Farewell Sunday how to ask for forgiveness. How to ask for forgiveness and forgive on Forgiveness Sunday. Tradition: asking for forgiveness and forgiving on Palm Sunday

After which begins Great Lent, preceding Easter. Following the Orthodox canons, on this day you should visit the church for confession, as well as ask for forgiveness from your relatives, relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues for voluntarily or involuntarily caused offense. In ancient times, when traditions were sacredly revered among the people, every believer knew how to behave correctly on Forgiveness Sunday, how to respond to “sorry”. Today, in an attempt to return to spiritual sources, we have to rediscover the lost knowledge.

How did the tradition of mutual repentance come about?

According to religious scriptures, in the old days there was a custom, in obedience to which, with the beginning of Lent, the monks went one by one into the desert for forty long days. At this time, they not only observed food restrictions, but also indulged in prayers, preparing for the Day of the Resurrection of Christ. Not everyone was destined to return to their monastery - someone died from cold and hunger, someone became a victim of wild animals. Realizing this, the holy fathers, before going on a journey, asked forgiveness from each other for possible sins.

Their words were quiet and sincere, exactly as if this were the last dying repentance. Over time, a tradition arose in Christianity to celebrate Forgiveness Sunday in a special way. How to answer "I'm sorry", everyone can decide for themselves. The main thing is that the words come from the depths of the soul, are spoken from a pure heart. The usual answer, spelled out in church statutes, is: "God will forgive, and you forgive me."

Maslenitsa festivities - a tribute to pagan customs

When the pagan Maslenitsa and the Christian Cheesefare Week merged, it is not known for certain. But the church disapproves of wide festivities with songs and dances, burning of effigies, jumping over lit bonfires. Often on the last day of Maslenitsa, oral and poetic wishes for health, prosperity, and a satisfying life are heard. How to respond to congratulations? Forgiveness Sunday, although it coincides with the culminating day of the pagan Maslenitsa, has nothing to do with it. Therefore, you can politely wish the person who congratulated you all the best and ask him for forgiveness.

It does not matter how closely you know him, what kind of relationship you are in. To repent before relatives and friends is easy, as the Christian precepts say, to bow one's head before the enemy is an act of humility, pleasing to God.

How is Forgiveness Sunday celebrated by the church

Throughout the Cheesefare Week, Christians should prepare for Great Lent, gradually renouncing worldly joys and entertainment. During this period, it is recommended to behave with dignity, asking for forgiveness and releasing insults to your neighbors. Only having cleansed the soul of passions, thirst for revenge, malice towards other people, one can proceed to the sacraments of Great Lent.

On the last day of Cheesefare Week, special liturgies are celebrated in churches, and then the clergyman comes down from the dais to ask for forgiveness from his parishioners. People who came to the service bring repentance to the priest and to each other, with faith in the grace of God, with the hope of eradicating all enmity. When you are asked to forgive insults, how to respond correctly? On Forgiveness Sunday, it is permissible to pronounce any phrases prompted by the heart. The main thing here is sincerity, openness and friendliness.

How was the rite of reconciliation performed in the old days

Obviously, this custom is based on the need for spiritual cleansing prescribed by the Church on the eve of Great Lent. You can often hear the question: on Forgiveness Sunday, how to respond to forgiveness? To give an exhaustive answer, let's turn to ancient sources.

In the literature of the XVIII-XIX centuries one can find a description of this good Christian tradition. Until the evening dawn faded in the Russian villages, people went from house to house, asking for forgiveness from their enemies or those whom they offended especially often. Entering the upper room, the guest humbly uttered words of repentance to the hosts and with humility in his soul in a quiet voice.

This action took place in the evening on Forgiveness Sunday. How to respond to the request, the owner decided himself, but usually the words were uttered: "God will forgive, and you forgive me." After that, the reconciled enemies kissed each other on the lips, bowed and crossed themselves with the cross as a sign of mutual remission of insults.

How to spend the last day before Lent?

The Church does not recommend arranging wide feasts on Forgiveness Sunday, and even more so drinking alcohol. Guests on this day are greeted with pies or pancakes with cottage cheese, honey, jam, sour cream. Meat dishes are already banned, as in the whole Shrovetide week. With the sunset, everything is removed from the table, the so-called spell begins.

Believers usually go to church, where during the evening service the chapters of the Gospel are read and the traditional rite of reconciliation and repentance is performed. Getting angry, scandalizing, behaving rudely and pompously - these actions, of course, are unacceptable on any day, and even more so on Forgiveness Sunday. How to respond to "sorry", we already know. You can also say the words: "God will forgive, and I forgive."

Purification of the soul and body

According to folk customs, on the last Maslenitsa day, it was customary to go to the bathhouse in order to cleanse oneself of moral sins and wash away bodily dirt from oneself. Drive away negative thoughts, bad memories from yourself, do not enter into conflicts, forgive all the insults and insults that disturb your soul. These are the basic rules of conduct on Forgiveness Sunday. How to answer "I'm sorry" - a good heart and a bright mind will tell you. The Gospel of Matthew says: "... if you do not forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will not forgive you your sins."

Forgiveness Day Shrovetide ends the week of pancake-eating festivities (the hostesses definitely read ours) before the start, which will continue until. Therefore, read on for important information about Forgiveness Day 2018.

Forgiveness Sunday 2018: number and date

Answering the question of our readers, what year is it, we inform you: Forgiveness Day in 2018 falls on February 18th. Important on this day is the fact how to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, we consider it necessary to highlight some points.

Forgiveness is asked with such words: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you", the answer should be: "God will forgive." The main thing is that it should be sincere, from the bottom of the heart. In churches, at the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which speaks of forgiveness of offenses to others, because this is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father. The service in the church ends with mutual requests for forgiveness, and then you can join. You also need to remember about the cheese week in 2018. So they call the last week before Lent, when they stop eating dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness: what not to do

Forgive us and God will forgive
Will cheer you up.
Let's get rid of resentment
On the day of forgiveness.

Let spring sing in my heart
And the joy only grows.
Let the bells ring
And the heart does not worry.

I'm not shy at all
Ask for forgiveness
After all, if there is no resentment
It's easier to live in the world.

Everyone this Sunday
The Lord commanded to forgive
Do good and light
Light up our life.

And if you suddenly offend
I happened to have you
I will sincerely say:
"I'm sorry, forgive me"

On the day of forgiveness, on Sunday,
They ask for cleansing souls.
I ask you to forgive me
And do not accumulate resentment.

I heartily congratulate everyone,
I sincerely forgive everyone.
Let's meet this day with love
May it be pure and bright.

I sincerely apologize
For all the insults that sometimes
In everyday life she applied,
Having no evil in his soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all intentional evil
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty insults,
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
And let go of resentment
So that it is easy and with a pure heart
We could give love.

If there was anything bad
You need to forget about everything.
And in harmony and peace
Then we will all live.

Let it be filled with love
Your heart is over the edge
Your life will be like
To a wonderful kind paradise.

I want to bow before you:
I'm sorry for the disappointments of the past days.
May the day bring Forgiven peace to hearts,
To make our soul brighter,

To become less evil and sadness in the world,
So that we can easily look ahead,
Let's let go of old grudges.
God calls us all to forgiveness today.

May God forgive us our sins
And save souls from filth,
From all bad thoughts
To guide the right one on the path!

I ask for forgiveness today
Cause there's repentance in my heart
I hope this Sunday
Everyone will forgive my deeds!

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In the Orthodox tradition, there is a day when people ask each other for forgiveness for offensive words and deeds. Forgiveness Sunday comes on the eve of Great Lent, 40 days before Easter. What does this day mean? What are its traditions and signs? How to ask for forgiveness and what to answer on Forgiveness Sunday?

The last day before Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday. This is the holiday that completes the long preparatory period for the most rigorous fasting. For the Orthodox, this is the most significant day, because without forgiveness of those who offended and reconciliation with enemies, reconciliation with God is impossible. This is perhaps the best holiday ever. He personifies the main value inherent in the Orthodox religion: the ability to leave grievances and not hold grudges against anyone.

On Forgiveness Sunday, people ask each other for forgiveness. Some say, “Forgive me,” while others answer them, “God will forgive, and I forgive you.” This is a very good tradition. But even unchurched people on this day are better off not limiting themselves to memorized phrases that do not always come from the heart, but to go to the church for the evening service.

On this holy day for all Orthodox people, I would like to wish peace and understanding, forgiveness. Forgiveness Sunday makes us closer and kinder to each other. Go to church, worship the icons, thank the Lord for everything. Let all sorrows and insults be forgotten. Forgive everyone and you will be forgiven.

It is most correct to start asking for forgiveness not in the morning, but after you have defended the service. Asking for forgiveness, you seem to leave in the past a load of heavy thoughts, experiences, quarrels and resentments that could gnaw at you from the inside. After all, all this time you have been losing your spiritual energy. In a sense, Forgiveness Sunday has a kind of "therapeutic" effect - it heals the soul.

The Gospel is read at the evening service. Scripture mentions the disobedience of Adam and Eve, which caused the disasters experienced by mankind. After reading the holy texts, the rite of forgiveness is performed: first, the priest asks for forgiveness from the parishioners and church employees. He is answered with a humble bow. Next, the parishioners ask for forgiveness from the priest, from those present. The main thing is the sincerity of words. After all, because of how a person treats others, the Lord will treat him. This evening service marks the beginning of Lent.

Asking for forgiveness is not necessary for show, everything should come from the heart, as a result of painstaking inner work. And therefore, do not put such an important matter on stream. I mean, you shouldn't do a bulk text message with the words "I'm sorry."

1. Forgive me, my love, for my actions,
For what I don't always realize
That you have to make good concessions.
I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

2. I ask you for forgiveness from the heart
And I forgive you in return.
After all, the load, hidden for a long time, insults
So it weighs down the soul.
And I don't hold a grudge against you at all
And if you ask for forgiveness:
"God forgive me", in response I will only say
On Forgiveness Sunday.

3. May this Sunday be bright,
And I ask, repentant, forgiveness,
After all, since resentment in life is inevitable,
And we are all, yes, even a little bit sinful,
I ask you to let go of my sins
Today, and forgive all grievances.

4. When having caused offense,
And pain poured into other people's souls,
Let's think for a moment
About what has been destroyed.
Then we will succeed in full
Become cleaner, and even more beautiful.
Asking for forgiveness is not guilt!
Forgiveness is for the happy!

5. Today I apologize urgently
You, after all, today is an Orthodox holiday!
I want you to forgive me for sure
Praying in churches on this glorious evening!

1. My beloved! Forgive me for my whims and mood swings. For the fact that sometimes I pay so little attention to you, plunging into work. I know that it is often very difficult with me, and it is difficult to get through to me. But you know that I value you very much and appreciate you and your patience. You are a reliable support for me, I am grateful to fate that we met. I'm happy that I have you.

2. Nothing hurts so painfully and accurately as offensive words dropped by the closest person! Let's forgive each other our mistakes and continue to be wiser and more tolerant. Only a heart free from resentment and hidden malice is open to mutual love and happiness!

3. Today is not a simple Sunday, but a Sunday of forgiveness. Sometimes in life there are such situations that, without noticing, we can offend a person, even with a word. And then we reproach ourselves for it. Let me ask your forgiveness on this glorious day. Excuse me, please, for my short temper. I am so guilty before you, but I didn’t have the courage to ask for forgiveness earlier. Let only good people meet in your life. May the Guardian Angel protect you from sadness and resentment. Be happy.

4. In this world, we take care of our souls ourselves. What makes them cleaner? Poems? Flour? Sorrows? Forgiveness is the only test worthy of our strength. Not everyone can ask for forgiveness and forgive another. But on Forgiveness Sunday, once a year, we all need to ask for forgiveness. Forgive me if I offended you in any way!

1. I want to ask for forgiveness,
Kohl did something clumsily,
I also ask you to forgive me
For what you may not have done.

2. Forgiveness Sunday
I ask your forgiveness.
After all, even malicious intrigues
It's never too late to forgive.

3. I ask you today
So that you sincerely forgive me.
Honey I love you
And I want you to forget about the bad
Happy Sunday!

4. I am on this bright Sunday day
I ask your forgiveness
For the offenses caused -
And I'll tell you one thing:

I forgive you with all my heart
And evil, believe me, I do not hold!
Hear "God forgive" and too
I'll say "God forgives" in response!

5. It's time to ask for forgiveness:
Please forgive me

Today, this Sunday
It's time to change everything in life
And I will forgive you, of course,
Let's forget all the quarrels soon
And on this day we promise
We be kinder and wiser!

The last Sunday before the start of Lent is an important day for Orthodox believers. The ancient tradition of asking for forgiveness from your loved ones has long been part of the preparation for fasting. This is the day of the beginning of a new life - a life without vengeance.

This is the normal reality of life. We live in a sinful world, among sinful people. Nobody is perfect and that makes us feel pain day after day, year after year. Many dedicate their lives to correcting another person, showing him the path of true happiness, but these attempts are futile. Any person must come to this on their own. However, the unwillingness of others to fight their vices and weaknesses can cause frustration even among calm and understanding people. Relationships with such individuals take on a tense character. In some parts of the New Testament, it is no coincidence that the idea is highlighted that, before waiting for forgiveness from others, you must learn to forgive yourself.

Serving the Lord is impossible without forgiveness. We need to be prepared to be hurt and treated badly. This needs to be dealt with and accepted. The bitterness of resentment destroys us from the inside, depriving us of the opportunity to positively influence others. In sacred texts, forgiveness is often understood to mean "letting go of something or letting go of holding it." Forgiveness is directly related to our soul: we ourselves decide when to show mercy and reach out to those who have sinned by offending us.

Who and for what you need to forgive on this day

It is of great importance not only to apologize for the offenses caused, but also to sincerely forgive everyone who asks for your forgiveness. You need to find the strength in yourself to forgive the enemy, the traitor, the terrible person. Resentment not only destroys your soul, but also keeps close to the one who hurt you. On this day, only sincerity is important. Forgiving others' sins frees you from the shackles of negativity. It is very important to give forgiveness to those who do not feel guilty for the wrong done. These are spiritually low people, you cannot be like them. In any case, these are their problems, which should not be reflected in your faith and life.

Forgive everyone who offended you. This will give you freedom. When resentment lurks in the heart, it breaks you from the inside, in time it will fill everything. It will change you completely, making you a spiritually weak and vindictive person with a huge black hole in your heart. It will be impossible to fill it with anything, and this is the way to nowhere. The strength of the spirit lies in forgiveness. People are imperfect, imperfect, vulnerable, and first of all they need to be forgiven for this.

How to ask for forgiveness on February 18

On February 18, everyone can apologize to relatives and friends for their sins. We are responsible for our own actions, both good and bad. And they themselves must be responsible for them.

Forgiveness Sunday is the best reason to change your life, turn it around for the better, save your soul. It is very important to understand and realize that any sinful act breaks a person, creates diseases, destroys sincerity.

Sunday should start right - with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins. In a year, you could unwittingly offend many people, which you don’t even suspect. Of course, it is better to express a request for forgiveness personally to the person to whom you have done wrong. But if suddenly you failed to ask for forgiveness from the offended by you, then on February 18 you can go to the temple and atone for your guilt. The Almighty always grants forgiveness to those who repent from a pure heart.

On Forgiveness Sunday, a repentant person has a chance to rewrite his life path, to follow a different, righteous path, to turn his enemies into friends. It is enough just to let go of your grievances and forgive the offenders. This is a time of spiritual rapprochement with people.

Forgiveness Sunday is the most important part of the preparation for Lent. You will let go of your sins, get rid of negativity, become better. This is a wonderful Sunday that is filled with divine love, light, mercy and compassion. We wish you peace of mind. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Good luck in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and

The last day of Maslenitsa is called Forgiveness Sunday, in 2018 it falls on February 18 - it is believed that on this day you need to ask for forgiveness from everyone whom you could voluntarily or unwittingly offend during the year. In modern conditions, it would seem that it is easier to do this: it is enough just to send a message in any messenger ... But representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church insist: neither the one who asks, nor the addressee, nor God needs a formal apology, so Forgiveness Sunday is a good reason to meet or at least call .

Forgiveness Sunday itself is based on a reading of the Gospel of Matthew, which says: “For if you forgive people their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their trespasses, then your Father will not forgive you your trespasses.” yours." You need to ask for forgiveness from each other before the start of Great Lent in order to enter it with a pure soul and prepare for Easter. However, this should be done sincerely, and not formally - otherwise there will be no sense and purification. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told MK about how to properly spend Forgiveness Sunday and prepare for the beginning of Great Lent:

- First of all, you need to come to the church for the rite of forgiveness, which is usually performed in the evening, but sometimes in the afternoon, after the liturgy - it depends on the particular church. At this time, a prayer is read at the beginning of the fast, and after this the priests and archpriests themselves ask for forgiveness. Everyone asks for forgiveness from the clergy, and then from each other. The main thing is that this should not be a formal act; a person should really desire forgiveness and not then return to what he asked for forgiveness for. Mutual grievances on this day need to be truly closed. This day is very good for ending years of strife, family conflicts, releasing old grievances.

– What is the best way to do this?

- If it is not possible to meet in the temple, you can come to visit, you can call. I would just not advise you to send SMS messages like a fan throughout your address book. Not every person will understand what it is about, we have many who are far from Orthodox culture. You can, in response to “Forgive me,” run into a surprised “Why should I forgive you?” or even worse - to the question "Who is this anyway?".

– By the way, is it necessary to clarify for what particular offense you ask for forgiveness?

- They usually don't specify. You can just say "Forgive me", you can add about all the sins, voluntary or involuntary. However, if something weighs on the soul, you want to say some kind of guilt or problem, there is nothing wrong with that. It's even better - it will help not to turn mutual forgiveness into an empty formality.

- What can you advise people who feel that they cannot let go of the offense, although they have been asked for forgiveness?

It's better to try to forgive. And then come to confession and repent that you cannot get rid of an old resentment. We need to pray that this resentment finally leaves the heart. And for the person you are offended with, it is also worth praying - the more you do this, the sooner the offense will let go.

– And if it’s the other way around: what about a person who is refused to be forgiven?

- The same thing: you need to go to the temple and pray for the person who refused forgiveness. There can be no other.

– Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before the beginning of Great Lent. How should it be carried out?

- In fact, during the entire Pancake Week, you can no longer eat meat, only dairy products and eggs. Those who seek to eat as if for the future on Sunday evening act strangely - after vespers, fun is inappropriate, you need to prepare. If we have already offered prayers at the beginning of the fast, then we cannot sit down at the table. Therefore, the traditional Maslenitsa festivities are not very appropriate here - and indeed this is not the best tradition, because this week should be strict, especially at the end.