Causes of a spinal stroke. General information about the blood supply to the spinal cord. Forecast for life

Blood impairment in the spinal curtain is rare, but dangerous pathology, which is called "spinal stroke".

It less often leads to death, in comparison with the brain stroke, but more often entails disability and other complications dangerous to health.

Incorrect "food" blood provokes shifts in the body, various attacks. We will understand more about what it is, how to recognize in advance and diagnose on time. Consider ways of treating and rehabilitation.

This pathology is extremely rare. Regarding other types of diseases, it is found only in 1% of cases. Men and women are in the same risk zone, since the main reason is various deviations in the organism spine.

Most often, the diagnosis of a spinal stroke occurs in the age category of people 30-70 years, the average age is 50 years.

With age, almost every person detect disorders of the spinal cord, and, as a result, the risk of disease is growing. That is, if you compare C, the spinal stroke is not so common and slightly less dangerous. It does not always become the cause of death, but often leaves people in a wheelchair.

First symptoms and signs

The first symptoms of the spinal stroke can begin to manifest in advance: a week, day. But to predict when it will happen, it is difficult. To the first signs of a spinal stroke include:

They may vary depending on which part of the spinal cord there is a damaged vessel. When at least one or more similar symptoms appear, you must immediately consult a doctor. The earlier the disease will be detected, the faster and efficient will be treated.

Development Stages

The spinal stroke occurs in four stages, each of which has its own distinctive symptoms:

  1. Stage of remote and close precursors. For an indefinite, but short period of time before the development of the stroke, the patient can disturb the disorders in the engine-supporting system.

    This may be accompanied by interspersed chromota, short-term weakness in the limbs suddenly arising a feeling of goosebumps, tingling or burning on the skin, symptoms of radiculitis and pain in the spine. Also marked a delay or treatment of urination. Symptoms may not occur immediately, but gradually, with increasing effect.

  2. Stage of development of stroke. The hemorrhage into the spinal cord substance is accompanied by a body temperature lift and chills. Muscle weakness occurs in the limbs.

    Strong and acute pain in the spine gives in different directions. The spread of hemorrhage on the cerebral shell causes dizziness, nausea and vomit urge.

  3. Stabilization stage. Symptoms cease to grow and gradually disappear, thanks to the beginning of treatment.
  4. Residual period. Only the residual phenomena of the transferred stroke are manifested. They can be different from each patient.

All stages are individual and vary in time. Some first can take several years, someone has a couple of hours. The same applies to subsequent problems.

Classification and varieties of varieties

It is customary to identify two forms of spinal stroke. They have some differences in symptoms and problems causing this deviation.

Causes and risk factors

As for the causes and factors for the development of a spinal stroke, then squeezing, prolonged spasms, vessel breaks, which provide blood supply to the spinal cord.

A wide variety of causes served as a reason for dividing them into two groups: primary and secondary.

So, primary damage to vessels, which are a risk factor for the development of a spinal cord stroke, are as follows:

  • Spinal cord vessel anomalies: Beggars, arteriovenous malformations. Create obstacles that slow down blood flow. And the thinning of the vessel wall at the place of malformation and the aneurysm becomes the cause of the gap and hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Changes in the walls of the vessels:, amyloidosis ,. Atherosclerotic changes of the spinal artery and the aorta acts as the most common cause of ischemic stroke of the spinal cord. The blood supply is violated due to a decrease in the enlightenment in the artery by forming plaques and blocking vessels.
  • Vascular damage. The gap can occur during the injury of the spine and the spinal cord, damage the wall of the vessels by a fragment due to a fracture. It is rare to meet the yatrogenic injuries that are complicing the complication of lumbacal puncture, spinal anesthesia, the operations on the spine.

Secondary lesions are as follows:

In addition, the risk factors include:

  1. Abnormal loads that cause the development of the osteochondrosis of the spine, disclosure of disks. But hypodymna benefits will not go.
  2. The acute shortage of minerals and vitamins that ensure the strengthening of vascular walls, bringing to the norm of metabolism.
  3. Harmful habits weakening overall immune protection.
  4. Overweight, hyperlipidemia and increased blood pressure.

Diagnostics and first aid

It is impossible to diagnose this disease without special equipment. To the touch, determine what the problem is impossible in this.

Only a set of patient complaints, a common clinical picture and research will be able to help experts identify pathology. Most often doctors prescribe magnetic resonance tomography that can identify pathology at any stage and in all projections. All this is carried out in a complex with other surveys and ultrasound research.

In suspected of a spinal stroke of the patient, it is necessary to put on a flat surface face up. All kinds of physical exertion are contraindicated. You need to immediately contact the specialists, because without their intervention, the patient can be seriously harmful. When transporting the patient to the hospital, you need to put it on a hard shield so that complications do not arise.

How to be treated if the spinal cord has happened?

The form of the disease affects its treatment. To begin with, doctors should reveal the reason that served as its development in the body, and only then begin treatment. Perhaps surgery, but it is carried out only in 3 cases:

  • osteochondrosis with hernias;
  • tumor;
  • vascular anomaly.

There are various methods for the treatment of a spinal stroke. Among them:

If the drugs and procedures do not bring the effect, the neurosurgeon interferes.

Important and what during the period of treatment, patients may suffer pneumonia and proleells. To avoid the latter care, care is required to constantly turn a person. Otherwise, it may pour out a serious complication. It is also important to carefully monitor hygiene.

If a patient incontinence is used, urinary, if it is not able to urinate independently, the catheterization is applied. It is important to observe the genital hygiene in order to avoid various infections.

Forecast for life

Female outcome is extremely rare. It is possible only for malignant formations, adding secondary infections. In 50-60% of the scoundal stroke, with the proper assistance provided, it is possible to expect a complete or significant restoration of functions.

The period of rehabilitation with a given disease may take a considerable time (long months and even years). Psychological support is needed, helping a qualified psychologist. The main thing is to comply with all the rules after: try to avoid the injuries of the back, wearing corsets and use orthopedic bedroom accessories.

It is important to remember that after a spinal stroke, the spin becomes the most vulnerable place. It must be preserved and not overvolt, in order to avoid complications.

Consequences and complications

There are a large number of consequences and complications of the spinal cord stroke. Among them:

  1. Motor disorders. Some patients can not move freely, someone begins to ride in wheelchairs, someone is presented to bed at all.
  2. The immobility is dangerous for the appearance of bedside and stagnation of pneumonia. It is necessary to follow the health of the patient, the cleanliness of bed linen and clothing. To try more often to wipe the body of the patient and sweep the folds with special means, turn over the patient every 1.5 hours.
  3. Due to pelvic disorders, an infection of the urogenital system often occurs. Patients hardly go to the toilet or, on the contrary, incontinence often happen.
  4. Reduced sensitivity on the body. Patients cease to feel pain, cold, warm.
  5. Violation of gait and coordination.
  6. The development of infections may lead to the emergence of sepsis with a threat to death.

Rehabilitation and recovery time

The effectiveness of rehabilitation after the stroke of the spinal cord is more dependent on how quickly the first medical care was provided.

The rehabilitation period can last long enough, depending on the patient's condition. Within 3 months after ischemic stroke, motion skills must be gradually recovered. The complete return of the movement a year later is unlikely, it usually occurs after 1.5-3 years. When hemorrhagic stroke is assigned to bedding per 1-1.5 months, it is possible to restore for one and a half years, if you perform all the necessary procedures.

This is a very laborious process that requires the active interaction of the patient and the attending physician. Recovery after a spinal stroke is quite possible with time-started and good care. It is important to carry out all the instructions of the doctor and take appropriate drugs. No less often than once in half a year it is necessary to repeat the course of receiving medicines.

Unfortunately, residual phenomena in the form of frequent urges to the toilet can remain for a long time, so the rehabilitation period should include as many recovery methods as possible. After transferring the spinal stroke, the spine of the patient becomes highly vulnerable. To do this, buy the necessary orthopedic accessories.

But do disability give a spinal stroke? Is such support for the state? It should be noted that after the suffering problems, a person may arrange the disability of the second group, but there is a rather big chance to fully recover and return to normal life.

It often happens that the patient after this illness remained unable to even serve himself. Such a victim requires special care under supervision. It is important to assist a person psychological support!

When rehabilitation, it is important to remember about the basic rules:

  • Limit smoking and alcohol.
  • Do therapeutic physical education.
  • Comply with a special diet to reduce the amount of cholesterol received.
  • Take vitamins

Methods of physiotherapy

Good effectiveness in the patient's rehabilitation is methods of physiotherapy. As a rule, it is electrostimulation to eliminate muscle weakness, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and healing baths.


A decrease in the rehabilitation period is facilitated by massage courses for affected parts of the body. The first several massage procedures are made only on the shoulders and hips, then the impact on the limbs and the chest muscles is added. After 8 sessions, the exposure area expands and covers the back and lower back.

Massage promotes blood dilution, reduction of tone, preventing breaking down, reducing the severity of pain syndrome. It is necessary to do it every day or every other day. First, 5 minutes, then gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes.


Igloreflexotherapy - exposure to thin needles on certain active points on the human body. Well helps in the restoration of the patient. Thanks to it, blood flow in capillars is enhanced, the nervous state is improved, sensitivity is restored.

Drug methods

The patient needs to continue the reception of drugs lowering blood cells in the blood (thrombie ass, aspirin), restoring blood circulation (Cavinton), strengthening capillaries (askorutin). At the same time, the dosage of drugs that were accepted during acute state and at the time of recovery is significantly different.

Reception of drugs that reassure (glycine) are needed, normalize pressure (concor - with elevated pressure, citrate - with reduced). Often, doctors prescribe drugs that improve blood supply to the limbs (Eskusan). As mentioned earlier, all drugs are discharged by the patient, given its individual characteristics, the development of the disease and possible complications.


Therapeutic physical education plays a large role in recovery. The exercise complex for each patient is selected individually taking into account complications. At home for rehabilitation after a spinal stroke, you can perform such exercises.:

  1. Lying on the back, lift in turn, then one, then the second leg.
  2. Lying on the back, raise the left hand and right legs at the same time, then right hand and left legs.
  3. Sitting, leaning around to the wall or any other point of support, bend legs in the knees and alternately bend each to the middle.
  4. Standing, legs on the width of shoulders, raising your hands up at the same time, first horizontally, then vertically.
  5. Make circular movements head first to the left, then right.

About therapeutic physical education (LFC) after a spinal stroke is described in this video:

And from this video, you can learn about gymnastics, which helps to eliminate the most severe consequences of the spinal cord stroke:

Special diet

Not the last place is given to a special diet with a stroke containing a reduced number of cholesterol, due to which the blood clogs occurs. Doctors advise food to eat products that contain more fiber and potassium.

Sample menu: spinach, mustard, asparagus, citrus, raspberry, strawberry, peas, beans, nuts, corn, beets, carrots, pumpkin, pumpkin, tomato paste, potatoes, apples, pears, wheat bran, raisins, prunes, sea cabbage, sea fish , Fresh juices, blueberries, cranberries, etc.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet: Smoked and salt products, canned, welded and fat broths, sausages and sausages, milk and all that is made of it, sweets, semi-finished products, soda, ice cream, baking, mushrooms, strong tea, coffee, semolina, etc.

Taking vitamins

In the rehabilitation period, the patient should be taken by the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A, because It strengthens the protective forces of the body.
  • Vitamins of groups in restore the nervous system.
  • Ascorbic acid makes the vessels elastic.
  • Vitamin D strengthens the vessels.
  • Vitamin E reduces the risk of re-stroke.

Prevention of recurrence and prevention measures

Recurrements with this ailment - the thing is dangerous. It is necessary to follow your hell and always have at hand to not provoke a re-illness. Doctors advise control.

The main thing is to remember that each subsequent relapse is postponed worse than the previousThat ultimately can lead to a complete inability to somehow manage your body.

Prevention measures are simple: listening to your body, regularly attend your doctor and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to go to a specialized sanatorium to fully come to yourself after a serious disease.

What to choose a sanatorium?

It is necessary to choose a sanatorium, in which there is a program of recovery after a stroke. It should include various anti-inflammatory techniques for the treatment of lesions, restoration of motion and sensitivity in the limbs, improve cerebral hemodynamics.

Attention should be paid to how often the patient will be examined by doctors, by the number of specialists of various directions (reflexotherapist, physiotherapist, physiotherapist, physiologist, a nutritionist, a psychologist). Usually such information is indicated on the sanatorium website or in the Information Office. The time of the voucher must be at least 14-21 days.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any complications and diseases are better prevented by proper and timely prevention. And if the trouble has already happened, it is important to comply with all the recommendations of the doctors and do everything for a speedy restoration of health!

A stroke of the spinal cord is a violation of spinal blood flow, as a consequence, there is a breakdown of functioning and damage to the spinal cord. Violation of this department refers to one of the varieties of myelopathy. Such a disease is found quite rare, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the symptoms, when the manifestation of which it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist for qualified help.

This circulatory disorder in the doctrine can be two types:

  1. Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord. There is a cessation of blood flow to the damaged area.
  2. Hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord. There is a gap of blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhage.

Also, the ischemic transistor attacks also exist, as a result of which there is a short-term cessation of the supply of spinal cord.

Causes of the disease

The spinal stroke must be associated with blood vessels of this department. To reasons for the occurrence of this disease include:

  1. Atherosclerotic damage to vessels and aorts feeding the spinal cord. It is considered the most common cause.
  2. Neof formation, hernia between vertebrae. Create a strongly surpassed vessels, which leads to a violation of the blood flow of the spinal cord.
  3. Anesthesia in the spinal department.
  4. Ischemic stroke of other spinal cord departments.
  5. Spinal fragments that arise due to damage to the back.
  6. An increase in the lymph nodes of the chest and the abdominal cavity.
  7. Conducting diagnostics on the spine.
  8. Varicose formations on spine vessels.
  9. A variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by circulatory disorders.

It follows that almost every person is susceptible to the appearance of a stroke of the spinal cord.Since each third inhabitant has problems with blood vessels.

Symptomatics of the disease

As for symptoms, it depends more on the localization of the focus of damage. It should also be remembered that the symptoms of the spinal cord stroke always occur gradually and is not always noticeable. They differ depending on the cause of the occurrence. They can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases.

The main symptoms of impaired spinal blood circulation:

  1. Strong pain in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. Refers to the initial sign of the disease.
  2. The pain is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, which is gradually enhanced.
  3. There is a disturbance of sensitivity. The patient ceases to feel the effects of temperature and pain.
  4. Trophic disorders.

If the patient has a strong lesion of the recesses of the back, then this may lead to a violation of the functioning of the internal organs. Therefore, there is a violation of the emission of urine and carts.

Diagnosis of spinal stroke

The diagnosis of spinal cord damage is comprehensively. Required during the diagnosis of a specialist draws attention to the patient's complaints, any manifestations of the disease that are noticeable externally. A special examination is appointed - MRI. This survey monitors defeat at different stages of the disease.

Such types of surveys are also held, which are able to form a complete picture of the current situation:

  1. Somatic study of the condition of the heart and blood vessels, as well as nearby organs.
  2. Electronomyography.
  3. X-ray spine.
  4. Uz-doppler.

It is not necessary to deal with independent diagnosis and treatment, as this may lead to negative consequences and further aggravate the situation.

Treatment of stroke of the spinal cord

This process needs to be approached with full responsibility, since further result depends on the proper treatment. If the patient has an acute course of the disease, it is worth sticking to the beddown. Treatment is carried out inpatient in the neurological department.

The treatment of the spinal cord stroke depends on the cause of the disease. First of all, the patient is prescribed drugs that are able to restore the activity of the heart and blood pressure, metabolic processes. If there is a need for this, the drugs are introduced, which cut blood. Remove the swelling and accelerate the restoration of the nerve fabrics. After medication therapy is assigned physiotherapy.

In order to avoid the appearance of the legs and pneumonia, there are massages to the patient. They are also able to eliminate the stroke of the spinal cord. If necessary, artificial ventilation of the lungs is assigned. If in the patient:

  1. There is a tumor or intervertebral hernia, then surgical intervention is required.
  2. There is a disorder of the abodes of a small pelvic, it is necessary to carry out regular emptying of the intestine.
  3. Osteochondrosis is observed, which served as the cause of the disease, the supporting corset is assigned.

Necessary carefully follow the hygiene. Patient food must be correct balanced. If necessary, a diet is assigned. The duration of treatment depends on many factors.

Restoration after a stroke of the spinal cord

Rehabilitation and restoration after a stroke of the spinal cord is carried out at home under the close observation of the attending physician. To restore the mobility of the plots that were amazed, it is necessary to regularly engage in therapeutic physical education, carry out massages. The patient can be directed to the recovery in the healing sanatorium. It is recommended that such a patient use an orthopedic mattress and use the supporting corset if long-term loads on the back are carried out.

The spinal cord stroke (spinal stroke, spinal stroke) is a disease caused by a circulatory disorder in the spinal cord, leading to gross violations of the functions in the field of damage. Among all strokes, this pathology takes about 1-1.5% of cases. 95% of them accounted for enough young age - from 30-35 years and up to 70 years. Men and women suffer from this disease with the same frequency. 90% of all spinal strokes fall on its ischemic option. After transferring a spinal stroke after transferring a spinal stroke, it rarely occurs, no more than 1-3% of all the case of this pathology. However, almost always leads to disability in the patient.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the development of the spinal stroke quite a lot and most often they concern the pathologies of the spine and its structures:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Spinal tumors and spinal cord;
  • Anatomical defects of the structure of the spine and its vessels (both congenital and acquired);
  • Spinal injuries and spinal cord;
  • Aortic aneurysm and other vessels;
  • Blood coagulation disorder (reduction or increase in blood platelet levels, hemophilia);
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the spine and aorta;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Arteriovenous malformations;
  • Spinal anesthesia;
  • Increased lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity and chest;
  • Incorrect manual therapy;
  • A long-term and pronounced inflammatory process in the spine area.


A stroke of the spinal cord, depending on the cause, which causes them, are divided into three types:

  • Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord (spinal cord heart attack). The reason is the violation of blood patency to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal cord due to the mechanical blockage of the vessel (thrombus);
  • Hemorrhagic spinal cord stroke (hematomyiel). The reason is the violation of the integrity of the vessel (its gap) and the resulting hemorrhage;
  • Mixed spinal cord stroke. Combines both options.

Symptoms of stroke of the spinal cord

The symptoms of the spinal stroke is quite diverse and depends on the place of lesion, the vessel that caused this pathology. Often before the emergence of a bright clinical picture, patients feel harbing strokes:

  • Periodically arising lameness in the legs;
  • Pain in the legs;

If the timely diagnosis and treatment was not carried out, the spinal stroke develops. You can select common symptoms, regardless of the lesion area:

  • Loss of skin and muscle sensitivity (the patient does not react to pain, temperature change, etc.);
  • Pares or paralysis of the limbs;
  • Intermittent chromotype;
  • Weakness in the legs and hands;
  • Urine incontinence and feces (violation of the function of pelvic organs);
  • Sharp pain syndrome in the spine;
  • Skin numbness on the back.

To determine the affected vessel and the location of the stroke, doctors are distinguished by a number of symptom complexes combined into syndromes:

  • Front Ischemic Poliomelopathy Syndrome. Hands or legs are practically immobilized, single reflexes are preserved, the muscle atrophy of the extremities and backs. It is characteristic of engaging in the process of the upper part of the front half of the spinal cord.
  • Preobrazhensky syndrome. The lack of sensitivity of two any limbs (both hands, both legs or hand and leg with one of the sides), full paralysis of the limbs, violation of the function of the pelvic organs. Characteristic for an extensive stroke of any part of the spinal cord.
  • Syndrome Ischemia Spinal Drop. It is characteristic of damage to the radical-bellic artery, feeding the spinal cord. It develops painful syndrome in the field of circulatory disorders, partial disruption of sensitivity, sluggish parishs of limbs on the lesion side.
  • Syndrome of centromedular ischemia. Partares of the limbs, a decrease in the sensitivity on the side of the lesion, the cerebelchok ataxia (signs of violation of the cerebellum function). Often the clinic is similar to multiple sclerosis, spinal shape. Characteristic to defeat the central artery, feeding the spinal cord.
  • Brown-secarar syndrome. With the full paralysis of the limbs, sensitivity in the muscles and joints is preserved. Characteristic to defeat the central artery with the preservation of the rear rockets of the spinal cord.
  • Bass syndrome (lateral amyotrophic sclerosis). The pronounced weakness of the hands and legs is developing, the strengthening of reflexes, the occurrence of pathological reflexes, muscle atrophy at the brushes. Characteristic to defeat the upper spinal cord department.


Various instrumental and laboratory methods are used to diagnose the spinal cord stroke:

  • Electroneuromyography;
  • Reophiecephalography;
  • Ultrasound using dopplerography;
  • Puncture of the spinal cord followed by the study of the spinal fluid;

Treatment of stroke of the spinal cord

At the first signs of the development of the spinal stroke or its precursors, it is necessary to immediately cause a team of ambulance and hospitalized into a neurological hospital.

Medicia treatment

Initially, immediately after hospitalization or in the ambulance car, diuretics are introduced in the patient (to reduce the edema of tissues) - Furosemide, Laziks - at least 80 mg per injection.

The preparations for the restoration of the nervous tissue are sufficiently high efficiency - cerebrolysine (10-30 ml), vinpocetine (4 ml), etc.

Preparations from the group of anticoagulants contribute to the blood dilution and a decrease in thrombosis, are specific only in the treatment of ischemic stroke and are strictly contraindicated with hemorrhagic. This is heparin, fraxipart, etc.

As additional drugs are prescribed

Spinal stroke: reasons, signs, treatment, rehabilitation, forecast

Many reasons that can cause a stroke of the spinal cord and pronounced symptoms make attention to themselves and consider such pathology a rather serious problem. Prerequisites that contribute to an increase in the frequency of occurrence of congenital and acquired lesions of the spinal cord, more than enough. After all, no wonder the old people note that "the spines of young have become not those." Vertebrate hernias, which have a rather greater spread of the spread, as well as congenital abnormalities of vessels and the increasing cases of spinal cord tumors often entail a circulatory disruption on some of its plot.

How does the spinal cord eat?

The blood supply to the spinal cord originates from the left ventricle. Blood enters the aorta, where it is distributed over the branches of the subclavian and intercostal arteries from it. Front spinal artery is deployed from the subclavian (viable) (passes the front surface of the spinal cord) and the two rear (provide the rear surface), which blood supply to the cervical and medium breasts of the spinal cord.

The lower thoracic and lumbar-sacral departments are powered by intercostal and lumbar arteries that are directly from the aorta.

Basically, the source of blood supply to the spinal cord is out of the spine, only the root arteries, connecting with the front and rear spinal, penetrate the spinal cord and form the root-spinal arteries. The largest of them is artea Adamkevich, feeding the lower part of the chest and lumbar-sacral departments (large front root-spinal artery).

In this way, providing blood is carried out by three main vessels: front and two rear spinal arteries . Nutrients and oxygen in arterioles fall into a microcirculatory course, which is a network of capillaries where exchange occurs. Blood, taking the products of metabolism, in venulaubles enters the root veins and is sent to the front and rear vertebrates, and from there to the lower hollow vein.

Unfortunately, it does not always happen. With such anomalies, as a spinal cord, there are compounds between the arteriols and venues, the compounds and then blood, bypassing the microcirculatory channel, is reset from the arterial vessels directly to venous. Such pathology is often developing with the formation of vascular weaves (clubs), which are very fragmented, especially if they are under high blood pressure.

Video: The structure and features of the spinal cord

Why does spinal cord stroke arise?

Widely common and well-known cerebral strokes arise or from, or. In the spinal cord there is almost a similar situation, however, it is due to several other reasons and usually does not entail such a share of deaths, although it leads to disabilities quite often. The reasons that encourage the violation of blood flow in the distance from the head, there may be vascular diseases of the spinal cord and other pathology contributing to ischemia ( spinal cord heart attacks) or hemorrhage ( hematomyielia):

  • (more often aorta);
  • All types of arteriovenous malformation;
  • Blood coagulation disorders (,);
  • Injuries with damage to the vascular wall;
  • accompanied by a drop in blood pressure;
  • Intervertebral hernia disturbing normal bloodstream;
  • Tumors, squeezing vessels;
  • spinal arteries and aorta;
  • Burning embol or thromb. blood supply spinal cord arteries;
  • Varicose extension of the vertebral vertebra can squeeze the spinal cord and thus influence the blood circulation in it;

It is obvious that hernia, tumors, atherosclerosis will contribute to the occurrence of ischemic foci (or complicate the course) in the spinal cord, while vascular malformations, aneurysms and traumatic damage will be the prerequisites for hemorrhages.

Manifestations of spinal stroke

Symptoms of a spinal stroke depend on the cause of the disease, the caliber of the vessel and the spinal cord damage zone. Sometimes a spinal stroke is preceded by strong back pains, which no one, in general, the forerunners do not think in advance and therefore write off them for anything: exacerbation of the radiculitis, kidney disease or other internal organs. After all, a person does not prepare for such a turn of events in advance and the spinal stroke does not expect. But it is possible to suspect a non-carrying manifestation of the disease:

Connection of spinal cord zones with internal organs

  1. Parallery or tetraprezov, paralysis, send below the level of damage (chromotypes intermitted or complete loss of motor abilities), patients do not feel a solid surface, the disease often resembles a polyarthritis, and in other cases the body ceases to obey the owner at all;
  2. Loss of surface and / or deep sensitivity (patients do not feel temperature and pain);
  3. Functional disorders of pelvic organs (urogenital tract, intestines, kidneys), which cause panic because, with such pathology, urinary incontinence and feces are possible. The patient simply loses the ability to control these processes, which greatly affects the psycho-emotional state of the person;
  4. Trophic disorders characteristic of certain types of ischemic spinal strokes, for example, when blocking a large anterior spinal artery;
  5. Intensive pains in the lumbosacraliary during the development of the disease in the type of acute (gap of the vascular tangle in arteriovenous malformation).

These are common symptoms. To understand and attribute them to this or that type of circulatory disorders in the spinal cord is only a neurologist. Depending on which artery initiated the defeat of the spinal cord, and in which part there was a failure, the symptomatology will change, so spinal strokes are characterized by various syndromes. Their manifestations depend on the degree of damage and localization, while the higher the pathological center will be located, the wider there will be a damage zone, the more manifestations will be present in the clinical picture.

Right tactic

Such a trouble may happen suddenly and anywhere. Of course, when a person suddenly "land left under his feet," he is lost and can be confused by people nearby. In addition, involuntary urination can be possible, which will choose a patient from the usual rut.

Unfortunately, in our time such cases are often written off on the state of alcohol intoxication, while a person needs emergency care. Having lost the motor activity and temperature sensitivity, during the cold season it can also be overcooked. Then new in the form of inflammation of the lungs can be added to existing problems, which is very dangerous in such states. therefore calling the ambulance brigade will be the most correct action of others..

Patients with suspected circulatory disruption in the spinal curtain are subject to mandatory hospitalization in the establishment of a neurological profile. Treating homes such diseases should not be treated, for for diagnosis and treatment, appropriate knowledge, qualifications and equipment are needed.

As in the cases of a cerebral stroke, a disorder of the spinal circulation is treated depending on whether the ischemic spinal stroke of a person's posture or a breakdown of a vessel (the vascular "ball" in arteriovenous malformation) and hemorrhage occurred.

Treatment, as a rule, provides for the appointment of diuretic drugs to reduce edema (Laziks), medicines that improve blood circulation (Actovegin) and metabolic processes (mildronat) in the zone of spinal brain damage. A good effect is provided by drugs that contribute to the regeneration of nervous tissue (cerebralizin), which, with significant damage in this very much.

Specific Treatment in the case of a spinal infarction reduces to the appointment . But hemorrhages and formed due to its hematoma (especially as a result of traumatic impact) are often removed surgically.

If, when the patient arrives in the hospital, it turns out that the cause of the appropriate stroke of the clinical picture is a tumor or vertebrate hernia (compression with tissue necrosis), then the above-mentioned and main diagnosis is considered to be the above-mentioned pathology, and damage to the spinal cord, if such occurred, go as complications. In this case, the treatment will be directed to liquidation Direct causes of the disease.

Recovery is possible?

This question is worried about all: both the patient himself, and close people, especially if there is a violation of the function of the pelvic organs, which often turn out to be the most difficult to solve. It is possible to understand the psychological state of a person who is not able to control the natural need of the body, so warm attitude of loved ones people I. help psychologist He probably would not prevent him.

Usually immediately after the appearance of symptoms, patients (and more often their relatives) are trying to learn what the person expects in his future life. In each particular case, it is correct to assess the situation and answer the question can only the attending physician, however, In general, the forecast for the spinal stroke is favorable. Lethal outputs he usually does not giveIf the disease does not complicate another pathology. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, care (prevention of legs and stagnant pneumonia), moral support in most cases helps the patient to fully cope with the ailment.

Fortunately, the frequency of such severe lesions is not as high, patients are mainly restored and lost the lost functions. The consequences of the spinal cord stroke are directly dependent on the degree of damage to the nervous tissue, the age of the patient and the state of its body as a whole. The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, spine, exchange (diabetes mellitus, obesity) can hydrate the course of the disease and prevent the rapid restoration of the spinal cord functions.

Unfortunately, it happens that disorders of sensitivity and disorders of the intestinal function, the urogenital tract, the limbs remain for a long time, if not for life, therefore the recovery period should be saturated with all sorts of activities aimed at eliminating the effects of the disease. This is I. physiotherapeutic procedures, I. massage, I. physiotherapy. Often, such measures are more efficient than the most expensive drugs.

The spine in a person who suffered a violation of the spinal circulation, in his future life becomes a particularly vulnerable place, so attention should be paid to orthopedic devices (mattresses, corsets)which you need to use not only during the rehabilitation period. Patients are quickly getting used to them and consider constant and indispensable attribute to reduce the load on the vertebral pole.

In the rehabilitation period, the patient should not forget:

  • O and preventing the development of an atherosclerotic process;
  • On the dangers of smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • About physical education and water procedures, because "Movement is life";
  • About vitamins growing in forests, gardens and gardens.

In general, everything is as always -. It will be very useful in such a situation and a trip to the sanatorium of the appropriate profile, where walks and wellness treatments will help to quickly come back and forget about past experiences.

Video: A complex of preventive exercises for the back

The stroke is characteristic of the brain, but if it has arisen in the dorsal, it will involve no less severe consequences.

The spinal cord is a central link of many reflex arcs, neurons and fibers are switched in it, it controls the activities of internal organs.

The possibility of rehabilitation after the transferred spinal ischemic stroke occurs only in the case of a speedy receipt to the hospital, long observation by the doctor and painstaking work on itself. With untimely treatment, the patient threatens disability.

So that the disease does not lead to an irreparable result, it is important to know its symptoms, to unconditionally follow therapeutic techniques and work with a psychologist.

A spinal ischemic stroke is a sudden state resulting from blocking blood flow in the spinal cord.

As a result, the nerve cells do not receive nutrition and the function of the body are upset.

This state is fraught with dangerous consequences, so treatment must begin as early as possible.

A spinal stroke accounts for about 1% of all strokes. They equally suffer from men and women after 30 years.

Spinal ischemic stroke: consequences

The prediction of the patient's state depends on the damaged source, the brain department, the area of \u200b\u200blesion, age and the concomitant diseases.

Residual motor, sensitive or pelvic disorders lead to incapacity. Muscle weakness makes it difficult to maintain biological needs.

Unauthorized emptying of the bladder and rectum, continuous drip selection of urine brings psychological discomfort.

If the sensitivity is impaired, a sense of recognition of the place on the body is lost, recognition of items to the touch.

This can lead to loss of ability to work (for the cutter, musician).

Death occurs with undermining tumor operations, aortic damage, myocardial infarction and attached complications of the urogenital system.

If the treatment has begun on time and rehabilitol, adequate events were drawn up, in half cases there are complete recovery.

Do you know that many types of strokes can be safely warned? Useful information about the prevention and prevention of this disease here. This memo will be useful for everyone.

Rehabilitation after a spinal stroke

Restoration can take from six months to several years.

It is necessary to be ready for such a long wait, because at this time the usual lifestyle changes, patients learn to re-adapt and need psychological assistance.

Comprehensive professional rehabilitation activities are indispensable here, often designed for a particular individual.

During the recovery period once every six months, prescribed drug courses are repeated.

Medical and surgical treatment

Therapeutic therapy is aimed at:

  • intensification of blood circulation in the affected area;
  • elimination of the cause of blood circulation;
  • bringing physiological functions into a normal state.

In hernia, osteochondrosis, tumors require surgical treatment. In other cases, prescribe:

  • antichetting (dusting blood) drugs: heparin, aspirin, chief;
  • diuretic (anti-voice): Laziks;
  • medicines that improve the nutrition of the nervous tissue (expand the vessels and eliminate their spasm): Instenon, Cavinton, Nicergolin;
  • protecting drug vessels: Trokevazin, Askorutin, Eskusan;
  • protecting neurons Funds: Tanakan, Nootropyl, Actovegin;
  • improving the conductivity of the nervous fiber: neuromidine;
  • anti-inflammatory: ibuprofen, diclofenac;
  • reduced muscle tone: Baclofen, Middokalm;
  • Vitamins B, restoring the nervous system.

Be sure to discharge drugs that help the spinal cord to receive oxygen.

An antidepressant may be shown to the patient to appoint a psychotherapist.

During treatment and rehabilitation, if necessary, blood is bred by plasma, physically influence.

These procedures are aimed at reducing blood viscosity, preventing the unification of a large number of uniform elements together, the nutrition of small capillary networks.

Sometimes it is used to immobilize the damaged spine, pulling out. This reduces the increased muscle tone.

Physiotherapeutic events

Since the consequences of the stroke last for years, alone drugs are not enough.

An integral part of recovery procedures is therapeutic physical education.

When the patient does not yet own the body, a passive massage helps him (a partner or under the influence of external factors), when he controls the actions - a complex of static and dynamic exercises.

Passive movements are conducted using special simulators that allow you to "reset" the mass of your body and focus on the performance of the parts.

Exercise first consist in simple bending or extension of the limbs, then the patient is engaged on the dosage load devices. Also, for example, the patient may be invited to hold a large rubber ball between the legs.

Physiotherapy is often used: electrophoresis, phonophoresis, muscle electrostimulation, laser therapy, treatment with a magnetic field, specially targeted currents, massage and acupuncture.

Muscle strength will add underwater shower, hydrogen sulfide baths, paraffin or wax appliques.

To return the sensitivity to the hands, a special simulator is applied - a rubber ball-Hedgehog, which is massaged with a patient's hand, especially the back side of the palm. The stimulation of blood circulation is achieved through the ring of a special form due to repeated dressing and removing it on each finger. Motoric brushes is activated by applying to the pillows of a small rug with long spikes.

There is a manual simulator in the form of a frame with parallel thick threads, the tension force of which can be adjusted.

On it, patients disconnect and connect the threads, because for them the implementation of such movements is often difficult.

Many patients learn to go anew with the help of canes, stuffs, crutches, orthopedic shoes and other means.

With the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the corset is used. To reduce the load on the spine after transferred stroke, the orthopedic mattress and the corset should use the remaining life.

To return to the patient the opportunity to go, the rehabilitation centers use a floating image simulator - the apparatus worn on his feet in a lying position and exposed to currents on the support zones of the foot.

The principle of its effectiveness is that the flow of electripults activates the motorcycle area of \u200b\u200bthe crust, and from the brain there is a reverse signal to the legs that a person walks.

The suit of axial loading helps to restore walking, its pace and individual features of the gait.

After a transferred ischemia, a person becomes insensitive to touch, pressure, vibration, increased the tone of chewing muscles.

It is also possible to pain near the mouth or ear in one half of the person, the closure of the eyelids is disturbed by danger, the eye does not close when irritating, the taste sensitivity is reduced or absent.

It is possible to preserve some types of sensitivity in the loss of others, as well as the diversion of the lower jaw, herpes on the skin, violation of chewing, paralysis of the tongue, deviation of it to the side, paralysis of the hands or legs on the half, where the language is rejected. In this case, the patient is offered to "click" by the language near the nose, frown, do various facial exercises and the other.

Professional guidance and social adaptation of patients staying in the sanatorium are equally important.

The key to the successful tactics of treatment and recovery is not to lower your hands and do not despair! The patient must be confident in the correctness of its path and an indispensable occurrence of recovery, even after time or in case of much effort.

One of the most common types of stroke is a very deplorable.

The best period for rehabilitation is half a year after discharge from the hospital. In this case, hypertension is the main risk factor for the re-development of the spinal cord stroke.

To return to a full-fledged life after a spinal ischemic stroke, it is necessary to move as much as possible, treat cardiovascular and neurological diseases, osteochondrosis, control the level of cholesterol; With the slightest doubts immediately appeal for medical help.

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