Basics of Easter Orthodox Culture. The lesson on the OPK on the topic "Easter - Light Resurrection" (grade 9). show a positive attitude towards school and training activities

Development of extracurricular activities on the OPK in 4th grade Theme "Bright Holiday Easter" Teacher: Zakharchenko Natalya Vasilyevna MOU "Sosh No. 11 of Zelenokumsk"

Topic: "Light Easter Holiday." An information cognitive class hour dedicated to the Easter customs and traditions of the goal: to expand the knowledge of students about the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people; form a positive attitude towards Christian moral values, respect for the spiritual traditions of the people; Cross children to study the spiritual experience of the people, to bring up a careful attitude towards his cultural heritage. Tasks:  Promotion of schoolchildren to spiritual, moral, cultural values;   Formation of understanding the semantic and symbolic content of Orthodox attributes, historical events of the country; The formation of knowledge about the spiritual sources of the formation and development of the culture of the Russian people. Equipment: Children's drawings, illustrations, cakes, painted eggs, Easter souvenirs, artistic work articles, postcards, balls, vase with ward branches, vase with flowers. Event Plan. 1. Orgmant. 2. Teacher's story about Easter. 3. Teacher's story about the Easter egg. 4. Congratulations on Easter. 5. Games. 6. Outcome. The course of the event. Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Do you like holidays? Pupils: (children's responses.) Teacher: And now you will need to guess the encrypted word, and learn what Christian holiday we will be very soon to celebrate.

Pupils: Easter! Teacher: Right Easter!

Teacher: The Light Resurrection is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, the entire Orthodox world marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, who, his death redeemed the human sins and gave us hope for eternal life after death. (5) The word "Easter" came to us from Greek and means "deliverance" . This holiday hopes for the future, the joy of life, the beginning of the spring and the awakening of nature, the victory of good over evil. - The week before Easter is called a passionate seventh. Every day on the passion week is designed for certain cases. Now the disciples of the first group will tell us what our ancestors were engaged in the passing week. Pupils: Passionate Week The last week of the Great Post is called passionate. This is explained by the fact that in worship at every day of this week excerpts from the Holy Gospel, in which I tell about suffering (passions) of Jesus Christ. Every day, light seventies is dedicated to the memory of some kind of evangel event. Great Monday is dedicated to the miracle of the awesome figure. The Great Tuesday is the last conversations of Jesus Christ with their students. The Great Wednesday is to stay in the House of Legged Simon.

By popular custom, in a light environment, people gathered snow. Then, thawy water was solired by the remaining last year's threatening salt and drank cattle. It was believed that it would save her from misfortunes and diseases. The great Thursday is devoted to the memory of the secret evening. On this day, a juicy milk was made in Russia. It was made from hemp and linen seed. At dawn they were given pets to save them from different diseases. Allowed to this procedure exclusively women. Generally a passionate Thursday is associated with many beliefs. According to the old custom, on this day, it is necessary to get up to the dawn and start cleaning with yourself, and then start cleaning at home. Hence the name - pure Thursday. On this day, they necessarily went to the bath, washed and sentenced: "Khredden on the shelves, unwritten from the regiment." Also went to pure Thursday and the river. And dipped into water in any weather. By popular belief, the driver had to bring health and strength. Even in Clean Thursday they made the rite of ablution "from silver". To do this, the eve of the silver coin was thrown into the water. Returning home after the church service, the consecrated candle on the windows and shoals burned the guard cross. There are beliefs associated with the Thourn Salt. This salt was considered purified from all the bad and endowed with incredible healing properties. It was stored for a whole year. You can do this salt at home. To do this, from the passionate environment on pure Thursday), pour salt on the cast-iron frying pan, put it in the oven and calculate for 5 hours (from 23 hours to 4 am). At the same time use only cast-iron kitchenware (in a frying pan). Then pull the salt from the oven and cool down. Then take this salt into the church and sanctify with Easter eggs.

Also in the Great Thursday, the house was already started to decorate, the bake of the cakes and dye eggs. The Great Friday is devoted to the suffering of Jesus Christ. Passionate Friday is the most mournful day of Mourning Day. On this day, the bell ringing was stopped in churches. It is impossible to eat anything to the second half of the day, when the removal of the shroud will be made, symbolizing the removal of Jesus from the cross. On this sorrowful day, the church calls to think, and whether we do not like people who gave Jesus, not looking for heretics and enemies in others, do not go against their conscience to achieve material goods. The Great Saturday is dedicated to the burial of Jesus Christ. This is the day of waiting and peace. In the Great Saturday, frost spedled in Russia so that they do not roeitate the harvest. On this day, the sun occurs with a month. By this day, we defined the weather for the coming summer. If the day is given clear, then there will be a good summer, if cloudy, then - bad. According to popular beliefs, if you don't sleep all night with a passionate Saturday to a bright Sunday, it will help to protect yourself from diseases, will provide a rich harvest, men good hunt, girls good marriage. On the Great Saturday, the eggs are painted with a symbol of a new life and resurrection. In churches, cakes, eggs, easter are sanctified. There is such a belief if the sacred egg is lowered into water intended for washing, it will bring beauty and health. In the Great Friday, the service in the church continues all day, and at midnight the bright joy of Easter comes. People celebrate getting rid of slavery to the devil, the beginning of a new life and the talent of the eternal. Passion week is a week of strict post. During this time, the church is not the mysteries of wedding and baptism, do not commemorate the dead not and are not celebrated by the days of the saints. All believers are collected in the temple and are stirred for sanctifying semicircular cakes, rings and eggs. The service goes all night and ends early in the morning joyful exclamations "Christ is risen? - truly resurrected!" The Great Post is over, after the uterine you can talk consecrated by snout, congratulate each other and celebrate! Pupil:

Everywhere, the people are buzzing everywhere, from all the churches, the people of the people are, Zarya looks already from heaven ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! With the fields have already been removed the cover of the snow, and the rivers are rushing from the shackles, and the closest forest is green .. Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Here the earth wakes up, and dressed fields. Spring is full of wonders Christ Risen! Christ is risen! Teacher: Great Day - Easter on Mother Rus. Uprily Easter table - whole feast. Culici, dye, painted eggs, Easter. And now the disciples of the second group will tell us about the main dishes of the Easter Table. Student. Culich is a traditional Easter table dish, is one of the oldest symbols of the Resurrection of Christ. It is made from a dough with raisins, on top of decorated with powdered sugar or icing. It may go for a week and not to mince. Easter is a special dish of cottage cheese. The original form of Easter symbolizes the coffin of the Lord. For cooking, a special wooden form is an assistant. Easter make two types: raw and boiled. Since cottage cheese can not be stored for a long time, raw Easter usually make a small size.

Teacher: What is customary to give this day? Pupils: painted eggs. Teacher: And who of you knows why we paint the eggs? (Answers and assumptions of children) There are several legends for which we paint eggs. Here is one of them that students tell us. At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among multicolored eggs must be bright red. Why? History has kept such a legend. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his students and followers were separated by various countries, everywhere arranged joyful news that Death defeated Christ - the Savior of the world. He rose himself and resurrect anyone who believes him and will love people just as he loves. Maria Magdalene dares to come with this news to the very Roman Emperor Tiberius. Since it was not taken to the emperor to come without gifts, and Maria had nothing, she brought a simple chicken egg. Of course, she chose an egg with meaning. Egg is the creation of the world, the beginning of the world. Our ancestors of Slavs were perceived by him. In some places, it was believed that the shell is a heavenly arch, protein is air and water, and yolk - earth. Here you are the universe. The egg has always been a symbol of life: in a strong shell there is a hidden life from his eyes, which in its hour breaks out of captivity in the form of a small yellow chicken. But when Maria began to say that Jesus Christ was also escaped from deaths and risen, the emperor just laughed: "It is also

it is impossible, as your white egg turn into red! " And did not have time to Tiberius finish the phrase like an egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene became completely red. Since then, in memory of this event, symbolizing our faith in the Risen Lord, we also paint eggs. The most important tradition of Christians for Easter to go to the temple on the service and on the procession. Upon returning from service after the end of the 49 day post, it is customary to eat egg. But not just to eat entirely alone, but be sure to share the egg on the number of family members and eat it together. Our ancestors sally believed that this custom strengthens the family, keeps friendly relationships and love to each other. The main gift for Easter, of course, egg. Not simple, but painted. Magic properties were attributed to the painted Easter egg. There is such a belief: the first painted egg received for Easter as a gift keeps the house from the fire, helps to cure from various diseases, achieve a high harvest. Tradition to decorate Easter eggs has become a real art. People exchange to Easter eggs so that everything is thin, bad, set the shell, lagging behind us, and the outside it was frozen and the most beautiful came out. Teacher: Guys, do you know how the eggs painted on Easter? (children's responses). Eggs painted in one color were called painted; If there were stains, stripes on a common colored background, of another color - it was a speck.

There were still eggs - eggs, painted from the hands of scene or ornamental patterns. Pysanka is the most complex and most ancient type of painting. Patterns and ornaments are strictly transmitted from generation to generation. Escribe are charms. What is this written so? How did it do? Interesting? Now I will tell you ... The main colors of the ornament of the written - white, yellow, red and black. All others were considered not symbols, but a simple egg decoration. The divorce lines are usually white, and in cases where the background of the pussy is white, is a divorce yellow. Pussy background can also be red or black. But the writings did not just paint ... Patterns issued on the egg necessarily carried a certain meaning, i.e. were symbols. There are quite many symbols for murals ... for example: pine - a symbol of health. Black color - sorrow color. A bright drawing was necessarily applied to the black foundation. The child did a pisanka on a cherry background, and not on black.

Symbol of the soul. Dove mesh - a symbol of fate. White color - the beginning of all began: fate, which is built in the sky. Yellow mesh - the symbol of the sun and fate, which is built here. Dubok - a symbol of power. Plum dots - love symbol. Hop is a symbol of fertility. Any berry is a symbol of fertility; Mother. Flowers - a symbol of motion. - Symbol of fertility. Student. In addition to painted natural eggs, special gift is still preparing for Easter. They were made of glass, crystal, porcelain with painting. Jewelers pulled out miniature eggs, even from precious metals - gold and silver. In the manufacture of such gifts, the Russian jewelry factory of the famous Karl Faberge was particularly successful. 71 eggs were created for the Russian imperial family, 62 were preserved to this day. Traditionally, each egg should contain a kind of surprise - scenic miniatures with portraits of the members of the imperial family, tiny models of palaces, monuments, yachts, trains, bird figures, flowers, flowers. Currently, 10 Easter eggs are stored in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Teacher: In the old days, the entire Datvora played games with Easter eggs. In each game, the winner took the egg. At the end of the games, the number of each player was calculated. And now students of 3 groups will show us ancient games. 1. "Choke eggs" need to knock out a stupid or sharp end of a painted egg about an opponent's egg. Wins one whose egg did not cracked. 2. "Unlocking eggs" by the teams are unchecked eggs. Whose egg will scroll longer, the winner. 3. "Skating eggs." The textbook is put on the penalty, thus it turns out a "hill". On the team, participants must roll the egg on the hill. Whose egg will go further, the winner. 4. "Poking eggs" on the team. Participants guide painted eggs along the track towards each other. Whose egg is broken, he gives him an opponent. 5. "Battle of Eggs" One player clamps a painted egg in his hand. Another beats on both ends of the eggs. The egg is considered to be lost if both ends are broken.

Creative task Teacher: And now each of you will paint an egg. "Egg decoration in decoupage style." Children paint the billets of eggs from PAPERSE, using symbols and color. Exhibition of work. Teacher: How did you understand why Jesus Christ worship, as the Savior? Pupil: Because he went to the cross for the sake of rescue people. Teacher: How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ? Pupil: They believe that they will be resurrected as well as Jesus. Teacher: How do Christians greet each other in Easter days? Pupil: Christ is risen. Truly rising). Teacher: What is the main gift that the Orthodox native and close to Easter are presented? Pupil: painted, pussy, specks. Teacher: At the end of our lesson, I want to remind you another tradition: in the Easter week, anyone can climb the bell tower and exercise in the bell tongue. The temple of the Lord is illuminated by the Sun Golden. The bell ringing is pierced - the cloth is pure. He lights face with the joy of heartfelt. After all, sings Easter ringing to us about the life of the eternal.

Dear guys, I congratulate you again with Bright Christ. I wish you health, happiness, peace. Congratulate with Easter your loved ones. More often please your parents with good deeds. After all, the Lord after his resurrection commanded everyone: "Rejoice!" And let your soul be bright in the warm rays of the love of Jesus Christ! Christ is risen!

Methodical developmentlesson on the OPK in grade 9

teachers of History and Local Science MKOU "Goncharovskaya Sosh"

Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region Pavlyukova Elena Nikolaevna.

Topic: Easter - Light Resurrection.

Slide number 1 is the topic.

Slide number 2 - goals and objectives.

Goal :

    Form knowledge about the history of occurrence, rites, establishing the date of the celebration of Easter;

    To acquaint students with a deep spiritual meaning of the celebration of Easter Christ; history and theory of painting of Easter eggs;

    Explain the spiritual meaning and the plot-ritual foundation of the holiday;

    To introduce students to the lost traditions of Russian Orthodox holidays by exploring the peculiarities of the Easter holiday;

    Form a tolerant attitude to religion;

    Explain the concepts: Easter, Kulich, "Pussy", "Paint", "Krapponka", resurrection, "carry your cross";

    Teach elements of research activities, the ability to work with additional literature, form and develop creative abilities and skills of collective work in schoolchildren;

    To form interest and educate respect for Russian national traditions, Russian spiritual culture.


    Learn the history of the holiday, its value in Christianity;

    Learn some rites associated with the holiday;

    Perform several traditional desk jewelry for the holiday;

    Get acquainted with games and classes, characteristic of passionate and Easter weeks;

    Develop a positive attitude towards the aesthetics of life, oral connected speech.

Type of lesson:

    generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Creative tasks:

    historians - preparation of mini-reports on the origin of the holiday, about Jesus Christ;

    folklorists - selection and study of material about the signs for Easter,

    clauses - the study of children's Easter games;

    art historians - selection of material and preparation of reports about the eggs of the company K. Faberge;

    artists - performance of songs, poems.

    travelers - they will tell you how the Easter holiday is celebrated in other countries.

    needlewomans - not only will tell, but also show what groups are divided by multicolored painted eggs.


    multimedia complex;

    exhibition of books about Christian holidays in Russia, Orthodox shrines;

    kulich, Easter, painted eggs;

    recording bell ring;

    reproduction of paintings and icons on the topic Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ;

    the terms of the new theme.

Lesson plan:

    The history of the festival and his spiritual meaning;

    Rite (ritual) Easter celebrations:

Church rituals, folk traditions, signs, customs, games;

    Easter symbols (cake, egg, greeting, easter cottage cheese);

    Conclusion (questions, tasks, chainvord);


    Homework is to perform several sketches of Easter eggs, according to ancient Russian symbolism.

Make up chainvord.

During the classes

    Organizing time;

    The purpose of the lesson;

    Lesson plan;

    Explanation of the new material:

teacher's story

creative tasks of students,

poems about the holiday,

ritual traditions and games;




During the classes:

Slides number 3 -7 ( Russian Orthodox churches).

Teacher : Today, at the lesson, we will meet with one of the main Orthodox holidays - a bright Christ Sunday.

In a different way, he is called Easter.

You will learn about the history of the emergence of this holiday, about rites, traditions and games accompanying Easter.

Your vocabulary will be replenished with new terms.

To the house you got the task: by research to find out the story The emergence of the Easter holiday, answer the questions - where, when and by whom the date of the holiday was established, to get acquainted with the theory of painting Easter eggs; Learn about the lost traditions of Russian Orthodox holidays, and how they celebrate Easter holiday in other countries.

For this, we have learned elements of research activities, the ability to work with additional literature, developed creative abilities and skills of collective labor.

Therefore, the class was divided into creative groups. Start the historian lesson.

Slide number 8.


1. There is no greater holiday in the Christ Church, greater than the Resurrection of Christ. It laid the destruction of death, the destruction of hell, the beginning of a new eternal life.

The great post is ends not in grief about crucifixed Christ, but a bright Sunday morning, when he comes the great day called Easter - holiday holidays, celebration of celebrations.

Slide number 9.

2. The first Easter celebration was installed in the first universal cathedral in 325. Usually the celebration of the Orthodox Easter falls for the period from April 4 to May 8 in a new style. In 2018, Easter - April 8..

Slide number 10.

3. Before midnight in the temples, festive worship begins. Believers are dressed in bright clothes, hold candles in hands, this is a symbol of the spiritual joy of the holiday.

Slide number 11.

4. All night there are songs that end up "Christ Risen!", And believers answer "truly resurrected!".

5. People have always rejoiced and rejoice in the holiday of Easter.

After Sunday morning and the consecration of the Kulich came together to go home, went with the Holy House, so that everything was fulfilled with the grace of the Resurrection, and wish all the best and relatives and relatives.

On this day, they forgive their enemies, enemies.

/ Cancer Bells / Blagovest - 1

Slide number 12-13.

Teacher: On this day, the bells were called especially solemnly. This ringing is called "Easter Blagovest".


1. Everywhere, Blagovest rings,
Of all the churches, the people of Balit.
Dawn buzzing already from heaven ...

From the fields, the cover of the snow is removed,
And rivers are rushing from the shackles,
And the Middle Forest Greens ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Here the land wakes up
And dressed fields
Spring goes, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

2. Temple of the Lord Ozren

Golden Sun.

Bell ringing pours

Close-up Easter, clean.

Ignites individuals O.

Joy heartfelt.

After all sings Easter ringing

We are about the life of the eternal.

Song: "Everything in this world."


1. The participation of Easter is a centuries-old tradition, and we will tell you how the bright Sunday has long met in Russia.

2. Pascha is preceded by the semino-great post, when believers will refrain from certain types of food.

Seven days before Easter calledPassionate saddimet , that is, week. Every day, the saddimians are associated with the events of the last days of Christ's earthly life.

3. Do you know why each of these seven days was called "Great"?

Great Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Deals with memories of the last conversations of Jesus Christ with students and the people.

4. B. Thursday We remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with students.

Slide number 14.

5.Velikaya Friday - This is a sorrowful day, because it was on that day the crucifixion and the godfather death of the Savior took place.

Song: Your Cross.

6. Jesus was removed after death from the Cross and buried in the new grave, which was carved in the rock.

Great Saturday - The day of stay of the body of Lord Jesus in a coffin.

Slide number 15-16.

7. A B. Resurrection The journaling news was separated: "Christ is risen!". The Great Resurrection of Christ is celebrated as a great act of God.

Great, because life wins death. Good wins evil, God defeats the devil. In this eternal confrontation and is the essence of earthly and universal life.

Slide number 17-18.

8. Overview in bright clothes, with a cross and icons pass the procession around the church. This happens under the bell ringing. According to the ancient beliefs, evil spirits constantly live in grave silence and fear noise. That is why the whole bright Easter week calls to all the bells.

Slide number 19.

9. In the temple itself, the royal gates are widely open on this day, which symbolizes the absence of obstacles between the sky and the Earth. Icons, panicadyl, candlesticks - everything is decorated with flowers. Starting with Easter worship for forty days, it is customary to welcome each other with his own words: "Christ is risen!" And respond: "Truly Risen!"

Slide number 20.

10.In 12 hours - the rite of Christ. The words "Christ Risen" are accompanied by three-time kissing. This rite goes its roots into deep old days when people believed that breathing is the essence of the soul. And Christians, kissing the power to Easter, the icons, believed that in this way the magical power of these items would be transferred. Christ, believers sought, thus they exchange the spirit, the mysterious force, which entered them during Easter worship.

Slide №21

Teacher : And what is the main gift of this holiday?

Right - easter egg.
And who is will tell why Easter give eggs and why is it red?


1. There are several versions why the Easter symbol became an egg. One of them is as follows: Egg, born from the bird, gives a bird life, first inside him, and then produces it into the light. So Jesus Christ, a rim from the dead, gives life to the spirit first, and at the end of times, and our bodies are resurrected.

Slide №22.

2. Especially one p lacit that the appearance of painted eggs is connected with Maria Magdalina Christian Holy, which, according to the Gospel text, followed Christ, was present during the crucifixion and was the witness of his posthumous phenomenon.
Maria came to the palace to the emperor Tiberius (according to the Bible, Jesus Christ was crucified to his rule) and told the emperor about the resurrection of Christ. In those days, it was customary to visit the emperor, bring something as a gift. She extended him an egg, because It was poor. Having heard her, the emperor did not believe and said: "Rather, this egg will become red than I believe in your words." The egg was immediately colored red. This testifies to the truth of Christ of the Resurrection.

Egg is a symbol of the revival of nature and infinity of life.

Slide №23.

3 . Since then, Christians give each other painted eggs, saying: "Christ is resurrected! - truly resurrected!". The consecrated egg behind the Easter table is eaten first when, coming from the suitrain, sit behind the meal. Eggs are given to their native, neighbors, take with them when they go to visit, distribute the beggars, leave in the church.

Slide No. 24.

4. Do you know that the eggs are called depending on the color of the color: Krashenki - From the word to paint. You can paint eggs in different ways. For example, they wrapped up with dry leaves of oak, birch, nettle, tied up with threads and cooked. There were beautiful "marble" eggs.

5. Papains - From the Ukrainian word "stick", that is, to cover drops.

First, the egg is painted with one color, then when it dry and cools, a drop of hot wax is applied to it. As soon as the wax cools, the egg is put into a solution of another color. After drying the paint, the egg is lowered into hot water. Wax melts, and it turns out a very funny egg. Wax can be accurately scraped.

Slide number 25.

6. Drapanki - These eggs were cooked and painted in any dark color, then the pattern was applied on the shell acute item.

7. Pianci - It is skillfully painted Easter eggs. They are real works of folk creativity. For drawing of pussy use elements of plant and animal world, geometric shapes.

Slide number 26.

8. Opinion of scientists, symbolic drawings in Pyanka over a hundred. Each of them is a sign - a charm who defended a person from any evil.

Slide number 22.

9. Announced Pisanki during the Great Post, mostly women and girls, less often - young men and men.

The most common patterns are:

pine - longevity and health,

star- humanity,

cockscomb - protection against unclean

oak Leaf - Harmony,

supiy legs- symbol of saints,

wheel - a sign of the revival of life, the image of the infinite love of love,

cross - symbol of the universe, sign of four sides of the world,

the sun - symbol of light and life, the symbol of God,

spiral- Symbol of fertility.

Slide №28.

10. And each color had its value, which was applied to a certain part of the egg. So, red symbolized the joy of life, hope and love; yellow - Moon and stars, harvest; blue - pure sky, air and health; green - Spring, awakening of nature.

Slide number 29.

11. Our great-grandparents believed in the magical power of the pussy. Many legends and retellings exist in the people of Pyanka. One of them suggests that our world will exist as long as they are written on Earth Pysnoki.

Teacher: About Easter signs and superstitions associated with Easter eggs We are narrowed by pholklorists.

Slide number 30-31


1. The Easter egg marks the world, the blood of Christ's blood.

It is impossible, for example, there is an egg and throw a shell into the street, because throughout the Holy Sedmitsa himself Christ with the apostles in the beggar shirts walks along the ground, and by negligence it can get a shell.

2. It is Christ with the goal to observe whether Orthodox is well executed by his covenant to delay a poor brethren; Awards generous, punishes meek.

3. If the egg was obtained in Christ from the priest, you can keep it up to 12 years. And it is necessary to eat such an egg seriously - the whole twist will remove.

4. The magic properties are attributed to the egg. It helps when steaming a fire: if a person, distinguished by a righteous life, takes such an egg and triggently burning burning the building with the words "Christ is resurrected," the fire subsides, and then stop.

5. Current power is attributed to the shell of a consecrated egg. They were collected, mixed with the "Thaparent" salt and put together with grain for sowing. By the way, the "Thursday" salt, which was preparing on the same day when they painted eggs, that is, in "clean" thursday, used for the disgrace of the ears who were preparing for Easter.

Slide number 32.

Teacher: In addition to pisankas and shards, there are other - gold, in the direct value of this word. We are talking about them to us.

Art historians: (Story about the eggs of the company K. Faberge).

Slide number 33-34.

1.We, such eggs were manufactured for the Easter holiday for the imperial family.

2. In 1895, according to the order of Emperor Alexander III, Master of the jewelry company Karl Faberge made a Golden Easter Egg "White Enamels in the Crown with Rubies, Diamonds and Roses". Since then, the Easter imperial order has become traditional. Every year in the passion week, the collection of the royal family was replenished with a new egg.

3. The ministry of Easter eggs Faberge concluded a surprise. For example, in the egg made in 1891, the model of the cruiser "Memory of Azov" on a greenish plate from Aquamarine is hidden.

4. And in 1900, an egg dedicated to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was made. Inside it is a folding model of the Siberian Imperial Train of Gold and Platinum and a small key, which drives the mechanism. On the wagons - tiny signs with inscriptions "for ladies", "for smoking", "non-smoking".

The wagon class and the number of places are indicated.

5. The "clover" egg was intended in 1902 for Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Inside there was a gold four hundred with diamonds. Believers suggests that the clover who has found such a four hundreds acquires happiness.

Slide number 35.

6. It seems that 56 Easter eggs for the imperial surname were created by the entire Faberge. Unfortunately, most of them disappeared without a trace in the rapid years of revolution and civil war. Most likely, they found "shelter" in foreign private collections. And those eggs that were our story could be seen in the exposition of the Moscow Kremlin's Armory Chamber. There they are only ten and every unique.

Teacher: What can travelers tell us about?

Slide number 36.


1. Do you know that in distant Canada, In the city of Vegreville, in 1981, a monument was created in the form of a 12-meter written, which is equal to a three-story house in size. This monument, like Pysnka herself, is another wonderland of the world.

And in the town of Kolomyia in Ivano-Frankivsk, there is the first museum of Pyanki in the world. This is a unique architectural work, the basis of which is a 12 meter egg height. The collection of the museum has about 3 thousand pussy from around the world.

Slide number 37.

2.A.A. As the Easter holiday celebrates in other countries.

By bulgariantraditions on Easter Many painted eggs lay around a large Easter bread. As in Rossi, Bulgarians play "Bound" and desire to each other good luck.

3. Vechers Swedendecorated with Easter flower beds to Easter. In their homes, residents are set everywhere in the framework of the erased chickens in the frame of color elegant feathers. Easter eggs they make from cardboard, and candy put inside each egg.

4.The France At Easter, it is customary to leave for a picnic. The main Easter dish is an omelette, and a mandatory gift is a red egg.

5. IN Englandeach day must prepare a new festive outfit. If there is no money or desire to buy clothes, at least new gloves are needed.

Slide number 38.

Teacher: As you can see, the main thing in the Easter festival is not the amount of money spent on him, but the good and joy that Jesus Christ brought to this world. And what traditional dishes put on the Easter table?

Slide number 39.

1. In this day, the main place on the table is occupied by:

In the center - cake. Easter cake is the memory that Jesus Christ came to the disciples after his resurrection, knocked food with them. If you make it properly, the cake does not taste 40 days. He symbolizes the presence of God in the world and in human life.

Slide number 40.

2.Easter- This is a special cottage cheese, which is preparing only once a year. Easter make 2 species: raw and boiled. Since the raw cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, then Easter from it makes a small one, and boiled Easter can be kept all Easter week.

Slide number 41.

3.Dextricular eggs.

Teacher : Who will tell us, toact superstitions, customs, was accompanied by the Easter holiday accompanied?

Slide number 42.


1. A visit to the cemetery on this day is not recommended. We learned that the custom to go to the graveyard in Easter is not too ancient and not very correct. Such a custom contradicts the spirit of the holiday: even throughout the Holy Sedmian (a whole week) in churches do not read the mercy of the departed: in the days of Christ the Sunday there should be no sorrow.

2. Nevertheless, a custom appeared in Russia as it were to be sophisticated with the dead relatives: cakes and eggs brought in the cemetery, but unlit.

3. We must be in the house for salvation from misfortunes and diseases, and not to melt birds, dogs, rot in the rain. Spripping shrines -grave sin.

4. At Easter old men, the hair is calculated with the wish, so that they have so many grandchildren, how much hair on the head.

5. Washed from gold, silver and red eggs hoping to get rich.

Slide number 43-44

6. A huge number of postcards with congratulations and wishes:

Give congratulations

With Easter Sunday!

Let children and parents

Divide the talk!

Live in good health

Love and be friends

Darite understanding

And loved ones!

7. Even our ancestors at Easter had a good and good custom - to engage in charity. Even the Russian kings at Easter visited prisons, hospitals, foddes, endowed the arrests, sick clothes, food, money. Nothing paints this day as commemoration of his Christian love, care, help with sick, poor and unhappy.

Slide number 45.

Teacher : The first day of Easter was usually held at home, in a family circle. From the second day, (and Easter was celebrated and the flow of a light week), People's Gulyan began. They passed, as a rule, outdoors. Here and the dances were drove, and the dangers arranged, and the delets were shown.

Slide number 46-47


1. And, of course, at the Easter week, youth played in games. Games knew Russian people a great set. Now with some games of the Easter week we will get acquainted.

2. The bright Resurrection of Christ from our people sincecrall is associated with the sun. The peasants believed that on Easter "the sun playing." And people tried to picked up, to watch the instant of the game of the Sun, for this, men and guys climbed onto the roof.

3. And the children appealed to the sun with the philizens:

Sun, buryshko, burn, sun, brighter -
Looking in the window, summer will be hotter
Sun, show, red, fit.

4. But another custom:

During the worship of the girl quietly whispered:

Resurrection of Christ!

I went to me the fiance of idling, in stockings yes in defects! "

5. "Give God the groom good, in boots and with Kaloshi,

not on a cow, but on a horse.

6.Pasha did not happen without social swings. They were erected on the square. Everything was crowded near them: women with kids, guys with harmonica.

But first of all, a girl with guys rolled on a swing:

On the holy weekly, the katelyushki hung.

First, we skip, then it will happen!

Teacher: And what holiday without games!

Easter rituals and games in Russia.

(Games can be conducted by children or teacher).

Father prize.

Leading: I invite everyone. Now you will throw eggs on the rink. And I have prizes: who will knock the prize with the egg, he will take it.

A wooden or cardboard roller is installed, prizes are arranged around it in a flat place (floor or table). Everyone willing, in turn, they approach the rink and roll the eggs, taking the prizes knocked down eggs.

Leading: More painons can be swallowed with a slide. Whose egg will go further, the winner - takes the pains of the rest.

Who will win?

Leading: And now competing let them sit opposite each other and roll painten.

Pains will face: whose egg is broken, he gives him an opponent.


Leading: I suggest playing in a very simple, but an interesting game called "Wolf". I invite two people.

(On the table, the guys cool eggs. The game is carried out in pairs, the winners go to the quarter finals. Then the semifinal and the final are held.)

Cocan eggs.

Relay with eggs.

(2 commands). Each participant with an egg in a spoon gets to the finish line and returns back, you can keep a spoon in your hands, but in the mouth.


1. "Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

In the glittering clothes, Jesus Christ looks from heaven

And gives us hope and faith in the fact that there is no death!


Divine lights light, giving us salvation!

Joyfully shines the temple, the cross is golden.

Angel evangelism to us: "Jesus Rissed!"

Children (choir ): "Truly Rissed!"

2. Today is the best holiday in the world,
And the bright day that is in the year.
On the heart of everyone today joy,
Fully dedicated to Christ.
Today everywhere songs and fun,

The whole world in different languages

About the celebration of Christ Sunday

And God honors and glory rewards!
Christ is risen! - rushing over the earth

Multi-voiced echo to heaven.

And the greeting sounds holy
One answer:

(together ): "Truly rissed!"

Song: "Reach love."

/ Under the ringing bells / Blagovest - 2

Slide number 48.


Teacher : Playing and pouring sunlight,

In the soul he is heard in the morning.

That Wonderful Day - Christ Sunday

Passed a long time ago, but in a series of centuries he carries precious salvation

And the eternal forgiveness of sins.

Slide number 49.

And everyone in which there is a striving for love and peace, truth and good,

Gives the Savior too Sunday, their kingdom is concerned with his own.

Go for the resurrected today. Go, tell us all the earth

About how Jesus rose from the dead

How people resurrect in Christ !!!

Let the Blagoves, a festive ringing of the bell, wakes in us the cleanest and bright feelings. Let all the bad, under to become the shell on the shards, will lag behind you, let the good and light come to you with the first pieces of Easter pies!


Task number 1.



1. Warring word, which means "transition" in translating. (5 letters);

2. The most common name of the word "Easter". (11 letters);

3. How the egg is called an egg. (7 letters);

4. It is preceded by Easter (semino). (4 letters);

5 Cymal of Christianity. (5 letters);

6. Each day of the week before Easter is called ... (7 letters);

7. And the whole week is called ... (7 letters);

8.Deller, 40 day after Easter (10 letters);

9.pass bread, special shape (5 letters);

10. Collapse otherwise, or bell (4 letters).


What is the name of a person who believes in Jesus Christ?

Slide number 50.

Task number 2.

Teacher: distribute words into three groups:

icon, Easter, Christ, Procession,

eggs, cake, candle, church service.

Slide number 51 (answer)

christ, the procession,

church service.


Task number 3.

Teacher: explain the concepts of these words:


Great post

Passionate sadmitsa







Light saddimians

Task number 4.

Teacher: about tweet, please, questions:

1. 1) What does the Easter Holiday mean?

    spring offensive;

    resurrection of Jesus Christ;

    entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.

2) What is the name of the week before Easter? (Passionate saddimians).

    1) What day of the week is Easter celebrated?

  • sunday.

2) Call the varieties of Easter eggs:

3) Your Easter greeting or wish:

    1) What is the main dishes of the festive table?

    eggs, cakes, fish;

    eggs, easter, cakes;

    easter, chicken, cakes.

2) What precedes the Easter holiday? (Great Post);

    1) What has closed the entrance to the cave, where the Savior was buried?

2) What is the name of the Easter holiday otherwise? (Sunday);

    1) What was the first Easter egg?

2) What is the name of the Easter bell ringing? (Blagovest).

6. 1) What is the name every day of the Easter week?

2) Name the last day of the carnival? (Forgive Sunday).

Teacher: Traditional there were gifts onEaster . In some localities there was a custom to hide gifts in the garden, and their children themselves found them. I also prepared you Easter gifts in memory of our holiday.

Slide number 52.

A week before Easter 13aPrel was a holiday, otherwise calledVerbid Resurrection - The holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Slide number 53.


Teacher :

    Of the new concepts, the terms make a chainvord.

    Perform several sketches of the painting of Easter eggs, according to ancient Russian symbolism.

The lesson is over. Thank you all for work.

Slide number 54.

Used Books :

    IN AND. Dal illustrated by the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Modern version / - M.: Eksmo; Forum, 2007. -288С.: IL.;

    Korotkov M.V. Journey to the history of Russian life. M.: Russian Word, 1998.256c.: Il.;

    Tereshchenko A.V. The history of the culture of the Russian people. / M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 736.:il.;

    Shmakov S.A. Nontraditional holidays at school. - M.: New School, 1997.-336С.;

    Shchegolev E. Orthodox church. - M.: Olma-Press, 2002. -239c.: Il .- (Orthodox shrines);

    Tankeev I. "Customs and traditions of the Russian people. - M.: Olma-Press, 1999.-542c.;

    Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia in 2 tons / hl. S.A.Tokarev.M.: "Big Encyclopedia", 1997.- T.1 A-K.-671С.: IL.;

    Orthodoxy. Complete encyclopedia-s-p: "All", 2007.437c. Il.;

    Orthodox holidays - LLC ed. "AST", 2006.- 239С. color Il.;

    Holiday holidays, celebration of celebrations (Easter collection), Kostroma, 1998.- 175С ..

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main festival of the Orthodox Church - Easter, about the customs, traditions of the holiday.

Tasks lesson:

1) introduce the history of the holiday;

2) contribute to the formation of moral qualities through familiarization with Christian traditions;

3) to educate love and respect for the cultural heritage of Russia.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson: Students together with parents of the house constitute reports of celebrating Easter in the family; Made greeting cards for this day.

Equipment lesson: computer, disc with presentation, smart board, cards, dictionary, greeting cards.

Lesson plan.

Organizational moment 1 min.

Actualization of knowledge 5 min.

Independent work 7 min.

Work in pairs 3 min.

Physical hours 2 min.

Front work 10 min.

Group work 8 min.

Reflection 9 min.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: Guys, the topic of the lesson you will define ourselves, having listened to the poem of Lydia Char.

Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
Everyone is famous for God:
Christ is risen!
In the smile blue
Alive skies
All the same joy:
Christ is risen!
The enmity disappeared
And fear disappeared.
No more malice -
Christ is risen!
As wondering sounds
In which you can hear:
Christ is risen!
Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
Everyone is famous for God:
Christ is risen!

Teacher: Which holiday is devoted to the lines of poems? Name the topic of the lesson. ( Rows are dedicated to the holiday of Easter. The topic of the lesson "Easter").Slide 1. (Presentation)

Teacher: Right, Easter - Light Resurrection of Christ - the main holiday of the Orthodox Church. Every year, celebrating Easter, Christians triumph deliverance from death and giving them a life of eternal.

After the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem Christ betrayed one of the students - Judas. Enemies grabbed Jesus and crucified him on the cross. Great Friday - the death day of the Savior on the Cross - the saddest day of the year. The Great Saturday is going behind it - the quietest day of the year, when the body of Christ rests in the cave - the coffin of the Lord. In the morning of the next day, several women came to this cave. The coffin was empty, and near the angel was sitting nearby.

Angel told women: "Are you looking for Jesus crucified? He is not here. He is resurrected! "

Teacher: Guys, how do you understand the word "Risen"?

Children work with a dictionary (explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova), read the interpretation of the word.

Teacher: Hence the name of the holiday - the Resurrection of Christ. Slide 2.

Independent work.

Teacher: Guys, you learned about the origin of the holiday, and now you will work with the text of the textbook from page 28 on page 31. You need to find answers to the textbook questions 1 and 2 in the text.

  1. How did you understand why Jesus Christ is honored as a savior?
  2. How do Christians connect their destiny with the resurrection of Christ?

Work in pairs.

Children in pairs are answering the textbook questions 1, 2.

Physical traffic.

Frontal work.

Teacher: Guys, read the question 4 textbook. Tell me how you are celebrating Easter family; This message you prepared at home together with your parents.

Students tell about the celebration of Easter in the family.

Teacher: Guys, summarize everything said. What are the traditions of the holiday? (eggs, cake, Easter, Christ).Slide 3.

Teacher: The main symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Each hostess seeks to brew more eggs and be sure to paint them. For this, it is most often used onion husks, colored papers, threads, rags. Eggs are dark red, yellow, marble. Kulich, Easter, eggs should be ready for Saturday, when all this will carry to the church to consecrate. From morning it is always the first eating an egg. They are given to their native, neighbors. Coming to visit, welcomed with the words "Christ Risen" and hear in response: "truly resurrected," three times kiss and exchange eggs. Previously, each other gifts were gifted: porcelain, crystal, glass, wooden, bone, chocolate, sugar, large and small - which only there were no Easter eggs!

Teacher: And who of you guys can call Easter characters? (eggs, basket, birds, bunnies, nest). Slide 4.

Group work.

Teacher: Guys, let's try in groups of 4 people to make a cluster on the subject of the Easter lesson. Combine into groups.

Students make up clusters and demonstrate on the blackboard. Cluster discussion.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look at what cluster I am. Slide 5.


Teacher: Once upon a time the Easter holiday was almost the most joyful and long-awaited holiday. It was a day of fun games, first rounds, swing on a swing. Guys, all people on this day congratulate each other. You, together with your parents, made holiday postcards at home. Let's organize a postcard exhibition.

Children exhibit postcards.

Teacher: Consider our exhibition and select postcards with holiday symbols. Explain your choice.

Children explain their choice.

Teacher: What new information about the Resurrection of Christ did you learn at today's lesson? What task was the most interesting?

Students respond to teacher's questions.

Teacher: Homework will be as follows: In the family, write down any Easter game so that in the class can be a book with Easter games and play. Slide 6.


1. A.V. Kuraev. Basics of Orthodox culture. Moscow "Enlightenment". year 2012.

2. D.V. Pushkin. Orthodox holidays. Moscow "Dar". 2010.

3. S.I. Ozhegov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow "Azbukovnik". 1999.

4. Federal Center for Electronic Educational Resources.

Show presentation. (Slide 13)

Teacher's story:

The story of Christ does not end his execution. After all, he told Pontius Pilato that he had power again to take his life. Therefore, the Gospel says that after Crucifying Christ returned to life - Risen.

And on all other questions you will search for answers in texts.

The teacher distributes cards with texts and questions.

Card 1. The word "Easter" translated from the Jewish means "branch, deliverance". Jews, celebrating the Old Testament Easter, remembered the release of their ancestors from the slavery of the Egyptian. Christian, celebrating the Easter New Testament, triumph relief through Christ of all mankind from slavery to the devil and giving life to the eternal.

In Russia, Easter is called the Great Day, a bright day. This holiday symbolizes the victory of life over death. This is not just a holiday. Holiday of joy, love, kindness and justice. And 40 days noted. All the days of this holiday, which is ongoing before the Ascension of the Lord, Christians welcome each other with the words: "Christ is risen!" - And the response words "truly resurrected!" The Gospel tells about this event.

1. What does the word "Easter" mean translated from Jewish?

2. What does the Easter holiday symbolize?

3.-How many days is Easter?

4. How do Christian greet each other on holidays?

Card 2. Easter holiday is overgoing. Easter each year falls on different dates. The time of this holiday is determined by this: the day of the spring equinox is taken for the starting point (March 21). Then people look at the night sky and wait for the full moon. And the resurrection, which will follow this first spring full moon. And called Easter. Symbols of such a decision is clear: Spring is the time of victory of life and light after the spring equinoxy day becomes longer than the night, but the night in the full moon is the most light. The coming world of nature at this time will flood with life, and Easter Christ is filled with his soul light.

1. What does the "passing" holiday mean?

2.-Sky natural phenomenon related counts of Easter?

Card 3. After the death of Christ, his body was put in the coffin - so the Jews called the cave carved in the rock for the burial of the departed. The enemies of Christ put the guard, they were afraid that the disciples would steal his body and say that he was resurrected.

Either the guard, nor the seal, nor a big stone could hold the lord of life in the coffin. After Saturday, at night on the third day after his suffering and death, Jesus Christ was risen from the dead.

    Early in the morning of the same day, the faithful students of Christ Maria Magdaline, Maria Iakovleva and Salomia came to his coffin. And they brought fragrant oil - Miro, to, as the custom prescribes, to anoint the body of the Lord. They saw an angel who was sitting on a stone at the entrance to the cave. Angel said: "What are you looking for a living between the dead? He is not here: he is resurrected. Go and tell the disciples to see him in Galilee. " And they with fear and great joy went to announce this to his disciples. Then, the resurrected Jesus Christ himself was disciples, with the words: "Rejoice! Peace to you!" And he talked with them to believe in the resurrection of Christ.

1. Who are called "Wowbands"?

2. Who announced the Iznami-Mironovs about the Resurrection of Christ?

3. Who did Jesus Christ appeared first?

Card 4. According to church rules, a new liturgical day begins with the evening service, usually done at five o'clock in the evening. So at the evening of the Great Saturday, Sunday chants already come across - the celebration of Easter Christ begins. What events do they resemble Christians? In the Great Saturday, Jesus Christ, in the coffin, in the coffin, went to hell and brought out tombyar righteous from there. And on the third day he rose. That's about it and walk in the Sabbath and Sunday chapters.

At midnight, according to the teachings of the Church, Christ the Savior Raisseed again at midnight gather Christians in the temple to meet Christ Risen. Having bowed to the Holy Corporation, the priests took her to the altar and put on the throne in order to show that after the resurrection, Christ had fallen on Earth after the resurrection and was different people.

After that, the song is heard from the depths of the altar: "The Resurrection of your Christ dese, Angelie sing on Heaven ...". This song was an image that at that night, when the inhabitants were still sleeping in Jerusalem, the Lord Sunday was already glorified in the sky.

The first on Earth received the news about the resurrection, they are still scolded to the coffin of the Lord of the wives - mosses. Like them, it comes out of the church of the procession with lit candles, and bypassing around the temple, stops in front of closed doors, as if at the entrance to the clerk of the Lord. And here the priest led the words, once said by the Angel Zhenami-Mares: "Christ is risen!" And all Christians entering the temple, happily respond to this joy: "Truly Risen!".

1. What kind of worship is Easter begins?

2. What kind of symbolic meaning is the transfer of the ship in the altar?

3. What does the procession symbolize?

4. What words are the priests of the joyful news of the resurrection?

5. What is the people responsible?

Card 5.

The last great post ended. The week after Easter is called a bright week. Every day, festive liturgies with a procession are made in all temples. Until Saturday, the bright weeks in the Orthodox churches day and night remain open to the royal gates leading to the altar. And the fact that they are open symbolizes that there is no barrier between heaven and earth, it is destroyed by the Savior.

The whole bright week was holy in the Holy Rus joyful Easter ringing: did not shut down from the morning to night any bell tower, every person could rise on these days to the bell tower of the temple and call the bell.

    Holy honored on Russia all rites of Christian piety. The whole bright week goes in every arrival from the village to the Village of the Godpress with the crosses. Horughs and images. Making a blessing news of the Resurrection of Christ. Some governments - singers replace others. "To go under God" in the saint was considered as a pious feat. They proceeded only with the blessing of the priest.

    On Easter, everyone welcomes each other friendly kiss. This is called "Type". The best gift on these days is an Easter egg. "Expensive Egg to Christ Day!" - Folk proverb.

    Type, they will sing, pour and in the temple of God, and in their house Christians, will take the gogmets with icons. Light and happily will be on the soul.

1. What were the pious Easter customs?

    2. What do Orthodox Christians greet each other? What is the name of this greeting?

    3. What is considered to be the best gift for Easter?

Card 5. On the event of the Descent of Christ to hell after death on the cross, the festive Easter icon narrates. The church teaches that the moment of the resurrection of Christ is the great incomprehensible human mind of the mystery. Therefore, it is not displayed on the icon of the holiday. It shows the descent to hell, told about the deliverance of people from the ultrasound of eternal death. But for the ancient Russian icon, the double name of the "Resurrection - the descent of hell" was adopted.

We see on the icon in the center of Christ. Around it the circle-mandorlasting of divine glory and light, which Christ brought in the darkness of hell. Christ stands at the defeated gates of hell. He holds his right hand for Adam's hand, on the left stretches to the Savior of the hands of Eve. There are still many people inhabit space icons - these are righteous, whom Christ displays from the darkness of the pitch. The slides on the icon symbolize the world of Vyshny, opposing the black abyss of hell. And on the sides the images of the Old Testament prophets and the forefathers are placed.

1. Tell me what is depicted on the icon "Sunday - a descent of hell."

Show presentations with questions data on cards (slide 14,15,16,17,18,19)

Show presentation. (Slide 20)

Read the questions, answers to them you will find on page 30-31 textbooks

1. How are Orthodox Christians are preparing for Easter?.

2. What is the post?

3. Name the Easter table dishes.

GBODPO "Mordovian Republican Institute of Education"
Department of Humanitarian Education
Abstract lesson
In the course "Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics"
(Module "Basics of Orthodox Culture" in 4th grade)
Theme "Easter"
Amounted to: Glukhova Elena Aleksandrovna
primary school teacher
MBOU "Rurychenskaya Sosh", Ruzaevsky district
Saransk 2017.
FULL NAME. Glukhova Elena Alexandrovna
Position of primary school teacher MBOU "Rerechenskaya SOSH"
The subject of the foundation of religious crops and secular ethics (module of the Orthodox culture basis)
UMK A.V. Kuraev "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Education "Enlightenment"
Type of lesson lesson introduction of a new knowledge
Technology for building a lesson of system-actuatorium lesson Easter
Objective, tasks
In the subject area: to form a motivation for the informed moral behavior based on the knowledge of the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia and respect for them; form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "Easter"; Show value of culture achievements for humanity.
In the field of formation of Wood:
Cognitive - the ability to allocate essential information from various sources;
Regulatory - in collaboration with the teacher, to put the learning task and keep it in the process of the entire lesson; understand the purpose of the action
Communicative - to express your thoughts with the appropriate age full and accuracy, participate in a collective discussion of the problem; Relieve a sense of collective responsibility and contribute to the development of collective creativity.
In the field of personal development of students: help realize the meaning of customs and traditions related to the Easter festival; give children an emotional-full idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of "Easter" in Russia; Promote the revival of folk customs and traditions in modern conditions in the work of children.
Major terms, concepts of resurrection, Easter Christ, Christian post, Christ, wives-saddimians
Equipment and toolkit tutorial, notebook study on the subject, screen, multimedia projector, presentation, video capture "Easter". Easter customs, "An audio recordings of the Easter hymn, Christ is risen, bell ringing, instrumental music. Cards - tasks for each learning, for a couple and for group of students, Watman, colored pencils, markers, glue, scissors.
Planned lesson results Adequitable motivation, adequate self-esteem, reflection - awareness of the content of the sequence and grounds of actions, functionally - structured formation of training activities.
Subsection: have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "Easter", as Easter celebrates; To be able to distinguish between the resurrection as the day of the week and the day of the resumption of life.
Meta-remote skill Cognitive URU will receive the initial skills of formulation of the educational task
Make conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class, compare, group items.
Focus on turning a textbook. Remove information from tables, illustrations, texts.
Personal Wood has knowledge of religious customs and traditions and the need for a careful attitude towards them.
Motivation for learning; correlation with the norm;
evaluate the digestible content of the educational material; define the rules of work in groups;
establish a connection between the purpose of activity and its results.
Regulatory URU will receive initial skills to extract essential information from various sources.
The ability to prove the sequence of actions in the lesson;
learn to put forward the version; distinguish the correctly performed task from incorrectly executed;
Predicting the upcoming work (to draw up a plan), evaluate training actions in accordance with the task (exercise self-control).
Communicative Woods
Participate in the collective discussion of lesson issues.
Ability to work in a pair, group; The ability to listen and understand others;
the ability to build speech statements in accordance with the task;
The ability to draw up your thoughts orally. Spiritual and moral development and education
Work forms individual, work in a pair, group, collective.
During the classes
Teacher's work stages Activity of teacher Activities Formable Wood
(indicating specific actions)
I. Organization moment
The bell rings fun
We start our lesson
I'm glad to see you. Today is an unusual lesson for you and for me, let's try to work in close cooperation. I wish you all success. Wish you and you success in overcoming difficulties. And, in turn, I will try to be a good assistant to you. Our joint efforts will help us open another door to the country of knowledge.
Listen to the teachers, configure to work in the lesson.
Show a positive attitude towards school and training activities.
II. Actualization of reference knowledge.
In the lessons of the OCK, we talked with you about a person and God in Orthodoxy, about the preaching of Christ, about Christ and his cross.
- Why did God become a man?
(God is love. He created people and loves them. And who loves, try to be close to them. Therefore, he decided to become one with them. He wanted to experience everything that was characteristic of a person and of course death.) - How was the birthway?
(Jesus Christ-name Jesus means saves. Christ is referred to as the Savior, because he also came to save people.) - What does the death of Jesus Christ save the death of Jesus Christ?
(The same as today: from death, loss of the soul, the loss of God. Evil, which people worked before the crucifixion of Christ, he calls for the fight. He takes over the sins of the people of the whole world.) - What do you think the story of Jesus Christ ended him Crucifix?. Who knows what happened to him?
(He is resurrected)
- What does it mean?
Students. ? - A familiar word "Sunday" is connected with Jesus Christ. The ancient Slavic root "Cress" means "to live, shine, sparkle. And the resurrection is the renewal day to life.
Answer questions.
Check the accuracy of the homework. Cognitive Wood: To be able to explain the meaning of the concepts of "Jesus Christ and his cross."
Regulatory Wood: Evaluate the correctness of the task, statements.
Communicative Wood: listen carefully to the interlocutor, to understand his statements; Express your thoughts with appropriate age full and accuracy.
III. Looking at the training task.
(On the word board):
Christ Risen Christ's Procedure
- Let me read the words on the board. (1 student reads).
- How can these words be connected with the resurrection of Christ? What word do these words are associated with?
(The word Easter opens in the board of the board)
- What word or word you suggested? What other words are associated with the word Easter?
(Easter eggs, kulich, Easter, Verba, Games, Church. And T.D)
- Who guessed, what will we talk about today in the lesson?
(About Easter.)
- We have an unusual lesson today. LESSON -PERT. We will talk about the Christian holiday with Light Christ Sunday or how else they say Easter Christ.
- What do you know about Easter holiday?
- many traditions, symbols are really associated with this holiday. But do you know what the history of Easter? Why do they talk about Easter as a great Christian holiday? (Student responses)
- What purpose do we put the lesson with you?
(Learn the history of the origin of the holiday, tradition, symbolism, customs.)
Replies of students
Children's statements.
Students formulate lesson
Determine the purpose of the lesson.
Personal Wood: establishing the relationship of the word Easter with the life of Jesus Christ
Regulatory Wood:
In collaboration with the teacher, to put the learning task.
Communicative Wood: listen carefully to the interlocutor, to understand his statements; express your thoughts with appropriate age full and accuracy
IV. Opening of new knowledge.
Dynamic pause in Russia Easter call a great day, a bright day. This holiday symbolizes the victory of life over death. This is not just a holiday! This is a holiday of all holidays, a celebration of celebrations. Holiday of joy, love, kindness and justice.
We are all rejoicing Easter and spring.
On Easter day, happily playing,
Highlands took off,
Song of the resurrection.
And the song is loudly repeated and the steppe, and the hill, and the Dark Forest.
"Wake up the earth, - they are broadcasting. - You wake up your king, your God is resurrected"
Easter is the resurrection to life.
Explore the text offered in the textbook and give a brief, but reasonable answer to the question: what is the resurrection of Christ?
- Open new knowledge about Easter will help us.
View video phrase
Easter. Easter customs.
- While watching video, fill in the table:
I know learned
Analysis of video phrase.
Mutual questions.
Output. Easter is celebrated 40 days.
Listening and analyzing an Easter hymn.
- I suggest you listen to the Hymn of Easter.
Analysis of the musical work.
Output. Easter - holiday holidays.
Game with souvenir Easter eggs. Come to the classmate, greet each other and exchange eggs. Listen.

Formulate your own opinion and argue it.
Students read the text in the textbook. Work with the information presented in the textbook in order to search and allocate the necessary information.
Expressing students.
Watch video clips and make entries in the table.
Analyze what's new learned from the viewed video confirmation, draw out.
Christiangulative Wood:
The ability to independently set new training tasks.
Communicative Wood:
Read out loud to yourself textbooks and at the same time: to keep a dialogue with the author, teacher, allocate the main thing, develop the ability to listen and understand. Build speech statements in accordance with the tasks.
Cognitive Wood: to extract new knowledge; Remove the information presented in different forms.
V. Fastening the educational material.
Preparation and protection of the mini-project.
Work in groups.
- Now you have to work in groups. Let's remember the rules of collaboration. (Instructing in groups of groups).
Distribute duties.
Preparation of a mini-project. The work of each group according to plan.
Jobs Groups
Group 1: Release the Egg Wall - Easter Symbol.
Group 2: Release the Easter postcard wall newspaper.
3 Group: Prepare the protection of a mini-project, conducting an interview with those present and collecting summarized information from each group.
Search for information.
Project implementation.
Presentation of work. During the presentation there is a relationship.
Output. Expanded knowledge about the traditions of Easter Celebration. Refer to the rules of work in the group
Dialogue with the teacher.
Discuss, agree.
Choose a group leader
Each group receives an individual task.
Looking for information in the textbook with. 29 - 31 Russian Easter, work with the information presented by the teacher.
Participate in the discussion of problematic issues.
Work in the group.
Each group presents its collective work class.
identify the essence, features of objects; - ability to summarize knowledge;
Subject: to actualize existing knowledge on the topic.
Show motivation for learning and targeted cognitive activity.
- Listen and understand the speech of others.
Vi. The outcome of the lesson.
Suitable for its completion, our lesson on which we learned a lot and reasoned about the celebration of Easter in Russia. I ask you to answer questions
- What purpose did we put at the beginning of our lesson?
- What tasks decided each of you?
- How did you understand why Jesus Christ is honored as the Savior?
- How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ?
- What was the most interesting to you at the lesson?
- What would you like to find out about Easter?
Output. Opened new knowledge, the educational material is absorbed by everyone. Participate in the discussion of issues.
Answer questions. Personal:
- Show motivation for learning and targeted cognitive activity.
- Be able to argue your point of view.
- take and maintain a learning task;
- carry out control of the partner's activities and evaluate the result.
To actualize the knowledge on the topic.
VII. Homework.
Task for the house (to choose).
- What do you think you know everything about Easter holiday?
Each of you can read additional literature on this topic.
1. Tutorial with. 28 - 31 Reply to questions, prepare for the quiz.
2. Write an essay on the topic "Easter Celebration in My Family." Get a task on leaves.
Listen to the recommendations of the teacher. VIII. Reflection.
- You have worked well today.
- Take souvenir Easter eggs.
Come to the board and place the eggs into one of the baskets:
1 Basket: The lesson material was useful.
2 Cart: The lesson material is useless.
- Make a compliment to your classmates for work in the lesson.
Thanks for the job. Express their attitude to the lesson and make compliments .. Chinny Wood:
Personal self-determination
Regulatory URU: Evaluate the results achieved in general and its own activities; Hold the learning task throughout the lesson.
Communicative Wood: be tolerant to other opinions, take into account them in working together.