Congratulatory words director happy birthday. Short congratulations to the boss in his own words. Congratulations Options Head for Birthday

Congratulations to you, dear head, happy birthday. Let the work be easy and successful, let there be a lot of magnificent ideas and great prospects in the activity, let them be good and prosperity in your home, let your heart live happiness and love.

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health gave failures to mood is always on top. All let them be warm and comfort success, good luck, luck.

In your star map, (name), there is a bright happy star. We wish that her light flashes brighter, giving our boss more career opportunities and success!

The best leader, today the most good wishes sound! They will become a solid foundation for success in all life areas for the next year! Congratulations!

We are grateful for your humanity, (name), and in a hurry to wish the ideal head of exemplary business reputation and error-free solutions in commercial operations!

Dear boss, you always delelito immaculate, cardiacly attentive and have a steel rod of the entrepreneur! We wish these qualities become still sunshine! Happy Birthday!

Chef, you should do our prosperous enterprise without effort in your hands. We wish you a tide of fresh ideas in work, straight ways to career pedestals and endless business triumphs!

Today we honor our chef and from the soul, we wish the conspiracy reliable partners, high profits and a growing career. Smaller stress and excitement, more pleasure from the work done, health, success, fruitful weekdays and saturated weekends. Happy Birthday!

Collecting the head of the bouquet of congratulations, we hurry to congratulate with a personal celebration! We wish long, successful and vigilant management with a difficult work process!

Under your leadership, (name), our campaign is perfect, as the mechanics of the Swiss watches. And these arrows will support you for a long year of fruitful work! Happy Birthday!

Let your, (name), birthday, will open new horizons and opportunities! You are incredibly lucky in your career, and we wish to step up to the steps of business prosperity!

Congratulations on the day of birth, a man of honor and a solid word, a good man and a magnificent chief. I wish to always find what they were looking for, always seeking what they were striving. Let everything be smooth at work and simply, let everything in life be wonderfully and great.

The precious boss wants to wish the diamond career brilliance, Ruby heart comfort, pearl overflows of commercial hopes, and generous golden rains!

Let your day of the birth, the boss, will launch unprecedented success in work for the next year, stability in business accomplishments, comfort in the house and the cloudless sun on vacation!

You, (name), created to be a perfect leader and a prosperous person. Let your birthday ever enable these brilliant qualities and features!

We wish you a rich stream of energy and inspirations in your responsible position, (name). We wish to still expand the circle of business partners and enterprise in labor weekdays!

We wish our boss stars from the well-being: financial, career and heartfall! Let you be tamed avalanche of business success and never frows the sky of victories!

Dear birthday boy! In your day, you wish.
So that the green "Mercedes" of your life easily and happily drove you in life, overcoming all the obstacles and difficulties so that the road was going on the flowering garden and so that all those in whom you need. For your well-being and success!

Let the shiny sun be lit by the day of your name, our invaluable leader! And the amber rays of the shine, every day in the coming year, carry success on the business and personal front!

You are not only the best chef, (name), but also a traveling star of a huge team! Let me wish the unclear light to your leadership qualities, inexhaustible reserves in the wallet and titanic health!

Dear chief, we will gladly congratulate you on your personal celebration! Let it all be positive: at the business level - reliable partners, in rest - golden sands, in finance - full rain!

The salutes of your holiday, the boss, take off above the celestial stars, and dropping down from the cosmic luminaries full of well-being, the novelty of business ideas and unique career prospects!

It is not easy to be a successful leader, but you, (name), an excellent strategist in this area! We wish your skillful abilities of a tactful and caring boss, thoroughly increased!

Let you, dear chef, beckoning the stars of reliable partnership, fruits of effective work, arms of heart friendship and smiles of grateful colleagues! Happy Birthday!

Today is the best boss perpetrator of an enchanting celebration! We wish you a unremitable creative alkali, the brilliance of a leadership nature, effective performance and business wisdom!

The boss, your luck and purposefulness in the work stabilizes our team. Let your holiday increase all the professional qualities of the head!

Thanks to your master leadership, chef, our company has a high status! I want to charge you on the birthday of the sparks of long well-being and the desired happiness! Congratulations!

For you, the boss, the birthday day prepared the Golden Chest of Gifts: Money Bags, Breakless Health Rivers, Professional Success, Loyalty in Friendship and Excellent Mood Forever!

Chef, even a multicolor rainbow wrote the words of congratulations for you in the sky! And we prepared our wishes - the maximum income and the minimum of taxes, more premiums and less care! Happy holiday!

Boss, get ready to accept the immenseality of good wishes that will increase your success in every idea that will fill you athletic health and present high career achievements!

Congratulating the birthday girl, I want to warmly wish to stay so attentive to subordinate, as active in work, and super successful in conceived!

We specifically dispersed the clouds so that the sun fillets your projects with warmth for the coming year, the boss! Let the new ways become grand victories! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to our expensive head happy birthday. I want to wish good health 150 years ahead, cheerfulness of the spirit, optimism and a great mood to go to work every day with a smile and give us joy all of us, a great mood. Peace you and love!

From our friendly team I want to wish an expensive supervisor of optimism, faith, cheerfulness of the spirit and a wonderful future! Let even complicated labor weekdays on emotions and joy will be for you as bright holidays.

We wish you on your birthday, dear head, good health and clear mind. Let you remain as iron nerves, and the sense of humor will be subtle and ringing. I wish your team always remained before, we will try to!

Birthday, besides health and happiness, the dear leader wants to wish also ordinary working joys. So that you could leave subordinates unattended, and they would work on perfectly so that the wife was wise and not jealous, so that the secretary was intelligent and beautiful.

From the whole team we want to congratulate the deep-maintained chief of birthday. You are fair, honest and smart, stay so always. Moderately strict, but moderately good!

These are short and not very congratulations on his birthday to the head of a man in his own words. It is nice to hear good words from colleagues to each leader on his birthday. We hope that with the leader you are lucky and all words will go from a clean and sincere heart.

Our dear boss, happy birthday! We wish you just achieve. We wish to fulfill all the old dreams. Let the material well-being come to you and the material well-being will come to you so that you can buy a car, apartment, cottage, yacht, plane.

Favorite and respected boss, the whole firm today congratulates you on this day with the wonderful and amazing holiday of your birth! Let it go fun and joyful. We wish you so that you have purchased all the most valuable, what the soul wishes. Joy you big and endless happiness!

The fate of the villain presents the courage not to all men as a gift, but she could not get around the face. So let this quality do not disappear any moment and helps in matters, at work and in the life of personal! I wish you a fireworks of joy, salute good and clappers filled with luck! Happy Birthday!

I want to wish the boss on the birthday of the fact that it is very valuable and without which it is impossible to live: I wish you the most beautiful, good and loving wife, because only a caring woman can provide comfort and complete comfort of a man. So that you have always provided a reliable rear and understanding!

I wish you a hundred years
Live without grief and without trouble
Achieve everything that dreamed of
Find the desired pier,
And so that there is neither cool,
You with evil - not on the way.
More in the life of kindness -
After all, you were born on this day!

Happiness in life, success in work
On the birthday of the birthday we want to wish.
Let your heart be in care
And other adversity you do not know.

Let the smiles of loved ones give you warm
Words are warm to you,
And we want to say only one thing:
What a person is better not knowing.

And I want to congratulate you and wish for conscience,
So that every day I have done, and retreated sorrow.
So that you did not get sick, be friends and wondering,
So that in a situation of any one to stay,
To come true all dreams - sometimes it happens
I wish you happiness and love! And life - yes no ends!

I wish you to stay
As strong as now!
Easy to spread with enemies,
Help friends in a hard hour
In affairs always to be fair
With your loved ones
What you need - know what is needed - able,
To win and overcome,
You and adversity maybe
For yourself, make me serve!

My friend, with a dnushka I hurried to congratulate you,
In her words today we want to glorify you,
We will sing songs, to dance in your honor,
From us today do not lag behind.

Let all the intimate desires come true,
I will present for you good luck in the wishes,
Let not stand in the way of your obstacles,
May the award life prevents more often.

Fate with you will not let the Surov,
Do not keep working like shackles,
Success only waits to be ahead,
And feel free to go to the goal.

My friend today celebrates
Everyone is having fun, guests do not bored,
Today is a responsible moment for you,
Therefore, I wish the HAPPY End in life.

Let it be all as soon as you want
Success came to have an unprecedented height,
And the life of the trap you will not put
Moment comes - your mind will glorify you.

Let life do not hit your head
And happiness will surely come,
Let the customer be just a class,
After all, the best today you have today.

Dear and favorite boss, happy birthday! Let you become the best chief of the year. Let you get a medal for delets in production. Let each transaction go smooth this year, and you will get big profits. I wish you good and warm relationships with colleagues, with the bosses and employees.

Let every new day brings only good events, new plans, stability in work, so that this in the team has always been confidence in tomorrow. Let the horn of the abundance, which we give you, will become a reality in your life. Happy Birthday.

Today is the birthday of our company! This is a wise in affairs, a distant leader, a reliable person! It is thanks to him that our company achieved great success! I think every member of our team will agree with me! Congratulations!

Dear our chief, our deeplywater man! Take today all the warmest words from us. All the most pleasant and warm congratulations. We want your birthday to remember you for a long time. We love you and respect. Be immensely happy our boss! Let you all be fine.

The chief is the real leader and the brain center of our company. All our further work depends on your correct decisions, as well as the efficiency of our team. We wish you to stay as good man, and allow you to wish you good health, happiness and success!

Let your age always only tell you about the percentages of those frontiers and heights that remains to be achieved. We wish you stability in business and quite well-deserved victories. Let all projects turn out of benefit and prosper. Happy days to you and the best years.

Our team wishes you, our respected director, live in the light of the whole century. Let life always be favorable and tolerant. Let in life there will be many more spring sweet dreams, and in the family, let him be quiet and grace. Happy Birthday.

The team of our company wants to congratulate you with this significant day! And wish you inspiring creativity and creative inspiration, gigantic health and unchanged sense of humor! Happy Birthday!

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Choice for the birthday of the birth of the boss is a very important process, but no less important is the choice of congratulatory words in such a significant day. Therefore, congratulations on the day of birth, the leader of a man in his own words should contain not only wishes, but also to emphasize the special features of the nature of such a person.

That is why we picked up for you the most beautiful and interesting congratulations that will help to emphasize your individuality at work and will additionally raise the mood to the boss. Excellent all times and peoples.

Congratulations Congratulations Head:

  1. For a long time, you manage the entire workflow and occupy a high position in this company. We are grateful to you for responsible management and patient attitude to all employees. As a result, we want to express our birthday greetings from the whole team and wish you successful accomplishments, longevity and high productivity in all matters. Let the work give you only pleasure and brings inspiration.
  2. Congratulations on the day of the angel of our leader. And we want to express only the words of infinite gratitude for his hard work and attitude to work. Let your kindness, understanding and responsible approach to work will always be at the height. We wish you good health, happiness and mutual understanding in family life. Let there be an obstacle on your way, and surrounded only reliable and loyal friends. We wish to achieve all heights in the work and goals. And then luck will never leave you and everybarny day will bring only positive news and pleasant surprises.
  3. We want to congratulate such an important event as the birthday of our favorite leader. And wish you permanent career growth, respect from the team and high earnings. Be always the same strong, purposeful and patient and let Fortuna well-being, will not turn away from you.
  4. Our friendly team from all over his heart congratulates his beloved leader. And sincerely wants all adversity passing by you. Let only grateful and responsible people meet on your vitality, and fate presents pleasant events. We wish you to achieve heights in all endeavors and conduct only successful deals. Happy Birthday!
  5. In honor of your birthday, dear our leader. We want to wish you success in any endeavors, steady health and optimism. Let you surround only the faithful and loving people, and the earnings will be stable and high.
  6. Usually in working days, it is very difficult to break away from work and come up with congratulations on your own birthday to the head of a man in their own words. And here, small congratulatory messages will come to the rescue, which can be written on the reversal of the postcards or say during the presentation of the gift.
  7. I wish you a dear head, so that in your life there were only light working days, pleasant vacation and hardworking subordinates. Be always so sensitive and kind. Happy Birthday.
  8. In such a wonderful day for you, I want to wish you only good luck, health, wealth and love. Let a good mood and success never leave you.
  9. A great way to tell your leader's kind words in his honor is a birthday. Congratulations to you with another successful year and we wish that the next summer brought only light challenges, health, success and wealth. If you do, he will appeal and leader.
  10. The people believe that a person must be driving two times in life. The first with his wife, and the second with the leader. So, our team is incredibly lucky that our leader are you, so sensitive, attentive and responsible. Happy birthday to you dear boss.
  11. In this bright birthday holiday, we want to wish you not only good luck in any endeavors and constantly growing wealth. But also long years of life, cheerfulness and youth of the soul and strong family.

Uncle native, wonderful acceptance from us the most sincere from the pure heart of congratulations. We wish you success in work at work, major premiums, high awards. Let the houses surround native care and warmth. You are confident, strong, energetic man. Happiness, health, honors and respect, you.

Dear Uncle, our congratulations on this holiday. Let in your heart forever youth lives, I also wish you health and success on a lot, many years ahead. We wish you no need to know irreplaceable losses and correct a look at life so to be always happy. Cheers!

Dear and beloved my uncle! The sun shines today brighter, grass becomes green, birds sing louder. And all this because this bright person like you were born on this day. I wish you to constantly enjoy life, forgetting all the troubles and sadness!

My dear, favorite and respected uncle! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish to be the most enterprising and most successful person on Earth! And let the luck never turn away, and always remains on your side!

Uncle, if one day it happens so that, resting somewhere in the Maldives, my parents will not be able to help on time, you will always put a reliable shoulder. I wish you to rejoice in small difficulties that will make your interesting life and entertain you in a series of solid successful days.

Cute uncle! You have always enjoyed success in women, and even the capricious Mrs. Fortune was no exception. In your birthday, I wish you to succeed and continue playfully smiling to you, blushing and following you on the heels.

I get great pleasure congratulating you, uncle, happy birthday. It comes from you wonderful warmth and living becomes more interesting. Be always so optimistic, attentive and talented man!

Uncle, congratulating you with another fruitful year of your life, I want to wish, first of all, success in matters, consider yourself a happy person, even in rare days of chagrin. Let your home always be a fortress, impregnable for bad people, anxiety and problems.

My favorite uncle on his birthday I wish for long years and great happiness! Let them be near the faithful friends and a favorite woman. Let wishes be fulfilled, and the years leave only good memories!

I have a hurry to congratulate on the birthday of a hot loved one! Let there be less problems in life and more good luck, fewer stresses and more joy, less misunderstanding and more love, less responsibilities and more rights! In general, more good and smaller bad!

Dear our birthday! We sincerely wish you health, long, happy years and success in all endeavors! Uncle! We all love you very much, and we wish you only good and joy! To comfort and warmly never left your home! To joyful children's laugh always coming from your window!

To say beautiful congratulations on the day of birth, the leader of a man in his own words very often needs to prepare in advance. In this material we give the basis for excellent congratulations. On the one hand, these are practical words to the leader, on the other hand, the words are not deprived of sensuality and sincerity.

Happy birthday congratulations to the head of a man in prose

Dear head. From the face of our friendly and beautiful team, we want to congratulate happy birthday. We wish any track you choose, only to well-benefit, prosperity and success. And it is not only you, but also everyone! We wish you happiness in personal life and rapid career growth!

Congratulations to our expensive head happy birthday. I want to wish good health 150 years ahead, cheerfulness of the spirit, optimism and a great mood to go to work every day with a smile and give us joy all of us, a great mood. Peace you and love!

From our friendly team I want to wish an expensive supervisor of optimism, faith, cheerfulness of the spirit and a wonderful future! Let even complicated labor weekdays on emotions and joy will be for you as bright holidays.

Dear our head! The team could not wait for this day, your birth to say all the harvested good and truthful words. We admire your performance and wish it to grow further. We are amazed by your optimistic attitude that you inspire us. I would like to say thank you for your head talent, for understanding and safeness.

Original birthday greetings.

Our team hurries from the whole of the heart to congratulate the honest and fair, reasonable chief with his birthday. I want to wish good health, excellent success, well-being, peace and love in everything. Let the energy be hurting the key, let optimism do not run out, and the eyes glow a good mood.

We wish you on your birthday, dear head, good health and clear mind. Let you remain as iron nerves, and the sense of humor will be subtle and ringing. I wish your team always remained before, we will try to!

Birthday, besides health and happiness, the dear leader wants to wish also ordinary working joys. So that you could leave subordinates unattended, and they would work on perfectly so that the wife was wise and not jealous, so that the secretary was intelligent and beautiful.

I want to congratulate my unique leader, an unusual and amazing person happy birthday. You are not a boss, but a dream for every employee. Work under your start is a solid pleasure and every day I want to roll the mountains! Let them further are as creative and interesting to work to the workflow and inspire not only yourself, but also its employees.

Our chief is a wonderful person, just a superclass. His ability to find a common language with subordinates, skillfully lead a whole enterprise, shows that he is a wise leader. Today, the whole team sincerely congratulates you on your birthday. Let in your solid matter always accompany success. God forbid, so that you always fell out a life happy ticket. Good health to you, good luck in all endeavors, support for the collective and all the best in your business.

You have a lot of experience in senior position, and therefore you always feel so correctly about your subordinates, you know how to listen carefully and always give the wise advice. We all respember you very much for this, and consider you the best boss. Today is your birthday. Let me congratulate you on behalf of the whole team with such a wonderful event. We wish good health, excerpts and patience. Let you carry in everything and always, let the luck always accompany you. Happiness, joy and good mood you.

For many years now you have a high position. And I would like to note that I do not paint you, and you. Today you celebrate a wonderful holiday, birthday. From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you. We wish you a lot of happiness, great luck, for many years to live in health and tranquility. Let work many years bring you inspiration for many years, let them appreciate you, love, respect. All the benefits of earthly you, wealth and well-being in the family. May the Lord always protects you, and Fortuna always smiles.

The head of our department is a birthday today. I want to express words of gratitude, for your attitude towards people, for kindness and understanding. We wish you primarily good health, personal happiness and great success at work. Let them find reliable friends on your way, let luck never leave you. Let the work brings you only inspiration and pleasure. Smile more, rejoice more, let only good news surprise you. Let your life flow as a complete river among the high resistant coast.

How nice to hurry to hurry as a holiday. After all, our boss, like a sun in the window, always meets us with a smile and kind word. And today, a special day, the birthday of our expensive leader. We congratulate you on the holiday with a deep sense of respect. Be always happy. Let your dream come true, even if you are accompanied by luck in all matters. We wish good health, joy and luck in everything. Let the fate be favorable for you, let the good soul, which you invested in our work, will let strong roots.

Today our boss has a birthday. Congratulations on your whole soul. Let this holiday bring you a good mood and good luck. Let on your paths there are only good and reliable people. Let you appreciate you, respect and love. Live, as perhaps longer and bring a lot of benefit to our enterprise. After all, we know that everything is for you, this is your second home. All the best to you, wealth, family well-being and comfort. Let the angels protect your life from trouble. Patience, excerpts to you and the great power of will.

There are few such good chiefs like our. And about our expensive head you can write poems and devote to him songs. He always treats his subordinate with understanding and trust, always hears and help solve the problem. After all, work is our life, and so I want to feel comfortable and comfortable on it. Dear our boss, congratulations on your birthday. We wish good health, joy and tremendous happiness. Let your cherished dream come true, let luck never bypass your home.