Congratulations on the New Year of Legal Entities. Official congratulations on the New Year Partners in Prose

New Year is such a holiday when wonders and children are waiting, and adults! You, partners, wish to believe in the magic that will bring prosperity!
You are colleagues hardworking and faithful! Difficulties only boost! But we do not want them! And wish you patience, luck, new ideas of introducing and successful project achievement!
Let your companions be Fortune, Victoria and Love !!! We wish to live richly, have a good health and a lot of strength so that every customer loves you!
Happy New Year! All the best!


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Happy New Year to you, dear partners! Let the coming year bring you a lot of success and achievements! Let your organization, like an icebreaker, with ease overcomes difficulties and obstacles! Persistence to you, strength, stable income and permanent growth in your own business.


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Better than you - we have no one, partners!

We respect and love you, our partners! Better than you - we do not have anyone and do not need! We are together - a great strength and mountains in the overall!
Happy new year you congratulate you and sincerely wish you only with all clean, light, happy and profitable!
Let you visit new ideas, and they bring and joy the implementation, and big income!
Let the work be easy, but with a huge impact, and rest is large and pleasant!
Let them bypass you by the side of the forefast, destroy, quarrels, stress, illness, troubles and other negative!
We wish you a daily most excellent mood! In general, everything you wish, let him come true!


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Happy New Year, wonderful people!

The most wonderful partners sincerely congratulate Happy New Year! Let him bring you the exercise of cherished desires and projects! Be successful and rich! Work with ease and also get outless profits! Let competitors go to the forest, and you follow the straight road on the mountain of victories! No thorn in the form of financial losses on the way, but only the Niva of the Luxury Harvest I wish you! Let the strength and friends do not supply you, and your families live in joy and well-being!


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Partners, more pleasures from life!

Dear partners! We fruitfully worked together in the outgoing year, we wish to continue successful cooperation in the new year!
Let our relationships develop on increasing, and with this process is steadily growing universal well-being!
We wish you to get more pleasures from life, work, creativity, love and concerns about loved ones. Let you understand, respect, love !!!
Let your dreams come true and business ideas are implemented in the desired bed!
Fresh and successful you impressions, inspirations, travel, meetings, dating and leisure events! Happy new year friends!


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Excellent mood and fun!

Dear partners Happy New Year congratulations!
Happiness, we wish you joy! Be always healthy!
Much for you, achievements! To forever flourished!
Let the fountains splatter the ideas! New achievements!
Let and in the personal plan will be what you want yourself!
Excellent pyr, mood - above the roof!


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Happy New Year, with new happiness, dear partners!

New Year is a wonderful start for new achievements and project implementation! What we wish you, dear partners!
Be at times steeper and be in all awesome!
Let you accompany the successes in business, joy - on life roads!
Let the families and comfort and comfort be achieved in families, let you always be happy to give up their own love!
Love yourself and live in strong health! Happy New Year, with new happiness, dear partners!

Happy New Year Congratulations to Prose Partners

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Feed the night with pleasure!

We are proud of our cooperation! With you, durable partners, we have achieved success! Our relationship is based on trust and respect!
We wish to continue partnership and prosperity, as well as the continuation of the banquet ... New Year!
Entry the night with pleasure in order to get inspiration for the whole year!
After all, as the new year you will meet, so you will spend it!
Let every day brings an excellent mood!
Let smiles do not go from your faces, and in families do not decrease happiness!
We wish the well-being of full, health strong, life long! Happy New Year!


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The best parmers, all the brightest and clean!

Dear our partners!
We respect you very much and in the new year only the most brighter and clean and clean!
Let us always in your team flourish with sincere mutual understanding, let your income increase, let you carry and the year carries the desires of desires and achievements, accomplishments of desires and projects!
Be healthy and happy!
Let our cooperation always stay at the peak of the best relationships and solutions!


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Dear our partners! Happy New Year!

Dear our partners! We heartily congratulate you on the New Year! Let it be more fruitful than the previous one, and brings fountains of fresh ideas for the company's prosperity! Time has shown that with you, dear partners, unusually simple and profitably cooperate! Let our relationship continue to develop in the same bed! Huge well-being and strong happiness in families! Be always healthy and rich! Waterfalls you success and fun! We wish peace and luck!


New Year holidays are approaching. Congratulations and pleasant gifts are waiting for not only children, but also adults. Also, it is also mandatory to congratulate partners, colleagues and all managers of organizations with which you cooperate. Therefore, be sure to send congratulations on the New Year in prose the official people with whom you intersect in the working and business part of your life.

I sincerely want to congratulate you on New Year's holidays, and wish new accomplishments, success in all endeavors, financial stability and excellent health. Let the working days will always be fun and interesting, and the weekend passed with relatives and close friends.

New Year to give hope for good luck, success and happiness. I want to wish to colleagues so that the year was saturated with happy and joyful events. Let the place in your life there will be a place not only for interesting and high-paying work, but also for relaxation with the whole family.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year - the most magical and joyful holiday. Let this holiday bring good, well-being, happiness and execution of everything that you have long dreamed of. I wish you that work brought not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

Dear, colleague! I wish that in the coming year only honest and responsible people surround you, and the house was a cozy and happy place. Patience, good luck in all endeavors, success in affairs and, of course, the fastest health.

New year lights new hopes in the hearts of people, new happiness and achievement of the goals. Colleagues, let the coming year will meet you with happy smiles, laughter of children and pleasant surprises.

Let the upcoming holiday bring you a lot of concern and pleasant surprises, and only pleasant, kind, smart and honest people will be in your surroundings. I wish you that your surroundings filled your life and work with pleasant emotions and positive.

New Year's holidays are approaching - it's time to change, happy smiles and plans for the future. Let this year bring you success in affairs, happiness in the family and a good mood. I wish you faith in yourself and your team, successful development of your company and great achievements.

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays. We want to wish you well-being, family happiness, excellent health and faith in their own strength. Let your work always brings you pleasure and high income. Have a nice mood and happy New Year holidays.

Let all be fulfilled, even the most fabulous, dreams. I wish you in the coming year so that you have new prospects, welfare has increased, and reasons for happiness and smiles have become much more.

Dear friends, I wish you to take the best of this year and successfully multiply it in the next. And all the small and large troubles that have doubled you in work, let them become only useful experience, without which a single company is impossible.

On the eve of the new year I want to wish you all the very brightest, kind and wonderful. Let the next year be full of successful and happy dating, successful contracts and new brilliant ideas. I wish you a warm and cozy homemade hearth, loving relatives and happy smiles from every day.

Congratulations on your New Year. Let this year bring all the best - happiness in life, success in affairs and a wonderful mood. I wish you excellent health, a strong team and stable growth.

Dear friends, we want to wish you prosperity, stability and rapid development. Let in the new year, all your plans are instantly embodied in life, and the financial situation struck with its stability.

The most magical and fabulous holiday is approaching, and he will definitely fulfill the dreams of each person, gives hope for the best and will prevent long-awaited change. Let all the bad thing that was this year will be forgotten, and the good will be much more. I wish you sincere smiles, successful deals, good health and decent partners.

New Year holidays are approaching. It's time to send colleagues, organizations and partners sincere and good congratulations on the New Year in prose official: short or long, sms or email, on behalf of the company or from you personally.

And for relatives and loved ones, we have prepared.

Reliability, stability and prosperity - the key to success of our cooperation! Take our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the coming year be saturated with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial successes! And the first lines of all information programs will be born not news show business
, and the news of your sensational successes! Good luck with the holiday!

Happy New Year to Partners

Work with professionals is valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relationships. The outgoing year will enter the history of our company as a successful, what is the considerable merit and your professional team. In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and well-being, new successful joint projects and inexhaustible sourcespeat ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Congratulations on a professional holiday partners

Dear partners! Cooperation with your company is one of the important areas of our work. Thanks to our joint efforts, new projects and plans are being implemented at a high, qualitative level, bringing us great satisfaction and income, and our customers are joy. We hope that in the future our cooperation will be fruitful and successful! Take our most sincere congratulations on a professional holiday! Let your energy and optimism help in achieving new heights, experience and intuition will prompt new goals, and luck will always be your good fellow traveler!

Congratulations on the new year from partners

Dear ________________ (name!), Congratulations to you and your entire New Year team! Let this new year give you good luck, will solve complex tasks and bring the success of your enterprise! So that the concerns of the soul did not know that at the full hour was a glass of champagne drinks for us! For love, for the happiness to live and go to each other!

Congratulations to business partners

We wish you in the work of prosperity,
Money, success, inspiration and recognizing
Stability, reliability and new forces,
So that every new day
You only brought joy.

Congratulations on the new year of business partners in verse

Per year outgoing, summing up,
I would like to wish today
In luck, so that all the time in time
All commitments to fulfill successfully.
And let this crisis do not frighten you,
And capital is growing confidently,
And the rear team does not lose
Who is looking for, he, of course, will find!

Congratulations to partners

Dear friends! I wish you in this significant day that future achievements surpassed past, financial stability and stal profits. Mira with the world, strength and confidence, the fortresses of the spirit and body, honest victories and deserved love!

Happy New Year Congratulations for Business Partners

Ladies and gentlemen! In the New Year I want to wish only the best. Let the coming year bring you new discoveries, pleasant dating, even more confidence in their forces, fortresses of the spirit and body, honest victories and universal love!

Happy New Year congratulations to partners and customers

Happy New Year we congratulate all customers,
We all partners New Year's helmet hello!
We wish more joyful moments
Good let alone come to you in response ...
We are happy to cooperate
We hope that you are happy and you
Live simply, provided, even forever -
To meet you again with you, we could!

Congratulations on professional holidays partners

Dear friends! Your company employs wonderful people, soul and hearts that were accomplished by their difficult and accurate case, devoted to your hard profession, who give her rich experience, knowledge and strength.
In this wonderful day, let me thank you for fruitful cooperation and decent work and wish you good health, well-being and festive mood!

Congratulations to the New Year partners

Ladies and gentlemen! In the new year I want to wish you an incessant good luck and passing wind in all endeavors! Let the Spirit of Victory always fills the sails of your ship!

Congratulations to the boss from business partners in prose

We are sincerely glad to congratulate you with a significant date!
Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, our enterprises flourish, and the number of our customers is consistently growing! We are confident that you will continue to be a stable, reliable partner, which will even further strengthen the reputation and increase the image of our companies!
We wish you good health, big family happiness, improving well-being, wonderful friends and early incarnation into the reality of all your plans and ideas!

Congratulations on New Year's partners in verse

Welcome partners!
Let in the field of business
We have disputes,
But with the benefit of big!
I trust each other
And in the confusion of days
Candularly congratulations
Like the best friends!
Let the profit increase
Losses in "zero" will leave.
Good luck, joy, happiness
You will come to your new year!

In the new year, let the business are more successful
And the profit in pockets will go faster!
All plans, ideas easily succeed,
Problems and crises do not touch us!

New Year's greeting partners

Under the ringing noise of glasses and cheerful screams for our holiday table I want to congratulate you, gentlemen, happy new year! Let in the new year there will always be a reason for smiles. Successes in business, in achieving the goals and the implementation of the most bold and risky projects!

Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues, partners beautiful

I wish new forces, good luck,
In the New Year and Christmas!
Let always be waiting for you in life
Only joy, happiness and good!
Let friends who know a lot
In your life path!
And successful will always be the road,
And successes only wait ahead!

Congratulations to the entrepreneur from business partners

We are glad that we have a common business. We are confident that thanks to our joint efforts, it will only flourish, bringing us satisfaction from business activities, joy, respect for customers and friends!
Accept our sincere congratulations. Let all the plans, dreams and hopes come true! Let all your actions be directed only to receive positive emotions.
We wish you a lot of money, a lot of happiness, a lot of good and a lot of love!

Happy New Year congratulations to business partners in verse

We congratulate partners
Happy New Year, and all this year!
Many joy, we wish you happiness
Let success he bring you!
Santa Claus to us expensive star
Already rushing at full speed!
Happy New Year, partners,
Good luck we wish you in the new year!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2010 partners

Congratulations and your wonderful team with the New Year 2010!
Under the ringing of the New Year glasses
On noisy and cheerful laughter,
We celebrate the New Year today,
With great hope for success!
We in miracles and happiness believes,
And we know that they will come!
After all, the new year will open the doors
And the fairy tale will go!

Happy New Year greetings for partners in verse

We are all - team, together in one bundle!
And let the waves move calmly
Backway wind smoothly, as if in a fairy tale,
From the year of the past in a successful new year!
Partner is reliable - it is happiness in life!
And let dreams come true seriously,
We wish that health and good luck,
And a lot of profit of the rabbit brought!

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This day personifies the courage, strength, honor and duty!
I sincerely wish you good health, success and prosperity. Let the confidence and peace reign in your house, and in the work - stability!

With great pleasure I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day! This holiday personifies for many generations of Russians strength and power of the Russian power, love and loyalty to their debris, the ability to take care and defend their family!
I sincerely wish you family well-being, success in all your affairs and endeavors, the implementation of plans and fulfill the tasks. And let every day bears only joy and many interesting meetings and events!

Happy New Year greetings for partners

To preferentia, happiness remains a bit.
Before the new year just five minutes
I wish good luck to reliably partners
Health stability. And in good way!

Cool congratulations on the new year of partners

Dear faithful partners,
Happy New Year Congratulations to you!
We can negotiate
Although in any convenient hour for you.
With you the case - a real holiday,
You can come at 12.
This is an exception to the rules.
We want to create some for you!

Happy New Year of Partners

Who shoulder will substitute
When "burns" the whole plan?
Will help and comfort
Care in half!
Partners are faithful friends!
And on holiday new year
We want to say: "Thank you!
For the fact that without worries
We cooperate with you.
And wanting to wish
Successes to all and happiness!
And together fly!
Forward, to the tops new!
Let Santa Claus bears
Bag of gifts, joy
Good luck and income!

Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues, comic partners

New Year's fabulous outfit,
The forest is beautiful and fluffy!
Lanterns on the streets are burning
New year is having fun to go!
We wish good luck to you,
Just a little you can see!
Will be better tomorrow than yesterday
And the dream will soon come true!

On the day of Defender of the Fatherland, I want to wish you peace and well-being, mutual understanding and respect in the team, love and warmth in the house! Let life be happy, health strong, znergy - inexhaustible, and every day bright and joyful!

Congratulations on the New Year Business Partners in Verses

Year live, is good, bad,
He will not return it back.
We will not be about the past fill, fuck,
How to meet a new one, and live.
And with you a good experience took
And together in a new day we are already going.
Partnership of our destinies we associated
From this we all get.

Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues, partners from business partners

Troika New Year flies,
Dust from snow leaving!
And sits a wonderful old man in it,
And the gifts he protects the bag!
He is lucky to us joy and warm
In the world of the New Year proclaimed!
He gives each good,
Believe in fairy tale to helping!
Let it live and easily
New Year with champagne we meet!

Congratulations to the accountant from partners in verse

Dear you are ours, accountant,
We know all of us your character!
You are always accurate in everything,
Documents are important to us!
Never let's go
And we go to meet,
Consider how it is necessary
In life there will be luck!
Congratulations take
Well, do not forget us!
Business relationships
From accountants calculations,
Strengthen always
If suddenly a mistake somewhere,
It happens - trouble ...
Discontent, suspected
Dust stands to the ceiling!
Because, without a doubt,
Accounting is important!
We wish you health
Many joy is always
A lot of happiness in your home
Let the dream come true!

Congratulations to colleagues or partners

Let your way sanctify the eyes of native shine,
And the favorable will always be fate
Let it be more often visited by disappointment,
And your long road will be wide!

Happy New Year Congratulations to Business Partners

On business partners expensive,
There is no more expensive for everyone from us!
Nadezhda is our faithful support
We congratulate you on the New Year!
Let's not tired do not know your hands,
Let them be clear and sober brains,
Hearing your sweet sounds.
Rain good luck to you, from the gold of Purgi!

Take the most sincere congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland! This holiday is one of those revered in our country. After all, to protect their homeland, home and family - the credibility of every man. I wish you good health, inexhaustible vital energy and peaceful sky above your head!

February 23 - Living holiday for every citizen of Russia. On this day, we are not only honored by our military and remember the tight exploits of compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men with courage and dedication, loving their homeland, respecting her story. That is why this day is at a real nationwide holiday. We wish you happiness, well-being, success in affairs for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Congratulations to the broker from transaction partners

A person by profession "Macler" will meet not every day. Therefore, I am sincerely glad that you are familiar with you. You are an erudite, intelligent, talented and interesting person. You are a high-class specialist. Thanks to your mediation, we conclude beneficial transactions on the stock exchanges. And today, in this wonderful day we want to wish you only large and profitable deals.
We wish you financial independence and good health!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year to colleagues, partners in verse

The holiday frost goes to our house!
He promises a lot to us,
Streets are all in robes of white,
And on the way, we are going fiercely!
Often on the streets - ice,
Well, the blizzard constantly swees!
And the soul is still a fuss,
They believe after all - there will be a dream
Our favorite frost is performed,
Happiness, good holiday will fill it!

Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues, partners original

Like on a festive picture,
Snow sparkles and glitters!
And Snow Maiden on Salazki
With congratulations in a hurry!
New Year goes to your house
With new joy, good,
You meet as soon as
Wider swinging the door!

Allow me to congratulate you on the holiday of courage and patriotism, the holiday of history and good - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This holiday is not only men, this is a holiday of anyone who loves and protects their homeland. This is the holiday of Russia. Let your home be filled with light and love that comes will behave good and joyful, and work brings satisfaction!

Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues, partners interesting

Finally it's time to come,
We are galant to guess!
And relatives, friends and loved ones
Much happiness wish!
Let in tigerine, severe paws,
Joy New Year carries!
Let success, luck, glory
You will bring wealth!

At all times, the heroism and courage of warriors, the power and glory of the weapons were proud and the greatness of the Russian state.
We are loyal to traditions widely and in many ways to celebrate the feast of Defender of the Fatherland and celebrate it with special solemnity and warmth.
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, I wish you and your loved ones, happiness and well-being! Let your life illuminate the glory of the victory of the Russian army, love and loyalty to her debris!

February 23 - a lot of holiday for every citizen of our country. On this day, we are not only honored by our military and remember the tight exploits of compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men who have the courage and dedication, loving their homeland, respecting her story. That is why this day is at a real nationwide holiday. We wish you happiness, well-being, success in affairs for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Thank you today for
What in a peaceful, free country we live!
For the fact that cozy in homes and warm

To these congratulations, we picked up for you the following gifts from of our catalog:

Partners are people who are united by a common cause, which was invested a lot of strength. These people are usually not only partners, but also friends. On the eve of holidays, it is necessary to think about the relevant congratulations to partners who are nice not only to receive, but also to give. All congratulations are distinguished not only by the reason, but also in content, where preference is given to different styles containing jokes and humor, which are able to give good impressions with close people in spirit. Adhering to a good mood, which is able to deliver eloquent congratulations to partners, you will find not only a positive attitude, but also decorate this day with pleasant moments. Got a minute attention to your loved ones, you will get a lot of pleasure, which will make any solemn day still more.

Ladies and Gentlemen! In the coming year, I want to wish you all the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful dating, success in endeavors, great opportunities and confidence in your abilities, and most importantly - good health, without which everything else does not matter. Happy New Year!

The new year is not just the beginning of a new calendar, these are new hopes, successes, victories. We are looking with confidence in tomorrow and for optimism. We have every reason - clear and specific plans of socio-economic development, the real possibilities of their incarnation! Let in the new year your regular satellites will be luck and a good mood, let the joy of the coming hopes and desires never leave you. Let there be wealth in the house, and in the family peace and love. We wish you good health, happiness and well-being!

On New Year's Eve, somehow most specially believed that our world should be better, kinder, that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and in every family. I am sure that in our power to give our loved ones and native most expensive - it is warm, understanding and love!
Let the new year will help in the performance of the most cherished dream, will strengthen faith in the future, let the success accompanies all your undertakings always in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and well-being to you and your families!

Each outgoing year reserves implemented projects, new cooperation and pleasant moments. So let the new opportunities come to this new year before you, new vertices are conjugated. Let every your step, each movement leads you only for the better. Let the difficulties bypass you by the side, and good luck helps in all endeavors.
We wish you happiness, success, life luck and big creative heights.

As a child, we were taught to believe in a miracle, so if something badly wants, it will certainly come true. I wish in the upcoming year sparkling as a fireworks of happiness, bluffing as a glass of champagne love and strong as a staff at Santa Claus Health. Let the days of the coming year be the same bright and colorful as toys on the New Year tree, and the next few months will be no less joyful than the meeting of the new year!

We wish that next year, even in the most severe frost, in your house there was always warmth, light and cozy. So that your life was magic, like the staff of Santa Claus, beautiful as a snowflake, and love was strong as frost in December. We wish to be kinder to each other next year, then the world around us will be a little better. Happy New Year

In the coming year, I want to wish you more wrong. Because make mistakes - it means to try something new, learn, acquire invaluable experience, change yourself and change the world around yourself. Error - it means to do what has never done in his life, and most importantly - to do at least something. Make new, beautiful, amazing mistakes! Never stop in fear that you can do something wrong - just do it and be happy!

Leave the hine trails, moving which, you always know in advance where you come. Instead, follow your own path, for which no one went to you. Let God do this year happy, without protecting you from the seals and pain, and making you enough strong to meet and transfer them worthy. Happy New Year!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The new year is a special holiday: he gives hope for happiness and good luck, the joy of new undertakings. The outgoing year was saturated with important events and accomplishments.
In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental persistence, confidence in their forces and optimism. Let your relatives and friends be with you will be with you, and the well-being, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Take the most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the new year give you the well-being, the execution of a cherished dream and strengthen the faith in the future. Let success be accompanied by all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, consent, patience, good, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Let the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and their tasks come to life! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Reliability, stability and prosperity - the key to success of our cooperation! Take our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the coming year be saturated with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial successes! And the first lines of all information programs will be born not news show business
, and the news of your sensational successes! Good luck with the holiday!

Dear our customers. Congratulations Happy New Year! We wish you in the new year of creative and financial growth, successful conclusions of contracts and responsible partners. And thanks for how to cooperate with us!

Dear friends! The outgoing year was saturated and fruitful. He filled us with vitality wisdom and strength.
Let the coming new year accompanies further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, consent and love.
Let the most difficult problems be resolved and the best hopes will come true and the most bold dreams.
Let the coming New Year 2010 will be the year of new achievements and achievements for all of you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

Per year outgoing, summing up,
I would like to wish today
In luck, so that all the time in time
All commitments to fulfill successfully.
And let this crisis do not frighten you,
And capital is growing confidently,
And the rear team does not lose
Who is looking for, he, of course, will find!

In the new year we all believe in miracles. Before us opens another new page in life. We enter the New Year with the most beautiful mood, with the most kind of wishes and bright feelings. Keep them in your soul, in your heart the whole year has come. And even if you are angry, and you want to quarrel - stop and remember this wonderful MiG, happy faces of your relatives and loved ones and those wonderful words you spoke to each other on New Year's Eve. Life will definitely thank you for kindness and optimism. Happy New Year!

The new year is usually associated with the hopes for the best, so let all good, which pleased you in the outgoing year, will certainly find their continuation in the coming. Let the new year give you the well-being, the execution of a cherished dream, will strengthen faith in the future, and success accompanies all your undertakings always in everything. I wish you peace, consent, patience, good, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! The only time a year is a unique event that the calendar gives us. This is an amazing and unusual day, when, seeing one year, we immediately meet another. And it is very symbolic, because on this day we strive to leave in the old year all the problems and care, and in a new one to pick up a good mood, victory and achievements! Let all your most intimate dreams come true, and your home will be lit by bright smiles of relatives and loved ones. I wish you health, good, well-being, the strength of spirit and faith in the future! Happy New Year!

New Year is the holiday of our childhood. New Year is the most excellent holiday from all existing. The new year meeting is always associated with the expectation of something new that our hopes and dreams will come true. From early childhood, we have a vivid impression on the celebration of the New Year: this is a festive bustle in the house, decoration with multi-colored toys and christmas garlands. We always were looking forward to the arrival of Santa Claus. Early in the morning with a fading of the heart looked under the Christmas tree with hope there to see a cherished gift that our parents thoughtfully put.
New Year is a fairy tale of our childhood! The team of the workshop congratulates investors, the administration, the whole friendly team of the enterprise with the upcoming New Year!

I cordially congratulate you on the New Year! The new year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all good, which pleased you in the outgoing year, will find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your plans and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Take the most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, enormous personal happiness, well-being, inexhaustible energy, the realization of all professional plans! Let in the new year you invariably accompany the success in the important thing you are engaged! Let your best undertakings always accompany creative inspiration and creative initiative, and your energy and an inset serve as a key to the successful implementation of the planned plans. I want to wish you so that you are always surrounded by warmth and love of your loved ones, respectful colleagues and friends, and an excellent mood and spiritual climb always accompanied your life! Love, good and well-being!

I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Let it bring well-being and confidence in tomorrow, new acquaintances and happy events! Let him please every hour and a minute, turning all the good! I wish you to enter this new year with a wonderful positive mood, pure thoughts, with conviction in your strength! Let everything that schedule be sure to come true! And new thoughts and ideas will appear! Close, relatives, friends will always be support. And all the bad will remain in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen! In the coming year, I want to wish you all the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful dating, success in endeavors, great opportunities and confidence in your abilities, and most importantly - good health, without which everything else does not matter. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! We raise glasses with champagne for ensuring that everything old and unnecessary remains in the outgoing year. And in a new way we will go with pleasant memories, best friends, good health, favorable luck, faithful loved ones - Then the road will bring only pleasure, joy and happiness! Happy New Year!

Ladies and Gentlemen! I have a great honor to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! Last year there were many different events, but I hope that you remember the good moments more than bad. Let's all that may be upset, leave in the past. When the clock is trying twelve, we shade in the New Year with hope and faith in the best future. Let the coming year bears wisdom, mutual respect and understanding. It is important in the new year to believe that everything will be fine. But sometimes it happens not enough, you need to strive for it. I wish to take care of yourself and those who are dear to you.

I wish all your dreams to be embodied in reality. Let the new year not bother for you joyful moments and new accomplishments. Let the sun illuminates your families and gives mutual understanding and good. Resize every moment in the new year with hope and optimism. Forget the old resentment and believe that only love and friendship is ahead. Take these warm and sincere wishes on New Year's Eve.

Congratulations to all happy new year! I wish you new accomplishments in the new year, performed hopes and constant luck. Let the career be uncontrollably moving forward by gigantic steps, health only strips, and the closest people make care and love. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! New Year - for many new start. Many will want to live in a different way from January 1 - no offense, mistakes or defeats. Let these kind beginnings come true. I wish you all the soul! Happy New Year!

Friends! Happy New Year!
We all know for sure that this is the brightest, the most wonderful, mysterious, undoubtedly beloved, warm holiday! Each of the new year is waiting, hopes and believes in something. Therefore, I wish you in the coming year of the fulfillment of desires! Let all the most intimate that each of us considers the blue dream!

I want to congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you the exercise of conceived, new interesting projects, fun corporates, indulgent loyal bosses! Let only pleasant surprises wait in the new year, excellent news, luck and success! Let colleagues, friends, beloved and relatives please you with their understanding and support, reliable shoulder, right hand. I wish you, your family, native and everything our team of festive mood, laughter, joy, no chagrin and anxiety! Let things go uphill and good luck with us!

Dear partners, I congratulate you on the New Year and from the Soul I want to wish our cooperation to bring us all to wealth and high results. In order for the New Year to make wonderful ideas and ideas in our activities. Let the prosperity, love and happiness be in life, and in the work - creative, luck and success. I wish us a further prosperous partnership, and all of you - peace and goodness!

Reliable and respected partner is a big luck. We were lucky with you, we are proud of cooperation. We wish the realization of the most ambitious plans, good luck and prosperity. Health to your team, success on a professional field, in personal life - happiness. With a new fruitful year!

Dear partners, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, wish you success in work, material well-being, successful projects, productive work, health and confidence in tomorrow!

Let in the new year you have, our partners, everything is being successfully and beautiful! We wish you the conquest of new vertices, financial well-being and personal happiness! Let the light of enthusiasm and faith in their strength always burn in your hearts!

Happy New Year I congratulate you from all my heart, my dear and dear partners. I want to wish that this year only strengthened our cooperation, doubled the joint success and presented the necessary luck. I wish you to your families of the world and good happiness, and all of you - progressive prosperity and well-being.

Dear our partners, faithful and kind friends! In the new year, let me wish lifting and prosperity to your business, successful deals and the most profitable contracts! Let you have a sea of \u200b\u200bcustomers - business, stable and reliable, and work brings you not only a huge fortune, and even greater satisfaction and joy! We wish you not to know the crises and failures, always to be on the wave and rich not by day, but by the hour! Let them be strong your families in which love lives, understanding and mutual respect!

We all worked together and I want to thank you for your diligence, patience, trust and incredible performance. I congratulate you on the New Year and I wish more fresh incredible ideas, incarnation to the life of large and interesting projects, enthusiasm in our business, business development, profits, as well as prosperity in all its manifestations!

On this new year, I want to wish something special so that miracles do not happen in a fairy tale to make the stars falling from the sky, they performed the most cherished desires. So that the smiles were sincere, friends are faithful, and the health is strong! Let all be fulfilled in the new year, and goals will be achieved. We sincerely hope that this holiday will be really wonderful!

Dear friends, Happy New Year, with new happiness! Let the good luck favors endeavors, well-being growing, projects are wary of success, inspiration does not leave, the rhythm of life holds in a tone, happiness smiles wide, in the heart there remains a place for wonders and love. Be satisfied with life, and she will be pleased with you! Happy holiday!

Dear friends, Happy New Year! Let's happiness, prosperity and health does not leave your home. And in all your business and endeavors you are accompanied by luck and luck.