intellect is now more active than ever. It aims to solve new creative problems. Life is a field for my active creativity! I am ready with the power of my consciousness, my mind to transform my life for the better. My intellect is open to solving problems of any complexity. I can think easily and quickly. I pick up new information on the fly. My mind is sharpened, it is like a sharp arrow aimed straight at the target! I easily discover goals that can bring me success. My intellect is flexible, liberated. I find many different ways to solve the problem! I easily choose the most direct and accessible path to the goal. My brain works tirelessly. I now see many ways out of even those problems that previously seemed unsolvable. Now I know for sure that there are no unsolvable problems! You just have to see the possibilities. Now I see multiple solutions to every problem—seeing things that were previously hidden. Now the previously hidden knowledge is revealed to me. Now I see through every problem, every situation in my life. I see what is hidden behind the upper, obvious layer. I see the true essence of any problem - and the true ways to solve it. I find the most non-standard and at the same time the most accurate ways to solve any problem! My intellect is sharpened. He looks deep into all things and phenomena. I now easily find the true causes of everything that happens. Now I clearly see the way out of any situation and the solution to any problem. I think clearly and clearly - I act quickly and correctly! I achieve all my goals. I'm doing well!

To acquire the desired abilities, talents

I'm talented! In my soul there is a whole sea of ​​various abilities and possibilities. Until now, they seemed to be hidden in the thickness of the sea water, but now the moment of awakening has come. The sea begins to move ... It gently, gently sways - and recedes like a wave of ebb. Now I clearly see all my talents and abilities. There are many! Now they are in sight. They are like beautiful gems on the seabed. This wealth is mine! I can use any of them at any time. Placers of talents, like placers of precious stones, are at my complete disposal. They may be hidden as if by a tidal wave, or exposed as if the sea has receded - but they are always with me, and always mine. And at any moment I can reveal any of my talents! You just have to want. I touch the treasures of my soul - and the soul sings, rejoices. She is happy to touch her most beautiful strings! My abilities do not need to lie dead weight. I help them come true, shine, sparkle, start to beat with a beautiful fountain! Soul sings! Realizing talent is happiness! I can do a lot. Now I choose my most beautiful talent - and start acting! Talent asks to be released, it requires action! I give him a chance to show up! My talent begins to act by itself - as if even without my participation. I just let him! The power of talent itself carries me forward! I create something new, beautiful, which was not there before me! I do what only I can do! I'm talented! I am successful! I'm happy!

To create new opportunities in life

Life is full of possibilities! And they are all for me. Opportunities are just waiting for me to take advantage of them. All paths are open to me. Now a powerful force is being born in me, the energy to see the opportunities that await me and use them! This force, born in my soul, is becoming more powerful. It unwinds like a powerful spring, like a light whirlwind, giving me tremendous energy for action! Power touches my consciousness, my mind, light fills my eyes, my eyes open, and I see how many possibilities are open before me! Like bright streams of light, they scatter in all directions. These are the roads that I can go to success, prosperity, happiness at any moment! Happy opportunities were, are and will always be before me. Now I see it clearer than ever! I choose the happiest of all my possibilities. I choose the brightest, most joyful paths. I directly and confidently, joyfully and energetically follow the path of my happiness! I achieve more and more happy goals! And the more I achieve, the more new happy opportunities appear before me. I live in a world of happiness, joy, success!

To make life better in every way

I was born into the world for a prosperous, joyful, happy life. A smooth, wide path has been laid out for me, on which only favorable opportunities await me. Now I am returning to my real path - the path of good luck, joy, success. On this path, my strength is born. The strength, the energy of my soul is my compass, which helps me stay on track. Now I turn to my inner strength, and it puts me on the right path. Now I walk through life calmly and confidently. I walk firmly and straight. On my way I meet only loving, benevolent people. I meet only favorable circumstances. I am lucky. I am accompanied by boundless feelings of joy, happiness. Every moment there is more and more power in me. And now no one and nothing will knock me off the right course. Now I myself pave my way, attracting, like a magnet, the most favorable opportunities. All doors open for me. Everywhere I go, happiness meets me. All my plans come true. All my desires come true. Luck is in my hands. I boldly, powerfully, actively move along the path of life. This is my path, meant only for me! Everything here is for my good. Everything here is just the way I need it. Here happiness, luck, abundance, wealth, success constantly come to me. Here all chances are happy. Everything in my life is great. Everything is working out for the best for me. I bathe in the energies of happiness, joy! And the further I go, the more happiness accompanies me.

Set up to achieve what you want

To find a goal whose fulfillment will bring happiness

Happiness is my original property. My ability to be happy is limitless! I am awakening the energies of my soul now. I awaken my consciousness. I awaken my intuition, which knows the answers to all my questions. I trust myself! I want to be happy and I have every right to be. I have every right to do what gives me a stable, enduring feeling of happiness. A huge charge of happiness awakens in me. As the sun rises from the horizon, so a radiant feeling of happiness rises in my soul. It brightens up my life! It leaves no room for a single shadow. The space of my soul and my life is filled with the shining light of happiness. Joy begins to play in my soul, like sunbeams, like splashes of a waterfall shimmering in the sun. The energy of happiness overflows in my soul! I have complete confidence in this energy. It is my true essence, my strength. This is what rightfully belongs to me, what is mine, and only my treasure! I trust the energy of happiness born in my soul, and follow it. This energy leads me to where I will be immensely happy! The energy of happiness requires action, it encourages me to be active. I follow her, and I clearly see my goal - what I need to do, what I need to strive for in order to be happy now and forever. My happiest goal is just around the corner! You just need to reach out. I go to her easily and joyfully. Happiness accompanies my path to the goal. Happiness accompanies the very process of achieving the goal. The path leading to my goal already brings happiness in itself. I achieve the goal - and the result also brings me only happiness! I choose only happy paths in my life. I only choose goals that make me happy. I deserve it!

To find the best path to the goal

I'm confident. I am calm and balanced. I have many virtues. My strengths, my positive qualities are the basis of my personality. I am a wonderful, worthy person. New fresh energy, new strength fills me now. My virtues, my positive qualities are gaining new strength, replenished with new energy. Now every facet of my personality shines like a beautiful diamond. My strengths are getting stronger! My virtues blossom to the fullest! Now I confidently use all my best qualities to achieve my goal. I firmly and firmly rely on my virtues, so that with their help I achieve all the best that I deserve. I now put all my increased power into every action I take. I now perform those actions in which all the best that I am capable of is fully manifested. I confidently take a step by step in the direction I have chosen. I use only my strongest sides! I am at my very best! I think very clearly and clearly. I clearly see what my next step should be in order for all my actions to be as effective as possible. My every step, every action brings the maximum result! Every step I take is a step towards success, every step I take brings success! I move towards the goal quickly, confidently, decisively, choosing the shortest and most successful path. I'm heading straight for the goal! Success with me! I win!

To find a new job

A powerful charge of energy is waking up in me now. It is energy focused on action. Energy awakens, and begins to beat with a powerful key, like a spring from the earth. Energy fills me completely, powerful streams of energy move throughout my body. Energy fills me from the inside, goes out, and envelops me in a luminous cocoon. I am full of energy inside and out! Now I am a strong, confident, energetic person. Now everything is in my hands. I myself, with my own hands, can build my life. I take control of my life! I build my life the way I want to see it. I direct my path in the direction that I need. I go where joy, success, job satisfaction, and a high level of well-being await me. My energy paves a bright, joyful path for me! This path is open to me, it is meant only for me. There are no obstacles, there are only open doors.

I go where a straight open road has already been laid out for me. I go where the door is open! I enter the door behind which a new, successful, happy life immediately begins! I deserve to do what brings me joy. I deserve a high level of payment for my work. I deserve to realize all my best opportunities and abilities. I deserve an interesting, well-paid job. Such work exists. She is waiting for me, and only me. It is meant only for me. I easily and simply find the job that I need. I turn on all my energy and act! I open the door I need and find the most suitable job for me. I'm confident! I rejoice! I have success!

To change living conditions for better

I am grateful to life for all that it gives me. I am grateful for what I have now. I am grateful to be alive, breathing, waking up every morning. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head. I'm already happy with what I have! But now a new phase of my life has come. Now I am ready for the most favorable changes. Because I deserve the best in life. I deserve a better fate. And I'm ready to accept it. I accept the best fate prepared for me by life! I am now awakening new sources of energy in my soul. My soul grows, develops, gains strength. She is majestic and beautiful! I myself am the whole Universe, the whole beautiful world. I feel cramped in the old framework. I'm exploring new spaces. Space is needed for both my soul and my body. The new dimensions of my personality require new living conditions worthy of me. My new spacious house is already waiting for me! I now have enough strength and energy to create for myself the kind of house that I need - the house of my dreams. I put strength and energy into my dream, and the dream comes true. Life itself throws me new and new opportunities for the realization of this dream. The necessary material opportunities come by themselves. All the necessary conditions for the realization of my dream arise by themselves. The creative power is just seething in me! This force is now entirely directed to the creation of my new home. My dream is coming true very fast! My new home opens its doors to me. I see that behind them is a life full of happiness. My new home is a full bowl. Me and all my loved ones are happy in it!

To move to a new location

I am the master of my life. I direct all my paths. I know exactly where the path on which happiness awaits me. Now the possibilities of life in the same place have been exhausted for me, and I am setting off on my journey. I am grateful to the previous stage of my life for the experience it gave me. I am grateful to the place where I have lived so far. But now it's time to say goodbye. I gratefully leave the past behind. And I'm on my way. New happy opportunities await me. I am waiting for new, much more favorable conditions of life. I am waiting for success, prosperity, prosperity. I am now moving towards my happiness. Energy fills me. Strength is born in me - strength for happy change. She pushes me forward, she guides my way. I am protected on the path of change. Strength and energy accompany me, protect me. I look forward to new wonderful impressions, new opportunities, new happy meetings. Circumstances always and in everything favor me. I walk, I move, I build my life the way I need! Right now, a new, better period of my life has begun. I deserve happiness and I get it!

To fulfill a cherished childhood dream

I was born into the world as a pure, bright child striving for joy and happiness. I deserve happiness by my birthright! I am worthy to receive everything that I need. A child who believes in happiness and goodness still lives in my soul. And now the most favorable moment has come to give him everything that he is waiting for, what he needs for happiness. I am worthy of love! I deserve the fulfillment of all my desires. I deserve to have my childhood most cherished dream finally come true! I was born to make this dream come true. It must come true! Now there are all favorable opportunities for its implementation. I give myself the right to be myself. I give the right to the child living in me to become happy. I give him the right to get whatever he wants! I address my inner child now with love and tenderness. I give him my affection, warmth and care. He rejoices that he can finally do what he wants and get what he needs! By connecting with my inner child, I discover the gigantic creative forces within me! Now creativity is my inalienable quality. This is the quality of a child that I no longer need to hide and hide! I give myself the right to play, frolic, create, rejoice! I do what I dream of. I fulfill dreams that bring me a lot of light, pure pleasure. I am happy to live! I choose joy, I choose happiness, I choose a life where all my dreams come true!

To go on a successful journey

All paths are open to me! Wherever I go, luck follows me everywhere. I believe in myself. I am a strong, confident person. A happy road awaits me! My path is even, smooth, I succeed in everything on it the way I want. I love to travel, travel is my element! The energy, the strength that I need on the road accumulates in me. I have a huge supply of power! I have a firm intention to achieve all the goals I need in this journey. Joyful, pleasant impressions await me. I gladly accept all those new interesting opportunities that the road gives me. I set off on the road full of optimism, joy, strength, self-confidence! My strength, energy, my self-confidence, my optimism protect me along the way. I'm fine, just great! I am full of good intentions. I am friendly to all the people who meet me along the way - and they answer me the same. I greet with kindness and love all those new places where the road leads me. From all the circumstances that accompany me, I get the maximum benefit, pleasant impressions and new opportunities for myself. I am open to the world, I share my joy with it! And my path becomes more and more joyful, more and more pleasant, more and more successful! I'm fine, I'm fine. All my paths are successful. I am happy to travel!

To purchase the desired item

I deserve to buy exactly the thing that I like. This thing was made for me. She walks into my arms. I have all the necessary energy, all the strength and ability to attract this thing into my life. I have every right to receive it. For me it's easy. I always get what I need. The world I live in is abundant. All my needs are met. All my tasks are solved. All my desires are fulfilled. I don't need to limit myself to anything. In a world full of abundance, there are no and cannot be restrictions! I deserve all the best. And I get it. I am happy that I can get exactly what I want, exactly what I need! My wealth is growing day by day. I just need to want - and I get the thing I need. I rightfully own the most beautiful things! They surround me from all sides. I enjoy wealth, abundance. I thank life for its generosity to me.

To get the desired profession

I believe in myself! I believe in my success. I have my own destiny, given to me by God and nature. There is a job that I can and love to do. When I do what I love, I am happy. I enjoy it. I know for sure that what gives me pleasure, other people also need. What I do with joy will certainly be in demand! People pay money for what they like. What is made with love cannot but please. I work with love. What I do carries the energy of love. People are attracted by the energy of love. Therefore, the fruits of my labor find their reward. I put the energy of love into my business - and in return I attract monetary energy. I do my favorite thing better and better. I am becoming a brilliant professional. Success inevitably comes to me. I work very well. I do what people need. My favorite thing is becoming my profession. My profession brings me joy, happiness, success, prosperity, prosperity!

To successfully implement plans, projects, complete work

I'm now gearing up for maximum success. I awaken my inner strength and direct it exactly to the goal. I direct maximum energy to the implementation of my plan. I put all the power of my intention into the cause of achieving the goal. My whole body is mobilized. The body is filled with power. Consciousness is clearer than ever. An active sharpened mind works with full dedication, without getting tired. I am confidently moving towards the goal. I choose the best paths. I am fully invested in the work. I get great satisfaction from the fact that each of my actions brings me closer to the goal. I get everything right! I succeed! Everything is going according to my plans. I act boldly, and at the same time wisely. I am active, alert, full of energy. Success accompanies me! Each of my actions brings me the maximum possible return. Each of my actions is filled with strength and energy. I get exactly the result I need. In the most optimal time, I do everything in the best way. The work is going smoothly. Luck is with me. All my abilities, talents and abilities are manifested in full force! I maximize my creative potential. I am revealed in this work as a professional and as a person. All my best qualities are revealed in the way I do this work. This work gives me great pleasure. I am happy that I do everything the way I want, the way I need to. I am inspired by my success! I grow, develop, acquire new abilities, carrying out my plans. I'm doing my job better and better. I take more and more peaks. I strive for excellence in everything I do. I go my own way in life - and this way is beautiful!

Set for happiness and good luck

Get rid of what prevents us from being happy

To relax and calm down

Now I'm not in a hurry and I'm not worried about anything. It's time to rest. I have every right to give myself the opportunity to rest, relax. My inner rhythm slows down. I can breathe freely. All worries go away. I just live. I feel the energies of nature around me with my whole being. I absorb the calmness and strength of the earth, the majestic depth of the sky, the peaceful joy of the first spring streams. I am filled with the strength and tranquility of nature, and inside me it is as if ice is melting. Dissolves and leaves everything heavy that pressed on the shoulders and chest. Now my heart is light. I feel light, calm, free. All my inner energies calm down, calm down. Inside me, it’s like a compressed spring is slowly and smoothly relaxing. Smoothly, gently releases tension. I breathe in - and I feel liberation, peace, peace. I gently and slowly exhale from myself the remnants of fatigue and tension. I feel calm, comfortable, happy. I feel good. I'm resting.

To overcome the effects of stress

I am completely safe now. I am protected. The very air around me breathes peace. Everything here is for my benefit. The environment helps me. I feel supported. As if the gentle look of loving eyes is fixed on me from somewhere out of space. I have the right to love, to help and support, to attention, to protection. My life is joyful, nothing is overshadowed. I am in a great mood and feel great. My inner energies are moving. They slowly sway, as if the flat surface of the water is swaying more and more. And now the energy inside me starts to beat with a key! She hits harder and harder. A powerful, pure stream of energy shook my whole being! A powerful, clean jet hits harder and faster - and quickly, abruptly washes away all unpleasant emotions! All the sensations that remained in my soul and in my body after a stressful situation are thrown out of the body with a jerk! Down with! I'm free! I'm clearing! Everything experienced is torn out of my body, as if washed away, dissolved by water! The energies within me have already turned into a violent stream! Everything alien, left by other people, is washed away without a trace! Here the energies gradually calm down, and now it is like pure, sun-drenched streams of rain washing over me. Everything is gone without a return, everything is washed away. I'm fine. I am full of strength. I deserve approval! I deserve love and respect! I have a deep, unshakable sense of self-worth. I'm in a great mood. I feel great. I enjoy life!

From depression

I relax and allow myself to just be myself. I accept myself the way I am. I give myself the right not to evaluate myself and my condition in any way now. I am now beyond evaluation and beyond any comparison whatsoever. I do not need to evaluate myself and do not need to compare myself with anyone. I am now in a special, protected space. Only friendly energies surround me. They wrap me in a protective cocoon, and I feel completely safe. I don't owe anyone anything now. Now I don't make any demands on myself at all. I live, I am. And that's enough. My value as a person, as a person, and as a particle of the Divine Universe is undeniable. She is beyond evaluation and beyond comparison. She doesn't depend on anything. All my sensations, experiences, all anxieties, everything that happens to me is not me. They are simply states that come and go. And my independent, unconditional value remains eternal and unchanged. I merge into one with my eternal, overvalued, Divine part - and I see how my anxieties and sorrows go away. They pass by and disappear. I let them go. Anxiety goes away, but I stay. The soul is filled with love, warmth and strength. The world, nature, the Universe, God are with me. I am calm. I am balanced. I let the joy of life come back to me. She's coming back... coming back. I am happy to feel how my soul is filled with light and warmth. I let the power come to me. I have everything to live. I am worthy of life. I deserve a good, positive attitude towards myself. I deserve joy.

From despondency and longing

In my inner Universe there is an eternal, inexhaustible source of joy. Like clouds covering the sky, I now disperse all sorrows, anxieties, melancholy and despondency. I have enough strength. I have a strong will. I gather my strength - and drive away everything alien, unnecessary. I drive away everything that prevents me from touching the source of joy. These are minor reasons that are not worth my attention. Nothing can stop me from enjoying life! Everything that bothers me is so insignificant that I can get rid of it with a wave of my hand. By my intention alone, by my will alone, I drive away that which clouds my joy. Once - and there are no clouds, no fog! The sun always shines in my world. I just have to want - and joy returns to me! Joy is always with me. I am full of strength and energy. I am able to change my life for the better, if I just want it. Now I am full of desire to change my life for the better! The first step towards this is the return of joy. I have already taken a huge step towards the better - I have returned joy to my life! Joy that does not depend on anything. My inner source of joy is gaining more and more strength. This is an active, active force! I am full of power that will transform my life for the better! Everything is already changing for the better. Positive changes are on the way! They are unfolding at a tremendous pace! Everything depends only on me. I go to happiness, joy, success. I'm on the happy path. I am accompanied by joy, success, good luck always and in everything!

I calm down. I completely calmed down. I am completely calm. As the ocean is calm in its depths, so I am calm now. On the surface of the ocean, a storm may rage - but in the depths it is always calm. A deep, complete calm seizes me. As if from the depths of the ocean, from the ocean of peace, I now look at the feelings seething on the surface. Like waves on the surface of the ocean, so my angry feelings only touch me superficially. Deep down I am calm. I watch from there, from the depths of peace, like an outside observer, how angry feelings are seething, flowing. They flow - and flow past. They pass. I watch from the side - and let them seethe, flow, and pass by. I just let them go. I see that these are just energies that flow past me. My anger is not me. These are energies flowing by. They pass by without touching me. They have no power over me, but I have power over them. I am in complete control of all my feelings. My strength, power, my control over the senses is growing stronger, stronger. I am the sole master of feelings! Feelings obey me. I myself create in my soul the state that I need. Now I am completely calm. Everything that bothered me lost all meaning for me. It doesn't matter to me. It is important that I am calm. I am in complete control of myself and my feelings. I am the master of the situation. I am my own master. I am the master of my own life. I choose only good, positive feelings in order to build my happy, serene, full of goodness and joy life with their help. My life is full of goodness and joy! I carry only love and light.

I am a good, worthy person. I take very good care of myself. I deserve only love, only warmth, tenderness, understanding. I now send love, warmth and care to myself. The energies of love, warmth and care create a soft and cozy protective cocoon around me. I am completely protected, surrounded by warmth and comfort. Nobody's unfair treatment can affect me. All injustice, resentment, all negativity bounces off and flies away from me, returning to those who sent it. Whatever other people do or say, it has nothing to do with me. Only love and kindness I let in. My self-esteem grows and strengthens. I am worthy of love and respect for who I am, no matter what. Resentment cannot affect me. This is the problem of offenders, but not mine. I treat myself so well, I am so full of self-esteem and self-respect that it is simply impossible to offend me. I can not be offended, there is no reason for this! Therefore, I easily forgive those who try to offend me. I am securely protected from resentment. It's funny for me to watch the offenders go out of their way, trying to offend me! They are offended, not me. I forgive them. I walk away from resentment. I am full of light, love, kindness.

From feelings of humiliation

I surround myself with warmth, love, care. I'm not to blame for anything. I deserve better treatment. I know for sure that I deserve only good things. No one in the world can destroy my positive attitude. No one has the right to destroy my positive self-esteem. My self-esteem is always with me. I have every right to think highly of myself. My high self-esteem does not depend on anyone's opinion! No matter what anyone thinks and says, no matter how they behave towards me, my self-esteem only increases. I know my worth. The opinion of other people on my account does not matter for my true, Divine "I". My true "I" is overvalued. My supervalue is what is given to me by God. And people can't control it. I maintain a sense of my supervalue, no matter what happens. I am a worthy person, I am a wonderful person. Whatever happens, I return to myself a legitimate sense of the highest value of myself. I am regaining my full self-esteem! I'm regaining my full positive self-esteem! I forgive myself for mistakes, shortcomings, shortcomings. I am just like other people, no better and no worse. I have the same right to life as other people. I appreciate myself. I approve of my actions and deeds. From everything that happens to me, I gain valuable experience in order to become even better, stronger, more perfect! I am a wonderful person.

From an inferiority complex

I was born in full right. I was born and live because I deserve it! I am who I am, and all my qualities, properties, character traits are suitable for me, they are most appropriate for me to successfully walk my life path and get the experience I need. I accept myself for who I am. I'm glad that I am who I am! Every living being on our planet is beautiful just the way it is. Every birch is beautiful, every blade of grass, every grain of sand. Beautiful and nightingales - and doves, and roses - and daisies. So it is not by chance that I was born the way I am - because I am good just the way I am. I am improving, I am growing, developing, I am changing for the better every day! And at the same time, I accept myself, and admire the fact that I am who I am. I understand myself very well. I understand why I behave this way and not otherwise. I understand my actions, thoughts, feelings. I understand myself, and I know for sure: I have nothing to blame myself for! I deserve only understanding and approval. I forgive my mistakes and shortcomings. All people make mistakes, and I am no exception - this is normal, and it is absolutely not scary. I learn from mistakes. I'm good and the way I am - but I'm getting better and better. I admire my virtues! I can do so much, I know, I can, and it's great! I'm great at all the challenges that life puts on me. I can do everything, and I will get even more! I have a lot of positive qualities. I'm just a wonderful person!

From feelings of unjustified guilt

I calm down, I come to an even, peaceful state. I now calmly, meaningfully and absolutely objectively evaluate everything that happens. I clearly and clearly see that I am not to blame for anything. The feeling of guilt is imposed on me, it came from outside, it is instilled in me, it is someone else's. It has nothing to do with me. I don't need anything else! I am my own boss. My inner strength is increasing. Pure, light energies fill me. I am full of strength and energy! With the help of inner strength and energy, I reject other people's opinions, feelings imposed on me. I clearly and clearly see: it is beneficial for someone to make me feel guilty. But I don't succumb to anyone's manipulation. It is impossible for me to instill a sense of guilt, because I see clearly and clearly: there is no guilt on me. I easily brush aside everything alien, imposed on me! I am free from guilt. I joyfully, freely and boldly go my own way. I directly and boldly look people in the eye. My conscience is clear. I am my own highest court, no one has the right to judge me. I do everything the right way. Each of my actions is the best possible in this situation. Everything is right in my life. I am free, I am open to the world, I am rightfully enjoying life!

To get rid of everything old, obsolete (in personal relationships, work, lifestyle, etc.)

New energies are born in me! A new life begins for me right now, today. A new, bright road unfolds before me. It's time to renew, it's time to be born again! I'm happy to start over. I feel young, strong, ready for a new life. I leave everything old in the past now. I travel light. I let go of the past. I thank all those people who met me. I thank my fate, whatever it may be. I thank my life for the lessons that I had to go through. I thank all my previous experience. I forgive myself for all past mistakes. They are gone forever, and no longer have power over me. I forgive everyone who met on my way - I forgive, thank you, with a smile I let go of myself. Now they will go their own way, and I will go mine. I say goodbye to the past with a light heart. I see it dissolve into the mists of time and release me. It is gone forever, it no longer has power over me. And for me, this is just the beginning! Now only goodness and love, only luck and happiness accompany me. New life brings me new success, new amazing meetings, new achievements and accomplishments! I'm interested in living. The world is beautiful. I'm fine.

To remove the negative programs of the past

I am a decent, good person. Now, once and for all, I finally refuse any criticism addressed to me, from condemning myself. Now my ability to live consciously is increasing. My intuition awakens, inner wisdom awakens. Now I clearly, clearly see all the true reasons for my actions, my successes and failures. I see that all my failures in the past were the result of fears, resentments, other negative emotions. These feelings are a mistake that I am correcting now. After all, I deserve better! I deserve to be lucky! And I eliminate from my life that which interferes with luck. I get rid of fears, resentments, feelings of guilt. I get rid of all negativity. I am filled with only light, pure energies, only positive emotions. Light energy sweeps away any negativity from my soul and my body! Now I always act, guided only by love for myself and for the world. Now I choose only creative goals! Now I only do what is good for me, what brings me joy. Now I'm lucky! I deserve good luck. The past has no power over me. Now I am a cheerful, self-confident, happy and lucky person!

We Acquire the Qualities Needed for Happiness

For self-control

I am a strong, balanced person. I'm confident. I stand firmly on my feet. I am full of strength and self-control. I have great control over myself, my emotions, my behavior. I am in control of the situation I am in. No one and nothing will knock the ground out from under my feet! No matter what happens around me, I am calm. I am in complete control of myself. I act confidently in any situation. My mind is clear. My nerves are strong as ropes! I am absolutely calm in any situation. I know exactly what to do, how to act. I solve any problem quickly and easily. In any situation, I make the best decision. I act quickly, clearly, actively. I find the best way out! I am assembled, fully mobilized. My strength is increasing. My ability to control myself, to control myself is limitless! In any situation, I feel a powerful force inside me, a strong core that reliably supports me. My inner support is immensely strong! I am not afraid of anything, because with me my strength is my inner core. I'm focused on winning, on success! I emerge victorious from any situation! I firmly believe in victory, and I win!

To be in control of the situation

In a difficult situation, I relax and calm down. When tension builds up around me, I am calm. The more tense the environment around - the calmer and more relaxed I become. I automatically, reflexively, relax when the atmosphere heats up! The more difficult the situation, the calmer, more confident I become. When I face a challenge, my inner strength instantly awakens. She joyfully rages, she is eager to act! I am active, all my actions are as effective as possible! The more tense the situation, the clearer and clearer I think. I instantly assess the situation! I am calm, relaxed, and therefore I clearly see the essence of what is happening. I boldly and fearlessly look at what is happening. And I can clearly see all the ways out. I choose the most direct, most efficient way to get out! I make the only correct decision. All my strength is mobilized. Consciousness is clear and precise. I see and notice all the details of what is happening. Nothing escapes my attention. I clearly assess the situation - and act quickly. I choose a direct path to the exit, to success, to victory! I solve any problem with brilliance!

To learn to have fun, laugh, enjoy life

The source of joy, laughter, fun is now awakening inside me. I give myself freedom to have fun, rejoice, laugh! My long suppressed internal laughter breaks out! There are no more barriers for him. All the barriers that prevented me from having fun collapsed. Like an old unnecessary dam, which is swept away by a stormy river - my laughter destroys all obstacles, sweeps away all sorrows, all excessive seriousness. I was born for joy! I was born for fun! I was born to laugh! Joy rises in a stormy wave in my soul! Joy is my essence! I am filled with joy entirely, from head to toe! The source of laughter awakens in me, and breaks out! In life, there are many reasons for joy, laughter, fun! My eyes are now opening, filled with joy - and begin to see how much joy and fun is around! I am open to joy, fun, laughter! I discover the bright, joyful sides of life! I am laughing! I am having fun! I rejoice! I have a right to it! Laughter is great! I give full vent to laughter! I'm finally laughing, and it's wonderful! How I like to laugh, rejoice, sincerely have fun! My bright, joyful laughter attracts even more joy into my life! The more I rejoice, the more happiness comes to me! I rejoice! I am having fun! I am laughing! I'm happy!

To find inner freedom and emancipation

I am glad that I am who I am. I enjoy being myself. I am happy that I am who I am. I like the way I look. I like my demeanor. I like the way I walk, talk, communicate with people. I approve of my every step and every deed. I treat myself with warmth and kindness. My warm attitude towards myself gives me powerful protection. Like a warm light, I am surrounded on all sides. Whatever I do, wherever I go, whoever I communicate with, I am inside this cozy, warm, protected energy cocoon. Nobody's influence penetrates into it. Here, with me - only warmth, love, approval. I am protected and free. No matter what happens around, I feel absolutely free, liberated. I am a brave, confident person. I boldly, confidently behave in any situation. I like to be seen! The more attention is paid to me, the more confident, calmer, freer I feel! I enter into communication with people with love and kindness, and people respond to me in the same way. I radiate waves of love and kindness - and they return to me many times stronger! In any environment, I freely and relaxed bathe in the waves of love and kindness. My inner strength protects me. I confidently, calmly and liberatedly walk my life path!

To improve self-esteem

I am a good person. I am worthy of love and respect. I love and respect myself. Whatever other people say or think about me, it doesn't matter to me. After all, I know myself much better! And I know that I'm good the way I am. Now I discard all the marks that other people give me. These assessments have nothing to do with my true nature - and I cancel them. I cancel the power of other people's opinions over me! Now I am my own supreme judge. And I know for sure that I am a kind, good, wonderful person in my very essence! Now I am returning to my true essence as a good, wonderful person in every way. No words and assessments of other people can change my true essence - a wonderful, worthy person. I'm beyond grading. Grades have nothing to do with me. They fly off me like an unnecessary husk. Only my essence remains with me - a beautiful and worthy person. I myself am the highest value for myself. I myself am a value beyond doubt. I appreciate, respect, love myself - the way I am! I rate myself very highly! My high value is undeniable. My self-esteem is increasing day by day. I am part of the Divine Universe. I am priceless.

To develop kindness, generosity, the ability to forgive

I am essentially a kind person. I was born kind, generous. It's very easy for me to be kind. I'm kind to myself. I easily forgive my mistakes, mistakes, shortcomings. I treat myself with approval and understanding. Now I am tolerant of my imperfections. All people are imperfect, and there is nothing to worry about. I don't have to be perfect. I'm good as it is, good the way I am. I strive for perfection, but I forgive myself for shortcomings. I treat my shortcomings with kindness, love and forgiveness. By forgiving myself, I forgive others. We are all human and we all deserve mercy. We all deserve love no matter what. A soft, warm energy fills me. This is the energy of love, understanding, forgiveness. I now meet my own and other people's shortcomings gently, calmly, with understanding. I understand and forgive myself. I understand and forgive others. Being kind, generous - it's so nice! My life is now full of kindness and forgiveness, joy and love.

To be able to take care of yourself

I have all the same rights in this life as other people. I have a right to self-respect. I am entitled to my wants and needs. I have a right to self-respect. I have the right to defend my rights. I do not give power over myself to those people and circumstances that infringe and humiliate me. It is impossible to humiliate me, because I have a sense of my own dignity, which no one and nothing can shake. If someone tries to humiliate me, infringe on my rights, I instantly stop such attempts, in word or deed, or simply by avoiding communication. I easily, effortlessly, like a lightning rod lightning, eliminate from my life everything that is harmful to me, unpleasant, that I do not need. I calmly, but at the same time firmly and confidently, say "no" to any attempts to subordinate me to someone else's will. I know exactly what I want. I distinguish very well what is useful for me and what is harmful and destructive. I don't give anyone a chance to hurt me! All my actions are always creative. I behave in such a way that I create only good things in my life. I block the path of the bad, the destructive! I declare my rights without fear, calmly and directly. Nobody can subdue me. No one can force me to do what is harmful to me. No one can question the value of my personality. No one can force me to change my positive attitude towards myself! I am a worthy person. I respect myself. I respect my rights. I am ready to stand up for myself in any situation. I can stand up for myself in word and deed - and do it with calm dignity. I'm getting stronger and stronger. I go my own way, and no one can stop me from this!

To believe in yourself

I was given strength by nature. I have a lot of energy inside. Only a small part of my power is used in my daily life. But even this small margin is enough to succeed, to win. In my life, as in the life of all people, there were and are victories, achievements, there was and is success, there was and is luck. I am capable of winning! I am able to succeed! I have done this many times in my life. I have many achievements - both small and very large. I am able to achieve what I want! I did it and I do it now. I can do a lot, I can do a lot, I have a lot of virtues. I have undeniable merit. I was able to do all this thanks to even a small margin of strength! And now my powers are awakening to manifest themselves to the fullest. I have a huge reserve of forces from nature! I am now discovering this gigantic, boundless reserve. Previously, I did not know about it, and therefore it remained unused. But now I know that I have a lot of strength! The dormant forces within me wake up. They calmly, slowly awaken, and open their full potential. These forces guarantee me victory and success in everything I undertake! I feel the power awakening within. Now I can do everything! My life is a series of victories! And with each victory, strength only comes! I have an inexhaustible supply of strength. I enthusiastically undertake the implementation of all my desires. There are no barriers for me. My strength is in full swing! I succeed in absolutely everything.

To improve self-esteem

I deserve the best treatment for myself! Now I know this for sure. My self-esteem doesn't depend on anything. No matter what happens in my life, I always treat myself well. I forgive myself, I approve myself. I always approve and support myself. I always do what is best for me. Now I apologize to myself for not always treating myself well enough. I ask my forgiveness, and sincerely forgive myself. Now I always and everywhere treat myself well. It doesn't matter how other people treat me. I'm happy with them anyway. I am grateful to people for their attention to me. I am grateful to those who treat me with love and understanding, and I pay them the same. Now I never for a moment forget that I deserve a good attitude. The better I feel about myself, the better I become. I'm a good person and I'm getting better! The better I feel about myself, the more fully I reveal the most beautiful facets of my personality. The better I feel about myself, the more joy in my life! Nothing now darkens my joy. Whatever happens - I am glad that I live, I am glad that I know how to love life, I am glad that I am who I am!

To maintain a good even mood

My mood depends only on me. It is completely subject to my will. I control my emotions, my mood. I feel stable, confident, stable in this world. No one and nothing will lead me astray, no one and nothing can affect my mood. The source of my good, even mood is inside me. He is in my inner energy universe. No one except me has access to this source. My mood is only in my power. At any moment I can turn inside myself, to the source of good mood, to start smiling and enjoying life again. When I am in a good mood, all problems are solvable. The source of good mood in my soul carries great power! This power comes into play and all troubles dissolve. Luck begins to accompany me in everything. Where there is a good mood - there is success! All I have to do is want and my life is filled with joy. Every moment of my life I feel renewed, fresh, clean, young, open towards happiness!

To attract luck

I am a lucky person. I am lucky always and in everything. Whatever happens to me is always for the best. Everything that happens is for my good. Everything always turns out well for me! Life always turns its good side to me. I am lucky both in small things and in large. Everything always works out for the best! Everything is the way I want it, the way I need it. My inner compass guides me unerringly to good luck. I just have a flair for luck, for luck, for success! Wherever I am, luck is always with me. I myself am lucky, and I bring good luck to others. I literally swim in the sea of ​​luck! All my internal energies are marked with vibrations of good luck. Every day I notice, celebrate my successes, both the smallest and the most serious ones. I collect good luck! I am saving them, and the energies of good luck are increasing every day. Luck abounds in my life! One luck attracts another, that third, and so on ad infinitum! My life is a series of successes. My path is from luck to luck! With every success, I become stronger, happier, richer, more powerful! Some successes come by themselves, others I create myself - but success is unchanged! I am the creator and master of luck! My luck is limitless, my luck is endless!

Building relationships

To forgive offenders and eliminate resentment from your life

A huge supply of kindness, love and generosity was given to me at birth. I am now mobilizing all my strength so that this reserve wakes up and begins to serve me. With the utmost kindness and forgiveness, I now turn to myself. I have no need to judge, criticize and punish myself anymore! It's all in the past. I deserve forgiveness. Now I see that my sins are not so terrible. Whatever they are, I forgive myself everything! I forgive sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. And the more love and forgiveness I have in my soul, the stronger I become. And now I'm full of energy! Forgiveness gives me strength! I am a truly strong and generous person. I can forgive everything, both to myself and to others. I no longer hold a grudge against my offenders. After all, I am strong - and the strong know how to forgive. I forgive. If someone owes me, I forgive him the debt. I don't expect anything more from him.

I release him in peace from my life. And I myself go on light, freed from the burden. I feel light and happy. I go my own way, forgiving and forgetting insults. I have my own, joyful, free and happy life. I am filled with self-esteem. I treat myself with respect and love. And therefore the offenders have no chance to offend me. I am not affected by the arrows of resentment. I go my own way, and on this way I am protected from these arrows. I walk through life calmly and confidently. I am a strong, free, cheerful person. All my energy is used only for my benefit! I use it for my creative purposes. I build my life the way I want. Everywhere I meet only love, understanding, approval. My life is full of light!

In order not to depend on someone else's negative opinion

I have peace and tranquility in my soul. I am a strong, confident person. I am a man who knows his worth. This price is very high. A high price was given to me from birth by God and nature. It does not depend on anything or anyone. It is impossible for people to lower this price. Even I can't lower it myself. No matter what happens, no matter how I behave, my price remains immeasurably high. I am a particle of the Divine Universe, which means that I am priceless. My high self-esteem does not depend on what other people think or say about me. This is only their personal opinion, and nothing more. This opinion has nothing to do with my true essence - a particle of the Divine Universe. I always remember that I am priceless. I don't forget about it for a minute. I forgive other people if they don't know or don't understand. But I myself know this for sure. My soul is full of divine energies. My soul is full of joy. Any negativity just bypasses me. The negative is already doomed. He has no place in this world, he has no place in my soul. Joy, the light of my soul, Divine energies guarantee me victory. I always have a great opinion of myself! I only deserve good treatment. I am a wonderful person. Others have the right to think what they want - but for myself I am ideally good the way I am. I'm happy to be myself! I am happy to live in this wonderful world! I am happy to be a strong, confident winner!

To improve marital relations

God and nature have given me a great gift - to love and be loved. I am happy that this gift is realized and in demand in my family life. I have a family, I have a loved one - and this is the main thing. I love her (him) and she (he) loves me. This love manifests itself brighter and more active. The energy of love breaks out in our relationships. It becomes strong and obvious. It's impossible to hide it. It cannot be exhausted. There are no reasons that would reduce the energy of our love. This energy fills our home, it shines on us and warms us. She protects and saves us. When we are together, we don't care. When we are together, we are ten times stronger. I subtly and deeply feel and understand all spiritual impulses, all feelings, all the experiences of my (my) wife (spouse). I understand her (his) joy and pain, anxieties and hopes, sadness and love. I know for sure that she (he) is a good person, just like me, definitely a good person. We are both good, lovable people, and I can clearly see this always, at any moment of our lives, through all the vicissitudes of our relationship, both in dark and in bright times. I understand and forgive her (him). I understand and forgive myself. Only love, kindness, forgiveness and mutual understanding now and forever reign between us. Only peace in our family - now and forever.

To resolve relationship issues with parents

I now express my sincere intention to improve relations with my parents. I want our relationship to be built on love and respect. Right now I'm starting to do everything in my power to do this. I am immensely grateful to my parents for giving me life! This is the most important thing they have done for me. I always remember this, and the feeling of gratitude in me never dries up. Whatever happens between us next - I forgive them for everything, because they gave me life, and this is already so much that the rest is not important. They did everything they could for me, gave me everything they could give. It's not their fault if they didn't give me something. The main thing is that they gave me life, and I can do the rest myself. I am a strong, adult person, and now I can correct their shortcomings and mistakes. I forgive all my childhood insults. Even if my parents were unfair to me, I forgive them. I also forgive myself for the fact that in childhood, out of ignorance and lack of experience, I upset my parents. It's not my fault. And my parents are not to blame for anything. Now I am an adult, independent, strong person, and my relationship with my parents is the relationship of equal adults. I treat them like an adult to adults, like a lover to loved ones. I have my own separate life to which I have a right. I don't depend on my parents for anything. But I love them and accept them for who they are. I am grateful to my parents for making me so mature and independent. I respect them. I respect myself. Our relationship is based on mutual love and respect.

To resolve relationship problems with adult children

I love and respect myself. I love and respect my son (daughter). He (s) is an adult independent person and I respect him (her) as a person. He (she) was born into the world to live his life. I help him (her) - but I do it very delicately, gently, carefully. Sooner or later, children go into their lives. It's unavoidable. This is necessary so that the child can build his life, so that he becomes an adult, free, happy. I love my child, I want happiness for him. So I let him go, let him go his own way. I believe in him. I know that he has enough strength, reason, sanity to find his happy path in life. He will succeed! I trust him. I let him go his own way, make his own decisions and make his own mistakes. I let him take responsibility for his own life. I help him and protect him with my love. My love is so strong that it protects him, helps him to go the right way. Whatever it is, I love and accept it as anyone. I give him every right to be himself, the way he is. Love is the main thing in our relationship. I choose a soft, calm style of our relationship. I can give advice, a hint to my son (my daughter), but I do not impose my opinion, and I leave the right of choice to him (her). I respect his (her) independence, his (her) value as a person. I know that my son (daughter) loves me. And I love him (her). This is wonderful, and this is the most important thing that connects us. Where there is love, there is respect and mutual understanding. All our quarrels are over. Now I give the right to pure, unselfish love to blossom in our relationship.

To become attractive to others

I now look at myself with the most loving eyes. The way the most kind, disinterestedly loving person could look. I forgive my shortcomings and admire my virtues. I renounce any claims to myself, from any self-criticism. I am worthy of love and admiration - just the way I am. I'm good the way I am. How glad I am that I am! Everything in me is exactly as it should be. I like myself! I wrap myself in waves of warmth and love. Like gentle sun rays, touching with a light tan, these waves touch my skin, face, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, whole body ... My whole body, as if with light gilding, begins to glow with kindness and love. I start to glow with a slight smile. My whole appearance glows, casts gold. I radiate waves of goodness and love, warmth and tenderness. Where I am, there is light and warmth. I attract goodness, love, light and warmth to myself - and I myself bring light and love wherever I appear. I like to be a loving, bright, kind person! I send waves of love to everyone I meet, to all people, to the whole earth, to the whole world! I'm great with people, and people pay me the same!

To find love

In this world, on this planet, at this time my soul mate is waiting for me. I know for sure that I have my soul mate, because all creatures, all natural phenomena, everything that exists in the sky and on earth, are created in pairs: there is day and night, there is sun and moon, there is sky and earth, there are mountains and valleys, there is cold and heat, there is man and woman. My soul mate is waiting for me, just like I am waiting for her. We go towards each other to meet. Our meeting is appointed by heaven, it is inscribed on the line of fate. Our meeting is inevitable, as rivers meet seas, rains meet sands, rainbows meet skies. The power, the energy of love in my soul, in my heart, in my body is opening up now, gaining strength. I direct all the power and energy of love now to search for my soul mate, to meet him (her), with whom I am destined to live my life in love and harmony. A tremendous capacity to love and be loved is maturing and growing within me. I radiate energies, waves of love! I send powerful, strong waves of love into space, in search of my soul mate. The waves of my love have already reached my (s) betrothed (s), have already touched him (her), are already attracting him (her) to me! Like a magnet, I attract my soul mate, a strong, powerful magnet! In the energy universe, our meeting has already taken place. We are close! We feel each other's love! We are together - from now on and forever!

Figurative-volitional attitude to longevity and health

Figurative-volitional attitudes and special meditations allow you to effectively develop and increase the potential of mental and vital energy, as well as program your body for healing. They are the main "tools" in a positive solution to this issue.

The mechanism of action of figurative-volitional attitudes is based on the competent use of will, emotions, images and words.

Will. With its help, we force ourselves to work in the chosen direction, to supply the body with energy to implement our plans.

Emotions. Positive emotions give strength to the whole body, trigger the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, and make the endocrine glands work hard. This is a kind of strong healing impulse.

Images. Vivid images are capable of restoring the hologram of an organ, a field form of life, “blurred” by the disease, and, consequently, restoring the functions and physical tissue of the body.

Word. With the help of the word, one can exert a purposeful influence on the psyche and, through it, on the processes occurring in the field form of life, restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs, and mobilize self-regulation.

By pronouncing a word, we achieve the stimulating effect of the corresponding function. For example, when scientists studied the effect of an old conspiracy to stop bleeding: “Saint George rides a horse, His horse is brown, and you, blood, are not a can…”, then, according to the measurements of biopotentials, they found that the word “can” has a hemostatic effect. The more such keywords there are in the figurative-volitional mood, the higher its effectiveness.

In addition, each organ (function) of the body has its own consciousness, which can be stimulated with the help of words. Encouraging a diseased or weakened organ (function) with words, a person encourages him to heal, to better work.

How to use figurative-volitional moods correctly? First of all, create a clear image of what you want in your mind. For example, a healthy liver and gallbladder in your body. With the help of emotions, you saturate it with “colors-energies”. Imagine the liver young, strong, beautiful, literally alive. You encourage her work with words, call her a beauty, indicate what should work better in her, how she should be updated. With the help of an effort of will, support all this for 10-30 minutes or more.

Below, as an example, is a figurative-volitional attitude that I have compiled, it will help you effectively replenish mental and vital energy.

“I am a youthful-young-healthy-energetic person, I continue to be filled with the strength of youth, indestructible health, diamond fortress. My luminous body does not know old age, it shines with the power of youth, a diamond fortress. My age of youth and prosperity has penetrated and imprinted in every cell of my body, in every tissue and organ of my body.

Blood vessels from the crown of the head to the tips of the fingers and toes throughout the body evenly, constantly open. My youthful circulation is absolutely free. My youthfully strong blood flows in a strong and fast flow through the blood vessels, washing the marrow in all the bones of the body. The bone marrow is more and more imbued with youthful indestructible strength and energy.

The bone marrow in all the bones of my body is becoming youthfully younger and produces more and more young, more and more powerful blood.

Young healthy blood flows freely through all the blood vessels of my immortal body in an eternal, fast flow, and continuously rejuvenates the blood vessels and the heart itself.

The structures of the brain, spinal cord and abdominal cord become younger very quickly. Brain structures quickly accumulate the energy of youth and strength. Brain structures have a powerful rejuvenating effect on all organs, on all tissues, on my entire body.

Powerful forces constantly rejuvenate me: the luminiferous hologram of a young body, eternally young blood, eternally young brain structures. These mighty forces constantly, continuously bring my body into a youthful state today, tomorrow and always.

My young body is from God. This constant, uninterrupted transfusion of luminous-young forces will continue constantly, day and night, for long, long decades.

My body is constantly rejuvenated by the most powerful forces of the Universe. These powerful rejuvenating influences are immeasurably stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment, all diseases and ailments.

A young, young body is snow-white-light, with a bright healthy blush, lips are bright red, cheeks are full, round with a bright healthy blush, young, youthful eyes, young strong-willed eyes, the whites of the eyes are bright light, shiny, eyes are shiny, radiant, beautiful young eyes. The hair on the head is thick, thick, strong, strong, the hair on the head is a beautiful natural color. The whole body is strong, elastic, like rubber. It will always be so today, and tomorrow, and many years later.

If necessary, repeat the text so many times that the total speaking time is 10-15 minutes, or further expand it so that it increases to 20-30 minutes.

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A conspiracy for health and longevity First of all, my dear readers and students, I would advise everyone to read a conspiracy for health and longevity, so as not to suffer from illnesses and not know what old age is for a long time. It sounds like this: I speak myself

My beloved heavenly father informs me now that I always have a cheerful, cheerful mood in the morning. My beloved heavenly father informs me that he has now created me, a primordial beautiful, beautiful young girl, who has her whole long life ahead of her.

My beloved heavenly father informs me now that in the morning I have a cheerful, cheerful mood. I really like to wake up in the morning cheerful, joyful, happy, young beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning, with great pleasure, I vividly feel like a Divinely healthy, cheerful, cheerful beauty, full of health and strength.

In the morning I really like the excellent state of health, cheerful mood. In the morning, with great pleasure, I vividly feel that my whole soul sings from happiness and joy of life. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel that all the wonderful, happy long life I have ahead of me. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel that the whole long, cheerful, wonderful life is ahead.

In the morning I am very pleased to know that I am a cheerful, cheerful, pristinely beautiful beauty girl, full of health and strength. In the morning I am very pleased to feel great well-being, a cheerful mood. In the morning I am very pleased to see that on my girlish face, on my throat there is not a wrinkle, not a fold, that my whole face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful, not touched by any disease, or time, or life.

My heavenly father informs me now that he has now created me a cheerful, happy, full of health and strength, a beautiful young girl who has a long, happy life ahead of her. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel that the whole long, wonderful life is ahead of me.

In the morning, with the brightness of lightning, I feel, I feel like a cheerful, cheerful girl, a beauty who has her whole long life ahead of her. In the morning it gives me great pleasure to vividly feel that the whole long, Divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. In the morning it is so pleasant for me to wake up a cheerful, happy, cheerful girl, a beauty who has a whole long, wonderful life ahead of her.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel that I am indeed a Divinely beautiful, full of health and strength, beautiful girl, who has a long, wonderful life ahead of her. I am very pleased to know, to feel every moment, to feel like a cheerful, cheerful girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. I am very pleased to know, to feel that my beloved heavenly Father has created me a Divinely healthy, cheerful, happy beautiful girl, who has a long, Divinely beautiful life ahead of her.

In the morning it is very pleasant for me to wake up cheerful, joyful, happy, divinely healthy, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel primordially beautiful, I vividly feel: there is not a wrinkle or crease on my face, on my throat. The face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I feel that my lips are childishly full, bright red, like poppies, like a flower on my face.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I vividly feel: young, girlish, healthy, strong, beautiful hair is standing on my head like a wall. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly see, feel, feel myself a cheerful, cheerful, happy, beautiful young girl, who has all the Divinely beautiful, happy long life ahead of her.

I am very pleased to feel, to feel perfectly healthy, absolutely healthy, a beautiful young girl. I am very happy, joyful when I vividly feel perfectly healthy, full of health and strength, a beautiful beauty.

I really like to feel my strong, fast, tireless, young girlish legs. It gives me great pleasure to vividly feel, to feel my young, strong, fast, tireless girlish legs. It gives me the greatest pleasure to vividly feel divinely healthy, indestructibly healthy, primordially beautiful, a beauty, full of health and strength.

My heavenly father informs me that he has now created my soul cheerful, happy, absolutely carefree, young, girlish soul, untouched by illness, time, or life. It gives me the greatest pleasure to vividly feel my young, cheerful girlish soul, untouched by illness, time, or life.

My beloved heavenly father informs me that he has now created my physical body young, girlish, divinely healthy, untouched by disease, time or life. And it gives me great pleasure to vividly feel my pristinely beautiful, Divinely beautiful, young, girlish body.

It gives me great pleasure to feel vividly and see that there is not a wrinkle or crease anywhere on my face, on my throat, that my whole face is childishly full, young, girlish. Cheeks childishly full, round, ruddy. Cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks. I am very pleased to clearly see, feel, feel my young girlish big, bright, expressive, Divinely beautiful eyes.

I am very pleased to see, feel my young, light, flexible, slender girlish figure, thin young girlish waist. The whole body is strong, elastic, you can’t pinch - you can’t collect a fold.

My heavenly father informs me that I vividly feel every moment, I feel like a Divinely healthy, indestructibly healthy beauty girl, full of health and strength. And it gives me great pleasure, great pleasure to constantly, every moment, vividly feel perfectly healthy, indestructibly healthy, cheerful, joyful, happy, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength, who has her whole long life ahead of her.

It gives me great pleasure to vividly feel that the whole long, Divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. It gives me the greatest pleasure to see myself in 5 years, and in 10 years, and in 20 years, and in 50 years Divinely beautiful, eternally Divinely healthy, eternally young, forever untouched by disease, time, or life, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength.

I am very pleased to see clearly, to feel vividly, to feel that my physical body does not bear any signs of age. I am very pleased to know that my physical body is eternally divinely healthy, eternally young, beautiful, eternally untouched by disease, time, or life.

33 ways to reprogram yourself and the events of your life

Your self-image programs your life

Thoughts program our life. I think you have heard about it many times. First, they create an imaginary reality, which then gradually becomes reality.

If you think of yourself as an unlucky person, a loser, then adverse events themselves are attracted to you. You really will not be lucky, because you pulled these events with your thoughts and expectations of something negative.

And if you are open to the world and consider yourself lucky, then in most cases events will turn out favorably for you, because you are sure that life loves you and has prepared only the best for you. Compared to a loser, you live in a different world because you treat yourself with love and are convinced that the world was created for you.

The environment in which you grew up

What do our thoughts depend on? On the one hand, from temperament and character warehouse. For example, sanguine people program themselves for a positive outcome of events, amelancholic people - for a negative one.

Our thoughts also depend on the environment in which we were formed. If parents praised, approved, supported, then we grow up with healthy love for ourselves and the feeling that we are worthy of happiness, and everything in our life will be fine. If our parents constantly scolded us, criticized us at every step, emphasized our worthlessness and awkwardness, then we grow up as frightened people who believe that they do not deserve to get anything good from life.

In addition, the social environment is important: a kindergarten, a school, an institute, work colleagues, etc. If negative stereotypes reign in your environment (“life is terrible!”, “There are only thieves and scoundrels around! ..”, “only thieves succeed ...”, etc. etc.), then they also make a negative contribution to the formation of your personality.

You can change the program!

However, there is good news. We have a mind, which means we are able to reprogram ourselves. We can “erase” the bad program and instead introduce a positive, creative one that will bring completely different colors into our lives and open the way to joy and happiness.

This book is dedicated to avatarization - the reprogramming of the three constituent parts of each person: body, soul, mind. I will tell you how you can set yourself up for happiness and success and start enjoying life.

Your attitude towards yourself will change, and you will begin to perceive what is happening around you from a different angle of view. As a result, your life will be transformed. Do you want it? Then go ahead!

Thoughts can do wonders

I have traveled extensively in Asia. During these travels, I saw with my own eyes what the power of thought is capable of and what amazing results people achieve when they are able to program themselves correctly. They are healed of illnesses (sometimes even the most severe ones), noticeably younger, their eyes sparkle, and their bodies are strong and slender. Properly programmed people develop unprecedented flexibility of the body, joints, as a result of which such people are able to perform exercises that seem impossible to others. They can withstand enormous loads, inaccessible to many.

And all this is achieved exclusively with the help of the power of thought.

A little patience and everything will work out

Of course, it would be naive to think that everything will work out right away: one, two, and you're done. To achieve results, you need to work hard, sometimes more than one year, but you will achieve incredible results.

Traveling around Asia and meeting people who have achieved great success in programming their thoughts, I have learned a lot. However, I will not immediately reveal all the secrets, otherwise you may not believe me. Gradually, step by step, I will talk about this in my new books.

I'm trying to teach you how to program your mind, show you that it's possible, and you'll see firsthand how it works.

33 ways to work on yourself

In this book, I give 33 ways to work on yourself in order to reprogram your mind. We operate in the world through the physical body, soul and mind. In accordance with this, the proposed reprogramming methods are divided into three groups: 11 for each of these components.

The book gives settings for solving most bodily, mental and intellectual problems. The moods are not at all complicated, and there is nothing mystical about them, each person is able to fulfill them. The only condition: these moods must be practiced regularly. You yourself know perfectly well that perseverance is necessary to achieve results. It is a mistake to expect that everything will work out immediately. Enthusiastic excitement is useless here. On the contrary, you will need calm, constant effort, and success will come.

How to Perform a Reprogramming Ritual

Reprogramming rituals require an appropriate setting. Create solitude, peace and quiet. Turn off your phone, TV, doorbell (if possible).

Sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back. Calm your breath. In order for new thoughts to penetrate into the depths of your being, you need to relax your body and muscles. If any muscles are tense, it will interfere with you, thoughts will scatter and reprogramming will not work.

Start counting your inhales and exhales: one, two, three, four, etc. If you get confused, start again. Imitate the slow deep breathing of a sleeping person. When you feel completely relaxed, begin to pronounce the words of mood.

As you gain experience, you will be able to perform rituals anywhere, even with a crowd of people, but privacy is necessary to begin with.

It is enough to carry out the programming ritual from one to three times a day. Do not try to check every minute: how is it already working or not yet? Give your subconscious a task, and it will cope with it. It knows for itself how to prepare a new program and when to put it into action.

Don't rush yourself. Just do the exercises, and gradually a new program will enter your consciousness and begin to change your life. The impatient ones are eliminated at the beginning of the distance, and those who are not in a hurry reach the finish line and receive a prize.

How to slander moods

Say to yourself: “Now I am giving my body a new program, I am entering a code for good health, strength, energy, vigor.” By doing this, you will give yourself a task, let your body fulfill it.

Take a deep breath. Then, as you exhale, say the words of the mood. Feel how they enter every cell of your body, saturate it from top to bottom.

The ritual should last at first 5 minutes (during this time, repeat the mood as many times as possible), then increase the time to 10 minutes, then up to half an hour.

Use only affirmative sentences, exclude the “not” particle, because you need positive programming. For example, you can't say, "I'm not sick anymore." This statement should be replaced with a positive one: “I will become healthy”, etc.

You can say the desired settings on the tape recorder: sit down, relax, calm your breath, turn on the tape recorder, close your eyes and listen. The effect will be the same.

Don't be afraid of resistance

At first, attitudes may cause you resistance. For example, you say the words: "I'm doing well, I'm healthy, alert and look great." A traitorous voice whispers: “What good is that? Look at yourself: you look disgusting and your health has deteriorated. This is a normal phenomenon - there is a struggle between the old and the new programs. If new programs were so easily introduced into consciousness, life would be too easy. The old defends its boundaries, there is a struggle between good and evil.

Do your thing, keep saying the mood. And the result will gradually begin to appear. The less you wait for it, the sooner it will appear.

Watch your resistance, laugh at it: “I see that you are trying to lead me astray. It won't work, and don't try. I will still program myself for health, joy, positive!”

Ignore the resistance, then it will gradually give up and leave.

Body work. We program ourselves for health and youth

The body is the temple of the soul

You've probably heard the expression, "The body is the temple of the soul." And indeed it is. We live on this earth because of our physical body. A lot depends on the state it's in. The quality of our life, its duration, the joys that we experience, the pleasures that we receive depend on this.

When the body is healthy, it works well until old age and we live a happy, fulfilling life. And if a person does not take care of his body, harming him with unhealthy habits and lack of rest, then gradually life becomes suffering. And not only for him, but also for the people around him. In addition, the work of the intellect worsens in such a person, since the latter switches to problems related to the body.

A healthy, obedient body is the best instrument for our soul. After all, only with his help the soul can manifest itself in this world. If you are healthy, cheerful, energetic, you can do a lot of good deeds, show your creative abilities to the maximum, benefit yourself and people.

Fixing previous mistakes

Why does our body often turn out to be different from what mothernature intended it to be? This is due to our mistakes and neglect of the needs of our physical shell.

Do you want your body to be healthy? Eat healthy food, crystal clear water, breathe fresh air. Do physical exercises, give the muscles the necessary load. Without this, the effect of moods, rituals and programming will be incomplete.

When you start reprogramming yourself, you will begin to gravitate towards a healthy lifestyle. It will come by itself, apart from your efforts. Gradually, you will begin to be drawn to a healthy diet, physical activity, you will become more likely to be in the fresh air.

1. Set yourself up for excellent health

Create a calm environment so that no one disturbs you. Set aside 15 minutes for this.

Sit down, calm down, relax. Deep, slow breathing with counting inhalations and exhalations will help you with this. When you feel relaxed, start a new program.

My health is getting better every day.

My body knows how to make me strong and healthy.

I listen to my body and follow it.

My health is constantly improving.

All my organs are working perfectly.

I easily resist infections and viruses.

I always stay healthy.

I thank my body for excellent health.

Let it be so!

2. Adjust to the optimal weight and harmony

Many people are bothered by being overweight. It is nothing more than a way of self-defense from the outside world. We accumulate a layer of fat, subconsciously believing that it will protect us from external “shocks”. But when we eat too much, we take a toll on our health.

Excess weight complicates the work of the heart, gives an additional load on the spine, bones, joints.

As a result, instead of dealing with external problems and effectively solving them, we prefer to hide behind a “fat” blanket, spoil our health and shorten our lives. It's time to reprogram yourself in a new way.

Sit down, get comfortable, relax. Start saying the words of the new program.

The world is safe.

He is friendly.

I easily cope with difficulties and problems.

I easily solve any problems.

I am losing weight.

My figure is getting slimmer every day.

3. The mood to preserve youth

Of course, the biological clock cannot be completely stopped, but it can be slowed down.

My body stays young and healthy.

My body tells me what to eat, what exercises to do.

I feel strong, vigorous and young.

I am filled with strength and energy.

Any task is subject to me.

I enjoy health and youth.

Let it be so!

4. Attitude for beauty and attractiveness

Nature has endowed us all with beauty and attractiveness in different ways. However, anyone can be attractive. The basis of external attractiveness is good health, cheerfulness, positive attitude. If we are open to the world, if we accept life and ourselves, then we are beautiful. We expect only good things from the world, and this makes us attractive in the eyes of other people.

I am open to life, I am open to the world.

I accept life, ion accepts me.

People like me, they approve of me.

I look great.

Every day I become more and more attractive.

I radiate charm.

People like me, I charm them.

Let it be so!

5. Set up for endurance

Endurance helps us to cope with many life tasks. But this does not mean that we have the right to overload our body so that it wears out prematurely. The body needs to be restored, it needs to be given both work and rest in time, then it will serve us well and long.

My body is strong and healthy.

He is capable of completing assigned tasks.

I feel when the body needs rest, and I give it to the body.

My body signals when to work and when to rest and recover.

By giving my body timely rest, I increase my endurance.

I am a strong, healthy, resilient person.

Let it be so!

6. Set yourself up for strong muscles and bones

Bones and muscles allow us to move in space, to be active and perform any work. To do this, they must be healthy and strong.

My muscles are strong and healthy.

They retain their youth for many years.

My bones are also strong and healthy.

Every day they become stronger.

My body knows how to keep bones and muscles healthy.

Every day I become stronger and healthier.

Every day I feel more and more powerful.

Let it be so!

7. Set yourself up for strong arms and legs

Through hands we express ourselves. With the help of hands, we can create, create, caress our loved ones and children, take care of people. Legs give us the opportunity to conquer space, to see the Earth in all its diversity and beauty.

My hands are healthy, reliable and strong.

They hold the helm of my life.

They allow me to embody any plans.

Every day they become stronger.

My legs are strong and healthy.

With their help, I can go wherever I want.

I give my legs exercise and rest.

I take care of my feet, take care of them.

Every day they become stronger and healthier.

My arms and legs are strong, young and healthy.

Let it be so!

8. Adjust the strength of the spine and joints

The spine is the backbone of our body. It connects the lower, earthly, part of the body with the brain, that is, it is the connecting link between the worldly and the spiritual in man.

With the help of many nerve endings, the spine is connected with all the organs of our body, which is why its health is so important to us.

My spine is strong, strong, healthy and flexible.

I give him a load and rest in time.

Every day my spine becomes stronger and more flexible.

My joints are also strong and healthy.

Thanks to the joints, my body is flexible and obedient.

Every day my joints become stronger and healthier.

I love my strong, healthy body.

Let it be so!

9. Set the mood for the health of the digestive and excretory systems

Thanks to the digestive and excretory systems, metabolism occurs in the body. Both of them are responsible for life, so they must be healthy and clean.

My digestive tract is working great.

He is healthy, strong and clean.

I give him the best products.

I deliver healthy and clean food to him.

My excretory system works flawlessly.

She is strong, young and healthy.

It keeps my body perfectly clean.

She immediately takes the waste out.

My digestive and excretory systems are getting better every day.

Let it be so!

10. Attitude for the health of the genitourinary system

For men, first of all, potency is important, the possibility of procreation depends on it. For women, the ability to become pregnant, bear a fetus and safely give birth to a child is important.

It is clear that in this case the attitudes for men and women are different. However, in general, programming is aimed at the health of the organs necessary for procreation.

Set for women:

My organs of procreation are strong and healthy.

I am able to conceive, bear a fetus and give birth to a healthy child.

Every day my female organs work better and better.

Every day they become stronger and healthier.

I enjoy my feminine essence.

I am proud to be a woman.

I am proud that I can perfectly fulfill my feminine task on Earth.

Let it be so!

Mood for men:

My urinary system works great.

I am able to conceive healthy strong children.

I am able to continue my lineage.

I am proud of my masculinity.

I enjoy being a man.

My male organs are strong, strong and healthy.

Every day they work better and better.

I'm proud of my masculine power.

Let it be so!

11. Attitude for strength and health of teeth, nails, skin, hair

Teeth and nails initially helped a person defend himself from external danger, live and survive, teeth help process food. Skin and hair protect us from environmental influences.

My teeth and nails are strong and healthy.

They help me survive.

I consume food that is healthy for teeth and nails.

My skin and hair are strong, young, healthy.

Every day they become healthier and more beautiful.

I take care of them, give them healthy, wholesome food.

I enjoy the beauty and health of my hair and skin.

Let it be so!

Work with soul. We program ourselves for a happy life

Soul is a link between us and the boundless Universe or God (call it as you like). The harmony of the soul gives us a happy life and the joy of being. If you want to enjoy life, you must develop a positive approach to it, understand that you and life are one.

Our soul is primordially pure, there are no vices and sins in it. We are born beautiful, kind, striving for harmony and light. Look at the little children. With all their appearance they prove that this is so.

When the soul is deprived of harmony, internal discord occurs in it. All physical organs suffer from this. Diseases begin, we cease to experience the pleasure of life. Therefore, it is so important to put things in order in your soul, to adjust its harmony.

1. Set yourself up to protect yourself from negativity

Accepting negativity or not is our personal choice. At first, this statement may seem controversial. Who in their right mind wants to catch the negative? He clings to himself!

Actually it is not. We can refuse to accept negative messages, turn away from them, then the negative "ping pong" will stop by itself.

Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Imagine that you have drained all the dirty, cloudy water from the pool, then filled it with crystal clear water.

Perhaps now it is difficult for you to accept this statement, and your whole being opposes it. This often happens (there is a struggle between good and evil). Start reprogramming your consciousness, and gradually the negativity will go away.

The world is full of goodness. !

He is friendly.

I see the good, the bright, the good in everything.

I consciously choose a positive attitude towards the world.

Every day my world is getting better.

Every day more and more good people and events are attracted to me.

My world is getting brighter every day. Let it be so!

2. Set your intuition to work well

Intuition- one of the main manifestations of the spiritual power of man. It is believed that intuition is the voice of God in the soul. She saves us in difficult and dangerous moments of life, suggests solutions in difficult situations, allows us to make the right choice.

Some people complain that their intuition is silent and does not tell them anything. They say, "I can't hear the voice of my intuition!" Why is this happening? Because some people drown out her thin, barely audible voice. When intuition tells them something, they tell her: "Shut up!" and they begin to list the arguments of reason, they say, and they will follow it. Over time, intuition becomes completely silent. It simply cannot break through the rigid obstacles erected by the mind.

If you want to have a developed intuition, you must listen to it, catch its very first impulse. In order to hear intuition, you need to tune in, as we tune a radio receiver to the desired wave.

My intuition helps me.

She protects and protects me.

I always listen to my intuition.

I always follow her advice.

Thanks to my intuition that it tells me the right decisions.

I thank her for leading me through life.

Let it be so!

3. Attitude to get rid of useless experiences

Life is a long road. There are smooth, even sections on this road, when the sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers are fragrant. And there are difficult, rocky sections, when you can hardly find your way in the dark.

Difficult sections of the life path must be treated accordingly: try to get through them as quickly as possible, get out onto a wide, safe road and leave them behind, forget about them.

But some people get stuck in memories, carry them in themselves for a long time. For what? It only poisons life. It's time to stop dwelling on bad experiences and forget about them. It's time to lay a new program in yourself - to get rid of the negative.

I pass the difficult part of the road and shake off the memory of it.

I go through a difficult situation and move forward.

I learn valuable experience and forget about the problem.

Unnecessary experiences come off me like water off a duck's back.

I easily get rid of negative experiences.

My life is beautiful.

Let it be so!

4. Set the mood to get rid of irritability

Irritability is an over-sensitivity to the little things in life. It takes strength and energy, distracts from business, spoils health. It's time to get rid of her.

I calmly accept the little things in life.

I know they will pass without a trace.

I leave trifles unattended.

My life is full of good things.

Trifles pass me by.

I see them disappear.

Let it be so!

5. Nast, swarm to get rid of the wrath of evil

Anger and anger-destructive emotions that say that you do not accept the world, reject it. It is pointless. If the world sends you a negative situation, it is only so that you gain experience and learn a lesson. Negative situations are our teachers, so we should be grateful to them for the lessons they teach us. It is pointless to be angry to be angry with them, because in this case we are angry and angry with ourselves.

I get rid of anger.

Instead of getting angry, I ask myself: what am I supposed to learn from this?

I answer this question and free myself from anger and anger.

Peace and tranquility reign in my soul.

Bad situations are my teachers.

They help me realize what is happening and rise to a new level.

Thanks to them, I become more experienced and wiser.

I am calm, everything is fine in my world

Let it be so!

6. Set yourself up for self-confidence

We come into the world with boundless self-confidence. We believe that we are good, loved, worthy of all the best. Let's remember small children, because they are exactly like that, from birth they believe that the world revolves around them.

Where does this faith disappear with time? As soon as we start walking and talking, they immediately begin to give us assessments: you are good, you are bad, you are smart, stupid, beautiful, ugly, right, guilty, etc.

But we have grown up a long time ago. Why should we accept other people's assessments? Of course, you can listen to them, because we live among people, so we strive to understand how they want to see us.

But what does this have to do with our self-confidence? She must not leave us.

I am good, I deserve all the best in life.

I love life and she loves me.

I have confidence in myself no matter what happens.

Life itself knows what I need.

She keeps and protects me.

I do the right things.

If I'm wrong, I correct my mistakes.

I believe in myself and know that everything will be fine.

Let it be so!

7. Set yourself up to confidently defend your point of view

Sometimes in life you have to stand up for yourself. It happens that at the same time we experience difficult feelings: we are afraid that by doing so we will cause trouble to someone, spoil relations with people.

Of course, it is best to try to find a compromise. But sometimes this is impossible and it is necessary to make a choice, at this moment you need to insist on your point of view. Don't be afraid of this.

If a relationship has outlived itself, it will end anyway. And if they are strong, a divergence of views will not hurt them.

I defend my point of view in order to move forward.

I try to find a compromise that suits everyone.

If necessary, I yield.

If necessary, I make my choice.

I boldly choose my path and move forward.

My life is going right.

Let it be so!

8. Get in the habit of saying “no”

This is a continuation of the previous topic. But now we are talking about the ability to refuse. I repeat: you should always try to find a compromise that suits both sides. You need to help people, fulfill their requests, etc. But when this is impossible, you have to say a firm “no”. Learn to do it. You must be able to stand up for your interests, especially if you protect your loved ones, their well-being.

I try to help people.

I try to avoid rejection.

But sometimes you have to refuse.

If this is not possible, I still wish the person well.

Rejection is the need to choose your own path.

I must choose my path. My life is going right.

Let it be so!

Sometimes we get an injury or other bodily injury. How to help yourself? There is a way to restore health. These are positive statements, moods, affirmations. They activate the body's defenses and significantly accelerate healing.

Set up for health

Avoided injury

A few years ago I had an incident. On a summer day I rode the tram. During a sharp braking, I fell and hit my left chest hard, with all my might, on the edge of the seat on the opposite side of the car. It was very painful. With the help of other passengers, I struggled to my feet. Leaving the tram, I barely crawled to the house (fortunately, it is a stone's throw from the stop).

It is known that the mammary glands are very delicate and vulnerable. Hitting the chest is dangerous, such bruises are fraught with undesirable consequences.

At home, I somehow rested, the pain gradually subsided. But touching the chest still hurt. The next day, I noticed a huge black bruise that appeared on the lower part of my left chest. This worried me. I went to the pharmacy and asked them to give me some kind of ointment for bruises. The pharmacist asked where the bruise was located. I told her what happened. She replied that a chest bruise was dangerous and strongly advised him to immediately consult a doctor. At the same time gave ointment.

How I was treated

I haven't gone to the doctor yet. I started to treat the bruise with ointment, but it did not decrease. Then I remembered another ointment - heparin, which works effectively in such cases. It prevents the formation of blood clots, dissolves already formed ones and stops their growth.
Having bought heparin ointment, I began to lubricate the bruised mammary gland with it and massage it with light movements. The ointment helped: every day I saw that the bruise was gradually turning pale. After a while, his blackness began to wane, and then he completely disappeared.

But that is not all. I began to say affirmations - set myself up for healing. Affirmations are positive attitudes that help the mind to tune in to the activation of the healing forces of the body and thereby restore health.

Healing moods

Every day I walked, practiced (walking with sticks). During these walks, I constantly said healing moods to myself:

"Every cell in my body relaxes,
Every cell absorbs health.
Every vessel in my body relaxes and expands,
Fresh healthy young blood runs through my vessels
She purifies them, brings them fresh food, and takes away all that is bad.
My chest heals and becomes healthy
My breasts are young, clean and healthy.
I am healthy and happy.
Everything is beautiful in my world, and that's the way it is."

Every day I walked for half an hour and while walking I said these moods to myself. They worked great for me. Such affirmations calm, improve mood, inspire confidence and create an even, positive background that is conducive to health.

The healing of the bruise was in full swing. Finally, only memories remained of him, and then they disappeared. The chest was smooth, soft, as before.

A happy ending to the story

Several years have passed since then. Sovey recently I underwent a complete medical examination: a preventive examination of all medical specialists (as required by the terms of medical insurance). She also underwent mammography - an examination of the mammary glands using the most modern medical equipment (the diagnostic apparatus completely occupies a large room, that's what the technology has come to).
As a result, I received a conclusion: my breasts are healthy. Yes, and all other organs too, thank God.

The power of healing installations

Why did I tell you all this? After all, the incident that happened to me seems to be personal, intimate. I told about it in order to tell what a huge power lies in our minds, provided that it is properly tuned.

Fortunately, there are doctors who know about the great power and benefits of positive attitudes. I think most of you have heard about the healing attitudes of Georgy Sytin - Doctor of Medical, Psychological and Philosophical Sciences, Academician. His attitudes are widely known, they are used by Russian cosmonauts, etc.

I think you have also heard of Louise Hay - the famous American writer, healer and practical psychologist. She is the author of more than 30 books with a total circulation of more than 50 million copies. Her most famous book is You Can Heal Your Life. Louise Hay has developed an effective system of positive affirmations, they are practiced by many people around the world.

It also helped me that I have been practicing for more than 20 years (beginning of articles on meditation). This is a powerful tool for personal growth, including improving health, increasing intellectual and creative capabilities, the ability to concentrate, etc.
All together helped me quickly get rid of the bruise and its possible consequences.

How to make statements

Affirmations (statements) will be effective if you follow certain rules when compiling them. Here they are:

Statements must be made in affirmative form only. The "not" part is excluded. For example, it is a mistake to say: "I will not get sick." Correct: “I am healthy”, “I feel great”.

Affirmations should be composed only in the present tense, the action takes place here and now. It is a mistake to say: “I will be healthy”, “Tomorrow I will get better”. Correct: “I am healthy”, “I am getting better”, “I am healing right now”.

The statement should be made in such a way that it causes you positive emotions, joy, high spirits. If it causes discomfort, change it.

Statements should be short. Verbosity is excluded. Express only the main idea.

Absolute faith in the power of the statement is required.


I want to warn against mindlessly using affirmations for diagnosed serious illnesses, when serious medical intervention is needed. If the disease is already running to such an extent, then the help of qualified doctors is needed.