Causes and treatment of heavy sweating during pregnancy. Excessive sweating during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy but difficult time for every woman. After all, bearing a child is often accompanied by unpleasant phenomena. One of them is excessive sweating.

Behind this concept lies a violation of the sweat glands, in which they produce too much sweat. In women, this phenomenon is observed quite often, especially in the first trimester of bearing a baby.

Causes of occurrence in pregnant women

There are several reasons that contribute to the occurrence of hyperhidrosis in early pregnancy.

A change in the amount of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman is a common occurrence. It most often provokes excessive sweating. Endocrine organs during the period of gestation produce more of those hormones that are necessary for the normal development of the baby. Others are becoming much smaller.

Changes in the work of the endocrine system are reflected in the activities of other organs. The sweat glands are no exception. Even with a slight heat or physical activity, sweat is released as when going to the bath.

Changes in the functioning of the nervous system

Excessive sweating can also occur as a result of nervous tension and stressful situations. Pregnant ladies are more susceptible, so small experiences are hard to bear.

Sweating during emotional stress occurs because the blood flow increases, the heart begins to beat faster, breathing quickens, body temperature rises. All this leads to increased sweating.

During the bearing of the baby, the body weight of the expectant mother increases. This fact directly affects the increase in sweat volume. After all, with a large weight, the body is subjected to increased stress. Even for movement, a person needs to expend more energy, which is inevitably accompanied by sweating.

Places of localization

Increased sweating during pregnancy can occur in different parts of the body.


Pregnant women are often accompanied by sweaty hands. In addition to sweating, they become cold. It happens when a person is stressed or stressed physically. Therefore, it is often difficult for expectant mothers to work with documents, to hold small objects in their palms.


Not only hands, but also feet can be regularly wet and cold during pregnancy. This causes the greatest discomfort, since pathogenic microorganisms quickly and actively begin to multiply on sweaty feet. Because of them, there is an unpleasant smell from the feet, the color of the nails changes.

Groin area

Excessive sweating during early pregnancy in the groin creates additional trouble for a woman, as she has to take a shower several times a day. Sweating occurs for no apparent reason.


Sweat is secreted through the armpits in every healthy person. The greatest intensity of this process is observed during physical activity. Sweating during pregnancy in this area becomes more abundant and at rest, there are stains on clothes, an unpleasant odor.

under breast

During pregnancy, the mammary glands increase, so in hot weather, a lot of sweat is released under them. It has a specific smell and leaves marks on underwear and clothes.

Symptoms depending on the time and time of day

Hyperhidrosis is affected by many different factors.

First trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. The amount of hormones changes dramatically, which affects the work of the glands. In the early stages, the most profuse sweating is observed, accompanied by hot flashes.

Second trimester

After the end of the first three months of gestation, the body gets used to changes in the hormonal background. Thanks to this, the activity of the glands is stabilized. Hyperhidrosis does not completely go away, but sweat is released in smaller quantities.

third trimester

In later periods, sweating may increase periodically. This is due to the increased load on the body, since the fetus has a lot of weight, the woman faces difficulties in physical activity. Immediately before childbirth, hyperhidrosis becomes pronounced.

Heavy sweating at night

It often happens that pregnant women wake up at night because their bed is wet from discharge. They have to regularly change their underwear in the middle of the night. During sleep, the body tries to release unnecessary moisture that has accumulated in it, so hyperhidrosis is observed.

How to reduce sweating?

To reduce the release of sweat, an integrated approach is used, which consists in observing a healthy diet, water procedures, using special and folk remedies, and reducing physical exertion on the body.

Proper nutrition

Diet adjustment is an important component of the regulation of the sweat glands. But this is necessary not only to eliminate heavy sweating during pregnancy, but also to maintain the health of the expectant mother and provide the fetus with all the necessary nutrients.

A pregnant woman needs to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy and sour-milk products, greens, lean meat. Fried, spicy, salty, fatty foods should be avoided. Proper nutrition will allow you not to gain excess weight and reduce the burden on the digestive organs, which will prevent excessive discharge.

Physical exercise

Expectant mothers should follow the regime of work and rest, which during the period of gestation involves less work. Do not be shy to turn to relatives and friends for help, especially in the last stages.

Water procedures

Without hygiene it is impossible to maintain human health. Therefore, it is necessary to take a shower at least 2 times a day: this will not only eliminate sweat and its unpleasant odor, but also make the skin clean and healthy.

Important! During pregnancy, you can not take a bath, go to the sauna or bath. When bathing in the shower, only warm water should be used: hot water is harmful to the fetus.

Deodorants, antiperspirants, medicines

With profuse sweating, people actively use various means that reduce the volume of secretions and eliminate their specific smell. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use antiperspirants.

Doctors recommend Dry Dry products. They effectively combat excessive sweating and are harmless to the body of the expectant mother, which has been proven by numerous studies by scientists. You should not buy antiperspirants of an unknown brand, as they may contain chemicals that are dangerous for the intrauterine development of the baby.

Also, pregnant women are allowed to use zinc ointment. It is safe, well normalizes the secretion of glands. It can also be used during lactation. The ointment is applied to the area of ​​the body that is subjected to profuse sweating, do it once a day.

Cosmetic talc can help in eliminating the unpleasant odor and the sweat itself. It can be found in any store. But he has one drawback - he leaves traces of white on clothes. With too much sweating, you have to use talc often - up to 4-5 times a day.

Folk ways

Alternative medicine recipes also help to cope with sweat. Chamomile infusion eliminates hyperhidrosis well: 6 tablespoons of the plant are poured with 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours. Then filter, add 2 large spoons of baking soda. Twice a day, a cotton swab is impregnated with this composition and the skin is treated at the site of increased sweating.

An excellent folk remedy for sweating at night during pregnancy is an alcohol tincture from walnut leaves. The plant is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave to infuse for 7 days, after which they wipe the skin at the site of manifestation of hyperhidrosis.

What is absolutely impossible to do?

Some pregnant women think that the way to reduce sweating is to reduce fluid intake. Water plays a vital role in the body. Thanks to it, normal blood circulation, lymph movement, removal of waste products generated during metabolic processes, and thermoregulation are maintained.

Fluid deficiency can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. It leads to dehydration, poisoning of the body, lowering blood pressure, and malfunctioning of the kidneys. To avoid such consequences, you need to drink 2 liters of pure water per day.

Can excessive sweating be prevented?

During the period of bearing a child, profuse sweating is observed in all women. It is impossible to completely prevent this, but it is possible to prevent the unpleasant symptoms of excessive sweating during pregnancy. For this it is recommended:

  • Carry out hygiene procedures twice a day. Additionally, taking a shower is required after physical exertion.
  • Change clothes regularly.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Adjust your diet.
  • Wear well-ventilated clothing.
  • Use antiperspirants and deodorants, but without fanaticism: with excessive use of cosmetics, the natural secretion process is disrupted.

Hyperhidrosis is a common problem in pregnant women. Its presence should be reported to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. He will tell you what methods of eliminating the disease are suitable in a particular situation.

Many women experience heavy sweating during pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered quite normal, since it is associated with changes in the hormonal background in the female body. Hyperhidrosis - delivers a lot of inconvenience, not only because of the unpleasant odor, but also often becomes a cause of anxiety and worries. There are many ways to reduce excessive sweating, but first you need to find out the exact reason why you are throwing up a sweat.

Causes of heavy sweating in pregnant women

Symptoms and intensity of sweating may vary depending on the timing of pregnancy. The most common cause of excessive sweating is hormonal changes in the body, which occurs in all pregnant women. Sweating is especially common in early pregnancy, this is due to sudden surges in estrogen. Basically, palms and legs sweat a lot, as hormones begin to be actively produced, which can affect the function of sweating. Sometimes the smell of sweat changes dramatically.

Strong sweating at the very beginning of pregnancy can be observed due to changes in the psycho-emotional background. If a woman's psyche is very vulnerable, she constantly sweats. Sudden mood swings, strong excitement, frequent experiences - all this contributes to profuse sweating. Try to stay calm and avoid stress.

Signs of hyperhidrosis at all stages of pregnancy

In the first trimester, excessive sweating is due to the endocrine system. Feet begin to sweat especially strongly, although the rest of the body may remain almost dry. A woman can suddenly break into a sweat for various reasons.

During the second trimester, perspiration usually returns to normal. The body adapts to changes in hormonal levels, this reduces the likelihood of excessive sweating. But at this time there is an increase in blood flow, which can provoke profuse sweating. In addition, during the second trimester, the body requires more fluid, which can also affect the development of sweating.

In the third trimester, sweating may increase due to the increased load on the body, because a woman has to carry a rather large fetus. Even with small loads, the expectant mother sweats, her hands, neck, and legs begin to sweat. At this time, blood actively rushes to the skin, and this can also affect the increase in sweating. At the end of pregnancy, the armpits, pubic area and legs sweat more.

Heavy sweating during night sleep

Often night sweats in pregnant women are associated with external factors. Therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to check the humidity level and air temperature in the bedroom. Excessive sweating in a dream can be associated with a banal overheating of the body, try to sleep in linen made from pure linen or cotton. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom and make sure that the air temperature does not exceed 20C. Go to bed and wake up at strictly defined hours, observing the daily routine helps to normalize sweating.

If profuse sweating is observed only at night, then this can be a signal of a developing disease, especially if there is a specific smell of sweat. In this case, you should definitely visit your gynecologist or therapist to determine the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

How to reduce sweating

Personal hygiene should be observed by every woman. It is worth noting that during pregnancy you can not use chemical products (deodorants, antiperspirants) that prevent the smell of sweat. They can cause fluid retention in the body, allergies and skin rashes.

To remove the smell of sweat, wash regularly in the shower, and if there is profuse sweating, then wipe the body with a dry towel or napkin. If your feet are constantly sweating, then they need especially careful care. To reduce sweating and remove the smell of sweat, feet can be soaked in baths with antiseptic herbs.

Proper nutrition

There is a group of products that strongly affect the process of sweating. If you eat dishes that are full of spices, peppers and spicy seasonings, then don't be surprised that you sweat afterwards. Onions and garlic can also cause profuse sweating, and these foods also cause a strong smell of sweat. Strong coffee also contributes to increased sweating.

Physical exercise

Try to properly distribute your household chores. Everyday worries, especially for a long time, can be the main reason why the expectant mother is often thrown into a sweat. Take care of yourself and seek help from loved ones more often. To prevent excessive sweating during pregnancy, get plenty of rest and walk in the fresh air.

Water procedures

Throughout pregnancy, women are advised to shower only. A hot bath is harmful to the fetus and causes excessive sweating. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to visit saunas and baths. Overheating is dangerous both for the health of the woman and for the unborn baby. You can not soar your feet in very hot water, this will cause heavy sweating throughout the body.

But do not be upset, as a rule, after childbirth, as soon as the hormonal background returns to normal, excessive sweating goes away by itself and no medical treatment is required for this.

How are pregnancy and sweating related?

Most women complain of suddenly appearing constant, unpleasant and excessive sweating during pregnancy, and this is no accident.

The fact is that this is often not just a normal reaction to changes in your body associated with the new status of the expectant mother, but a serious illness.

It's called hyperhidrosis, and you need to see a doctor right away to determine why you're sweating so much.

This should be done as soon as you find out that you are pregnant, not later! ..

Features of excess sweat during pregnancy

You found out that you are pregnant, and this is stress and joy for any woman at the same time. But here's the trouble - sweat pours in streams day and night, why? And the reason is banal: you have a normal hormonal restructuring of the body, the balance is disturbed, and you feel not exactly unpleasant, sometimes terrible. But if all analyzes show that this phenomenon is too excessive, then you have all the signs of this very delicate ailment, which is accompanied by too much sweat ...

And, despite the fact that until today both the causes of this disease and the methods and means that would cure it completely and forever are so completely and unclear, you should not worry, especially in your position. After all, if this sweat came as a surprise to you, it means: even if you get sick, then you have only the initial stage, and you will undoubtedly get rid of it with the help of doctors.

You just need to immediately clearly understand that if you do not follow all the instructions, this can lead to very serious consequences - from miscarriage to the birth of a handicapped baby. And we say this not to scare you, but solely because we have met such terrible “examples of irresponsibility”, alas, many times ...

The main causes of sweating during pregnancy

You also need to know the basics of why you have increased sweating, because knowing the source of the disease, it will become clear to you that this is more serious than ever and for sure you will strictly follow all the advice and techniques prescribed by the doctors. After all, the win-win rule - “to be aware, therefore, armed” - has not yet been canceled.

This may be a pathological reaction of your body, which forced your 3 million sweat glands to work not in “protection mode”, but to give out an inadequate reaction and sweat in a huge and progressive amount, which is the first stage of hypersweating.

Another reason for the appearance of excess sweat production is a negative failure of your hormonal system, which is also not good, but it is also fixable. And this means that a lot of glands that are very important for you and your unborn child produce these hormones (and there are many of them and each is needed only in normal concentration!) In "alarm mode". And there are a great many of these hormones in humans, and each of them is needed only in a normal concentration! And from now on, constant monitoring of their level, the desire to gently, but stubbornly and confidently bring their quantitative and qualitative indicators as close as possible to the norm, which are known to every physician, will be one of your main tasks for all 9 months ...

A small "alphabet" of the main hormones that you should watch. FSH - follicle stimulating hormone, TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone, T3 - triiodothyronine, T4 - thyroxine, PRL - prolactin, and so on. These hormones are the most important workers of all biochemical processes of the human body, and today they are determined by special biochemical analyzers, which are in every clinic, with unique accuracy.

What should pregnant women do with excessive sweating?

The future mother must know the main thing. She is now responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of her unborn child. And here it is necessary to increase the responsibility doubly. Never get busy. Despite the fact that there are many methods, therapeutic procedures, medicines, unfortunately they will not all help you due to the fact that you: the first are individual, the second - not all of these methods are acceptable for your situation.

Methods will have to be chosen soft, specific, so as not to cause side effects in the little man growing in your stomach, which are quite likely. Keep a journal and write everything down every day. From what you ate, how much, when, what procedures you used, how you felt, what bothered you, and so on every day until the birth of the child. Write everything, this "Diary" will help your doctor a lot.

Important! To deal with excessive sweating, you need to be very careful not to harm the unborn baby:

  • Exclude products that provoke sweating from the diet: all spices (especially spicy ones!), alcohol, coffee, fatty and fried foods, only what medicine prescribes, nothing more.
  • Walk in the fresh air as often as possible, regularly do gentle gymnastics, move more, but avoid excessively active loads.
  • Follow the new sleep pattern: sleep at the same time, rest more often (at least 8-10 hours a day), then your hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating sleep, will be easier to cope with the normalization of the temperature regime of your body.
  • Regularly (several times a day) ventilate the apartment. Fresh air always brings one benefit.
  • Change your wardrobe, dress in light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics, no synthetics or other "chemistry"! Keep your body temperature comfortable.
  • Bed linen and a nightgown should also be made exclusively from natural materials (chintz, cotton), and all synthetics create the most favorable conditions for hyper sweating, especially at night. With excessive sweating during pregnancy, feet often sweat, so wear shoes made of natural fabric or leather (shoe materials must be breathable).

The main actions of pregnant women with signs of excessive sweating

What to do if you sweat during pregnancy

Use unscented pads, changing them 3-4 times a day. Eliminate all scented deodorants, fragrances, bubble baths, soaps. After all, they consist of very strong allergens and skin irritants. For 9 months, forget about tampons: they seriously increase the risk of infection in the genital area. Genital organs wash with warm water, 2-3 times a day.

In this case, hand movements are carried out towards the anus, and not vice versa, otherwise you risk introducing an infection into the vagina. And this threatens with inflammation of the genital organs with subsequent miscarriage. It is impossible to douche during pregnancy - this violates the composition of the vaginal microflora, increasing the likelihood of infection, in addition, douching irritates the uterus and the result: abortion. Dry the genitals to the ideal, because moisture creates the conditions for the development of a fungal infection.

Eat fermented milk products enriched with live cultures of bacteria, yogurt and so on. And sweet tooth must be patient, excess sugar is a favorite food for harmful microflora. If itching, irritation, burning and fetid odor of the skin appear during pregnancy, this is an indicator of exacerbation of hyperhidrosis: immediately consult a doctor.

The bad thing is that with this ailment, pregnant women cannot carry out most of the usual treatment procedures, only sparing ones: iontophoresis in the most minimal radiation mode, special homeopathic medicines (do not be surprised!). Our preparation "Propolis Geliant" is good, it not only treats hyperhidrosis, but also improves skin regeneration, is effective in the treatment of pregnancy stretch marks, relieves allergies and itching of sore skin. But no antidepressants and antipyretics, they will definitely cause an attack of increased sweating.

But, for you - the best tool. For example, decoctions of herbs with the effect of drying the skin. Best of all - hazel, willow, oak bark, horsetail. There are a lot of them, and centuries-old traditions are always relevant.

Antiperspirants and deodorants for pregnant women with excess sweat

And to avoid skin irritation, use only hypoallergenic deodorants, balms and creams. The best method in our case is the external application of various antiperspirants and deodorants containing aluminum salts.
They reduce excessive skin sweating for up to 48 hours or more after application. And they are effective in 95% of cases of a mild form of this disease!

Of the therapeutic antiperspirants for pregnant women, we recommend DryDry (Sweden), Maxim (USA) and Odaban (England). They are safe and effective.

Deodorants with bactericidal and disinfectant additives (triclosan, ethyl alcohol) must not be used! They cause skin diseases and allergies, narrow the sweat ducts and increase the secretion of sweat.

Listen to our advice, and everything will be fine with you. Listen to music - it is very useful for pregnant women:

Preparing the female body for the birth of a child during pregnancy is a very responsible and important period in the life of any woman who is preparing to become a mother. Excessive sweating during pregnancy, especially in the last stages, is quite normal, but only if it is slightly increased.

If you feel like you're sweating too much, it's best to consult your doctor.

This may be a symptom of some other disease, so if you have hyperhidrosis during pregnancy, discussing this issue with your prenatal gynecologist is a must.

The restructuring of the body and hormonal levels during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon. Pregnancy is not a disease or a diagnosis, therefore, before the appearance of some new unpleasant symptoms, it should be within the normal range, high sweating during pregnancy, shortness of breath, and more, may well be a symptom of a latent disease that did not manifest itself before.

Why does sweat production increase during pregnancy?

The female body, much more than the male body, is subject to hormonal fluctuations and stress during a change in hormonal levels. If a man undergoes hormonal changes only once during adolescence, then a woman goes through this process at least three times in her life.

The first during puberty and the onset of menstruation, the second during pregnancy (during each) and during the onset of menopause. Every time there is a restructuring of the hormonal background and hot flashes, and during pregnancy (most often), it may well accompany this process each time.

But sweating during pregnancy is not necessarily observed in every pregnant woman, it is very individual and depends on lifestyle, nutrition and immune status.

Increased sweating during pregnancy can usually be explained by a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for regulating water-salt metabolism in the body, and a simultaneous increase in the level of hormones responsible for regulating the activity of the adrenal glands - this is why a pregnant woman sweats heavily.

But besides the natural processes that cause sweating during pregnancy, excessive sweating during pregnancy can be caused by colds or infectious diseases, thyroid problems, which usually increase body temperature. It also has a very adverse effect on the body and often there is increased sweating during pregnancy in women with overweight future mothers with excessive body weight or in those women who gained extra pounds during pregnancy. This is why obese women complain of hyperhidrosis during pregnancy much more often than slender ones.

Excessive sweating in expectant mothers

During pregnancy, it can appear both in the first and second half of pregnancy. In the first half, the female body may react in this way to changes in the hormonal background, and in the second half, the load on the female body may be doubled or even tripled (if you have twins). Fatigue increases due to the additional load and causes a state of the body in which it abruptly throws into sweat.

In the middle of the term, sweat during pregnancy may stop bothering you, but it will not completely disappear. The female body, in proportion to the growth of the fetus, increases blood circulation by about 30 - 40%, and the presence of an increased volume of fluid in the body increases, respectively, the release of sweat and vaginal discharge.

But still, if you have increased sweating during pregnancy, despite all the obvious reasons, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Only he can decide, individually weighing all the symptoms and manifestations, how much this is the norm in your situation.

After the birth of a child during pregnancy, it may stop or decrease, but for some mothers, heavy sweating may be observed for several weeks or even until the end of breastfeeding.

How to reduce hyperhidrosis during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and sweating often go hand in hand, and due to the special sensitivity of the body during this period, sweat and odor should be dealt with very carefully. Often, remedies for hyperhidrosis have hormonal drugs in their composition, and during pregnancy this is strictly contraindicated so as not to harm the baby.

Answering the frequently asked question whether it is possible for pregnant women to smear with sweat and odor lotion, it should be noted that, nevertheless, in order to avoid allergic reactions and unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to carefully read the composition of each individual product, and if there is an urgent need and it is impossible to do without it limited to special cases only. After, immediately rinse off the product, do not leave for a long time or do not rinse at all at night.

What can be done to reduce sweat and odor? It is immediately necessary to follow simple rules:

  • if you are sweating at night during pregnancy, you can wear lighter pajamas made from natural fabrics. The body will breathe and sweating will decrease at night;
  • A blanket is also desirable to have from light and natural materials;
  • Showering two or even three times a day can practically solve the problem if you break into a sweat during the hot season;
  • Move around a lot, aerobic prenatal classes are a great way to help your body regulate your hormones and body temperature, so why not take a moment to prepare your body for childbirth and get in shape?
  • Proper nutrition and maximum reduction, or better, refusal for a while from spicy, very hot food, as well as the use of caffeine, fatty, sweet and alcohol, also significantly reduces hyperhidrosis. So why not give up bad habits at least for the duration of pregnancy.

Also, do not forget that often the drugs that the doctor prescribes during pregnancy can have side effects, in the form of. Therefore, if you are taking one of these medications, talk to your doctor about changing it.

Pregnancy for a woman is a period of enormous changes in the body. In this period, tastes, habits, daily routine, nutrition are modified. Sometimes allergic reactions can be observed from products that have not been shown before. All this is considered the norm, since the main part of the changes falls on the hormonal background. Excessive sweating during pregnancy is also normal.

In the first half, a woman sweats more often than in the second. In the last trimester, frequent bouts of sweating stop, she only sweats heavily on her legs. Hyperhidrosis for pregnant women often causes discomfort and irritability, especially its smell. There are many ways to reduce excessive sweating during this period of life.

In the first trimester, the female body is especially susceptible to restructuring. All this is aimed at adapting a woman to bearing a fetus. Hormones play a key role in this process. Some types of hormones contribute to the activation of the sweat glands, the production of sweat is carried out in large quantities and quickly, sweating during pregnancy increases. In addition to hormonal changes in the female body, there are other modifications that are fraught with frequent bouts of sweating:

In the early stages, the expectant mother sweats a lot and often, and seizures can occur suddenly without visible prerequisites. Often this happens at night when she sleeps.

Body odor changes due to sweat. This manifestation is due to two fundamental factors - the amount of sweat secreted by the body and the nature of the microflora of the skin. During this period, much more secretion is produced, and modifications in the immune system affect the nature of the bacterial composition of the skin, as a result of which the number of microorganisms increases significantly, and they, in turn, decompose sweat, which is why an unpleasant odor appears.

An increase in sweating during nervous stress is observed in every person, even a completely healthy one. Against the background of an imbalance of hormones associated with pregnancy, stressful situations in a pregnant woman occur much more often. And this entails excessive sweating in early pregnancy.

To summarize all of the above, then increased sweating during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters can be considered the norm. All pregnant women should calm down, and not worry about this. True, the discomfort from such a state and an unpleasant smell strongly affects the psyche of a woman. During this period, you should simply monitor body hygiene more often in order to interrupt the reproduction of microorganisms that provoke its appearance.

Sweating in late pregnancy

In the last third trimester, a pregnant woman does not stop sweating. Here there is a place to be an individual reaction of a woman to jumps in the hormonal background, and it does not occur in all pregnant women. Increased sweating during late pregnancy is caused by completely different factors, and they are more or less the same for most expectant mothers. The nature of the secretion also changes at this stage - the woman does not throw herself into bouts of sweating, as before, night and day sweating is evened out here, but her feet sweat more often.

In late pregnancy, the intensity of the unpleasant odor also weakens. The key factors for the appearance of sweating during this period of pregnancy are:

Thus, the intensity of sweating in the later periods differs from sweating in the first trimesters. Despite the fact that attacks become rare, the smell is not so caustic and unpleasant, you should not stop hygiene procedures at this stage of pregnancy - this will not only prevent discomfort in sensations, but also save the expectant mother from unwanted diaper rash and other unpleasant phenomena.

Despite the fact that increased sweating of women in this position is the norm, it is not worth taking the manifestation in question lightly. Following this logic, one can easily skip the course or formation in the initial stages of some diseases, the symptom of which is sweating.

During this period of life, the body of women is highly vulnerable to all sorts of pathogenic bacilli, bacteria and microorganisms, which can significantly disrupt the performance of vital organs and systems.

If in the prenatal period in a pregnant woman the attacks of high sweating do not decrease, then she needs to see an endocrinologist. She could have disorders in the endocrine system, for example, with the thyroid gland.

If, during any trimester, the smell of ammonia is heard during sweating, and traces of sweat secretion leave a white mark on clothes, this is a sign that there is a problem with the kidneys, and this is considered a complication of pregnancy.

Too strong bouts of sweating at night can signal the presence of tuberculosis in a pregnant woman or any other pathology of the lungs.

There are still a lot of conditions that, accompanied by sweating, are a direct threat to the health of the child and the expectant mother. At the slightest doubt that sweating in a pregnant woman is not easy, you should seek advice or diagnosis from doctors corresponding to the condition of the pregnant woman at the time of treatment, qualifications. He is obliged to establish the cause of the pathology and make an appropriate decision in terms of therapy.

How to reduce excessive sweating during pregnancy

The intensity of sweating during pregnancy should be weakened very carefully so that the manipulations carried out by the woman do not affect hormones and do not harm the fetus:

  1. It is recommended to sleep in linen made from natural fabrics.
  2. Don't wrap yourself up too much in winter.
  3. It is advisable to completely abandon synthetic clothing during this period.
  4. Systematically ventilate the room where the expectant mother is, especially before going to bed.
  5. Eliminate spicy foods from your diet.
  6. Refuse from hard physical labor and any other loads.
  7. Spend as much time outdoors as possible.
  8. Observe personal hygiene. Moreover, it is better to refuse the bathroom, and take only a shower.

Special attention should be paid to antiperspirants with deodorants. During the period of bearing a child, it is better to refuse them altogether. They can provoke allergic reactions or inflammation of the skin. In addition, they are designed to constrict blood vessels, and this is very undesirable during pregnancy.