The correct ratio of height and weight in men. Calculation of weight by height and age. Ideal Weight Calculation

It is believed that the ideal weight is the one that you had at 18 years old. It is advisable to keep it for life. But if you have broken away from the ideal over the past 15–20 years or more, you should not strive to return to it at any cost. After all, every 10 years of life, the energy consumption of the body decreases by about 10%. Accordingly, for every 10 years we add about 10% (5-7 kg): first from the same ideal weight, later from the one we have. And you should burn fat carefully, focusing on the same 10%, only in a year. In addition, it is better to strive not for an eighteen-year-old weight, but to calculate your new ideal using one of the medical formulas.

Brocca's formula

Ideal weight for men \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) 1.15.

Ideal weight for women \u003d (height in centimeters - 110) 1.15.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 170 cm \u003d (170 - 110) 1.15 \u003d 69 kg.

Surely, this formula will remind many of the old “height minus 100” for men and “height minus 110” for women. It's really an improved version of that old formula. The fact is that the previous version required everyone to be fitness models, did not take into account either age or body type. Therefore, neither people with heavy bones and large muscles, nor women with pronounced hips and breasts could fit into it at all. Therefore, scientists have subjected the old formula of Brokk to processing, and in its current form it looks quite realistic.

Lorenz's dream

The ideal weight of a woman \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) - (height in centimeters - 150) / 2.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 165 cm \u003d (165 - 100) - (165 - 150) / 2 \u003d 65 - 15/2 \u003d 57.5. Ideal weight - 57.5 kg!

Please note that this formula was developed only for women and is in no way suitable for the stronger sex. At first glance, it is too demanding on weight compared to Broccus's improved formula and indicates more likely just the ideal weight when you were eighteen. Nevertheless, it is fully consistent with the body mass index (BMI), so it is quite possible to use it. If you are upset by the proposed numbers, then just forget about it and use a different formula. By the way, for women above 175 cm, it still will not work.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Maximum allowable body weight

Height, cm

20–29 years old

30–39 years old

40–49 years old

50–59 years old

60–69 years old

Example: A 45-year-old woman weighs 76 kg with a height of 170 cm. This is not much at all, it is less than the maximum allowable!

The medical compilers took into account everything that is possible: gender, age, height. They did not limit only the lower limit of weight. But this is understandable - the table helps to find out if you are overweight, and not if it is insufficient. In our opinion, the most complete and balanced approach to ideal weight.

Quetelet index

Index = weight in grams / height in centimeters.

This is also a method to estimate the already existing weight, close to the BMI method described above. No wonder they have the same author. Here, the result obtained should also be compared with the table, however, in this option, physique is also taken into account. It can be determined very simply: stand in front of the mirror, pull your stomach in as much as possible and attach two rulers or just your palms to the two lower ribs. They form an angle. If it is rather blunt (more than 90 grams), you have a large physique. If almost straight, the physique is normal. If the angle is sharp, the physique is considered thin.

Example: The weight-height index of a 45-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 160 cm, a large physique = 70,000 / 160 = 437.5. For her, this is normal weight. And if she were 6 years younger or had a different body type, she would be considered too full!

This formula is respected by the fact that it takes into account many factors: age, and body type. It can be used for any height, you just need to be honest with yourself when assessing your body type. In any case, approaching the upper limit of the tabular index by 5–10 points is a reason to correct your diet and move more.

Quetelet calculation or body mass index (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI): weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters).

This formula evaluates the existing weight and indicates in which direction it should be changed. Recall that to square a number, simply multiply it by itself. Compare the result with the table.

Example: BMI of a woman with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 72 kg \u003d 72 / 1.7. 1.7 = 24.9. She is overweight, she is still far from being obese, but she must at least not gain kilograms, and even better, lose 3–4 kg.

When comparing your weight with BMI, you need to know some features that, as a rule, are not mentioned anywhere. This formula is correct for people of average height (men - 168-188 cm and women 154-174 cm). For those who are shorter, the ideal weight is 10% lower than the "formula", and for those who are tall - 10% higher. In addition, this formula can "lie" when assessing those who exercise five or more times a week. The indisputable plus of BMI is that it does not indicate a mythical ideal, but estimates real weight and height.

The percentage of overweight children worldwide is increasing at an alarming rate - on average, one in three adolescents or children are now overweight or obese.

Now many children spend little time on training and outdoor games, they spend more time in front of the TV, playing video games or the computer. And in many working, busy families, parents have less free time to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals. From fast food to the computer, fast and in a hurry is the reality for many families.

Keeping children from being overweight means establishing the right diet and sports in the family, as well as useful rest together. We must include our children in a healthy lifestyle by our own example.

Is your child underweight or overweight?

The World Health Organization (WHO), the US Department of Health, as well as most countries around the world successfully use BMI - body mass index - which is based on the ratio of height and weight, and the subsequent calculation of the proportion of fat in the human body to assess excess weight in adults and children. The BMI calculation method is the development of Adolf Quetelet and for children it provides a special scheme. First you need to calculate the BMI of the child according to the general formula:

Body mass index (BMI) calculator using the Quetelet formula

Since children and adolescents are characterized by active growth and development, their BMI can change significantly over a short period of time. Therefore, the usual assessment of BMI, common in adults, is not suitable for them. In order to accurately and correctly estimate the body mass index of a child, scientists examined the ratio of mass and height of many thousands of children. And when it comes to determining whether your child's BMI is normal or out of range, comparison tables - "percentage curves", or distribution scales - with averages for children of this age and height will give you the opportunity to understand whether weight needs to be adjusted. In this way, your child's body mass index is compared to the average of thousands of other children. This approach takes into account the developmental stages that children go through in certain age groups. For example, if a child has a body mass index higher than 97% of children of the same age, then it can be concluded that the child is overweight.
This table contains information on the BMI of adolescents and children of both sexes from 2 to 20 years.

As a result, your child's BMI will fall into one of four categories:

  • Lack of weight: BMI below the 5th average (percentage curve);
  • healthy weight: BMI between 5th and 85th average;
  • Overweight: BMI between 85 and 95;
  • Obesity: BMI is in the region of 95 or higher.
For children under 2 years of age, doctors use weight-for-height charts and a thorough physical examination.

Table for estimating the weight and height of a child by BMI

At the same time, BMI is not an ideal indicator of the amount of body fat and can be misleading in some cases. For example, a heavily muscled teenager can have a high BMI without being overweight (muscle is added to body weight, not overweight). In addition, BMI can be difficult to estimate correctly during puberty, during which young people go through stages of rapid growth. In any case, it's important to remember that BMI is generally a good indicator, but it's not a direct measurement of body fat.

To establish the exact percentage of adipose tissue allows bioimpedance analysis. With the help of a certain device, a weak, safe electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Different tissues of the body have different resistance to electric current, thus, it becomes possible to calculate what proportion of the body is muscle, and what proportion is bone and fat.

If you're concerned that your child may be overweight or underweight, arrange an appointment with a primary care physician who will evaluate nutrition and physical activity levels and suggest positive changes. Your doctor may also recommend prevention for certain conditions associated with being underweight or obese.

Norms of weight and height of the child by age

Table of height and weight of a child up to a year

Age Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 month

49.5 cm. 51.2 cm. 54.5cm. 56.5cm. 57.3 cm. 3.3 kg. 3.6kg. 4.3kg. 5.1kg. 5.4kg.

2 month

52.6cm. 53.8cm. 57.3 cm. 59.4 cm. 60.9cm. 3.9 kg. 4.2kg. 5.1kg. 6.0kg. 6.4kg.

3 months

55.3 cm. 56.5cm. 60.0 cm. 62.0 cm. 63.8cm. 4.5kg. 4.9kg. 5.8kg. 7.0kg. 7.3kg.

4 months

57.5cm. 58.7cm. 62.0 cm. 64.5cm. 66.3 cm. 5.1kg. 5.5kg. 6.5kg. 7.6kg. 8.1kg.

5 months

59.9cm. 61.1 cm. 64.3 cm. 67cm 68.9cm. 5.6kg. 6.1kg. 7.1kg. 8.3kg. 8.8kg.

6 months

61.7cm. 63cm 66.1 cm. 69cm 71.2cm. 6.1kg. 6.6kg. 7.6kg. 9.0kg. 9.4kg.

7 months

63.8cm. 65.1 cm. 68cm 71.1 cm. 73.5cm. 6.6kg. 7.1kg. 8.2kg. 9.5kg. 9.9kg.

8 months

65.5cm. 66.8cm. 70cm 73.1 cm. 75.3 cm. 7.1kg. 7.5kg. 8.6kg. 10kg. 10.5kg.

9 months

67.3 cm. 68.2 cm. 71.3cm. 75.1 cm. 78.8cm. 7.5kg. 7.9kg. 9.1kg. 10.5kg. 11kg.

10 months

68.8cm. 69.1 cm. 73cm 76.9cm. 78.8cm. 7.9kg.
8.3kg. 9.5kg. 10.9kg. 11.4kg.

11 months

70.1 cm. 71.3cm. 74.3cm. 78cm 80.3 cm.
8.6kg. 9.8kg. 11.2kg. 11.8kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

Table of height and weight of the child by year

Height in cm Weight in kg.
Very low Short Average High Very tall Very low Short Average High Very tall

1 year

71.2cm. 72.3 cm. 75.5cm. 79.7cm. 81.7cm. 8.5kg. 8.9kg. 10.0kg. 11.6kg. 12.1kg.

2 years

81.3 cm. 83cm 86.8cm. 90.8 cm. 94cm 10.6kg. 11kg. 12.6kg. 14.2kg. 15.0kg.

3 years

88cm 90cm 96cm 102.0 cm. 104.5 cm. 12.1kg. 12.8kg. 14.8kg. 16.9kg. 17.7kg.

4 years

93.2 cm. 95.5 cm. 102cm. 108cm. 110.6 cm. 13.4kg. 14.2kg. 16.4kg. 19.4kg. 20.3kg.

5 years

98.9cm. 101,5 108.3 cm. 114.5 cm. 117cm. 14.8kg. 15.7kg. 18.3kg. 21.7kg. 23.4kg.

6 years

105cm. 107.7 cm. 115m 121.1 cm. 123.8cm. 16.3kg. 17.5kg. 20.4kg. 24.7kg. 26.7kg.

7 years

111cm. 113.6cm. 121.2 cm. 128cm. 130.6cm. 18kg. 19.5kg. 22.9kg. 28kg. 30.8kg.

8 years

116.3 cm. 119cm. 126.9cm. 134.5 cm. 137cm. 20kg. 21.5kg. 25.5kg. 31.4kg. 35.5kg.

9 years

121.5 cm. 124.7 cm. 133.4 cm. 140.3 cm. 143cm. 21.9kg. 23.5kg. 28.1kg. 35.1kg. 39.1kg.

10 years

126.3 cm. 129.4 cm. 137.8 cm. 146.7 cm. 149.2 cm. 23.9kg. 25.6kg. 31.4kg. 39.7kg. 44.7kg.

11 years

131.3 cm. 134.5 cm. 143.2 cm. 152.9cm. 156.2 cm. 26kg. 28kg. 34.9kg. 44.9kg. 51.5kg.

12 years old

136.2 cm. 140cm. 149.2 cm. 159.5 cm. 163.5 cm. 28.2kg. 30.7kg. 38.8kg. 50.6kg. 58.7kg.

13 years old

141.8 cm. 145.7 cm. 154.8 cm. 166cm. 170.7 cm. 30.9kg. 33.8kg. 43.4kg. 56.8kg. 66.0kg.

14 years

148.3 cm. 152.3 cm. 161.2 cm. 172cm 176.7 cm. 34.3kg. 38kg. 48.8kg. 63.4kg. 73.2kg.

15 years

154.6 cm. 158.6 cm. 166.8cm. 177.6 cm. 181.6 cm. 38.7kg. 43kg. 54.8kg. 70kg. 80.1kg.
Very low Short Average
very high Very low Short Average High very high

Prevention of overweight and obesity

The key to keeping kids of all ages at a healthy weight is lifestyle for the whole family. This is what is "preached" in the family. Make physical activity and healthy eating a family hobby. To make it fun for the kids too, let them help plan healthy menus and prepare them, and take them to the grocery store with you so they learn how to choose healthy and healthy foods.
Don't fall into these common nutrition traps:
  • Do not reward children for good behavior or try to keep them from bad behavior with sweets or treats. Encouragement or punishment should not include food, there are many other effective and correct ways of education.
  • Don't Support the "Clean Plate Policy". Watch for signs that your child is hungry. Even babies who turn away from a bottle or breast report that they are full. If the children are full, do not force them to continue eating. Remind ourselves that we should only eat when we are hungry.
  • Don't talk about "unhealthy foods" and don't completely eliminate all sweets and favorite treats from the children's menu. Children are more likely to rebel and eat large amounts of these unhealthy foods outside the home or when their parents are not watching.


It is not easy to motivate a child for a result, he cannot be “put” on a diet. In turn, adolescence is complicated by the fact that there is a danger of self-rejection, isolation, depression, anorexia. Once you've figured out if your child needs weight management, we'd like to make some additional recommendations for kids of all ages:
  • From birth to 1 year: In addition to the well-known health benefits, breastfeeding can help prevent excessive weight gain as well. And although the exact mechanism has not yet been established, breastfed babies more clearly feel their hunger and satiety, thus protecting themselves from overeating.
  • From 1 year to 5 years: It is better to develop good habits from an early age. Help your child establish healthy eating habits by offering a variety of healthy foods. Encourage the child's natural inclination to activity and help him develop.
  • 6 to 12 years old: Keep your child physically active every day. Let it be a sports section or outdoor games in the yard. Encourage activity at home - in everyday housework and in joint games and walks on weekends. Teach your child to choose healthy and healthy foods, help him pack his own sandwiches for school.
  • 13 to 18 years old: Teenagers often lean towards fast food, but try to encourage them to eat healthier. For example, sandwiches with baked chicken meat, salads and smaller portions. Teach them how to cook delicious healthy meals and treats at home. Help them maintain physical activity every day.
  • All ages: Reduce the amount of time your child spends in front of the TV, computer and playing video games. Fight your child's habit of eating by watching TV or a computer monitor. Try to prepare and offer your child a variety of healthy foods. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with your child together. Encourage children to eat vegetables and fruits at least five times a day, limit sugary drinks, and never skip breakfast.
By eating right, exercising frequently, and incorporating healthy habits into your family's normal daily routine, you are building a healthy lifestyle for your children that they can continue to maintain. Explain to them the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition, but be sure to make it a shared family habit so that it becomes second nature to each of you.

But above all, let your children know that you love them regardless of their weight, and your main desire is to help them be happy and healthy.

It is known that in the USSR, a healthy weight for a woman was calculated using the simplest formula, growth minus one hundred. According to her, Baba Klava from the bench at the entrance was declared a woman with an ideal figure. Later, nutritionists slightly changed the formula - "growth minus one hundred and ten", and for ballerinas the formula "growth minus one hundred and twenty" has always worked. If such generalized data does not suit you, read on - we have collected the most interesting, relevant and reflective formulas.

Ideal Weight Calculator

Classification of body types according to Solovyov:

  1. Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
  2. Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
  3. Hypersthenic type: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Cooper formula

Ideal weight for a woman (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.
Ideal weight for a man (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

Lorentz formula

Ideal weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (height (cm) - 150) / 2

For our heroine, the ideal weight will be 25 kg. State?

Kyutla Formula (Body Mass Index)

The Body Mass Index is designed to measure overweight and obesity. BMI is familiar to many.

BMI = weight (kg) : (height (m))2

BMI below 19 - underweight.

  • At the age of 19-24 - BMI should be in the range from 19 to 24;
  • at the age of 25-34 - BMI should be from 19 to 25;
  • at the age of 35-44 - BMI should be from 19 to 26;
  • at the age of 45-54 - BMI should be from 19 to 27;
  • at the age of 55-64 - BMI should be from 19 to 28;
  • over the age of 65 - BMI should be from 19 to 29.

Calculation example:

weight - 50 kg.

height - 1.59 m

BMI \u003d 50 / (1.59 * 1.59) \u003d 19.77 (normal BMI)

Fixed weight-height coefficient

The calculation is based on a fixed coefficient (weight in grams divided by height in centimeters). The table below is for women aged 15 to 50.

Ideal weight formula: (height in cm*coefficient)/1000

Brock's formula

It was this formula, proposed by the French physician Brock more than a hundred years ago, that was used in vulgar calculations. Brock's formula takes into account the physique: asthenic (thin), normosthenic (normal) and hypersthenic (stocky).

Ideal weight formula:

  • up to 40 years: height -110
  • after 40 years: growth - 100

Asthenics subtract 10%, and hypersthenics add 10%.

So our calculations are:

age - 24 years

height - 159 cm

physique - hypersthenic.

Ideal weight = 53.9 kg.

Brock-Brugsch formula

This is Brock's modified formula for people with non-standard height: less than 155 cm and more than 170 cm.

  • Less than 165 cm: ideal weight = height - 100
  • 165-175 cm: ideal weight = height - 105
  • Over 175 cm: ideal weight = height - 110.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Attention: the table indicates the maximum weight for this height!

Maximum allowable body weight

Height, cm 20–29 years old 30–39 years old 40–49 years old 50–59 years old 60–69 years old
husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female
148 50,8 48,4 55 52,3 56,6 54,7 56 53,2 53,9 52,2
150 51,3 48,9 56,7 53,9 58,1 56,5 58 55,7 57,3 54,8
152 51,3 51 58,7 55 61,5 59,5 61,1 57,6 60,3 55,9
154 55,3 53 61,6 59,1 64,5 62,4 63,8 60,2 61,9 59
156 58,5 55,8 64,4 61,5 67,3 66 65,8 62,4 63,7 60,9
158 61,2 58,1 67,3 64,1 70,4 67,9 68 64,5 67 62,4
160 62,9 59,8 69,2 65,8 72,3 69,9 69,7 65,8 68,2 64,6
162 64,6 61,6 71 68,5 74,4 72,7 72,7 68,7 69,1 66,5
164 67,3 63,6 73,9 70,8 77,2 74 75,6 72 72,2 70
166 68,8 65,2 74,5 71,8 78 76,5 76,3 73,8 74,3 71,3
168 70,8 68,5 76,3 73,7 79,6 78,2 77,9 74,8 76 73,3
170 72,7 69,2 77,7 75,8 81 79,8 79,6 76,8 76,9 75
172 74,1 72,8 79,3 77 82,8 81,7 81,1 77,7 78,3 76,3
174 77,5 74,3 80,8 79 84,4 83,7 83 79,4 79,3 78
176 80,8 76,8 83,3 79,9 86 84,6 84,1 80,5 81,9 79,1
178 83 78,2 85,6 82,4 88 86,1 86,5 82,4 82,8 80,9
180 85,1 80,9 88 83,9 89,9 88,1 87,5 84,1 84,4 81,6
182 87,2 83,3 90,6 87,7 91,4 89,3 89,5 86,5 85,4 82,9
184 89,1 85,5 92 89,4 92,9 90,9 91,6 87,4 88 85,9
186 93,1 89,2 95 91 96,6 92,9 92,8 89,6 89 87,3
188 95,8 91,8 97 94,4 98 95,8 95 91,5 91,5 88,8
190 97,1 92,3 99,5 95,6 100,7 97,4 99,4 95,6 94,8 92,9

Our exemplary woman with her weight of 50 kg with a height of 159 cm and an age of 24 years is far from the maximum. And this is good.

Many consider this table to be the most complete and balanced approach to determining the presence of overweight.

Borngardt index (1886)

It also uses chest circumference data.

Ideal weight = height * bust / 240

Robinson formula (1983)

There is an opinion that for men it is incorrect.

For women (height in inches):

49 + 1.7 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

52 + 1.9 * (height - 60)

Miller Formula (1983)

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 53.1 + 1.36 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight \u003d 56.2 + 1.41 * (height - 60)

Monnerot-Dumain formula

This formula takes into account body type, bone volume, muscle mass.

Ideal weight = height - 100 + (4 * wrist)) / 2

Kref formula

This formula takes into account age and body type.

Ideal weight \u003d (height - 100 + (age / 10)) * 0.9 * coefficient


  • Wrist less than 15 cm - coefficient 0.9
  • Wrist 15-17 cm - factor 1
  • Wrist more than 17 cm - coefficient 1.1.

Mohammed Formula (2010)

Ideal weight = height * height * 0.00225

According to him, the ideal weight of our heroine should be 56.88 (which is too much).

Nagler formula

A little too general, Nagler's formula does not take into account your age and current weight at all - only height and gender.

For women (note: height in inches!):

Ideal weight = 45.3 + 2.27 * (height - 60)

For men (note: height in inches!):

Humvee Formula (1964)

Online weight calculators on the Internet usually use it:

Formula for women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 +2.2 * (height - 60)

Formula for men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 48 + 2.7 * (height - 60)

Devin Formula (1974)

Dr. Devin invented it to correctly calculate drug doses. She entered the mass consciousness as an ideal weight calculator later and enjoyed great success. True, there are also disadvantages: for women of small stature, the weight is usually offered very little.

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 50 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

There are different formulas for determining the optimal ratio of weight and height.
But all of them are very, very conditional, since they do not take into account many factors: age, gender and physiological characteristics of a person. Therefore, excess fat must be assessed not only by the conditional ratios presented in this table, but also by appearance, skin thickness and a number of other factors. With the same height and weight, one person may look full, the other - completely normal.

The objective parameter of an ideal body is the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9 - 15% fat of the total body weight, and for women - from 12 to 20%.


Knowing the Body Mass Index (BMI), one can judge obesity or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18). Among the many different methods for calculating ideal weight, the most popular method is the height-weight index, body mass index - Quetelet index.

FOR EXAMPLE: HEIGHT 170 CM, WEIGHT 65 KG. MEAN 65: (1.7 * 1.7) = 22.5

The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

The Quetelet index shows well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, it does not give a visual - aesthetic picture. But you can check your body for ideality according to one more formula.

The distribution of fat throughout the body is determined by the ratio: waist (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks.

Norm for men: 0.85
For women: 0.65 - 0.85.
Does age affect height-to-weight ratio?
The answer is unequivocal. Yes, of course it does. It has been proven that the weight of a man and a woman should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms, which some people consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be. You can use the formula to determine the optimal weight depending on age.

P - in this case, height, and B - age in years. Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

BROCK'S FORMULA: Revealing Height-Age-Weight Relationships
One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Broca's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

At the same time, people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type should subtract 10% from the result, and people with a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type should add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type?
The physique is usually divided into THREE types: normosthenic, hypersthenic and asthenic. In order to find out what your body type is, it is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter. The resulting circumference in centimeters will be the necessary indicator (Soloviev index).

NAGLER'S FORMULA for the ratio of height and weight
There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. For 152.4 cm of height there should be 45 kilograms of weight. For every inch (i.e. 2.45 cm) over 152.4 cm there should be another 900 grams, Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

One of the best formulas created by expert methodologist John McCallum. The McCallum formula is based on measuring the girth of the wrist.

6.5 wrist circumference equals chest circumference.
85% of the chest circumference is equal to the circumference of the hips.
To get the waist circumference, you need to take 70% of the chest circumference.
53% of the chest circumference is equal to the thigh circumference.
For the neck circumference, you need to take 37% of the chest circumference.
The circumference of the biceps is about 36% of the circumference of the chest.
The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.
The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the circumference of the chest.
But not all physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios, the numbers have an average, average value.

A few more options for the ratio of height and weight
The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the circumference of the hips, and the circumference of the hips is approximately equal to the circumference of the chest.
Waist circumference should be equal to "height in centimeters - 100". That is, a woman with a height of 172 cm will be folded proportionally if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the circumference of the hips and waist is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears a clothing size of 48.
If the circumference of the hips is less than the circumference of the chest, and the circumference of the waist is less than the circumference of the hips by 20 cm, then such a figure is called an "apple". If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a decrease in the waist by one centimeter.

There is no limit to perfection, as you know. This is especially true of the standards of female beauty. Especially many young ladies are concerned about the question of what should be the ideal ratio of height and weight. To get closer to the ideal, girls torture themselves with various diets and spend many hours in gyms.

Nevertheless, not every young lady is able to immediately answer the question of what should be the weight with a height of 170 or 158 centimeters. Here you have to do some calculations. There are different methods.

What should be the ratio of height and weight

To be honest, the norm of weight and height for women is a very individual indicator, because there are many additional parameters. For example, someone has a so-called wide bone, while someone has a highly developed muscle mass. To find out for growth, all these data must be taken into account. Also, the measurements will be quite approximate for those who have not yet finished growing (teenagers), as well as for women who are in an “interesting position”. In these cases, there is no need to talk about ideals at all.

How to determine your height correctly

The first step is to properly measure your own height. To do this, stand with your back to a sheer wall and lean against it. You must have at least five touch points:

  • back of the head;
  • protruding parts of the blades;
  • buttocks;
  • calf muscles;
  • heels.

If at least one of these points you do not touch the wall, then you are standing incorrectly. In this case, the measurements cannot be considered quite correct.

Place a flat plank, ruler, or book on top of your head and have someone draw a line where the object touches the wall. Now, using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the floor to the mark. The result can be evaluated as follows:

  • 150 cm and less - low growth;
  • 151-156 cm - below average;
  • 157-167 cm - average height;
  • 168-175 cm - high;
  • 176 cm is very tall for a woman.

What should be the weight with a height corresponding to the measured one, special tables will help you find out. However, this result cannot be considered quite correct. The fact is that not every table takes into account all the necessary parameters.

Body types: what are they

The proportions of weight and height in women depend on many parameters, for example, on the type of physique. There are three types of them:

  • Asthenic. Another name is thin-boned. People of this type have very thin, long and fragile limbs. Their growth is usually above average. They also have rather narrow hips and shoulders, as well as a small chest. Asthenics most often have an accelerated metabolism, so they are rather thin. If people of this type begin to eat a lot, then the weight will increase very slowly. They say about such people: "a boyish figure."
  • Normosthenic - normal. Such young ladies are the luckiest, since everything is proportional in their body: the bones are of medium thickness, the shoulders and hips are quite wide, and the waist is much narrower compared to them. The metabolism of this type of women is moderate. With a normal diet, all kilocalories are completely consumed, but you should not overeat, because there is a risk of spoiling the figure quite quickly.

  • Hypersthenic - wide bone. In this type of people, the bones are quite wide and massive. Outwardly, this is clearly visible: wide hips and shoulders, a short neck and legs, a massive chest. This type is the most unlucky. The metabolism of such people is slowed down, and with improper nutrition, the mass will be gained at lightning speed.

Since the norm of weight and height for women depends primarily on what you need to correctly determine it. To do this is quite simple. To do this, you just need to measure the circumference of your wrist. Since this is the only part of the body on which fat is practically not deposited, such measurements can be trusted. So:

  • 16 cm or less - you are an asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - you have a completely normal body type;
  • 18.5 cm or more - you have a wide bone.

Leg length

In addition to the correct ratio of weight and height, it is also important for a beautiful figure to have good proportions. Since growth mainly depends on the length of the legs, this parameter is also important. Of course, the length of the legs is quite difficult to fix, you will have to be content with what nature has given.

Usually there are asthenic young ladies or women of the normal type. Legs should be measured from the floor to the protruding tubercle of the femur (if there are no problems with weight, then it is clearly visible).

For the figure to be considered proportional, the length of the girl's legs must be at least half the height. It is considered beautiful to have parameters at which the length of the legs is more than 1/2 of the height by several centimeters:

  • 2-4 cm - for hypersthenics;
  • 4-6 cm - for a normal physique;
  • 6-9 cm - for asthenics.

If nature does not spoil you with long legs, then this shortcoming can be corrected by the presence of high heels.

Age also needs to be taken into account.

In addition to these factors, it is also necessary to take into account the age of the woman. The fact is that the norm of weight with a height of 175 for women who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday and twenty-year-old girls will be different. It has to do with the metabolic rate. The younger the girl, the higher he is. Accordingly, the rules differ.

How to determine the correct ratio of your weight and height

To do this, there are many different formulas and tables that take into account various factors. Which one to choose is up to you. To determine your ideal weight for height yourself, you can use, for example, Brock's formula. The calculation will be quick, but quite approximate. To do this, you just need to correctly measure your own height and subtract 100 cm from the result obtained in centimeters. This will be the desired weight.

As you understand, the norm of weight and height calculated in this way for women is very approximate, because the calculation does not take into account either the type of physique or, in fact, the age of a person. Therefore, to adjust the result, you can safely take away another 7-10%.

Quetelet formula

Those who are interested in the norm of weight and height for women can use, for example, the Quetelet formula, which takes into account all the necessary parameters. The formula is not too complicated, anyone can apply it:

  • M \u003d 0.75 x (P - 150) + 50 + (B - 20): 4.

All letters here are intuitive: M - body weight; B - age; P is the height of a person.

To make an additional check, you can also calculate BMI (in the English version of BMI), which stands for or in another way. It is very simple to do this:

IR \u003d B: R 2.

The letters, of course, indicate weight and height, respectively, only in this case, height must be measured in meters. Depending on what number you got, we evaluate the results:

  • 18.5 and less - you have a clear weight deficit, you urgently need to gain a few kilograms;
  • 18.6-24.9 - your weight can be considered normal, there are no medical indications for weight loss;
  • 25-29.9 - sad, but your weight cannot be called normal, therefore, for good health and a beautiful figure, you still need to lose a couple of kilograms;
  • 30-34.9 - you have obvious signs of obesity of the first degree; if you do not want to have a lot of health problems, then urgently go to the gym;
  • above 35 - obesity of the second degree; most likely, in the near future you will need the help of a doctor, since with such a weight, health deteriorates significantly;
  • above 40 - you just need the help of a nutritionist, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight on your own.

Norm of weight and height: table for women

Since all the ratios of the parameters of the human body have long been calculated by nutritionists and simply indifferent enthusiasts, you can determine your personal ideal weight using one of the many ready-made tables. To get the most accurate result, choose tables that take into account the largest number of parameters. When using them, it is worth remembering that for men and women the data is most often different, so be careful.

There is another very simple and affordable way to determine if it's time for you to lose weight. Divide your waist measured in centimeters by your hips. If the result is less than 0.8 - everything is in order, you do not need a diet. Those who have indicators ranging from 0.81 to 0.84 should think about their diet. Well, for those who have this figure greater than or equal to 0.85, it's time to see a nutritionist - you are obese.