The rating of the best powders for washing machines. Persil against Persil. Comparative tests. Rating of the best children's washing powders

The duties of modern powder imputed a lot. It should effectively remove pollution, smell well, conditioned underwear, keep the color and quality of fabrics, soften rigid water, protect the details of the washing machine, while be safe for humans and the environment. Some manufacturers continue to adhere to obsolete standards, allowing to add a lot of what is not recommended or is prohibited. That is why buyers must be alert: the ability to independently determine the effective and safe household chemicals will help protect the members of their family from many health faces.

What should be the safe washing powder, what requirements does it have to match? Modern hygienic science determined that the best means for washing do not contain phosphates, chlorine-containing substances, sulfates, ammonia, silicates and boron. As for surfactants (surfactants), their number in detergents should be strictly limited: no more than 2% of the anionic surfactants are permissible, no more than 2% of cationic surfactants and no more than 3% of non-ionic surfactants. It should also be limited to the number of salts of toxic acids (no more than 1%) and flavors (no more than 0.01%). Only such a number of active substances is reliably polished, does not cause tangible harm to human health and the environment.

The rating of the best washing powders includes detergents of different consistency for cleansing manually or with the help of a machine of adults and children's things. Composing it, we focused including the opinions of real buyers. We hope our top will help you make the right choice.

Best inexpensive powders for manual and machine washing

Contrary to a known opinion, that cheap means poor-quality, leading brands prove the opposite. The compositions of goods using the purchasing goods are quite optimal, dumping depending on the degree of pollution of clothing declared on the package, are intended for different materials and texture of materials.


Effective biodegradable drug
Country Russia
The average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The company "SPLAT-Cosmetics" produces products under this trademark of only 5 years, but it has already received recognition and experts (certificate of "Life List"), and consumers, based on their reviews. The bright packaging is hidden by environmentally friendly content, which does not cause allergic skin reactions. Its composition has a natural cotton extract, enzymes, which increases the ability to clean the most contaminated surfaces without prejudice to their structure, appearance.

The rate of Apave 5% is the most actual argument in favor of the means that is securely used for both the washing machine and in manual mode. If all the advantages add the absence of phosphates, fragrances, then the benefits are obvious. Biomio Bio-Color is suitable for colored and dark fabrics of any origin. They are easy to put in order not only adult, but also children's clothing.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • the composition is certified;
  • presence of natural components;
  • for a wide range of colors;
  • no environmental pollution.


  • not detected.

4 attack bio ex

Useful concentrated powder
Country: Japan
The average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This product was recognized for its versatility thanks to a balanced set of useful components. It can be used to remove contaminants with white, light, and colored fabrics. Moreover, it is not only about simple stains, but also organic origin. Oils, traces of cosmetics, tea, coffee disappear, as an unpleasant sleep, with the help of enzymes that penetrate deeply inside the entire structure of the material. The advantage of the means is and its economical consumption, which is controlled by the incoming part of the measuring spoon.

The composition includes a bleaching component, therefore, the most effective when washing pastel shades of cotton, synthetic tissues. The big plus is the absence of chlorine and phosphates, which are often found in the analogues of competitors. The manufacturer offers a comfortable packing of a box-type type with a spare unit, which saves on the package.


  • deep degree of purification;
  • compatibility with different fabrics in composition;
  • no harmful components;
  • high concentration;
  • fashionable packaging.


  • not suitable for dark materials.

3 Sarma Active "Lily

The most inexpensive product
Country Russia
The average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The washing powder from the Neva Cosmetics factory costs 2 times less than the promoted brands, and its effectiveness is comparable and with Persil, and from Ariel. However, its composition has phosphates, sulfates, silicates and optical bleach, the content of anionic surfactants (up to 5-15%) is exceeded. It is very difficult to remove these substances, because the same phosphates are washed out of the fabric only after 10-12 rinsing cycles in the machine machine. In this regard, buyers do not recommend using this powder for washing children's things, as well as a native clothing and bed linen.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • well disrupts complex pollution;
  • has a low price;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • whitens light fabrics.


  • contains a large number of anionic surfactants;
  • included phosphates, sulfates and silicates;
  • there is an optical bleach.

2 Ariel "Mountain Rodnik" automatic

Branded formula composition
Country: USA (produced in Russia)
The average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

After a long time on the Russian market, the product was noticed by consumers, because the hostesses no longer needed to boil the underwear - the powder bleached him and eliminate the pollution during the usual washing. Today he has a lot of competitors, but does not slip away from the attention of buyers. This is confirmed by their reviews. "The mountain spring" is ideal for washing clothes, towels and cotton bed linen, but is not recommended for knitwear. According to users, knitted things from cotton "sit down" during washing.

As for the composition, everything is not so optimistic here. Ariel composition is worse than "Persila": there are no phosphates here, but there are zeolites, and the content of anionic surfactants is increased to 5-15% (should be less than 5%). Zeolites, by the way, make underwear rude and hard, and in harm you only a little better phosphates, since they are substances of organic origin.


  • retains the pristine whiteness of things with regular use;
  • bleaching cotton fabrics;
  • it is well polished.


  • contains optical bleach;
  • not recommended for dark and colored tissues;
  • knitted things are losing the shape and dimension;
  • quickly spent;
  • not suitable for woolen and silk fabrics;
  • contains zeolites;

World science classifies detergents as the most dangerous substances from those with which a person continuously contacts in everyday life. Moreover, in the book "Hygiene application of synthetic detergents", published for a limited circle of doctors in 1977, it was said that anionic surfactants have a colossal adverse effect on the human ability of a person, the effect of which "... is similar to ionizing radiation."

1 Persil Machine "Frosty Arctic"

Best Powder for Colored Tissues
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The tool contains liquid stains capsules that effectively eliminate even dried spots. Universal: suitable for colored, dark and white products from any fabrics. The composition of the product exceeded the content of anionic surfactants (5-15%) and non-ananic surfactants (less than 5%), there are no phosphates. Fonders added to the powder are not washed out, the smell remains on the underwear.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • disrupts complex pollution;
  • does not contain phosphates;
  • economically spent.


  • contains aggressive flavors;
  • poorly broken;
  • there are optical bleach;
  • a large number of anionic surfactants.

The best premium powders for manual and machine washing

In order to strengthen the detergents of the washing powder, manufacturers add a variety of enzymes, each of which is responsible for the removal of a specific type of contamination, as well as anti-sizes that prevent subsequent pollution of clothing, anti-corrosion components, bleach and foaming agents. Not only washing efficiency depends on these components, but also the cost of the product. And this in turn determines the demand for funds and confidence in the manufacturer. Powders from Russia, Asia and Europe have fallen into the rating of elite current offers of the market.

3 Klar Basis Compact Color

Balance of natural and chemical components
Country: Germany
Average price: 1250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The main feature of the product is a large amount in the ingredients of plant origin. Sugar surfactants, rice starch, soda, soap based on vegetable oils, salt from mollusks and corals - all these elements of the washing powder are able to gently clean underwear, but they are not amenable to old or complex stains. The detergent can be used not only for washing adult clothes, but also a nursery. This is explained by the hypoallergenicity of the composition, where not to find phosphates, fragrances.

It is significant that after a manual or machine washing, things are smelled naturally, without pronounced aromatization effects. The product is mainly focused on cleansing colored things that are not immediately flexible after numerous washed.


  • many plant components;
  • you can dump baby linen;
  • hypoallergenic composition.


  • as part of zeolites, palm oil;
  • inconsistency of small volume (1.375 kg) and high cost;
  • useful information on the box in German.

2 Wirek Color

Good composition for the presence of surfactants
Country: Poland.
The average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The goods are most effective when manual washing mode, since the components included in its composition are quickly washed out, the absence of phosphates reduces the risks of fiber destruction. The presence of 5% APAV and NPAV speaks of good safety of the detergent. The formula was created taking into account the purification of pollution of color clothing and natural, and artificial origin.

Another positive moment is the inclusion of enzymes, thanks to which even protein, fat stains are easier removed, and the effect of the bleach is enhanced. As a result, the fabric does not lose its softness, retains the color intensity, does not roll. Soft, but moistureproof packaging with content is conveniently stored in a box for household chemicals.


  • optimal composition;
  • qualitatively disrupts colored underwear;
  • for materials of any origin;
  • absence of phosphates;
  • temperature regime 30 - 90 degrees;
  • packaging 3 kg.


  • caution when washing woolen and silk things.

1 "Aist-pro Color" automatic

Top Traditions and Technologies
Country Russia
The average price: 1900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The company with more than 150-year history offers quality, tested by time, which confirm the positive customer reviews. Careful control of raw materials, ready-made detergent, the presence of its own laboratory that Dmitry Mendeleev has once visited for consulting, as well as continuous search for new modern formulas that improve the properties of powder, made a product worthy of attention in the market.

The enhanced properties of the composition of spots and color preservation allow means to apply for very contaminated linen. Moreover, the persistent effect occurs when washing both white or colored things, and dark, black. To achieve the desired goal, any washing machines are suitable, but the temperature regime is recommended in the range of 30 - 60 degrees.


  • universal approach;
  • good indicators for the removal of stains;
  • the presence of enzymes;
  • contains bleach;
  • big packaging.


  • packaging design leaves much to be desired;
  • not suitable for wool and silk.

Best Children's Washing Powders

Children's products are usually also manufacturers and parents of kids are elevated requirements. This is due to the low level of resistance to the children's body to infections, allergens and other adverse environmental impacts. In 2018, Roscatism conducted a test of 31 domestic and foreign brand of washing powder for adults and children. Despite the fact that the violations of the safety standards were not revealed, by 100% ideal for the quality of disinfying spots, no goods were impossible to name. Therefore, it remains to choose only the best of the offered.

3 Burti Compact Baby

Optimal combination of composition and functionality
Country: Germany
The average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The soap base of Burti Compact Baby consists of natural surfactants (non-ionic and anionic detergents), as well as relatively harmless zeolites. The composition also includes enzymes and fragrances. In general, the formula of this kindergarten suits consumers. According to customer reviews, the powder does not matter with protein pollution, but it is very good with all the others, and even in cold water.


  • does not contain phosphates;
  • better than the rest removes specific children's contaminants;
  • preserves the colors of the fabrics;
  • does not smell after rinsing.


  • does not cope with old protein pollution;
  • often fakes.

2 Babyline based on natural soap

Best Cold Water Performance
Country: Germany
Average price: 830 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Despite the fact that the natural soap in this means occupies the first line, anionic and non-ananic surfactants are also present here. Moreover, the Babyline contains phosphates. The advantage of the means is that it can effectively interrupt the underwear even in cold water and in manual mode. In addition, the powder is well washed away, practically no smell and is very economically spent (it takes only 45 grams of the means).


  • does not leave the smell after rinsing;
  • does not cause allergies in young children;
  • effective in cold water.


  • contains phosphates;
  • does not cope with the resulting pollution;
  • contains surfactant in large quantities.

1 "Cleanown" children's

Country Russia
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Those who are accustomed to enjoy only qualitative, will necessarily appreciate the development of a young domestic manufacturer. The combination of components is selected based on the results of scientific and testing research, which guarantees a pleasant washing manually or in the "Automatic". Soda, citric acid and powdered soap shallow fraction, connecting in optimal to improved achievement of the result of the proportion, do not cause allergies, do not destroy the chemical fibers of the material and quickly wash away.

The manufacturer confirms the absence in the composition of the washing powder of apav, chlorine, zeolites, phosphates, thanks to which not only the baby's health will not suffer, but also a machine-protected machine. The absence of artificial flavors makes the smell of gentle, sophisticated, not repulsive. In addition, it is completely neutralized during rinsing. To achieve the result, during the washing process, you should follow the instructions for choosing a temperature mode.


  • packaging 1.5 kg is designed to maintain 120 kg of linen;
  • biodegradable mass;
  • consisting of more than 30% of natural soap;
  • lack of APAV and other hazardous to the health of the child substances;
  • for daily washing with hands or in a washing machine of any type;
  • well cleanses white and colored things;
  • useful for linen, viscose, cotton, synthetic fabrics.


  • does not disrupt clothes from wool and silk.

Best gels, liquid means for manual and machine washing

Alternative to traditional washing powders are concentrated gels and other detergents of liquid consistency. They have their advantages and disadvantages, but never remain without the favorable attention of consumers. The latter attracts the opportunity to get a product that is economically spent, quickly cleans the contaminated surfaces, is perfectly washed out and refers to the budget category. The main minus is usually the increased maintenance of surfactants in the composition of the product. Let's see how our buyers prefer the same brands and compositions.

4 Salton Sport

Panacea for fluff products
Country Russia
The average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The manufacturer positions the goods as a shampoo that is capable of carefully, but reliably clean down down jackets, sleeping bags, blankets and other products from contamination while maintaining the natural predominant properties of the filler. These primarily include thermal conductivity, breathability, elasticity. Additional bonus - elimination of unpleasant odors without using saturated flavors.

In the reviews, the owners of the detergent note its small consumption, so 250 ml compact plastic container is enough for a long time. If there are doubts how much liquid is pouring, you can use the table placed on the label. Salton Sport does not destroy the fibers of things with climatic membranes, and in connection with which it is used for frequent styrics of very polluted products. The high result, according to consumers, is achieved when cleaning hard-to-reach places (cuffs, pockets, side seams), especially after their pre-soaked in this composition.


  • perfectly disrupts the surface of the materials of the complex structure;
  • for manual and machine washing;
  • economical flow;
  • the cap additionally performs the function of the measuring cup;
  • useful instructions on straight bottle;
  • pooh does not lose volume after washing, it does not fit;
  • optimal combination of volume and price.


  • sharp smell of fluid, not for allergies;
  • many foam when used in a washing machine, you need to be well to put.

3 Ecover Essential

NEW 2018 with natural aroma
Country: Belgium
Average price: 970 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The plastic container contains a concentrate that is considered universal, since it can be used for washing both adult and children's clothing of any color. This is due to its fully organic formula. Environmental purity, health and environmental safety is confirmed by a special ECOCERT certificate. Lavender oil, which is part of the gentle fragrance linen.

Despite the vegetation base of the detergent, it is quite productively even in cold water. However, anionic and non-ionic surfactants are still present in the composition in a permissible proportion, performing a penetrating function. There are two types of packaging on sale in volume. The cost is indicated for the 1-liter container.


  • good result when washing white and colored linen;
  • for a long time the color is saved;
  • easy to be fused;
  • as part of 100% lavender oil of Provence;
  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • does not contain enzymes, optical bleach, phosphates, synthetic flavors;
  • shown for vegans.


  • as part of anionic, non-ionic surfactants, fragrances;
  • economic consumption (half a cap on 5 liters of water).

2 Gel Cotico for sportswear

High degree of fabric protection
Country Russia
The average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The detergent can be safe to assign audience a prime sympathy. In response, consumers repeatedly indicate an excellent effect on membrane fabrics. What is important, the fibers of the material on a deep level are cleaned by sweat, fat, dirt, but not destroy, do not worsen their heat-shielding qualities. In addition, the fabric itself does not lose natural softness.

The gel is also gentle by the contact surfaces of the washing machine, protecting them from the formation of scale. With this specialized agent, it is easy to put in order not only sportswear, but also shoes, down jackets, tourist tents, sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses, thermal underwear, equipment from neoprene, lycra for diving and surfing.


  • light plastic container with a handle, dispenser;
  • the dispenser is a comfortable groove form, equipped with a cap that can be used as a measuring glass;
  • 1 liter is enough for 20 washes;
  • the composition has no phosphates;
  • in the production of gel, water is used from their own artesian wells;
  • excellent cleansing of complex materials;
  • protection of membrane tissues;
  • biolability is more than 95%.


  • in the composition specified on the capacitance, the components under the "Functional Additives" group are not specified.

1 CJ Lion Beat Drum

Original soft packing with handle
Country: South Korea
The average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The liquid means for machine guns and manual mode is offered in a bottle or packet packaging. And the packages cause only pleasant emotions, because it is convenient for keeping in hand due to the presence of a special handle. You can be sure that such a package will not slip out of wet hands when pouring the tools into a special compartment of the washing machine. In addition, the plastic dispenser is prudently mounted in the upper corner of the package, which makes it possible to better control the direction and the angle of the jet.

The rating leader has foaming plant supplements in its composition, so clothing does not require compulsory careful miscarriage. White traces, as it happens when washing with bulk powders, it does not remain. Another plus - the liquid does not lose its positive qualities in cold water.


  • effectively disrupts underwear;
  • powerful rinse properties;
  • keeps the original color;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • 2 types of bleach - oxygen and fluorescent;
  • gentle fragrance.


  • not for wool and silk;
  • as part of palm tree extract, zeolites, flavors.

When buying washing powders, buyers are most often focused on different parameters: how well it copes with stains of different origin, whether he does not harm the quality and color of the fabric, can it mitigate hard water and protect the internal parts and drum from scale and rust, as well as on His safety for humans and ecology.

Unfortunately, Russian standards and household chemicals are far from ideal. Many requirements and restrictions have long been outdated, so ingredients have been added to the majority of funds on the market for long-prohibited worldwide. Therefore, most experts strongly advise all buyers to "keep Egor Egor", as the task of choosing the highest quality product is not easy, but very important. Safe washing powder can save family members from serious health problems.

So what you need to pay attention to when choosing cleaning products and what washing powder is better? First of all, a good product should not contain in its composition sulfates, phosphates, chlorine and chlorine-containing substances, pavov, silicates and boron. A small content of pavs (surfactants) is allowed, but its mass fraction should not exceed 2%. Also, ideally in washing powders should be as few salts of toxic acids and flavors. These restrictions are due to security. In small quantities, they wash out without problems during rinsing, and do not harm health.

We included only those products that have proven their quality in practice and in laboratory conditions. For the convenience of distinguishing, all representatives will be divided into the corresponding subcategories, and you can easily find a rating of the best inexpensive washing powders, washing powders for children, in terms of price / quality ratio.

Rating washing powders from mass market

First, it is worth disassembling the most popular category - inexpensive washing powders. They are most in the market, and they enjoy great demand. There are several reasons for this - they are aimed at the mass market (that is, to the largest consumption segment), plus they are most accessible as the price and the range, because they can be found in an absolutely any market.

Many are interested in what is due to the price difference between expensive and democratic washing powders. The bulk of the cost is formed as follows: the cost of production and delivery, advertising and promotion. But the price increase in expensive means also has serious grounds. In premium stamps, consumables are used (accordingly, they will be better). The same story with bleach and flavors - they pass more tests, are considered safe and often purchased abroad in small quantities.

The form of product release also affects:

  • Cleaning products in the form of tablets are laid straight into the drum. Accordingly, there is no problem with the selection of the correct amount for efficient washing.
  • Granular dry powder from the point of view of saving flow also wins. Granules do not form dust and do not "roll" like ordinary powders.
  • Soluble gel washing products won all indicators. They are easy to measure and fill, they are highly concentrated, so they are well disbuffed, and they are easily washed away, they do not leave white traces and quickly dissolve when contacting water.

Opens a list - Sarma Active Lily.

This is one of the cheapest washing powders, but in quality it can be compared with the promoted brands like Ariel and Persil. This brand is manufactured in a domestic Nevskaya Cosmetics factory, which often pleases buyers with good quality products.

But this powder has several drawbacks, why the housewives often bypass him. We are talking about not the "pleasant" composition - phosphates, sulfates, cheap bleachers, PAVE - this all sin Sarma Active Lily.

  • Effective with any fabrics.
  • Removes all kinds of contaminants.
  • Democratic price.
  • There are antibacterial components.
  • Whitens white cloth.
  • Ingredients: optical bleach, anionic seals, silicates, phosphates and more.

It's better about Ariel mountain spring machine gun.

Glory about the brand Ariel in Russia appeared back in 1991. Because of the poverty of the assortment of past years, many hostesses had to cope with the washing with reservoirs. But Ariel produced a revolution in the field of household.

From that time to this day, the manufacturer holds a high bar of its products. Not an exception and ariel mountain spring machine gun. This is the perfect means for washing clothes, bedding and bath accessories, and, perhaps, the best washing powder for machine machines, the purchase of which will not hit the pocket. However, he has not recommended himself in working with knitwear.

  • With regular use, it retains a snow-white-white color of things.
  • It dissolves well and is being broken.
  • Whiten cotton.
  • Contains zeolites.
  • Not economical consumption.
  • The composition includes anionic seals, optical bleach.
  • Spoites knitted things, and "flushes" the color from the clothing of the bright color.

Best washing powder made of cheap segment - Persil Machine "Frosty Arctic"

It is produced in the form of powder with the addition of special granules containing a liquid stain remover, which perfectly copes even with the most "heavy" stains. It is universal and suitable for washing in a typewriter of any tissues of different colors.

  • Universality.
  • The absence of phosphates in the composition.
  • Excellent displays stains.
  • It is economically spent.
  • Contains harmful flavors.
  • Not fully broken down.
  • Large mass fraction of pavs and bleach.

By the price / quality ratio

To strengthen certain properties of funds, additional ingredients are added to them. For example, enzymes that are aimed at combating individual types of spots, anti-siblings that protect fabric from subsequent contaminants, substances preventing corrosion, as well as special bleach and foam-making components.

Spark Drum Laundry Detergent

The Korean Industry is famous not only for revolutionary cosmetics, but also excellent means to maintain purity in the house. Its composition contains exhaust from green tea, needles and natural lemon tree extract. He has bright antibacterial properties, along with efficiency, even in cold and hard water. Due to the high concentration, the product is economically spent. All this allowed him to enter the rating as one of the best washing powders.

  • Slow consumption.
  • Safe whitening components.
  • Antibacterial.
  • The composition has a serious proportion of pavov and zeolites.

Ecover Zero Non Bio Universal

The composition of this powder can be called the best not only in the ranking, but in general in the market of washing powders. Its price exceeds the average in the mass market 5 times, but this is more than paying for its safety, efficiency and cost-effective consumption.

A distinctive feature of the Belgian manufacturer is replacing harmful chemicals organic. They are manufactured from different waste of the agricultural industry - hay, straw and other things. Therefore, they are considered an ideal option for pregnant women, children and allergies.

  • The absence of odors, and therefore aggressive flavors.
  • Universality.
  • Ecology.
  • Easily washed away.
  • Perfectly disrupts stains.
  • Harmless to fabrics.
  • No missing.

Frosch Color Scarlet Vera

German manufacturers are also often pleasing to buyers with excellent detergents. For example, Frosch Color Scarlet Vera, which is based on zeolites and seals. Despite this, there are no phosphates, chlorine and harmful bleach in its composition. A pleasant bonus will be the component - Aloe Vera, which softens the underwear and warns the development of allergic reactions. As practice shows, with regular use, the structure and color of the fabrics are preserved, stains are perfectly isolated from the first time, and the powder after rinse leaves white divorces.

  • Preserving the quality and color of the washed clothes.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • Universality.
  • It does not remain on the fabric.
  • High price.
  • The recipe is based on the pavas and zeolites.

Rating of children's washing powders

A few years ago a large-scale experiment was conducted, during which 6 most popular washing powders were tested for children. Unfortunately, the results were not the best. Laboratory studies have shown that each sample contained a critical amount of surfactants that are very toxic and harmful to children's health.

You can protect yourself and your children using the following washing powders from the list.

Burti Compact Baby for Children's Lingerie

The foam-making and soap base of these powders is based on safe biological pavas, and the best zeolites that do not harm the growing body. In general, this is the best children's washing powder for clothes and bedding newborns. According to consumer reviews, the tool perfectly copes with stains of protein origin even in cold water.

  • Fully safe even for baby.
  • There are no phosphates.
  • Does not smell.
  • Perfectly washed out.
  • Well copes with fresh spots.
  • Poor disrupts solar pollution.
  • There is a big risk to run into a fake.

Babyline based on natural soap

Often the determining factor in the choice of children's powder becomes its hypoallergenicity. However, this means there are also its drawbacks, and the name of them is a huge content of phosphates and pavs. In practice, the remedy has proven itself when washing - it removes stains in cold water, is well washed out and leaves no sharp odor.

  • No smell.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • Efficiency in cold water.
  • Does not remove old spots.
  • Unsafe composition.

Meine Liebe for White Things OXI Effect

Danish brand Meine Liebe produces high-quality household chemicals for children and their parents. Each product of this brand is a guarantor of the safety of kids and pregnant women. MEINE LIEBE Washing Powder for White Things Oxi Effect is effective for washing bright fabrics. It is universal, and it can be used, both for washing manually and for machine-machine. The manufacturer always adheres to high demands of the European market, therefore, there are no chlorine, silicates, phosphates and formaldehyde. Objectively, the mass fraction of the Paviv significantly exceeds the European standard. Another minus in the piggy bank of this product will be its effectiveness exclusively in hot water (above 60 degrees). But, despite this, he deserves the title of a better washing powder for infants and newborns.

  • Does not yellow white fabric.
  • Wash completely and leaves white traces.
  • The composition without phosphates, chlorine and formaldehyde.
  • Does not leave a showful smell.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Does not abandon stains in cold water.
  • High content of pavs.

All positions in this rating are only the introductory character, and do not encourage to buy a particular means. Each remedy was selected taking into account a number of characteristics: indicators in practice and in laboratory conditions. The choice of the most suitable means depends on individual requirements and features.

Time reading:6 min.

The average family is not less than two times a week erases clothes or underwear using washing powder. A good washing powder should not only dug underwear with high quality, do not leave traces, do not spoil things and, ideally, do not cause allergic reactions. It is sometimes difficult to choose the appropriate product, because the abundance of washing powders and their advertising will propose anyone. That is why we offer you high quality for 2017.

SARMA Machine Mountain Freshness

Universal washing powder for colored and white linen. Great disappears both natural linen and cotton and synthetic fabrics. Enzymes contained in Sarma help help remove severe pollution and whiten the fabric. For bleaching effect, optical bleachers and oxygen-containing elements have been added to the chlorine powder. SARMA has a strong smell and antibacterial effect.


Eashable nurse

As a powder for washing baby linen has too aggressive composition with a high level of phosphates. In this case, the means is surprising safe for sensitive skin of kids. Powder perfectly eliminates stains from juice, watercolor paint, ballpoint pens and markers. "Eashable nanny" - powder with a pleasant barely noticeable aroma and economical flow rate.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for washing silk and wool; It is sufficient toxic.

Ariel Color

Washing powder for colored linen. Although the tool is intended to remove persistent contaminants, with the most difficult stains, it does not always cope. Sheets of wine and herbal stains, has a pleasant smell and is economical at the expense.

Disadvantages: often forms an excessive foam capable of damaging the washing machine; not suitable for delicate fabrics; Occasionally causes allergic reactions.

BIMAX 100 spots

Perfectly disrupts any strong pollution, even in the form of juice stains, coffee or herbs. Compatible with all types of fabrics, except woolen and silk. Another advantage of powder is its economy.

disadvantages: poorly dissolved at low temperatures; Not fully washed with short modes.

Tide White Clouds

Effective means to combat hardwood spots from coffee, chocolate, red wine, cherries, lipstick and grass. The powder has a pleasant smell, does not form scale during washing and economically spent.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for washing silk and wool; Phosphates in the composition.

EcoVer Belgium NV Industriweg

The tool is an ultraconcentratom and can fight pollution even in cold water. Due to the hypoalergenic composition, the powder belongs to the category of environmentally friendly washing agents. It also does not have dyes, fragrances, pigments and optical bleach. Thanks to these properties, powder can be used for washing baby clothes.

Disadvantages: high price.

LOSK 9 Total System

Universal washing powder, guaranteeing high-quality washing of any types of fabrics, except wool and silk. Contains substances for removing hardwood spots. It has an affordable price and can be used as a detergent.

Disadvantages: strong smell; high phosphate content; Allergic reactions are possible.

Nordland Es.

An environmentally friendly means that does not contain phosphates and without a sharp smell. Decomposing 90%, it makes a minimum harm to the environment. Powder is universal, since it is suitable for manual and machine washing, white and non-ferrous, natural and synthetic tissues. There are no phosphates, dyes, flavors. Powder gently cleanses the fabric and is well floating.

Disadvantages: high price.

Persil Expert Color Automatic

The powder formula contains unique stain removal capsules and color components. The first quickly dissolve in water and begin to fight with pollution already at the beginning of washing. The second helps to keep the color of the fabric bright and saturated. Powder effectively removes fat, chocolate, tomato, ink, jam, juice, etc. The tool contains softening components.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for washing silk and wool.


Universal concentrate for washing white and colored linen. The tool retains colored linen paints, whitens white and does not allow them to mix. Powder is designed for cotton, linseed, synthetic and blended fabrics. Its enhanced modern enzyme formula copes perfectly with the main types of pollution at minimal temperatures. The powder prevents the formation of scale and is quite economically spent.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for washing silk and wool; expensive.

The abuse of phosphates, pavami, chlorine and other hazardous substances in household chemicals for lading care and clothing forces to buy organic and safe for health, in a word, the best washing powders in the market. It is quite difficult to find them, but we selected for you the most efficient, universal and reliable means for washing children's and adults, both manual and automatic, in a typewriter. This rating was created specifically to facilitate the choice of the most suitable option to you.

Let us give a table below with pluses and minuses of two types of funds:

A type Benefits Minuses
DryLower price compared to the liquid optionMay cause allergies
Picks up moistureAble to penetrate into the lungs when inhaling particles
Long storage periodSometimes remains in the tray, because of what consumption is non-economic
LiquidEffective at any temperaturesNot very well copes with heavy spots
Usually softens fabricsBig flow
It has unobtrusive aromaIt does not always whiten in addition to clearing pollution
Easily washed offHigh price

According to the results of this table, this conclusion can be made: for children and parents with a tendency to allergies, the most optimal choice will be liquid and encapsulated products. Dry option is relevant in all other cases, mainly for washing things from coarse tissues and when removing strong contaminants.

Washing agent Which company worth buying

In this top, the first place can be deservedly give the Grab Green in its niche. The remaining manufacturers are less popular, but also create natural, safe and efficient products for lading and clothing.

Meet today's leaders:

  • Grabgreen. - Today, this is a clear winner of our Top, from this brand there are 3 cleaning products for clothing at once. It produces exclusively organic goods, the use of which does not harm the health of adults and children. Special attention, the company pays delicate care for completely different tissues. She has options for both automatic washing and manual.
  • Method. - This is an American household chemical manufacturer, the main office of which is located in San Francisco. In the lineup he has means for washing dishes, washing, cleaning in the house. It offers large volumes of relatively reasonable prices, while the composition of products is safe for health.
  • NELLIE'S All-Natural- The manufacturer produces liquid and powder means for washing children's and adult things. They do not spoil the fabrics, fighting well with stains and cope with their duties both in cold and hot water.
  • Charlie's SOAP. - Here the range is not limited to only the products for cleaning the house and care for clothes, although it is its basis of production. It is represented by bleach, softeners, stained fuses, powders. Many of them combine all this and are universal, which makes them even more popular in the market. In the field of view, the company is located both adults and children, including allergies who need genuine household chemicals without harmful fonds and dyes.

Rating of the best washing powders

Customer reviews have become a reference point when building this rating. To do this, we also took into account the following indicators:

  • Release form;
  • The naturalness of the composition and types of ingredients;
  • Fragrance;
  • Number of foam;
  • Consistency;
  • Simplicity of watering water;
  • Efficiency at different temperatures;
  • Purpose - for use manually or in washing machines;
  • Universality - removal of stains, whitening, mitigation of tissues;
  • Hypoallergenicity and safety of use;
  • Focus on care for children's things;
  • Volume;
  • Cost economy;
  • Cost.

Separately, you need to mention the experience of the manufacturer and the number of positive feedback in its favor.

This rating includes 6 proven tools that recommend buyers themselves. Among them there are dry, capsuled and liquid, the best washing powders of machine guns and manual types of products for things.

Grabgreen, Washing Powder 3-B-1, Vetiver, 60 Downloads, 2 pound 1080 g

This is a universal agent that can serve as a good powder and a stain pressure and bleach. It effectively copes with fresh pollution, and with the solar. Features show that the composition is effective here and allows you to remove even greasy stains. True, it should be used only in a washing machine, the temperature is not particularly important, and 30c is suitable. With it, it provides complete destruction of unpleasant odor from the first time, which will be very relevant, for example, for athletes.

Grabgreen, Washing Powder 3-B-1, Veiver, 60 Downloads, 2 pounds, 4 oz (1080 g)


  • For one loading of the 1st Nuggets;
  • Versatility;
  • Disrupts dirt just fine;
  • Light pleasant smell;
  • Portions individually packaged;
  • Suitable for washing children's things.


  • After dissolving the packaging, the tool can be collected by lumps;
  • Inactive for manual washing.

When washing large volumes of linen and clothing, according to customer reviews, you may need a re-rinse, since the tool from one pass is not completely washed off from things.

Grabgreen, washing powder for delicate washing, without fragrances, 24 servings, 240 g

As with the aforementioned competitor, this is a good wash agent can also be "2-in-1", effectively removing even complex stains, but at the same time bleaching it is unable. But it gently purifies both thick and thin fabrics from different materials, since it does not contain aggressive components. Despite the presence of citric acid and polyvinyl alcohol, the product does not cause allergies, including in children, but when contacting the skin can still provoke its irritation. This option is suitable for eating automatic and manual.


  • Hypoallergenicity;
  • Absence of phosphates;
  • Well dissolved in water;
  • Effective at any temperatures;
  • Packaging of soluble bags;
  • It is designed to clean up children's things;
  • No need to load into the tray, it is put immediately into the drum;
  • Perfectly copes with different fabrics, even delicate.


  • Clothes softens not very good, you have to use air conditioning.
  • Practically not foam.

Grabgreen can be dispubing both light and dark clothing. At the same time, its economical consumption is practically not changed, and the composition is easily flashed out of water tissues.

Method, Liquid Washing Powder, 85 Waughs with Fresh Air Aroma, 1020 ml

The packaging is not the most convenient here, but the manufacturer warns that it needs to be immediately poured into a bottle from under the detergent and dilute with water, as this is a concentrate. You can pour such a solution both into the tray of the machine and inside the drum, it is suitable for any type of equipment. His consumption is small, on 85 downloads you need 340 pages of the dispenser. Several aromas are available - fresh air, lavender and cedar. Clothing and underwear After applying this, one of the best liquid washing powders become clean, soft, pleasant for the body.

Method, Liquid Washing Powder, 85 Waughters with Fresh Air Aroma, 34 Liquid Oz (1020 ml)


  • Does not lead to dull color of clothing;
  • Disbuins fat stains from food;
  • Does not leave divorces;
  • Perfectly copes with dark, and with light fabrics;
  • Economical;
  • Safe for health, including for children.


  • Sometimes additional rinsing is required;
  • Not very comfortable packaging;
  • High price, even for effective concentrate.

Household chemicals from Method actually has a relatively natural, biodegradable composition. It does not stay on underwear and clothes, easily wash away even in cold water.

Charlie's SOAP, Inc., washing powder, 1.2 kg

Expect some wonders from this member of our top of the best washing powders exactly. They can wash out colored things without any problems and remove fresh small pollution, but serious stains to him, alas, not "on the shoulder." This household chemicals are not at all is not at all, parents often use it to care for things of their children, including those who have deer dermatitis. He makes them clean and gives freshness, but at the same time it does not whiten. Since the remedy is relatively inexpensive for the proposed volume, then it is not particularly claimed to claim something greater here.

Charlie's SOAP, Inc., washing powder, 1.2 kg


  • It does not cause allergies even in people, to it prone;
  • Carefully removes pollution;
  • Little foam, because of what it is easily washed away;
  • Small flow;
  • Weak smell;
  • The presence of a measuring spoon inside the package.


  • For cleaning from strong stains you will need a stainover;
  • Can leave a raid on the drum of the washing machine.

As the reviews, the option Charlie's SOAP, Inc will be very useful to care for colored fabrics, but with white it copes where how worse.

Nellie's All-Natural, Washing Nuggets, 50 Downloads, 1/2 ounce each

This washing powder is represented in the form of nuggets, which simultaneously eliminate fresh spots, refresh and clean any fabrics from contamination. Ideally, it should be used in a typewriter, but can also be used for manual processing of things. The remedy returns the natural color of clothes and makes the underwear fresh. It dissolves well in water, does not spoil the product, safe for allergies and children. The solid packaging makes it practical, not allowing moisture to penetrate inside.

Nellie's All-Natural, Washing Nuggets, 50 Downloads, 1/2 ounce each


  • Rapid dissolution;
  • Convenient use;
  • Effective composition;
  • Lack of allergies.


  • Fragrance for an amateur;
  • It does not always cope with the solar stains.

After applying Nellie's All-Natural, you may need to use a softener for dense tissues, as they often remain hard.

What powder it is better to choose for washing

If you suffer from allergies or in the house there are children, then you should forget about phosphate products that can irritate the skin. With a frequent loading of the machine, the optimal option will be special capsules, which are very economical on consumption, and liquid gels and dry powders are better suited for manual procedures.

  • For those who are looking for the best powder for washing machine, Naggethesnex's All-Natural are specially created.
  • If you want to save on a bleach, a stainstode and air conditioner, then you should buy a universal powder from grabgreen 3-in-1, vetiver.
  • Those who are interested in delicate washing, such as silk fabrics, should pay attention to the appropriate option from Grabgreen, intended for these purposes.
  • Those who want to save and at the same time wash effectively both light and dark clothing, it is recommended to choose a liquid remedy for Method.
  • With a tendency to allergies, especially if we are talking about children, the most practical option will be Charlie's SOAP, Inc.

The best washing powders collected in this ranking are somewhat more expensive than those offered in offline stores, but since they are economical on consumption, universal, efficient and, most important, safe, you can spend on them with a calm soul.

The laundry frequency is not so important, as a properly selected powder, which will be perfectly washed, not to harm the washing machine and safely perform their functions. To determine which washing powder is better, you need to know the criteria for choosing a good powder and the requirements for its composition.

Before choosing a tool, familiarize yourself with the factors that can affect its quality, safety and efficiency:

  • composition of funds;
  • price;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • focus on a certain kind of washing (for example, manual or machine);
  • compliance with the type of washing machine (forma or semi-automatic);
  • performance in the removal of stains.

The choice of a suitable means for washing machines is complicated due to four negative factors:

  1. Wide assortment on the shelves.
  2. Frequent fakes of famous brands.
  3. A constant change in the composition - usually the buyer does not notice this.
  4. Features of using funds.

Before buying a powder machine, you need to choose it, focusing on functional qualities. For groups of pollution, all means can be divided into three groups:

  • Normal: For things with pollution of light and moderate severity.
  • With special additives:used for washing clothes with compound stains and bleaching.
  • Universal remedy: It can be used for inhomogeneous spots of different types.

Going to the counter, carefully examine the composition of the powder - is it worth risking the health for the sake of too snow-white or nice smelling linen. On the dangers of components, let's talk below.

Rating of the best washing powders

Despite the compositions and possible harm, powders are actively bought by residents of the Russian Federation, therefore there is a demand for them. We studied reviews and expert assessments and made up the rating of the best means - both the usual and least harmful. So, learn our top to choose the best powder.

Sarma Active.

Suitable for most tissues. Pros:

  • Disinfecting effect without the participation of chloride substances.
  • Can be used for colored and white tissues.
  • Economical.
  • Acceptable price.
  • There are various packaging options.
  • Changes with difficult stains.

There are cons:

  • The "old" stains may not be overcooked at low-temperature washing modes.
  • If the cycle is short, for example, "fast 30", then the powder is hardly washed out of the linen.
  • Aggressive substances in the composition.

Ariel "Mountain Spring"

  • He will cope with the stains of grass, wine, juice.
  • Effective at low-temperature washing modes.
  • Light pleasant smell.
  • Scheduled at expenses.
  • Price above average.
  • May cause allergic rashes.
  • It can not be used for washing children's things and delicate tissues.

As a result, "Ariel Mountain Spring" removes almost all household spots, but you should not use it on fast washing cycles.

Frosch Color

German quality from the famous brand - Frosch Color Powder with Aloe Vera Extract. It is an excellent alternative to hazardous chemical mixtures.

Pros tools:

  • Not allergen.
  • High concentration of active substances, therefore it is consumed economically.
  • Not checked for animals.
  • There is no characteristic smell of "chemistry."
  • Works at low temperatures.
  • Does not make things in dull.

There are cons:

  • It does not always cope with the solar stains.
  • Packed sufficiently impractical - in cardboard.
  • High price.

Eashable nurse

One of the most controversial funds in the section of household chemicals for children. Consumer reactions and reviews about it are different.

So, the advantages:

  • Rests the stains of organic and inorganic origin.
  • Effective at low temperatures.
  • Acceptable cost.
  • It is packaged differently: from 400 gram boxes to 9-kilogram packages.
  • Almost does not smell.
  • The composition does not comply with the requirements for children's powders, many toxins.
  • Allergic rashes occur.

Not counting the minuses, it provides the quality of washing. But for children's items it is better not to use.

BIMAX 100 spots

Manufacturers insist on the fact that the tool can wash the stains without much difficulty.

To the advantages we will take:

  • Compatibility with any fabrics, except delicate.
  • Efficiency against most stain types: fats, juices, coffee and wine, grass, dirt.
  • Efficiency.
  • Comfortable packing: there is a fastener and measuring boxes in large bundles (from 3000 g).
  • Availability, low price.
  • Low soluble at low-temperature washing cycles.
  • It is not always washed away, especially on "fast" modes.

They are not used by the hostess every day, but only for "severe cases": washing working clothes and complex spots.

What powder is best disbuilt

Not always good for quality powder is successfully erased. Therefore, for clarity it is worth a comparative characteristic of the most popular funds. See the table below.

Amway. Ariel. Gloss Persil.
Cost on average for 1000 g 600 rubles 150 rubles 140 rubles 160 rubles
Concentration Concentrated Not concentrated Not concentrated Not concentrated
Hypoallergenic properties Not allergen
Smell Weak Cutting Too synthetic Nice, not too pronounced
Solubility 90% 70% under the condition of additional rinsing 80% (with a small sediment) 85% (gave water a little muta)
Consumption per 1000 g of dry linen 11 ml 41 ml 40 ml 44 ml
Average consumer assessment on a five-point scale 4 4 3 4

"Ariel" and the gloss showed the best indicators in terms of economy. The remaining powders did not justify themselves. Judging by the estimates of buyers, it is better to dispense Ariel.

What powder is the most harmless

It is worth doing shopping, ignoring various bio-novelties - to solve you. We will only talk about the dangers of the most aggressive chemical additives in modern washing facilities:

  • Phosphates. Manufacturers add them as part of the means to soften water to improve the quality of washing. The damage of phosphates is that they enhance the toxicity of A-surfactants, they cause allergic reactions, they are dissolved for a long time and are difficult to wash out the fibers of the tissue (in order to fully wash phosphates, no less than 10 rinsing cycles are needed!).
    Finding on the skin and in the human body, phosphates reduce the protective properties of the skin and may even negatively affect blood and the immune system. Phosphates harm the environment: in the reservoirs, they provoke the growth of blue-green algae, and they violate the ecology of the reservoir as a whole. If phosphates fall into water or food, it can be dangerous to health: they can affect the pregnancy, the appearance of the gastrointestinal tumors and a decrease in the life expectancy of a person.
  • Phosphonates. Lightweight alternative to phosphates. Also soften water. Not so harmful as previous substances. Their decomposition is difficult, but they are better washed away.
  • Zeolithi. Replace both listed funds, softening water. Not so harmful, but they do not dissolve in water and leave stains, and the fabric to the touch will be tough. It is better to choose powders with silicates and carbonates.
  • Peav.. Surfactants, falling into the human body, are spilled in cell membranes. If their concentration exceeds a certain level, it may disrupt the biochemical processes in the cell and even destroy it. Simply put, the consequences can be a decrease in immunity, allergies, damage to such organs, like brain, liver and kidney, lungs.

Important! Today, the surfactant began to replace on "detergents". But so that they do not harm, their concentration in the medium should not exceed 7%.

  • Optical bleach. They do not whiten - this is an illusion. Everything is simple: particles of the means are settled on the fabric, and under the action of UV rays, the effect of whiteness is created. It is almost impossible to crawl them. Negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  • Chlorine. It may cause diseases of the vessels and hearts, atherosclerosis, anemia, an increased blood pressure, allergies. This component can destroy proteins in the body, interfere with normal hair growth, spoil the skin, increase the risk of tumors.

Now we will define the most harmless powder submitted on the Russian market. So that you have an objective view, imagine the top of the most eco-friendly funds.

Ecover concentrate

As part of hazardous components, there are anionic surfactants from 5 to 30% and zeolites.

Baby Speci.

Dangerous and harmful substances are present in large quantities: from 15 to 30% of zeolites, from 5 to 15% of the anionic surfactants, optical bleach.

Nordland "Eco"

The composition of the means is identical to the previous option, but the concentration of the optical bleach is somewhat higher - about 5%.

Frosch concentrated

our mother

Experts did not find in this means of aggressive "chemistry."

Children's Powder Concentrate "Burti"

It did not cost without harm: there is from 15 to 30% of zeolites, as well as from 5 to 15% of the anionic detergents.

Alive - Concentrate for washing white and colored fabrics

Anionic surfactants in this powder found in the amount of from 5 to 15%.

Persil - Machine Powder "Color"

Phosphonates, anionic surfactants and optical bleach are found.

AMWAY SA8 concentrate

It has phosphonates and an optical bleach.


Absolutely harmless powder made of natural components and soda.


"Chemistry" is present in the composition, but there are no potentially dangerous connections.


Another harmless Asian production powder.

Based on the list, you can choose the safest and eco-friendly option.

Important! Not always the smell is a sign of "chemistry." Often, manufacturers use natural flavors, such as essential oils and extracts. If the powder smells like lemon, does not mean that it harms health.

If you take care of your health, you can make a washing agent yourself - the recipes you will find in the article "How to make a washing powder at home."

What powder is best suited for white linen

Choosing bleaching powder, focus on oxygen, and not optical bleachs in the composition.

Today there are plenty of powders for white linen, and we list them in descending order of efficiency (tested on the washing of a white tablecloth with spots of various origin):

  1. Mara.
  2. Ariel.
  3. Dalli.
  4. E Active Plus White.
  5. Tide.
  6. Iceberg automatic.

Important! If you did not decide that it is better - a powder or gel for washing, then the quality of washing and bleaching the consistency does not affect. But the liquid agent is faster dissolved in water and is better washed away. But manufacturers of washing machines are remedied on liquid tools, as they settle on work elements.

We told you about powders Almost all: now you know how to choose the best and safe tool.