Projects in the second junior group in the Federal State Educational Standards. Project (short-term) "in the country of healthy people" (2nd junior group) municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined kindergarten

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 31 "Alyonushka" with. Marina Wells.

Short-term project in the second junior group

Topic: Me and my family

Educator: Ushakova S.N.


Project in the second junior group "Me and my family"

Project type: short-term, creative.

Objective of the project . To form the image of "I", the ability to give your name, surname, the names of family members, to develop an idea of ​​​​your family.. Raising a sense of affection and love for their parents, relatives.

Project objectives:

To evoke positive emotions in a conversation about the family, to develop the ability to express one's feelings (joy, tenderness);

To acquaint children with the concepts of "family", "name" and "surname";

To instill in children love and respect for family members, teaches them to take care of their loved ones.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

Expected results of the project implementation:Children learn more about their family: family members, traditions. Show respect and concern for all family members. The ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family. Understanding the importance of the family in the life of every person.

Target group:


Children of the second younger group.


Age of children: 3-4 years.

Dates: 2 weeks

Relevance of the topic:At a younger preschool age, elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life and the norms of human communication begin to form in children. Children of this age are characterized by great emotional responsiveness, which allows them to cultivate love, good feelings and relationships with people around them and, above all, with relatives, with their family. But this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important step. The child must recognize himself as a member of the family. It is the family that is the guardian of traditions, ensures the continuity of generations, preserves and develops the best qualities of people. Familiarization of children with the concept of "family is impossible without the support of the family itself."

Our project is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of the family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the personality of the child, the strengthening and development of child-parent relationships. Parents should give the concept to the child that he is part of the family, which is very important. We adults should help children understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill in children a sense of attachment to the family and home.

Thematic plan for working with children

Forms of organization of joint adult-child activities.

Work sections

Educational activities

Main content

Cognition (surrounding)

"My friendly family";

"Cat and Kitten"


"Andryusha and the chicken" (T.V. Kovrigina p. 71)

“Journey to the forest for mushrooms” (T.V. Kovrigina p. 78)

Construction- "Furniture for home"

Speech development:Reading the Russian folk tale "Three Bears"

Examination of the painting "Goat with kids"

Artistic creativity

Drawing - "Beautiful balloons for mom",

"Bablis for the whole family"

Modeling - "Let's bake pancakes"

Application - "Beautiful flower for mom"

Learning by heart (finger game) "My family"

Music - singing the lullaby "Bayubai", "Pirozhki" Filichenko.

Cooperative activity


Photo conversation:

"My family",

Holidays in my family

“Everyone in our family works,”

"Favorite activities of our family members"

My family

Reading and discussion of fairy tales, poems


situational conversation"What is mom cooking?"

"What can daddy do?"

Picture conversation

Where does mom/dad work?

What to do if someone gets sick?

What is good and what is bad?

Reading fiction

Reading nursery rhymes "Because of the forest, because of the mountains, grandfather Yegor is riding"

Reading: lullabies

Fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Goats", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears"

D. Gabe "My family"

K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family"

A. Barto "Let's sit in silence"

Reading the nursery rhyme "Ladushki - patty"

Poems: Yu. Zhukova "About us", N. Maidannik "My family",


Conversation "Who works where?"

"How do you help mom?"

"I have a brother (sister)

"The house I live in"


Artistic creativity

Portrait of mom (dad); coloring pages - flowers; molding - pies.


Singing lullabies; “The chicken went out for a walk” music. A. Filippenko; "Gray cat" music. M. Kraseva; Russian nar. song "Ladushki"; music rhythmic movements "Dance with handkerchiefs"; music game "Cat with kittens"; listening to "The disease of the doll", "The new doll" by P. I. Tchaikovsky

Game activity

Didactic games and exercises

D / and: “Call me affectionately”;“Polite words”, “Call mom (dad)”, “My portrait”, “Help mom (dad)”, “Where were we, what did we see”, “Who likes to do what?”, “To whom to give?”, “To whom, what do you need for work?”, “Good or bad?”, “We meet guests”, “You can - you can’t”, “Feed the doll”, “Put the doll to sleep”, “The doll is sick "What do people ride?"

Musical "Whose mother's voice?" (pets and birds)

Outdoor games

"The Hen and the Chickens", "Birds in the Nests", "Hit the Target", "Geese - Swans", "Carousel"

Plot - role-playing games:"Family Hosts", "Doll's Birthday", "Daughter Gets Sick", "Family Moves to New Apartment (Housewarming)", "Bus Ride", “Family”, “Daughters - mothers”, “Kindergarten”, “Trip to the store, zoo”, “Hospital”, “Pedestrians”, “To the theater”

Situation modeling

Board games

"Big and small", "Gather a family", "Associations", lotto "Products", "Clothes", "My home".

Theatrical play:

Based on the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Game dramatization:

“Our Masha is small”, “Why is that?”

Games with a constructor; puzzles; cubes - pictures; builder.


For birds, vehicles, passers-by, the work of a janitor; natural phenomena

Experimentationwith water “How to make soap foam?”, “What is better for making a birthday cake? (clay, sand, sawdust).

Collections: "Favorite toys of our family", "Gifts of autumn" and others.

Working with parents

1. Conversations with parents and children about the past weekend

2. Collection of photos in a photo album: “This is me and my family”

3. "Day of good deeds"

4. Screens:

"Children and computers"

"Raising a Healthy Child"

"Food without harm",

"Finger games on the theme" Family "


"Education by one's own example" SDA

"How to respond to children's tantrums"

“Example for parents: “Good night”

7. Joint creation of a subject-developing environment.

8. Photo exhibition "Me and my family"

Collective creative work (KTD)adults and children to create crafts for the exhibition "Garden Fantasy".

Evaluation of results

The results achieved allow us to conclude that as a result of the activities that were carried out during the project: conversations, exhibitions, thematic classes, joint activities of children and parents, we got a positive result. Children's knowledge in the field of moral and patriotic education in matters relating to their families has increased, parents have become more actively involved in the events held in kindergarten.

The awakening of a sense of belonging to one's family, love for one's relatives was carried out with young children on the basis of visibility - the design of portrait galleries, photo newspapers, as well as on the basis of live communication with parents and the older generation of the family at joint holidays.

As a result of the creative work of the most active families in the group, the album "My Family" appeared, which is especially popular with all children. Every day is repeatedly viewed and each "author" proudly talks about his wonderful family. After watching the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", our children also tried themselves as artists. New games for independent activities of children have appeared: “The house that we built”, “Room furniture”, “Polyclinic”, “Birthday”, “Guests”.

In our opinion, the project "Me and my family" is the first step in the moral and patriotic education of a child of preschool age, as it forms the initial felt perception by children of the nearest socio-cultural environment, which is his family.

Proverbs and sayings about family

They are friends in the family - they do not grieve.
Discord in the family - and the house is not happy.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
A good son is joy to his father, and a bad son is sadness.
What a treasure, when the children go in harmony.
No parents - no patrons.
Whoever honors his parents lives a happy age.
There is no better friend than a mother.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.
In a good family, good children grow up.
The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.
Mother's heart warms better than the sun.
Children of parents are not judges.
Good children are the crown of the house, and evil children are the end.
Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy.
Pity your father and mother, you will not find others.
Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.
The children's hut is fun.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Family Riddles

Who will solve the riddles
He recognizes his relatives:
Someone mom, someone dad,
Who is a sister or brother,
And to know you grandfather and grandmother -
You don't need to think at all!
All relatives with whom you live,
Even an uncle or aunt
Surely you friends
Together you are one...


Who is the most tender in the world?
Who cooks dinner for us?
And who do children love so much?
And who is not more beautiful?
Who reads books at night?
Sweeping mountains of rubbish
Doesn't scold me and my brother.
Who is this? Our…


I walk the path
But my legs are tired.
jump over the hole
Who will help? I know -

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms,
Kohl next to me ...

There is no dirt, rubbish in the apartment,
Cleaned everything up...

Who is the cutest person in the world?
Who do children love the most?
I will answer the question directly:
- Our dearest of all ...

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratched my knee
Don't cry? Certainly, …


Who is the most beloved in the world?
And for the whole family in the answer?
From paycheck to paycheck
What would we do without...

Who does the hard work
Can do on Saturdays? -
With an ax, a saw, a shovel
Builds, works our ...

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail
Let the car drive
And tell you how to be brave
Strong, agile and skillful?
All you guys know -
This is our favorite...

Let me not go to kindergarten
I eat pancakes at home.
Retired, I'm glad
My dear …

Who does not stop loving
Bakes pies for us
Delicious pancakes?
This is our...

Who will knit socks for grandchildren,
Tell an old tale
With honey will give pancakes? -
This is our…

Always treat with jam
The table will be set with refreshments,
Lada is our darling,
Who? - Native...

He is a man and he is gray
Papa - papa, he - to me ...

Who worked all his life
Surrounded by care
grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Respect for ordinary people?
Retired for many years
Our ageless...

He did not work out of boredom,
He has callused hands
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved...

Mom's older sister -
Doesn't look old at all
With a smile he will ask: “How do you live?”
Who came to visit us?

Who is with my mother's sister
Does he visit us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile
"Hello!" tells me...

Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly...

Everyone knows this word
Will not change for anything!
To the number "seven" I will add "I" -
What will happen?

Here's what's the deal...
We are not seven, but three:
Dad, Mommy and me
But together we are...

Family Games:

The game "Who is doing what?"

Grandmother - bakes pies, knits socks, mittens, takes care of her grandchildren ...

Mom - cooks dinner, washes, irons, goes shopping, brings up children...

Dad - repairs, drives a car, earns money, helps mom

Grandfather - works in the country, helps dad, grandmother ...

Sister - helps mom and grandmother with the housework, plays with the younger ones ...

Brother - helps dad, grandfather, takes out the trash ...

Game "Name affectionately each member of the family."

Son - son - son;

Daughter - daughter - daughter;

Brother - brother;

Sister - sister - sister;

Mom - mommy - mommy;

Papa - daddy - daddy;

Grandmother - granny - grandmother;

Grandfather - grandfather - grandfather.

Game 1. "What are we doing?"
2-4 people play.
Large cards with relatives are distributed among the players in 2 pieces. small cards with objects are shuffled and laid out face down. Players take turns taking 1 small card each and say what the relative with whom he has a large card will do. For example: “Grandma will play hockey with me today!”. If this has never happened in life, the card is returned to the pile, if it was, they are laid out on a card with the image of a grandmother. Then the next player takes a small card, and so on. during the second round of the game, players place a small card on top of a second large card. The game ends if the small cards run out or one of the players has 3 small cards on one large card. He is a winner!
Game 2. "How do we help relatives?".
Play 2 - 8 people.
Distribute 1 card with relatives. Small item cards are turned face down and shuffled. Players take turns taking 1 card with an object and answering the question in accordance with it: “How do I help my grandmother?” (mother, aunt, etc.). for example: “I help my grandmother cook soup”, if the child said correctly, he keeps the card for himself, if not, he returns it to the stack. The game is played until one of the players has 5 cards or runs out of cards in the pile. Whoever has 5 cards or the most cards wins.

Game 3. "Kinship".
The leader takes turns asking the players questions, for example: “Who is the granddaughter?”, if the one who must answer gives the wrong answer, the next player answers, the one who answered correctly receives a small card. The game ends when one of the players has 6 cards. He is a winner.

Game 4. "Remember the names of close relatives." (for players from 4 years old)
The host takes one of the large cards (for example, with a grandfather), the players take turns calling the names of their grandfathers. who called:
* name - give 1 small card;
* first and middle name or first and last name - 2 cards;
* first name, patronymic and last name - 3 cards.
If there are not enough cards, you can use any others. The game ends when the host has shown all the cards with relatives. The winner is the one with the most cards.

Physical education minutes

Fizminutka "Family"

One, two, three, four (clap hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the sides with raising the shoulders)

One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka cat, two kittens,

My goldfinch, cricket and me

That's our whole family! (bend alternately fingers on the hand)


"Okay, okay,
Where were you?
By Grandma!(Clap hands)
And grandmother's hands
All in wrinkles are collected.
(Show hands palms up)
And grandmother's hands
(stroke palms together)
All worked palms
For many years.
(Tapping fists on palms)
Good palms smell
Schami with pies.
(Put palms up to face as if sniffing)
Your curls will be stroked
Good palms.
(Imitate stroking)
And with any sadness they will cope
Warm palms.
(They fold their palms, bring them to the face, blow on them)
almonds, almonds,
Where were you?
By Grandma!
(Clap hands)

This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is me
That's my whole family

"Like Grandma Natasha"

Like grandmother Natasha (hold an imaginary handkerchief put on her head by the ends).

We ate delicious porridge! (join palms in front of you - make a plate, show it to everyone standing left and right)

Millet porridge, with smoke (draw smoke over the open palm of the left hand - “plates” with the index finger of the right hand).

With bread (right hand in front of the chest, elbow to the side, inner side of the palm down - “a slice of bread”).

With butter! (put the left palm on top of the right - “a layer of oil”).

With milk! (connect the wrists, fingertips and thumbs raised up - “mug”).

We took large spoons. (clench fists, thumbs up).

They ate everything to the very crumbs! (alternately with the right, then with the left "spoon" there is "porridge", bringing the "spoons" to the mouth).

What a porridge! (make a “plate” again and show everyone: right and left).

Grandma Natasha!

Physical education minute

(To the answer "yes" - clap your hands, to the answer "no" - stomp your feet, hands on your belt.)

Will we always help out mom? (Yes!)

And will we never cheat? (Yes!)

Throw a rock at a cat? (No!)

Take a ticket on the bus? (No!)

Ay, ay, ay, how is it not?

Should I always buy a ticket? (Yes!)

Do not be shy when trouble? (Yes!)

Not to spare for the affairs of labor? (Yes!)

Don't wash your hands when it's lunch? (No!)

How can you not wash it? Be sure to wash! (Yes!)

Sun, air and water? (Yes!)

We lazy people say hello? (No!)

What about those who do good? (Yes Yes Yes!)


Baba Frosya has five grandchildren.
Everyone asks for porridge. Everyone is screaming.
Shark in a cradle, Alenka in a diaper,
Arinka on a featherbed, Stepan on the stove,
Ivan on the porch.
Baba kneaded the dough, cooked porridge,
She drowned milk, fed her grandchildren.
How they ate porridge, drank milk,
They bowed to Baba, calmed down!

Oh, okay, okay, okay
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Grandma is good.

I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather
I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather
On a horse, in a red hat,
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the pit


Sweeties, sweeties!
Grandma baked pancakes,
poured oil,
She gave it to the kids.
Dasha - two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two
Masha - two,
Good pancakes
Our good grandmother!

Poems about family


I have a big family
Mother Nina, grandmother Raya,
Papa's name is Alexander
He's just grandma's son-in-law!
Well, I'm grandma's granddaughter.

And the dog Bug
Lives with us
Granny's house guards!

Who is the boss in a large family?
Well, of course, Baba Ray -
There can be no doubt here:
Will tell and help everyone,
She has great talent
Tie a pretty bow
Reconcile mom and dad
And beautifully set the table,
caress, kiss,
Tell a story at night!
Even the Bug understands
Whose orders are carried out
Gratefully licks hands -
From love, not from boredom!

N. Maidanik

Everywhere pulls us home

Be with your beloved family

Where everything is holy, fair

And live so happily.

Everything in our family is in order,

The house is rich in children and happiness,

Care, tenderness, warmth -

And our entire merit is in that!

D. Yamanaev


Mom cooks delicious food

Removed, washed.

Well, if I'm having fun

Sometimes it breaks.

Dad will fix everything in the house,

Everything will be fixed, everything will be fine

Well, if he is free,

Rides by car.

Grandma forgives me everything

Leads to the circus, to the cinema, to theaters

Me toys and sweets

Buys very often.

It's good that I have

A very friendly family.



My friendly family

Dad, mom, grandma and me.

My dad is big like an elephant

Very affectionate, dear.

Mommy, my mommy

She is very kind.

But without a sweet grandmother,

Grandmothers dear,

I can't imagine life

Well, just no!

I respect my family

I protect my sister

I walk with her

I clean the apartment.

We help each other

And we wish everyone happiness.

Mom, me, my sister -

A friendly family together.


Advice for parents

“How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?”

Absent-mindedness is a mental state, which is characterized by a lack of concentration, attention.

An absent-minded child does not know how to single out the main thing when observing activities, follow a clear order, be organized and executive.

Usually absent-mindedness is the result of improper upbringing.

If a child is accustomed to order, has mastered the skills of discipline and organization, and is used to finishing what he has started, he cannot be distracted. And vice versa, if the parents allow the regime to be violated, and the disorder in the corner of the child and his forgetfulness are regarded as trifles, then imperceptibly disorganization and absent-mindedness appear in the behavior of the preschooler.

These qualities will have a particularly negative impact at school age. It is difficult for an absent-minded student to study, he is distracted, does not listen to the teacher's explanations, and may not complete the assignment. An absent-minded student often finds himself in ridiculous and embarrassing situations.

What can be done to bring up attention, concentration in a child, to overcome his absent-mindedness?

First of all, one should not reproach a preschooler and punish him for lack of concentration, forgetfulness, carelessness. It is necessary to patiently train him in the right behavior, teach him to overcome his shortcomings. To do this, a clear regimen of the day must be strictly observed. The mode does not allow you to change classes according to your mood, it requires you to focus your attention and will on the work you have begun and bring it to the end. Accustoming the child to the implementation of the regime, he is reminded of what needs to be done, control his actions. Gradually, compliance with the regime will become a habit, the child will learn to be responsible for various duties.

To cultivate concentration, attention, it is important to create some external conditions and eliminate what can distract the child. Parents are sometimes to blame for children's absent-mindedness. For example, they make comments to the child for the fact that he is often distracted from classes. But at the same time, in the next room, they turn on the tape recorder, and the child mentally is also with them, sometimes he leaves his occupation and looks at them. It is important not to distract children from work, to respect their work. Of course, it is not always possible to eliminate what interferes. Sometimes you have to adapt to obstacles. It is necessary to educate in children what is called “noise immunity” in science, that is, to teach them to remain focused in any circumstances.

A child can show concentration, attention only in what captures him, captivates him. He loves to make, take care of indoor plants and animals, monitor his aquarium, etc. etc. By encouraging such activities, parents inspire the child that plants, if they are not watered, or fish, if they are not provided with food, may die. This gives the child a sense of responsibility. Gradually, the child learns that not all things are only pleasant and exciting, what needs to be done and what is not very interesting, but useful to the family and himself, that efforts must be made to achieve the goal. But you can not overload children with long, monotonous activities.

Mindfulness, concentration of the child is best trained in the game. For example, take a lot of small items(buttons, cloves, nuts, pebbles)scatter them on the table. Let the child try to remember what things are on the table. Cover the items with paper and offer to your son(daughter) name everything that lies under it. Take out each correctly named item. The game will be more interesting if dad, sister, brother or peers of the child take part in it.

The child closes his eyes, and at this time some changes occur with the toys: one of the toys disappears, their location changes, a new toy is added. Opening his eyes, the child must say what has changed. Gradually, the number of toys increases to 10. It is even more difficult to notice what changes have occurred with the doll: a bow has appeared, a shoe has disappeared, a hairstyle has changed, etc.

The proposed games do not require much time, but their importance is great in overcoming absent-mindedness in a preschooler and educating mindfulness.

Sometimes a child's absent-mindedness is caused by an illness, a temporary weakening of the whole organism. In this case, strengthen the health of the child, improve his nutrition and rest. Absent-mindedness is also caused by depression, bad mood of the child. Here everything depends on the situation in the family, on the relationship between the parents.

If the state of absent-mindedness is systematically repeated, then it becomes habitual, turns into a character trait, manifests itself along with other character flaws. For example, absent-mindedness in teaching is often associated with laziness, absent-mindedness in communicating with people - with tactlessness and selfishness, absent-mindedness in everyday life - with disorganization, inaccuracy. To prevent this from happening, you should be attentive to the mental states of your children and evaluate them correctly. If a child focuses on his thoughts and feelings for a long time, he is distracted from this. By cultivating concentration, attention, parents follow what they are aimed at.

Education in children will, a sense of responsibility and duty develops concentration and prevents absent-mindedness.

Summary of the GCD in the younger group on the topic "My friendly family"

  1. Subject: My friendly family

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Communication", "Artistic creativity" (application), "Reading fiction", "Health".

Types of children's activities: playing, communicative, productive, reading.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about the emotional state of family members; to cultivate love and respect for their relatives; form the concept: my home, my family; arouse in children the joy of the image they created; develop the habit of careful work.

Planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler: follow the development of the action in dramatization games (meeting a hedgehog) with an emotional interest, answer the teacher's questions during a conversation about family members, and be active in creating a collective composition in the "Beautiful House" application.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and cheerful faces, a paper white house, various figures cut out of colored paper.

  1. The content of the organized activities of children

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Who is it that came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Hands over to teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in, be our guest.

Hedgehog: Not when I, I still have a lot to do. I'll be sure to check it out next time guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

2. Riddles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, this is a mystery. Now listen to the riddle:

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

(Exposes a picture of mother on a flannelograph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Teacher: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who is it?

Kind, strong, clever, brave.

I'm waiting for your answer guys

Well done! Certainly…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Teacher: Great, guys! Read the following riddle:

All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But cheesecakes always

We will be fed...

Children: Grandmother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What are you to grandma?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved…

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Teacher: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Exposes a picture of the whole family).

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

3. Finger gymnastics "Family".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palm with sad faces is exposed).

Teacher: Oh guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could happen?

Children: They quarreled.

Teacher: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

4. Mobile game "Reconciled"

Bad mood in our family in the morning,

And that's why things don't go well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns to the right, to the left)

Our grandfather has a backache all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

An old grandmother's head is spinning,

(circular head movements)

Daddy wanted to hammer a nail, suddenly hit on his finger

(banging fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned down, we have a scandal in the family

(looks at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family was reconciled, we turn the palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have reconciled. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In your house.

(A paper white house is superimposed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

5. Application "Beautiful house".

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think should be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. The children and the teacher decorate the house.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look how beautiful and festive the house turned out for the family. Let's tell a poem about the house for everyone.

Children and teacher:

Houses are different

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snow

Just like the real ones.

But the best is mine

I live in it

With my family.

5. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Whom did we reconcile with you?

And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully?

Project type: short-term, creative.

Objective of the project. The formation of children's initial ideas about the family. Raising a sense of affection and love for their parents, relatives.

Project objectives:

To evoke positive emotions in a conversation about the family, to develop the ability to express one's feelings (joy, tenderness);

To acquaint children with the concepts of "family", "name" and "surname";

To instill in children love and respect for family members, teaches them to take care of their loved ones.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

Expected results of the project implementation: Children learn more about their family: family members, traditions. Show respect and concern for all family members. The ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family. Understanding the importance of the family in the life of every person.

Target group:


Children of the second younger group.


Location: MBDOU - Kindergarten "Spark"

Children's age: 3-4 years.

Dates: 7 days


At a younger preschool age, elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life and the norms of human communication begin to form in children. Children of this age are characterized by great emotional responsiveness, which allows them to cultivate love, good feelings and relationships with people around them and, above all, with relatives, with their family. But this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important step. The child must recognize himself as a member of the family. It is the family that is the guardian of traditions, ensures the continuity of generations, preserves and develops the best qualities of people. Familiarization of children with the concept of "family is impossible without the support of the family itself."

Our projectis an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of the family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the personality of the child, the strengthening and development of child-parent relationships. Parents should give the concept to the child that he is part of the family, which is very important. We adults should help children understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill in children a sense of attachment to the family and home.

Project Implementation Plan:

Stage I - the accumulation of knowledge.

Days of the week Work with children Work with parents

Friday Examination of photographs of children, relatives and friends, illustrations, postcards. involve parents in the project.

Stage II - practical.


D / and "Call me affectionately";

Conversation about brothers and sisters;

Reading fiction; Studying family history;

Making dolls for the theater by parents based on Russian folk tales;

Tuesday Reading poems about mother;

Finger game "My family".

Conversation "My mother", to acquaint children with the work of mothers;

C / r game "Mom cooks dinner"; Selection of an artistic word, proverbs on the topic of the project;

Wednesday D / and “What is your name?”;

Project "Toys" in the second junior group

Brief annotation:

Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position and many others. Moreover, all these abilities do not arise on their own, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for age. The reason for organizing and carrying out this project was the fact that by focusing on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and in fact communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. The source of the accumulation of sensory experience at an early age is a toy, since it is on a toy that a child transfers all his human feelings. A toy is a constant companion of a child from the first days of his life. A good toy encourages the child to think, sets him various game tasks. And this contributes to the development of cognitive processes, memory, imagination, thinking, speech of the child. At each age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter: plot toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - “tools” (scoop, hammer, screwdriver, sweeping brush, rake toys with a spade - in a word, toys that imitate the simplest means of labor for adults); toys - fun; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages. Large-sized toys with which a child plays not on a table, not on a carpet or sofa, but on a spacious yard area or in a large playroom (scooters, children's pedal cars, tractors, large easily transformable structures for building in the yard help fight hypodynamia, teach the child movements and orientation in space). Based on the current situation, one of the problems of childhood is that children have little experience in playing with toys, and adults in the promiscuity of their choice.

Problem: To form a careful attitude of children to toys, interaction with them.

Project type: short-term (2 weeks, group)

Project participants: children, educator, parents, preschool specialists.

Object of study: toys.

Objective of the project:

To consolidate children's knowledge about "toys", to form knowledge about the properties, qualities and functional purpose of toys, to encourage kindness, care, respect for toys in children; promote the accumulation of experience friendly attitude of children and adults, the ability to play together.

Project objectives:

For children:

1. To reveal the essence and features of the subject-representative game of young children - to teach to carefully examine toys, enrich vocabulary, develop phrasal and coherent speech skills, encourage statements;

2. To develop the perception of children, to promote the connection of perception with the word and further action; to teach children to use words - names for a deeper perception of the various qualities of the subject;

3. Improve the level of accumulated practical skills: encourage children to use various methods to achieve the goal, stimulate further incentives and "discoveries".

4. Cultivate a desire to take care of the toy and take care of it.

5. Continue to develop game, cognitive, sensory, speech abilities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child;

6. To form in children an emotional, aesthetic and careful attitude to toys;

7. To develop communication and interaction of the child with peers and adults.

For the educator:

1. Support the child's desire to actively engage in communication, speak out;

2. Develop an emotional response to your favorite literary work through a plot-representative game; encourage the child to repeat words and phrases from familiar poems after the teacher.

Planned result of the project:


1. Replenish children's understanding of toys,

2. Show interest and desire to play with toys,

3. To develop the speech activity of children,

4. Teach to include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out a role-playing dialogue,

5.Teach children to take care of toys,

6. To develop communication and interaction of the child with peers and adults,


1. Enrichment of parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;

2. Increasing the competence of parents when choosing a toy.

3. In the process of interaction teacher - children - parents in project implementation:

Organization of the exhibition: "My child's favorite toy"

Exhibition of children's works on the theme: "Toys"

Conversation with children "The right toys for children"


Stage 1 - preparatory.

The activity of the teacher:

· Studying methodological literature on the topic.

· Defines the goals and objectives of the project.

· Supervises children.

· Selects games, literature, illustrations, toys.

· Replenishes game corners with attributes.

Organizes different types of games for children.

Children's activities:

Independent activities of children with a variety of toys.

· Consider illustrations, looking at the picture "Children play".

· Consider toys.

Parent activities:

· Supervise the children.

· Questioning of parents: “Toys”.

Stage 2 - forming ..

The activities of the educator:

· Organizes conversations, developing games, observations.

Reading fiction (poems, nursery rhymes, songs).

· Provides assistance in the implementation of activities.

· Replenishment of the subject-developing environment of the group.

· Selection of toys for the game "What are the toys."

Children's activities:

· Trying to find solutions.

· Play with toys.

· With the help of the educator choose toys for the game.

· Consider illustrations, books, toys.

Repeat after the teacher actions, words and phrases of poems.

Parent activities:

· Involves parents in the implementation of the project.

Preparation of a memo: “What toys to buy for children?”

· Preparation of consultations: “Games for the development of the child”, “You, your children and toys”. (selection of fiction, observations).

Making a corner for parents - Exhibition "Golden Hands" - "Toys"

Stage 3 - final.

The activities of the educator:

· Analyze work.

· Presents abstracts.

· Conducts monitoring.

· Replenishes the developing environment of the group.

· Replenishment of methodical literature.

· Designs exhibitions of children's works.

Children's activities:

· Actively play with toys.

· Repeat the words of poems about toys.

· They watch with interest the games with toys of other children, with their parents to make toys with their own hands.

Parent activities:

· Increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group.

· Competition for parents: "Toys" (participation in the design of the exhibition "My child's favorite toy").

Project implementation: March

Educational area:"Cognitive development".

Didactic games

1. "Acquaintance with the matryoshka". Purpose: to introduce children to the folk toy "matryoshka".

2. "We will disassemble and assemble." Purpose: to teach children to disassemble and assemble the pyramid together.

3. "Our Tanya." Purpose: examination of the ball - sinks or not in water. as an experimental activity.

4. "Machine". Purpose: inspection of the machine. Continue to form ideas in children about transport, its purpose. Learn to follow a chain of game actions.

5. "Bunny". Purpose: Examination of a hare. Cultivate children's interest in toys; cause a desire to play with a toy; continue to learn to act with it.

6. "Bear". Purpose: Examination of the bear. Expand children's ideas about toys. Teach children to help toys in difficult situations. Cultivate responsiveness, mindfulness

C/r games.

1. "New doll to get acquainted with the play area." Purpose: to remind children of the names of objects located in the play areas.

2. "A truck is carrying furniture to a new house." Purpose: to teach children to play together.

3 . Game with the doll "Let's treat the doll with tea." Purpose: To teach children to give the doll tea (later a bear, a hare, etc.). To form the ability to consistently perform actions, name objects and actions with them. Cultivate an affectionate, caring attitude towards the doll.

4 The game "We'll put the Bear to sleep." Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of the process of feeding and putting to bed. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy - Mishka, the desire to play with him.

Theatrical games:

1. "Visiting the dolls." Purpose: to develop a sense of color, to evoke an emotional response to a game situation.

2. "Construction". Purpose: to involve children in role-playing interaction, to develop game skills.

Labor assignments:

1. "Put the toys to bed." Purpose: to teach children to put toys in their places.

2. "Wash toys." Purpose: to teach children to interact with each other and with the teacher, to develop labor activity.

Cognition. Sensory development:

1. "Pyramid". Purpose: to learn to sequentially collect various pyramids.

2. "What toys are made of." Purpose: to learn to identify the names of toys and the material from which they are made.

3. "Toys visiting the guys." Purpose: to form the ability of children to dialogue speech, to learn to answer questions about a toy.

4. "Basket with toys." Purpose: to develop the ability to understand the teacher’s speech, the skill of phrasal speech, to promote the assimilation of the generalizing concept of “toys”.

5. "We are sitting on chairs, we are looking at toys." Purpose: to develop the ability to understand the teacher’s speech, the skill of phrasal speech, to promote the assimilation of the generalizing concept of “toys”.


1. "Shelf for toys." Purpose: to teach how to create simple structures, to develop gaming skills.

2. "Houses for toys." Purpose: to teach how to create buildings that are different in size and beat buildings.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

1. "Favorite toys." Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment - toys, describe the toy and actions with it.

2. "What toys are for." Purpose: to clarify ideas about what toys are for.

Reading fiction:

1. A. Barto, poems from the cycle "Toys". Purpose: To introduce children to poems.3. Ch. Yancharsky, translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko "In the toy store."

2. Russian folklore “The cat went to the market”, “Our Masha is small ...”. Purpose: To introduce children to Russian folklore.

3. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem “Our Tanya”. Purpose: To help remember A. Barto's poems from the “Toys” cycle. Give the opportunity to tell poems in full, develop memory; work out the correct pronunciation; cultivate respect for toys.

4 . Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem " Truck". Purpose: To educate children in the ability to listen, memorize a short poem, read by heart, slowly, clearly pronouncing the words and, especially, the endings of the words; teach children to pronounce sounds clearly.

5 . Reading and playing out Yu. Volodin's poem "Matryoshka". Purpose: To develop memory; speech. Arouse the desire to play with the matryoshka.

6. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Bunny". Purpose: To help children remember poems from the cycle "Toys" by Agnia Lvovna Barto and teach them to tell it together with the teacher.

7. Reading and playing around the poem by A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor ...”. Purpose: To educate in children the desire and ability to listen to reading, repeat individual words; through the artistic image to evoke the desire to love, take care of toys.

Conversations on topics

“Why do we need toys? ”, “My favorite toy”, “Such different toys”, “Toy store”. Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about toys, games with them.

Artistic creativity. Drawing:

1. "Balloons are airy, obedient to the breeze." Purpose: to teach children to hold a pencil correctly, draw circles, placing them all over the sheet.

2. "Tumblers are bright shirts." Purpose: to teach children to decorate the silhouette of a tumbler with rhythmic movements.

3 . Drawing "Road for a truck." Purpose: We develop the ability to draw long and short lines with a finger.


1. "Balls". Purpose: to teach children to sculpt round shapes.

2. "Rings for the pyramid." Purpose: to teach children to roll out pieces of plasticine in their palms with direct movements, to roll in the form of a ring.

Physical development:

1. "My cheerful sonorous ball." Purpose: To teach children to bounce on two legs, listen carefully to the text.

2. "Shaggy dog." Purpose: to teach children to move in accordance with the text.

3. "Crawl to the rattle." Purpose: to teach children to crawl in a given direction.

4. The mobile game "Roll the ball through the gate". Purpose: To improve the ability of children to roll the ball in a certain direction with one and two hands. Develop an eye, improve coordination of movements and dexterity.

5 Mobile game "Sparrows and a car". Purpose: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

6 Mobile game "Roll the matryoshka". Purpose: To continue to form interest and a positive attitude towards story toys, to actions with them.

7. The mobile game "Hares and the wolf". Purpose: To teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

8 . The outdoor game “At the bear in the forest ...”. Purpose: To teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

The final stage.

· Exhibition: "My child's favorite toy".

· Exhibition of children's drawings "Toys".

Conducting conversations on the topic "The right toys for children", "Toys that develop"

By analyzing the work done, you can do conclusions:

1. The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the age characteristics of young children and the amount of information that they can perceive, which positively influenced their various types of activities (playing, cognitive, artistic and speech);

2. There was a positive reaction and emotional response of children to acquaintance with different types of toys, children showed interest and desire to play with toys; The children improved their knowledge of toys. During independent games and in joint games with a teacher, children became more attentive and thrifty in relation to toys, they play with each other with pleasure.

3. The speech activity of children has increased, which positively affected the independent play activity of children, children include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out role-playing dialogue;

4. I believe that good results have been achieved in the interaction between the teacher and the parents. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Future perspective:

Develop the perspective of the project and in the future "Favorite toys". In the future, I want to launch another Fine Motor Project. The project is relevant, as it helps to develop the cognitive sphere of the child, fine motor skills and sensory qualities of primary preschool age. This project will help us expand the horizons of each child based on the immediate environment, create conditions for the development of independent cognitive activity, develop fine motor skills and sensory skills.


1. E. A. Kosakovskaya "A toy in a child's life." 2005.

2. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina "Project method in the activities of a preschool institution" 2011.

3. Kartushina M. Yu. Fun for kids. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2006.

4. Kryazheva N. L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

5. Development and education of young children in a preschool educational institution: Educational and methodological manual / compiled by Demina E. S. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2006.

6. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.-128s.

7. Koldina D.N. Sculpting and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Summaries of classes.- M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.-58s.

8. Knowledge of the objective world: complex classes. The first junior group / author - comp. Efanova Z.A. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 87p.

9. Timofeicheva I.V., Oskina O.E. - Ladushki. Developing games for young children. Summaries of classes / Ed. Vorovshchikova S.G., -M.: UTs "Perspektiva", 2013.-96s

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Seagull"

Short term project

in the first junior group



Educator: Antropova Yu.V.


Project type: research and creative

Project type: short term (5 days)

Project participants: Children 2-3 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

Project relevance: The reason for organizing and carrying out this project was the fact that by focusing on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and in fact communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is very relevant and important. The game provides great opportunities for the development of the emotional sphere of the baby.

At an early age, the basis for the formation of a child's personality is subject-play activity. Having passed it, it is impossible to count on the full maturation of a person.

The game is one of those activities that are used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions, ways and means of communication. In the game, the child develops those aspects of the psyche that determine how much later he will succeed in his studies, work, how his relationships with other people will develop; in the game, significant transformations take place in the intellectual sphere, which is the foundation of personality development.

The source of the accumulation of sensory experience at an early age is a toy, since it is on a toy that a child transfers all his human feelings.

It is necessary to take care of toys so that the child can organize the game.

A toy is not just fun. Giving toys was a common custom - a gift brings health and well-being to a child. But, we began to notice that children are throwing toys, tearing them from each other, they do not see that the toys are lying around. And so it was decided to create a toy book based on the work of A. Barto. It is important to develop a habit in the child to take care of the toy, carefully fold them, removing them after the game. It is advisable to teach him to share toys when playing with peers, to give toys that he made himself to other children. Let the child feel the joy of giving pleasure to another.

At each age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter: plot toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - “tools” (scoop, hammer, screwdriver, sweeping brush, rake toys with a spade - in a word, toys that imitate the simplest means of labor for adults); toys - fun; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages. Large-sized toys with which a child plays not on a table, not on a carpet or sofa, but on a spacious yard area or in a large playroom (scooters, children's pedal cars, tractors, large easily transformable structures for building in the yard help fight hypodynamia, teach the child movements and orientation in space).

Project goals:

1. creating conditions for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children through cognitive research activities

2. Theoretically and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions that, in their totality, ensure the success of the development of emotional responsiveness in young children in the process of forming cognitive activity for toys.

3. accumulate and enrich emotional experience, develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

4. Develop visual and effective thinking, stimulate the search for new ways to solve practical problems with the help of various objects (toys, household items).

The project is based on the following hypothesis: we believe that the development of emotional responsiveness in young children in the process of forming cognitive activity for toys will be successful if:

create conditions for psychological security, emotionally positive atmosphere during the joint gaming activities of the teacher with children;

the subject-developing environment corresponds to the age and individual characteristics of children;

develop emotional responsiveness in the context of cognitive activity to toys;

use methods of pedagogical integration.

lay the foundation for the formation of a caring, friendly attitude towards toys.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, we have determined the following project tasks:

For children:

1. To reveal the essence and features of the subject-representative game of young children - to teach to carefully examine toys, enrich vocabulary, develop phrasal and coherent speech skills, encourage statements;

2. to develop the perception of children, to promote the connection of perception with the word and further action; to teach children to use words - names for a deeper perception of the various qualities of the subject;

3. improve the level of accumulated practical skills: encourage children to use various methods to achieve the goal, stimulate further motivating actions and "discoveries".

4. educate the desire to take care of the toy and take care of it.

For the educator:

1. Support the child's desire to actively engage in communication, speak out;

2. Develop an emotional response to your favorite literary work through a plot-representative game; encourage the child to repeat words and phrases from familiar poems after the teacher.

Expected results:


1. show interest in experimenting with different toys;

2. acquire knowledge about the properties, qualities and functional purpose of toys;

3. show kindness, care, respect for toys;

4. the speech activity of children in various activities increases;


1. enrichment of parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;

2. Increasing the competence of parents when choosing a toy.

In the process of interaction teacher - children - parents in project implementation:

* Compilation of a photo collage: "I'm playing."

* Compilation of a toy book based on A. Barto's poems.

* Collected essays of parents on the topic “My child's favorite toy”.

Stages of project implementation:

I. Preparatory stage:

1. Determination by teachers of the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result.

2. Study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic:

Features of the development of object-representative play in young children.

3. Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the possibilities, means necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.

4. Selection of toys.

5. Conversation - consultation with parents on the topic: "How do I play at home."

II. The main stage of the project implementation:


1 day

1. "Our Tanya"

1. Examination of the ball - whether it sinks or not in water (in the form of an experimental activity).

2. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Our Tanya".

3. Playing with the doll "Let's treat the doll with tea."

4. The mobile game "Roll the ball through the gate"

2 day

2. "Machine"

1. Inspection of the machine.

2. The mobile game "Sparrows and the car."

3. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Truck".

4. Drawing "Road for the truck."

3 day

3. "Airplane"

1. Inspection of the aircraft.

2. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Airplane".

3. Mobile game "Airplanes".

Day 4

4. "Bunny"

1. Examination of a hare.

2. The mobile game "A gray bunny sits and moves its ears."

3. Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Bunny".

Day 5

5. "Bear"

1. Examination of the bear.

2. Reading and playing around with A. Barto's poem "They dropped the bear on the floor ...".

3. The outdoor game "At the bear in the forest."

The content of the activities of parents:

1. Help parents with the selection of toys.

2. Writing essays on the topic "My child's favorite toy."

3. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child's personality, taking into account the experience of children acquired in kindergarten.

III. The final stage.

    Photo collage: "I'm playing."

    Demonstration of a toy book based on A. Barto's poems and an album of compositions by parents on the topic “My child's favorite toy”.

By analyzing the work done, you can do conclusions:

1. The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the age characteristics of young children and the amount of information that they can perceive, which positively influenced their various types of activities (playing, cognitive, artistic and speech);

2. There was a positive reaction and emotional response of children to acquaintance with different types of toys, children showed interest and desire to play with toys;

3. The speech activity of children has increased, which positively affected the independent play activity of children, children include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out role-playing dialogue;

4. I believe that good results have been achieved in the interaction between the teacher and the parents. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.


1. E. A. Kosakovskaya "A toy in a child's life." 2005.

2. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina "Project method in the activities of a preschool institution" 2011.

3. A. Barto "Toys" 2000

4. Kartushina M. Yu. Fun for kids. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2006.

5. Kryazheva N. L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

6. Development and education of young children in a preschool educational institution: Educational and methodological manual / compiled by Demina E. S. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2006.

7. Education of children in the game./ed. Mendzheritskaya D.V. - M .: Education, 1979

8. Didactic games and activities with young children / ed. Novoselova S. L. - M .: Education, 1985

Project "The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

(younger group)

Technological map of the project

Project type : group, artistic and aesthetic.

Project participants : children of the second younger group, educator, music director, parents.

Duration : short-term - 2 weeks


Fairy tales are the most ancient of the widespread forms of oral folk art. And in the age of technological progress, when reading literary works, including fairy tales, have been replaced by games on computers, tablets and phones, watching cartoons, there is a decrease in the development of children's spiritual wealth of the people, their cultural and historical experience. The relevance lies in the fact that this project combines the means and ways of developing the creative abilities and communication skills of children.

Problem of modern society: introducing children to traditional Russian folklore. It is known that in oral folk art, as nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, courage, diligence, and fidelity have been preserved. We can see all this in Russian folk tales. It is fairy tales that are the material for teaching children of primary preschool age the development of speech.

Children know little of Russian folk tales.

Objective of the project: create conditions for introducing children to oral folk art through fairy tales through various activities.

Project objectives:


    To introduce and consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

    To form a desire to be like the positive characters of fairy tales.


          Enrich children's vocabulary, develop oral speech.

          To develop expressive speech through the participation of children in dramatizations, puppet, table theaters.


                Raise interest in fairy tales; to instill in children the rules of safe behavior on the example of fairy tales.

                To cultivate the ability to listen to an adult, to perform the appropriate actions proposed by the teacher.

Expected results:

An interest in oral folk art - fairy tales has been formed.

Children have ideas and knowledge about many Russian folk tales, know their content.

They are able to distinguish between good and evil through imitation of the image of the heroes of fairy tales; characterize actions, behavior; express emotions and understand the feelings of others.
- Children are more confident in staging fairy tales.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

Project product:

    Design of the exhibition of children's books "Our favorite fairy tales"

    Creation with parents of the book "Sketches of a favorite fairy tale"

    Lapbook "Visiting fairy tales"

    Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1: preparatory (project development)

Identification of the problem and relevance of the project;

Setting goals and objectives;

Definition of forms and methods of work;

Collection of information, literature, additional materials;

Work on drawing up stages and a plan for the implementation of the project; - creation of RPPS:

    Contribute Russian folk tales to the book center

    Creation of didactic games according to the project

    Replenish the music and theater center with masks for staging fairy tales and outdoor games.

    Pick up card files: "Finger games based on fairy tales"; "Riddles about the heroes of a fairy tale", "Mobile games based on fairy tales"

Stage 2: practical (project implementation)

Educational area

Forms of work with children

Socio-communicative development

    Didactic games: “Tell a fairy tale according to the plots”, “What fairy tale is the hero from”, “Find out whose shadow”, “Good-evil in fairy tales”

    Musical - didactic game "Show who it is" (correlate music with characters of fairy tales, learn to imitate the movements of children)

    Educational situation "What fairy tales are you?" (to form children's interest in fairy tales, to arouse a desire to listen to them).

cognitive development

    Examining illustrations for fairy tales

    View any fairy tale of the choice of children

    Conversation “What happened to the bun that went for a walk without asking?” (rules of safe behavior)

    Labor activity: "Let's show Chanterelle how we work"

Speech development

    OOD for the development of speech "Favorite fairy tales"

    Showing the table theater "Kolobok"; dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok"

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Ltd. for modeling "Cockerel"

    CHL: reading children's favorite fairy tales throughout the project; guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

    Playing "Noise Makers"

    Joint activities of the teacher and children: Designing the "Hut for Chanterelles"

    Staging the fairy tale "Grandma's Yard" together with the music director.

Physical development

Breathing exercises "Hen", "Geese are flying"

Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest”, “Cunning fox”, “Geese-geese”

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to the topic

Engage parents:

    to work with children and teachers.

    for the design of the book "Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale"

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the education of children of primary preschool age through oral folk art.

Advice in the information corner:

    "The value of family reading"

    "A fairy tale that she gives to children"

Stage 3: final (generalizing)

    Based on the results of work with parents, the design of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale”

    An exhibition of children's books "Our favorite fairy tales" was organized

    Creation of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale” together with parents

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Grandma's Yard" in interaction with the music director.

    Creating a lapbook "Visiting fairy tales"

Used Books:

    The main general educational program of preschool education of the PEP “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    "We live in the Urals" Tolstikova O.V.

    "Methods of working with a fairy tale" Ryzhova L.V.

    "Scenarios of fairy tales for interactive activities with children" Ul'eva E.A.

    “Summaries of complex-thematic classes. Second junior group. Golitsina N.S.

    "Classes for children 3-5 years old on social and communicative development." Kolomiichenko L.V., Chugava G.I., Yugova L.A.

    Socio-moral education of children from 2 to 5 years. Abstracts of classes. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Akhtyan A.G.

    "Method of projects in preschool education". Toolkit. Kochkina N.A.