The behavior of a man in love who hides his feelings. How do men hide their feelings? Likes or dislikes

Not only women tend to hide their feelings in front of the man they are in love with. The stronger sex - similarly - is not always in a hurry to show sympathy. But nevertheless, a number of signs allow us to determine and understand what is behind the indicative indifference or friendly attitude something more is hidden.

There are many reasons why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings:

Recent research on love has brought a revealing insight into feelings "in love". To be in love, a person must return their love somewhat, but not quite, having reason to hope that their love will be fully returned in the future. This discovery explains some of the most ancient and puzzling mysteries romantic relationship, for example, why "the game is hard", why "absence makes the heart happy", and why falling in love is different from long-term love.

This explains why men and women who treat the opposite sex with indifference are so popular. Why is it that the person you don't really care about is the one who's crazy to you and the one you die for isn't. If you are indifferent to someone, you give them some drib and attention out of boredom or pity, right? Now we know that this is exactly the formula for keeping someone in love with you. Of course, acting indifferently is easy when you don't care. The hard part is acting indifferent when you don't care.

  • natural restraint;
  • specific education;
  • low self-esteem;
  • fear of being rejected;
  • unsuccessful relationships in the past;
  • fear of getting close, losing freedom, becoming dependent.

Many men feel vulnerable in a state of falling in love and hide feelings until they are convinced of reciprocity.

New research findings help explain another key element of feeling "in love." We have long known that fantasy is one of the most important components love. A person in love has what psychologists call "exalting" fantasies about the person they love.

Ask anyone who loves you to talk about their loved ones and you will hear about someone who is too wonderful to be true. You smile, reminded of the old expression: "Love is blind." The old expression is true because all lovers have a fantasy image of the one they love.

For a long time they “swing”, until it comes to frank confessions, introverts, timid, shy, insecure people. Do not rush to identify the sympathy of men who already have a relationship.

How does a man behave who is in love, but hides his feelings?

Though the man tries to hide true feelings, according to certain bodily signs, you can suspect falling in love.

Lovers since love began have been depicted as longing, plucking petals from flowers somewhere and daydreaming about their love object. This classic image fits perfectly with new research findings: if you want to be the object of love, you must give your lover time to think about you, fantasize about you - without you. If you are constantly in your face, they have no opportunity to develop an "enhanced" image of you.

some of my better relationship with desirable, in-demand people blossomed when I had to leave for a while, or the man had to leave somewhere shortly after we met. The reason, of course, was that the separation gave us time to fantasize about each other.

Eyes always give out a "male" in love. He looks at the object of his passion intently, if he is sure that this is not noticed. When meeting "eye-to-eye" timid or secretive - he most often looks away. But if a woman turns away, she may feel that she is being carefully examined, as if being studied. Also, the state of being in love gives out a special brilliance, “sparkles” in the eyes - it is difficult to “extinguish” them even for a man who is in control of himself.

He had a lot of time to miss me and fantasize about me. He even had a chance of overdosing on other ladies. Inaccessibility actually helped me seem more interesting and desirable. Separation almost always makes the heart grow, and this works later in your relationship as well as in the beginning. It's good to give your loved one a chance to miss you one day.

Has it ever happened to you, and if you feel good about it, is it indifferent? When you treat a man badly, he looks at you more because they like, to a certain extent, to feel rejected; they see the girl as a "target" and try to defeat her.

facial expressions

The state of falling in love can be "calculated" by facial expressions. The facial expression changes: it looks more kind, complacent, friendly, joyful. A slight blush on the cheeks, dilated pupils, head tilt to the side, raised eyebrows, slightly flared nostrils indicate a clear sympathy.

Gestures are a great indicator of being in love. A man, as if by chance, touches a woman - her palms, elbows, back, shoulders. Helping to put on a coat, he can put his arm around the waist, touch the hair. Male excitement in the presence of an object of passion is given out by frequent smoothing of hair, shaking dust particles from clothes. A lover visually tries to look better: straightens his posture, tightens his stomach, straightens clothes, accessories. Sexual attraction is given out by touching the hips, the belt of trousers, hands in pockets, legs wide apart while sitting.

If you know who you are, you also know what you are. wonderful person who wastes no time thinking that he is not attractive to men. She is considered attractive and feels good on her skin, no matter if she is tall, short, plump or thin.

What do they look for in "bad girls"?

People like, to some extent, " bad Girls who are the ones who know what they want and who set limits. In a smart dose, because there are also women who get into the rough and the opposite effect occurs, he says. Women who feel good about themselves and feel they are entitled to all that is good.

You can guess that a man has fallen in love by changing his behavior. He begins to do things that were not observed before him (for example, in the presence of his beloved, start flirting intensely with other young ladies). He can also withdraw and demonstrate complete indifference, although before that there were no problems in communication. The other extreme is exclusive attention to the object of passion, offers to help, showing signs of attention that are presented as friendly.

A bad girl doesn't apologize or apologize. And if you mess up, apologize, but don't give an explanation for what you did. Everyone will laugh at what he says, but they won't laugh at it. They can be cute without being weak. They can be tolerant if you don't expect them to let things bother them.

They demand each other and with themselves, and bring out the best in every person because everyone strives to be good, even if it's because they are afraid of them. They are independent, smart and not afraid to prove themselves strong. Moreover, they like to be strong!

Unlike women, the state of falling in love does not affect the performance of the stronger sex. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch an employee in love who, instead of working, is dreamily looking out the window.

Rather, on the contrary - inspired by feelings, he will become much more active in order to please his passion, stand out from the crowd, and attract her attention.

How to determine, understand that a secretive man has fallen in love?

Even if a man makes every effort to hide love feelings, some characteristic features will help to declassify them.

Signs of falling in love

The set of symptoms of falling in love for each man is very individual, depending on the character, views on relationships, life principles, standard behavior, love experience.

The psychology of a man in love who hides it

Although the "male" seeks to win the woman he likes, certain psychological barriers prevent him from taking the initiative and force him to take a wait-and-see attitude.

Emotionality in our society is considered a typical female trait, so the representatives of the stronger sex are reluctant to express feelings, including love ones. They also like to watch a woman fall in love, strive for rapprochement, taking timid steps towards.

But what would psychological reasons nor were at the heart of this secret, carefully watching a man, analyzing his words, deeds, it can always be revealed.

Find out exactly and urgently -

Security measures -

AT love matters modesty is inherent in the strong half of humanity. Shy and humble men become when it comes to real feelings. Women who are more emotional and courageous in this regard sometimes need to push the chosen one to recognition. How to do this delicately and how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

A common reason why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings is the fear that he will not meet reciprocity, will be rejected or even ridiculed. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when it comes to real feelings, the stronger sex can become indecisive and capricious. And here the main thing is to understand whether the satellite is really in love and, making sure of a positive result help him open up.

Why can a man hide his feelings?

Many women are familiar with the situation when a lover does not show signs of attention, does not show feelings. Men simply do not understand that if you hide your feelings, a woman may soon doubt their existence. It is very important for women to realize that they are loved and dear. strong hugs, pleasant words and manifestations of feelings are simply necessary for women, without them they feel lonely. There are doubts and jealousy. Why does a man, even feeling love for the chosen one, hide his feelings? There are several such reasons.

  1. As trite as it may sound, strong half so accepted. Emotionality, in their opinion, is a typical female trait, and a real man should be restrained and not show emotions and feelings.
  2. In society, too impulsive, emotional men are not well perceived.

In fact, men are often no less sensitive than women, but public opinion and prevailing stereotypes force them to be restrained. There is an opinion that ladies adore brutal, rude men, and many guys, wanting popularity, try to match this image. This is one way to create and maintain an image.

  • Men are afraid to get the title of henpecked. Entering into serious relationship, he fears that the chosen one, having learned about the depth of feelings, will begin to manipulate him. Each representative of the stronger sex values ​​freedom and independence, and even realizing that he wants to always be with his lady, he does not want to lose them. The way out of the situation is to restrain feelings, not to give them free rein.
  • There is an opinion in the male community that a man in love is weak person. Falling in love makes you weaker and more vulnerable. In order not to look like a weakling among friends and acquaintances, a man does not show feelings.
  • The classic described the fourth reason remarkably: “The more we love a girl, the less she likes us.” According to popular belief, a woman, upon learning that a man has fallen in love, may lose interest. This behavior keeps the interest in opposite field, adds mystery to the gentleman.

The last reason sounds like a "protection method". By nature, men are vulnerable and sensitive. frank confession in love, for them, it is comparable to voluntary surrender, it’s the same as putting your head on the block yourself, taking off your helmet and laying down your sword. Stealth and silence are a kind of armor that protects the sensitive heart.

Signs of a man falling in love

To understand if your prince is in love with you, you need to closely observe his behavior when he is with you.

  1. He talks in detail about himself and his loved ones. If the companion constantly keeps up the conversation, talks a lot about himself, trying to make positive impression It means that he is interested in a woman. Thus, he lets the chosen one into his life, makes it possible to get acquainted with things that are important to him. If the lady does not miss the chance, shows sincere interest, listens carefully, helps to open up, this will be the first step towards a long relationship.
  2. He listens carefully and hears his companion. A clear sign of a man's interest. In this case, a woman can create about herself the right impression, talking about hobbies, life priorities ... This is a wonderful moment to search for common interests, points of contact.
  3. I started to take better care of myself. When a man begins to spend more time appearance: buys new clothes, enrolls in gym, carefully selects the image - this is sure sign that the one he wants to please and appear from the most favorable sides has appeared.
  4. Care. If a man helps carry heavy bags or offers help with household chores, this may indicate more than just politeness and good manners. Repeated displays of concern may well indicate a gentleman's indifference.
  5. Thoughts on stable income, material well-being. If a before a man he had little interest in welfare, and now he seriously thought about it, perhaps he thought about starting a family.

Psychology of a man in love

Behavior of a man in love

Sign language

Apart from obvious signs, pay attention to non-verbal, unconscious. The main thing is to read the body language and facial expressions correctly.

  • No matter how the lover tries to hide his feelings, his body is tense, a little stiff.
  • Hands may tremble from embarrassment or excitement, palms sweat.
  • Arms crossed on the chest indicate an attempt to close. When a man opens up, straightens his shoulders, he demonstrates his body, flaunts, attracts attention.
  • Physical attraction can be assumed if, during intercourse, a man periodically touches the belt or puts his hands on his hips.
  • Reducing the distance when talking. When falling in love, a man tries to get closer at any opportunity, to penetrate into personal space.

Facial expression and gaze

Unconscious glances towards the object of love. Interested person wants to enjoy, admire the image of his beloved.

It is very difficult for a lover to control his gaze, unless, of course, he is an agent of special services. Noticing how a man looks, it is easy to determine whether he is in love. In the eyes of a man in relation to his beloved, admiration shines. Often, unconsciously, when speaking, the gaze stops on the lips. Realizing that it is indecent to look closely at their beloved, men begin to hide their eyes, to look stealthily. But these views are so frequent that they are easy to catch.


The behavior of a person in love is often unstable. A constant change of mood from thoughtfulness and lyricism to fun and relaxedness.

Romantic relationships are always a whole storm of emotions and experiences that lovingly try to carefully hide at first. Then they can turn into something deeper and more serious, but, first of all, a woman will ask herself the question more than once: how does a man in love behave, is the feeling really mutual, and how long can a man hide feelings if he falls in love.

Characteristics of male behavior

As you know, men differ from women not only physiologically. Behavioral characteristics also differ significantly. Do not think that men are not able to seriously fall in love and worry a lot.

A man can feel the most for a woman serious feelings, but the manifestations of these feelings can not be immediately identified. Women's psychology more open and emotional - it is easier for a girl to express and cry out than to carry her feelings in herself.

A man, on the contrary, tends not to scatter on explanations, but at the same time to worry just as much. The perception of a man is in many ways more purposeful, strict and deliberate, while women are more amenable to emotions than reasoning.

The way a guy in love behaves depends on temperament and character, upbringing and social environment, his ideas about what love is.

It cannot be said that the following signs male love serve as some kind of yardstick by which one can judge the entire male half of humanity without exception. But in part, it is possible to determine the love of a man by these parameters.


Perhaps one of the most common behaviors that accompanies men when they fall in love. self-confident and successful person having high position and social status, can be shy in front of a girl, what can we say about young guys.

He may feel awkward and awkward, stammer or laugh out loud, and then be silent for a long time, thinking. In any case, if such behavior has never been observed before, this can be regarded as signs of falling in love with men.


Women's intuition, if it is not clouded strong feeling able to recognize feigned and sincere concern. The psychology of a man falling in love is such that, following his instinct, he will try to patronize and protect a woman.

It shows up in the little things. For example, in a wish good morning and Good night, worries about health and mood, a close study of her problems and help in solving them. A man subconsciously wants to show that he is strong and confident in his abilities, that he will be a reliable wall for his beloved woman.


No matter how paradoxical it may be, but the gestures of a man in love can be cold-blooded. There may be two reasons for this: he saw that his father treats his mother rather coldly, but, nevertheless, takes care of her and the family, and considers this sufficient. The second reason is that somewhere he heard that women do not like those who constantly run after them, and there is some truth in this.

If such a man is secretly in love, he will find a way to hint about his feelings, for example, send a bouquet of flowers or give a helping hand where no one wants to help. But to understand that a guy is in love, you can only call him to straight Talk in this case.

Such men will willingly take a step forward if you offer to discuss your relationship, and will be extremely frank if you make it clear that he is not at all intrusive and not imposed.


No matter what zodiac sign a man has, whether a man in love is Libra or Scorpio, he can show openness, even if it is written in black and white in his zodiac characteristic that his feelings are hidden.

Listen to what this man is telling you. Perhaps he trusts you with his secrets, secrets, problems, the solution of which he cannot find on his own. After all, this is one of the forms of deep trust, which is impossible without love.

Such a man will try to show everyone around that you are closer to each other than others, for example, in a company he will sit next to you, call to take you home and talk on the phone, accidentally saying your name with friends.


Sometimes, to understand that a man is in love, but hides it, it is enough to chat with his friends. This communication is necessary in order to find out how his close friends usually see him, and whether there are any changes.

Some men are practical to the point of impossibility. Having fallen in love, they immediately begin to take care of how much money to give gifts to their beloved, where they will live and how to name the children. But at the same time, how long the love of such a man lasts, so much he forgets to inform his beloved about his intentions. And deeply offended when she, out of ignorance, chooses another.


It's not about the guy being jealous if he's in love. Falling in love with men can be quite incomprehensible to female logic, but techniques remain common to both sexes.

By his manner of communicating with other girls and his behavior, as well as what non-verbal signs he gives, you can find out that a man is in love. This category of men shows his beloved that he has many fans and he is just like hot cakes. But when communicating with others, he will certainly at least once look at the true object of his love.

Duration of feelings

Many women believe that men's love is short-lived, and think about how long an adult man's love lasts. In fact, guys are able to love as much as women, scrupulously collect tickets from theaters and memorize telephone conversations.

The problem is that girls often abuse their position as an object of adoration, they begin to play up and take advantage of this attention, imagining that a man in love, in order to warm up interest, must always be refused.

Actually, it is not. You should not take advantage in a relationship if you just fell in love with each other. Man's love can take a very long time for a long time if it was reciprocated.

Do not bother and do not impose your ideas and views on the guy, let him understand that you are completely self-sufficient and can take your leisure time, you have hobbies and favorite activities, but without him you cannot cope with some things and demand his protectorate. Such a woman will be interesting at any stage of the relationship, and even after long separation this kind of love doesn't go away.

Psychologist's advice on this part is as follows. Regardless of the stage of the relationship, don't try to impose your feelings. Do not try to achieve symptoms of love in every man who gives his hand.

Today, good breeding is often perceived as a sign of love. And since it becomes more difficult to recognize feelings for this reason, enjoy communicating with a person, show him how developed and interesting you are, finally become a spiritual friend.

If you look into the guy’s eyes every single time and wait for confessions from him, even a truly in love person can turn back and lose all respect because of your impatience.

Friends, sometimes it seems to me that men and women are residents of a completely different planets who met by some completely absurd accident. They have completely different desires, aspirations and, of course, views on life. But nevertheless, a man and a woman are a primordially natural complement to each other. Even such an exact science as physics tells us about the opposite morals of the female and male population, because everyone remembers that particles that are oppositely charged attract! Here is the same picture among people. How to understand that a man is hiding his feelings is the topic of my article today.

Top secret!

Do you know that scientists still cannot give an exact answer to the question of what women think? Do you know why? Yes, because even the women themselves do not know the answer! The fact is that billions of thoughts rush through our head in a second, and, perhaps, the most important of them are how to manage to do everything that you have planned, how to look stunning, why I am such a fool and, of course, how to understand that a man hides his feelings... Let's figure it out together.

What is he thinking about?

introductory word

Girls, among the many questions that you and I ask ourselves, we need to focus on those that directly relate to men. After all, you must admit that each of us wants to be the only one for our own, and for this we need to learn to understand him better, predict actions, hear ... All this will help us understand, hides our feelings, and how he does it.

Do not believe that a man is difficult to persuade family relations. Any representative of the strong half of humanity sooner or later sets on fire with the desire to have his own family, and only with that woman who knows how to listen to him, can share interests and is generally able to understand him.

How do men hide their feelings?

Summing up, I would like to add a little from personal experience. Girls, if men are in love with us, we will understand this right away, because female intuition no one has canceled yet! So, we conclude: how to understand that a man hides his feelings? Turn on your intuition! Good luck to you!

People are different from each other, especially men from women. They think and act differently. Their actions are incomprehensible. A woman is able by nature to read information on gestures, expressions of her eyes and face. How to understand that a guy you know is in love, but hides his true feelings? Let's figure it out together.

Why does a guy hide his feelings

The young man likes the girl, he does not show feelings for her. Think, maybe there are reasons for this:

  • believes that feelings and tenderness are a manifestation of weakness;
  • afraid to look funny;
  • afraid of being misunderstood and rejected;
  • he has a family;
  • is in a state of shock from what happened.

Signs of a guy in love

Love is a magical feeling that makes people change for the better. No matter how a man tries to hide it, behavior and actions betray the true nature. In this case, pay attention to signs of sympathy.


A man becomes complaisant and caring. It is important for him to see his beloved woman more often, he is looking for any excuse for a meeting.

He tries not to offend his beloved, selects the necessary words, pays more attention. He listens to advice and agrees with the lady of the heart in everything. If the passion needs help, he will immediately lend his shoulder.

Between them are set trusting relationship. He shares plans, experiences, talks about the past and dreams. But this is not so easy to do, even if you have a friend in front of you.

How else to understand that a guy is sincerely in love, but desperately hides his feelings? He is funny and witty. Boasts of achievements, successes, financial opportunities.

With all his might he wants to appear with better side. It is important for him that a woman sees a serious, promising and responsible person. The best best wishes.


A lover is given a look full of tenderness and delight. The guy keeps him on his passion for quite a long time. But at the same time, it is difficult for him to withstand her gaze, he averts his eyes to the side. After a while, he again considers his beloved woman. And she intuitively captures his feelings.


Another sign of falling in love is a sharp change in appearance. He is all clean and shaved, smells of perfume. Changes hairstyle. Some men start going to the gym, because they really want to like the object of worship.

The guy becomes more tidy, tries to dress with taste. There are new beautiful things, accessories. Many people change their style drastically.

If a young man experiences only sexual attraction He has a straight back. He shows the woman that he is strong, portly. A person in love, on the contrary, has some stoop, awkwardness in movements.


How to understand by gestures that a guy is in love, but does not make attempts to get closer and hides his feelings. You can always see a lot if you look closely at a person.

Such a man gives out quivering excitement, he is not calm. Hands are constantly in motion: shifts various small items, pulls them in the palms.

The guy wants to touch the woman he loves. He uses any moment for close contact with her (he straightens his hair, removing a leaf from them, etc.).

Looks intently into the eyes. Often he straightens his curls with his hand, smoothes them. This gesture indicates that the young man wants to please the lady.

Exception to the rule

It happens that in big picture manifestations of love may be exceptions. Many men do not show their feelings because they do not know how to do it. They are too proud, insecure true motives love.

However, such a man can be "declassified" by behavior. He avoids communication with his sympathy, keeps away from her. Afraid to show feelings, hides them behind a mask:

  • indifference;
  • increased attention to other women (causes jealousy);
  • hypertrophied care (trying to please, to be gallant);
  • jealousy of other potential competitors (if the person is not jealous at all).

Women's tricks - options for "exposure"

How to understand that a guy is in love if he shows interest, but hides his feelings? Let's go for some tricks!

Option number 1. If a party is planned at which the object of worship will be present, allow another man to give you a little attention and a little courtship. Or arrange in advance with a friend to come as a fan.

Look at the reaction of the "experimental". Its behavior may change:

  • demands attention;
  • speaks louder than usual
  • jokes a lot;
  • deliberately unleashes a quarrel with an imaginary gentleman;
  • restless.

Option number 2. Invite the object of adoration on a date. Come up with a simple reason for a meeting without hints of an intimate relationship:

  • go to class together classical dances(need a partner);
  • spend time on the rink;
  • visit the opened art exhibition (if the guy understands, invite him as an expert);
  • go to a concert of your favorite singer (there is an “extra” ticket).


Maybe you will have other ideas to communicate with the object of adoration and check his attitude towards you.

By his behavior he will betray true intentions. How to understand that a guy is in love if he is not indifferent, but at the same time hides his feelings?

The first reaction from the guy is the most sincere and truthful. If a man loves, he will gladly respond to one of your proposals and reschedule things.

If you tried in every possible way to cause jealousy on the part of the chosen one, and in response you received complete indifference, this indicates indifference. And don't be under any illusions about the guy's secret crush.

Sometimes you need to take the first steps towards yourself, to understand the existing relationships, feelings. Sometimes it is they who help the beloved man open up, give him the opportunity to confess his feelings, to get closer to his beloved.

The right to initiate relationships since ancient times belongs to the guys. In practice, this does not always happen. If you think about how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings, then it becomes possible to declassify his intentions. It is enough to focus on manners and gestures. Knowing his date of birth will be an advantage, because depending on this, behavior can be radically different.

In contact with

Every guy who feels sympathy for a girl shows some signs against his will. If before he was not afraid of anything, but now he looks down, then this can say a lot. Sometimes, if a man hides his feelings, he becomes overly talkative or, conversely, not a word can be pulled out of him.

A guy in love tries to contact a girl more often. He is looking for a reason to talk, turns out to be nearby, as if by chance, calls with or without reason.

In the absence of a woman, a man who hides his feelings is upset, indifferent and less active. But when a lover appears, he laughs loudest at jokes and reacts to any of her remarks.

Girls dream to immediately distinguish sincere feelings from fleeting attraction. Sometimes the representative of the stronger sex does not realize the depth of his affection. How to understand that a man is in love? The surest criterion is to evaluate participation in life.

A guy who hides his feelings but loves a woman won't let her get cold, carry heavy things, or stay hungry. He will be gallant, polite. A lover will always help you get out of the car, open the door in front of a lady and will not refuse to fix the tap.

Despite the numerous knowledge on how to understand that a man is in love with you, this is not easy to do. You need to show not only observation, but also have good intuition.

How to understand that he is in love according to the sign of the zodiac?

The behavior of a guy depends on the astrological period in which he was born. in you, he is able to behave differently. What is familiar to one sign is fundamentally unacceptable to another.

To understand if a man is in love, it is worth remembering the features of male psychology

Aries - fire sign and hiding the truth is not for him. He is characterized by impulsive and unconscious decisions. How to understand that a man is in love, but hides if he is an Aries? In every possible way emphasizing his dignity in front of the girl, praising his character and boasting of his achievements, he will give himself away. Aries will be jealous of friends and colleagues, which means that they can suddenly break loose on other men. Aries is capable of strange acts and compliments with rude wording. He does not tolerate failure and will achieve his goal under any circumstances.

Taurus are afraid of change, so they are able to hide their feelings to the last. They may resort to anonymous messages of romantic content, send a huge bouquet of roses without a signature, or call to listen to a voice. If a man is in love with you, he will help you in any endeavors, intercede if necessary and protect you from adversity.

The already active Gemini becomes even brighter if he hides his feelings. He regularly seeks contact on the most absurd occasion. He tells a lot of jokes interesting stories and read the best poetry. How to understand if a man of this sign is in love with you? Special attention Gemini pays attention to his appearance. He buys himself new things, enrolls in a gym and runs to a hairdresser.

Features of men born under the sign of Gemini

Vulnerable and impressionable Cancer is one of the most secretive signs of the Zodiac. He is aimed at creating a family, so he will not dedicate to his true intentions until he is convinced that she is the only one in front of him. Until that moment, he will be very polite, gallant and circles the girl with unobtrusive care. Cancer, who hides his feelings, will still give the lady a jacket on a cold evening and bring oranges if she gets sick.

These regal cats are great lovers of showing their dignity. How to understand if a Leo man is in love? Listen to his words. He will constantly emphasize his pluses, wealth and social position. In addition, Leos are very generous. They give the most expensive gifts but in such a way that everyone knows about it.

The detached and dry guy Virgo becomes more tender and caring when in love. If he hides his feelings, he still cannot deny himself the pleasure of looking at the girl, touching her with his hand. Romantic notes that no one had noticed before will suddenly appear in his behavior. Virgo tries to joke more, to do secret gifts and meet regularly with the lady.

It is very easy to understand that Libra is in love with a woman. Representatives of the sign begin to fuss, show excessive activity and develop vigorous activity. The Libra guy is ready to fulfill any desire of his beloved, which gives himself away with giblets. If a girl manages to give him ease of communication, shows her cheerful character and readiness for any adventures, then Libra will tell about her love himself.

How to understand that a man is in love with you if he belongs to this sign? Remember all the signs of sympathy. If they are completely absent, but deliberate indifference is enough for two, then it is likely that Sagittarius is in love. Yes Yes. The guy will emphasize in every possible way that the girl is not interesting to him. He will not extend his hand, will not ask about the mood.

Features of men born under the sign of Sagittarius

If Scorpio hides his feelings, then reveal it true face- an overwhelming task. This guy is always focused on winning, but if he is ready to give the championship to you, then he probably has a lot of sympathy. If Scorpio is in love, but hides his feelings, then he will still spend a lot of time with a girl. He will pay special attention to long heart-to-heart conversations.

He will be jealous of you for everyone you meet, for a work colleague, for a childhood friend or a salesman from a hardware store. His sparkling jokes and exciting stories will not let you get bored, and meetings will be memorable. However, Capricorn not only talks a lot himself, but also listens with pleasure to his companion.

Extravagant representatives of this sign will arrange a real performance in front of the girl. They will put on better outfits, will do the most weird hairstyle and will spout a stream of jokes. If a man is in love and hides his feelings, then jealousy will betray him anyway.

Romantic representatives of this sign become very gentle and sensitive. They are enthusiastically ready to meet sunsets, read poetry until the morning and give huge bouquets roses. They hear every word, respond to every movement and are ready to fulfill any girl's whim.

Based on scientific knowledge, you can also get an answer to a question of interest. The most commonly used for this is psychology.
How to understand that a man is in love with you, from the point of view of a specialist:

  1. Action according to generally accepted rules. From childhood, society imposes that a man should start relationships first, be the head of the family and become a support for a woman. If such behavior is not characteristic of a guy, but he does everything to meet expectations, then he is in love.
  2. non-verbal expressions. Dilated pupils, turned towards the object of sympathy, wearing shoes, hands in the belt area are signs of feelings.

Not everyone manages to identify these criteria without proper experience. It is not at all necessary to be a psychologist, but certain knowledge about relationships is simply necessary.

Can you see love in the eyes?

For young guy who has not yet learned to control himself at 100, it is almost impossible to hide feelings in his eyes.

When a man hides his feelings, he averts his eyes if he realizes that he has been noticed. He tries not to miss the opportunity to look at the lady of the heart. His eyes shine, they are filled with interest, liveliness. Sometimes the view, on the contrary, is blurred.

Indifference to the object of sympathy is quite understandable. When an adult mature person is in love, but hides his feelings, this speaks of his desire to take a closer look at the girl. He wants to know her better, to understand her character and hobbies. Young people, on the contrary, experience fear when communicating with a girl. Lack of experience, including sexual experience, can frighten a man.

It should be noted that ignore the woman on early stages relationships are common to almost everyone. However, prolonged ostentatious indifference is not the norm and can scare the girl away. Such behavior indicates the immaturity of a man or his complexes, which will be difficult to get along with.

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. Feelings for two women at the same time are not always equivalent. Occur against the backdrop of problems, in the absence of vivid emotions or in the event of a crisis. If a man is in love, but hides his feelings, this may indicate that he is not free or married. As a rule, feelings only for the only one pass the test of time.

How to understand that a pen pal is in love with you?

Modern realities lead to the fact that communication is increasingly tied to virtual space. How to understand that a man is in love, many girls are interested. In these cases, the guy regularly initiates the start of a conversation.

He writes, comments, puts “I like” marks on every photo. The guy asks about hobbies, family, friends and beloved cat. He is attentive to what was said, seeks to support in a difficult situation.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Revealing sympathy online is easier than in real life. However, this is quite risky. How to understand that a pen pal is in love with you if he hides his feelings? It's enough just not to get in touch. certain time. This will cause anxiety for a lover, and he will begin to look for a girl outside the network. Often it is enough just to wait, and the man himself will tell about his intentions.

Useful video

The feeling of falling in love inspires - you want to sing and dance, scream with delight and tell everyone about your feelings. This is how a woman falls in love... But what about a man? Everything is much more complicated here - he skillfully knows how to hide his emotions and feelings. Therefore, every girl begins to convulsively puzzle over whether she is loved, especially if she herself is interested in this man:


  1. Impatient girls are constantly interested in how to find out what a pen pal feels and whether the neighbor in the stairwell is hiding the truth. Using the advice of experienced ladies, psychologists and astrologers, it is quite possible to get an answer to the question.
  2. However, if a man is in love, but hides his feelings, then you should not put pressure on him. It's better to give the guy time to show his love.