New Year's craft technology project. Creative project on the technology "New Year's toy snow maiden". How and how to decorate a group for the New Year

MBOU Pavlovsk secondary school

Christmas decorations

(social project)

Project participants students of grades 1-4

Scientific adviser:

Karpova Nina Stepanovna - teacher

primary school


    Work plan ……………………………..……….……….4

    Information stage:

a) about the tradition and history of Christmas decorations………………………………………………….……..5

b) survey of villagers……………………………12

    Practical and creative stage……………......………..13




1.Introduction. Project rationale

Every year on New Year's Eve, a school in our village of Pavlovo sets Christmas tree. Most often, it is decorated only with electric garlands. They wink cheerfully in the evening to everyone who is nearby.

So we decided to make New Year's toys for our rural Christmas tree together with our parents and teacher. The guys in our class understood that there was no need to shelve the worries about preparing and decorating the New Year's beauty for this wonderful holiday for the most last days. In modern stores you can see a lot of Christmas tree decorations, but the most beautiful Christmas decorations are those that are made by yourself!

The problem (idea) of the project.

    What toys are most loved by children?

    What is the most durable toy material for a street tree?

    What New Year's toys were used to decorate Christmas trees in the old days?

    Will the guys from other classes respond to our call to decorate a rural Christmas tree.

Hypothesis: if each of us tries to make a beautiful and durable New Year's toy, then our Christmas tree will become even more elegant and will delight with its beauty even more.

Objective of the project: for the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree in the village with beautiful and durable hand-made toys.

    To study the history of the origin of the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on New Year and Christmas.

    To study information about the history of Christmas decorations.

    Show your creativity, accuracy and diligence in terms of making toys with your own hands.

    Invite other guys to support us in this New Year's endeavor.

    Decorate the Christmas tree of the village for the New Year. Create a joyful good New Year spirit.

Subject of study: making Christmas decorations with your own hands, using various materials for making toys.

Project type by content- informational and practical, the duration of the implementation is 10 days.

Work plan:

    Collection and study of information about the history of Christmas decorations.

    Questioning of villagers: what Christmas decorations can you make with your own hands?

    The choice of model and material from which the toy will be made.

    The practical part is making jewelry.

    Decoration of the Christmas tree of our village.


Project execution mechanism:

The main executors of the project are 3rd grade students. The project will be coordinated by the primary school teacher Karpova N.S. and 3rd grade parents. Financial support for the project is not required.

We divided the entire work on the project into 3 stages:

Informative, practical and final.

Project progress.


At the beginning of our work on the project, we wanted to learn more about the history of the Christmas decoration. We turned to the librarian T.A. Aniskova. and she told us and showed us presentations on slides about wonderfully interesting and unexpectedly beautiful New Year's toys.

It turns out that the custom of decorating a tree for the New Year arose a very long time ago, even the ancient tribes who worshiped the spirit of the forest tried to appease the "main" tree, bringing gifts to it and decorating it in every way. It didn't have to be the fir. In Egypt, for example, they were palm trees. It is interesting that the Slavs did not decorate a Christmas tree, but an oak or a birch, since in their then pagan beliefs it was these trees that were closest to the divine principle. Spruce as a Christmas tree arose thanks to Christianity, it was called the "tree of Christ", giving it special honors at Christmas. By the 17th century in most European countries, it has become a recognized symbol of Christmas and New Year.

And the first toys were just sweets: nuts, fruits, gingerbread wrapped in gold and silver paper, as well as paper roses and other colors.

The top of the Christmas tree was crowned with a star spire, a reminder of the star, which showed the Magi the way to the birthplace of Christ.

The first Christmas-tree gilded and silver-plated tinsel aroused delight both in children and adults. Here is what the legend tells about its origin.

Since the Christ Child was born in a manger, people believed that animals should also take part in the Christmas celebration. Everyone was invited except the spiders. Of course, the spiders were offended and complained to Jesus. He took pity on them and decided that he would let them into the house late at night to show them the festive trees. Delighted spiders crawled all night long in the branches of Christmas trees, entangling them with cobwebs. In the morning, the housewives saw the Christmas trees woven with cobwebs, but instead of being angry, they were delighted, because at night Christ turned the entire cobweb into sparkling tinsel.

Since glass toys were expensive, they began to come up with other technologies for making toys. In Russia, toys began to be made from cotton wool, paper, plastic, and foam.

The basis for the figurine of a cotton man was a wire frame wrapped with cotton wool, the face in the form of a mask was formed from mastic, papier-mâché or wax, then it was primed, painted and manually painted with a brush eyes, eyebrows, lips, blushed cheeks with a cotton swab. The finished figure was covered with glue, usually a starch paste, and sprinkled with glass snow, giving the cotton wool a resemblance to a shimmering sparkling snow cover. To receive such artificial snow they blew a ball with the thinnest walls and dropped the ball into a special box, where it crumbled into small scales. Large figures up to 1 meter, usually depicting Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, were placed under the Christmas tree. It was these large figures that turned out to be real centenarians among cotton toys.

Another popular type of toys, twisted from dyed cotton wool on wire frame, were vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries. They were a symbol of abundance. The rounded symmetrical shape of most fruits made it possible to mechanize the production process.

spindle machine

In 1936, at the Leningrad factory "Gigrovata" they began to use a machine for winding cotton wool.

Despite attempts to mechanize the production of cotton wool as much as possible Christmas decorations, until the 1950s they remain handmade. In the future, it is no longer produced, since this required manual labor.

Still popular at that time were toys for the manufacture of which paper was used. This technology began to develop in Germany from the middle of the 19th century. Cardboard toys are called "Dresden". Very beautiful jewelry were obtained from two pieces of cardboard glued together with a pattern mirrored on them, slightly convex. Toys, thus, turned out to be double-sided and covered with silver or colored foil, its luminous surface reflected magic light Christmas tree candles.

What are the toys were created at the end of the 19th first half of the 20th century. The most exciting and fragile artistic decorations were collected from glass beads and elongated cylinders (glass beads). They have been produced in the area of ​​Jablonec nad Nisou in factories in North Bohemia (then the Czech Republic) since the middle of the 19th century. Silver-plated, polished or even gilded beads were masterfully stretched and bent into various forms on thin lines.

In 1848 year, in the city of Lausch in Thuringia (Germany) the first Christmas balls.

The legend says that this year was not fruitful for apples, which means that there was nothing to hang on the Christmas tree. In order not to break the tradition, the Germans replaced apples with glass balls.

The town of Lausch became famous for its glassblowing industry and has been home to glassblowers since the 12th century. Lausch, located in the river valley, had many of the factors necessary for the development of glassmaking: wood (for kindling glass furnaces) and sand. Craftsmen from Laush made glasses, glasses, bottles, vases, beads, and even eyes for dolls from glass.
In 1848, a decree was issued on the use of silver balls from Laushi as Christmas decorations.

And then, during the Second World War, paramilitary Christmas decorations were produced: soldiers, tanks, pistols, dogs - orderlies. After the war, peaceful toys began to be produced: characters from fairy tales, Christmas tree hockey players, and various animals.

– In the 1950s, a fashion for glass beads appeared, after the film “Carnival Night”, toy watches appeared.

- In the exploration of space by mankind appeared: toys - satellites, astronauts, rockets, balls with painting on space theme.

- Then they began to produce toys on clothespins

– Nowadays, the design of toys has become more diverse: cones, pyramids, icicles, bells.

- With each era, unique toys were created. Home-made Christmas tree decorations were "high fashion".

2) Questioning of residents and students of our village

Here's what interesting information we learned in the library!

And we will make New Year's toys with our own hands. Now you need to interview the villagers:

    Should I add to electric garlands handmade toys?

    What toys would you like to see on the Christmas tree?

    Do you want to take part in decorating the Christmas tree?

We interviewed 28 villagers: pensioners, collective farmers, workers, teachers, students. According to the results of the survey, all residents spoke in favor of children's crafts decorating our Christmas tree.

What toys do you prefer?

Practical creative work.

Now we know what toys to make. But what material is most durable for crafts was told to us by parents and a teacher. We discussed and understood that it is most accessible to make a toy from thick foil. Such toys will sparkle in the sun and decorate the Christmas tree in a New Year's way. Further, the available material is multi-colored plastic bottles. Toys made from this material will last for years, and many have suggested soft polyethylene. Work is in full swing! Not only the children of our class, but also girls and boys from the extended day group, along with the tutor S.P. Moiseeva, were carried away in our New Year's workshop. Thank them! For several days, together with my parents, we thought about toy models, then cut out the necessary details, glued and decorated. Miracles happen - we got wonderful Christmas tree decorations!


We did a great job in the workshop of Santa Claus. have done a lot different toys. Students from other classes and parents helped us. The whole week was creative, busy interesting business. Each of us made our own toy. We think that the Christmas tree liked this gift.

The history of the Christmas tree toy.

Stacked, wrapped, under snow-white cotton wool,

Counting the days - minutes, sleep quietly, serenely

Glass creatures - princesses and frogs,

And in them - the memories were buried, like in pillows.

But once a year the treasured box opens,

And the multi-colored mystery spreads throughout the world.

And to everyone, and to everyone, standing in thought,

It will seem, this is important, this is real.

And the Christmas tree melody forgotten and eternal -

New Year's glow, like endless childhood

Merinova Hope

creative project by technology" Christmas toy"made by a student of grade 8 and has an environmental focus. New Year's toy "Santa Claus" is made using an empty plastic bottle.



Municipal educational institution "Basic school No. 12"

Creative project on technology

8th grade student

Head: Naumova M.V.,

technology teacher

Tara, 2010

1. Introduction …………………….………………………………………………………………2

1.1. The purpose of the project…………………………………………………………………………........3

1.2. Project objectives ……………………………………………………………………………….3

1.3. Justification for the choice of the project topic ………………………………………………………...4

1.4.Tools and accessories for work……………………………………………….5

2. Main body

2.1. Christmas toy: history and today ………………………………………..6

2.2. The main problems of project implementation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Safety rules ………...………………................................... ................nine

2.4. Work sequence ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Final stage

3.1. . Environmental justification…………………………………………………………....12

3.2. Calculation of the cost of the product………………………………………………………......12

3.3. Evaluation of the finished product………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Conclusion

4.1.List of used sources………………………………………………………….15

Make a New Year's toy for the Christmas tree of the microdistrict.

  1. Consider the design and decoration of a New Year's toy.
  2. Show off your creativity.
  3. Make a New Year's toy according to the chosen idea.

Decorating the Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday is one of the most enjoyable and exciting activities. And decorations for this occasion can be the most diverse. You can buy New Year's toys in the store, or you can make a little effort and make an exclusive version with your own hands!

And it’s especially nice when your work is seen not only by close relatives, but also by people completely unfamiliar to you.

The students of our school annually decorate new year's beauty in our neighborhood. And I would like my work to make the attribute of the new year, the Christmas tree, even more beautiful and attractive.

Getting started on the manufacture of New Year's toys, I set myself two questions:

  1. What New Year's toy to make?
  2. What materials are used to make it?

During the discussion of this work, I came to the conclusion that the main character of the New Year is Santa Claus. And what is Santa Claus without his assistant, so you need to make a Snow Maiden.

For work you will need

  1. plastic bottle from mineral water for the body of Santa Claus.
  2. face skin
  3. PVA glue
  4. brush
  5. small sequins
  6. colorful pieces of fabric
  7. colored paper
  8. colored plastic bag
  9. scissors
  10. cotton wool
  11. soft cardboard
  12. rope for hanging


  1. scissors
  2. awl
  3. iron

Each person associates a magical, fabulous New Year's holiday with something of his own, his own. But, probably, like the author of the article, for many, a premonition of the holiday appears simultaneously with the appearance on store shelves of wonderful, sparkling and fragile creations - New Year's toys. This is something from childhood, from the depths of memory - a feeling of quiet joy that arises at one glance at the iridescent glare reflected from the glass round side of the Christmas tree ball…

One of the symbols of the holiday, the New Year's toy has its own, extremely interesting story. At the end of the Middle Ages, the inhabitants European countries started decorating their homes for the New Year. Despite repeated bans from the authorities, people brought evergreen branches into their homes. It became really fashionable to decorate trees in the first half of the 16th century. Classic Rules decorations of the "Christmas" tree have not changed to this day. The “Star of Bethlehem” at the crown, “apples” - today they are balls - personified the biblical “forbidden fruit”, burning candles (today these are all kinds of electric garlands). And also in the Middle Ages, waffle figurines were necessarily hung on the branches of the New Year's tree - as a prototype of unleavened bread, which was used during the rite of communion. It must be said that until the middle of the 18th century, decorations were exclusively edible. Nuts, sweets and fruits were added to the items described above. From the second half of XVIII For centuries, Christmas decorations have become more ornate: paper flowers, gilded fir cones and empty eggshells, as well as chased brass figures - fairies, angels, etc. Silver stars, flowers, and tinsel appeared in the 18th century. And in 1848, in the town of Lausch in Thuringia, the first Christmas balls were made. They were made from colored or clear glass, covered with a layer of lead from the inside, and decorated with sparkles on the outside. Every year, more and more new types of “design”, as they would say today, Christmas balls were invented. And in 1867, a gas plant was opened in Lausche. With the help of gas burners with a flame very high temperature, glassblowers were able to produce thin-walled balls of any size. The unhealthy lead coating was replaced with silver nitrate. Craftsmen could blow almost anything: not only balls, but also bunches of grapes, birds, fish, figurines of Santa Claus, jugs and amphoras. The toys were painted with silver and gold dust. For several decades, the workshops in Laush were monopolists in the production of Christmas decorations. At the beginning of the 20th century they were replaced by Bohemia (Czech Republic), Poland, the USA and Japan. And then other countries began to produce these fragile and beautiful products. It was then that the fashion for different types of toys and ways of decorating Christmas trees arose. Until 1900, it was believed that the Christmas tree should be bright and catchy, strewn with toys; at the beginning of the twentieth century, Christmas trees in the style of "minimalism" were popular - strict, unpretentious, in silver-white colors. And later came the trend to decorate Christmas trees with figures made of gilded and silver paper and cardboard and straw stars. In the history of Christmas decorations, the German cities of Dresden and Leipzig were especially noted, in which techno-style toys appeared - steamboats, airships, musical instruments, horse-drawn carriages, as well as toys in the form of animals: elephants, bears, frogs, pheasants ...

In Russia, as you know, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Peter the Great, and he also ordered that it was the spruce that became the main christmas tree. But the real custom of decorating a Christmas tree and doing it precisely for Christmas, which was celebrated on December 25 and was the main holiday (and the New Year was just a continuation), came to Russia under Nicholas the First. His wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, nee Princess Charlotte of Prussia, transferred to Russia the custom of decorating a home with a Christmas tree with burning candles. This tradition, and also the custompresent On Christmas present , laying them out under the tree or hanging them directly on the branches, very soon gained popularity first among the courtiers, therefore throughout St. Petersburg, and then throughout Russia. Favorite toys throughout for long years there were, again, edible products - shortcrust pastry figures that were wrapped in colored, gold or silver foil, as well as gilded nuts, apples and, of course, candles. Many toys were made by hand from improvised materials. The first glass toys that appeared in Russia were German-made. But domestic masters quickly realized how profitable this business was. In addition to glass toys, toys made of cloth, cotton wool and papier-mâché were also produced in Russia.

The development of the Christmas tree decorations industry in Russia was interrupted after the revolution of 1917, more precisely, from the beginning of 1927, when an ideological threat to Soviet power was seen in the New Year tree. Until 1935, the celebration of Christmas and New Year was banned. In 1935, on December 28, an article appeared in the Pravda newspaper: “Let's organize for the New Yearchildrengood tree!" From that moment began the "rehabilitation" of the holiday undeservedly taken away from the people. In early January 1937, a huge, 15-meter fir tree was installed in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions and a grandiose celebration was held. Since then, the New Year, Christmas trees and the release of Christmas decorations have returned to the lives of Soviet citizens. Toys of those years look according to historical realities: "paratroopers" made of cotton wool, glass airships with the inscription "USSR" ... In 1937 - a curious fact - a series of Christmas balls was also released ... with the image of members of the Politburo! (probably, it was very scary to hang them on the Christmas tree - what if you break one of the party leaders?).

During the Great Patriotic War, toys were also produced, in limited quantities, of course. Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year was obligatory - this ceremony reminded of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for an early victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs"; even Santa Claus New Year's cards beat the Nazis...

After the war, January 1 again became a day off (this happened in 1947). And the Christmas decorations have become peaceful again. In 1949, for the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, toys depicting the characters of the poet's fairy tales were released. While Stalin was in power in the country, everyone, including toy manufacturers, was guided by his opinion. Stalin had great respect for hockey - accordingly, "Christmas tree hockey players" appeared, he loved the circus - circus characters appeared on the Christmas trees. In the early 1950s, when there was a tension with food in the country, many toys were made in the form of fruits, berries and vegetables (of course, inedible). Appeared and fairy tale characters: Aibolit, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Chipollino, various animals: squirrels, bears, hares ... Then, in the 50s, there was a fashion for glass beads and compositions from glass balls, beads and sticks. After the release of the famous film by E. Ryazanov “Carnival Night”, Christmas decorations appeared in the form of a clock, on which the hands froze in the position “five minutes to twelve” (remember the song - “Five minutes, five minutes ...”?)

In the 1960s, "cobs of corn" and "sheaves of wheat" were hung on Christmas trees. And in the New Year's decorations, the exploration of space by mankind was reflected. There were "satellites", "cosmonauts", "rockets", balloons with drawings on space subjects. Also in the 60s, the first electric christmas garlands. Initially, they looked very simple: bulbs-balls, painted in different colors: blue, yellow, red, sometimes painted with snowflakes and “frost patterns”, attached to a wire that was plugged into an outlet. No relays have been made yet, so the bulbs just burned, without “blinking”. But, compared with candles, the fire hazard has decreased many times over (more than one tree burned down as a result of the use of candles and sparklers; dwellings also suffered). Later, more advanced electric garlands appeared, which we use to this day.

In the 1970s, toy design becomes less diverse. Factory Christmas decorations "stamped" similar friend a series of balls, "cones", "pyramids", "icicles" and "bells" ... There were, however, animals of an indefinite breed (either bears, or dogs J), as well as such interesting specimens as snowflakes with a sickle and hammer. In the 70s, many clothespin toys were also produced. In the 1980s, the production of serial toys that did not differ in original design ideas continued. Many of us still have them. Sometimes you come to visit someone - and you look, on the Christmas tree a ball hangs exactly the same as at your place! J In fact, they are not so bad - balls of various colors, with silver and gold plating, with pasted flowers and stars. And, for example, green and purple "bumps", as if sprinkled with sugar, in the opinion of the author, are completely cool! In the 1970s and 80s, foil “rain” became popular, as well as fluffy, prickly tinsel - silver, orange, yellow ... When all this adorned poor Soviet shop windows on the eve of the New Year, it became somehow especially pleasant to go to stores ... In the 1970s, the fashion to decorate the Christmas tree richly and varied returned, however, many hung everything from above with “rain” so much that the decorations became almost invisible ...

The tradition of decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a star, as we mentioned earlier, has existed since the Middle Ages. However, in the USSR Star of Bethlehem replaced with ruby ​​red - similar to those that appeared during the Soviet era on the Kremlin towers. From an ideological point of view, everything is absolutely clear ... The Soviet ideology has sunk into oblivion, but, curiously, in many houses such stars (they were produced until the mid-80s) have been preserved. For some, these stars even have light bulbs inside and are “tied” to an electric garland relay. And people continue, according to the old habit, to put them on the tops of the Christmas trees. So in your own way unique design The "Soviet Christmas tree" - rich, sparkling decoration plus a red five-pointed star on top - continues to be preserved today. But who said it's bad? Looks at least not in the worst way, and given the return of fashion for Soviet paraphernalia ...

... In the 1990s, many Christmas balls with the image of animals - symbols of the coming year. Since the late 1980s, the country has been conquered by the fashion for all kinds of horoscopes, and this could not but affect the New Year's industry. This trend is alive to this day: balls with animals, animal figurines are produced in huge quantities and are always popular.

Today, in the production of Christmas tree decorations, there is partly a "return to the roots." Hand-painted balloons are produced, with amazingly carefully painted landscapes, pictures of the Russian winter, as well as state symbols (for example, last year's series depicting the Moscow Kremlin).

A few years ago there wasfashionable western tradition decorate Christmas trees with balls of two colors that combine with each other, for example, red and gold, blue and silver, and also tie brocade bows on the branches. And no tinsel or "rain"! True, this fashion did not captivate our compatriots for long, and soon homemade Christmas trees returned to traditional look: as many decorations as possible so that the green needles on the tree are not visible. True, offices and shops are still more often decorated with “Western” Christmas trees, apparently because of the more “official” look of the Christmas tree with balls of two colors.

Popular one time flow - to buy artificial Christmas trees shades that are not natural for this tree - white, gold, blue or even bright red - and decorating them with balls of the same size and color is no longer very relevant today. However, if you like this option - no problem, you can find these multi-colored trees on sale.

Since the early 2000s, original, “home-made” (and sometimes they are!) toys have become popular - also a kind of return to the past. Figures made of straw, paper, hanks of wool and pieces of cloth; plush animals, felt swans and angels… in general, all kinds of “Hand-made”. And the fashion for Soviet retro toys forced many to climb into the bowels of their grandmother's mezzanines or old chests of drawers - where the old ones could be hidden as unnecessary. new Year decoration. If you haven't done it yet, do it this year! A Christmas tree decorated in the “vintage” style has been considered “fashion” for two or three years already! In addition, you may come across truly unique, antique specimens ...

Rules for working with cutting objects
1. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors!
2. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.

3. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting,
5. Don't leave scissors open.
6. Pass the scissors rings forward.
7. Do not play with scissors, do not bring it to your face.
8. Use scissors for their intended purpose.

Rules for working with piercing objects
1. Keep the needle always in the needle case.
2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without a thread.
3. Pass the needle in the needle case and with thread.
4. Do not take the needle into your mouth, do not play with the needle.
5. Do not stick the needle into clothing.
6. Use a thimble while working.
7. Before and after work, check the number of needles.
8. Keep the needle bar with the needle always in the same place.
9. While working, stick the needle into the needle bar.
10. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.

Body making.

  1. Coat a plastic bottle with glue, wrap it in cotton wool, cut off excess cotton wool.

2. Make a hole in the bottom and cork of the bottle. Fold the rope holder in half and stretch it through the bottle and cork. The knot should be at the bottom, the loop at the top.

3. At the bottom, to hide the knot from the rope, glue cotton wool.

4. Cover part of the body with a cloth, securing it with PVA glue.

5. Cut out two rectangles for hands from soft cardboard. Roll them into a cylinder, glue them with a cloth. Glue the arms to the body.

6. Cut out a collar from cardboard. Cover with fabric on both sides. Glue the finished collar to the body.

7. Decorate the bottom and middle of the robe, the bottom of the sleeves, the collar with cotton wool and shiny stars.

Making a hat

  1. Cut out the side and upper part caps (rectangle and circle).
  2. Make a hole in the hat and pass a loop of the holder rope through it.
  3. Wrap it with a cloth, fill the excess fabric inside and glue it to the cardboard.
  4. decorate the bottom and top of the hat with cotton wool.
  5. Glue a shiny star in the center.

Face shaping

  1. Cut out and glue the eyes to the face.
  2. For the nose, cut an oval out of red fabric. Put a piece of cotton wool in the center of the oval, pull it off with threads. Attach the finished nose to the face.
  3. Cut out the mouth of Santa Claus from the skin, glue it to the face.
  4. Glue the bonds and the cotton beard.

New Year's toy is ready. Can be hung on the tree

When determining the material for this work, I was guided by an environmental focus. If we use empty plastic bottles for making crafts, then they will be thrown out less and pollute the streets of our city, and the ecological state of our city of Tara will be a little better.

  1. Cotton wool.

We use 1 roll of cotton wool at a price of 18 rubles.

  1. PVA glue.

We use 1 bottle at a price of 12 rubles

  1. Cloth for robe and hat

We use the remnants of fabric from labor lessons.

  1. Skin for face.

We use the leftovers from leather products.

  1. Soft cardboard (drawing paper).

For work, we purchased 1 drawing paper at a price of 8 rubles. We used half, that is, we spent 4 rubles.

  1. Rope for hanging.

Used part of a clothesline.

  1. Plastic bottle of mineral water.

We use a previously purchased bottle of mineral water.

Economic calculations showed that 34 rubles were spent to make a New Year's toy for the microdistrict Christmas tree.

The finished work has a finished look. The New Year's toy I made turned out to be festive and elegant. Its size will draw the attention of the residents of our microdistrict to it when they come to New Year's performance near the tree. Perhaps I will be lucky enough to win some prize for an original toy. I am very glad that I will take part in decorating the Christmas tree of the microdistrict.

Balls, snowflakes and crackers -
new year toys,
Choose any color here:
silver, gold,
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
Happy New Year
We will gather all our friends
To make it more fun.

Christmas toys are also a symbol of the New Year. A handmade symbol of the New Year will bring happiness to the master. Make more homemade Christmas toys and the whole year will be filled with happiness and joy for you.

  1. the history of Christmas decorations.
  2. DIY Christmas decorations.
Project "Christmas toys".

Time new year holidays- this is the time of magic and mysterious transformations, the time of the beautiful, good fairy tale that comes to every home. Everyone, young and old, is looking forward to the new year, and every family is busy new year's chores, shopping. Bright, colorfully sparkling shop windows invite us to purchase exclusive New Year's goods, but once upon a time, a handmade toy was considered the most expensive and desirable New Year's decoration. The process of making toys united, rallied the whole family, everyone tried to do something special, unique to decorate their Christmas tree and home.
Project type.

Cognitive and creative, long-term (November-December)

Objective of the project. By the New Year, decorate the group, the Christmas tree and the site with toys made by the hands of the pupils. To create a joyful, positive mood on the eve of the New Year, to arouse in children an interest in the history of New Year's toys and a desire to independently make and decorate with them not only a kindergarten, but also their apartments together with their parents.
Educational areas: knowledge, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, socialization, music, Physical Culture, work, health, safety.

  • To give children an idea about the history of the holiday in our country, its traditions.

  • To form social and spiritual qualities in children through the organization of various activities.

  • To acquaint with the variety and stages of making New Year's toys in different time periods.

  • Formation of communication skills of children, the ability to maintain friendly relations between children in joint activities.

  • Development of coherent speech, expansion vocabulary children, fantasy, creativity.

  • Encourage the active involvement of parents in joint activities with a child in a family environment and kindergarten.

Stages of implementation.
Stage 1 preparatory.

  • What is the name of your favorite winter holiday?

  • How did it originate in our country?

  • What characters are the main ones on New Year's holiday?

  • Where did Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden come from?

  • How do you decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year?

  • What Christmas toys do you know?

  • What are Christmas toys made of?

  • How can we prepare for the New Year's Eve?

Stage 2 development.

  • Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

  • Organization of the mini-museum "Yolochnaya toy".

  • Drawing up lecture notes, selection of presentations and videos.

  • Selection of poems, physical education minutes, small forms of folklore.

  • Selection of books, illustrative material.

  • Selection of didactic games.

  • Selection of musical repertoire.

  • Involving parents in the current project.

Stage 3 is formative (cognitive and creative).




  • Excursion to the local history museum of the city "History of the New Year tree"

  • Compilation of stories "How our family celebrates the New Year."

  • Watching videos "The Story of One Thing", "Toy Factory", "Toy Making"

  • Speech games "In the forest by the Christmas tree", "Telegram to Santa Claus",

  • Viewing presentations "History of a Christmas tree toy", "Santa Claus and Santa Claus", "Everything about Santa Claus",

  • Handmade from paper paper garland”, “Cones”, “Christmas tree”, “Balls from old postcards”, “Horse is a symbol of the year”.

  • Watching cartoons on the New Year theme.

Reading art. Literature.

  • E. Blaginina "About the Christmas tree, about the gray wolf, about the dragonfly and the poor goat."

  • K. Chukovsky "Yolka"

  • S. Mikhalkov "There was a Christmas tree in the forest."

  • V. Lvovsky "March of Christmas decorations"

  • V. Berestov "New Year's incident"

  • G. Uncle "Ball"

  • Russian folk tale "Morozko".

  • N. Podlesova "Santa Claus and icicle"

  • V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".

  • Evening of riddles "Christmas box".

  • Learning poems for the New Year's party.

Artistic creativity.

  • Decorative drawing "Christmas balls" and "Grandfather Frost" based on the Dymkovo painting.

  • Drawing "New Year's toy", "New Year tree", "Our family celebrates the New Year."

  • Fabric appliqué "Christmas garland".

  • Christmas themed coloring pages.


  • “Pick up a word” (Santa Claus, what? Adjectives).

  • "The fourth extra" (classification of toys, items on the New Year's theme)

  • "Find a Christmas tree" (development of attention)

  • Circle toy.

  • Games - fun "Because New Year!", "Hello New Year!", " Winter mood”,“ New Year’s shifters ”,“ What is on the Christmas tree? ”,“ Santa Claus is a cheerful old man.

  • Role-playing game "Shop of New Year's toys".

Physical Culture.

  • Physical education minutes:
"Herringbone", "He's coming, Santa Claus is coming to us"

  • Finger gymnastics "New Year"

  • Russian folk outdoor games:
"Two Frosts", " snow woman»


  • Listening and learning New Year's children's songs.

  • Watching the music video "Christmas Toys".

  • Game song "It's New Year!" to the tune of the polka bird.

  • Learning New Year's songs and round dances.

labor in nature.

snow building snow buildings and coloring with gouache paints.

Plot decoration and Christmas tree with New Year's garlands and toys.


  • Conversation:
"Rules of conduct for fire safety on New Year's holiday."

  • Viewing the presentation "New Year" on safety rules when decorating a Christmas tree and firecrackers.

Working with parents.

  • Memo "History of Christmas toys" - information board.

  • Memo "safety rules for the New Year holidays."

  • Learning poems for the New Year's party with children.

  • Search for information and coloring pages on the Internet.

  • Watching cartoons on the New Year theme with the children.

  • Joint creative work of parents and children "Christmas tree toy".

  • Involving parents to create a mini-museum "New Year's toys of our childhood"

  • Joint preparation for the New Year's party.

Stage 4 final(summarizing).

  • Decoration of the mini-museum "New Year's toys of our parents".

  • Registration book fair and an album on the New Year's theme.

  • Exhibitions creative works children.

  • Issue of the New Year's wall newspaper.

  • Making a group and a toy site made by the hands of children.

  • Participation in the photo exhibition of crafts and drawings on the website

  • Holding a family exhibition-competition "New Year's toy for the Christmas tree" and decorating the garden Christmas tree with handicrafts on the street.

  • Holding New Year's party(joint preparation with the music director)

Expected results.

  • Expanding the horizons of children in the field of the history of the New Year holiday.

  • Development of children's interest in search activities.

  • Involving parents in pedagogical process, strengthening the interest of parents in cooperation with the teacher and children.

  • Development in children artistic creativity, aesthetic perception, speech activity in different types activities.

  • Showing kindness to others and careful attitude to toys.

  • Output of the project using the results of productive activities.

Project participants. Preparatory children speech therapy group No. 10, parents and tutor of the group Egorova A.V., music worker.
Internet resources used.

In this creative project on technology on the theme "Christmas toys" presents options for Christmas decorations, as well as ways to make them, which are perfect for decorating a Christmas tree, as well as a gift on New Year's Eve.

This work brings up the good traditions of man-made craftsmanship among schoolchildren and immerses them in the pre-holiday atmosphere.

Created by student creative project on technology "Christmas decorations"in the 2nd grade of elementary school contains an interesting analysis of the history of the emergence and evolution of the outer shell and technology for creating a Christmas tree toy, which in again proves what important place For centuries, the New Year holiday and everything connected with it has occupied the soul of a person.

1. History and modernity of Christmas decorations.
2. Making a Christmas decoration.
2.1. What can I do with my hands?
2.2. What requirements must my toys meet?
2.3. Choice of toys.
2.4. Thinking Star.
3. Manufacturing technology.
4. Environmental justification.
5. Material and financial costs.
6. Quality assessment.


The last leaf has fallen from the trees. The air smelled of snow and pine. The magical most beautiful, bright holidays are approaching - New Year and Christmas. These days, everything is filled with a fairy tale, the expectation of miracles.

A Christmas tree, decorated with toys and tinsel, suddenly appears in the room. Now a lot of beautiful souvenirs and gifts are sold that can be purchased at the store. But I really want to bring joy to my family and make toys with my own hands.

And I was also interested in the question: where did the New Year's toy come from? I found the answer to this question on the Internet.

Objective of the project - make Christmas decorations with your own hands.

Project objectives:

  1. To study the history and modernity of Christmas decorations.
  2. Determine the shape of the toy.
  3. Define specific requirements to the toy.
  4. To study the technology of making a New Year's toy.
  5. Make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands.
  6. To give an ecological and economic justification for the project of making a New Year's toy.
  7. Evaluate the quality of the product and draw conclusions.





student 2 "B" class

Leader: Efimova

Natalya Anatolyevna,

primary school teacher





    1. Relevance of the chosen topic ……………………………………………3

      Purpose ……………...………………………………………………………..3

      Tasks ……………………….………………................................. ............3

    Main part………………………………………………………………....4

    1. The history of the New Year's toy…...…………………..…………………...4

      Eastern Chinese calendar…..……………………….……………9

      The symbol of the year is the tiger………………………………………………………..10

    Practical part……………………………………………………………11


    List of used information resources……………………….16



My name is Brazhenets Vladislav. I am a 2nd grade student. Like all children, I love the New Year holiday very much. New Year is a holiday of magic. I love when Santa Claus comes to visit and gives everyone gifts when they set up and decorate the Christmas tree at home. Every year, decorating the Christmas tree at home, I want it to be different from everyone else, beautiful and unusual. And what can make a Christmas tree unforgettable, unique, one and only? Of course, a handmade toy. All over the world, things made by hand have long been valued. Perhaps the factory items are made more neatly, clearly, correctly. But in the product that the master creates with his own hands, his soul, his love, diligence, mood, wish for good and joy are invested. In our city, the competition "New Year's toy" is held annually. I have been taking part in it since kindergarten. I have already made a dog, a rat and a cow myself. And this year was no exception for me. I quickly decided on a theme for my New Year's toy. I chose "Tigress" as a symbol of the outgoing year. My classroom teacher suggested that I try to create my own project. I agreed without a doubt.


If you make a New Year's toy with your own hands, reveal and show its features, then the completed toy can give a good New Year's mood and become a real, faithful friend.

Objective of the project: to make a New Year's toy, a symbol of the year "Tigress".


    Study the literature on the topic of the project.

    Learn how to make toys.

    Pick up the materials and tools needed to make the toy.


2.1 History of New Year's toys

A toy ... means - a game, then - children.

Toy- an item for. The toy helps to learn the world around, promotes the development of thinking, memory, speech, emotions. Toy in Russia beforecalledfun , nursery rhyme . One of the first toys was.

IN the last weeks of December, the most pressing topic in the life of almost every person is New Year's decorations,christmas toys And New Year's garlands.

In Russia, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Peter the Great, and he also ordered that the spruce should become the main New Year tree. But the real custom of decorating a Christmas tree and doing it precisely for Christmas, which was celebrated on December 25 and was the main holiday (and the New Year was just a continuation), came to Russia under Nicholas the First. His wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, nee Princess Charlotte of Prussia, transferred to Russia the custom of decorating a home with a Christmas tree with burning candles. This tradition, as well as the custom of giving gifts at Christmas, laying them out under the tree or hanging them directly on the branches, very soon gained popularity, first among the courtiers, then throughout St. Petersburg, and then throughout Russia. For many years, the most favorite toys were edible products - figures made of shortcrust pastry, which were wrapped in colored, gold or silver foil, as well as gilded nuts, apples and, of course, candles. Many toys were made by hand from improvised materials.

The Alsatians were the first to decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas, considering it the tree of paradise, a symbol of the story of Adam and Eve. They hung on it red and green apples, gilded nuts, sweets, fruits.

Since the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from Germany, the first Christmas decorations were also brought to Russia from the “good old Germans”.

New Year's toy clearly reflected the history of our country. In the pre-war period, gizmos with Soviet symbols were produced: airships with the inscription "USSR", balls with a hammer and sickle, wadded athletes and pioneers with red flags, children from different republics in national clothes.

By the middle of the 20th century, the assortment of Christmas toys became very rich, although they were made from less effective materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

During Patriotic War on the fronts, Christmas trees were decorated with figurines, which were made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Toys were also produced, in limited quantities, of course. Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year was obligatory - this ceremony reminded of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for an early victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs".

In the early 1950s, when there was a shortage of food in the country, many toys were made in the form of fruits, berries and vegetables. Fairy-tale characters also appeared: Aibolit, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Chipollino, various animals: squirrels, bears, hares. At the same time, in the 50s, there was a fashion for glass beads and compositions from glass beads, beads and sticks.

By the 1960s and 1970s, glass toys occupied the main niche in the production of festive products. The glassblower blew the workpiece through a glass tube heated red-hot on a gas burner. When she reached right size, soldered one end. Then it was cooled, dipped in colored varnish or silver nitrite, painted by hand, rhinestones and sparkles were glued to it, and a so-called “hat” with a loop was attached to it.

Also in the 60s, the first electric Christmas tree garlands appeared. Initially, they looked very simple: bulbs-balls, painted in different colors: blue, yellow, red, sometimes painted with snowflakes and “frost patterns”, attached to a wire that was plugged into an outlet. No relays have been made yet, so the bulbs just burned, without “blinking”.

Since the late 1980s, the country has been conquered by the fashion for all kinds of horoscopes. In the 1990s, a lot of Christmas balls with the image of animals appeared on sale - symbols of the coming year. This trend is still relevant today: balloons with animals, animal figurines are always popular.

Today, in the production of Christmas tree decorations, there is partly a "return to the roots." Hand-painted balloons are produced with amazingly carefully painted landscapes, pictures of the Russian winter, as well as state symbols.

On September 18, 2008, a unique, the only Christmas tree decoration Museum in Russia - "Klinskoye Compound" was opened!

This museum is young and so far the only one in Russia. The museum is located in a nice modern tower.

The largest collection of Christmas decorations belongs to the American Kim Balashak, who has been living in Moscow for more than ten years. Her collection includes a little over 2,500 Soviet Christmas decorations.

They say that the fashion for jewelry is repeated every four years, so you can just put old toys in a box and wait until they become relevant again. On the other hand, having a large collection of Christmas decorations in the house, you can every year, combining them, decorate your Christmas tree in a completely different way. unique style- and in this case it does not matter at all whether this or that toy is fashionable in this moment, or not!

And when there are only a few days left before the New Year and you, as before, take out a box with Christmas tree decorations and start decorating the Christmas tree - hold each ball and each toy in your hands a little longer ... After all, each New Year's toy is a piece of magic that you so want to believe in for the New Year! And they say that each of them has its own secret.

Interesting Facts

    Initially, Christmas trees were decorated only, and. It is believed that it was the poor harvest of apples that made Christians show their imagination and find a replacement for them in the form of other Christmas decorations.

    In Russia, the first Christmas decorations made from rags, straw, colored ribbons, and later from paper and foil. This production was carried out by special cardboard workshops. glass jewelry appeared later.

    Russia's first specialized glass Christmas tree production opened under, in the estate of Prince Menshikov, at the beginning. Right now in near the citythere is one of the largest enterprises for the manufacture of Christmas tree decorations - Yolochka JSC.

    In many countries of the world there is a fashion for Christmas decorations. Annual exhibitions of toys and Christmas decorations are held in.

    The star at the top originates from the tradition of decorating the top of the Christmas tree with the likeness of a six-pointed one, which showed the Magi the way to the newborn Jesus. In addition to the star, the top is sometimes decorated with an angel figurine.

    On some Christmas balls faces of famous personalities flaunt, now you can also print your own photo on New Year's balls.

2.2 Oriental Chinese calendar

IN last years in Russia there was a fashion to count the years according to the Chinese calendar. The Russians found a fascinating pastime for themselves - to count who was born in what year and how best to celebrate the year dedicated to this or that animal.

The Chinese chronology consists of cycles lasting 60 years, made up of 5 elements (celestial branch) and 12 animals (earthly branch). There is no linear calculus in China - the Chinese believe that history repeats itself every 60 years.

Chinese year totals 12 lunar months(of equal length), and a leap year is 13 months; The new year begins at midnight on the first day of the month, that is, on the new moon. Since ancient times, the Chinese have timed the New Year to the end of winter.

Like any calendar, the Chinese calendar arose (primarily) from the need to determine the stages of agricultural work. Like any calendar Chinese calendars required the development of astronomy. Over time, calendars have changed.

Of particular interest iscyclic calendar known in Russia as"Oriental" or"Chinese" . According to legend, Buddha invited all the animals to celebrate the first New Year, but only 12 appeared, and Buddha honored those who appeared by assigning their names to the years of the calendar cycle - in the order in which the animals came to him. These animals formchinese zodiac , which, in addition, serves to indicate the months, as well as the time of day, divided by 12 double hours. (Appendix No. 1. Chinese zodiac)

2.3 The symbol of the year is the tiger.

IN Ancient China the tiger was a symbolic beastthird sign of the zodiac (yin) , which roughly corresponded to Gemini.

The tiger drove away all kinds of demons. The tiger represents energy. Many nations use the image of a tiger in their symbolism. As a state national animal, the tiger appears in Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Malaysia, North and South Korea.

In Chinese legends, the tiger is a constant character. Stories about how tigers saved human lives are widely known.

Tiger - popular topic in Chinese art. You can see numerous images of tigers in all forms folk art: images on paper, embroidery, sculpture and more. The tiger talisman was used as a protector and a symbol of good luck. The stripes of the tiger skin are the stripes of success and failure of human life, good and evil, light and shadow. The Tiger has an exceptional destiny, filled with incredible events and unexpected situations. He is very emotional and capable of strong feelings. The peculiarity of this symbol lies in its beauty, strength and mobility: these are three necessary qualities that help a person survive, especially in difficult crisis situations.

A person who was born in the year of the Tiger was born under the sign of courage and energy. He has a strong will. He is very lively, witty, you might even get the impression that his mind never rests. His views are original, he is always full of new ideas and burns with enthusiasm to bring them to life, but he “cools down” very quickly. The Tiger has a restless nature, and sometimes he has to regret rash acts, but, fortunately, he is almost always lucky.

The Tiger cares a lot about its reputation and image. He loves to be the center of attention. To do this, he uses his external attractiveness and pleasant demeanor. Tiger is very honest and open with everyone.


Making a New Year's toy consists of several stages:
I stage: Cooking necessary materials;

II stage: Design with balloons, thread for knitting and stationery glue different sizes balls;

III stage: Selection of material and its preparation for work (washing, fabric steaming), cutting parts, basting, stitching, stuffing, assembly;

IV stage: Decoration of the toy, giving the final appearance, considering all individual characteristics this animal.

I stage

1.Purchase the necessary materials.

II stage

1.Inflate two balloons different sizes. One ball will be the body of the animal, the other - the head. Wrap the prepared threads evenly around the balls. Then apply stationery glue to the balls and leave to dry completely.

2.Remove the balloons.

3. Glue the two resulting balls together with an all-purpose glue (for example, Eltitans).

4. Draw black stripes with gouache.

5. Draw white gouache circles around the eyes.

6. Apply special glitter (nail polish) to the black stripes to give a festive New Year's look.

    Glue cotton wool to the chest of the animal's torso.

III stage

1. Make patterns for the front and hind legs of the animal,
ears and tail.

2. Sew narrow black stripes on all parts.

3. Sew the details of the front and hind legs, ears and tail, leaving a little open hole.

4. Cut off the allowances at the corners. Turn out all the details, fill with cotton wool, sew up the holes with a blind seam.

5. Make claws. Give false nails sharp shape and paint them. Let the nails dry and then glue them to the front and back paws.

IV stage

1.Make eyes. Take two black buttons and two white buttons. smaller sizes. Glue them together with superglue. False eyelashes can be glued onto black buttons. Glue the resulting eyes to the ball.

2.Make hair with threads and glue it.

3. Make a muzzle out of cotton. Sew cotton wool so that you get an oval. Then divide the oval in half with a white thread and pull the thread a little to form two convex cheeks. Glue on the muzzle. Glue a button instead of a spout. Insert a mustache from the wire.

4. Glue the front and hind legs, ears and tail to the animal. To hide minor defects when making a New Year's toy (for example, when gluing individual parts), on top thin layer you can glue cotton. Your toy is ready.


I love my toy. I tried to convey everything distinctive features tiger. I wanted my toy to be interesting and everyone would like it. She gave me even more New Year's festive mood. I made my toy for about 10 days, but I didn’t even notice how quickly they “flew” because. I was very passionate. Every day I waited for my return from school to complete the next stage of my work. I was very worried if someone carelessly handled my toy.

While making my toy, I spent more time with my parents. She gave us the opportunity to learn more about each other.

Pupils, parents and teachers of the school appreciated my work and found it creative and interesting. The toy I made was sent to the city competition "New Year's Toy -2010". I was awarded a diploma and an incentive prize. (Appendix No. 2)

A year later, the holiday will be repeated. And in a year, many of the students will only decide whether to make them a toy for the New Year tree or not. And I am already deciding on the theme and ideas of my future work. And I would like my next toy to be even more interesting and more difficult to make. And I will try very hard to become the winner in the city competition "New Year's toy-2011".


1. Brykova O.V. " Project activity in the educational process". – M.; Chistye Prudy, 2006.

2. Zemlyanskaya E.N."Educational projects junior schoolchildren». Primary School. - 2005. - No. 9. - P. 55–59.

3.Journal " Primary education", №5, 2006.







Attachment 1.

Chinese zodiac.

Annex 2

Rewarding with an incentive prize in the city competition "The Best New Year's Toy".

I am given a diploma and a gift.

My awards.