Break of the mental connection. How to establish a mental connection. Image: an improved, updated version of you. Upgrade))

It cannot be denied that esoteric currents have become the fashion trend of the last period. With the great availability of various kinds of information, any person is drawn to plunge into something magical and unknown. Some go headlong into the study of cause-and-effect relationships, while others try to figure out with themselves and their life experiences. Of course, everyone strives for happiness, looking for their own way of acquiring it.

How can esotericism help you personally?

Esotericism is actually a purely practical science that can provide many tips for changing lifestyle and organizing peace of mind and emotional peace. This is in great need of those who in the recent past had to break off relations, as well as those who are dependent on pictures and events of the past.

This is a whole section in esotericism, covering a group of people who just need to part with at three levels of perception:

  • spiritual;
  • mental;
  • physical or sexual.

Who is the event participant?

The universe is made of connections. They exist between things, houses, people. As a rule, they arise from sincerity, feelings, work relationships, falling in love, joint sex and related beginnings and thousands of different prerequisites for any kind of relationship. An energetic connection is invisible to the eye, but quite powerful attachment to certain events or people. Also, some esotericists call it dependence, which is formed between people at all the levels mentioned earlier.

This is a kind of voluntary slavery to which a person subjects himself, and the roots must be sought in rejection and rejection of oneself as a unique person. Of course, there is a certain gradation indicating the degree of dependence of the participants in the events. The need to break the existing energy tie has to many people; in the process, consultations with various specialists, from psychologists to psychics, are inevitable and desirable.

Let's name just a few cases that are most often encountered in the practice of esotericists:

  • The bond between a man and a woman that appears as a result of sexual relations;
  • The connection between an adult child and his mother;
  • There can also be an energetic interaction between a person and a certain event in which excessive emotions are involved;
  • Relationship between blood relatives, especially twins and twins;
  • Bindings made by a magical way, by violent influence on the mental and etheric bodies of a person;
  • Connections arising for any other reason between strangers at a distance.

Causing an insane outflow of people's personal energy, such states are very fraught with unpleasant consequences that affect physical and mental health. Let's analyze several cases and see how bindings work, what actions can be used to interrupt them, how to complete walking in a circle and exclude the repetition of some situations that haunt and repeat over the course of life.

Parents and children

Psychologists and esotericists often meet in their practice cases of painful connection with parents. Even more common is the attachment of the mother to the children and vice versa. This is actually the scourge of our modernity, since many girls, not realizing themselves in a joint family life, give birth to children alone and, as it were, "for themselves." Subsequently, when the children grow up, the whole avalanche of mother's feelings fell on them, which she no longer had to spend on anyone.

This can be expressed in different ways, even sometimes turn into diktat at the family level, choosing a place of study, friends, books, social circle for children, visiting certain sections or training, which can cause conflicts.

But sometimes, children with weaker resistance, begin to take for granted the care and excessive interest in their person. In such a state, attachments arise that then prevent them from arranging their personal life, because the mother's opinion becomes the most decisive and unprecedented.

Therefore, the death of a mother can become a serious psychological blow, because a person has not learned to live in the real world, without increased guardianship and care.

Depression begins, pictures of the past constantly appear in my thoughts, in which my parents were alive, and everything was fine. Without calling to erase parents from memory, we just want to explain that it is necessary to learn how to let go of loved ones. This is a certain work with your consciousness and subconsciousness, in which a person will receive strength and guidelines for later life.

Situations when parents are alive, but dominate children, even old enough, are also not uncommon.

How to break the energy connection with your mother in this case:

  • It is necessary to take responsibility for events and actions in your life upon yourself;
  • Thank both parents for giving life;
  • Clearly in a conversation, convey to their consciousness that now you will decide everything yourself, make mistakes and fall too;
  • End the conversation with a low bow.

The last action is advised by all experts in order for the body to remember and the brain to start acting differently, taking this ritual as a starting point of reference.

Man and woman

The energy connection between a loving man and a woman is also a rather relevant topic.
many esoteric consultations and seminars.

There is an opinion, based on Vedic practices, that sexual intercourse leads to a seven-year attachment at the mental level.

The impact is on all areas of life, and sometimes it is impossible to find a partner for a long time after the relationship has ended; in other cases, emotions continue to work in the direction of former lovers.

It also leads to stress on a deep personal level. Remedies Recommended When Asked "How to break the energy connection with your former beloved partner" are quite diverse.

For example:

  • conduct a meditation for forgiveness, preferably more than once, especially if the offense was justified;
  • in the event of the untimely death of a partner, you need meditation for forgiveness, a wish for peace, and you need to let go of the memories. Repeat as many times as necessary to reduce the emotional background;
  • remove all things that remind of a connection - give away, throw away, burn;
  • create a substitution, which can be any previously unusual type of activity.

Tips on how to break the energy connection with your beloved man are simple only at first glance, but all actions will take a certain time and period.

Energy anchoring occurs when communicating between a woman and a man. Energy is transmitted in any case, when making love, communicating, spending time together, etc.

Many people break off their relationship, but both partners do not always want this, so the energy connection between people, even after the termination of the relationship, in many cases remains.

Some people very often cannot come to terms with the idea that their loved one left them. What to do in such cases and is it dangerous?

Danger of energy binding of people

You have probably met people who, after parting, are sad for a long time, cry and wither right before our eyes.

Their sexual energy decreases daily. It is voluntarily transferred to another (former) loved one. No need to blame him, because he is not aware of all this!

Frequent worries and caring for a former partner make a person weaker, he transfers all his energy to him.

The more and more you think about it, the more energy you lose. In such a state, it is impossible to build new relationships, even our body will gradually weaken a little every time.

Basic principles of energy binding, what are they based on?

1. In revenge

A strong desire to take revenge on your former partner, make his life worse, hurt him, as he hurt you. This is an indisputable fact.

A person plans every day, thinks over every step in order to fulfill his dream. All this takes away most of the accumulated vital energy and even when revenge is fulfilled, it will be very difficult to return it. Then you will be left only in complete despair, misunderstanding and without any guess what to do next.

2. Feelings of guilt

Many people blame themselves for breaking up. They blame themselves for hurting, not being too kind to their partner, overreacting or saying too much, not stopping or doing it too late. This all takes up a huge amount of energy and strength, especially if children have suffered as a result of a long relationship.

3. Resentment and frustration

Resentment - these are your unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, desires and dreams.

We blame the former partner for not giving us the opportunity to realize our plans, that all dreams and desires have long since died.

Resentment makes us weaker, we often complain to others, we blame all the troubles of the past of a loved one, we think that it is not we who are bad, but the person who once abandoned us.

Why do you think that someone else is to blame for all this? These were your wishes and plans. And, most likely, they were significantly different from the desires and plans of the former lover. So, what is his fault? ...

4. Promises

Perhaps your loved one once promised you a lot. He said that you will be his forever, give birth to children, he will build a house and your life together will be very long.

The woman believed and expected this, but at one point he left. The woman cannot fully understand how it all happened, did he promise? She remembers all the words, emotions, feelings and continues to hold on to the past, believes that everything is still changing and this is not the end.

How to remove energy ties to former partners?

To improve your life, to raise the level of vital energy, you need:

  • Find all energy leaks and close them. Break all existing sexual energy ties to your ex.
  • Develop your Svadhisthana chakra.
  • Manage your life energy. You must be able to turn on or off the energy force when you need it. Direct it in the necessary direction.

Energy ties to former partners - video

Many of you have more than once felt an incomprehensible exhaustion after communicating with some person. This is an energy vampire that steals energy from you. Let's see how to break the energy connection and live a full life?

Energy connections

Did you know that it is enough for people to shake hands or touch each other so that thin threads of energy appear between them? If people begin to communicate more with each other, then this connection is strengthened and turns into a thick rope along which energy flows from person to person.

Energy Vampirism

When everything is harmonious in a couple or in a family, then close people feed on each other. On the physical plane, this is expressed by support, understanding, intuitive feeling. But what if the relationship becomes unbearable? Constant quarrels, scandals, tantrums and showdowns provoke an outflow of energy. A sick relationship is a swing, when people either quarrel or ardently reconcile - this is exactly the case. And if you find the courage to break it, then you will reach a different stage of your development.

This is quite difficult to do, because many at such moments are attacked by strange emotions. It's easier for them to push their ego's throat again than to start solving the problem. And why? And because they are afraid that they will be left without their favorite "tormentor". The torturer ... But such a dear one! That is why this method is suitable only for the strongest, who are ready to abruptly tear off the plaster from the aching wound and begin to sew up the hole with magic threads.

Even if you ended the relationship and stopped communicating with the person, this does not mean at all that you have broken the connection on an energetic level; some of your energy is still flowing into your past relationship or family.

How to break the energy connection with an ex-man, husband, lover, woman, with your partner, relative, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, colleague, and in general with any person? Let's see.

Types of energy connections

There are several energy connections:

  1. Energy connections that accumulate during the day: communication with relatives, trips to the store, work, study, people on the street, etc.
  2. Connections that arise during conflicts, quarrels, and if someone offended you.
  3. Love bindings: cordial and long-lasting.


If you don't know how to break the energy connection, then here are some techniques that will help you. You can do them at any time convenient for you: at least at home, at least on the street or at work.

On every day

If you know how to work with chakras, then here is a simple method to break all attachments:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. You need to ground yourself. Imagine that a dark brown pillar is leaving your tailbone area down to the center of the Earth.
  3. Walk through each chakra, starting with the first. Imagine that you are removing all the dark spots or any growths on them with your hands, cleaning each one with an imaginary vacuum cleaner.

We remove the resentment

If someone offended you, then you should try to clean yourself as soon as possible, without accumulating anything.

How to break the energy connection with a person:

  1. Imagine your abuser standing in front of you.
  2. Run two tubes at chest level that go from you to him. Energy flows from him to you through one tube, and from you to him through the other.
  3. Take imaginary scissors. To heighten the effect, you can take real scissors and do the same with them.
  4. Cut off both tubes.
  5. You close the ends of your tubes to each other on yourself.
  6. You wash the offender's pipes between you on it.

Relationship room

If you have accumulated too many grievances and it is rather problematic to work through this with each person, then this technique can help you.

How to break an energy connection:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax. You can turn on your favorite music in the background, or.
  2. Let go of thoughts and try to stop the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine that your head is a room, and all the furniture in it is your offenders. Let's say a wardrobe is a father, a floor lamp is a mother, a chair is a former partner, a chandelier is a boss, an armchair is a colleague, a table is a saleswoman in a store who is nasty to you, and so on.
  4. Start taking all the items out of the room.
  5. When the space is completely cleared, push yourself out of the room by any means: pull by the ear, bulldoze, or fly away in a hot air balloon.
  6. Look into your room through a keyhole or window. If it is still empty, come out of your trance. And if there are still some items, take them out again until the room is completely empty.

Love bindings

With love bindings, things are a little more complicated. It will take more effort, energy and time to remove all suckers. But you will definitely succeed if you really want it.

Burn everything that you gave me

How to break the energy connection with a man or woman:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Determine the place on the piece of paper where your resentment or irritation wants to settle.
  3. Draw whatever you want with a pen. Don't think about time, just paint.
  4. Take a basin of water and light a piece of paper with matches.
  5. Wait until the entire drawing has burned, and then dip the paper in water for safety.
  6. Drain the water.

Airing the heart

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. In the region of your heart, mentally find a black hole.
  3. Breathe in through your mouth, and mentally exhale through the hole.
  4. At first, black smoke will come out of it, and with each breath it will become blacker and blacker.
  5. Then the smoke will become light, and then a draft will form in your heart.
  6. This means you have completely removed the energy connection.
  7. Close the entrance with your hand or a fictional stopper. Or you might want to patch up this wound.

Key words

During the execution of the techniques, you can contact the person with whom you want to break the connection and say to him approximately the following words (you can add on your own):

My dear (name)!

I know how you feel and perceive all my words on a subtle plane. And here and now I renounce you with full responsibility and with all my heart. I suppress all possible grievances against you.

Our relationship was great in the beginning. But today this is not what you and I need from life. From now on and forever I am free from you with a clear conscience and an open soul.

Here and now I decide to be the master (mistress) of my life, my thoughts and feelings. I am under the divine protection of the Higher Powers (God, Allah, Guardian Angels, etc.).

I wish you harmony and joy in life, but without me. Everything is good in my beautiful world!

Important note

There are situations in everyone's life when he wants to cut off the energy connection with a person so that he does not vampire you. But you need to keep communicating. These can be parents, relatives, or friends.

We encounter a lot of people every day. With someone we enter into controversy, with someone we establish long-term friendships, and someone even begins to represent the closest people in the portrait gallery. With each of them, we are establishing a different level of understanding, which is classified by psychologists and mystics as a mental connection between people.

How do we communicate?

Have you ever paid attention to how a dialogue is built between members of the same family? Even if it was created not so long ago, communication at the everyday level looks strange (although no one often pays attention to this): "Tea?" - "No, coffee." And that's all. This is instead of a whole dialogue: "What will you be - black tea or instant coffee?" - "Instant coffee without milk and with one spoonful of sugar."

It's just that the connection that connects close people allows them to miss most of the information, because it is already transmitted (one might say telepathically) from one partner to another. This is the mental connection - a state that helps to feel the thoughts and mood of another person, even being with him at a great distance.

It turns out that the mental connection can be seen

“Thoughts converge” is not only a figurative expression, but also a rather real description of how exactly the mental connection between the representatives of the human race is manifested and expressed. The researchers found that if people are sympathetic or friendly, then even MRI scans can detect synchronization of neural activity in brain cells in one and the other.

The same connection exists between the narrator and the one who listens attentively and with interest. Incidentally, it was found that with a high degree of empathy in the listener, neural activity even slightly outstrips that of the person who is leading the story.

How to make a mental connection

Incidentally, the mental connection is most easily established where emotions are involved in the communication process. And depending on where they are directed, mutual understanding arises between people. Of course, a mutual desire for further relationships and a similar level of intelligence will play a significant role in this.

Sometimes in such cases, psychological methods of building relationships help:

  • copying the pose of the interlocutor;
  • repeating his last words during a conversation;
  • and if the situation permits, then light touches to the interlocutor's hand.

All this leads to the fact that soon conversing and hitherto unfamiliar people begin to feel mutual sympathy and disposition.

The strongest bonds are formed between

It has long been no secret to anyone that the strongest connection at the mental level is formed between parents and children, as well as between lovers. Often, the same relationship can be observed between friends, especially if a lot has been experienced together, and the friendship is time-tested.

Note that the emotional sphere plays a leading role in these relationships. After all, you love the child not for something, but simply because you love ... Probably, that is why the mother always, as they say, feels with her heart if something happened to her child. And a loving son or daughter also clearly feel the state of their parents.

Why it happens? It is obvious that dry calculation or relations built only on mutual benefit will not allow the development of mental connection between partners until such time as emotions - sympathy, respect, affection - are wedged into their life together. They will slowly melt the ice crust, which does not allow building a sincere relationship and subtly feeling a partner, and after this, a mental relationship will develop.

A little bit about love

The mental connection between a man and a woman is not always the kind of love that is usually spoken of as true. But what is true love - passion between sexual partners or endless devotion to the object of love? No one can clearly formulate the answer to this question. But it is interesting that sometimes in partners who are violently experiencing their relationship, this connection is very weakly developed, while calm and trusting relationships between them allow it to become very noticeable and manifest itself literally at every step.

You did not have time to think about your beloved, and she is already calling you. You feel anxiety and a strong desire to call your beloved, and when you do this, it turns out that he is in trouble. Has this ever happened? Surely more than once! And this means that your relationship has moved to a new rank, and the bond that has developed between you will help maintain them for a long time.

What mental connections look like to magicians

By the way, the mental connection for people who call themselves clairvoyants takes on completely clear forms. It turns out that it does not look like a silvery thread that stretches from head to head or from heart to heart (it all depends on which chakras in a person are working better at the moment).

It is interesting that such threads extend from the teacher to the students, if he loves his work and treats the audience with sympathy. Students listen to such lessons or lectures very carefully, moreover, they perfectly remember the lesson material!

But again I want to repeat myself - this requires emotions. Between the "teacher", dryly lecturing her lesson, and bored students, such connections, of course, are unthinkable.

Now imagine: you go to such classes, you have a faithful friend (or even more than one), you love and are loved - all these connections slowly create a web around you. And a person who knows how to be friends, love and empathize is quite densely entangled in it. It is interesting that it does not interfere, but on the contrary, helps to easily establish new relationships and subtly feel even strangers.

Mental connection: how to break a relationship?

Between two loving people, mental bonds are established quickly and most often firmly. This gives a lot of advantages: you can always feel the emotional background of your partner and catch the moment when he is in dire need of support.

But the mental connection between lovers sometimes does not break even when parting. Especially if one of the partners is not ready to break up. And this, you see, is a completely different feeling. It is difficult to build a new life if you always imagine your ex, if you do not leave the feeling that he is somewhere near. How to be?

The recipe is simple and trivial - let it go yourself. Even if you are convinced otherwise, try to understand why you are mindful of your relationship. Maybe they had something that you are sorely lacking now? Be sincere to yourself. After all, even if you were the initiator of the break, it is possible that now, after a while, regret wakes up in you for what you have done. And if there is no way back to restoring relationships, let go of your partner. Talk to him mentally and ask him to leave your life, not to remind you of yourself. Imagine how that silvery thread that connected your hearts disappeared, broke, feel a slight pain from this break. But relief will come after her.

But I want to repeat: all this will work only with a sincere (!) Desire to break off relations.

A few final words

An increasing number of studies prove that the mental connection, which until now has been commonly spoken of as something mythical, is in fact an absolutely real phenomenon. And regardless of how it is presented - in the form of threads connecting us with someone, or in the form of synchronously working neurons in the brain - it helps us maintain informal relationships.

As already mentioned, the main thing here is to feel a person's sincere and emotional desire for their development and strengthening. Do not be afraid to give, then in return you will also receive a lot of pleasant and beautiful things, and everything in our life is built on this.

The mental connection is a very popular theory with many followers. But in our article we will understand all the nuances and provide users with the information they are interested in.

Esotericists cannot explain even the very concept of a mental connection. It is too vague and vague. Probably, experts deliberately do not make clarifications so that this concept is suitable for the maximum number of people.

What is the mental connection between people? According to popular theory, this is a high level of mutual understanding and energy exchange. It is expressed in several factors:

  • A man and a woman can understand each other without words.
  • They feel attached.
  • They need new emotions that they get together.
  • Find new topics of conversation quickly.
  • They have almost the same opinion.
  • People have similarities in thought.

Esotericists explain the mental connection with some kind of ephemeral energies that do not understand where they come from and how they generally work. But scientists became interested in this theory and conducted a number of studies.

During the tests, experts revealed that the mental connection still exists. But there is no mysticism in it, mythical energies, the existence of which no one has ever proved. Everything is solely due to the work of our brain.

How is it formed?

If we move away from esoteric theories, then science cannot accurately explain the prerequisites for the establishment of such a connection between people. Most likely, people need a sincere interest in each other, they should be comfortable communicating and spending time together.

How is the mental connection formed, according to scientists?

  1. During prolonged communication, lovers try to adapt to each other.
  2. Synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres occurs. People try to think alike, find interesting topics of conversation and come to a common opinion.
  3. When they spend time together, they receive a number of positive or negative emotions. People gradually begin to get used to each other and an emotional connection is formed.
  4. Over time, it becomes stronger and stronger.

If there is no karmic connection and everything is explained by science, then how can people understand each other without unnecessary words? After all, scientists completely deny the existence of telepathy!

Experts were able to find the answer to this question as well. The fact is that during communication, each person is characterized by a certain behavior, movement, intonation in the voice. In a long-term relationship, the partner gradually remembers these small details, the relationship with the reactions, thoughts and emotions of the beloved. Subconsciously, he determines when a person is upset, what answer he can give to an existing question, his behavior at the next moment.

The mental connection between people

Conclusion: the mental connection is scientifically explained and is due to a high level of human socialization. People are also representatives of the animal world, if we turn to biology. They differ from animals by high mental development and the presence of consciousness.

Human social behavior is pronounced. Humans do not have serious physical strength, deadly claws or teeth. Therefore, in order to survive in an aggressive world, they had to unite.

A person can maintain a mental (or social) connection with several people at once. It is most pronounced with a partner and with relatives. Communication with friends and colleagues is weaker, but it is still there.

Between lovers

The mental bond between a man and a woman is considered the strongest. Partners are united not only by common goals, interests, topics for communication, common opinion, etc. Between them there is also love and passion, sexual attraction. Additionally, partners get together a maximum of emotions, both positive and negative.

To ensure a strong connection, several conditions must be met:

  • Spend as much time as possible together.
  • Find points of contact.
  • Respect each other.
  • Provide support during difficult times.
  • Achieve maximum mutual understanding.

Negative emotions can also help create a bond. But they should be complemented by positive ones, only if there is a balance, full-fledged relationships are possible.

The main signs of a mental connection

How does the mental connection manifest?

  1. You are interested in communicating with a person.
  2. You quickly find new topics.
  3. Have a similar opinion on various issues.
  4. Quickly reach consensus in case of disputes.
  5. Want to spend more time together.
  6. You are comfortable with the person, there is no unnecessary stress.
  7. You roughly know what your partner will say the next moment, how he will behave.
  8. People get positive and negative emotions together.

How to install?

You will not be forcibly sweet - it is this expression that explains the essence of the establishment of a mental connection. As a rule, this is a completely spontaneous process. It is very difficult for specialists to explain why some people quickly push each other away, while others begin to gradually converge. Most likely, the process of establishing a mental connection is influenced by characters, behavioral features, common interests.

How does the whole process look like in practice?

  • Initially, people get to know each other.
  • If they have a mutual interest, then communication is struck.
  • As a result of the first contacts, people either break the fragile bond or continue to converge.
  • Common interests, similar opinions, and similar behavior have a positive effect on relationships.
  • The more time people spend together, the stronger the level of their bond.

The similarity of opinions, characters and behavior is a rather important factor. It is driven by our natural instincts. When people meet people who are similar to themselves, they trust them more, because their behavior is easier to predict.

Assisted Exercises

In addition, there are supportive exercises that should strengthen the bond between people.

Exercise 1: One of the partners is blindfolded. Both people begin to spontaneously move around the room. A partner without a bandage should make as little noise as possible to make it harder to locate.

On command, the participants in the exercise stop. The person with the bandage should roughly indicate the side the partner is on. Then the second participant leaves the room. Now it is necessary to compare the sensations in order to understand whether there is any connection between people.

Exercise 2: Sit in a chair and relax. Imagine your partner's face on a white background, then ask him to perform some simple action. After completing it mentally, concentrate on the positive emotions that your wish has been fulfilled. Then you can mentally send the same request to your partner.

Exercise 3: Sit in a chair and relax. Imagine a partner on a white background, ask him to call. Imagine your subsequent communication, possible topics of conversation, what emotions will arise.

Important! These exercises are more likely to be esoteric practices. There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of these exercises, but you can still try them.

How to break?

Sometimes relationships with individuals only bring negative emotions. So, it's time to break such a connection in order to free up your time for communication with another person.

But we will not consider questionable esoteric ways to remove the connection. We will provide only real and effective advice:

  • The main thing is to limit communication with this person. As long as you spend time together, the connection will still be maintained, no matter how hard you try to break it.
  • The second step is to find an alternative. To cope with a breakup, you can replace the person with a new friend with whom you will enjoy talking. The easiest way to avoid emotional emptiness is to simply fill it.
  • Stop all contact with that person. Gradually, your connection will be broken, and you can throw off the shackles from yourself.

Conclusion: you can break contact gradually. It is better to replace the person with a new friend or acquaintance, so that it is easier for you to free yourself from the connection. When it becomes less noticeable, you can completely stop communicating.